DeputyDane Morning Show

#DDMS Episode 31: Sheriff's Election Victory, Border Debates, Inflation Woes, and Podcast Reflections

July 01, 2024 Dane
#DDMS Episode 31: Sheriff's Election Victory, Border Debates, Inflation Woes, and Podcast Reflections
DeputyDane Morning Show
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DeputyDane Morning Show
#DDMS Episode 31: Sheriff's Election Victory, Border Debates, Inflation Woes, and Podcast Reflections
Jul 01, 2024

What happens when a committed work ethic clashes with an opponent's lackluster campaign? My friend’s recent election victory for sheriff holds the answer. Learn how his dedication and genuine effort won over the electorate and stirred up internal conflicts within the local police department. We’re peeling back the layers on poor leadership, the exodus of officers to our more efficient team, and the ongoing drama instigated by a disgruntled supporter of the losing candidate. Hear about the hypocrisy and personal misconduct of some officers and the upcoming budget changes that promise to boost our operations.

Could the state of Medicare and Social Security under Trump and Biden be a ticking time bomb? We engage in a heated debate about their handling of these essential services, scrutinizing Trump’s controversial remarks and Biden's questionable claims. Sharing personal stories, we spotlight the urgent issue of illegal immigration, recounting incidents involving domestic violence, DUIs, and unlicensed driving by illegal immigrants. The stark contrasts in immigration policies, the veracity of Biden’s purported support from the Border Patrol Union, and the practicality of having octogenarian presidential candidates come under the microscope.

Struggling with the rising costs of groceries and gas? We feel your pain. We’re talking about the financial challenges faced by everyday Americans and law enforcement officers alike amid soaring inflation and economic hurdles. From personal anecdotes about overtime woes to frustrations with shady behaviors, we cover it all. Despite the uncertainties surrounding the future of this podcast, we remain hopeful and encourage you to stay positive, spread love, and keep supporting us. Thank you for being part of this journey, and let’s face these challenges together.

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Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What happens when a committed work ethic clashes with an opponent's lackluster campaign? My friend’s recent election victory for sheriff holds the answer. Learn how his dedication and genuine effort won over the electorate and stirred up internal conflicts within the local police department. We’re peeling back the layers on poor leadership, the exodus of officers to our more efficient team, and the ongoing drama instigated by a disgruntled supporter of the losing candidate. Hear about the hypocrisy and personal misconduct of some officers and the upcoming budget changes that promise to boost our operations.

Could the state of Medicare and Social Security under Trump and Biden be a ticking time bomb? We engage in a heated debate about their handling of these essential services, scrutinizing Trump’s controversial remarks and Biden's questionable claims. Sharing personal stories, we spotlight the urgent issue of illegal immigration, recounting incidents involving domestic violence, DUIs, and unlicensed driving by illegal immigrants. The stark contrasts in immigration policies, the veracity of Biden’s purported support from the Border Patrol Union, and the practicality of having octogenarian presidential candidates come under the microscope.

Struggling with the rising costs of groceries and gas? We feel your pain. We’re talking about the financial challenges faced by everyday Americans and law enforcement officers alike amid soaring inflation and economic hurdles. From personal anecdotes about overtime woes to frustrations with shady behaviors, we cover it all. Despite the uncertainties surrounding the future of this podcast, we remain hopeful and encourage you to stay positive, spread love, and keep supporting us. Thank you for being part of this journey, and let’s face these challenges together.

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Thank you all for all the support! I couldn't do this without everyone's support! Please have a great week and stay safe! Please check out our Patreon to support us and help us grow!

Speaker 1:

Warning, warning, warning. This content may be sensitive to some. If you feel the need to leave, it is completely understandable. Content may contain examples of death, suicide, sexual content and other shit. We don't know what we're going to get into. This is not to offend anyone or upset anyone on purpose. This isn't your typical Deputy Dane, so listen at your own risk. Sit back and enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Good morning everybody. Welcome to the Deputy Dane Morning Show. I appreciate all y'all for being here. We got some stuff to get into. I really don't know what we're going to get into, but we'll get into something.

Speaker 1:

Sit back. Oh yep, there's the sirens. I think we're all going to be detained. Sit back and enjoy the show.

Speaker 2:

Good morning everybody. How's everybody doing today? Well, it's actually for me it's Saturday afternoon, but either way, that's beside the point Good things. So my buddy did win. Sheriff he doesn't take over technically until January or if our sheriff steps down and retires a little early. So either way the election's done. He won by like 70 to 30 freaking awesome.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people see the work ethic and the other candidate. You can see it in so many ways and I'm glad people were able to see through all the bullshit and all the we did this, we can do this, we can do that type stuff. Um, I mean, we're talking, I don't know, a week and a half later all his signs are still in people's yards. Uh, the next day my buddy got all his signs up the can't. The other candidate still has all the signs all over the county in people's yards. That's almost like leaving trash in someone's yard, if that that makes sense. So if that doesn't show work ethic, then I don't know what does.

Speaker 2:

Um, a lot of the PD that work with this man hold on one second. A lot of the PD, the officers that work with this man, um, they can't. I mean they're even coming up to us talking about how lazy he is and everything, and it's like why didn't anybody speak up before? Everyone knew how lazy he was, but still, why didn't anybody speak up before? Everyone knew how lazy he was, but still, why didn't you speak up before? And now these pd officers are wanting to come over to us because of all the drama and turmoil with the pd and it sucks because there's good officers over there. It's just management leadership is not there, um, and that's what sucks.

Speaker 2:

We've taken care of this PD before. This PD has had officers. Then they lose a PD and then we cover the town or city. We cover the city and then they lose it, then they get another PD and then they do it again. They implode again. We've covered this city several times. We cover a lot of the cities. It's not the first time. I've been here for just over five years and I've covered this city a couple of times, on top of covering the county, including the other cities. And we've had the other city. We had two big cities that have their own PDs and both of them have imploded and both of them imploded at the same time and then we have to cover everything.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, we're the bad people. It's kind of mind-blowing. And then to top it off, now that that's over, their little buddy that was helping with the campaign behind the scenes he's still causing turmoil in county, trying to create other agencies to not like us just because he's upset. His buddy lost. But I find it fantastic he's still so petty and he's still so upset that he's still trying to run her name in the mud. It'll all catch up to him, it will. They have a I can't say too much right now, but they have a ticking time bomb that they're brave.

Speaker 2:

Probably some of the bravest men I've ever met are two individuals and I'm waiting for it to implode because it's going to happen and I'm going to sit back and laugh when it does. I'm pretty excited about it Just to watch it. I mean it's mind blowing just the drama and turmoil of everything that all these dudes I mean these dudes are cheating on their wives, having kids with other women and doing all this other stuff, but yet they try to say that we're the bad people. I'm like, okay, whatever dude, whatever you tell yourself. And what kills me is their wives know they're doing it but yet they're still supporting their man being all dirty and whatever. Teach your own. You guys do your own thing. Have kids with all the women you want. Either way, we won.

Speaker 2:

It's a victory lap to just get to laugh at these dudes that tried to tear us down, mind-blowing, trying to push all these crazy stats out and stuff just to try to get. And what kills me is they were really pushing for stats for about a year. The guy that was behind the scenes was wanting to run for sheriff and he couldn't run for sheriff because he didn't have enough years to run for sheriff. So he tried to help this other guy win. So they spent a year just boosting numbers.

Speaker 2:

Now, when I say they're boosting numbers, that means that they are going after everyday citizens just to boost their numbers. Take you to jail for the most nonsense stuff, just to say they took you to jail and so they can get their stats writing all these citations just to show how took you to jail and so we can get their stats Writing all these citations just to show how much they do. And it's crazy. It's just crazy. But it's like I said sorry, we'll go off that ramp, all that's over, we're done with all that. Sorry, I got a random text from somebody at work.

Speaker 2:

But, like I said, sorry it's over, I'm glad we won. We can move on to the next thing Budget comes in in a couple days when we can actually start amping things up. This year my buddy and I have really fought hard. We'll just say his name's Trevor. Trevor and I have really fought hard To get a better budget for the sheriff's office. This year it's over doubled. We've been scraping by for far too many years and now we have access to actually get stuff better for the county and for everybody in the county. It's not just towards us, it's not like we're going to go buy toys or anything, but it gives us the ability to have more gas, to patrol better than what we were, get some new vehicles because we are really needing new vehicles and to really amp up the agency the way that the county deserves the training, whatever we need to do. We have a good group of people at the sheriff's office right now that we've all worked together for a few years. We rarely get new people here and I really see this being a good agency in the next couple of years to really turn things around and have specialized units to just really help the community more. So I'm excited, excited to see what it brings. But we shall see, I don't know. Once my buddy take, once Trevor takes over, then I'll be under sheriff, unless something changes till then. Maybe I pissed him off, who knows? I mean, I have the ability to piss off a lot of people, so who knows what will happen? Time will tell. Time will tell man. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

Speaker 2:

And then so I was doing live the other day and it was just after the presidential debate, and everyone's asked me if I watched it. I had put a crazy amount of hours in this week We've had a domestic violence thing where the husband ran off, been trying to find him. Everyone's scared of him. So we've been trying to find him and by the time I finally get home I have enough time to put the babies to sleep and then get myself to sleep before we start the next day, uh. So I didn't watch it. I watched it, uh, last night and kind of listened to some of the it.

Speaker 2:

It's outrageous. I mean, I'm I'm not against Trump, obviously, but I'm not like a biggest Trump supporter. I like Trump, I like a lot of the stuff he does, but just the amount of lies that was put out. There was mind-blowing. Trump demolished Joe Biden in that Joe Biden, it's almost—first of all. Does anybody notice that he looks like? Oh, what is his name? Hold on one second, let me look this up. Oh, jeff Dunham's old man. What is his name? Wilson Waller I can't remember.

Speaker 2:

Hold on, I'm trying to look this up Walter. I think it's. Look this up Walter. I think it's Walter. Yes, walter. Has anybody noticed that during that whole time, all I could watch was it just looked like Walter, which I thought was freaking hysterical. I could never look at him, right. I just kept thinking, oh, that's Walter. But man, a lot of the stuff that was being said was just mind blowing. And then at one point he, you know, let's, let's play some clips here, cause this it's almost hysterical. We have to play some clips. All right, here we go, let's listen to some of these.

Speaker 4:

Changed the law. What's happened? I've changed it in a way that now you're in a situation where there are 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally. It's better than when he left office, and I'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers.

Speaker 3:

President Trump. I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don't think he knows what he said either. Look.

Speaker 2:

Some of this stuff is like perfect. I really don't know what he said. Um, or uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. It's terrible, it's terrible. I mean, it's it's terrible. We got more here. Hold on, all right, we'll listen to this. Let's see if you can't hear this.

Speaker 3:

We'll get to immigration later in this block. President Biden, I want to give you an opportunity to respond to this question about the national debt.

Speaker 4:

He had the largest national debt of any president for your period. Number one. Number two he got two trillion dollar tax cut benefit at the very wealthy. Now what I'm going to do is fix the tax system. For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in america I mean billionaires in america and what's happening? They're in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2 percent in taxes. If they just paid 24 percent, 25 percent, either one of those numbers, they'd raise $500 million billion dollars, I should say in a 10-year period. We'd be able to wipe out his debt. We'd be able to help make sure that all those things we need to do child care, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our health care system, making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I've been able to do with the COVID excuse me with dealing with everything we have to do with. Look, if we finally beat Medicare.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, president Biden. President Trump was right, he did beat Medicare.

Speaker 4:

He beat President Biden, President Trump. He was right, he did beat Medicare. He beat it to death and he's destroyed it.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to lie. I do like Trump and his wittiness and his sarcasm and I can get on board with that. Anybody that watches me very much knows that I like sarcasm and everything, that I like sarcasm and everything. But there's a point where he blanks out, looks down at his thing. People are saying he's falling asleep. I don't think he's falling asleep. I think what he's doing is trying to figure out what the hell he's going to say. And then he randomly, out of nowhere, throws we beat Medicare. And then Trump's like damn right, you did, you beat it to death. And then he starts saying you're going to beat our Social Security to death because we're giving Social Security to all these illegals.

Speaker 2:

Now, I don't think everybody that crosses the border is terrible, but I think what we're allowing is absolutely absurd. I think what we're allowing is a lot of people to come here illegally and these people are doing bad things. I can't tell you how many domestic violence situations I deal with from illegals, how many times I get DUIs from illegals, how many times I get people driving without a license from illegals. I have nothing against them, but the ones that come here, right man, the amount of work they put in is mind-blowing. It's crazy. The amount of work they put in is mind-blowing. It's crazy the amount of work they put in to get a citizenship and then just to see someone come shit on it by just coming across the border illegally and then just do crazy things and we're supposed to say, oh, oops, whatever.

Speaker 2:

And then at one point Biden goes. Biden throws some outlandish stuff out there. This whole, this whole debate I won't go through the whole debate. I'm sure you can watch the highlights. And the highlights are they're phenomenal. Um, at one point they're they're debating about golf and that was. It's ridiculous. Some of the stuff is just ridiculous. Um, just crazy, it, it, it just crazy. Just watching it and seeing everything's just mind-blowing. But they, at one point, biden talks about how he's doing all the stuff with the border patrol and the border patrol backs him and everyone loves him and he's doing amazing things. It got so bad that, immediately after he said that, the Border Patrol Union got on X or Twitter, whatever you call it, and says to be clear we never have and never will endorse Biden. How are you going to throw out there, how you, I don't know how are you going to throw out there the fact that you have the backing of an agency or backing of, I mean, that's a big amount of people, how are you going to throw out that you have their backing and you don't? Really you're not sure if you do. I mean, at the same time, what am I talking about? This dude didn't know where he's at. He didn't even know he's on stage. He doesn't know any. I mean, if you just watch the exiting of the stage at the very end, it's very clear where we are.

Speaker 2:

Trump gets off and walks off the stage, and he's done. Biden is still trying to get down the stairs with his wife holding his hand and another person helping him walk down the stairs. Don't be wrong, age is a fickle, fickle thing and we all are going to die. It's a sad reality. We're only here for a small amount of time, and that amount of time we can do amazing things or we can let it just go by.

Speaker 2:

You know I give Biden credit. He spent the majority of his life in politics and that's not something I could do. I can't do that. There's too much back and forth. He's been it so fucking long. He's forgot what he said and then he lies about stuff that and he used to hate these people, but now he loves these people because it's getting them votes. I don't know, it's mind-blowing to me, but at the very end he's struggling to get off the stage. It's not fair to really just make fun of him because of his age, because it's going to get us all it is. But, jesus Christ, at some point we have to say, okay, being the oldest president, this is getting ridiculous. I mean, to become a president you have to be 35. In the United States, growing up, I was like 35, good Lord, that's old. Now I'm like, oh, jesus Christ, I can be a president now it's scary.

Speaker 2:

But didn't you see this man who is 82, I believe 82 years old? It's getting to the point where this, this dude I don't know, I mean Trump's up there too. He's up there too, but I don't know, it is kind of. It's kind of crazy. You see some of the debates of Biden, you know, 12, 15 years ago the dude was very competent, very articulate, had good arguments. You watch him now and you're like, oh my jesus, what are we doing? They're beating this poor puppet to death. I don't, I, I, I don't see him lasting. Let's say he wants for somehow, I don't, I don't know. I'm not telling you trump is the best thing in the world. I am not by any means, but we're the lesser two evils right now. Um, holy hell, I, I don't see if biden wins, I don't see him lasting. I don't. It's crazy. And then I watched one the other day. It was right after the debate. I think it's biden's wife's up there and she's got this dress on that says vote all over it. Guys, if you've never seen idiocracy, this is mind-blowing. Everything's popping into place. She's got a dress that says vote all over it, and the only reason I think she's doing that is just to remind Biden what he needs to talk about.

Speaker 2:

Biden is the only one that could throw his own surprise birthday party. I mean it's crazy. The mind is, our minds are very amazing in everything they can do and everything they can accomplish. And who I mean? It's who you are. It's you, your mind, does so much, but it is a. It is one of the most destructive things. Towards the end, I'll be lucky to live to 82, yet alone, be able to get on stage and talk to people at 82. So I got to give him credit. You got to give dude credit, but that's uh, jesus, I mean, this is the best they could come up with. That. This is bad. This is bad.

Speaker 2:

So we've got Trump. We all know about Trump, who's now a convicted felon. He says outlandish things like grab her by the pussy and stuff like that. You got Biden, who yikes. We know Biden. He doesn't know where he's at half the time, doesn't talk about what they're talking about. But you can't blame him. His mind doesn't even know where the hell he's at. I mean in the middle of something. He just stops and then I'll go. We beat Medicare. He's gone. And then you have Kennedy and Kennedy. There's a lot of things I think is pretty interesting about him, this dude. So we've got a conspiracy theorist, we've got a rich, the celebrity, and then you have an Alzheimer's patient.

Speaker 2:

There's got to be more than this. How are we scraping the very bottom of the barrel? I don't know. I just I don't know. I don't know, I just I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I will tell you that I can't keep afford to living the way that we're living. We went from gas being the lowest it's been in a long time with Trump and be able to afford things and get by to being there with Biden, and we can't even go to the grocery store. They said in the debate that a a grocery cart full cart groceries few years ago is a hundred dollars. Now it's 120. That's absolute bullshit. It's a lot more than 120. We go to the grocery store now and we're spending triple the amount. It's crazy. And I understand. We have kids, so of course it's going to be more expensive, but it's gotten to the point now it's like we can't. You can't even afford to do this Like so today my wife and I were both on call.

Speaker 2:

We went and dropped the babies off at my brother-in-law's house. We go to the gas station and we're like here, let's just get a quick breakfast, let's get like a coffee, and then that'll start our day, because we both had things we have to get done today. So I did some stuff around the farm, work around the farm, she did her. She's got a lot of stuff to do with work we left the gas station with I had a Gatorade, she had a Red Bull, I had a Black Rifle can of coffee and we both had two breakfast sandwiches. It was $28. $28 for us to go get. There's no gas involved, that was just drinks and breakfast sandwiches.

Speaker 2:

That's I don't understand. I mean we're and we're supposed to say inflation's only gone up a little bit. It's crazy. I remember a few years ago you could get two of the gator rates for three dollars. Now they're like 389 for one.

Speaker 2:

I I just don't. I don't know how they're expecting us to to live on what we live on and then being a cop on top of that. Where I'm at, there are agencies that make a lot of money, but they are in an area that it costs a lot to live there and they're also having to put a crazy amount of overtime in just to make that, unfortunately, where I'm at, we don't get overtime. We get comp time and once I become undersheriff, I don't even get comp time because I'm I don't know, I don't understand that. The sheriff fine. The sheriff is an elected official but now I don't get comp time. Being the second command, I don't whatever.

Speaker 2:

But it's crazy that you're expecting people to work as much as they are just to make a living. But it is what it is. We do it, we get by somehow. But my wife and I are making decent money, more than we used to make, and we're struggling more now Not really struggling, I mean, we're struggling. We flip paycheck to paycheck but we don't have a savings account.

Speaker 2:

You know cars. We just went and bought a new car. This isn't a Flex, this isn't anything. My Ram was a ticking time bomb. I felt really uncomfortable in that Ram. It just kept having issues. So I was like we need to get rid of this thing before it blows up. So we got a Hyundai.

Speaker 2:

Now, when I was growing up, hyundais were not something you would even look at. Hyas and Kias were a joke of a car. They're put together with like duct tape and barely welded together. So we got a Palisade. Now. We really loved the Chevy Traverse but we couldn't. We were so far upside down in our truck because we bought it during COVID. We got screwed so we had to get a Hyundai Palisade.

Speaker 2:

Now, when I was looking a couple years ago, trucks were still expensive, but they're affordable. Trucks now are more than my first house. Crazy. The affordable cars Hondas and Kias are in the $40,000 range. But I'm still making about the same amount that I've made for the last several years. But yet cars are getting absurdly expensive. It just doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 2:

We got a Palisade, which it's a nice car, I like it, but we didn't get the Palisade with every bells and whistle. We got the. We didn't get the lowest, we didn't get the highest. We got one that fit us perfectly. It has third row. My wife had a whole thing. She went to third row with captain seats. You want this, you want this, and she got everything she wanted. It's a nice car, I enjoy the car.

Speaker 2:

But it's crazy that in Biden's debate he kept saying inflation is the best it's been and everything we debate. He kept saying inflation's the best it's been and everything. I, we, you can't, we can barely afford to live and you're gonna tell me inflation is the best. Come on, dude, come on, man, everyone in this country is is struggling more than ever. Okay, sorry, I know that, I know I keep saying sorry and stuff. Like you guys know, I stepped away but but yeah, but yeah, inflation's wild, wild. And then for him to sit here and say that it's the best it's ever been and he's taken care of this country. Okay, whatever dude, whatever you say, all right.

Speaker 2:

On another note, the Uvalde police chief, op Arandandle Arandandle, hell, I don't know, I'm butchering his name, I'm not trying to. He was indicted on I believe it was hold on 29 counts. Indicted on 29 counts of child endangerment, one of each of the 19 murdered children and one of each of the 10 survivors. So child endangerment and child abandonment on all of them. He was booked in jail. He was released on bond.

Speaker 2:

I want to know what his bond was and how he hit it. I'm not going to lie. I've been back and forth on the whole Uvalde thing thing. I think there's a lot of stuff that was kind of being, I don't know, from what it sounds like he failed a lot and held back a lot of the officers that were wanting to go in, and there's a whole lot to it either way. Uh, we'll see what happens with this indictment, but that many charges, I don't know how he afforded it. I guess I just worked for the wrong agency. Fuck, I don't know. I don't know how these dudes afford these things. How do they afford these crazy bonds, because I know that would have to be high Like. I wonder if I can look up.

Speaker 4:

Uh-huh, uh-huh let's see.

Speaker 2:

Hell, I don't know. Hold on one second, I'll look this up, so I'm not just making y'all wait here, okay.

Speaker 3:

Okay, correction, I stand corrected.

Speaker 2:

So Pete Areando surrendered himself into custody of the Texas Rangers on Thursday. Officials so pretty much it sounds like Pete Areando, the chief, and then the school resource officer, adrian Gonzalez, were named. I don't even know how much they're. I mean that's crazy how much. I don't even know how their bond would be worked or how that would. Who, I don't know, but it's a lot of charges, it's a lot of charges. Um, we'll see how that unfolds and what happens? Crazy, crazy.

Speaker 2:

No matter what, no matter what happens, and no matter if you're for the police, against the police. That was a black eye for police. That was pretty bad. It's horrendous. No matter what, it was bad. Anytime children lose their life, it's a sad deal and that's a very sad deal. Anytime children lose their life, it's a sad deal and that's a very sad deal. At least if they get in there and they're in front of a jury, they can determine how bad they messed up. I'm glad I'm not in the middle of that case. That's a lot. Either way, they failed those kids. One way or another. They failed those kids and those poor kids lost their life. It's a sad, sad day, sad day. That was a sad day some of the sad day he got indicted.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's kind of expected this rl and him, um, whoo crazy, crazy. So yeah, kind of rambled on about just random stuff going on with my own life. Uh, still got a lot of stuff going on bringing my mom here, moving her here, uh yeah, getting her moved in, working on getting her house bought. We, it's been a nightmare, I'm not even gonna lie. We gotta get the pad built. Sorry, allergies are killing me. I was mowing all morning. We've got to get the pad finished built. Then we have to get the house moved in, put the house here, hook up utilities, then still move her here. There's a whole lot to do on top of my job. That is a lot to do, so we'll have to just wait and see. I guess I don't know A lot going on. Hopefully, once she gets here I'll have a little bit more free time to do these podcasts. I've been really wanting to hit these hard but, man, it's hard to find the time and then when I do have time I've got to work on the farm. So it's kind of a. Once she gets here, I'm like Mom, please watch, give her two hours with him. But she will be like well, it's a podcast. Like, don't worry about it, mom, I'm working on this. But that being said, guys, much love everybody. I appreciate you guys so much.

Speaker 2:

This is a 30-minute episode, not very long, and it's mainly me just bitching about shadiness and stuff, but it is what it is. I don't know. I don't know these will get better. I hope they'll get better. Maybe I'll have to stop, I don't know, we'll see. You guys, have a great week, make it a great week, stay safe, spread love and positivity and let's make it a good week. Thank you guys for all the continued support on Patreon. Trying to build a cameo, trying to build them all, I don't know. Just whatever I can do.

Sheriff Election Drama and Victory
Border Security and Political Debates
Inflation, Biden, and Political Disillusionment
Podcast Reflections on Shadiness