The Business Lounge Podcast with Kimberly Ann Jimenez

S7 EP1: More Followers, More Dollars? Think Again!

Kimberly Ann Jimenez Season 7 Episode 1

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Tired of chasing followers for financial gain? It's time to ditch the vanity metrics and focus on building a business that delivers real value. This episode exposes the pitfalls of equating followers with success and empowers you to prioritize purpose over ego. Get ready for a refreshing dose of encouragement, actionable insights, and strategies to help you break through and achieve lasting success. Let's redefine what it means to grow a thriving business!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Business Launch Podcast. I'm your host, Kimberly, Ann Jimenez and familia. I am back and I'm so excited because today we're going to talk about whether or not more followers actually mean more dollars in your bank account. Once and for all, we're going to bust some myths, we're going to talk about the data and we're going to talk also about why it's so important that you are crystal clear on what areas of your content marketing you need to be investing in to get the most return for your investment. It's going to be a good one. Let's get into it.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Business Lounge Podcast, where each week, we unpack the hottest online marketing and business strategies so you can grow your business, increase your bottom line and make a bigger impact. And now here's your host, kimberly Ann Jimenez. And now here's your host, kimberly.

Speaker 1:

Ann Jimenez. What is up, familia? I hope that you are having an awesome kind of back to school, back to business moment. You know it's September. Things are shifting. We're going into the most profitable time of the year. I love. I love the fall, because it's where we like most businesses quarter four, um, you know, entry into quarter four. Now we make the most amount of revenue all year long in this quarter and it's amazing. So I hope that you're also gearing up for things like black Friday launches, you know, Christmas sales, even New Year's stuff.

Speaker 1:

We start planning that way ahead of time because it's the time of the year to make it happen, and I think that that's a very timely concept that we're going to explore today with the whole idea right the more followers equals more dollars. Listen, I'm not going to name names. Not going to name names, but I was doing some digging for our next big content series that we're going to name names. Not going to name names, but I was doing some digging for our next big content series that we're going to be releasing here on the podcast. And, by the way, if you haven't filled out the advice form yet, I would love your thoughts on how we can make our content better, how, like, what questions you have, what you're struggling with when it comes to content, what are the biggest obstacles that you have? And if you click on the little text me link below this episode, you're going to be able to ask me your question directly via text, and it's super fun. I can't text you back, but I can give you a shout out on the episode which the next episode, which is going to be super fun. So I'd love to hear your questions. Make sure that you do that, because it's going to inform a lot of what we cover, and I want to make sure that I'm tackling your questions specifically Now.

Speaker 1:

As I was doing research for this next content series, I stumbled on this article by, you know, a big brand in the online marketing space, and the article had a headline that said more followers equals more dollars, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie. My Puerto Rican blood was pretty much boiling at that point. I sent the article to our team and literally said at team this is the crap out there from our competitors. It makes me furious, because here's the thing as a social media manager as an ex social media manager I spent a lot of time behind the scenes in social media campaigns running, uh, you know, big, big, big brand uh, kind of I guess the word is campaigns, social media campaigns. Um managed a $4 million marketing budget and I had all kinds of clients, from local real estate companies to student housing to online business owners, to like coaches and fitness experts, an art gallery, a roofing company. I did social media for plastic surgery clients, heart surgeons, eye doctors, you name it Like I did the whole like local scene. I actually worked with 52 clients before I even launched, like my on the online side of my business, because I wanted to get in there, I want to get in the trenches, I wanted to know what you know drove the move, the needle for businesses and what did not. And so I can honestly say that so many experts are still pushing this ridiculous idea that more followers automatically means more dollars, and I'm not going to judge you if you feel that way, like if you have believed that in the past. Zero judgment, because I've been there.

Speaker 1:

When I was in my social media manager era, I remember thinking like, oh my gosh, when I hit 10,000 followers, I'm going to be rich, I'm going to have tons of clients, I'm going to get like viral posts, a flood of engagement. I won't have to worry about where my next clients are going to come from, because I would have made it, you know, like that was the hill to climb. And so I worked my little butt off to hit 10,000 followers and help a bunch of my clients also reach that milestone, thinking like surely this is going to be the thing that puts me on the map, like I'm going to get so many leads, clients will be lining up to work with me. And I was heartbroken because that didn't happen. The 10,000 follower milestone came and went and my bank account didn't even feel it. Guys, like it did not even feel it. Of course I was so excited and I was so elated to get to that point. My ego for sure loved it, like who doesn't love a shiny follower count? Okay, but if I was being super real with myself at that point, I had to face the facts that after all that hard work, it didn't really move the needle Like I thought it would.

Speaker 1:

It took me a really long time to admit it, but I kind of felt misguided and kind of betrayed because that's what I was sold on the idea, like so many experts shared the idea of, like you needed to get to 10, like so many experts shared the idea that like you needed to get to 10,000 followers, and then the next milestone from there was a hundred thousand. Um, and so I kept thinking in the back of my mind, like, why am I putting this level of energy and effort into my content? Um, why am I like, chasing this vanity metric that? You know, at the time I didn't believe it was a vanity metric, I was still kind of drinking the Kool-Aid. But the back of my head, in the back of my head, like I was always thinking, the whole point of content marketing is to attract more buyers, not just more followers. You know, like what's happening here, something is not making sense.

Speaker 1:

On the other hand, my clients were totally ecstatic. You know. They loved the vanity, the ego, the excitement of getting to like 10,000 plus followers, a social proof. They felt like, you know, they'd made it. And it was funny because I often talk to our team and to our TBL members about how I feel like Joshua ushering our clients into the promised land of social media. That's what they believed. They were super happy with me, but behind the scenes, their sales were not going up. Their leads were not changing, their DMs were not like exploding. You know what I mean. It was kind of crickets.

Speaker 1:

And so I didn't feel right selling this idea even back then as a social media manager. This was 10 plus years ago. I didn't feel right selling this idea even back then as a social media manager this was 10 plus years ago. I didn't feel right about having the idea of like, hey, I'm going to get you X amount of followers and that's going to be the hype. And I knew I could make a lot of money. I knew I could sell a ton more clients in my agency if I just promised that I was going to get them to that milestone. They were obsessed. That was the thing that they wanted so badly.

Speaker 1:

And I understand why I get it. Because all we see on the other side of social media, like all we see right from the exterior, is like tons of engagement, people with big accounts, and we automatically assume that they're super successful, and sometimes that's true. Sometimes followers equal more dollars, for sure, but what we never see the part like the other side of the story that I was constantly seeing as a social media manager was the leads and the sales, the numbers, the data right, and no one really sees that part. When you're scrolling through Instagram, you're scrolling through YouTube, when you're scrolling through X, what you're looking at is literally 10 percent of what happens behind the scenes. This is not adding up what is going on, and so it's got me thinking. You know, I started this whole social media thing after I had helped build our first local business to multiple six figures and then seven figures down the line, and so we did that without a ton of followers. It was a local business. It was a local moving company and furniture installation company. We operated in 30 different states. It was a local business. It was a local moving company and furniture installation company. We operated in 30 different states. It was a lot. It was a lot, but I was.

Speaker 1:

I built that company alongside Chris and also, at the same time, got into marketing, launched my social media agency, worked in corporate for a while, partnered with another agency in town, and so I saw a lot of the behind the scenes, both the corporate level, you know, and the local level. Tons of different clients, big clients, small clients, successful clients, not successful clients and so I kept thinking why am I working so hard in my own business to push to these like big follower count numbers if it's not going to bring in more clients, if it's not going to bring. Looking back, I remember like desperately wanting a ton of followers, like the business, like the vanity inside of me, you know, wanted to get to that milestone. But the entrepreneur, the business owner, the person who had already been in the trenches and this is why I'm so grateful I'm so grateful, you guys that I really built a business before I even started doing social media for other clients and I didn't even start coaching until like five or six years later. Um, I really was in the trenches. You know I'm I pride myself in that because I'd saw a lot.

Speaker 1:

I did the thing and I wasn't. I'm not one of these marketing coaches that just like, has never built a business outside of. I'm not one of these marketing coaches that just like, has never built a business outside of, you know, the actual marketing coach business. That's not the case for me and I'm very, very, very grateful. You know, I had the moving company.

Speaker 1:

Then I launched my social media marketing agency. That was very much a local business before it turned into an online brand, and so that experience taught me a lot, and so the business owner inside of me, who had seen what it looked like to build a big business with small numbers not with a ton of followers through content, through marketing, through online, but not necessarily having a ton of followers kept pushing back Like, listen, hello, wake up. Who cares how many followers you have? I know you have a ton of social pressure to get to a certain milestone, but content is vanity if it doesn't make you sales. And so, of course, creating the content was fun, of course it was pretty and it was, you know, lighting up the creative side of me, and I love that feeling. But if I was going to spend hours and hours and hours to please the algorithm so that I could get to like X amount of followers, there had to be more to the content. Game Like this was going to become my career. You know what I'm saying. And so, even though everyone around me was still chasing that, more followers equals more dollars advice which, at this point, is over a decade old I have heard this from a very long time ago and it just I just to see it still being repeated. It's like guys, really, um. So anyway, back to the story.

Speaker 1:

I was in a place where I kind of was in a crossroad. I had to make a choice. Was I going to give in to the pressure to like look big online, or would I focus on creating content that would actually speak to my ideal clients and invest in building something real, something that was actually profitable, as in with receipts, cold hard cash, more clients, a real business? Not just I look like I'm successful, not just I have all these followers, but my bank account is like zero, just like the hundreds of influencers and content creators and online business personalities that Chris and I have coached. When we see their followers and we're like, oh my gosh, they have 250,000 followers, 500,000 followers, a million followers. And then when we start digging into their numbers, um, there's no profitability. Like there, it's literally pure, crazy, unhinged vanity. And then we start asking questions like okay, how long can I remember this one specific client? Um, she's an artist and such a an amazing craft and so she builds these incredible sculptures.

Speaker 1:

Um, and she just went absolutely viral on Facebook, absolutely viral on Instagram. She grew her audience from like 5,000 to a quarter of a million super quickly and she was telling me like I'm so exhausted, kim, like I am spending at least 15 hours shooting individual reels, just one reel. And I'm like, what, like, what? Like? She was, you know, buying into the hype that, like you know, one day, if you get to a certain amount of followers, you're going to be able to make bank. And so she had this academy where she taught other people who were also into sculpting how to have, like, all these awesome techniques, and it wasn't even a very expensive um academy. But I was asking her like okay, how, like, how many people are buying your stuff because of these videos? These videos are incredible. You would think that she was making millions of dollars.

Speaker 1:

And, um, the opposite was actually true. She was barely profitable, um, and was so burnt out creatively because she was having to invest so much time and energy, you know, chasing this idea that more followers equals more dollars. And she had a business partner and I kept telling her like listen, this is not working. You need to throw away the influencer playbook. Like, you have to run this like a business, because that's who you are. Her competitors were just leaps and bounds ahead of her financially. She kind of, you know, figured out through their grapevine how many members they had in their academy, and it was just this heart crushing moment for me, because she had been drinking the Kool-Aid. Her business partner was drinking the Kool-Aid and it was so ingrained in her that it almost drove her completely out of business.

Speaker 1:

And so I remember having that exact same cross point, you know, crossroads point where I was like, look, even if my audience stays pretty small and all my competitors are preaching and teaching the exact opposite of what I'm preaching and teaching, like, I need to make the choice. And, of course, as a social media manager, I felt so much pressure to like, keep growing and growing and growing my audience, because that's the social proof, right, that what I do is real. And so, um, I kept thinking in the back of my head, like, but why? Like? For what? So that people respect you, you know, so that people respect you, you know, so that people like, do the little clap from afar and think that you're, you know, the boss but you're not actually making money behind the scenes, like that's being a fraud. That does not make any sense. And so for me, the choice was really hard, because I wanted the clout, like, I wanted people to see that my follower count, um, you know, was growing and growing and think like, oh my gosh, she's made it. You know like I want that.

Speaker 1:

But I also really knew that deep down inside, god was not calling me to chase vanity metrics. He had a bigger plan. And the thing is, if I had given in to the follower game, I would have been spending all of my time and energy trying to please the algorithm, not fulfilling my purpose. And so fulfilling my purpose was way more important to me. I knew that I was meant to work with the right people, even if it didn't mean that I was going to be famous, even if it didn't mean there's going to catapult me into like big name status, you know, and I would one day have like the stadium full of people and I would give like my tech talk and have like an amazing dance party and it would be so cool to have a conference. And, um, that was just not what God was calling me to and that was hard. That was hard. It's still been hard, like even though I made that decision years and years ago. It's still hard today. It's something I'm having to choose every single week to focus on. Nope, you're not going to focus and chase the vanity metrics. Nope, your ego is not more important than the mission. Your ego is not more important than the mission. No, you do not get to invest all of your time and energy chasing something that is absolutely going to lead you to insanity. Because, at the end of the day Chris says this all the time when the bank dries, the dream dies. Sorry, I butchered that. Let me say that again when the bank dries, the dream dies, and that's so true.

Speaker 1:

I was meant to serve people who were real business owners, who were in the trenches. I was not called to be a hero brand, you know. I was not called to be, you know, just like taking selfies on a yacht in the middle of nowhere because I'm like this traveling influencer. I was not called to the fame and the accolades. I was called to do the work. I was called to talk and teach and train and serve and coach the people that God had for me to do and to coach.

Speaker 1:

And so in that moment, I made up my mind, right then and there, to say no, thank you to the vanity metrics, to focus instead on creating content that would help me not just look popular but actually be profitable. You know what I'm saying? Like, there's a big difference there. That's why we coined the term profitability over popularity. And people get mad at me. I get hate mail. We get hate mail all the time because people are like I know you're right, but like I, literally this one girl recently was so funny. She emailed I know you're right, but I just I just can't deal with the word profitability. It just doesn't sit right for me. And she's an influencer slash creator and I was like, of course it doesn't, because that's not how you've been programmed.

Speaker 1:

If you go to YouTube, the amount of content creators who are just killing themselves producing incredible, beautiful content but are not monetizing that content is absurd. It's actually absurd. But are not monetizing that content is absurd. It's actually absurd, like it's it's. It's actually kind of scary to me to see this trend of creators who are just producing incredible content and then they're they're like they have products, they have services, they are a business, but they're like almost scared to share that in their content. They're like still taking um brand deals, still still taking, still relying on you know, adsense revenue to make it on places like YouTube. It's like they're shying away from being entrepreneurs. Like that's like a bad word, you know, like you've, like I don't know like it's a cop out and it's like that's so sad, man. It's so sad because here you are literally doing the hard work to grow other people's businesses. Like that's what ad spots are, that's what brand deals are. Like you're sending so much business their way instead of you advertising your own services, advertising your own products, you actually being the business owner who creates incredible content and guess what? That content helps catapult your business. It's completely backwards because we've totally bought into the influencer playbook.

Speaker 1:

And so, guys, I'll tell you I have zero regrets. Zero regrets Because, fast forward 10 years, we have served 33,181 customers, we built two seven-figure businesses before I even turned 30, and I have never looked back. Sure, there's times where my ego hurts because I'm like, oh, we should have way more followers than we do, but the reality is we have a real business, we have a growing business and it's a business that I'm so freaking proud of. I look at our clients, I look at our members inside the business launch, I look at our group coaching clients inside TBL plus, and I am blown away by the level of impact, the amount of testimonials that come in every week. We have, like our team has a chat thread Um like. It's basically like a Slack channel, um, and that's where we share all the wins and every single week our clients are having breakthroughs, like they're building real businesses. They're pulling, um, you know, their entire families out of poverty. They're actually moving the needle in their brands. They're they're breaking through you know they're breaking through you know crazy revenue milestones. They've been stuck maybe at, like you know, $3,000 a month and then they're like breaking through and growing that. We just had a client who was literally doubled her prices and went from charging $2,000 for a website design to $5,000. And her clients are not even balking at the price. At the price point, that alone has like 5x her business um.

Speaker 1:

We have another client who had been at, you know, the, the quarter million dollar milestone for a long time, for years. He's just now breaking through um and is having the best months he has ever had. He's been in business for six years, always made multiple six figures, and now he's like on his way to seven um in a downturn economy. Right now he's having his best months he has ever had, which is absolutely crazy. So that is worth more than gold to me. That is worth so much more than the Vandy, the ego stroking.

Speaker 1:

You know the clout of saying, ooh, you know, I have like a million followers, which would be amazing. I'm not going to lie, like that would be so cool, but it's not the most important thing. And so you have to know what the most important thing is. If not, you're going to be like a ship with literally no compass, just you know, at the mercy of the seas, like drifting from one place to the other without a clear path, and you don't want to be that way. It's not a good way to grow a business. It's definitely not a good way to run your business. It will definitely lead you to chaos and stress, and you don't want that. So, listen, I want to make something really, really clear.

Speaker 1:

I am not saying that getting more followers is a bad idea or that social media is a waste of time. It's not. You know, followers aren't bad. They're actually great. We want more followers. What we want to be super careful of is thinking that more followers automatically equals more dollars, because it's not true. It's a straight up lie. In fact, I was looking at some research from Sprout Social and it was so interesting kind of how they put it. They emphasized that high engagement rates were way more significant predictors of revenue than follower count alone. A smaller account with higher engagement often sees a better ROI compared to a larger account with minimal interaction, and that is even more proof of what is happening in the influencer world.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you right now, the rise of the micro influencer is here. Like we're seeing brands pull completely back from celebrity accounts and focus their ad dollars where it counts in a downturn economy. That's where you actually see what's working. You know everyone is winning. Everyone was winning in 2020. Everyone was winning in 2019. Like you could make money off anything. Like it was crazy. Brands were, um, you know dropping money. Like it was ridiculous how much money they were dropping on influencers. And that's a smart predictor of what business. You know how business is moving because those are businesses. Now the economy got hard. Twenty twenty two hit. Twenty twenty three got harder. Twenty twenty four has been even harder than that and we're seeing brands pull completely out of the influencer game or follow and only invest in micro influencers. Why? Because relationships. That's the most important part.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not saying that you shouldn't actually want to grow a large following, but what I am saying is that business is not so much about quantity as it is about quality. If you can get 10,000, 100,000, even a million quality followers who actually want to buy from you, amazing congratulations, you should do that. But you should never, ever, ever, think that you have to reach this artificial follower count or a milestone to grow a wildly profitable business. I have business owners in my small business coaching group right now I should say ours, because it's not just mine anymore in TBL Plus who have a very small follower count or no followers at all, by the way. They're leveraging other people's audiences and they're running six figure businesses. Okay, so it's possible, it's real. I have seen it for the last decade. After coaching thousands, tens of thousands of small business owners and entrepreneurs, I can tell you it is a hundred percent about the relationship, it's not about the quantity.

Speaker 1:

So what I want you to vow and what I want you to take away from this episode is that your time and your energy are limited and they are precious. Choosing to invest in cultivating an audience of people who are your ideal folks and can't wait to hire you or buy your products is a way better use of your time than chasing followers for the sake of being popular. We are shifting this narrative. We are not going to people especially women, because that's the majority of our listeners who are just going to chase vanity. We're going to be women of wisdom. We're going to be women who steward their time and their energy wisely, who think about okay, how do I explode my visibility and my sales without being a slave to the algorithm?

Speaker 1:

Here's a really cool part when you start focusing on creating content for your ideal clients content that speaks to their problems, content that gives them more answers, not just more information the follower part just comes organically. You won't even have to hustle for it. We don't have a huge follower count on YouTube. It's never something that I've chased after, but it's decent. We have about 85,000 subscribers at the time of this recording and you better believe I have my eyes set on 100,000, but not at the expense of my relationship with my subscribers, not at the expense with my relationship with my clients and my members, because I have a whole business behind YouTube. Youtube is just one of the tools that we use to market, but it's not our business and it will never be our business. You know we have way more If you think about it. We have about what 40% of our subscribers on YouTube are customers. Like that's a big deal. We have three times more customers and we have Instagram followers and I'm freaking proud of that number, because it's not about the number, it's about the impact. And so when you focus on the right things, the cool part is like followers will come. You won't even like have to hustle for them, and I love that because, at the end of the day, here's the thing, and I tell this to our coaching I was literally just on Voxer with one of our coaching clients and I was telling them listen, I love getting more followers, but I like making an impact and getting paid for it even more. So don't sweat your follower count and definitely don't believe the lie that more followers just automatically means more dollars, because it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

You need to focus on attracting the right people and serving them with phenomenal content that leads them to the sale, that primes them seamlessly for the sale, because, at the end of the day, this is a reality. Your work really matters. You have a God-given assignment and that assignment matters. The people that you are meant to serve, they're waiting for you and don't forget, this is way more than just content or marketing. It's about stewardship. It's about multiplication. God gave you gifts and the people that you're meant to serve are out there.

Speaker 1:

So you need to be smart with your time and energy if you want to break through and make content that actually drives your business forward, content that attracts the right people, content that gets you a lot of engagement but also gets you sales. Content that makes people be like, hey, I want to buy from you, how can I hire you? How can I get in your world? Those are the kinds of DMS that I get all the time on Instagram. Those are the kinds of emails we get all the time the chats, the social media messages you know, comments, but also the text messages. There's all like sales process happening behind the scenes that no one actually sees, because they're all just. You know they don't have access to the behind the scenes, right, they're just seeing the content that we put out, and so it's so important that you choose rightly and you invest the time and energy that you have in the right places. It'll make the biggest difference.

Speaker 1:

And so, listen, familia, I hope that you're enjoying this episode. Would you text me and let me know again that link underneath, whether you're listening on Spotify or listening on Apple podcasts or you're listening, um, you know, on the podcast app or on, uh, I don't know. There's like a million podcast players. There is going to be on all those players a link below this episode that says text me, let me know. I want to hear your thoughts. I'd love to read them in the next one, because this is kicking off our brand new content series where I'm going to be answering your top questions around content marketing, around creating content that actually drives the needle in your business, that makes you sales, that helps you close clients, because we're about building real businesses in this house.

Speaker 1:

All right, and I am I don't know if you noticed, but listen, I am in my like, tell it like. It is era. I've been in that era behind the scenes for a long time, but that energy is just coming out in the podcast, coming out on the YouTube, and I'm just. I just don't have time. I don't have time, and you don't have time to work on strategies that don't work, that don't make you money, that don't move the needle forward, to work on strategies that don't work, that don't make you money, that don't move the needle forward. Okay, so we are really excited about this series.

Speaker 1:

Make sure that you hit that subscribe button. Don't forget to sign up for our emails If you haven't already. There's going to be links below all the things in this episode. You are alerted when the next episode drops. It's going to be episode number two in this series and it's going to be a good one. We're going to talk about again answering some of those questions that you've been asking about content creation and also how do you build, like, a profitable content plan? How do you actually create content that moves the needle? Ooh, we're going to talk about all of that and so much more.

Speaker 1:

I am hyped, and so I love you. I will see you in the next one. Don't forget what I said earlier your work matters. Right, you are in this earth. God placed you on this earth to share your gifts and your talents with other people, to serve at the highest level and to build a profitable business from the standpoint the biblical principle of multiplication. And I'm just. I'm here for it. I can't wait to see you crush it and break through, and I will catch you in the next one. Un beso, bye for now.

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