
The Wherewithal to Change Things Through Making

Dale Dougherty
I'd like you to meet Amy Zell - mother, librarian, grief counselor, and maker. In this episode, she talks about the power of making to change things, to change people. She credits Casey Shea, a Sonoma County maker educator with telling her about "maker empowerment" at the Fab Institute in Pittsburgh in 2018. She understood "maker empowerment" to mean the wherewithal to change things through making, and she applied it to her own life to move forward after suffering the loss of her son. Now she works with others who have experienced loss and trauma and she is weaving making into mental health practices. Frankly, I don't want to summarize her story here because you should really hear it from her.

I can't think of a better way to explain to educators and parents how making changes lives than to hear Amy tell her moving story in her own words. For this conversation with Amy Zell, which took place this summer, I was joined by Casey Shea.