Wisconsin Sports on the go with Trag

Brett Favre's Diagnosis, Tua's Concussion Concerns, Badgers vs USC, Packers and NFL Updates – Wisconsin Sports on the Go with Aaron from Brutally Honest Sports

Tragen Episode 275

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What happens when a beloved NFL legend faces a life-altering diagnosis? This week, we confront the emotional and complex news of Brett Favre's Parkinson's disease. We'll share our heartfelt reactions and discuss the divisive online responses, particularly the harsh comments given Favre's legal controversies. Aaron gives his take, appreciating Favre's exceptional career while stressing the need for empathy. Join us as we navigate through the personal and public ramifications of this diagnosis.

Next, we tackle the critical issue of concussions in football, spotlighting Tua Tagovailoa's ongoing struggles. How do players balance their passion for the game with the severe health risks of repeated head injuries? We break down Tua's situation, the unpredictable effects of concussions, and the tough choices players must make. This conversation sheds light on the broader impact on teams and the sport, emphasizing informed decisions that factor in both medical advice and personal considerations.

Lastly, our episode covers the latest NFL buzz, from Jordan Love's potential return to the field to the Vikings' surprising early success. We evaluate Jalen Carter's controversial behavior and the pressures young athletes face today. And don't miss our analysis of Wisconsin's chances against USC, where we outline key matchups and strategies. Tune in to stay informed and engaged with the latest twists and turns in the sports world.

Speaker 1:

how we doing everybody and welcome into the midweek report from wisconsin sports time to go with trage. I'm your host, trage, I am here today. It is tuesday night, tuesday night. When you're listening to this on the podcast, it's gonna be wednesday, but I'm here. I got aaron back with me today. Kyle was here monday. We got through a lot on Sunday. We got through a lot on Sunday there. I got Aaron back today. He's got his own way of thinking about everything, so I got to pick his brain a little bit today here on the show. Aaron, how are we doing Tuesday night? A great Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, I don't know how much brain I have left at this point, but whatever I have will.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I will gladly share with you. Um, good to be back. I'm trying to come on the show as as much as humanly possible these days and uh, yeah, you know, like we kind of talked about before, it's a, it's a great time of the year for sports and uh, we're, we're really like this is the meat and potatoes, I mean, with the baseball season, you know, coming down to the wire and now football, obviously in full swing, it it's, it'll be fun, it'll be a fun show. For sure it's a good Tuesday.

Speaker 1:

It's a great Tuesday. It's always a great Tuesday, but we got to some people out there not terrible news to some other people. Terrible news today over Twitter. Wherever you're looking, it was actually Brett Favre did put it on Twitter. This was the post. So I wanted to read the post.

Speaker 1:

So Brett Favre comes out. He says first, I want to thank God for all he has done in my life. Next, I want to thank Congress for giving me the platform to discuss as much as needed TANF reform. As you know, I was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's, which has been an ordeal. My wife, family and friends have been supported and I want to thank them for being there for me. To my fans and those wishing well thank you for all the love. So he comes out. He says that and the immediate response I didn't even. You know, I was scrolling through I believe it was Facebook and I saw the video pop up and my immediate thought was oh my like, are you kidding? Like this is the news I'm getting today and in front in his congress, hearing everything. Like it's just an odd time, but he was talking about concussions and everything like that that got brought up in his opening statement I heard there. So that comes out.

Speaker 1:

And then I'm scrolling through social media and I'm well, I shouldn't say I'm scrolling through the comments off of the post, off all the posts. I'm seeing and I tell you what you know, what he has, all these problems, let's go with problems. We're going to call them problems, right? There's the fraud, there's the stealing money from all these people. I get that. Okay, like not good. Not good If it's the truth or whatever it is, whatever comes out of it. Okay, if it's the truth or whatever it is, whatever comes out of it. Okay, brett Favre is an NFL Hall of Fame quarterback. Many people love him. If you don't love him, you don't love him.

Speaker 1:

But he was just diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and we're sitting here bashing this guy. And why don't you? Why you should? You deserve this. You should give that money back, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

And that's all I'm reading all over the place on social media. And I mean honestly, okay, I get it. When OJ, when OJ had cancer, he died, oj killed somebody, right? That's well, that's what everybody believes, right? It's glove fits, that's what they say, right?

Speaker 1:

But, brett Favre, you can believe what you want in the whole situation, but at the end of the day that sucks, this sucks Like I don't want to see anybody doesn't matter. I don't want to see anybody get such a disease like Parkinson's and we have to be here talking about it right now and then to see all the hate and the bashing and everything in between, not even prayers for you and your family, but you still suck. You know, like that would have been okay. I could have got behind a comment like that, but all I'm seeing is you know, I see one where it's like hope, you know prayers to your family and this and that, and you and you know, hopefully, god's with you.

Speaker 1:

And then the next comment's like you should just go. You know, burn down below Right. Like you should just go. You know, burn down below right and it's like okay, this is right. I mean, aaron, you know what was your initial response. You know, you see this. You're scrolling through social media or whatever it was. You get an alert, right, I think. I think espn reported it too. I think they came across as a notification on there. What was the immediate response when you saw Brett Favre has Parkinson's?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I mean, I've been a Favre guy like forever. So I, honest to god, I haven't paid attention to the, the whole like him taking money or not taking, like I don't, I don't have a stance on it because I didn't pay attention to it well enough. So, um, I kind of just push that to the side, which maybe isn't right, you know, maybe I should do my due diligence on that. But at the end of the day, like you, you kind of hit on it. The right way is, I mean, even if, like, like the difference between brett farve and oj is that's a even if he did do it, let's say he did it um, that's a massive, massive difference. As far as like the, just how severe the each crime is, like, yeah, what far if far did in fact take the money? That's a horrible thing and then you should be penalized for sure. But, um, like people, like when people were bashing OJ, I really didn't. Like he, like you, said for everybody that that paid attention to that. You're pretty much 90, at least 95% sure that he killed somebody. So you take a human life. I don't have any mercy for you. I just I don't care. I mean, unless, whatever, I'm not gonna get into all that. But uh, yeah, I mean I saw it and uh, obviously, like just this, like not even so much disappointing, just like it's a little. It's a little crushing for sure, just because, like you, like you said, you don't want to see anybody. I mean, I know jim kelly was battling cancer for a while. I think he actually got through that. Um, so, good on, good on him. That's another like nobody really talks about Jim Kelly anymore. But, um, you know another legend, brett Favre.

Speaker 2:

Like Brett Favre, I saw most of his career growing up and I I've gone back and watched, like, when he really he really got my respect when his because him and his father you know, if you follow that whole thing, he, they, his, his dad wasn't nicest man, let's just put it that way. And then, uh, you know, his dad dies and he just goes out and lights it up. Like I got to respect, like that took just cojones you know what I mean that that took some some pure guts that night. So he gained my respect from that point forward and he's just such a tough, tough player and I mean's it's unfortunate. I mean I'm not down trying to downplay it. At least it isn't like, oh my god, he has stage four cancer.

Speaker 2:

But obviously you know, parkinson's is no joke and uh, it's a shame. I mean football was a lot, not to say it's not violent now but when he played, I mean you could, you could pretty much do just about anything to the quarterback and get away with it. So it's, I shouldn't be, I shouldn't say I'm shocked that maybe we'll start seeing other guys, I mean who, god only knows, will have him to Tua. I know Troy Aikman had a boatload of concussions. I don't know what complications he has, but you've got to think, taking some of those hits maybe it caused I'm not a medical professional, it might not even have anything to do with it, but either way, obviously you anything to do with it. But either way, obviously you want to enjoy your retirement. And now it's. I mean, hopefully it's not too severe, but we don't know. We just don't know how that's going to go.

Speaker 1:

You know. And who is the one? Antonio Brown. When he got hit by Burfecht over the middle and you see what happened to Antonio Brown, like hearing him talk before that hit, hearing him talk before that hit, hearing him talk in press conferences and everything like that, or even to reporters, like he sounded, like he was, you know, all there talking normal, everything was fine. And then you see the Antonio Brown at the end of his career where it's taken my entire like I'm surprised he didn't take all of his clothes off at that point there and just running off the field Right.

Speaker 1:

It was like just a flip the script kind of thing with him and it was just odd, it was odd to see something like that and you hit on it and I, you know Tua what do you do if you are Tua Tagovailoa right now? Because I mean, how many more concussions can you actually have? You know, before it gets to the point of, because he went to a specialist they had, they were trying to, you know, show him different techniques, how to fall, and now it leads he has another concussion. I don't know what you do. I don't know if you're Tua, do you call it quits? It's going to be really tough, you know and I'm not asking for the guy to call it quits, no, no FNs or butts like I think he's got a talent, he's a boatload of talent for him.

Speaker 1:

I, I actually really do enjoy watching Tua play the game of football, but there has to be a point where, just like you know, we saw Andrew Luck retire early, we saw Luke Keekly retire early from the NFL both different situations, but all in the same, injuries happen, and how many can you sustain throughout your life before it starts to affect your out of football life? And that's what I'm worried about with Tua right now is that if he gets to that point, I don't know what do you think, tua right now, with the amount of I lost count how many concussions he's actually had at this point but what do you do right now if you're Tua? I guess if you were in his shoes, it's hard to put yourself in a guy's shoes like that, but if you're in his shoes, I mean, football is all you know. But at the end of the day, you got a whole life in front of you. Football is only for what? Another 10 years for him or so, and maybe right, and then maybe a couple more after that.

Speaker 1:

But I can't even remember how old Tua is right now, but I know he's probably in his close to mid-20s. He's got to be around that range right now. So you know what are you doing right now if you are Tua?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you said. I mean you said it so great, there it's. It's. You know you can't put yourself in his shoes, but you know, from my perspective or yours, you know we kind of try to there. So I mean you got to consider, like I've heard guys talk about one concussion is like like you've already, like the fallout from one concussion is significant and then you get another, like then you're more susceptible to get another one, and then it's.

Speaker 2:

It's a really complicated and I don't really think they know how it will truly affect Like it's. I don't think it's one of those one shoe fits all type of situations. Like maybe if, if Jordan Love had one concussion and Jalen Hurts had one concussion, maybe Jordan Love's in better shape at 55 than Jalen Hurts. Like maybe it's all, depending on how violent, I mean the concussions he suffered like where he completely throws his hands up and they're all twisted up. Like that to me, is that's got to be the worst type of concussion you can, at least from a visual standpoint. You're watching that and you're like, wow, is he like going to walk? Like you know, I thought that at first I was like is he like going to be crippled? Type of, because like that's just not, that doesn't look right. I don't know, man. I mean I, like you said, I get these guys devote their lives to football and things like that, but I still think, like you know, obviously somebody would let him coach somewhere. Somebody could like I doubt he wants to play like flag football, you know it's not the same. I get that. I'm not trying to give him a secondary, you know, option in a way that would just not even be close to playing real football, whatever. But, like you said, you got to consider your health at this point. I know from what. Everything I read is he had three concussions. Truth be told, I think it's more than that. Everything I read is he had three concussions. Truth be told, I think it's more than that. I think it's like four or five, because you know, now they're saying he didn't have any last year and it was all three the year before that.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure I saw him in Buffalo I don't know if this counts for one, but he was like stumbling, he couldn't even like walk, like he suffered in my mind maybe a concussion in my mind, maybe a concussion. And then, you know, two plays later he's walking back to the huddle and he, his feet, his legs are like jello and I'm like that's, there's something there that's not right. So I don't know, I like, I, I think he, he probably should for his own well-being. I mean, I'm not. My thing is like, could he come back in a couple years and play? Maybe that would be better.

Speaker 2:

But like, by then, like you know, you're out of the speed of the game, um, and stuff like that. So I mean, head injuries are different than like you break your leg a couple times. Like your head injury is about as bad as I mean, if you can't use your brain, you're you're, you're just not, you can't do anything. So I don't know, I I'd really consider hanging it up. Unfortunately it's just like, it's kind of bad. I mean this last one.

Speaker 2:

You sure people can say, oh, he, he shouldn't have dove like that.

Speaker 2:

But when you're playing the game at that speed, I, just I, I defend him. I might be the only one on social media that was like, hey, he was running for the first down. He's not thinking about like, if you play the game scared, you're gonna get injured. So I don't think he was even thinking, oh, my head's going to, I'm going to get a concussion if I do this or do that, whatever. He's just oh, there's the sticks, I'm going to get the sticks. So I, I don't want to see him hanging up, because I genuinely root for the guy myself too just because he's I mean anybody that gets put through all that like adversity. I root for adversity and he's been through it. So it's, uh, I'll give it to you, but I, I think he should, um, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't, but I, I mean, at some point you got to think, man, this is just, this is not good for me, and and unfortunately, that's just, it's been some bad luck in there too.

Speaker 1:

For sure, I think it's been some bad luck, but for sure, I think it's been some bad luck, but yep, no, it is definitely a hot topic. It is definitely a hot topic with a lot of players out there. When things like this happen over the years, you know what should they do. And well, we can only go off what the player thinks is best, what his family thinks is best. So we'll see what Tua does here. I believe he's got what three weeks left on the IR. I believe he's got like three, three weeks left on the IR. I believe he's got like three, three weeks left on the IR. So we'll see.

Speaker 1:

We'll see what comes out of it with Tua. We are all waiting the answer. That is for darn sure right now, because when he's out there the Dolphins are a different team. When he's out there, I mean, football is a different thing, because it's great to watch Tua and that Dolphins offense get at it. So other NFL news just wanted to just talk about a little bit. Christian McCaffrey is going over to Germany. I heard he's going across the pond to get a second opinion on his leg. Or was it a leg injury that he had? I believe it was a leg injury that he had there.

Speaker 1:

That's interesting. That's interesting. That's interesting that he's going all the way. Maybe they got a. I mean, they must have a specialized doctor over there or something that is going to give them this opinion and maybe get him back on the field. So it seems like the 49ers are going to be without Christian McCaffrey for a while. That's not so good. But the Packers on the flip side of that, the Packers J-Love was out there warming up versus the Titans. Everybody was kind of curious. They're like is he going to play today? You know he's out there in warmups. He's taking snaps. They're all watching this really close. Doesn't play in the game against the Titans. Malik Willis plays, does fantastic. We talked about that there on the recap weekend recap show there. But so Malik Willis does well.

Speaker 1:

Now Jordan Love. We're expecting another full week of practice, most likely out of Jordan Love here, full pads, as he was last week. If Jordan Love, we'll flip this both ways, if Jordan Love is or is not 100% ready to go. So let's just say, if he's 100%, we're playing the guy. There's no doubt in our mind. Let's just go with that right away If he's 100%. If the medical staff says Jordan Love is 100%, he can do this, he can do that, he can take a hit, he's fine. Okay, jordan Love's playing right. That's pretty much cut and dry. I mean, we're not going to sit Jordan Love for another week just because, malik, are you bringing Jordan Love back against the Vikings? Or are you saying, okay, we made it this far with Willis, let's get Jordan Love to 100%. We'll have him back the week after, but let's get him healthy first. Let's start Willis against the Vikings, let's see how we do.

Speaker 1:

How are you playing that If Jordan Love's 85%? I've seen a lot of Packer fans saying that if he thinks he can go, let him go. I don't think it's if he thinks he can go, cause I think Jordan Love thought he could go immediately when he was on the plane ride back from Brazil. I think he was ready to rock and roll. So how do you feel, aaron, if you are the Packers right now? Are you throwing Jordan Love out there if he's only 85% or less? You know you don't want to get too far less, but if he's 85 or less, you know you don't want to get too far less, but if he's 85 or less, are you even thinking about playing Jordan Love? Are you saying to yourself okay, we're two and one. Right now, we've won two games with Malik Willis, our defense is playing well, maybe we can survive one more week and get him healthy yeah, I would not play him personally.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if this was like a game where you're talking week 14, week 15, and you're right in the race, let's just say, because you bring up the Vikings, that's who they're playing, vikings, they're 3-0. Now that's probably the closest. Detroit, all the teams are in the mix for the NFC North, yeah, sure, I'd play them then at 80%, 85%, whatever it might be, but not right now. It it's week three, a lot can happen. I mean I don't want it to. I'm not saying I root against. You know, we kind of touched on this before we went on, but like, let's say, sam Darnold, inevitably I shouldn't say that Sam, let's just say Sam Darnold explodes in like week 12 and he just starts throwing like, he starts seeing ghosts, like back in the Jets days and he's throwing pick six after pick six, like the Packers might you know be in a great position. That like, I don't expect the Vikings and regardless of like what team it is, I just think your, your quarterback is, I mean that's who's making the most money, that's who's you know that that's your like diamond jewel right there, that there's no more valuable position than quarterback, especially in the NFL. I mean you can make the argument in college. Or you know different guys pop out and things like that. But the, the NFL, literally. Like you know the quarterback of every team. Like you might not know the running back on every team, you know the quarterback. So Jordan Love being ascending into the, the guy that the Packers want him to be, you know that that's all the hope and and all the the marbles are on Jordan Love there.

Speaker 2:

I would not, at 85%, I would not play him. You know, let him get one more week. You know even God forbid the Packers lose that. Like you want Jordan Love healthy, you don't want him to react. Like you want to put him in a position where reactivating is not like it's, it's a very low chance at 85. I mean, you don't know he goes out there and you know, moves his leg around a little and, oh, it doesn't feel right. And then he, but then and then the coaching staff's gonna be like, well, you know you probably shouldn't play. Like you saw mahomes do that, uh, you shouldn't play.

Speaker 2:

And then he flips out and he's like, oh, I'm going back in. Well, there's risk involved there. Like if he's not completely right, I would not play him. And it's the same position. Like if Jalen Hurts was in this position. I'd just say, okay, you gotta play Kenny Pickett, might? You know we might not win, but you can't. You want to have him for the long stretch. This is like a long-term play. Keep Jordan Love on the sideline if he's 85% now, even if he was 95%, I still I mean maybe, but I would. I still have my reservations. I mean, you've won two games with Malik Willis. Just ride that. Not not saying Jordan Love isn't better, but like ride the hot hand for now, just because it's not like he's going out there and stinking up the joint. Just let him get Jordan Love 100% and then I'm asserting him back in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I completely agree.

Speaker 1:

I am not messing around with it if it's 85. You know, the Packers are an organization where they don't rush injuries. They let you come back at your own pace until the medical staff says you're ready to go, we're not bringing you back in. So if the Packers don't feel it, I'm okay with either decision that they roll with there. Would it be nice to have Jordan Love back 100%? I would love to have. I mean, this is the guy we just paid a boatload of money or gave a big contract to, at least to lead this Packers team down the stretch. I want him to get as many reps as he possibly can because at the end of the day, I know there's some Packer fans out there saying, or even opposing fans who are saying, oh, malik Willis is just as good as what Jordan Love is in this offense. So when this is going to be a competition when he comes back, it's not a competition. There is no competition right now. I hate to break that news to any Malik Willis fans out there or anything. There's no competition right now in Green Bay. When Jordan Love is ready to rock Jordan Love, it's Jordan Love's, it's his game Like. This is his team when he is ready to go. This is just Malik Willis doing great things in the interim right now, so just wanted to get that out of the way there. But I agree, I agree 100%. You don't rush this. If Jordan Love does not feel 100, don't ask. I don't know if you can ask him, because he's going to tell you he feels 100. So I think you just got to play the eye test with him. I mean, make him do some things in practice that are out of the normal and make him make some cuts that he's got to really push off that leg, see what it looks like. If he's ready to go, put him in there. I would love to have him get back against this Vikings team, because I love how you threw the Sam Darnold slander in there halfway through. He's seeing ghosts out there. I love that. I love that. Just start it out. Start it out there. But I mean his Vikings team right now. They're not playing bad. Okay, they're not playing bad.

Speaker 1:

Sam Darnold is doing things. That Sam Darnold, I mean what they expected out of him when he first came into the league. They were like this is what he was going to do. Maybe it's a. You know you always talk about guys with a change of scenery. Is this the change of scenery the coaching staff with Brian Flores is. Is this the coaching staff that is going to take him over the top? I don't know, right. I mean, you're telling me week 12, he's going to blow up. You keep telling me that he's going to blow up at some point there. I can't wait, right, I can't wait for him to blow up.

Speaker 1:

I also don't hate the guy. I have no hatred or anything towards Sam Darnold, so seeing him doing well isn't really affecting me that bad, right. I mean, I hope that he does well. I just hope that the Packers beat him while he's doing well. That's okay with me. I mean, if they get three picks again in that game, mckinney gets another interception in four straight games, that'd be ridiculous, right. But right now he's thrown for 657 yards on the season, eight touchdowns, two interceptions. Hasn't looked bad. He's got playmakers all around him, so that definitely helps. Plus, they're talking Jordan Addison might come back this week for him, which doesn't bode well for me, because I don't want to see Jordan Addison back out there. I want as less amount of weapons as he could possibly work with when the Packers see him first time around. But at the same time I'm like, hey, if I'm going to see how good my defense is, I want all the weapons out there on the field. I wish TJ Hockinson was back. Let's just get them all out there. Let's just get them all out there. But this is definitely a solid team.

Speaker 1:

Right now in the Vikings, looking at some of their stats on this season, I was just pulling them up there Right now they're sitting about middle of the pack. They're yards 329. Baltimore's up top with 430 right now passing yards on the season so far per game. They are sitting at all about same spot. I'm not doing all the counting there, but they're about middle of the pack right now. 204 a game right now. Rushing yards a game right now. Packers up top there with 20. They are just running the crap out of the ball. And then the Vikings at 125 right now. And points per game the Vikings are third 28 points per game right now. Not bad. I mean, they're scoring. That's what you wanted to see out of this offense, especially an offense led by Sam Darnold. Not something that Vikings fans. I didn't have it on my bingo card, I can tell you that much. I didn't have it on my bingo card for Sam Darnold to start the season on a burner.

Speaker 1:

Looking at the defense right now they're averaging about giving up about 310 yards per game. A lot of that it looks like is happening in the pass game. They've given up 239 yards through the air per game on the season so far. Rush defense 71. So you're looking at the Packers coming into this game with a. I mean we're running the ball right now. That's what we do. I mean 204 yards per game. We're trying to run it down their throat and the Vikings coming in giving up 71 yards per game on the season right now.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, aaron, I asked this question to Kyle the other day there on the show. I want to ask it to you what do you think about this Vikings team? Are they for real? Like, is this team for real? Can they sustain this? Is this maybe a little bit more than you know? I don't think Vikings fans I mean, yeah, they're probably diehards expected this, but the outside ones probably didn't. But I don't think any analysts had this one on their bingo card either.

Speaker 1:

The Vikings starting out this well, especially with question marks at quarterback McCarthy goes down with injury. You don't even know what's happening. But do you think the Vikings can sustain this success or do you think there's a? I don't think they're terrible right. I don't think they're just going to completely fall off a cliff. I think they're terrible right. I don't think they're just going to completely fall off a cliff. I think they're going to be a competitive football team all season long. But do you think right now that this success that they're having early on, the great defense that they're having the offense is flowing, do you think that's sustainable? Or do you think there's like a happy medium in there where we're going to see the Vikings drop back to at some point here?

Speaker 2:

I think they will eventually come back down to earth.

Speaker 2:

I mean I'm a big Brian Flores fan. I have been, you know, back in his days in Miami. I think he helped to turn Pittsburgh's defense back into what they are now. Honestly I know obviously he's not there anymore, but him coming over to Minnesota because in my opinion, like you know, watching the Vikings from very, very far, I mean I pay attention here and there to them but like their defense has been pretty horrid the last couple years, honestly, like Kirk Cousins was putting up a ton of points and then their defense was giving up a ton of points. So their defense I don't know. You know pretty much. I don't know a lot of their guys on their defense, I will say that. But I mean they've played well. I will give them their excuse me, I will give them their flowers where they deserve them.

Speaker 2:

I mean they beat a Texas team which everybody expects to be good again, and then they beat the thank goodness, they beat the 49ers. Anybody that beats the 49ers I'm a fan of, at least that week. So I mean they took care of them. So outside of the Giants. I mean they took care of them. So outside of the Giants. I mean that's two really, really good teams. But, like I've been telling you, I just until Sam Darnold proves it to me, like he is not, he's just, you know he didn't pan out with the Jets. I kind of give him a mulligan for that. He goes to Carolina. I mean say what you want about the franchise and whatnot, but he didn't play good there. You know, obviously he's a backup. In San Fran he wasn't going to see the field. So I mean this is his golden opportunity. But we've seen guys like you know. Remember when Josh Dobbs was on fire, everybody was, oh, look at Josh Dobbs. Now, look at Josh. You know what I mean. There's been, I remember back in the day, especially where I live, a lot of people. You know there's a good amount of, uh, reds I mean at the time it was a Redskins, so I'll say Redskins, I guess, but they uh, you know Jason Campbell days oh, this is, you know, look at Jason, and then he's a flash in the fan like he's. You know, sam Darnold's got to do this all year long.

Speaker 2:

I think they come back down to earth. I mean I'm I'm looking at their schedule, this Packers game. I would say maybe they have a slight edge just because Malik Willis is not detaining away from Malik Willis. But, like you know, darnold has more game experience than Malik Willis. But it's also in Lambeau and division games are division games. So I mean you can really slice that game, you can pick that game however you want.

Speaker 2:

But then, like Sam Darnold going against the Jets, we'll see. I mean, jets defense has played really good so far. Then he goes against the Lions. The Lions are a tough team, you know. Some of those games, though, definitely favor the Vikings, like the Rams are. You know, after losing all the receivers they have, that's a favorable game. The Colts that's like a coin flip. The Jags are 0-3, so they go to the Jags then. And then the Titans aren't very good, at least it looks like so far. So I expect them to come down to earth.

Speaker 2:

I still think, like you said I think you hit on it perfect there they're going to be a competitive team.

Speaker 2:

I mean, he's got weapons. It seems like he has a decent offensive line for the first time in his career, so I'll give him that. Seems like he has a decent offensive line for the first time in his career, so I'll give him that. Um, but yeah, I just, you know, by week 10, 11, 12, 13, I expect Sam Donald to be, you know, maybe in the middle of the pack as far as like how he's playing right, that hey, his stats might look a lot better than like, oh, because he, he did good for six or seven weeks.

Speaker 2:

But like week 10, 11, 12, then you start seeing, uh, two touchdowns, two picks, one touchdown, three pick, like I, I just I gotta see him do it all year long. Like I'm not, like you said, I'm not rooting against him either. I, I just I don't have that like confidence that he can. He can put this together for an entire season, even with a good offense like they have. You know, you talk about Aaron Jones coming over from the Packers. They have guys there, it's just as a quarterback eventually. I just don't know if he can do it the entire season. That's the guy that makes me nervous is Aaron Jones.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to see Aaron Jones.

Speaker 1:

I just know Aaron Jones is going to be running like a different kind of animal just because he's ticked off at the Packers. I just know it. It's going to be one of those days for Aaron Jones and it's going to be all about the Packers defense. Can you stop the run? They've done it. I mean Saquon had a couple of big ones right against them in Brazil. You can blame it on field conditions, you can blame it on whatever you want, and he had some big gains against this Packers defensive front and I mean Quay Walker's struggling in that game. Colts, they got a little bit better there, but Jonathan Taylor had his key runs there in that one. But this Packers team, 105 yards per game on the ground, they're giving up. Not terrible, not terrible so far. So this is a pretty solid run defense for Green Bay that they're going to stack up with Aaron Jones here and we're going to see what they can do, right? I mean you have a your D front. Your, your defensive front, just went up against a lackluster front there for the Titans and just completely obliterated them, and now you're going to have this is a decent offensive line that the Minnesota Vikings are rolling out there, plus a good run defense, this is going to be a good. I think this is gonna be a good game. I think this could be one of the. I haven't even checked the schedule, but I'm going to tell you right now this game right here could be one of the better ones of the weekend. I really do think it could be. I think it could be one of the better games. Just because if Sam Darnold plays in this game like he has been and the Packers get Jordan Love back and he doesn't, my worry would be he comes back rusty. He comes back a little bit rusty. That would be my worry. But if he comes back, guns, a blazing, and this offense is flowing this could be an explosive who-the-heck-messes-up-first kind of game here in Lambeau and I can't wait for it. That should be a good one there. So let's skip out of the Packers.

Speaker 1:

I had a question for you, jalen Carter. He was in the news after that Saints game. He's on the sideline and I'm okay with jaw jack and I love jaw jack and I love when a guy can get underneath of another guy's skin and everything like that. But I think Jalen Carter might have crossed a little bit of a line. I think there was a line that was drawn because Sirianni was over there. He had assistant coaches trying to tell him to shut up. He's yelling up into the crowd. He's yelling out at Honey Badger, out there, tyron Matthew, he's yelling at him.

Speaker 1:

I mean, what do you think of that? Because Jalen Carter has been known to be kind of irresponsible hothead, a little bit all over the place, uncontrollable at times. We know about what happened at Georgia. We don't want to get into that too much here.

Speaker 1:

But what do you think about that situation, sirianni having to calm him down and does that? It shouldn't worry you. I don't think it worries you by any means. But also, at the same time it's like does it worry you about how he goes about things, how he goes about as a professional at the end of the day? Because you can jaw jack? But what I saw didn't really seem like jaw jack and it almost seemed you know you don't want to say taunting like I don't think it was taunt, but almost taught like he's he's jaw jacking. It almost seemed you know you don't want to say taunting like I don't think it was taunt, but almost taught like he's he's jaw jacking on the sideline. It didn't seem like it was getting anywhere. So what do you think about that, aaron? What do you think about that Jalen Carter situation?

Speaker 2:

well, yeah, I mean I'm glad you did bring it up. I follow the team like pretty close, I mean I'll say that. So, like the week prior the atlanta game I don't know if you early in the game there they were talking about how well, I don't even know if it came out then maybe it was on a freaking uh post game show or something like that. But they talked about, I mean, jalen carter missed like the first two drives because he was late to team meetings. That concerns me more, to be honest with you, because his whole like yes, there was the obvious that that incident with you know him racing and things like that and somebody actually died. Obviously, because of that that I had when the Eagles drafted him, I was a little bit, I wouldn't even say a little bit, I was disappointed Because I I mean I I guess most, not most some fans out there would be like, you know, as long as he plays football, good, I don't who cares, like that's not a good look. In my opinion, like you know, that is irresponsible to the max. Um, I'm surprised, you know, I'm glad it doesn't happen more. But like these, these college kids with the money they have, I'm surprised it's not happening more. I mean you're talking about kids getting corvettes and mustangs, what have you know, whatever, um, and just driving like maniacs and like I'm like they're kids, really they're kids, so I'm not giving them any pass, I'm just saying I'm surprised that type of stuff doesn't just go rampant across the college landscape at the very least, you know, even into the pros and stuff. But I mean that Saints game and, keeping my bias aside, I mean I don't like the Saints. I never liked the Saints, never will like the Saints. You know, when they tried to kill Brett Favre, you know and I'm bringing that full circle that was like my one of the straws for me that broke the camel's back for the Saints. Like I just don't like that team. They own the Eagles, so that is some bias there. They always beat us. So. But I mean so, um, that that is some bias there. They always beat us. So. But I mean, if you like, you watch that game on on sunday.

Speaker 2:

I mean davante smith getting held by two guys, you know, tackle to the ground, bang. Here comes a defensive lineman, head helmet to helmet, knocks him out colt like he had no, like he didn't even know where he was. Probably like the look on his face. He was just dumbfounded. So concussion there. Then later in that fourth quarter I mean one of their oh, you know they do a run play to camara and one of their old linemen's. I mean he shoves darius slay damn near into the bleachers like he's he's well out of bounds and he's like shoving he's. He's physically trying to like deck this guy. And darius slay is not a big guy, he's a corner, you know, it's not like he's blocking, you know, um, jalen Carter, like Jalen Carter's defensive lineman there. So I mean I, I think, um, jalen Carter definitely has to keep it in check. You can't be doing this stuff every week.

Speaker 2:

Um, I didn't have a huge problem just because I was. I was done with the Saints. At that point too, I was just like dude, you guys are always like in my I've seen them before sports. It was so many times that I was just like dude, you guys are always like in my I've seen them before sports. It was so many times that I was like you know what, if he's gonna do it, I'm glad it's the Saints.

Speaker 2:

Or you know, the 49ers, that's another team that I they just I think they kind of play a certain type of way, especially when they're losing. They play a certain type of way and it's not. I'm not a fan of it. So, um, yeah, I like I'm an Eagles fan, so I bias. But I like I said, if it happens again this year in, like you know, let's say they're playing the, the titans or something titans are four games under 500 I'll be like, okay, man, you gotta, you gotta, relax.

Speaker 2:

Now, if they're playing the 49ers in the playoffs and something like this happens, I I don't have a huge problem with it. I I don't love it either. I like to play the game. You know, just play the game the right way, go out there and execute and let your play do the talking. That's like the ultimate way to to stick it to somebody, in my opinion. But easier said than done. These guys are, you know, testosterone filled, you know just monsters on the defensive line. So I'll, uh, I'll, give him a pass.

Speaker 2:

But this whole notion that like he's getting, he's being late to practice and stuff, that's concerning, that's more concerning, if he starts becoming a problem I mean, this is only his second year, so jury's still out he might become an issue. I mean, I'm not ruling it out, it's probably 50-50,. Really I'm like, oh, this guy's innocent, it's your second year. You kind of fell apart down the stretch last year. He didn't do much in the last, like six, seven games. So it's not like this guy's, you know already a pro bowler or whatever. Like you got to prove it, you got to show up to work and like you know, you're making a ton of money. You're a first-round draft pick. So if he does this on the field here and there, I'm okay with it. But if he's turning into like a team cancer type deal, that will definitely bother me and I hope they ship him out before it turns into like a TO situation. We've already been through that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, from everything you said, the only thing I think is he's a little bit careless right now. It's more of undisciplined. Right, he's a young guy yet undisciplined. He's got to get the right guys in his corner. That's the big thing. The Eagles, whoever, I mean it doesn't help. Fletcher Cox is gone now because that would be a guy where you say, hey, you keep this guy in check, like he's here on time. That's your job, you know, because Fletcher Cox would, yeah, he'd keep it checked there. But you have to find that guy right, that leader on your team. You know we talk about it. I talk about with the Brewers all the time and Jackson Churio I mean Willie Adamas and William Contreras, just taking them under his, their wing and when he was struggling at the plate, just helping him. And you know, getting him and Jackson Churio is a different situation. It's baseball, not football, it's a whole different thing. But it's one of those things where you got to find the guys in the locker room that can help take care of those guys. So that's a big thing. That I take away from that is I'm okay with the taunt, like, if you want to get, you know, chirp a little bit, I'm all good, I'm all good with chirping, I'm all good with that. I just think it reaches a point. It reaches a point when your head coach has to get in your face and tell you and everything like that, like there's a point, a line that's crossed, that you just got to say, okay, enough's enough. I got to be quiet now. And I think he got to that point. Now I think he's a fine player, I think he can figure it out down the stretch. That's what we can all hope for, because as much as I don't care what happens with the Eagles I shouldn't say that I care. But I don't care, right, I'm a Packer fan. So it's like whatever happens in Philly happens in Philly, right, but I still don't want to see a player with his kind of caliber get his career ended because he just can't show up to practice on time or this or that you know.

Speaker 1:

And the Devontae Smith situation I agree, watching the hit, it was different. That's what I worried about with him coming into the league really did. I was like this is a littler bodied guy and if he gets something over the middle and he meets the linebackers or I mean Pete Sake he meets a defensive lineman who weighs 200 pounds more than him. Like that was my worry with him. Same with guys like Xavier Worthy there with the Chiefs. It's just a smaller bodied guy going into those big bodies. It's like this might not end well for him. So I mean, thank goodness Devontae Smith is okay and everything's good on his end. Not much, you know, injury wise I guess, came out of that situation and he's going to be okay. That's. The big thing that we take away from that is that he was all good end of the day and Eagles got the win right, so you're happy at the end of the day. There it was.

Speaker 1:

I turned that on in the fourth quarter. They're like and I can't remember who was announcing that game and they're like, oh, it's really picked up here in the fourth quarter. I'm like it's 12 to 7 or something like that. I'm like, when did it pick up? I'm like, did all this scoring happen in the fourth? Like I don't know what's going on here. So I mean, yeah, it was a dangerous hit but, like I said, thank goodness he's okay, everybody can move on from that situation and all's good on that end there.

Speaker 1:

So we see the badgers. They're heading out west right now. They're going to be taking on usc this weekend. I'm watching, uh, big 10 in 60, 60 minutes right now. That's crazy. I I have this. I've only watched it a couple, but I'm already in the fourth quarter right now. It's like the first quarter happened when we started this show here and now it's the fourth quarter already. It baffles me sometimes watching this thing. But this USC team coming in, did you get a chance to watch USC Michigan? I know you're not a big Michigan fan. You were probably rooting for USC out there.

Speaker 2:

But did you get a chance to watch that game a little bit? I, uh no. So I kept, like you know, during the Penn State game I was like kind of in and out on Google trying to get the the highlights for Michigan and USC, and like that game got crazy in the second half. Um, but I, I actually was rooting for Michigan because now it gives you, you know, usc the loss. You know what I mean. So like it was like as much as I cannot stand. I really can't stand Michigan at all. That's up there with the Ohio State's, the world for me. But they, yeah, I mean it was a crazy game. I mean I'm kind of surprised. I mean Michigan, like their defense, like you kind of brought it up last week, their defense is just it's next level, you know. So yeah, I mean I didn't. I can't give a lot of coverage on the game just because I'm really it's getting a little cloudy, but I was paying attention just to see. You know, obviously, what was going to happen there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, the big thing that I wanted to get into was USC was, like you said, introduced to a Big Ten style football. Right, that's what Kyle and I kept. We kept hammering it down on Sunday or Sunday. There we were talking about it Big Ten football, run the ball, everything like that, and Badgers heading out West. Now that's going to be something that I'm looking for in this Wisconsin team, because you're coming into this, the past game really hasn't been your thing. This year you're more run heavy, as it seems right now. Wisconsin's got to be able to run the football against USC. That's what Michigan. They paved the way.

Speaker 1:

Right, michigan did not play a good game. I mean, they had nine total yards. I'm looking at the stat right now nine total yards in the second half against this USC team. That tells you where they were at in the second half against USC. They did their damage on the big plays, the big run plays, hammering it down, finding holes. The offensive line was putting it together and the defense was just like you said. I mean, they're next level. They got multiple different. They have pieces on there. I guarantee you there's probably five guys in that defense who are going to be in the NFL. I mean, there are five guys on that defense and two of them line up in the center there at the defensive, on the defensive line. So that is a very good Michigan defense.

Speaker 1:

The Badgers it's almost like the script was written, right. They see, you know it's not going to be easy, easy, right, it's definitely not going to be easy, but the script is written. You got to put pressure on Mason Miller there. You got to be able to slow down the explosive plays. Don't let USC beat you over the top like Alabama did. I mean, the explosive plays against Alabama is what killed Wisconsin. I know they would have just grinded it out all day long and just beat you, but it wouldn't have looked as bad. Right, the big plays, the big hitters against Wisconsin were the backbreakers. Right, you'd finally get off the field or whatever it was. You'd finally get to third and long and then boom 60 yards and it's like, okay, like this is what's killing us. That's what USC is going to try to do. They're going to try to do that same thing. You know, they got the athleticism out at the wide receiver. They're going to try to beat you over the top as much as they possibly can and beat you with their playmakers. They got to find a way to slow that down there and on the offensive side they got to find a way to run the football. Wisconsin has got to find a way to play old Wisconsin run the ball. Bury it down their throats. Let's play time of possession game here. I don't care if that game ends and it's like eight to three. Like I don't care if it ends seven to three, I don't care if Wisconsin comes out with a seven to three win. I'm good, I'm moving out Like I will watch that boring football, right, but I don't think it's going to end up like that. I mean, aaron, knowing what you do about USC, the little bit that we know so far, this is a team where the offense I mean I'm not going out.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people came out of this game looking at Mason Miller. They're like this guy is just complete hot garbage. Like he's not bad, like, or Miller Moss sorry, miller Moss, I keep getting my name mixed up there Miller Moss there for USC. A lot of people came out of that game thinking you know, this guy isn't as good as advertised, blah, blah. I came out of that game thinking this is still a good quarterback. Michigan's just got a heck of a defense. So when you think USC right now, you think the Badgers. Is there a way? Is there a way for Wisconsin to play Right now? They're coming into this one. They're two score underdogs. Nobody is giving them a shot in this game heading out to USC. Usc coming off a loss, badgers coming off a bye week. They have Brain Lock in their quarterback. How does he come into this one? So do you give Wisconsin much of a shot against USC heading into this one?

Speaker 2:

I wish, I wish I could. I kind of do wish I could I'd rather see Wisconsin win this game. Obviously Big upset. It drops USC to two losses. I just it not eerily reminds me of Alabama. Like I thought Alabama would kind of do anything. They absolutely wanted to. I don't think I mean you can make an argument, you know, with USC's offense, like it, it can do the same thing. If Wisconsin's defense was playing up to the level of Michigan, sure I would give them a very good chance. I just I haven't seen that and really, like, when Alabama wanted to run the ball on Wisconsin, they ran the ball too. So it's unfortunate. I mean, obviously, if Wisconsin had like a high-powered offense, I'd be like you know, okay, there's your, you know, keep up with them. Them because, like, if I don't trust the defense and then I don't trust, like there's just nothing I can point to here. I mean I would love them to make this a game. That would be like my goal, as far as you know, just from a viewer standpoint, at least make it competitive.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be tough. I mean I fear Penn State going out the USC here in a couple of weeks. I'm very, very afraid of that, um, and now they have a loss that's almost worse for everybody else because they're they're not trying to drop two. That's. That's like the biggest thing. Now, um, to say, like miller moss is garbage or whatever, like michigan might have the best defense in the country. So to, like, you know, miller moss, a young kid, like you can't. I mean he only threw one pick at the end of the day and he still went for over 300 yards. I mean you look at the other side of the field. I mean Alex Orji for Michigan, seven for 12. I mean seven for 12 for 32 yards, and they win the game. But they can run the ball. Like you pointed to, wisconsin's going to have to run the ball at the clip that Michigan can. And my theory with USC is they're just going to. They're going to load the box and make the quarterback beat them. You know what I mean. Like they're going to.

Speaker 2:

In my opinion, that's a smart way to play this because you know your backup there his name escapes me for Wisconsin, brayton Locke. Yeah, brayton Locke. Like we didn't see a lot, you know, in the Alabama game. That points to confident, like you know, just keeping it as real as I can here. So if I'm USC, I'm like, all right, have him beat us, like we're going to stop the run, we're going to force you to pass and see what you can do, and then that's where I think Wisconsin gets in a world of trouble, unfortunately.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully, like I said, they can make it a game If they can somehow run the ball. Sure, I mean, it's any given Saturday. At that point it's just that's where I'm like I think USC is going to, because USC's defense really did play good. You know, this is like maybe their worst performance, I think, against Michigan. Excuse me, so I just don't know it's going to be. It's asking a lot. It's asking a lot for where Wisconsin's offense and kind of their defense against Alabama kind of concerns me. I know it's Alabama, but they kind of did what they wanted all day long, unfortunately, yeah yeah, no, I see it, I do.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be a really tough game for Wisconsin. Like you said, the big thing backup quarterback Brayden Locke getting some confidence right. He's had two weeks now. He's had since Alabama. He got in there basically the start of the game. It was one drive right and not even a drive. He got in there on the first drive for Wisconsin and then saw that action. Now he's got a couple of weeks here of practice time with the ones getting more reps.

Speaker 1:

It's the hope that Phil Longo, luke Fickle they found ways to instill confidence in this guy rolling forward here. So one last thing Got my dog running around back there with the toy. He's getting all kinds of excited. One last thing before we wrap up here Aaron, this is going to hit hard for you. This is going to hit hard for you. This is going to hit hard for you here.

Speaker 1:

Pachama Holmes and the Chiefs right now. They got some controversy going on around the Pachama Holmes and the Chiefs and I'm seeing it. I was just scrolling through Twitter and it's about the hottest topic you can think about right now. They won a game off of a pass interference call, essentially against the Bengalsles, and then they won a game that wasn't called a pass interference against the falcons. Now I'm not saying the nfl is rigged. I'm not gonna go as far to say that it's rigged and we're determining outcomes and everything like that. But how do you look at that play against the falcons? They're in end zone and that's not pass interference, like that is.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I would have to look up the definition word for word and maybe they it's like put me a picture, like if they sketch me out a picture. But if they sketch me a picture, I think I would see that same picture of Kyle Pitts I believe it was Kyle Pitts right going up there in the end zone. Yeah, I believe that would be the picture they would sketch me. They'd be like this is pass interference and I'd be like oh, it wasn't called, you know. So I don't want to say it's rigged.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to go that far because if the nfl is rigged and we're determining outcomes before they even happen, the nfl becomes boring to me and I don't want to watch anymore. So I can't go as far to say that right now. But we're seeing this all happen right now. There has got to be something that changes right now, because it seems like referees, the NFL, they're all for the Kansas City Chiefs, winning football games and finding ways to make sure they win those football games. Yes, you could say that the referee they're going to miss calls. It happens, right, that's what they say they miss calls. That was in the end zone to end the game. You can't miss a call like that. So what do you think? What do you think about that whole situation right now with the Chiefs, because they got two wins right now circled with controversy?

Speaker 2:

I mean we can say it's maybe rigged, is taking it to like an extreme. But favoritism, like can we say the refs favor that, like you can't? It's pretty hard to argue against that. I mean, you know, you pull up the stats the Chiefs have never been called for holding in a Super Bowl. I mean, come on now, that's just, it's a little bit too obvious. I'm not going to say every single game is determined by the refs or Vegas or whatever, but certain calls I can pretty much like at least make a conclusion that more likely than not, there's something going. There's just too much going on there. So I mean, yeah, it's unfortunate.

Speaker 2:

If I was a Falcons fan, especially because that's a more recent memory, I'd be livid. I mean I remember when Bradbury got called for the hold in the Super Bowl, the Eagles did so much to like lose that game that I mean that didn't make me as mad as some other things, but that really was. I mean, yeah, he owned up to it. Oh, I held him. I mean, if that is pass, you know, if that's defensive holding but that's not pass interference, like we're on two different spectrums then. Because I mean he grabbed his shirt for like a half a second and then boom, he was behind him anyway.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, it's unfortunate. I mean I don't know if it stops. I hope it does stop, but I don't probably think it will. And it's a shame. Like, imagine the Packers going up against the Chiefs. I mean, you know, you, let's just say it's a regular season game, but still it's a meaningful game. You know, packers are one game behind the division or something like that, and that's how the game ends, like you got it. That's not right. You know that's not the right way to go about things. So I hope they clean it up. Uh, just, I don't know to say they're the refs favor them. I think is is completely fair it's a bad look.

Speaker 1:

It is a bad look on the nfl, that is for darn sure. It is a bad look right now and hopefully I mean from what I've seen hopefully they can get that figured out and buttoned up and we, like you said, favoritism, whatever it is we cut that crap out of the league right now because it's it's getting ugly. Fans are getting upset, except for Chief fans. They're like oh yeah, we're good, we're good right now. We're 3-0, right, but I mean it affects teams. The Bengals they should have a win, right. If that doesn't get called, then there's a win for the Bengals. The Falcons have another win. They're have been a win there for the Falcons, but lots of big calls that are being missed right now and are being made, and not vice versa. So we'll see how that all shakes out there. That's about all we got for the day here, though. Aaron, let people know where to find you out there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, as always, appreciate you letting me come on, and I'm learning more and more about Wisconsin sports every day. But yeah, I'm on Twitter at Brutally Honest no T on the end of that. And then on Spotify, apple Podcasts at Brutally Honest Sports, tiktok at Brutally Honest Sports. So, yeah, any of those platforms. You know, if you find me I'll take you. You know, have you go to Trajan's page too? You know, if somebody finds just me and, uh, I'll share the share, the wealth, as they say on the, on the interwebs there awesome, awesome.

Speaker 1:

We're always happy to have you on the show. It's always good conversation, always learn something. That's what we got to do. We always got to learn something here on the show. So, like you guys know, wisconsin sports on the go with trades find it across all podcast platforms out there. You can find it on TikTok, everything like that, tiktok, youtube, everything in between, wherever you find it. Facebook, wherever you have it there. But I mean, that's about all we got for today, aaron. Hopefully we'll be back on Friday when we do our preview for the weekend. But with that, this has beenisconsin sports on the go with trage. Thank you guys for tuning in tonight. We'll catch you guys back here on friday, but until then, deuces.