The Business Lounge Podcast with Kimberly Ann Jimenez

S7 EP3: Influencers vs. Entrepreneurs - How to ditch the 'post more' 'post perfect' Influencer Playbook & CRUSH IT with content that grows your business instead.

β€’ Kimberly Ann Jimenez β€’ Season 7 β€’ Episode 3

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What if the number of followers you have doesn't actually equate to your financial success? Today, we're dismantling the myths of social media fame and how to ditch the 'Influencer Playbook' for as content game plan that serves AND sells instead.

This episode is your gateway to crafting content that builds relationships, drives sales with integrity, and actually makes a difference without burning out or having to keep running on the endless content hamsterwheel.


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πŸ”—  S7 EP2: Your Profitable Content Blueprint: A Practical Guide To Attracting More Buyers From Your Posts + Free Template!

πŸ”— S7 EP1: More Followers, More Dollars? Think Again!



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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Business Launch Podcast. I'm your host, kimberly Ann Jimenez, and, oh my goodness, fam. We've been on this amazing profitable content series and this is a final episode. We're going to talk about why you need to ditch the influencer playbook and actually embrace the business entrepreneur playbook when it comes to creating profitable content, and we have so much to cover. I'm so excited, so let's dive right in.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the Business Lounge podcast where each week, we unpack the hottest online marketing and business strategies so you can grow your business, increase your bottom line and make a bigger impact. And now here's your host, kimberly Ann Jimenez.

Speaker 1:

Fam. First of all, if you have not yet listened or caught up to our profitable content series, episode number one, we talked all about why followers don't automatically equal more dollars and why you should be chasing something totally different instead. We also talked about in the second episode, all about the profitable content blueprint and, oh my goodness, y'all you had so many questions. You downloaded that blueprint like crazy. I get actually on my phone. We use this really cool texting tool. It's called Simple Texting, if you're curious about it, and it sends me a notification every time someone you know text the word blueprint to 866-498-2080, shameless plug which is our business line, our direct business line. You text the word blueprint to that number, 866-498-2080. And we'll deliver. If you're in the US, only we'll deliver a PDF link to that blueprint. So if you haven't done that already, make sure that you do. I got so many notifications on my phone. It was so exciting because you know I haven't put out a new resource for you guys in a while and I just had such a good time with the team like putting this six step blueprint together for you guys so that you know exactly how to actually put together content that moves the needle in your business. I feel like I'm on this mission, on this quest, and I even told our TBL Plus group coaching members a couple of weeks ago. I was like guys. I feel like I am, you know, raging against the machine, except for real, in a way, when it comes to content creation, because you know, I'm out here screaming like guys we need a better formula.

Speaker 1:

Everyone is teaching. You know, these so-called experts are constantly teaching that you need to post more, that you need to post pretty, that you need to post perfect in order to actually gain a bunch of followers and then eventually, someday by magic, you'll actually make more money and that can be possible. But that's the reality for like 2% of people. What we see, chris and I, in our business, the reality of content marketing, is that entrepreneurs and business owners are basically homeless. They have no real model to follow online, because most of the people who are, you know, kind of really big names in the space, they have hero brands, they have brands that are all about essentially being an influencer in the business space, and so it's there's like nothing to model really. You're looking at either all of the content creators and the influencers who are creating amazing content with like 50 different angles and everything is super aesthetic and very calculated and beautiful, but there's no real call to action. They're not selling products, they're not building email lists, they're not actually powering a business although I am seeing this change a little bit in the content marketer space but in the influencer space, there's nothing that can dictate to you how do you actually do content marketing effectively as a small business owner, as an entrepreneur, as someone who is building a business. And so we said listen, we're going to change this, we're going to give you a profitable you know content blueprint, six steps, and that is episode number two.

Speaker 1:

We also talked in there about why the word profit is not icky. You know, profit is not a problem. We want to be able to profit with purpose. When you think of the word profit, it should be something that excites you. It should be something that makes you want to go out there and get it, but get it from a place of integrity and of thinking of other people, of serving other people and selling. And that's our job. That's what our content should be doing serving people, adding value, building relationships, building connection, getting other people to say you know our ideal clients, not just other people, but our ideal clients to say, ooh, I like what you have to offer. Let me pay attention here. Right, it's actually waving this like huge um flag in a very noisy space so that your people actually say, wait, wait, wait, we got to go over here.

Speaker 1:

And that's the purpose of content. It's not just to create more for the sake of creating more. It's not, you know, to get famous or be super popular. It's to be able to profit on purpose and use profits to empower, impact and change. And so we can't do that. I often tell our members that we just we have to be able to be OK with the word profit. We have to be able to be with the word, ok with the word sale, because that's what really empowers our business to affect change, and otherwise how are we going to fund the mission? You know, how are we actually going to be able to make an impact? We all want to make a difference. We all want to have that amazing, you know, fulfillment that comes from creating better opportunities in our communities, better opportunities in our cities, and really build up what is our entire national economy here, at least in the States.

Speaker 1:

Did you know that the economy in the United States is powered by small businesses. I mean, I have crazy statistics that I was looking at a couple weeks ago Sorry, a couple weeks ago I got excited as I was sharing all about money mindset and we did a whole training on what we call the profit plan every year inside of the business lounge, and I was also talking to my girls inside of TBL plus our group coaching program, and I was like, listen, we all think that you know we don't actually contribute to our GDP because at the end of the day, you know we're really small businesses and we might not have big teams or, you know, local offices or the things that quote unquote make you legit, whatever that means. But the reality is we do, and we do in really impactful ways. So I'll do another podcast episode just talking about that one thing, because I think it's so important for us to understand that the work that we do in the world matters, the work that you do in the world, it matters. The way that you show up to serve it matters. God has given you a mission and if we can't figure out how to actually market that mission, how to talk to people and communicate in a way that gets them excited to do business with us, which is all that content marketing is it's just communication then we're going to perpetually stay stuck in patterns of struggle, and we don't want to do that.

Speaker 1:

And that's exactly what I want to talk to you today about is how do you actually, you know, ditch the post more post pretty mentality? How do you ditch the what we have coined, the influencer playbook, and actually start showing up like an entrepreneur, unapologetically, like owning the fact that you have something for sale and doing it in a way that adds a ton of value to people? You don't have to be slimy, you don't have to be pushy, you don't have to be icky. You don't have to be pushy, you don't have to be icky, you don't have to be overly intense, but you can still show up with value, still build relationship, still add a lot of connection in your community and also invite people to join you on the next step, which is your paid product program or service, and so I think that this is an important point to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Every time I talk about influencers versus entrepreneurs, you guys seem to really enjoy it. So I'm so excited because we haven't done a dedicated episode to like break that down for you. What does that actually look like and how can you detect, especially when you're online, when you're using or when you're seeing someone use, what we're again coining the influencer playbook? Because the reality is that I wanted to share a couple important kind of stats with you in this episode that I think will open up your eyes to the reality of why so many of us get stuck with our content marketing, why so many of us are chasing the wrong thing and it's not our fault, because that's what we're being modeled all over the internet. And so if you've ever been stuck in this cycle of like, hey, I got to post more, I got to post perfect, I got to post pretty right and just keep that content machine turning, I just want you to know that it's totally, totally understandable. If you feel like burnt out, if you feel overwhelmed, if you're like perpetually comparing yourself to everyone else's posts and you feel like you can never, ever step off the content hamster wheel if you want to actually grow your business, I want you to know that you are normal.

Speaker 1:

In fact, I think I told you guys a couple of months ago here on the podcast how I was in my mastermind group and, um, one of the ladies was just literally in tears. She was bawling because she was telling us how exhausted she was. This is someone who runs a very successful company Um, I'm talking, multiple million dollars a year and it's an online company and one that requires her to create a bunch of content. But as she was, you know, talking, I could just see the intense fear and just the pain that she was going through because she, in her mind, is like there is no end to this. You know, I have to stay on. I have to keep posting stories. I have to keep posting on Instagram. I have to keep posting on Facebook. I have to keep uploading on my podcast, or else I'm going to not be able to pay my employees, I'm not going to be able to feed my family, I'm not going to be able to continue growing this business.

Speaker 1:

And it broke my heart because a lot of the content advice that you hear out there goes hand in hand with that. You know, maybe you've heard some of these things like hey, just hack the algorithm right, chase a million rules that change every week, but keep at it. Just if you, if you keep chasing the algorithm, you're going to explode, you're going to go viral and you're going to have all these followers and eventually you'll have a ton of success, right? The other thing I hear all the time is hey, um, if you just keep creating ultra aesthetic posts, if you keep, you know, just hunting down that viral music for your reels, if you keep trying to go viral and cracking the code quote unquote to go viral, um, you're going to get all this exposure and it's just going to be amazing because you're going to get a bunch of sales and everything will be jolly. Here's another one I hear all the time you know, post 30 plus times a day or whatever amount you know. Maybe it's four times, six times, 20 times. I even heard people say you know 60 times and then post again. Keep posting, just post a lot. It'll make you a ton of sales one day, you know, one day. That's the plan. And the final one is like, listen, you got to be everywhere. You got to be on TikTok, on Instagram, on Facebook, on YouTube, on X, or you're just going to fall behind. You got to be on all the platforms.

Speaker 1:

As a former social media manager, someone who has seen the behind the scenes of thousands of companies actually, at this point, tens of thousands of companies. I can tell you that is a load of BS. Okay, none of those things. Sure they can be helpful, but none of those things are a requirement to actually sell, and sell confidently and sell consistently with your content. Here's one of the stats that I was wanting to share with you. Research actually shows us that 88% of influencers don't even make a living wage. Okay, and this is directly from social insider. I will link the resource so that you can fact check me if you need to.

Speaker 1:

But that's crazy. No one talks about that. No one talks about the fact that the majority of influencers are not even making enough to pay for their own bills, to sustain themselves. And what's even worse than that is that data tells us that most of the social, big social media platforms you know if we're talking about, like Instagram and Facebook, most of those platforms you're only seeing about 5% if you're lucky, right, 5% of your followers actually see your posts. And what is crazy about that idea is that we are chasing after followers, we're chasing after viral moments, we're chasing after post more, and yet the math is not mathing Like. The math is not really adding up here, guys, you know, I think that it's interesting for us to explore this idea that again, more followers doesn't equal more dollars immediately.

Speaker 1:

And here's why Because, a not all of those followers are actually going to see your post In fact, 95% of them will not and, b it doesn't mean that those people who are following your accounts are your ideal clients. They might just be lurkers and guess what? The majority of the internet they're lurkers. They're not people who have the intent to make a purchase. And so you have to go so, so, so, so, so wide. You have to grow so big in order to actually start seeing momentum in your sales. And I'm here to tell you and I've told you guys, in previous episodes, I told you in the first episode I actively coach clients who have massive followings I'm talking millions of followers and their sales are not what you would expect. In fact, most of them are not making a fraction of what they need to be making to pay themselves a living wage.

Speaker 1:

So it's one of those things where it's like guys, why are we continuing to model these failing content strategies? Why do we continue to preach this like out of touch, outdated advice that works maybe right if you have a ton of sponsors, like influencers, and you rely on having a massive audience so that you can show your sponsors hey, I have x amount of downloads, I have x amount. Hey, I have X amount of downloads, I have X amount of subscribers, I have X amount of engagement this is my engagement rate right so that people can come and advertise on your platform, which makes no sense because those people are business owners like us. We have it wrong in terms of the equation here. We think that we need to be the influencer and we're not supposed to be the influencer in the equation. We're supposed to be the entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

And so I want to break down a couple of these, because I know, I know you're probably sitting there like okay, kim. Like, how am I supposed to get visibility if I'm not supposed to chase followers? And like listen, followers are important. Yes, you want to grow an audience of targeted followers. That matters, but it's not. There's no reason. Like there's no point. There's no actual purpose in actually growing to a gajillion followers if none of them buy right, there's no point.

Speaker 1:

And so I remember years ago thinking like listen, once I hit like 10,000 Instagram followers, I'm going to make bank. I'm going to make bank, everything will be solved. I will never have to worry about when and how I'm going to acquire a new client. And I worked my butt off to get there. You know, I worked my little booty off to just get to 10,000 followers and that day came and went and it made virtually zero difference to my bottom line. So I don't know about you, but I will take a thousand followers who are my ideal customers, my quality people, the people who are like, listen, I'm ready to hire you Then a random audience of 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, 100,000 people who will just consume all of my free content and never make a purchase. We don't want that. That's not the point. That's not what we're doing this for, right.

Speaker 1:

And so same thing goes with posting more frequently. You know, posting consistently, especially in the beginning, it is important. You want to stay consistent, you want to have a plan, but more content for the sake of more content does not automatically equal more followers, more engagement or more sales, and it certainly does not mean that you have to be on 24-7 to sell consistently. In fact, this is the number one mistake that I see most online entrepreneurs and small business owners make, because you're spreading yourself way too thin. If you're posting everywhere all at the same time, you're inevitably going to stretch yourself way too thin. The quality of your posts will suffer, especially if you're flying solo, like if it's just you and your business right now. That's going to put you on the fast track to burnout, and I mean that.

Speaker 1:

I've been there many, many, many, many times. So, yes, your visibility matters, your consistency matters, but quality posts are way more sustainable than just sheer quantity, than just sheer numbers. So I'd rather see you post three times on Instagram a week and make them really good posts than have you post seven days a week and then be kind of eh, you know, not great, not really move the needle, and at the same time, it's costing you time and energy. So you're burning out simultaneously because you're posting so frequently, right? I'd rather see you post one podcast episode every week or maybe two blogs a month and have them be really really good, than have you, you know, just on Facebook, on Instagram, on X, on Pinterest, posting on all the platforms but not really focusing on the one place where you want to be really really stellar. Focusing on the one place where you want to be really really stellar.

Speaker 1:

And so it really comes down to a couple of things that I think we need to differentiate between you know how you win as an entrepreneur and how influencers win, and how you're going to change the game. You know, because the reality is posting more and posting perfect that whole philosophy. It's not all bad. It can work sort of for influencers and for content creators, but it's not you. You are an entrepreneur, you're a business owner, and I really want you to start unlocking what is possible for you so you could stop comparing yourself to influencers and creators, stop feeling intimidated by all their amazing content as they spend their life documenting their lives often their fake lives on like stories or creating picture perfect like ultra aesthetic posts and reels on all the channels, and instead I want you to start playing your own game, like a business as in one that, like, actually serves people at a deep level, attracts your ideal clients and turns them into customers. So how do we recognize the influencer playbook versus the entrepreneur playbook? And so I have a couple of rules that hopefully will help you understand. How do you show up as one or how do you show up as the other?

Speaker 1:

So an influencer is fully focused on three mindset things. Number one they're chasing popularity, they need to grow an audience, and they need to grow an audience quickly. Why, again, they're relying on sponsorships and brand deals, and they can't get those if they're not actually showing that they're putting out content consistently and that their content is getting engagement, more likes, more followers right, that's their game. Number two they're also chasing a lot of what we call engagement for the sake of engagement, and so they will choose quote unquote community, meaning they're building an audience, they're interacting with that audience, and that's a good thing. That's not a bad thing, it's just what they chase after. But their primary way of actually getting seen is usually social media and its short form. And number three they're fully focused on one thing and one thing only, and that is creating content or staying in touch with their people. Right, the more they create content, the more they build the relationship, the more brand deals will usually hire them and pay them to actually promote their products.

Speaker 1:

Now let's take a look at the entrepreneur game and how it compares. So we mentioned that influencers are fully focused on popularity Instead of what entrepreneurs and small business owners focus on is profitability. One, the influencer is focused on growing an audience and the entrepreneur is focused on growing a business. Yes, it's awesome if you grow an audience as you grow your business, it's great, if you have a big following as you make more sales, but it should not be one before the other. It should be together and that's a core difference here. The other one is that, as entrepreneurs are thinking about their strategy, they should not be thinking about getting more likes and more engagement, even though that's helpful and it's good. They need to be thinking about how do you get leads and how do you turn those leads into more sales. So, while the influencer is thinking I need to grow, you know the biggest possible audience and I need to do it quickly and I'm going to do it through social media the influencer stays there. The entrepreneur says no, I need to get discovered, I need discoverability, I need people to come to me and I need to figure out how to actually turn followers into leads. Right Core difference there. It's all about intention, guys, and it's so important.

Speaker 1:

When you have this clear, you can then enter a space that is saturated with influencers and feel completely confident that you are playing your own game. You don't need to look to one side or the other, you just look straight ahead, because you're not competing with influencers. You're competing with yourself as an entrepreneur? Right. It's about how do you actually create content that moves the needle in your business, not how do you create content that feeds the algorithm and makes Facebook and Instagram happy with you. Make sense, okay.

Speaker 1:

Next one Entrepreneurs are fully focused on creating impact. That means serving and transforming lives, right? So totally different mission, whereas the influencer is just fully focused on creating content and staying in touch with their people, because that's how they get paid, all right. So it's confusing sometimes because you do have quite a few things that you do as a marketer, as a you know entrepreneur, as a small business owner in the content marketing space, but you can't come from the perspective that you're just doing that one thing to do that one thing. In other words, you're not trying to grow an audience for the sake of growing an audience, even though growing an audience is a good thing. You're growing an audience because you're trying to make an impact, you're trying to serve a community of people, you're trying to transform people's lives, and so influencers versus entrepreneurs totally different game there.

Speaker 1:

Now let's take a look at the next one. This one talks about really intentionality when you're thinking about posting, and so influencers are constantly thinking I need to grow followers, grow followers, grow followers, whereas an entrepreneur is thinking how do I build relationship with the people I already have? How do I attract more of those people? How do I build deeper connections with the people I already have in my circle and how do I get access to more of those people? Right, and so you'll leverage things like other people's audiences to grow a targeted audience of quality followers, instead of just saying I don't care who these followers are, like an influencer.

Speaker 1:

Might I just want reach. I just want to go for that, milli. You know I want to grow my audience and explode it. I don't care who they are, I just want reach. I just want to go for that, milli. You know I want to grow my audience and explode it. I don't care who they are, I just want to make sure that we have those numbers and we're chasing those numbers, whereas the entrepreneur might say I don't care, I have 500 to a thousand followers. I will turn that into sales and money in the bank all day in the shade, because I know how to turn them into leads. I know those are my ideal people and so when I actually go to sell, it's a much easier process. It's a much more seamless process.

Speaker 1:

Influencers, when they're talking about content right, they're reviewing products, they're sharing opinions, they're sharing experiences, they're documenting their lives, and so it's a lot of superficial content. Let's just be real there's a lot of superficial content, not always, but most of the time, whereas when we're talking to entrepreneurs, they're thinking how do I solve a problem for my audience today? How do I give them an answer to an issue that they've been having? How do I actually build value? How do I educate, entertain or inspire them? And so it's so important that you're looking at it from the angle of solving problems for people, because that's what you do in your business. You solve problems, so how can you solve problems for your audience? How can you solve problems through your content? That's how you look at it from that standpoint.

Speaker 1:

And so I see a lot of entrepreneurs who kind of like don't know what their identity is online, and so they'll start reviewing products and like sharing their opinions and sharing their experiences, and there's nothing wrong with doing that, you know, 10 or 20% of the time. But if 80% of what you do is that it takes away from the focus of your business, of course you're not going to sell. Of course, no one is going to even know that you are a business owner. When you're showing up with influencer vibes, you know I'm like, well, okay, she's just here to create content for us. It's like a service and that's not how you want to present yourself.

Speaker 1:

The next one is influencers need to attract viewers people who consume their content, whereas entrepreneurs attract customers. Right, they need to attract people who are willing to pay for their product, program or service, and it's a totally different vibe, it's a totally different person. Of course, we want people to consume our content, but we want them to consume our content as a means to becoming a customer, not just for the sake of consuming content. Does that make sense? All right. Next one, and a lot of this is mindset, guys, a lot of this is intention. A lot of this is clarity, so important as you create content. Okay, so influencers are constantly investing their energy on social media posts only and that's it. That's their game. It's social media, social media, social media, whereas entrepreneurs are more sophisticated.

Speaker 1:

They think content marketing, which is a much more holistic way of looking at what you're doing online. So the entrepreneur is thinking okay, I'm going to create some lead magnets and I'm going to focus on long form content because I have people for a longer period of time. When I'm creating long form content, you know, if I'm creating a podcast episode, I know I'm going to be in people's ears anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour in that episode. When I'm creating a story, I know that I have a couple seconds of their time and that's it, and they're going to X out and they're going to move on to the next thing, right? So it's a whole different scenario. And when I'm thinking about content marketing, I'm thinking about okay, how do I create a lead magnet that changes the relationship with my followers into a lead? How do I actually create a sales process that leads them down my product suite? It's a more sophisticated process, but it shouldn't intimidate you, because more sophisticated does not mean more complicated.

Speaker 1:

I talk about this in content to customers all the time. You guys, um, we're talking about listen. Um, I love this amazing quote and I thought it was so powerful. This is by Da Vinci and he said simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Okay, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

Speaker 1:

Your content marketing system does not need to be overly complicated to be sophisticated. In fact, it needs to be simple, but it's a well thought out. It's simple but it's intentional. It's simple but it's purposeful. It's simple but it actually has a function, whereas the influencer is not thinking that far, you know, they're simply thinking numbers. I need to post more, I need to post more again and I need to post more again, and you got to be more strategic than that as an entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

If you, especially in this economy, y'all like we need to level up the way that we think about content creation, which, by the way, leads me to another shameless plug, and this is part the most important one of all. We are opening the doors this week, for the last time this year, to our content to customers workshop, and you are not going to want to miss it. It's three power pack days, 90 minute sessions, where we're going to be sharing, step-by-step, exactly how you create content that turns into customers and how you do that consistently. I'm going to be teaching you all about how to create a content map so that you know exactly what to post about, so that you're giving people answers and not more information, and so that you're creating guardrails for your business. It's going to totally transform the way you create content and it's going to help you save more time. On day number two, we're going to be diving into how do you actually create content in less time.

Speaker 1:

On day number two, we're going to be diving into how do you actually create content in less time. I'm going to be sharing with you my three R's method where you're going to actually save at least 10 hours every week in your content creation time by being more strategic, more purposeful and way more impactful with the way that you create content. And it's going to help you stretch every inch of your from scratch post because you're going to be building a posting schedule backwards where you're going to be promoting and spending most of the time like 80% of your time promoting the post it took you like 20% of your time to create and that way you're not going to burn out and your content is going to live beyond that initial. You know publish button and out. And your content is going to live beyond that initial. You know publish button.

Speaker 1:

And then, on day number three, we're going to talk about the content to customers blueprint. We're going to seamlessly transition from posts to customers by creating a strategic path to change the relationship with your followers to buyers totally organically, so they raise their hands to speak up and say listen, I want to be a super fan and this process happens on autopilot. We want to help you supercharge your selling system and create something that really turns content into customers by serving up super relatable content that's targeted, that builds connection, that builds trust and desire for your products, programs and services. So, listen, you're going to have to join me over on contenttocustomersco. You can register and if you actually text us the word C2C so C2C, like content to customers it could be all caps or not, it doesn't matter we're going to text you a 90% off coupon code because, listen, y'all, this is is such an important, impactful training that I did not want this to be something that was not accessible. We do have plans of raising the price next year, but you're going to get 90% off just for listening.

Speaker 1:

While this is live. This is not going to be available. Um, you know if you're going to be joining us later on in the future, but for right now, for the month of October, you're actually going to be able to, and it's not even the whole month. We actually have a week. We're opening and closing enrollment. You're going to be able to text the word C to C, to 866-498-2080. That's 866-498-2080. Eight, two, zero, eight, zero again. That keyword is c, t, c. So c to c, right, not the number two, just the letter c, the letter t and the letter c again, um, and that's going to give you 90 off. Um, our upcoming content to customers workshop. You are not going to want to miss it, because we're going to dive into all of this in so much more detail. It's going to be amazing. It's going to dive into all of this in so much more detail. It's going to be amazing. It's going to have so much continuity. You're going to be blown away by how simple this process is, but how actually effective it can become.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so back to the episode. This is the last one, guys, and this one is really important. Right, we talked about this in terms of intentionality. Influencers are constantly thinking sponsorship. That's how they pay the bills, understandably so, right, if you're an influencer and that's your game, rock on. But that's not who this podcast is for.

Speaker 1:

And you guys are small business owners and entrepreneurs. You need to be focused on actually adding a ton of value to your audience and then turning them into customers. And then adding a ton of value and turning them into customers. It's very simple, but we rarely think about it that way. We rarely actually intentionally create a plan, a strategy, you know, even like a system to create content intentionally. And I will tell you, there has been many seasons in my business where I've pulled back from my content to focus on actually doing the things that are going to generate money in my business. And sometimes that means I'm doing too much marketing right, I'm creating too much content and the leads that we have coming in are so much that my team is overwhelmed. I need to stop and figure out a better way of actually creating, you know, better systems to close the leads that I already have. That's strategic. A lot of my competitors look at our accounts and are like how, how do they have like what? How are they serving that many people? Well, because we're focused on the right things, because we do things in a different way, because we actually ditch the influencer playbook unapologetically yes, the content marketing girl herself like remember, I'm talking to you as a former social media manager because we're entrepreneurs and business owners.

Speaker 1:

First, I love content marketing, I preach and teach and have built this second business all on the heels of content marketing. I preach and teach and have built this second business all on the heels of content marketing. I love it. It's amazing. It's incredible powerful tool. I fell in love with it as a business owner right With our first business, and saw how powerful it actually was in creating change and transformation and attracting leads and more sales.

Speaker 1:

But I don't do content for the sake of content. I don't do it. It doesn't matter. There's a lot of things that are more important in this world than just creating content so that it feels good and gives you that dopamine hit right. I'm here to actually serve our clients, our customers. I'm here to serve people on the internet who may never become a client. That's okay. Right, I'm here to make an impact. It's a ministry in many ways.

Speaker 1:

We've created hours and hours of content and hundreds and hundreds of episodes, but there isn't this constant need for me to actually be on all the time. Why? Because I've created content with intention and that content actually continues to add leads and sales in our business, even if I stop posting. Most people think that's a myth. How does that happen? Why is that possible? Well, you got to sign up for content to customers. That's exactly what we're going to teach you. We're going to show you how to get customers to come to you. We're going to show you how to extend the lifespan of your content so that you don't have to be on all the time and it's not a fairy tale.

Speaker 1:

In fact, you know that's Titus in the background, if you hear him. I have taken a step back from Instagram. All together this year, it's been 10 months of not being focused on Instagram. In fact, I deleted the app completely from my phone. My content manager, belle she's the one who repurposes. You know some of the content that we create for YouTube and some of the podcast episodes, like this one, and she will post on there, but I'm not posting there. I'm not answering DMs, it's just, it's not what I need to focus on in the season, but that's a very personal, very personal decision. I'm not saying you need to quit Instagram. I'm not saying that you need to delete Instagram. I don't know your specific situation, um, but I just want to show you that it is possible to step away when you actually build systems and content systems in your business. Our sales have actually grown, not fallen flat. Right, we have a ton of leads and we don't just get leads from Instagram. Right, we have leads coming in from our content that we've created for years on our blog, for content that we've created for years on the podcast, for years on the YouTube channel. I could stop this podcast. I could stop our YouTube channel. I could stop posting on the blog probably for a couple years, and we would still get leads and sales. You know they might not be as many, but we would still get quite a few, enough to have a multiple six-figure business. And so that's what I want for you. That's exactly what I want for you. I want you to think of content in a totally different way and hopefully you'll join us for content to customers.

Speaker 1:

The doors are opening literally in 24 hours from publishing this episode and I cannot wait to have you there. So, again, you can go to contenttocustomersco. That's contenttocustomersco. You can click the link in the description in this podcast. Or we've given you all the ways, all the ways y'all. You can text us again that word CTC, right CTC to 866-498-2080. That's 866-498-2080. And I cannot wait. I cannot wait to have you in there to have you ask questions. You can text me questions. You can text me questions here on the podcast. You can email us questions.

Speaker 1:

We're going to be available for the whole week during our content to customers workshop, um, to answer your questions, to help. You have an amazing, amazing, amazing strategy and a system, and you're going to get to see the behind the scenes, the psychology. It's going to be such an awesome, powerful experience that I hope that you enjoy, and you enjoy it thoroughly. And remember, when you text us, you'll actually get a 90% off discount code which is literally going to put the price of this workshop at like a couple bucks, like seriously, like a couple dollars. That's. It's going to be ridiculous, it's going to be amazing. This is one of the most impactful things we have ever done as a company the amount of testimonials and praise that we've gotten for these workshops. We've only done them twice. This is our third time. It's our last time for the year. I think you're going to absolutely love them and get so much out of them. And they're just going to give you answers, for how do you actually set up a content creation system that doesn't overwhelm you, that doesn't take you all of your time and helps you show up as an entrepreneur to attract leads and more sales, which we all need more of in this time in the season that we're going through? So, listen, I hope that you enjoyed today's episode.

Speaker 1:

This is part three of our profitable content series influencers versus entrepreneurs and how you can actually ditch the influencer playbook for good. I hope that it helped you. I hope that you were. You know, just I gave you some things to chew on. I know, initially it might be a shock because it's a totally different message than what you're hearing on most of the other platforms. But I'm telling you, I'm seeing this in real life with our clients and customers and inside of content to customers. We have case studies where you can actually see multiple businesses, multiple clients, how they're structuring their content selling system to be profitable and not just popular. And hey, the bonus thing is popularity usually comes with profitability. The more people know you, the more um you'll actually be able to attract more um. You know super fans and people who sing your praises that follow you on social media and I've found that to be such an awesome bonus, where you know you get the profitability part down and the popularity thing just comes and you don't have to necessarily even hustle for it, which is awesome. So I hope that it informed you, I hope that it educated you. I hope that it inspired you today. Don't forget to join us for content to customers. Again, we're going live with that this week. Enrollment opens within 24 hours of this episode going live and it's going to be amazing. So keep your eye on your inbox, definitely check out contenttocustomersco, and I'm really excited for the upcoming episodes as well.

Speaker 1:

In the next one, guys, we're going to talk even more about how do you actually create profitable content.

Speaker 1:

Even though this is the end of the series, we're still going to talk about a couple more tips and strategies to help you hit the ground running. So thank you for being here. Truly, send this episode to a friend, send this episode to a colleague, a business owner that you know really needs to figure out their marketing, really needs to figure out their content strategy and wants to do it from a place of profitability, from a place of empowerment, from a place of purpose, from a place of actually serving people and not necessarily just chasing after vanity metrics. I think just this one message can absolutely change someone's entire business and entire life, and I'm not even exaggerating. This is the kind of stuff that we hear all the time inside of the business lounge, our membership group and I would just love for other people to have access to this information. So share it on, pass it on, share the love, and I will see you in the next one. Un beso, bye for now.

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