Jacque and Friends

The Most Important, Life Changing Thing I Have Learned: I am Loved

Season 1 Episode 23

I finally know – really know deep in my heart – that God loves me unconditionally. It’s not just words, or a hope … but becoming my reality.  It took me many years to realize that I can’t earn His love. I tried – but I could never be good enough, or do enough to be worthy of God’s love.  He loves me as I am.  He won’t love me more if I do better, or love me less when I fail.  He loves me 100% - all the time…because GOD IS LOVE.   I can rest in this.  I can trust Him.  His unconditional love makes me want to be my best… to love others… to shine His love all that I can. My sweet friend Cheryl Orluck and I had a beautiful conversation about how our Heavenly Father loves us, His daughters, now and forever!  I have more to learn…so let’s grow together as we talk about God’s never failing love!