Midlife Madness Podcast

Ep #8: Empowering Strategies for Genuine Health without Prescription Drugs

March 22, 2024 Martha Season 1 Episode 8
Ep #8: Empowering Strategies for Genuine Health without Prescription Drugs
Midlife Madness Podcast
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Midlife Madness Podcast
Ep #8: Empowering Strategies for Genuine Health without Prescription Drugs
Mar 22, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8

Embark on a journey of discovery with us, as Jeremy Wolf and I tackle the critical issue of misusing diabetic injections for weight loss and offer you a holistic blueprint for sustainable health. The quest for a leaner physique is riddled with quick fixes and shortcuts, but the risks they pose to metabolism and muscle mass are too great to ignore. Peeling back the layers of this worrisome trend, we shed light on how such practices can lead to a damaging cycle of weight gain and the often-overlooked importance of nurturing your body correctly. As someone who has seen the effects firsthand, I bring cautionary tales from the healthcare frontline, emphasizing that true well-being isn't just about shedding pounds—it's about feeding your body and soul with what they genuinely need.

In an era where fad diets and temporary solutions are the norms, we're thrilled to share our experiences with Inspire Weight Loss, which boasts an impressive 89% success rate in helping clients achieve lasting change without the crutch of prescription hormones. Hear about the shift towards empowering people with the knowledge to eat smart and boost their metabolism naturally. As we build up the excitement around Oprah's latest health strategy and our own success in content creation and event promotion, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at the world of health influencers. And as we anticipate future collaborations, we're more motivated than ever to expand our impact, guiding our listeners toward a lifestyle that's not just effective, but authentically enriching. Join us for an episode that's as informative as it is inspiring, where the only thing you'll lose is the weight of misconceptions about health and wellness.

To get your journey started, visit:  https://inspireweightloss.com/

or contact: (954) 837-8811

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Embark on a journey of discovery with us, as Jeremy Wolf and I tackle the critical issue of misusing diabetic injections for weight loss and offer you a holistic blueprint for sustainable health. The quest for a leaner physique is riddled with quick fixes and shortcuts, but the risks they pose to metabolism and muscle mass are too great to ignore. Peeling back the layers of this worrisome trend, we shed light on how such practices can lead to a damaging cycle of weight gain and the often-overlooked importance of nurturing your body correctly. As someone who has seen the effects firsthand, I bring cautionary tales from the healthcare frontline, emphasizing that true well-being isn't just about shedding pounds—it's about feeding your body and soul with what they genuinely need.

In an era where fad diets and temporary solutions are the norms, we're thrilled to share our experiences with Inspire Weight Loss, which boasts an impressive 89% success rate in helping clients achieve lasting change without the crutch of prescription hormones. Hear about the shift towards empowering people with the knowledge to eat smart and boost their metabolism naturally. As we build up the excitement around Oprah's latest health strategy and our own success in content creation and event promotion, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at the world of health influencers. And as we anticipate future collaborations, we're more motivated than ever to expand our impact, guiding our listeners toward a lifestyle that's not just effective, but authentically enriching. Join us for an episode that's as informative as it is inspiring, where the only thing you'll lose is the weight of misconceptions about health and wellness.

To get your journey started, visit:  https://inspireweightloss.com/

or contact: (954) 837-8811


Okay, let's get into it.

Jeremy :

Welcome to the Inspire Weight Loss Davy podcast. Drug free, sustainable, life changing weight loss. Here's your host, martha Savloff.


Hello, hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the Inspire Weight Loss podcast. I'm your co-host, jeremy Wolf, joined by your host, martha Savloff. Martha, good to see you again.


Good to see you.


Yeah, it's been a minute, as they like to say, since we've gotten together and I know I've been hearing a lot about. I thought a good topic for today is something I've been hearing about diabetic drugs or diabetic injections that are now being used by people off-label for weight loss.




And I know that that's really near and dear to your heart, because what you do is you focus on a completely holistic approach to getting healthy and transforming your life through the various programs you offer at Inspire. So I thought you could talk a little bit about what's going on there and just throw out some warning signs and explain why people shouldn't should go without saying, right, shouldn't be using a diabetic injection to curb their weight loss, right.


Yes, oh man, that's the question of the year. You don't know how many times I get this question. Knowing people, knowing that I am an advocate for weight loss and I'm an advocate for natural weight loss, and they're asking me about these drugs, I gotta tell you, first and foremost, I want to say that I am not anti-antimetrical. I come from the medical field. I was a healthcare administrator for over 15 years, so I have doctors in my family.


So I am not anti-medical, but I do believe that there's a place for everything, right.


And so these diabetic injections are being used off-label for weight loss, you know, like the old Zephyx and the Manjaros and the Wigobis and the Zepham now, and there's a couple of different ones, and people are using them no matter what their BMI is, no matter how much fat mass they have to lose, and that's the issue here is that people are using them to lose weight when they don't even have a chronic disease that is directly correlated with these drugs.


So what I mean by that is initially, these drugs are produced to help diabetics, right? These drugs help your body produce insulin and, as a result, your glucose levels come down. So what they find is that it helps the diabetics with their glucose levels, but it also helps them lose weight, right? So when they when all that came out, it's like, hey, wait a second, now we can use these drugs off-label to lose weight. The problem with this is that it not only does that to your glucose levels with the insulin, but it also slows down your digestive system. So these drugs are not a weight loss program, these. They're basically an appetite suppressant.


Yeah, not not that similar to taking some kind of a, a in fetamine base or speed based medication for diet loss, right? I think I took something many, many years ago. I forgot what it was called it was. I went to Hi thank you, dean, exactly it was one of those and again it had like the sketchiest feeling ever, like yeah, it made you not eat, but man did I feel like horrible when I took that medicine.


And that's a good point. These drugs have been around for a long, long time.

Jeremy :

There's always a new one, over and over and over again, right.


The next best thing, but the problem is that at the end of the day, it's an appetite suppressant.


It's a band-aid.


Yeah, it's a band-aid. So what's happening? No-transcript People that again, are not diabetic for taking these medications and and that's a problem you know they can be a long-term clinical risk to that. Why are you messing with your body and your organs?


Number two, talking about organ, your gut is your second brain of your body. You don't want to mess with that. You do not want to slow down Digestion just because you want to lose weight. Number three when it does Suppress your appetite, then guess what people are not doing? They're not eating, and that's a problem in itself for two different reasons. Number one your bike can go in starvation mode.


So now, instead of losing weight or gaining weight, yeah, we did an episode on that before the counterintuitive yes, not eating and actually getting weight due to it a hundred percent.


That's what happened to me. I gained 60 pounds from not eating because I was so busy.


Number two, the issue that we're seeing and guys, I am so passionate about this because we see this every single day in my office One failure after the other after the other that come to us afterwards and say and say you know, I tried the injection and this, what? This is what happened. They lose weight, but what are you losing? Your weight consists of different components. You have fat, you have muscle, you have water. Right, there's certain things that you want to protect in your body. Muscle is one of them. You do not want to lose muscle mass, especially if you're like in your 30s and 40s and 50s, definitely not 60s and 70s, because naturally we lose muscle mass.


So what's happening is when you do not feed your body, your body needs to burn something and needs to eat off something to give you energy. So if it doesn't have the nutrients that it needs and the food that it needs to provide that to you, it is going to eat up your muscle mass. And that is what's happening with these people that are taking these injections and not eating Only not eating. You have to feed your body. So what's happening is that people are losing muscle mass and that's why you'll see people that their cheeks are going in the color fields epic face. They're they. They. They end up really flabby and and they're just losing muscle mass. And why is it losing muscle mass such a problem? It's because it's really bad for your metabolism. It's so bad there's metabolic damage. That happens when you lose muscle mass and then also, as we age, like I mentioned, we lose muscle mass naturally.


So don't remind me.


Why is it important to protect?


that because when we're older, we want to stay limber, we want to stay flexible, we don't want to get rigid In our retirement year if we want to try to enjoy life. So what's happening is that people are coming to us because if you go go on these drugs, you have to go stay on them forever. Stay on them forever and that's another problem. The minute that that appetite so present is not in your system anymore, people get angry and they start eating. And when they start eating, what happens? They gave the weight back, especially for people that they don't change their eating habits, so they're not hungry, and then when they actually eat, they still eat what they've been eating, right, so there's no habit change in there. So then they get it back quickly and it's not. It's not sustainable and that's why I'm so passionate about this.


On spreading the word out that Number one, I'm not anti, anti medical, believe me, I'm not. But there is a place for these drugs, these injections, and if you need to lose back, if you need to lose back right, there's a way to do it that you don't have to pump your body with these drugs and you can feed your body. You want to eat like you want to eat, feed your body and you can lose fat in a health, natural way, with no long-term risk and sustainable, and that's the message that I want to send out out there. The second thing to that, jeremy I'm gonna let you talk, but I'm so passionate about this.


I do have keep going, keep going.


The study show, then, on these drugs, people lose 10 to 15% of their body weight within a year. Right like in a year. Not within, but in a year. So, for example, I had a client the other day. She lost 30 pounds on Monjaro and they asked her how long did it take you? It took her seven months. So she lost 30 pounds in seven months and and you know that's a long time for us.


30 pounds for his fire. Weight loss is about eight to ten weeks, I Okay. So it's not quick weight loss with these injections, but what is quick is when they rebound. She had to get off of the medication because she was tired of being feeling nauseous all day. She was tired of just not feeling right. You know, how you said earlier, you had like an icky, weird feeling. People are living their life on a daily basis with this icky, weird feeling. Just to lose weight. You don't have to do that. You don't have to do that. So she got off of it. Within like two months, all her 30 pounds came back, plus, plus, because you get hangry. So you're like the food noise comes back. You didn't change your habits and now you're eating, eating, and now it just comes right back.


It's a downward spiral.


It is. It is Jeremy. So you've got to protect your muscle mass. You have to feed your body. You can get support, like we all need support in our bodies. Supplements is not a bad thing, but just be careful what you put in your bodies because you want it to provide life to you, not long term clinical risk or live your life nauseous. Who wants to walk around nauseous all day long? You know, if you don't have to right, and they're not cheap. The injections are not cheap. They're off label. You know they can be very expensive.


That's what I wanted to ask about and there is a big echo coming through. I'm not sure if you hear that. Oh, it went away. Okay, cool, maybe. Maybe I'm just hearing voices in my my own head. So it's off label. How are folks accessing medications like OZEMPEC and these other diabetic injections for weight loss? Is that something that they're going to a doctor, like a weight loss doctor, for and the doctor is actively prescribing them these drugs? And is that even safe? I mean, if it's not intended for that?


that is also another concern, jeremy. So what's going on is doctors prescribe the medications. If they qualify, some insurances will pay for it. They have to, really, you know it's it's not that easy, but some will. If not, they have to pay out of pocket. That's why it's so expensive, right? But then there are med spas and other providers that what they're doing is they're they're providing their patients with compounded semi-duty, so it's coming from a compounding pharmacy and not from a traditional pharmacy. So then they they're selling it that way. It's still prescription driven and everything, but it's coming from a compounded pharmacy.


So we don't know what's going to happen with that, because I'm sure big pharma is not going to be happy about that or is not happy about that. So so the point is it's like what do you do when you no longer can access these injections Like they're? You know, either they're they're not going to be covered anymore by insurance, or they're so expensive that you can't afford it anymore, or big pharma shuts down the compounding pharmacy to tell them hey, you can't produce these anymore. What are people going to do when they can't access injections because you've got to take it for life in order to sustain that weight loss? What are they going to do?


I mean it goes back to everybody wants a quick fix. We've talked about this before. I'm talking gratification, I'm guilty myself. Right, I suffer from.


All my life I've suffered from anxiety and all this kind of stuff, and it's it's so easy to take a pill, to take something, because they have this, they have amazing medicines out there that will serve the purpose in that moment. But again, it's just a bandit. It doesn't fix the underlying issue, the root problem, and it always ends up making you worse on the other side of it. So again, in any given situation, sure it'll make you feel better, maybe even for a couple of weeks or months, but long term it's not sustainable.


Same as the case with you know your diet and your health, and what you guys offer and inspire is really an avenue to change your habitual lifestyle, your habits, your things that are causing you to be overweight in the first place, causing you to feel unhealthy. And of course, this doesn't happen overnight, right, we're wired running on decades long programs in my mind, and if you want to change habits of eating poorly and not exercising, you have to work at it. And when you do the work on the other side of it, the reward is so much better than just taking a pill. And I know it's hard for people because in any given moment when you're dealing with it you're like I could just take this, I don't have to go through all that, right. But the other message to get out there is just to put the work into it and know that there is support out there for you and know that there are places you can go that can help you through all this stuff.


Yeah, and I'll be. I'll give you some history of Inspire. When I started Inspire Weight Loss in 2017, I actually started with ACG, which was a prescription hormone, and so I actually started that way and a couple of years in, I'm like what is that? You know what? What am I out to accomplish at Inspire? And it's really because I was the client like I was that person that was 60 pounds overweight and I was that person that kept the oiling and that kept doing the rebound thing over and over and over again. I'm like that's not what I'm set out to do. I want our clients to experience sustainable weight loss and that's what I'm offering myself personally too. So that's when I decided to go natural and we and as Inspire Weight Loss, we developed our own proprietary blend of supplements. So I understand that we do need our bodies, do need supplements to help us with weight loss, but it doesn't have to be some that can be potentially risky for you. It could be natural. We have a metabolic booster in our, in our program that helps gently stimulate your metabolism. That's how people lose half a pound to a pound per day of weight and we and we also protect the muscle, muscle mass. So I get all of the above, but at the end of the day, at Inspire, not only that, we gently stimulate your metabolism so you can lose the fat, but at the same time we're teaching you how to eat. And then, when you're done losing the weight, we're teaching you how to maintain. So our clients have an over 89% maintenance rates or percentage, because they're doing the work, their body is getting what they need to stimulate the metabolism, but at the same time they're learning how to eat, they're learning how to get an awareness of their body and how different foods you know their body, how it responds to different foods, and all of that information they take with them and they can keep their weight off. And so that guys like Jeremy said there's. There's really no miracle pill out there. Injection I don't give, whatever it may be. At the end of the day, everything under the sun requires maintenance. And when that injection is not available for you, or that tablet because they're coming out with different forms of it is no longer available to you, you're going to find yourself yoyoing back and you're going to find yourself with so much less muscle mass and when you started, then you're going to have to work so hard to build that backup. It is not easy, to build muscle mass, it isn't, and so that is, that is the message out there with this.


And last thing I'll say to Jeremy, because I can go on and on, we may have to do a part two on this, but I have a dear friend of mine that her whole entire life she has struggled with uncontrolled blood sugar.


She hurt she's, she's obese, she in in part of this because they cannot her doctors and herself, they can't figure out how to control this thing, and so she is the perfect candidate for this injection. So that's why I say there's, there's a place for everything, right, she is the perfect candidate for this injection because she needs it. She is. She needs to be able to control her insulin levels and her glucose levels, her, her sugar levels. That her and her doctor haven't been able to do that and she has a diagnosis. And if she doesn't, she's gonna be enough. She's gonna be in trouble later on. And you know what the sad part of it is, jeremy, that that her doctor prescribed this to her and she can't source it because they're on a stock she yes, so the people that actually need it can't get it, and then you have people that are just trying to Utilize a shortcut.


Somebody like me that I'm in this industry and I see it every single day of my life.




That's the message. You know. We can do it in a natural, healthy way and we can do it more effective. 30 pounds for entire weight loss is eight weeks. 30 pounds for these injections are Major year.

Jeremy :



You know so so worth it.


I think it's all it all goes back to and I can't preach this enough Just developing, and I say this that I kind of roll my eyes because I have my kids that are, you know, 12, gonna be 12 next month and 9, and I'm watching them grow up and inform their own Patterns, their own negative patterns and things that I look at and I think how much easier life is when you start off from an early age With the right eating habits, with the right health, exercise or the right routines, because if you start off that way, you're so much less likely to get Illnesses and diseases and things like that that come from a lot of these bad habits and a lot of these stress factors we have in our life. And now, at 44. I'm trying to unwind all these programs and it is Painful, yeah, and I struggle with it daily myself, and that's why it's so important to talk about this stuff and and realize that Everybody has issues like this.


Right this is part of being human right can have the light without the dark Without the light every single person, absolutely absolutely, and that's what that's why inspire weight loss exists To help people just like myself and you and everybody else, because we're really in this all together.


Absolutely well. We appreciate the great work that you do here in our community and how active you are, so it's always nice to get the message out. All right, Martha. Thank you always a pleasure to our listeners. Thanks for tuning in and we will catch you all next time. Everyone, have a wonderful day, take care and stay healthy out there.

Jeremy :

Thank you for listening to the inspire weight loss Davey podcast. To get your journey started, visit inspire weight loss comm or contact 954-837-8811.


I was good. You have to like stop me, jeremy, because I can get really passionate about something.


You're good, passion is good. It'll make for some good clips.


I'm actually going on tv. I believe it's channel 10. I'm doing a segment in studio with them about this, because Oprah just left Weight Watchers which weight watchers has been she's been an avid of eight white watchers and been on the board of weight watchers for decades and she just left weight watchers to To go and promote these injections.


Oh, yeah, alright. What do you do in the interview Um.


We're scheduling for the next couple of weeks Fighting stuff.


Yeah, let's schedule our next one. Why don't we?


I'm having dinner with Serge in the next week or so, are you?


I just texted him today. He's got back, he's he, you know he moved up to the villages.


He went to the old old land.


Old land country or old.


I know they told me when they were thinking about doing that, like, are you serious? I love them. They're, he's just a follow energy. Yeah, he's a good guy, he's just a follow energy, that guy.


Okay, so I'm going to do it Um. Thursday Okay, I'm going to do it. I had four recordings today and I I scheduled all of them for the same time, same place next month. Let's just do it again. I'll get them all done in one block. Okay, even though four, four recordings in the row is mentally exhausting, I'm going to do it. Let's go Okay. So how about same time?


I did it another time.


That's okay. Yeah, so I have nine eight.


Nine eight, that's a good thing Like eleven thirty, it's twelve.


Good for you it depends on what they which.


Thursday to eighteenth eleven thirty. Yeah, alright.


Perfect, that's good. Alright, put this in here, okay. Inspire, april 18th. Eleven thirty to twelve booked the article came out. Great, by the way. The love inspire love. Oh yeah. Yeah, it's a great issue.


We finished proofing it last week, oh I want to see it.


We put it on the inside front. Cover Nice the first thing you see when you open up Nice, you lovely party with all your photos and we did a little article on it.


So it's going to be really nice. Thank you, I'm I appreciate that a lot. It was a great event. It was a really good event. 80.


About 80 people. Next time, you know, I'm going to let me know, so I can well. First I can help promote it right, and then also I'd like to go and then come, do or actually experience it and then do it right up about it.


You know, yeah, thank you, thank you. I didn't even, I didn't even cross my mind, because I was stuck in the thick of all the.

The Dangers of Using Diabetic Injections
Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss Through Lifestyle
Scheduling Interviews and Event Promotion