Is Our Past Our SuperPOWER? Using our past challenges as inspiration for the future

April 23, 2024 Danielle Nicole La Rose Episode 38
Is Our Past Our SuperPOWER? Using our past challenges as inspiration for the future
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Is Our Past Our SuperPOWER? Using our past challenges as inspiration for the future
Apr 23, 2024 Episode 38
Danielle Nicole La Rose

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where all your plans fell apart, and you had to think on your feet? That's exactly what happened to me during a fitness class when technology took a left turn, leaving me with no music and a room full of expectant faces. On today's episode, we march to the beat of adaptability, resilience, and the unwavering strength drawn from our own backstories. I'll take you through that pulse-pounding moment, reliving how I transformed a potential disaster into an opportunity to dance to the rhythm of confidence and encourage others to lean into their strengths.

Join us as we celebrate the hurdles we've cleared and the battles we've won, recognizing that these experiences aren't just memories, but the very music that orchestrates our life's most empowering soundtrack. There's no guest today, just an open conversation about trusting ourselves and our histories to light the way. This is more than just a story about a silent dance studio—it's a call to all listeners, from the middle school girl battling self-doubt to the seasoned gym-goer, to turn up the volume on their personal power anthems and embrace every twist and twirl life throws their way.

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where all your plans fell apart, and you had to think on your feet? That's exactly what happened to me during a fitness class when technology took a left turn, leaving me with no music and a room full of expectant faces. On today's episode, we march to the beat of adaptability, resilience, and the unwavering strength drawn from our own backstories. I'll take you through that pulse-pounding moment, reliving how I transformed a potential disaster into an opportunity to dance to the rhythm of confidence and encourage others to lean into their strengths.

Join us as we celebrate the hurdles we've cleared and the battles we've won, recognizing that these experiences aren't just memories, but the very music that orchestrates our life's most empowering soundtrack. There's no guest today, just an open conversation about trusting ourselves and our histories to light the way. This is more than just a story about a silent dance studio—it's a call to all listeners, from the middle school girl battling self-doubt to the seasoned gym-goer, to turn up the volume on their personal power anthems and embrace every twist and twirl life throws their way.

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Danielle la Rose:

You know how people always say don't look backwards, you're not going that way. I think that's cute and that's fun, and I know exactly what they mean. However, I want to challenge that thought today and remind us that our past is our superpower. You know, I'm getting ready at the time of recording this. I'm getting ready to go speak to a wonderful room of about 150 girls that are middle school age and we're talking about confidence and how to be. You know how to turn up the volume on our playlist. That will help us be brave and bold and the confident best version of ourselves.

Danielle la Rose:

And as I'm building this, you know I was thinking about the time when I went. So fun fact, if you're new here, I am a fitness instructor who teaches fun dance, hip hop classes, and it was a few years ago, but I was so excited for this new class. I walked in, I had a new playlist, like. I had my jams, like they oh my gosh, my playlist was fire. Like the playlist, like, think about your favorite, best playlist ever. That was what this was. And I had new choreography. So if you're an instructor, you know that when you have new choreography, you get really excited also kind of nervous, but really excited because you just spent hours upon hours creating this, for that's only going to be three minutes per song, but it's so really exciting. And so I show up to class and there's humans that are standing there and they're ready for hip hop fitness and I'm like, oh my gosh, it's going to be so fun. Hey guys, how's it going? Are you ready? Like we're going to crush this, so excited to have you here. And, by the way, if you've never taken a group fitness class number one you should try it because it's just a whole new vibe, like it's a whole energy. There is no other workout that I will do. I work out on my own at home, but if I ever am up for a new workout or want to try something like, it will be group fitness, because as long as you go to a class that has a great instructor, you forget about the outside world. Like you're just in a vibe of like humans that are supportive, who are just encouraging. You're pushing each other, but like, not in a competitive way, but in a oh my gosh, I'm so glad you came, because I couldn't do this without you kind of a vibe and it's just a whole energy. So I digress.

Danielle la Rose:

So I go and I'm like so, and I'm ready, right, I am ready, I go up, I'm plugging in iPod at the time, you remember those things. So I had my iPod and I miss my iPod, by the way. But I go to plug in my iPod and I'm like, okay, great, we're gonna get started in just a second. And I push play on the speaker and I'm like, oh, so I push play again. Oh, no music. Okay, it's really cool, right, because what? What do we do when something doesn't work? You just unplug and plug it back in and then it should work, right, like that's how technology is. So I did that. It did not work.

Danielle la Rose:

I turn it off, turn it on, turn it off, turn it on, change cords, move things around, change the buttons up down all the things that I could possibly think of, okay, and I sit there for a second and I look behind me and I see humans just staring at me. Fun fact about group fitness instructors we know you stare at us. It's okay, we're used to it, but in that moment it was please don't look at me right now. But everyone's eyeballs are just staring into my back, like we're here for dance fitness and you're about to tell us that we don't have music and what is happening? And we're already a minute late and you know, like all these thoughts, and maybe they weren't even thinking those things, but, as an instructor, like that's what I was thinking, that they were thinking.

Danielle la Rose:

So I'm sitting there and I'm like, okay, what can I do? What can I do right now? All right, I can just teach without music. Okay, what will make me really proud? All right, what would make me proud is if I follow through. Right, because if I tell them that there's no class today just because I can't figure out the music, that would not make me proud. So I want there to be class.

Danielle la Rose:

Okay, have I overcome hard things before? Have I done challenging things before? Yes, there was a time when I was dancing and my whole top fell down. This is when I was younger, I was a competitive dancer and I had to pull it up, obviously, and I held onto it the whole time and I only used one arm the whole rest of the dance. So I'm like, okay, yes, I have done something crazy before, I can do this again.

Danielle la Rose:

Then I started asking myself okay, can I count? Beautiful thing about music is you only had to be able to count to eight. I didn't even have to be able to count to 10. I think I can do that, but I only had to count to eight and I thought what is the goal here? The goal is to have a fun class, right? The goal is to help people feel good in their bodies. The goal is to have fun. The goal is that they walk away feeling like they had a great class.

Danielle la Rose:

So I pulled myself up away from the speaker and I turned around to all the humans that were glaring in my back and I said I am so excited to have class tonight and I am so grateful that you are here right now and we are going to have an epic class. Here's what I know my body moves and your body moves. Right, we're good there. And guess what? I know the beats in my head of the songs that I have ready for us today, like, I know the beats, and you probably know the beats too, because a couple of you have been here with me for a while. So we know the beats. And again, I can count to eight. So we're good there, the beats. And again, I can count to eight. So we're good there. And your goal class is just to sweat and have fun, and so that's exactly what we're going to do.

Danielle la Rose:

And guess what? If you want to sing, oh sister, you better sing your heart out. I won't sing, because that's why I always loved Britney Spears, because she wasn't the greatest singer, she was the greatest performer. So I always thought, well, if there was any way that I could ever be famous like Britney, like it would be like that, because I don't sing, that is not a strength of mine, that is not a skill. You won't ever hear me out in public doing that. But give me some music and a dance floor, and your girl is on, like we're going. So I told them, though sing, sing your heart out, if that's what you desire. And what did we do? We danced without music for 45 minutes, and you may be thinking that is crazy, and you're right, it absolutely is. And was it perfect? No way Did I want to curl up in a bow and cry at first, you bet. But did I lean into my superpowers and believe in myself? Oh, yes, girl.

Danielle la Rose:

And so this we have to remind ourselves that our past is our superpower, because so often we go into a new environment, we try something new or there's a hiccup, there's a bump right, I'm currently working on a new website and there's always something new that just hits and I'm like what? Why? Why does this have to happen? And I just remind myself that it's not a big deal. I've done hard things in the past, I've done weird things in the past, and I can always learn and grow and try something new and shift and pivot. And if that means teaching a whole dance fitness class with no music, that's what we do. And if that means that the website looks different, that's what we do. And if it means that our career needs to change, that's what we do.

Danielle la Rose:

And if it means there's all we can always lean into that superpower of knowing that we have done so many things in our past. We've accomplished a lot, we've dealt with challenging times and come out on top. We've failed and learned from those failures. And we're here today and so we can do hard things. We can be confident in our abilities.

Danielle la Rose:

Right, and the word confidence all that it means is. It means a trust and belief in yourself, in yourself and so if you struggle with being confident in yourself, I want you to use your past as your superpower those funny, weird, random times, like teaching a class with no music, or maybe it was some random thing that happened to you and you're like, wow, remember that one time that that thing happened, like how crazy and weird. But remember when we did this instead, or we tried this or whatnot, and it all worked out the way that it was supposed to. And so that is our superpower is knowing that we can trust in our trust and believe in ourselves to figure things out. We can trust and believe in ourselves that we are. We are smart and intelligent, and when we always keep just like I did with my class when we keep the goal in mind right, the goal wasn't to have the best playlist. The goal for the class wasn't to, you know, have the loudest music. The goal for that group fitness class was that they enjoyed a workout and they sweat, they took care of their bodies and they had fun.

Danielle la Rose:

Sometimes that means it doesn't happen the way we expect it to, but it can become a beautiful story like this one I'm sharing right now, to remind ourselves of what we're capable of. So I'm sharing this story with you in hopes that you remember that your past is your superpower and you can trust and believe in yourself that you will always, always figure it out when you're focused on what the real goal is. So continue using your past as your superpower. Lean on those, lean on that, lean on your strengths, lean on your skills, lean on your fight and your ability to figure things out. All right, you are pretty powerful. I'd love to hear from you and I'll see you on the next episode or not see you, but I'll talk to you on the next episode. Bye, friend.