ElderCare Insights by Welcome Back Home Care with Lee Berkowitz

Brett Feldman – Elder Legal and Medical Supplies

January 10, 2024 Lee Berkowitz Season 1 Episode 6
Brett Feldman – Elder Legal and Medical Supplies
ElderCare Insights by Welcome Back Home Care with Lee Berkowitz
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ElderCare Insights by Welcome Back Home Care with Lee Berkowitz
Brett Feldman – Elder Legal and Medical Supplies
Jan 10, 2024 Season 1 Episode 6
Lee Berkowitz

Brett Feldman is a passionate advocate for improving accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges. Frustrated by the outdated options provided by Medicare, he set out to make a change.

Through his company, Brett distributes the Feather brand of lightweight wheelchairs, providing a more manageable and convenient solution for users and caregivers alike. Brett Feldman's dedication to innovation and accessibility has made a positive impact on the lives of many in the mobility community.

Brett and Lee delve into the intricacies of Medicare coverage, the importance of building a community around senior patients, and the impact of providing personalized care to the elderly.


  1. Prioritize personalized care and assistance for the elderly.
  2. Explore the benefits of long-term care insurance policies.
  3. Build a collaborative network of companies.

Connect with Brett Feldman:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brett-feldman-66493169


00:00 Lightweight electric wheelchairs offer independence and convenience.
05:11 Recognizing the value of a good wheelchair.
06:57 VA-accredited attorneys utilize VA benefits for veterans.
09:36 Elderly consider Medicare, Medicaid, and supplemental insurance.
14:57 Welcome Back Home Care anticipates your needs.
17:16 Getting discharged, supplied medical equipment, doctor's calls.
19:32 Support for progressive diseases through community and resources.
25:17 Medicare home health provides dignity and assistance.
26:38 Elite Medical Supply offers Medicare and Functional Living.


Book a call with Lee Berkowitz: www.welcomebackhomecare.com

Show Notes Transcript

Brett Feldman is a passionate advocate for improving accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges. Frustrated by the outdated options provided by Medicare, he set out to make a change.

Through his company, Brett distributes the Feather brand of lightweight wheelchairs, providing a more manageable and convenient solution for users and caregivers alike. Brett Feldman's dedication to innovation and accessibility has made a positive impact on the lives of many in the mobility community.

Brett and Lee delve into the intricacies of Medicare coverage, the importance of building a community around senior patients, and the impact of providing personalized care to the elderly.


  1. Prioritize personalized care and assistance for the elderly.
  2. Explore the benefits of long-term care insurance policies.
  3. Build a collaborative network of companies.

Connect with Brett Feldman:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brett-feldman-66493169


00:00 Lightweight electric wheelchairs offer independence and convenience.
05:11 Recognizing the value of a good wheelchair.
06:57 VA-accredited attorneys utilize VA benefits for veterans.
09:36 Elderly consider Medicare, Medicaid, and supplemental insurance.
14:57 Welcome Back Home Care anticipates your needs.
17:16 Getting discharged, supplied medical equipment, doctor's calls.
19:32 Support for progressive diseases through community and resources.
25:17 Medicare home health provides dignity and assistance.
26:38 Elite Medical Supply offers Medicare and Functional Living.


Book a call with Lee Berkowitz: www.welcomebackhomecare.com

Yeah. I would say every life matters. You know? Yeah. It it it doesn't matter what you've been through or what's going on. In that moment, when we're involved, they need help. You know? Whether it's Welcome everybody to the Elder Care Insights podcast by Welcome Back Home Care. Today, we have a great episode. We have our guest Brett Feldman with number 1 medical equipment And supply. And, Mark, the cohost here, and so we're very excited to get this started. So, Brett, so so you are with number 1 medical equipment and supply company. First of all, what what how how did you guys become number 1? How did that how was was there a competition? Was it know, when when you feel so confident about what you do, you can just name yourself as well. 1? Yeah. No. Realistically, it's all because of directories, in our health care industry. A lot of things are alphabetized, and, you know, we wanted to make sure we're on top of those directories. So tell us a little bit about, number 1, medical equipment and and supply company. What what do you guys do? So at number 1 medical equipment supply, what really we focus on is making the homes both medically functional and also beautiful. You know, there's a lot of traditional durable medical equipment out there. Medicare is really behind the times on new technology. And we try to explain to our clients, really, what can make that home more effective for them so they can live there longer with great home care services like Lease. You accept that's through Medicare. Correct? You that So, again, Medicare is really behind the times. So Medicare let's just take a wheelchair, example, when you get a wheelchair from Medicare, you're gonna get a 30 pound just clunker. Right? Like, it's like having, like, a car from the seventies. It's heavy, it's hard for the caregivers to push them, it makes it more difficult to get in and out of cars. It makes a lot of people homebound. So one of the brands that we distribute for is something called Feather, which is the world's lightest chairs. Our manual wheelchair is only £13 versus 30. Our 13 versus 30. Yeah. Wow. So and our electric wheelchairs are only 33 pounds. The Medicare ones weigh close to 80, and then you see them, like, strapped to the back of cars where ours just fold up like a normal chair. Only £3 more than a manual goes on the back of somebody's car. So it's really about just making the home medically functional and beautiful, but also allow people to get their independence back, not be stuck at home. And, no, these items aren't covered under Medicare because Medicare hasn't really taken the time yet or has the time to go ahead with PDAC coding, which is what they use to go back and say, you know, this chair is good. This chair is not good. This is what we'll cover. This is what we won't cover. Realistically, private pay and also long term care policies are really the only way to cover them. And most people don't know this, but 85% of policies have a medical supply benefit, which most of the time just goes unused because nobody's really looking for the add ons. They're just looking for the one thing that they need at that moment. And if you ever wanna check into your long term care insurance policy, call me. We do those type of con consultations. We'll call the insurance company. We'll find out. Is there is there a medical supply benefit, which is also known as a, So there's a couple different things. There's a there's a medical supply benefit. Mhmm. There's also a home modification benefit. So if you need ramps or grab bars, those sorts of things, we do that as well. And then, alternatively, there's also something special called an alternative plan of care benefit, and you can really go ahead and petition your long term care companies for just about whatever you need to, you know, live effectively. Yeah. I just called yesterday, and we found out that one of my client's, benefits are also a medical alert supply benefit that she's been paying for 1 all these years, and now she realizes that she can tap into her benefits and not have to pay that monthly payment anymore. She didn't even know. So it's it's great. It's funny because I I for years, I I I paid for my parents' long term care policy, And I never knew. I mean, I know I bought both of my parents, you know, electric wheelchairs and all this. And I never knew that this is, like, this is very important that people don't realize that know. These these policies cover that. Yeah. And, you know, things like, what you're saying is what you're saying is a Life Alert. But Life Alert's a brand. Those pieces of equipment are actually called personal emergency response systems. We're actually Is there an acronym for them? PERS, p e r s. Uh-huh. And, we go feel like I needed it. No. It does. Yeah. Yeah. We vendor for, and we we actually have a we do consulting work for a great company called Personal Living Alert, David Michaels. Yeah. Phenomenal product. Has both a in home product as well as a watch. Mhmm. You know, it's really great. Really, realistically, you know, a loved one's not gonna be completely alone. If they have that fall, they may be found immediately through 911, not be stuck there overnight on the floor. You know? Then you go into things like compartment syndrome. A lot of really difficult things that leave people in hospitals for a while. Yes. Some of these life alerts or the systems, they're they're near the bedside table. Are you gonna get to this thing when you fall in the shower? You you wanna have a company like David Michaels. We know from the ESRN networking group, a great, great group where where I know Brett from also. You wanna have a a watch or a pendant, something around you where you can be safe at all times. So what so, like, if you fall or something like that, on their watch, you're just kinda Yeah. It's actually, it it it goes with you. Right? Most of these personal emergency response systems are only for the home. His is one that actually will go with you, like a watch. It's all GPS coded. You know? You have that fall at Publix. You can still push that button, and, you know, EMS comes to you. At home, at Publix, anywhere you are. Yep. And we're and we're a vendor for them at Number 1 Medical. I know how beneficial it is to have a working, functional, Good wheelchair. I was working for my brother's company. That's always on time transportation. I was a driver at some at some point before I started this Welcome back home care. And I I know the difference between a clunker or one of those on the go chairs, a mobile chair, And it just makes the world of a difference, that £10 difference. You can tell. That's a nice wheelchair. That's functional. These people are comfortable in these chairs Rather than the old style chair where it's like, you know, most of the time, the rubber's worn out already and, you know, you just it's an extra line of safety, that's what we're all about. We wanna keep everybody safe, especially the elderly who need a little extra help, so that's what we're here for. Where are you from, by the way? Let's to know you. Right. So I'm originally from New York, Long Island. You know? Just like every good Yeah. You know, Jewish New Yorker as part of the exodus where when your parents retire, they make you sell the house. Me too. You moved to, just came down here. Actually, I was I was actually at Tulane University, and, hurricane Katrina wave. Go green wave. Go green wave. You know, it's actually fun for me now because after Hurricane Katrina hit, I finished up at FAU and with them both in Conference USA. I actually get to go to games with both of my alma maters at want. And who do you root for? Depends who's winning. Okay. Alright. Recently, I referred, Brett a client who I this this Young lady, she's the only child. She's super worried about her father who's in a facility over community in Delray Beach, And she says, I'm so overwhelmed. No one's helping me. I don't have anybody in my corner. Do do you have a a an attorney that can help me with Medicaid? And I I handed Brett's card over, and Brett works for a law firm, which is called Elder Care Solutions. Is that it? Elder legal solutions. Elder legal solutions. Okay. And what, what great part about our firm is actually all of our attorneys are accredited with the VA. So we're able to utilize a lot of the, trust and different things that the VA allows us to do to help people get both aid and attendance benefits, which is an amazing pension benefit that any wartime veteran is allowed to get that can give them realistically up to about $26100 a month towards their care. And, additionally, also to help them get on long term care Medicaid, which is also known as the home and community based service waiver program. That benefit is just unbelievable. It can do 4 different things for a family. It can either help them with adult day care. It's the benefit that will pay for a nursing home in full, minus your share of cost, it'll also cover about $1700 a month towards the care cost and assisted living or pay for home care services. This is this is a lot here. So any veterans out there, any veteran spouse out there, please give us a call If you have any questions about this aid and attendance benefit, it's very, in-depth, and it's not that complicated, and Brett's firm helps to, simplify the process. Yeah. We have some amazing attorneys, Neil Rice, Tamara Tadros, a few others, and they do a phenomenal job. We meet with every client. Consultations are completely free of charge. There's a lot of misconceptions out there, and what we try to do is maximize their availability to benefits So they can really afford to live where they want, get the care that they need. It's just a it's it's important when we can take somebody who maybe is only getting 12 to $1500 a month in Social Security, and we tap into both of those benefits. Now they're getting additional$26100 a month from the VA, $1700 in care costs from Medicaid. And that makes a hell of a difference when we're thinking about maybe assisted living because now in their budget is $58100 first $1500. Yeah. We're we're changing people. It's a different life. It's a different community. It's a different style of living, and it's a safe style of living. Let's talk about those misconceptions. One that's on the top of my mind is you have to be poor to be on Medicaid, and that's false. Correct, Brett? Completely. Enlighten us a little bit. So it's more about how you protect your assets. Medicaid doesn't show up and take all your money it's these are all, like, things that everybody gets scared about when they hear the word Medicaid. Medicaid's a tool. Medicaid is the thing that helps us get us more help than we can maybe afford. And, you know, a lot of people just think it's, you know, food stamps and a lot of other things, but it also acts as your secondary insurance. So there's also the MMA or Medicaid managed assistance program through the statewide Medicaid managed assistance program. Love repeating myself. David, here. But because you figured it. I know. Right? So, when you're I'm also a a licensed insurance agent. We have number 1 home number 1 health and retirement solutions. Another hat. Another hat. Yeah. And, realistically, we're working with a lot of seniors, but also people under 65. But when they turn Medicaid a Medicare age, there's a really the question comes on, do we go on an advantage plan? Do we get a secondary insurance and stay on traditional Medicare, which also gives you a lot more control. Medicaid acts as that secondary. Picks up that extra 20%. So a lot of times, those people can't afford the supplement, can still stay on Medicare. We can get them on Medicaid and the long term care Medicaid, and they keep control of their health care Great. That that's a lot of stuff. So, basically, we we spoke about the VA aid and attendance benefit. We spoke about Medicaid and, the managed care plan, and, you you don't have to be indigent or on the streets to get Medicaid. There's that's a tool and that there's certain strategies go ahead and manage those strategies. 1 is a trust, for instance, and and, Brett, you can probably tell us a little bit more about that. Yeah. I mean, not a lawyer. Right? So don't wanna don't wanna give away legal advice here, but Neil, Tamer, our team are the best at this, there there's different types of trust. There's a revocable trust. There's revocable trust. There's veterans' trust. Everybody's situation's different. Right? So time we talk to anyone, it's a puzzle. It's a puzzle that we need to solve. So, you know, I'm not gonna help Lee like I help Mark. I'm not gonna help Mark like I help Christian over here in engineering. You know, I everybody that we every life that we touch has a different story. You know? They have a different need. They have a different understanding of, and we our job is to understand their situations and then help them the best way that we can. Listening. Listening is always key. I'm always doing my best to Empathize with clients, listen to their story, and then at that point, become the authority and tell them the next steps to take. Who would need, the elder legal solutions? Who who tell tell us about who You know what? Who's your who's your husband? Everyone. Everybody. You know, there's there every anybody and everybody could be, you know, our customer. Because a lot of times, we're helping young families. You know? They just had a kid, and they wanna do their wills. Right. They need to set up a trust where they put their house. They wanna, you know, they wanna make sure that their children are protected. They need the power of attorneys now and health care surrogates and living wills, And we go to them. They can come to us, but we can also go to them, which is a really nice thing that we do that a lot of firms don't do. So the name is Elder Care Elder Solutions, but you, You still could you you you help people even in their twenties, thirties just to like, my son's 31 years old, about to get married, and whatever. I guess he should be Well, I mean, that's contacting you guys he's he's probably not thinking that now he's getting married, and he's has a wife, and he has kids. And what am I gonna do to protect them? Well, maybe down on Oh my god. Grandkids? Well, mean, maybe not yours. I mean, I I I have 2 little ones. You know? So, you know, when the day came that they were coming to this world, it was my time to start doing my planning. Right? I don't want something, god forbid, to happen to me. And now what? You know, it goes into courts. We're dealing with probate. We're dealing with guardianship then. All these things that could be figured out way ahead of time. Right. Right. Right. That they need to know who's so god forbid, something happens to them or whatever. How are they gonna how are they how are these kids gonna be taken care of, give them to grandpa? And, what's the old saying? Those who don't plan fail? Right. Right. Right? So planning isn't something yes. Is our firm, the majority of the time, in crisis? Right? We we get so much of our clients are there in crisis because they haven't planned. Right. If if you're ready to plan, though, we can do that. We can do full estate planning. We can go ahead and and figure out the right solutions both short and long term. You know, I'm gonna go back to the insurance side of this. Most people don't realize, but a lot of times, some, you know, for your newborn child. Everyone everyone's healthier today than they are tomorrow. Right? So your premium costs are low. I mean, one of the best things my parents ever did for me was take out a whole life plan that allowed me to lock my in my health rating. But every 5 years, I get to add to that policy at the same health rating as if I was 10 years old. And these are things that we can do for people. Right. Right. And I guess people need to know that. The the quintessential example I always remember is Joe Robbie, the the the original owner of the Miami Dolphins. Yeah. He, you you know the story. He he he he died without a will. He was a multi they had owned the stadium. He was one of these what's the name, missus Powell? He owned the entire stadium and everything. His kid's got nothing because he Unbelievable. They they didn't know estate planning whatsoever. Right. And, I mean, this is, you know, I I my background's actually what Lee does, and he does a phenomenal job with the caregivers at home. You know, I did it for 10 years. And what I did during those 10 years was I was the person always referring business out to lawyers, to insurance agencies, to durable medical coming companies, pharmacies. You know? So what when I left doing that industry, what I wanted to do was build something that was vertically integrated to be almost like a home care's best friend. And a lot of times, these home care is what they do is they utilize care management services, and there's there's great ones. There's Yep. Unicity senior advisers. There's Stacy Ruskin. There's just so many. But those care managers also need a resource. Right? So, you know, when you hire a care manager, they're still now responsible to be calling 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 companies. Yeah. But what we're building is medical equipment, home care, doctors, you know, bill pay. There's so much involved with this. And Right. And that's and that's kinda what we're doing is building this integrated network of of vertically you know, vertical companies that can support care managers and home care companies. And that's what we do. Yeah. So with Welcome Back Home Care, our our tagline is anticipating your needs since 2014. So, essentially, that's what we're doing. We're anticipating your needs by having the resources around, by planning, by knowing what to do and how to call the insurance companies and figure out what's in that policy, find out the daily benefit because most people have the policy, or if they do, they haven't looked at it. It's been in the the desk drawer at the bottom collecting dust. So I go ahead, get on the phone with the the client, and we conference in. They give us permission to talk, and we find out about what's the cash value. Is there an elimination period? Is there a waiver premium? There's lots of things we talk about, but mostly, we're anticipating the needs for the future, and that's why long term care insurance is a great idea or life insurance with a long term care rider because, like what Brett alluded to, It's we're always healthier right now, so the younger you are, essentially, the less expensive it's gonna be. Exactly. And and there's a lot more benefits out there that people don't know about, and and that's kinda what we're trying to do is uncover them. I mean, one of the biggest things is we're primarily dealing with homebound people. And and but there might not have to be homebound. They they might be home dependent, but not homebound. So things like your doctors. People don't know this, but under traditional Medicare benefits, you're allowed to have a physician come to your home to take care of you. You don't have to still be, you know, struggling to get out to the doctors. One of the companies that, you know, we consult with and and work hand in hand, it's something called Doctors House Calls with 20 ARMPs. Doctor Seth. Well, Seth isn't the doctor. But Okay. Okay. Alright. Well, he he's out in the networking group too and, So the principal owner of that company is a a gentleman by the name of Adam David. And and, you know, we have clients everywhere from South Miami to Vero Beach that we go ahead and we go out to the home with with ARMPs and with physicians to take care of actual physicians, and it's covered under your Medicare. Wow. Wow. Yeah. We've worked with companies where the the the client declines a bit, can't go to the doctor. We'll call a certain, referral partner, And they'll have a doctor come right out. It's covered by Medicare. Unbelievable. A lot of people don't don't know this that Medicare is Super involved. There's so many different benefits through the Medicare. Brett's pretty much an expert at this. Yeah. It's all and it's all about peeling back the layers. Right? So a lot of times, somebody's getting discharged. You know? I had this one amazing family, and they they just got discharged out of a skilled nursing facility, but they didn't have the proper orders. So and they couldn't afford some of these equipments that we do at number of medical equipment supplies. So we have to, you know, utilize our sister company, Elite Medical Supply, who's, you know, our Medicare arm, and get them all these great items that they need. But we need the orders to do it in the notes to back that up. So doctor's house calls went out. That was done. You know? We got them the equipment the next day. They also needed their home health benefits through their Medicare home health. We partner with Trilogy. Yeah. Phenomenal Medicare home care. One of the companies we work with many years. Yep. Trilogy, Accessible Home Care is is an amazing company as well. There's so many good ones out there. Yeah. I'll give a shout out to working nurses. They're just so terrific. Yep. We're working with the a lot a lot of the folks over there. There's so many good ones. Clearly, Brett and I, you know, you can reach us. We have lots of resources, lots of connections. We like to give 3 or 4 different business owners the opportunity and the client to choose, see who you feel really good about. You know, we we clearly have a lot of different resources. Which which is funny because I was just gonna say, you as a layman, I I don't know about any of this, but I'm I'm I'm seeing this is kinda cool that you guys you guys all you know, you're no one's a competitor in this. You guys kinda all work together. You all kinda have you you and and it's all I guess if anybody were to call you, Lee, and they needed legal advice or medical supplies or whatever, you're gonna go to Brent. I'm just kidding. Brent or Fred. No. Fred. Oh, and and and the same is true here. I'm sure if somebody's coming in for for a wheelchair, and, obviously, they're coming in for a wheelchair, there's a good chance they might need A caregiver. A caregiver. Boom. You know? They'd call back and then, You know, and then legal and and and these these these nurses that that come to the house. You really have to build a yeah. It's a team. It's a Exactly. Senior care is a community. Right. And and we have to build a community around every patient. It it's a circle. Because you know? And the most important thing is working with people who actually communicate with one another because maybe we're seeing 1 well, the home care is always gonna see it first. Right? That caregiver's there anywhere from 4 hours a day to 24 hours a day with Lee, and they're gonna really see as things are progressing or or sadly not the other side of it. You know? They're regressing. And and, you know, a lot of times, a lot of the diseases we deal with, like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, are progressive, by the way. Always reach out to APDA or Alzheimer's Association. They're great organizations. They have amazing resources. But we go ahead and and and build that community around them and make sure that whatever it is on a daily basis that they need, they can actually get. And a lot of these seniors feel alone. They feel isolated, and we don't want them to feel that way. We want to make sure if they're if they've ever touched we've ever been able to touch their lives and work with them on a day to day basis, they know that they're taken care of and they're protected, and those families do too whether they're here or out of state. Okay. Well Yeah. That's what we do it for. But so so, we don't wanna neglect to make sure that, you know, you're we're we're honored to have you and your your your multiple levels of of of senior care and and elder care. How does, somebody needs, get ahold of elder legal solutions or, Number 1, medical equipment supply. How do they how do they get a hold of you? So, obviously, I'm happy to give out my number. I'm always a easy point of contact reach 247, that's 954-909-7526 or One more time. A little slower there. 954 Uh-huh. 909 Uh-huh. Plan seven five two six. That's very cool. So 9095. That's, that's kinda why we did it that way. But, if you wanna look at any of these newer age technologies for durable medical equipment, you can go to 1, the number 1, medical supply .net. Our website for Elder Legal Solutions is elderlegalsolutionsllpdot come, or, obviously, you know, any one of the other companies that you need, you can always just reach out to us, and we'll we'll get you connected. Sure. So we we have a little tradition here on, Elder Care Insights podcast, and we just started this tradition On our last podcast Oh. Okay. I get to be number 2. Tell us, either either from, from Elder Legal Solutions or number 1 medical equipment and supply. Tell us your best day ever. What was your what was your best day ever? There was this 1 family we're working with. It was it was a mess. It it was truly a mess. They were they were going back and forth. Do we need hospice? Are we gonna have mom be home? Are we gonna have be have mom go to, you know, a skilled nursing facility for rehab. We do we do we stay in the hospital longer? Do we appeal this discharge? You know? What is it? Right? Like, what do we do? And and I get to the room, and everybody's trying to keep a straight face. We get in the hallway. Everybody just is breaking down in tears. Right? And I literally spent 5 hours with that family, and we went through every piece of the puzzle. We we got their doctor situated. We got their benefits situated. We we did the consultation with a lawyer right there on spot. I actually sent teams out to the home to start doing their medical supplies and build ramps and a pool lift all within 5 hours of herself. And this lady who there was a good chance that she was never coming home. 48 hours later, I was home and then didn't go on hospice. She actually lived for over 2 years. If somebody something would talk about, like, something that we don't do in in this country as they do better in other countries is is We need to take better care of of of our of our elders, of Absolutely. You know, of of the the ones that have the wisdom, And and we don't. And then and then it seems like you guys, 1 1 business at a time, 1 client at a time, 1 patient at a time. You guys are all you're you're Your your your little community, which I'm I'm I like I love being on this podcast, but I feel like in a small way, I'm part of this community now. It's like, you guys really seem to be taking care of people in in in their time and need. Companies like Brett Yeah. Yeah. Companies like mine, we care. You can see a bit of our passion. We're not gonna stop until we know we're doing the best that we can to make sure that citizen is protected, And we're creating longevity for them to have a good quality of life and to preserve their dignity Right. And to keep keep it going and and for them to to have socialization, they can get out, they can go to their beauty salon or the Dunkin' Donuts they love to go to. So all these things With the, medical supply and caregivers, that all helps them live a good quality life. Yeah. I would say every life matters. You know? Yeah. It it doesn't matter what you've been through or what's going on. In that moment, when we're involved, they need help. You know? Whether it's they they have trouble transferring. Right? We have a we have an amazing piece of a bed called, the independence bed, which is a memory foam hospital bed that converts to a lift chair. Wow. Or yeah. That's pretty cool. A lot of times for people who, like, let's say, they're in a studio apartment, it doubles as both. Right? So they don't have as much space when they want to assist the living. We also have those ones that, I'll be honest, are just a little bit vain and and need something beautiful. And we have something great called the the Sondercare bed, which looks like something you'd find in restoration hardware, not a medical supply store. You know, gorgeous ergonomic wood frames from Germany, Tempur Pedic mattresses, custom fabric patches that pack packages out of Canada. I mean, it's it's beautiful, like, something that anybody would be happy to sleep on, but it is a hospital that doesn't work. Can be beautiful. And before we wrap this up, I wanted to touch on one quick thing. So Medicare, what we do is we will call and we'll check-in on our clients, and we'll see. Has there been any falls lately? Has there been any decline in vision and a decline in their audio skills. And so at that point, physical, physical therapy, for instance, It's covered by Medicare. So there there's many other things. If you have a wound on any part of your body, it's covered by Medicare. You have a a nurse come out and start to do wound care. So these are the some of the types of things that are covered, And, maybe there's there's lots of other things. Brett, please expand on a few others. Stress occupational therapy. Mhmm. You know, a lot of times, we give them this this equipment, but they need to know how to use it. And having these Medicare home health companies, the ones that we mentioned, go ahead and come out with physical or occupational therapy and really go ahead and focus on how not just well, you have this new bed, but how do you use the bed? Or Yeah. There's something called a dignity lift, which is actually a lift the toilet, and a lot of people are incontinent because they can't actually, depth perception wise, get on and off the toilet. And this actually will lower you down and raise you up. And we give back dignity. That way, you know, nobody wants to be incontinent. We want they everybody wants the toilet. Everybody wants to walk and everybody but we we have to figure out what they can and can't do, but then make it easier for them. Yeah. So speech therapy, for stroke victims, just practicing and Continuing to get that those those motor skills and Medicare is is All encompassing. There's lots of other things. So give us a call at Welcome Back Home Care. I just got I just got one one other question. Yeah. So somebody contact you when they they they wanna know if they'd be the studio, the the studio apartment where they have the bed that that converts the chair or the they want the Mac Daddy one. Is there a way that they could see these before they purchase it? Or Oh, absolutely. So we have a showroom in Deerfield Beach, right on the corner of Southwest Tennessee. All this stuff at at the, showroom? Yep. Because of our also with Elite Medical Supply, our our Medicare sister company over there in Lantana. So we have we have that as well. Also, you know, we can go online. And then, also through our company, we have a separate side company within the medical supply space called Functional Living. And, we're actually gonna be going ahead and staging some apartments and some different assisted living communities. So you can go both go on a tour there, but also see all of our equipment. It's almost like a, interior designer for, for elder care. Exactly. Yeah. Virtual walk through. I'm sure that no. No. Physical. Physical walk through. Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. So also tell us how we get ahold of, Welcome Back Home Care also. Check check us out at welcome back home care .com. Give us a call at 561-279 six four zero zero. We're serving all of Broward County, all of Palm Beach County, and the Treasure Coast. So that's 561 279-6400. Just call us. You know? We'll help you. We'll answer some of the questions you're looking for. We can refer to great people like Brett and other great companies as well. That's what we've been doing. We wanna be resourceful, And we definitely wanna help you, so please give us a call. We care a lot. Awesome. Guys, thanks, Brett. Thanks for being thanks for the time. My pleasure to catch you. The Elder Care Insights podcast by Welcome Back Home