TURN UP: Stepping into Confidence & Personal Power - Motivation

January 23, 2024 Danielle Nicole La Rose Episode 29
TURN UP: Stepping into Confidence & Personal Power - Motivation
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TURN UP: Stepping into Confidence & Personal Power - Motivation
Jan 23, 2024 Episode 29
Danielle Nicole La Rose

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Let's crank it up together this Turn Up Tuesday, where we TURN UP the volume on our dreams, actions, and confidence. We're not just hitting play; we're blasting the volume on the playlist of positivity and self-encouragement. Say goodbye to the tunes of self-doubt and negativity that have been on repeat, and let's groove to a rhythm that resonates with the life you've been dreaming of. Get ready for a motivational session to kickstart your week & elevate your energy! 

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Let's crank it up together this Turn Up Tuesday, where we TURN UP the volume on our dreams, actions, and confidence. We're not just hitting play; we're blasting the volume on the playlist of positivity and self-encouragement. Say goodbye to the tunes of self-doubt and negativity that have been on repeat, and let's groove to a rhythm that resonates with the life you've been dreaming of. Get ready for a motivational session to kickstart your week & elevate your energy! 

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Danielle La Rose :

happy turn up Tuesday. And if you're like Danielle, what are you even talking about? You've never mentioned a turn up Tuesday. I'm so glad you asked because it is just in my soul this year that it's time to turn up. It is time to create the life that we want and in order to do that, we have to turn up the volume on the things that we desire. We have to turn up on the volume on the actions that we take. We have to turn up the volume on our confidence and our joy and our creation and our passions and our purpose and everything that we truly desire. We have to turn up for ourselves, which means that we're showing up for ourselves. It means that we're taking actions for ourselves. And so this year, for me, all of a sudden, it was just this past weekend that I was like, oh, it just hit me. Everything, everything comes back to turning up. We gotta turn up the volume on the life that we desire, on our power, on our confidence, on our joy. We gotta turn up the actions that we take to get there. And so, on this Turn Up Tuesday, I wanted to share this with you because I just sent out an email to my homies that are on my list. So if you're not on my list and you want my Turn Up Tuesday email, I started them last year and I'm really going full force with them this year, where I share some fun things.

Danielle La Rose :

Right, I do a drop it low section, so sometimes it's some dance moves. I do a what is it? A dish dish in it. So any story or something interesting that I'm finding that's happening, I'm dishin' it. I'm dishin' it out. I'm sharing with you what's goin' on. I have some what is it drop a beat. I got my playlist. So any of the playlist or the songs I'm listening to or podcast or anything that I'm like man. This is like helping me turn up in my life. I share that. So this is like I didn't mean to share this plug now, but if you desire a Turn Up Tuesday email would be like, yes, give me the goods, then I'll drop that here in the show notes that you can grab that, but anyways, so I'm sharing this because I literally just sent that email and at the same time, I'm like man. I haven't shared this with my homies that are listening to the podcast.

Danielle La Rose :

So this year for me, and maybe probably my whole life, because it's really been on my soul for a long time, but it's just all coming together for me with this Turn Up, and today I really want you. I just wanted to come to you quickly and share a thought when it comes to this Turn Up. Right, there's gonna be lots of things that I'm gonna talk about when it comes to Turn Up, but to start, we have to really decide which playlist we're turning up, which one are we gonna push play on and which one are we gonna turn up louder? Because, see, for the most part, you probably have a couple of playlist options. You have one that are really okay, you have two really loud ones that you probably hear on repeat, and the one playlist in your life is probably the. You can't do this. What are you thinking? What's wrong with you? That's not meant for people like us. Ew, do you see yourself in that mirror? Oh gosh, you really need to change something about that. What's wrong with you? Why aren't you and can't you be more disciplined, man? Wouldn't it be nice to be more like her, more confident, have that bang and body Dang like man, but not you. You ain't got it, you ain't, it ain't working for you and don't even try, like what's the point of even trying, because you're never gonna get there, you're never gonna reach that goal. Those dreams and desires, those are crazy, those aren't made for people like us. Ew Ugh. That's one playlist that you may have been experiencing and you might be experiencing right now. So that's one that's really loud. And then we have another playlist that's different. We got two playlist. Sister, you got that playlist. That's an option.

Danielle La Rose :

Then you have the other playlist that's like yes, girl, oh my gosh, you are killing it. Do you see? Do you see your strengths? Do you see what you're capable of? Do you realize? Oh my gosh, yes, you've accomplished big, crazy things in the past. You've overcome really hard things. And look at you here, what you do you, girl. Confidence is your middle name. Excuse me, chite me out in that mirror Looking good girl. Yes, you're fit and happy man. Nothing can stop you. We are all the way up. Yes, you're killing it. You're amazing. Look at your smile, look at your joy, look at your passion, look at the person you are, look at your values and your purpose and look at all of the things that you're doing in your life. You're an inspiration to so many people on a regular basis. Your goals are just around the corner because you are so capable of achieving them. That's another playlist.

Danielle La Rose :

Those are your two main playlists that you probably hear on repeat over and over and over again. Right, and they're options. The one playlist might be something that you wake up with and the other playlist is one that you have to make a conscious choice and choose to listen to it. But they're both a playlist. That's an option, and right now you get the decision and I have the decision. Which one am I going to push play on? Which one am I going to turn all the way up? Which one am I ready to have a dance party to? Which one am I here to listen to? Which one do I need most in my life? Which one makes me feel really, really good? Which one do I want to play on repeat over and over and over again?

Danielle La Rose :

Because we can't have both. Yo, you can't be like listening to Britney Spears at the same time you're listening to Eminem. Okay, actually that's kind of a good combination if I think about it, but if they're both going at the same time and you hear both, like you better work. And then you got the other one. Like man right, mom's spaghetti. We're like going in and you have both of them going on at the same time and they're both at the capacity of the volume and you're like, oh my gosh, I can't hear myself think, because they're so loud and there's so many words, there's so many different beats. I can't keep track. I can't, like my brain is going to explode because they can't be going at the same time, at the same level. So, although I'm conscious that they're both there as options although I'm aware that they both might be playing in the background I get to decide which one.

Danielle La Rose :

I'm turning up to the max level today and I get to decide that tomorrow and the next day and the next day, because I'm in control, pushing play, my thoughts are my thoughts and my thoughts are here to guide me and to protect me. Right, like I'm not mad at that first playlist. That's like you can't do this. What are you thinking? I'm not mad at that playlist. That playlist is there to protect me, right, my brain and my heart, like my brain, is here saying homie, like if you try that, you might get burned, if you try that, you might not accomplish it. And then what are we going to do? We're going to be afraid and fearful and people are going to judge us. All those things go through our heads, right, and so I'm not here, though, to shut those up. Those thoughts are valid, those thoughts are there. I'm not mad at that playlist.

Danielle La Rose :

That playlist is, like you know, like between Eminem and Brady Spears, like I can rock out to both of them, and I need that playlist Now, in this case, this dreary one. I probably don't need that often, but it's okay. I'm not mad at that playlist. That that was running in my head, but I get to meet the conscious decision now to say thank you for that. I appreciate those thoughts. I appreciate those songs, those vibes like yeah, you were kind of going, but like I don't need you today. That's not the playlist I want running in my head. That's not the playlist that I want to to trickle down into my heart. That's not the playlist I want to go out into the world with. That's not the playlist I'm allowing to be at the max level because I want to play all out. I want to go and turn up in my life, and one playlist is going to encourage that and the other one is not.

Danielle La Rose :

But the point is is that we have two choices here which playlist am I, am I going to turn up and which one do I get to turn down? Because the truth is is that in order to have one playlist at the max level, where you're just jamming out, you're dropping it low. You might be twerking it a bit if you're like, if we're like having a dance party, like homegirl, like we drop in the low, your knees might pop and crack like it's okay. Okay, but we're gonna drop it low, we're gonna have a good time, we're gonna twerk it, we're gonna do all the things and we're gonna have the music all the way up that playlist. But if we're there, that also means we got to turn the other playlist very, very low, or it has to be stopped. And not that it wasn't good and it wasn't valid and it wasn't trying to protect us, but we're just making a decision and so it's okay to turn down the same time you turn up.

Danielle La Rose :

When you turn up one part of your life, you got it. Sometimes you got to turn down the others. So right now, all we're deciding is which playlist do we want to bring into our life? Which playlist are we turning the volume up? If we're gonna turn up this year. We're gonna sister, cuz you're turning up with me right, like we're gonna we're gonna turn up for ourselves. We don't. We don't.

Danielle La Rose :

Yes, other humans are important and we need other humans, but we, we need ourselves. So we got to turn up for ourselves. We got to turn up the volume in the areas of our lives that we desire. We got to turn up those dreams and those goals. We got to turn up the confidence in the self-love and the body image. We got to turn it all the way up so that way we can live the life that we desire. So we can show little girls how it's done and how they too can make the decision to turn up the playlist that they desire in their lives, and how they can turn down the sound. They can turn down the volume towards very minimal or they can hit stop.

Danielle La Rose :

So, on this beautiful turn up Tuesday, my friend, which playlist are you going to amplify? Which playlist are you gonna turn the volume all the way up on, and which playlist are you about to drop it low? To never forget that you are pretty powerful and you get to make the decision on how you turn up for you and how you turn up. You might be thinking you know I ain't dropping it low, I don't like to twerk it like that's cool. Right, your turn up is your turn up and my turn up is my turn up sounds like I'm saying turn up like the food item. I don't think I've had a turn up turn up before. Anyways, I digress.

Danielle La Rose :

So our turn ups get to look different. Yes, I can see you. You're saying yes, girl, you're raising your hand, you're giving me some snaps like yes, our turn ups might look different, but the mission is the same that we get to step into that confidence. We get to step into that power and live the life that you desire. And it starts by turning up the volume on the playlist that is going to serve you today and turn down the volume on the playlist that is no longer serving you, and that's the message of the day. So, sister, I'm not gonna talk anymore because I need you to go have a dance party. Turn up for yourself, do the things that you know are going to make you so proud of yourself and keep turning up for you and everything that you desire, because you are pretty powerful. All right, goodbye, my friend.

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Embracing Personal Power Through Self-Reflection