Jacque and Friends

Unraveling the Emotions of Mother’s Day

Season 1 Episode 20

Motherhood is so beautiful, and Mother’s Day is an important day to honor our moms.  However, for many people, Mother’s Day is a difficult day filled with emotional triggers that can cause sadness. My talented friend, Paulette Selvig, is going to perform  a dramatic reading of a piece that includes all of the situations and emotions that Mother’s Day can bring – both beautiful and difficult.  And then we talk about how to keep moving forward in hope and healing – being transformed by God’s love for each one of us. 

I hope our conversation will inspire us all to be more compassionate with those around us as we celebrate the beautiful gift of being mothers and grandmothers!

And may I suggest that you also go back and listen to episode #8 THE JOURNEY OF MOTHERHOOD. My Daughter-in-law, Katie, and I had an inspiring conversation about being a mom!  It was a fantastic episode!