The Business Lounge Podcast with Kimberly Ann Jimenez

S7 EP2: Your Profitable Content Blueprint: A Practical Guide To Attracting More Buyers From Your Posts + Free Template!

Kimberly Ann Jimenez Season 7 Episode 2

Text Me A Question!

What if you could transform your content strategy to not only attract your dream clients but also substantially boost your revenue? In this episode, we're spilling the tea on the Profitable Content Blueprint, a six-step strategy that'll turn your content into a cash cow. We're talking about reverse engineering your sales process, setting clear profit goals, and building relationships that last + a free template so you can download and implement right away!

Plus, we've got some juicy listener questions and an exciting announcement about uncovering your God-given business purpose. So, grab your notepad, and get ready to transform your content strategy!


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🔗 How To Build Content Connection Points
🔗 How Many Posts Do You Need Per Day?


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✅ Chris: @heycmh

✅ The Business Lounge: @thebusinessloungeco

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Speaker 1:

Familia, this episode is going to be TheMomcom. If you've been following our profitable content series, this is episode number two and we are going to be chatting all about how to actually create a profitable content game plan. That's right. We're going to talk about how do you reverse engineer the process of selling through your content not just chasing algorithm, not just chasing followers. Not just chasing followers, not just getting more engagement, but actually attracting buyers, as in cold, hard cash for your bottom line. It's going to be an awesome episode that you're going to want to save and refer to and even share it with your business friends so that they can also start generating a lot of revenue from their content, instead of just chasing vanity, right Chasing and dancing for the algorithm. We don't want to do that. We want to get really specific and profit on purpose.

Speaker 2:

So let's get into the show welcome to the business lounge podcast where each week, we unpack the hottest online marketing and business strategies so you can grow your business, increase your bottom line and make a bigger impact. And now here's your host, kimberly Ann Jimenez.

Speaker 1:

All right, familia. So if you have been catching up with our previous episode, we talked about how this whole idea, this whole notion that more followers equals more dollars, is totally upside down and, more importantly, what you should be focusing on instead. I gave you three specific action stabs, three areas to focus your time and attention. That will definitely generate way more ROI than simply chasing more fame, more popularity, without having the intention of attracting more clients and customers, and so the response to that episode was actually pretty amazing. If you have not caught you know that episode, definitely check it out. We'll link it below in the description box. But so many of you wrote in. You asked questions. You had, you know, ideas for future episodes, and two of the people who wrote in I absolutely loved. I wanted to give Lisa and Alison a shout out, and Lisa wrote in and said hello, kim, nice to meet you over here. I've been following you on YouTube for a while and your videos have helped in my work for social media content creation and management For contacts.

Speaker 1:

I've been working as a freelance virtual assistant for some years doing content creation work and I've been transitioning to social media management. In the long term, I'd like to scale up and offer services for content marketing and strategy. However, I'm currently feeling stuck with my services. I mainly work on Instagram management and I'm overwhelmed with keeping track of account and content metrics. I'm constantly hustling to create valuable content that drives traffic for my clients and trying to stay updated with the latest trends and algorithm changes. My main struggles are content creation that reaches potential customers, making it difficult to convert followers, viewers into customers, slash profit for my clients, and I'm also not sure how to optimize the account metrics. So, lisa, this episode I'm going to go, and actually I know our team reached out to you and we mentioned that we'd love to feature you in our upcoming Dear Kim series, where you have a bunch of really great questions I'd love to answer in more detail, but this episode is going to be foundational for you because it's going to answer the first two questions that you sent over how do you actually create content that reaches potential customers? How do you actually convert that content from just you know more views, more traffic to actual leads and sales? Thank you so much for writing in. This was such an amazing question and we're going to cover a big part of it in today's episode.

Speaker 1:

Now, I also had some fan mail from the lovely Allison. Allison, I love you, I know who this Allison is and she's part of the business lounge and has been for a long time and I love this request and we're definitely going to talk more about it. She says can you do an inspirational series on how we have a God-given purpose for our business? It is so inspirational when you bring that up and I feel super motivated to work, kind of like Kaz from the Clutter Bug who makes inspirational podcasts to help people clean. Lol, I love it Absolutely. That's a really great idea. I ran it through our team and we all agree that is such an awesome episode series that we want to create. So stay tuned Once we switch out from our content creation, we're going to tackle our dear Kim and then we'll go into our purpose driven series towards the end of the year as we get ready to ramp up, you know, for, like new year, new business plan, new content marketing.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be awesome. So thank you guys so much for listening to the podcast. If you have questions, if you have suggestions, there's going to be a link below this episode on any player that you listen to, whether it's Apple Podcasts or Spotify or any other player, like the podcast app, and it says text me a question and if you click there, it's going to actually take you to a text messaging service that directly lands on our inbox and that way we have a two-way conversation. It's not just, you know me like hoping that this content is resonating. I see the downloads, which is awesome, but that's the only thing that I have to go off of to see if it's something that you guys are interested in. So highly, highly, highly recommend tuning in and also asking questions via that fan mail. It inspires me, helps me to keep motivated and it does Chris too. Plus, I'd love it if you shared these episodes with a good business buddy, a good business friend.

Speaker 1:

Listen, these are things that we have experienced and coached thousands of people through. Over 33,181 customers we've served so far, and I cannot tell you how, like. 90% of those people have expressed to us their frustration with content creation. And this is why we're creating this series because we want to be able to help give people hope, help give them a different outlook on content creation what it should look like versus what it actually feels like when you're scrolling on the newsfeed, when you're scrolling through the algorithm and you're comparing yourself as a small business owner, as an online entrepreneur, to all of these influencers, all of these content creators, right, who make content that is astronomically amazing. I mean, they're shooting from multiple camera angles, they have like ultra aesthetic backdrops or, if they're not, they're like incredibly funny, incredibly charismatic, and it's hard to compare yourself and not feel incredibly intimidated.

Speaker 1:

You know, I hear from entrepreneurs as well as business owners in our coaching groups constantly, as well as you guys who write in and subscribe to the podcast, where it's intimidating out there. It's kind of intimidating to create content, especially because you're putting out you know your work into the world to be criticized, but at the same time, because you're putting out you know your work into the world to be criticized but at the same time, there's also a lot that has changed the last probably four to five years in the business space and the online business space, where we've shifted right completely into thinking that, for some reason, we have to imitate, as small business owners, what influencers are doing and what content creators are doing, because that's who dominates the platforms, right? That's what we're seeing constantly, and so, of course, we're going to model that there's no shame and there's no judgment. But I want to show you a better way. I want to show you how you can actually own your content game as an entrepreneur. Business owners like show up unapologetically as yourself, and book more clients and customers.

Speaker 1:

At the end of the day, we're doing content creation for one purpose we want to serve other people and we want to close more business. We're not doing it as a hobby. We're not doing it because it's an artistic expression. We're not doing it because it's fun and it's cute and it makes us feel good and it boosts our ego and gives us a dopamine hit although all those things can be good, right. We're doing it because we have a mission. We have a purpose.

Speaker 1:

To Allison's point right, we were put on this earth with a God-given mission. He's given us gifts that we are to use in the service of others, and that means that we need to get really good at being effective communicators, effective marketers, effective content creators that really intentionally speak to our ideal clients and our ideal customers, that make them, in turn, say hey, oh, my gosh, like I'm raising my hand over here because that spoke to me. I need more of you, I need more of this, I need more of that. How do I get into your world? How do I buy? How do I book right? How do I make a purchase? That's what content is supposed to do. It's supposed to build a relationship, serve people at a higher level and welcome and call up the people that you are meant and called to serve. That's so important, and I think we've lost sight of that, as we've gotten kind of lost right In this idea that content creation is something that we have to constantly put out for the sake of looking popular, famous, fill in the blank, right.

Speaker 1:

Whatever that is for you, whatever that is that you feel your Instagram feed is calling you to do, whether it's documenting your life or feeling like you have to show up as someone who you are not, or maybe it's. You know, feeling the pressure to just put out perfectly curated posts that reflect your work can be challenging and stressful and hard. So we're going to take all of that away. Today. We're going to talk about how do you actually have a plan for creating content that is a profit focused and when I say profit focus, a lot of um, I'm just going to say it like it is, guys, I'm just going to say it. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I hope that you give me grace on this one, but we've gotten real soft, like we just gotten soft when it comes to the word profit. Like Ooh, what is profit? I don't, that doesn't sit well with me. I get people telling me that all the time. I'm just like grow up y'all, like get a clue. We are in business. You have pun intended. No business calling yourself an entrepreneur or small business owner If you think the word profit is icky. You think the word profit is icky. Grow the heck up. Like, in what world is that supposed to be a bad thing?

Speaker 1:

Now, our culture has indoctrinated us into thinking that profit is a problem, and it's not. Profit is a vehicle. Okay, it's how you actually affect change in the world. And the reality is that stems into money, mindset problems and the idea that you actually generating an income as an exchange of value, because you're helping other people, because you're giving them breakthrough, is an issue, is a problem. It's like you selling out and it's like no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Let's be very clear Profit is an exchange of value.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we've gotten into this horrible habit in our world to think that you know companies that make it and are profitable are greedy and sometimes they are like there's awful companies and there's awful business owners. There's awful entrepreneurs who don't have any integrity and are selling snake oil and are tricking people into doing business. But listen, that never ends well, that never actually works sustainably for a long period of time. And the reality is that money and profit is neutral, right, it just matters who it's in the hands of. So, if it's in the hands of someone who has integrity, it's a vehicle for positive impact and change and lifting people up and creating opportunities and jobs and creating financial stimulus in our communities. If it's in the wrong hands, then it is a tool for destruction. It can be a tool for destruction, but we have to heal our relationship with money, our relationship with profit, before we're actually ready to build a business, a profitable business, and so we're gonna talk more about money mindset.

Speaker 1:

And how do you actually jump out of this crazy idea, right, this ideology? That's the word, the ideology that's become super popular right now, to say that profit is a bad thing. And of course, of course we don't want to be associated with greed and anything related to not, you know, running your business in integrity. But that doesn't mean that the word itself or the idea of profitability, is wrong. So we're going to talk about creating profitable content.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know that's a very long prelude, but I thought I need to address it because I've got enough people pushing back on this idea that we need to change y'all. We need to grow up, we need to mature as entrepreneurs. And so I have no problem because today I'm going to walk you through the profitable content blueprint. Yes, I said it profitable, and I'm unapologetically for profit. I think we all should be. If we're not, we're kind of in the business of having a charity, and that's fine if that's your game. But that's not what this podcast is about. And so let's talk about the six steps, right, the six elements of a profitable content blueprint. So I'm going to walk you through these and kind of give you ideas for how you could be implementing them.

Speaker 1:

But if you want to follow along with me, you want to actually download a fillable PDF that the team and I have created for you. Definitely text us the word blueprint. That's the word blueprint, as in B-L--498-2080. That's 866-498-2080. Again, that's the word blueprint. And if you're in the United States, we will send an automated text message with the PDF link Now, if you're not in the United States, it's totally okay. Just message our chat over on our website, kimberlyinhumanistcom, and our team will send that out to you directly. This is because, guys, we don't have a landing page yet. This is brand new, for our podcast insiders only, and so this is kind of behind the scenes. When we have it ready, we will actually have a landing page for you guys, but for right now, I just wanted to do it quick and easy, and that's the easiest way of getting it to you.

Speaker 1:

So, number one, I want you to start with your profit goals. This is the first thing. Essentially, what we're doing here is we're reverse engineering the entire process of creating content and acquiring a customer right. This is called, in business terms, customer acquisition, and so, when we start with our profit goals, we wanna get clear on two things very important. Number one how much money do you want to make, right? How much money do you wanna make? This is different than how much money you're going to pay yourself, and I just got off, literally today, the entire profit plan workshop. This is I was teaching part two and I was talking to my members about how do you actually figure out your business finances.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to go into all the detail here because we just don't have the time. So you got to get in the business launch, but it's really important that you have an idea of what your business expenses are, how much you want to pay yourself, and that helps to inform how much money you want to be making every month and every year. Number two is how many customers you need to close to hit that milestone, and so you're going to do something really simple. I know sometimes numbers can be a little intimidating, but we're going to break it all down for you so it's super easy to follow. So we're going to pull out our handy dandy calculator and we're going to type in and have an idea of how much expenses, how many expenses we have as a business.

Speaker 1:

Let's say that that's a thousand dollars a month Roughly. This doesn't have to be to, you know, the dollar, to the cent or anything like that, just an estimate. And then let's say that we want to pay ourselves $6,000 a month as an example, right, this could be you want to pay yourself $20,000 a month, or $30,000 or $50,000 a month, or you might have a very you you know simple budget and you just want to pay yourself two thousand. Doesn't matter what your goal is, the strategy is still the same. So we have a total of seven thousand dollars. That's, at minimum, what we want to be making every single month.

Speaker 1:

Now the second important item to figure out is your offers. So that is step number two. But step number two ties in with step number one, because this is where we figure out what kind of offers do you have and what are those offers price points so that we can figure out how many customers you need to close every month or every year in order to hit your specific goal. So let's say that you're a service provider like Lisa and you charge a thousand dollars a month for social media management. As an example, right? We're going to divide that seven thousand dollar mark, right? Divided by one thousand, that means that Lisa needs to have seven clients every month, because social media management is usually a continuity offer, meaning she'll likely have clients who don't just sign up for the first month but pay her consistently $1,000 a month. Then she doesn't have to worry necessarily about signing new clients every month, unless a client cancels or their contract ends, right? So you want to figure out what your business model looks like For some of you.

Speaker 1:

You need to close at X amount of clients every single month in order to because you know your life cycle of a client is short. You need to close a client, maybe deliver on the project and then find a new client. Some of you have physical product businesses and so usually it's a one-time sort of purchase unless you re-engage the client, right. Some of you have memberships and so you are in the course creation kind of membership space and you know that you need to add X amount of members because you want to account for churn, and what churn means is basically how many people cancel every month if you have a monthly membership, for example. So you know that you need to. Let's say that you need to add 20 new members to your membership to kind of offset the 20 people that normally cancel, and that gives you certain revenue milestone.

Speaker 1:

This is how you reverse engineer this process of getting clear on your profit goals. How much money do you want to make, right? And then how much is your offer? Is it $100? Is it $200? Is it $500? Is it $25? Is it $25,000?

Speaker 1:

It really comes down to knowing your numbers, and I talk about this all the time because it's so cute. The numbers empower our profits. They empower our marketing. Without knowing the numbers, we're kind of just flying blind, and we don't want to do that. We want to be clear on why we're doing things, how we're managing our business and why we're creating marketing to begin with, and so I always like starting off the conversation about profitable content and profits period with numbers. What are your numbers telling you? This is also going to give you a lot of insight into how do you adjust pricing and what does that look like. But that's all stuff that we cover inside of the membership the business lounge and so I'd love for you to check it out. You can go to the business loungeco that's the business loungeco and see if we're open for a moment. We might just be and you might be able to get in there. We talk about all of these details how do you adjust pricing, how do you adjust positioning but I don't want to get into all of that right now. We want to stay focused on the blueprint, and so, as we head into, we understand our profit goals. We know right, what are, how many customers we need to close to hit that goal. Then we're going into the actual connection of our offers.

Speaker 1:

So this is the place where you're going to outline your offers and you're going to say, okay, so I have service A, service B and service C as an example. If you're a service provider, you probably have, you know, anywhere from one to 10 different services. Usually, I see a lot of the sweet spot being three, and so you want to outline that out with its price point Awesome. So you're clear on what your offers are. This is going to help you understand what you're selling and have that top of mind. Okay, I'm selling a service Awesome, maybe it's an SEO audit, maybe it's, you know, web design, maybe it's fitness coaching, maybe it's therapy. Whatever your service is, have clarity on the different things you offer, because we offer a lot of things sometimes and it's hard for us to remember. Oh yeah, like I probably should be promoting this one service or this one offer more consistently.

Speaker 1:

Now notice, I call it offers because offers are different than products or services, in the sense that you could combine, potentially, an offer you know that includes a service and a course like a hybrid offer. Right, we do that a lot in our business. We have services that also have a teachable component. So, for example, our one-on-one coaching clients inside of TBL Coaching. They get access to our group coaching tier, which is TBL Plus, and also the Business Lounge, which is our membership. A lot of that is educational and content related, so it's totally okay.

Speaker 1:

If you have courses, if you sell services, if you have physical products or a combination of all three, just outline them. This might actually sometimes people get stuck in thinking that they have to outline every single thing that they offer and all the add on menus. No, no, no, no, no. Think about top three. What are your most popular services, your most popular products, your most popular courses, and then stick to those instead of trying to promote every single thing that you do. It's just going to be a little overwhelming, if you think about it, to create content for every single service or offer that you have. Instead, narrow down on those top ones and then, as you get good at connecting your content to your offers and actually closing more clients, it's going to be a lot easier to add different things on and you're going to just kind of naturally be like oh, I want to promote this this month and I want to promote that this month, and that makes it a lot easier to you know kind of manage instead of going with every single one of your products all at once. Now, if you are a product basedbased business, you can expand this to more than just top three maybe your best sellers and, of course, you can post about other things, because you have more grace and permission to do that as a product-based entrepreneur than maybe someone who sells information, and so you're going to have more frequency and so you get to promote more offers.

Speaker 1:

But it's not something that there is necessarily a hard and fast rule. I usually tell people hey, start with your top three and then go from there. All right, so the next phase, the next step, is magnet. Ok, so how are you going to attract your followers and change the relationship from follower to lead, and do that intentionally? See, here's the thing.

Speaker 1:

There's this problem that I see all the time with content creation, and it's that there is no kind of next step for your followers or the people that find you on your YouTube videos or on your podcast, or on your blog or Instagram, tiktok you name it, wherever you're creating content. It's rare that people actually have a plan for how they're going to change the relationship from follower to lead, and this is really important because sometimes and I've even noticed my own content consumption behavior sometimes I will get so mesmerized I think this happens to content creators a lot with content creators that I will just consume all their free stuff and just consume and consume, consume and never even think about going to their website, never even thinking about working with them, never even thinking about um joining their email list. Why? Because they have not asked, because they haven't led me through a path of changing my relationship with them, and so my relationship with them is you know what did Susie post today on shorts? What did so-and-so person upload to their podcast? And I just perpetually consume because I enjoy the show, I enjoy the content, but I'm a spectator, right? I'm not actually becoming a part of their brand, their company. Now I also have the opposite experience with a couple, a handful of brands who are constantly giving me the opportunity to work with them, and this is people primarily in the content creation space slash, online marketing, um, and they're giving me amazing content that I absolutely devour. I love it, it's very relatable, and every single time I consume a video, a podcast, I check out their Instagram. They have clarity in terms of how they're going to convert me into a lead and those are the people I do the most business with. Those are the people that are my go-tos and I narrow down on their content and rarely consume anyone else's because I have I feel like I have an established relationship with them. So that's your magnet step Now.

Speaker 1:

You've heard the term lead magnet many times and that you create as a bonus that leads people to implement your content or practically apply your content in exchange for their name and email, the reason you want to change the relationship. It's kind of like if you invite someone out to coffee, right, you're not asking them to marry you on the first date, but if you happen to see someone you know consistently that maybe you're interested in and this is mainly the dudes, right, like this is kind of their job Then they're going to eventually hopefully ask you out. The problem problem is we never move on to the next step in the relationship if you never ask. And so this is a soft ask, it's something simple. It's not hey, buy my thing, hey, book a call, hey, hire me, even though you want to do and ask those things, and we're going to talk about that, about that, that specifically in step six. But it is a hey, download this awesome checklist. Hey, I created a special template for you. Hey, here's this audio that walks you through this process. Hey, sign up for my webinar. Hey, sign up for my free class.

Speaker 1:

Magnet right Change the relationship on purpose. Sometimes you can get away with, you know, having people DM you right To get a resource or DM you with questions. That helps definitely to change the relationship. But there's something really effective about giving someone something special, a gift of value, that changes the relationship between just being a consumer to actually wanting to learn more about you and your company beyond the actual platform that they're in. And so there's a ton of different ways that you could build a lead magnet, and I have an entire podcast episode on this topic. I also have YouTube videos. We'll link them below if you want to learn more about that. And, of course, we have the perfect lead magnet course that teaches you like, hey, how do you actually structure this? But what I want you to take away from this is not necessarily you know, oh my gosh, I don't have a lead magnet. What do I create? Like, it shouldn't be stressful. Think about what people ask you all the time about.

Speaker 1:

You know, when we had our moving company, we had people who were totally unprepared for their move like totally unprepared, and so we'd get there and they would barely have things in boxes. Everything was all over the place. It was just a mess. So I created the ultimate moving checklist. It's something that we still literally just sent this to Chris's parents earlier this year when they moved, and it was an awesome PDF and all they had to do was print it out, you know, stick it to their refrigerator and check things off as they went, so that they would organize their move and come move day, it would be easier for us to complete the job and it would save them a ton of money, because they were actually ready and we were charging them by the hour.

Speaker 1:

So what is it that you could do that is extra valuable, extra special? I'll tell you right now templates, checklist, quick access, voice notes. You know, something that people can consume fast and easy is like a little appetizer, is a really good way of going. So that is step number three. Now for number four. We want to figure out our strategy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this is where we're going to zoom out. We're going to think big picture for a second, and we're going to talk about ideal client. Where are they hanging out? What is that perfect platform for your business? And some of you are just doing all the things, like you are on Instagram and you have a podcast and you're running a blog and you're thinking about starting YouTube and you know TikTok is tempting you and it's like, listen, it's way too much. It's way too much. I want you to pick one long form pillar platform. And when I talk about long form, the reason why that's so important is because you're building relationship. Okay, think about it again.

Speaker 1:

If we're using the dating analogy, long form content, um, is kind of like going and sitting down for coffee with a friend who you might be interested in hanging out with again. So essentially a coffee date. Whether it's between gal pals or it's a romantic interest, it's just a coffee date. That's the difference between long-form content and then the exact opposite, which is basically you know, left swipe, right swipe, tinder status, where you're just kind of putting yourself out there and it's hookup culture and people are just kind of interested in you know stuff that is debauchery and that we do not condone on this podcast, and that's really the difference If you think about how people are engaging with your brand or how they are engaging with your company.

Speaker 1:

They're usually scrolling right. They're scrolling on Instagram, they're scrolling on Facebook, they're scrolling on X and there's no real attachment there's. The content format is so short that it does not really build a relationship like long form content does. Now, of course, there's exceptions to this. Am I saying that you can't sell on social media? No, of course you can sell people, but it's going to take so much longer and so many more people to actually consume your content because you got, you know, two minutes or you have 30 seconds, or you even have less 10 seconds to grab their attention. They're usually in consumption mindset, aka Tinder mindset.

Speaker 1:

Right, if we're talking about the dating analogy versus hey, I want to go on an actual date and listen to what you have to say, oh, I'm actually date. And listen to what you have to say, oh, I'm actually. I'm actually interested in checking out what you have to say, what you have to offer. And a podcast, a YouTube channel, a blog. It gives you time and that time builds the relationship way faster, way stronger than any other type of content. That's why I always tell our clients inside the business lounge guys. You need a long form pillar platform. I don't care what it is, as long as it's a place where you feel like you can create content consistently and your audience is going to hang out there, right? So if I'm talking to a client who has their ideal customer is a busy mom, I'm almost immediately sending them to a podcast versus a blog, why they don't have a lot of time, right, and they can listen to a podcast on their way, you know, to school and you know, to soccer practice, rather than having them read this long article that they wanna check out but they're never really going to get to.

Speaker 1:

Now, if I am, you know, targeting an audience, or I'm advising a client to target an audience in a space that's more visual, for example, if you're in the crafting niche, or if you are a maker, or if you have a service and people need to do business with you face to face, you need probably most likely you need a medium like youtube video, right? That's how you're going to connect with people faster, build relationship quicker and close them a lot more consistently. It's what I did with my social media agency and so, way before, I had an online internet company and I was working my local market through YouTube and I was tagging my YouTube videos. You know, athens, georgia, you know how to create content consistently and then I would tag it Athens, georgia, and that's how a ton of my clients hired me. Again, that know like and trust factor so much faster with video. And again, there's just different scenarios and like.

Speaker 1:

I have a client right now. She's a dietitian. She's short on time, but her girl loves reading articles and diving deep, so she has an amazing blog and she's crushing it. I'm talking. She has a two year wait list for her services and her services are high ticket, like she sells her. Her least expensive package starts at $5,000. Okay, so she's killing it. We were just talking on Voxer. She has signed three new clients this month, even after, like, almost a year leave for maternity, and I'm like she's amazing. So it doesn't matter what medium you choose, as long as it meets your ideal client where they're at and it matches your business.

Speaker 1:

Now the second thing you want to think about, strategy wise, is how often do you need to post? So if you're going long, form right, at least once a week is usually a good rule of thumb. I find that if I post more than once a week. It tends to not do as well, at least not on our YouTube channel. So we play with that and that could change. You know, in six months and you'll see his post twice a week, but once a week is a really good rule of thumb. So, one blog, one podcast, one video a week.

Speaker 1:

Of course, if you're going to be totally axing the opportunity for a coffee date which I don't recommend in the long form department for whatever reason, maybe you feel intimidated or you don't know where to start Number one get your butt in the long form department for whatever reason. Maybe you feel intimidated or you don't know where to start. Number one get your butt in the business lounge. We have literally dedicated courses for launching a podcast, launching a YouTube channel, launching a blog. Tons of SEO training anyway.

Speaker 1:

But if you are like absolutely not going to do that, okay, then make Instagram, make TikTok, make whatever social media platform short. You know it's short form, like your thing, like you have to show up there and show up consistently. You know, on Instagram, minimum of four times a week. Um, on the post, maybe not necessarily minimum. I actually find if we post more it doesn't, it doesn't work. So about four times in the feed and every single day on stories, if you can, every single day. Now again, instagram is not our primary platform, but it could be for you Same if you have, you know, tiktok.

Speaker 1:

Figure out what is a really good posting schedule. I will have our content manager, belle, link for you guys an entire article that I wrote on posting frequency and I have like a whole graph for you to see all the different platforms and how often, and all that good stuff. So simple. What's your ideal platform? You know? Think about again that pillar platform. That is long form, if you can. And then, how often do you need to post five content? This is where we get into the actual post. This is when we get into the actual ideas. Right, this is where we get into the good stuff.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to say goodbye to random acts of content. That's a phrase that I think Sean Kennell actually coined and I think it's so brilliant. Random acts of content, not kindness content. We don't want to do that. We want random acts of kindness, but not random acts of content, not kindness content. We don't want to do that. We want random acts of kindness, but not random acts of content. Instead, I want you to start creating posts that speak to your people. Get an idea for who your ideal client is Like. Who's your gal, who's your guy? Who is that perfect person that you want to specifically talk to? And I'm talking about buyers, I'm talking about people you've done business with. I'm not just talking about esoteric, theoretical kind of idea here. I'm talking about real person right. Get super clear on who that person is and then speak to them in a way that resonates. So we have an entire training on this insider upcoming workshop content to customers.

Speaker 1:

If you want to get on the early bird list to this, listen, I'm serious, you're not going to want to miss it. It's fantastic. This one step alone we break it down. I show you how to create a content map with exactly how to come up with content ideas. Um, how to make sure that you're sharing answers, not information. We're going to talk about the three R's with how do you actually take posts and build a schedule that works for your business instead of like feeling you have to post constantly. I'm going to show you, like my ninja strategies for how you use the three R's to actually cut 10 plus hours a week in content creation. Exactly how we do it. And then I'm also going to give you an entire content to customers roadmap so you're clear on how you're going to be turning more of your content into cash.

Speaker 1:

All right, so content, go to content to customers dot co. To get on the early bird list, we're about to open up. If you're listening to this, as it's um, you know, landing on the podcast we're about to open up that workshop, one last time for the year. It's going to be amazing, and if you're on the early bird list, you're going to get a ridiculous like 90% discount. It's gonna be amazing, but it's only going to be available for those of you who sign up for the early bird list and for those of you who are joining us in real time. So if you're listening to this in the future it's not going to be available. It's going to be done, but you know definitely if you're listening to it now, check out content to customersco.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so back to the random acts of content. How do you actually speak to your people? So, number one messaging is really important. I think one of the things that we're absolutely missing right now, and the number one way you compete with artificial intelligence and AI generated content is messaging. It's what is the thing that you're trying to get out into the world, and a lot of times messaging can feel scary, but I'll tell you, we're in a time and space where we're and I think we talked about this in the previous episode Culturally, people are totally sensitive to the signals that you're putting out into the world.

Speaker 1:

I talked to you guys about how we talk about faith more on the podcast, more about our faith on our newsletter, and it's like totally shifted our audience, like almost completely shifted our audience. And it's been amazing because we're working with our dream clients more now than ever before, even though we're not, you know, christian coaches for Christians. Um, we work with all kinds of people. In fact, one of our uh, biggest clients is huge atheist. We love her to pieces, um, but it's one of those things where just speaking to your person just boom attracts them, you know, know, even if you just pepper it here and there. And so what are some of those connection points that you could start building into, um, your actual business? I have an entire and your content. I have an entire episode on content connection points on the youtube channel. You need to check that out because I talk about. You know, shared interests. Um, I talk about you, shared experiences.

Speaker 1:

I talk about how do you actually pepper in number one, content that they actually care about and that they find relatable. And number two, how do you add personality, how do you stand out, how do you speak boom to that person? I'll tell you, messaging is everything. When I am selling, let's say, trello right, a Trello course for professionals, my messaging is very different than if I'm trying to target business owners, my ideal client, for those offers are slightly different. It's the same thing. If I'm talking to someone who's ready to jump into one-on-one coaching, my messaging is slightly different than someone who is, you know, just getting started in their business and they're just looking for maybe some free resources and a couple low ticket paid tools. Different message Okay.

Speaker 1:

So get clear on creating content that speaks to your people, and the number one way of doing that is talking to them, asking them. You know, what would you like to see? What resonates with you? What are some of the challenges that you're having right now in your business? What are some of the challenges you're having right now in your life? What are some of the challenges you're having with your kids, with your husband, in your marriage, in your fitness, in wellness. As you crochet this new pattern, I'm just giving you random ideas. Talk to your people, write it down. You know what are people asking you about. Create more content around that.

Speaker 1:

And number six this is the final step of your blueprint. It's the lovely call to action. Okay, fam, I know I know you probably heard this a million times, but there's so many of you who, like me, just put out gold into the world and this was me once upon a time too and you never tell people what they need to do next to connect with you, to work with you, to buy from you. Calls to action are so important and they have to be a must in all of your content pieces, whether it's an Instagram post or it's a story. Have a call to action. Maybe the call to action is for them to check out another episode that you already made, like I have been doing in this podcast. Maybe the call to action is to download a lead magnet, just like I've been encouraging you to download the Profitable Content Blueprint Again. Content blueprint Again. Shameless plug by texting the word blueprint to 866-498-2080.

Speaker 1:

And listen, I got to walk my talk in this episode I got to show you as I teach you right, and so calls to action are so important. You also want to think about how do you tell people you know, maybe 20% of the time how they can work with you. Hey, if you want to think about how do you tell people you know, maybe 20% of the time, how they can work with you hey, if you want to learn more, here's three ways in which you can work with me. You can book a discovery call, you can book an audit, or you can sign up for a one-on-one Zoom session with me by following this link.

Speaker 1:

Boom Done Doesn't have to be salesy, doesn't have to be. You know in your face. Just tell people how they can work with you, what they should do next, and this could be organic and seamless. It doesn't have to be forced, but you absolutely need to have it All right, fam. So I have given you six steps, six items to check off your list in order to have a profitable content blueprint that you boom, plug and play into your business and actually start creating it with intention. Actually start creating it with a purpose, with clarity in mind Again, ditching the infamous random acts of content and creating purposeful, profitable content as you reverse engineer the sale right, as you reverse engineer the process of acquiring a client or a customer.

Speaker 1:

Don't forget that we're going to be diving deep into all of these points in our content to customers three day workshop. It is amazing. You should see all of the praise that we've gotten from this workshop so far. We've only taught it twice so far and I'd love for you to get in there. So go to contenttocustomersco that's contenttocustomersco to get on the early bird list and score up to 90% off if you decide to join us in the next couple of weeks as we open up the door.

Speaker 1:

So I love you. I hope this was inspiring. It gave you a lot of direction and don't forget to check out the Profitable Content Blueprint and download that by texting us blueprint to 866-498-2080. That's 866-498-2080. And hey, don't forget to tune back in for episode number three. We're going to talk about how do you actively ditch the influencer playbook and what to do instead to continue creating amazing content that doesn't take up all of your time but really attracts your ideal clients and makes an impact in your bottom line. I love you. I will see you in the next one. Un beso. Bye for now.

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