Reviving The Fire

Repent & Forgive

October 20, 2023 Jeff Saxton
Repent & Forgive
Reviving The Fire
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Reviving The Fire
Repent & Forgive
Oct 20, 2023
Jeff Saxton

Have you had relationships where things were going great and then, suddenly, without warning... it was over?

Maybe the relationship ended because of soemthing they did and you had enough, put a fork in that baby and moved on to the next one.

Or perhaps it was the other person who just ended things seemingly out of nowhere, leaving you hanging bro!

Either way, these sad abrupt endings are normal, in one sense; they are inevitable. But also, at least as it depends on us, we may be losing relationships that could have continued to be mutually beneficial and positive in our lives. 

There is nothing we can do when someone else either cuts us off without warning, or does something so toxic, so destructive, that your closest friends and family agree that it was for the best to be delivered from that relationship. 

There is alot to unpack here. And really, it is a big big topic that certainly can't be adequately covered in one 30 minute podcast. 

But what we do discuss is how God can make the difference in our relationships if we learn how to repent, ask forgiveness whenever we blow it, knowing that Our Father in Heaven loves us and longs to forgive any and all sincere, obedient hearts that seek to please HIM FIRST! 

Thanks again for listening!

Revive Equip website is:

My author website

Show Notes

Have you had relationships where things were going great and then, suddenly, without warning... it was over?

Maybe the relationship ended because of soemthing they did and you had enough, put a fork in that baby and moved on to the next one.

Or perhaps it was the other person who just ended things seemingly out of nowhere, leaving you hanging bro!

Either way, these sad abrupt endings are normal, in one sense; they are inevitable. But also, at least as it depends on us, we may be losing relationships that could have continued to be mutually beneficial and positive in our lives. 

There is nothing we can do when someone else either cuts us off without warning, or does something so toxic, so destructive, that your closest friends and family agree that it was for the best to be delivered from that relationship. 

There is alot to unpack here. And really, it is a big big topic that certainly can't be adequately covered in one 30 minute podcast. 

But what we do discuss is how God can make the difference in our relationships if we learn how to repent, ask forgiveness whenever we blow it, knowing that Our Father in Heaven loves us and longs to forgive any and all sincere, obedient hearts that seek to please HIM FIRST! 

Thanks again for listening!

Revive Equip website is:

My author website