Reviving The Fire

Lord I'm Sorry

April 26, 2024 Jeff Saxton
Lord I'm Sorry
Reviving The Fire
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Reviving The Fire
Lord I'm Sorry
Apr 26, 2024
Jeff Saxton

People often ask "What is repentance anyway?"
Or "What does the Bible say about repentance?"

Great question.

Maybe this is one of the most important questions in life. We have to learn how to repent if we hope to have everlasting life with Jesus in heaven.

If your not sure you even want that, well maybe this episode isn't for you. Then again, maybe it is, but you just need to get this foundational truth into your mind and soul so you can think about it.

Today we take a look at a famous parable called "The Prodigal Son" or "The Lost Son." Its about a fictional character who is the Father of two sons - a younger son, and an older son. The older son always did the right thing, but not always for the right reasons.

The younger son starts out doing something terrible - he requests that his father give him his inheritance now, and let him leave to go and enjoy a life of sinning.

What can a loving father do?

The youn son was old enough to be on his own. So the father let him do what he wished.

Great story and very much shows us the true heart of God as our Father in heaven. He loves us and very much waits for us to "come back home."

What's great about this story is the heart change that hppened to the young Prodigal. He quickly realized life was so much better doing things his father's way.

So the young son returns. The son was broken, contrite, sorry, sorrowful and everything one hoped for in a "repentant person."

CHECK IT OUT TODAY and then sign up for the Break Through 24 Repentance Conference May 7-9 2024.

If it's passed the date, you can still get replays and free PDF prayer tools!

Thanks again for listening!

Revive Equip website is:

My author website

Show Notes

People often ask "What is repentance anyway?"
Or "What does the Bible say about repentance?"

Great question.

Maybe this is one of the most important questions in life. We have to learn how to repent if we hope to have everlasting life with Jesus in heaven.

If your not sure you even want that, well maybe this episode isn't for you. Then again, maybe it is, but you just need to get this foundational truth into your mind and soul so you can think about it.

Today we take a look at a famous parable called "The Prodigal Son" or "The Lost Son." Its about a fictional character who is the Father of two sons - a younger son, and an older son. The older son always did the right thing, but not always for the right reasons.

The younger son starts out doing something terrible - he requests that his father give him his inheritance now, and let him leave to go and enjoy a life of sinning.

What can a loving father do?

The youn son was old enough to be on his own. So the father let him do what he wished.

Great story and very much shows us the true heart of God as our Father in heaven. He loves us and very much waits for us to "come back home."

What's great about this story is the heart change that hppened to the young Prodigal. He quickly realized life was so much better doing things his father's way.

So the young son returns. The son was broken, contrite, sorry, sorrowful and everything one hoped for in a "repentant person."

CHECK IT OUT TODAY and then sign up for the Break Through 24 Repentance Conference May 7-9 2024.

If it's passed the date, you can still get replays and free PDF prayer tools!

Thanks again for listening!

Revive Equip website is:

My author website