The Business Lounge Podcast with Kimberly Ann Jimenez

S6 EP25: Not Making Enough Sales? Learn How To Optimize Lead Flow and Fix That Drop-off!

Kimberly Ann Jimenez

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Are your sales not hitting the mark? If you're ready to fill up your digital store with traffic and boost your conversion rates, this episode is for you! It will be packed with actionable insights and strategies to transform your sales funnel and achieve online business success. Don't miss out—hit play now and start optimizing your way to higher conversions and unstoppable growth! 


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Speaker 1:

And this is why we advocate for this over and, over and over again and why you're probably tired of hearing us talk about it, but it's true. It's true. It's true is we first have to focus on what?

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Business Lounge Podcast, where each week, we unpack the hottest online marketing and business strategies so you can grow your business, increase your bottom line and make a bigger impact. And now here's your host, kimberly Ann Jimenez.

Speaker 1:

What's up guys? Welcome back to the Business Lounge Podcast. Today, I want to talk to you about something that I literally just talked about inside of what we call our Business Lounge Insiders podcast. It's exclusive to the Business Lounge membership, but somebody already commented on it. One of our group coaching clients commented on it and she was like that made total sense. That was such a nice reframe and it helped me kind of have a better understanding of, like this digital space, of doing business online and managing leads and converting sales and looking at optimization and all the things that we do running an online business.

Speaker 1:

I think the problem is this most of us and maybe you identify with this when I say this most of us grew up in an era we remember when the internet wasn't even a thing. Right Like I'm dating myself here, but I'm trusting that several of you can align with that statement and I think we're still, as a society, we're still reeling with, like, what these digital assets are. You know, now we have digital currencies, we have NFTs, right, there's all these different terminologies and, truth be told, a lot of us we're still reeling to kind of wrap our minds around, and so what I like to do is I like to draw real world comparisons. I like real world analogies that help me identify what's actually playing out in a digital space when it comes to running an online business, right? So I'm going to give an example and then I'm going to tell you what we see most often. So we had a client, a one-on-one client, actually running and this has happened a couple of times running a webinar and she was super bummed. She made, I think, three or four sales and, by the way, it's like a $1,500 offer. So I would not have been bummed at all regardless, but she's super bummed. She put a lot of work and a lot of effort into this webinar and expected that it was just going to make a lot of sales, so super bummed. So I'm like let me see the numbers. How many people attended, how many registrations did you get? What was the show rate? How many people stayed till the end? How many people went to the cart? And so she sends over that information. I don't think she had looked at it to that point. I don't know that for sure, I don't want to assume, but I'm analyzing it. And here's the kicker Less than 75 people had attended that webinar. Now, I don't remember the exact math, but it was just under 5% conversions on the webinar. Now, to put that into perspective for a brand new offer and a brand new webinar, if you convert one to 3%, you're doing good Meaning. She shouldn't even made a sale likely yet with less than 75 people, one sale out of a hundred registrants would have been the norm for a new webinar.

Speaker 1:

Now she's up in arms and really disappointed and really bummed, and we see this all the time. We've actually had clients like to the point of like crying over same, similar situations not this particular situation, but similar situations. And we look at the numbers and it's like but you're measuring your success against subjectivity. There's no milestones, there's no set of realistic expectations. They don't understand that. That's actually good. Now, some of that is us and our job and that's why they're there, so we can educate them. But most people in that situation you know what they would do. They'll say webinars don't work. And maybe you've done that, maybe you have tried webinars and you're like oh my gosh, only eight people showed up and four people stayed. Oh my gosh, half the people left and then only two people went to the car and then only one person. We do that Right and we're like, but that's actually good numbers and we don't even know that. So here's the metaphor I gave and this is what you really want to focus on. So you can, and we call this, we call this optimizing top to bottom of funnel.

Speaker 1:

And so again, let's bring in an actual real life metaphor, and one I think that I, I you know, I live in in Kim and I live in the Austin Texas area, and so there's a lot of lakes that they've dammed up in this area, because there are no natural lakes, to my knowledge, in the whole state of Texas, like they're all man-made lakes for our water needs, right? If we didn't have that, we wouldn't have enough water to disperse to our citizens. So it starts with the Colorado River, which my understanding is it's the same Colorado River that runs through the Grand Canyon. That's just a random factoid, but that's pretty crazy to think about. So Lake Buchanan is out in what we call the Hill Country, so it's outside of Austin. That's the first lake, it's the first body of water, there's a dam there and then it goes back to the Colorado River and then the Colorado River runs into Lake Travis. Stay with me, I'm going somewhere with this, I promise. Then there's another dam, then it turns back into the Colorado River, then it goes to Lake Austin, then another dam, then it goes back to I don't believe it's Colorado River anymore, it might be still called whatever, but it goes through what we call Town Lake or Lady Bird Lake, which is actually downtown Austin. So there's four lakes separated with dams, and then there's individual streams, aka rivers like that run in between those lakes.

Speaker 1:

Right Now, here's the problem. Most people in that situation let's go back to the webinar situation they're analyzing the last lake. They're at Lake, they're at Lady Bird Lake or Town Lake and they're like of these drops of water that were in this lake, because we didn't focus on the other elements of actually filling up the webinar. We didn't focus on getting people to our website, onto our email list, getting them to opt in. So we're focused on the last body of water, but we're not focused on and we're measuring that success. The success of the whole campaign is measured on just that last component and we're analyzing it based on that. But there's just not enough most of the time. There's just not enough water there to discern real, true results. And so the first thing we want to do and this is why we advocate for this over and over and over again and why you're probably tired of hearing us talk about it, but it's true. It's true. It's true is we first have to focus on what we have to focus on getting traffic to our website.

Speaker 1:

Now you can convert people from social media you can to a webinar. It's the equivalence of and I've said this before it's the equivalence of the inflatable tube man or the sign guy, the guy that spins the sign out on the road. That's the equivalence in a real world of what social media is. You're getting a lot of attention. There's cars driving by. They're seeing your inflatable tube man, they're seeing your signs, but what's the likelihood, on their way to wherever they're going, that they're actually going to pull off and come into your store? It's low, in fact. On Instagram it's 0.22%. It's a fourth of 1% of people that leave and come to your website. So you're interrupting. It's called pattern disruption. You are interrupting a current behavior and you're hoping that it's compelling enough that they stop and they don't continue scrolling or just like and continue going or engage and continue moving and they actually take the time to go through your 30 or 40 minute webinar so that you can sell them on your $1,500 program.

Speaker 1:

We always say this nobody woke up today looking to go buy a course, nobody woke up today looking to join your membership, and so, yes, there are some people that will veer off the road and be like I got to have it, but we all know that's a small percentage. Now, the reason we like long form searchable content like a blog like Now, the reason we like long form searchable content like a blog like YouTube, is because what are they doing? It's somebody that woke up today and they got on the internet and they searched for something specifically. It's intent-based traffic. They're not just driving by your store and happen to see your inflatable tube man or your sign guy. They're specifically looking for something of what you potentially offer, and so there's intentionality there and that's huge right. So they're leaving to come to your store, not just having to casually see. Now it doesn't mean there's not a place for social media, because there is, and if you can align yourself with a lot of traffic, people will. It can create some brand visibility. So don't hear me when I say you should do one and not the other. But not enough of us are taking advantage advantage of the little hanging fruit of intention-based traffic intent-based traffic. So that's the kicker, because they're looking for something that aligns with what you sell. If you're doing your long-form content right, then it gives you the opportunity in your long-form content to say oh, by the way, I answered this question for you that you were searching for on the internet because I researched it and I know that's what people are searching for. And I've talked about how to do that in several episodes recently on our YouTube channel with qualifying your content using tools like Google Trends or Google Gemini or Uber Suggest to find what people are actually searching for.

Speaker 1:

There's no guessing involved. It's literally based on data. So we're filling up the website. That's the first lake. We're filling that lake, then the next. That first dam we have to break right. It's getting them into that first. They're on the website. Well, guess what? There's a lot of people that don't even get that. We have clients that get 20 to 25 people a week and they're wondering why their offers aren't converting. They're making more sales. I'm like you planted your flag in a desert. Nobody's finding you, nobody's coming here. That's your store. Your website is your store. It's your digital store.

Speaker 1:

Once we get that filled up and we have traffic, then we can cook, then we can do something with that, then we can actually move them in the direction that we want to move them, and we can do that with lead magnets. We can have a banner on our website then invite them to a free class. We can use that with our tabs that work with me, or free resources, or whatever right, there's a variety of different ways we can do that. But the amount of leads that we drive just organically from our content alone is enough for us to run a multiple six-figure business without any paid advertisement or any social media. When you see us do a promotion on a Black Friday, for example, you'll never see us focused on social media, because we have built such a strong lead flow and our big enough email list that we have already broached that first dam right, we broached that first, that first dam right. We've already got them from that first dam of traffic on the website onto our email list.

Speaker 1:

That's, those are leads. Those aren't just subscribers. We tend to do that. Followers, subscribers, no, those are humans that have decided to either follow you or they're leads that have now said I'm interested in this class, this resource, this, download whatever, or direct your offer, maybe a consultation, if it's direct, to signing up to work with you or figure out what your programs look like, or whatever, right? So that's the first one. We got enough traffic to the site, hopefully through organic blog, youtube traffic. Right, you got plenty of lead. You got plenty of potential lead flow. Then you break that first dam. Now they're joining your email list, they're coming to your class, they're attending your webinar, they're going through your three-day workshop, or you just gave them a lead magnet. Now you're trying to sell them a tripwire offer. Whatever that looks like for you is the next step. Then you're focused on those conversions. Okay, they're on the class. All right, let's assume the webinar situation. They're on the class. We got enough traffic. We're getting 100 people a week on this thing via paid organic traffic Sweet.

Speaker 1:

Now let's focus on what do we need to do to keep them on the webinar in the class? What's the show rate for the class? Did I get enough people to show up? Or am I getting people to sign up and then only 10% of people are showing up? Okay, let's master that. Okay, great, now I'm getting a 50% stick rate.

Speaker 1:

Our last webinar guys. We actually are charging now for classes, which is we're seeing that more and more where people are charging a nominal fee of like seven to $10 to attend your class because they're more committed. We had a 90% stick rate in our last three day workshop that we did, meaning 90% of the people that showed up stayed the entire time. If we got 75 people on the first day, like 69 of them stayed throughout the whole hour and a half. That's crazy. That's a really, really, really high number.

Speaker 1:

So there's a variety of ways you can go about doing that, but it starts with that focusing on and isolating one thing at a time. Right. Then we're focused on okay, great, let's focus on the pitch. How many of them, when they saw the pitch if you're doing a webinar situation like this just left? They left immediately as soon as you did the price reveal. Okay, there's something wrong with the pitch. I got the traffic. They're sticking in the class, they're engaged.

Speaker 1:

But, man, when I present that pitch, okay, let's focus on how you're framing this offer. Are you building value right? Are you stair them enough bonuses that counter their objections? Are you creating enough of an aha moment in the webinar that gets them really excited? Are you bridging the challenge they're facing into the transformation and then tying a transformation to your offer? Are you establishing yourself as a qualified guide, not just a hero look at me but like somebody that actually has and achieve what they want and has a path that you've done it for yourself, you've done it for other people and you can do it for them too. Those are the things that move people to buy. Those are psychological selling elements. In anything you do, whether it's a webinar or otherwise, it's those are psychological selling elements that you have to include.

Speaker 1:

But when you're trying to do all the things at once or you're just focused on the broadly speaking webinar performance, not going from top to middle to bottom of funnel strategically, you're measuring it against what A subjective reasoning. Oh, it didn't go well. Well, how do you? According to what, right? So finally, we make our way all the way down, where we're getting people onto the cart checkout page, onto the sales page, onto the cart checkout page, and then you're like hey, I'm getting X amount of people to register for the class. I'm getting X amount of people to stay the entire time. I'm getting X amount of people to click over to the sales page. I'm getting X amount of people to go from the sales page to the cart and I'm getting X amount of people to check out. I can see where this isn't working. This is where they're dropping off. This is where they're dropping off. This is where they're not checking out. Okay, what's wrong with your checkout page?

Speaker 1:

Sometimes and you'd be shocked we literally just had this happen we had an offer that was converting less than 1%. It makes no sense because it's a great offer. It's from our Trello videos, which you guys know. Kim has established herself very firmly in the Trello space on YouTube. She basically ranks number one for all the videos, or the vast majority of them, and it's a lead magnet that leads to a tripwire offer and that offer has, historically, it's great and it's very, it's very helpful, but it's always converted around less than 1%, which is not good on the cart, right, and we're like man, it's so bizarre, like, is it just YouTube traffic? Is there a way we can tweak the emails? And so we did the same thing. We did the same we were just telling you about. We're getting tons of traffic. We get just as much traffic to the cart as we do for some of our other offers that we pay for traffic to those offers. It's a true story. It's always converted really poopy by contrast.

Speaker 1:

So this past week I finally was like you know what? I'm going to take the time to tweak this offer. We get enough traffic. I need to fix this offer. It's just falling by the wayside. Let's attack this offer. Guys, that new offer is converting at 23% at the cart. That's a 23x increase in improvement and conversions. That's crazy. Now, average is 10% at the cart. Right, that's crazy. Right, I mean 90% of. That's crazy. Right, I mean 90 of people hit you, hit your cart page to check out and they don't complete their order. Now we can do retargeting or we can sometimes do cart abandonment, like see, these are all the little tweaks that we can make, but when you're trying to do them all at once and you're looking at it from a 30 000 point view, it's really overwhelming. How could it not be? You might be overwhelmed just listening to hear me talk about these things, but when you isolate them and do them one at a time, it makes things a lot easier.

Speaker 1:

So what we're doing is, with the particular client that we're now working on the webinar with is okay, let's figure out, let's go back. You're converting final webinar. We just need more numbers. So how are we going to fill that up? Well, she doesn't have time to go out and build a lot of long form content, organic content so she's willing to pay ads. Pay for traffic that's what the pros do. The pros pay for traffic. It's just what they do, and I'm not telling you to go pay for ads. You need a qualified guide to help you get through that process before you just go out spending money on ads. But it is a viable way to get traffic quickly. If it's a qualified offer, you can get traffic quickly. So that's what we're doing. But we're focused on one thing at a time.

Speaker 1:

So, in hindsight, if I could go back and have snagged this client before, I would have said okay, cool, can we tease a webinar? Can we do like a wait list for a class? Can we see if this is something people are interested in? Can we build some traffic sources to your website? Can we do a blog a week or YouTube video a week or both for the next six months and see if we get traffic while you're building this offer out and in the meantime, maybe do a basic iteration of this offer, meaning you're selling this in person. You're working one-on-one with clients in this capacity before you try to sell an online offering which is what we recommend, by the way is to kind of grow into that and do it.

Speaker 1:

Most people want to go directly to a digital offer before they actually have worked with anybody and there's just so much lost that you can gain when you work one-on-one with people or there's a basic iteration of what you do. But please don't trick yourself or fool yourself into not having mental frameworks to think about. This is what's happening in this space. I'm analyzing this objectively because I know I need to first fill my website, then get them to convert into something, then focus on what am I selling at that point? Right, whether that's through a triple offer, like I said, or getting them on a class and selling them on a higher ticket offer, or getting them just on a phone call and you can make it as simple as you want and then how am I converting them to my offer? And then are they converting?

Speaker 1:

From that point forward, make your life easier, because I promise you this You'll spend more time and stay in more more confusion and stay stuck longer than if you just went step-by-step, truthfully, you really, really will. So I hope that helps. That's a mental framework that I said. Like I said, I dropped to our um, our clients, inside of the business lounge membership and it seemed to resonate. I had people a couple of people comment on it. So let's focus on filling up your lakes and focusing on your conversions, meaning opening up those dams to flow them to the next body of water in which you have another opportunity to convert them to the next step top, middle and bottom of funnel. You do that and you will go far. Hope this is helpful and we will see you guys in the next one.

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