6 New Year Goals For Health & Fitness (Losing Weight Happily)

January 02, 2024 Danielle Nicole La Rose Episode 26
6 New Year Goals For Health & Fitness (Losing Weight Happily)
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6 New Year Goals For Health & Fitness (Losing Weight Happily)
Jan 02, 2024 Episode 26
Danielle Nicole La Rose

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Happy New Year! It's time to set impactful goals that not only promise a healthier you but also a more joyous and fulfilling LIFE! 

If you're setting health & fitness goals or desire to lose weight and you want to do it happily and maintain results, unlike most traditional dieting, this episode is for you! Danielle shares 6 goals to set that have nothing to do with losing weight! 

We're LIVING MORE in 2024! Let's do it! 

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Happy New Year! It's time to set impactful goals that not only promise a healthier you but also a more joyous and fulfilling LIFE! 

If you're setting health & fitness goals or desire to lose weight and you want to do it happily and maintain results, unlike most traditional dieting, this episode is for you! Danielle shares 6 goals to set that have nothing to do with losing weight! 

We're LIVING MORE in 2024! Let's do it! 

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Danielle La Rose:

Happy New Year, sister. Oh my gosh. We are going into 2024 together, and my whole vibe for 2024 is to live more in 2024. Like, truly, truly live, like with energy and pizzazz, and like boldness and bravery, and just to live. I think so. So often, we get like so bogged down with life that we forget to live it, and to live it fully and to have peace and freedom and joy and confidence, and so that's the vibe that I'm coming into this with today, and I hope that you are too, because this gets to be a great year, and we may say that every single year, and that's totally fine. But if you will stick with me, if you will be here, we are seriously going to do things differently in 2024. And we are going to truly live.

Danielle La Rose:

So how was your holiday? How were the days? How was your new years? I hope that you enjoyed every second. I hope you're relaxed and refreshed and ready now to take on the year, however that looks to you. Have you? Let me? Okay, but listen, I got some good stuff for you.

Danielle La Rose:

Today. I'm going to share five goals that I really believe will support you in your health goal, if you are setting one of those this year, which, by the way, I have to tell you, I believe that every single year we should have two goals, no matter what. One should be financial and one should be a health goal. So with that, I know so many people are starting to think about weight loss, and so we're going to talk about that how do you lose weight happily? And five ways to actually strategize that, five goals to set that aren't weight loss goals but will help you actually lose weight and do it in a happy way. Again back to that whole like let's live more in 2024. And I'm sorry to tell you, but if we're focusing on losing weight and we just keep stepping on the scale, we won't actually truly live because we're stuck in that place. But before I jump into that again, I would love to hear from you how your holiday went, how you're feeling going into 2024.

Danielle La Rose:

And are you one of those people that sets like a? It's a thing right, setting a word of the year? Because obviously a lot of people have backtracked from the whole New Year's resolutions because ain't nobody stick into that for a full 12 months for the most part. So we, a lot of people, have said, okay, well, what can we do that helps us have the right mindset and also live the life that we want in a new year.

Danielle La Rose:

And so the word of the year is this thing that I never practice, if I'm being honest, because I remember the one year I actually chose a word of the year and by February I forgot what it was. It just wasn't. It just wasn't like, it just wasn't hitting. You know what I mean, like it just wasn't. I wasn't vibing with it, it wasn't. I just picked a word because I was like, well, I guess I'm supposed to pick a word, so, yay, word of the year. And then again it did nothing for me. I didn't make any choices based on that. I didn't live my life based on that. It was just a cool thing to try to do, just like a new year's resolution.

Danielle La Rose:

So after I did that, I decided to give up. I was like, no, it doesn't make sense, doesn't work for me. But I will tell you I have decided to set a word of the year and so I thought I could share that with you before I jump in, in case it inspires or piques your interest in setting a word that perhaps will work for you. And again, if you forget it by February. Girlfriend, you tried, it's not a big deal, okay, but for me, I have been thinking, and I wasn't going to set a word of the year, but last night, literally just last night, I was like, okay, I want a word, I feel like there's a word for me this year, and I was like, what would that word be? And I thought back to this program.

Danielle La Rose:

One of my business mentors ran a program called iconic, and in that program I've literally listened to it like so many times I stopped counting. And in that program, though, she talks about creating an iconic brand, creating an iconic quote, unquote personality, I guess, creating an iconic life. And I was like, okay, I don't get it Like cool, iconic, whatever. And then she was like, well, think about the icons, think about the Oprah Winfrey's, think about the Beyonce's and the Britney Spears and the people who are just straight up icons. What choices do they make that are different? Maybe then you're making what? How do they present themselves, how do they feel right, and all of these things. And not to say that they're perfect, because they're not, we don't need to put them on a Pestal, but the point is that they show up as icons. They are iconic because they stand for something, they show up, they spread their message and they do the things that bring them joy and transforms other people's lives.

Danielle La Rose:

You can't tell me you ain't never been to a Beyonce concert or Taylor Swift concert or been around Oprah and your life Hasn't been transformed. You just can't say it. And I say those people, but I, my, my person is Britney Spears. My life was transformed when I met Britney Spears. Okay, but they are icons, and so I got the thing. I'm like, oh my gosh, that word is just hitting for me right now and I feel kind of weird saying it, because For me I'm like but I don't, I'm not an icon, I'm just a normal, normal human that's just trying to do cool things, that's trying to help people, that trying to make a difference, that really just wants to make the world a better place. Now I want to see the Michael Jackson song, but I just that's. I'm just a normal person.

Danielle La Rose:

I literally just switched out of my pajamas, just put on a new outfit, but again, just now, I put on this off and I was like I got to put on an iconic outfit. If I'm gonna step into this word, if I'm gonna step into this year and truly live that life, to create an iconic business where it helps little girls Grow up with more confidence than I had. If it helps a woman Transform the way she sees food and fitness and live a healthy life, so she empowers the little girls around her, then that's what I want to do, and so I have to step into this iconic version of myself who walks out on stages, who talks with confidence, who presents herself in the way that she truly desires. Sure, I still see myself as a girl just laying on the couch with some pajamas on and Wonder when the last time was I took a shower. However, I also really, truly want to make a huge impact in the world. I want to stand on stages and speak and motivate and inspire and energize a huge crowd. I want to write books that that transform how you feel and how you, how you approach your life, so you can live an iconic life. And so when I was thinking about that and I started and I was like, okay, I'm gonna record my podcast. This is audio, I don't do video, so I can look however I want, I don't have to shower, I don't have to put myself together. But then I came back to this whole idea. I'm going to create an iconic life. I'm going to step into that version of myself that I truly desire.

Danielle La Rose:

What does she wear? So I gotta share with you right now I am wearing. I still love my t-shirts. I got a fun t-shirt on. It's got little poofy sleeves and it's black, and I've got my bright pink pants on with my wedge sneakers that have bling bling on them, and I Curled my hair and teased it right before this. Like I literally have my teasing come sitting right next to me and I just want to share that with you, not for you, not because I want it matters to you. Right, like, my word is my word. I get to step into that and I'm going to start making choices every single day.

Danielle La Rose:

That helped me lean into that and Originally I was like, oh, I don't. I don't know if I should share my word with people because it kind of feels funny. Right, they might, they might judge me, they might think it's funny, they might think, didn't know, you're not an icon, I know you, like I literally had lunch with you yesterday and you're, you're just so normal and yes, that's true. But I also really want to Inspire you To decide. Who do you want to be this year? What version of yourself will make you feel really, really good? And With that, we get to lean into you what we're gonna talk about today.

Danielle La Rose:

So, with that, let's talk about it, because I know you, sister, and I hope you did set health goals. Now, if it's a weight loss goal, I don't really care, but I want you to set a health goal. I want you to really envision what does that look like for you? And the reality is that most people do set weight loss goals at the beginning of a new year. Right, we want to feel better, we want to have more energy, we want to fit into our clothes, we want to all of the things. Here is the deal, though I want you to lose weight if your body needs to, first of all and second of all, without focusing on the weight and letting it fall off naturally. So here's how we're gonna do this. Okay, I would have five, no six. I have six goals for you that if you set these goals for your year, for your health, I promise you if your body needs to lose weight. Okay, I just have to plug this real quick.

Danielle La Rose:

As your body competence bestie, I have to tell you, I truly believe that if your body needs to lose weight, it will lose weight when you take the actions that you need to take. Cannot get it, amen, all right. So your body will naturally change. And if it does not, if you are at a point to where you are in a spot where you truly do need to lose weight in order to be healthier according to your blood work, your doctor, right then and it's not happening, then we'd need to have a conversation with your medical professional to see if there is an underlying medical condition that is preventing you from doing so. However, majority of us, if our bodies need to lose weight, they will If we're taking the actions that will help them do that. If our body isn't changing the size of it, but we're taking the actions, we're working out, we're eating healthy, we're doing the things, then our body is where it's supposed to be and we get to learn to accept that and love that body of ours. That's for a different episode.

Danielle La Rose:

I want you to ask yourself the goal that I want you to set is who do I want to become For me? I want to be iconic. I want to be full of energy. I want to be full of confidence. I want to be the woman that sets out on stage and demands, just oozes with confidence. Right, because that wasn't who I was. I work on that every single day. I'm not naturally confident. I am actually petrified to speak in front of people, and yet I have this vision of mentoring and supporting tons and tons and tons of women and girls. That's the version of myself that I want to become.

Danielle La Rose:

Who do you want to become? Are you becoming an energetic woman? Are you becoming a fit woman? Are you becoming a confident woman? Are you becoming the happiest woman? Are you? Who do you want to become? You might be thinking about Danielle. What does that have to do with a weight? Because when you know who you want to become, we take actions to become her. I'm no longer focused on the weight loss, because I'm focused on how do I create more energy? If that's the goal of becoming more energetic, how do I take action to become happier? How do I take more action to become fitter? Maybe for me, in my mind, I'm like oh me, and the last time I walked upstairs I got out of breath, and so I really want to become fit to where I can walk upstairs and not get out of breath. If that's the goal, then what actions do I need to take? The question is who do I want to become, not how do I want to look? Because when we focus on how we look, we won't take the actions that we need to get there, because we're so focused on the appearance. Where we need to be focused on the actions, who do I want to become? Make that one of your goals.

Danielle La Rose:

Number two another goal that I would love for you to set in order to live a healthier, happier life, even if it is to lose weight, I want you to set a fun goal. A fun goal. I wish I could play fun music here, but set a fun goal that you can do when you feel better in your body. No-transcript, one of the goals that I'm setting. I can't. I'm giving all my secrets away today. I thought these were gonna stay personal, but I guess I'm gonna share them with the world. So, friend, I am going to set a goal that I want to compete in a dance competition this year.

Danielle La Rose:

Now, listen, I was a competitive dancer my whole life, but I did things like hip-hop and jazz and lyrical and Things like that. I've never and if you don't know. As adults, there's not an option to do that. Like, you can go take a class, but I'm the oldest one there and there's no competition. Like there's no competition teams anymore. There's none of that. So in order to do dance competitions, I get to learn how to do ballroom. I've never taken a ballroom class. I don't even know if I would like a ballroom class, if I'm being honest.

Danielle La Rose:

But as I was thinking about this, I was like, okay, I want more health goals that aren't focused around what I look like and weight loss. So what? What's something fun that I could achieve? Like what to do that would require me to get healthier, and so for me, it's a dance competition. Maybe for you it's a running a half marathon. Maybe you want to go snowboarding. We went snowboarding and I was like man, this is a workout. You have to get in shape to like be able to snowboard, and so maybe it's snowboarding, maybe it's doing a 5k with your kids, maybe it's, it doesn't matter. What is something that you think is would be super fun to do? That would require you to get out of your comfort zone. That would require you to work on your health and fitness goals. That would be a fun goal to set that you could achieve this year. Okay, so we got. Who do we want to become? And we're setting a fun goal. And now Number three is I want your goals to be addition, not subtraction, and if you're one of my clients, you've heard me say this a million times and it will become a billion, and you're welcome. So we're not subtracting Nobody.

Danielle La Rose:

Nobody wants to be told they can't do something. Think about like a kid. You tell a kid they can't do something, in two seconds later they're doing it. Why? Because we all want to do things we're not supposed to do. Okay, so you've done it. Whether it was ten years ago or it was just yesterday, you've done something that you weren't supposed to do. Just because you weren't supposed to do it. You might not have even cared, you might not have even wanted to, but you do it because you know you're not supposed to. So, naturally, that's what we're gonna do with our health and fitness. Also, if someone tells you that you can't have candy, what do you want the most? Candy? If somebody tells you you can never have a carb, ever again what's the first thing that you want? A carb, even if you would have never thought about that before. That's exactly what you're going to do.

Danielle La Rose:

So when we set health and fitness goals in order to truly whether you're trying to lose weight or not, in order to do it in Happy way throughout the year, we get to set. We get to add, not subtract. So what I mean by that is make your goals about adding in Things that will help you get to that version of yourself that you want, that will help you get to achieve that fun goal that you just set. So, adding veggies are you gonna eat a certain number of veggies a day? Are you gonna drink a certain amount of water a day? Are you gonna do a certain number of workouts a week? What are you gonna do to bring yourself joy? What are things that you can add into your life that will help you create that healthy body, the healthy mindset that you desire, instead of writing down goals that subtract things from your life? So we're adding healthy options. We're adding things that will help our mindset instead of subtracting. Got it, get it Great.

Danielle La Rose:

Number four we are going to focus on action goals, action goals and tracking them what I mean by this kind of like I just mentioned with adding, when we're talking about adding something. I want you to add in and say what is the action? Our goal is no longer the scale. I don't care if you drop 50 pounds, I don't care if you drop two pounds, I don't care if you gain seven pounds, I don't care. I love you, but I don't care. What I do care about are the actions that you're taking. So when we're setting goals, let's talk about the actions. Like I said, are we eating a certain number of veggies? Are we drinking a certain amount of water? Are we doing certain number of workouts? And then we're going to track them, the progress. We're tracking the progress of the actions throughout the week.

Danielle La Rose:

I have not weighed myself in years. I have no idea how much I weigh because I just tune into my body. I know if it needs to adjust, I know what actions I'm not taking, that I get to start taking, or actions that I am taking that I need to stop taking, whatever. But we get to and I share that with you because we don't give ourselves enough credit for being smart. We are smart.

Danielle La Rose:

We don't need the number on the scale to tell us where we're at health-wise. We don't need the number on the scale to determine our worth? Because it doesn't. We don't need the scale to tell us whether we made good choices or bad choices. We are smart, intelligent women. We understand the choices that we're making and we get to stop checking out a number on a square to tell us if what we're doing serves us or not. Did you hear me? You can rewind and re-listen to that if you need to, because that was good, because the scale is irrelevant. So I want you to track the actions that you're taking, not the end result of a number on a scale. Throw it away. I don't tell you that, because if that does serve you and you need that number in your life, then I'm never going to tell you what to do, because you should make choices that are right for you and I will make choices that are right for me. However, if you have an unhealthy relationship with your body and you really struggle with your food and fitness and living a healthy life, then the scale is probably one of the reasons why. That's Danielle's opinion.

Danielle La Rose:

Okay, number five create rewards. I don't care what it is. Create a reward. How are you going to reward yourself for taking action that is serving you and helping you live a great life? So at the end of the week, you can decide is it that you took 80% of the actions that you wanted to accomplish, or is it 75%? Or is it 50% or is it 95%? You decide what percentage.

Danielle La Rose:

But if, at the end of the week, you've achieved your goal of the actions that you set, how are you going to celebrate? Is it a new outfit? Is it a favorite ice cream? Is it a massage? Is it a walk with a friend? Is it a movie date? Is it a whole day just lounging on the couch? What's the reward? It doesn't have to be big. It can be as big as you want, or it can be very small, it does not matter. The goal is just that we are constantly celebrating the actions that we're taking. That's helping us create that version of ourselves that we desire to become All right.

Danielle La Rose:

Last one is our daily goal. Okay, because we are so wrapped up in our world of wanting to track this number on a scale, of wanting to think about, in three months and six months and a year, how am I going to feel, how much weight am I going to lose, what size jeans am I going to wear, how am I going to what accomplishments and how big is my bank account. We're so focused on the long term goal that we forget to check in and realize what really matters is the daily, the daily actions, the daily goals. Here's the goal that I want you to set for yourself every single day, and I know you should get to decide goals on your own and you should but this is a goal that I'm just asking you to add to your goal list.

Danielle La Rose:

Every day, I want you to check in with your body. I'm going to ask yourself at the end of every day, how do I feel? And ask yourself what does my body need? That's your daily goal. At the end of every day, how do I feel? Because, again, sister, just like I told you just a few minutes ago, you are smart and your body is talking to you every single day, all day. It's telling you what it needs. You're telling it to shut up because you want to make choices that probably go against what your body wants and needs in order to reach that end result of whether it's weight loss or changing the way you look or your shape or your size, whatever the world has sold us this our entire lives, to change how we look, to take drastic measures in order to do so, and we're fighting against our bodies.

Danielle La Rose:

And this is the year if we're going to live more in 2024, this is the year that we don't do that anymore. What do we do instead? We tune in. We tune into our bodies. We ask our bodies how do they feel and what do they need. She'll tell you if she needs more water, she needs more workout, she needs more veggies. She will tell you, and you are smart enough to start listening. So you want to know how to lose weight happily. You want to know how to actually transform your health once and for all, to never set another weight loss New Year's goal ever again, but to truly live a healthy, happy life.

Danielle La Rose:

It starts right here with these goals. It starts right here with shifting the mindset around how to approach health and fitness. Oh, I just hit my elbow. I'm getting all passionate over here. I got my arms flailing around and stuff because I truly desire for you to feel good in your body, to live a great life into truly, truly going back to the very beginning to live more in 2024. You cannot live if you're, if you're looking down at the scale. You cannot live if you're stressing about what you should and shouldn't eat. You cannot live fully if you are so consumed and desiring and wanting to spend hours upon hours, upon hours to work out because you think that's what's going to create happiness and confidence in your life. You aren't living if your whole life is all about how to change how, the how you look. You cannot truly live if you're more focused on how your body looks than the purpose, passion and priorities in your life. So take these six goals six goals and run with them and decide that 2024 gets to be about living more, and your workouts and your food are simply tools to help you live that great life. Can I get an amen? Yes, girl, high five snaps, all the things. Yes, okay, now I'm going to we're, we're done here.

Danielle La Rose:

I want to say thank you for jumping into another year with me and for being here on this podcast. If this episode supported you, please do me a huge solid and share this with a friend Again. My mission is going back to creating an iconic brand and iconic business and iconic message, and that message is that I truly, truly desire to help create a world where no little girl or woman ever looks in the mirror and dislikes who she sees. And so, by you being here and you sharing this and you supporting and you messaging me I read your messages, I read your emails and all of the things that you're your big takeaways and sharing your goals and your dreams and and the aha moments for you, that fuels my soul. So thank you for being here, thank you for tuning into this episode. I can't wait to hear all about your goals for 2024. And if you have a word of the year, hit me up, let me know. I'd love to hear your word. All right, sister, remember that you are pretty powerful. Now go show the world.

Living an Iconic Life in 2024
Setting Goals for a Healthy Life