Fit & Frugal Podcast

From Addiction to Affluence: Rob Rowsell on Transforming Wealth with Faith & Redemption

August 23, 2023 Tawni Nguyen, Rob Rowsell Season 1 Episode 1
From Addiction to Affluence: Rob Rowsell on Transforming Wealth with Faith & Redemption
Fit & Frugal Podcast
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Fit & Frugal Podcast
From Addiction to Affluence: Rob Rowsell on Transforming Wealth with Faith & Redemption
Aug 23, 2023 Season 1 Episode 1
Tawni Nguyen, Rob Rowsell
Hey Fit & Frugal Tribe!

Ever wondered what insights the 'Law of Exposure' might unlock about our lives?

In this compelling episode, Rob Rowsell unveils his insights on the powerful effects of surrounding ourselves with positivity and how it transforms us.

We discussed living authentically, resisting societal pressures that often lead us off our paths, and examine the modern addictions of our time—like the relentless pursuit for social media validation and acceptance.

Our chat also covers the nuances of personal finance, Rob and I discuss the importance of balancing a healthy relationship with both our business and life partners, emphasizing that this balance is essential for success and happiness in all aspects of life.

As we advance, we tackle initiating positive life shifts, setting impactful goals, and creating a legacy filled with purpose.

If you're into wisdom-sharing and want to catch my first-ever filming, come join us—and watch me be awkward as shit.

Now, let me introduce Rob Rowsell—a seasoned real estate investor and entrepreneur from Las Vegas, NV, whose life story is nothing short of miraculous.

Once struggling with homelessness and addiction, Rob turned his life around through his faith in Jesus Christ and support of his family. He flourished in auto repair and property investment, penning the best-selling autobiography, "Addicted to Life," which recounts his remarkable turnaround.

Today, Rob isn't just an investor but also a mentor and coach, leading the ATL All-In Community in mastering business ownership and wealth management. His holistic approach to success encompasses health, spiritual growth, relationships, and financial prosperity.

Catch Rob as he shares his inspiring journey at various conferences, or follow his property renovations on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. An enthusiastic marathon runner, he also competes in events like the prestigious Boston Marathon.

Key Takeaways:
The law of exposure states that what we expose ourselves to, we become.
Surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals who strive to be the best versions of themselves is crucial for personal growth.
Social media addiction and the need for acceptance can be detrimental to our well-being.
Living within our values and not succumbing to societal pressure is key to financial success.
New levels of success often come with new challenges and temptations.

Watch this episode instead w/ full timestamp💚

Connect with Rob Rowsell on Instagram 

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Show Notes Transcript
Hey Fit & Frugal Tribe!

Ever wondered what insights the 'Law of Exposure' might unlock about our lives?

In this compelling episode, Rob Rowsell unveils his insights on the powerful effects of surrounding ourselves with positivity and how it transforms us.

We discussed living authentically, resisting societal pressures that often lead us off our paths, and examine the modern addictions of our time—like the relentless pursuit for social media validation and acceptance.

Our chat also covers the nuances of personal finance, Rob and I discuss the importance of balancing a healthy relationship with both our business and life partners, emphasizing that this balance is essential for success and happiness in all aspects of life.

As we advance, we tackle initiating positive life shifts, setting impactful goals, and creating a legacy filled with purpose.

If you're into wisdom-sharing and want to catch my first-ever filming, come join us—and watch me be awkward as shit.

Now, let me introduce Rob Rowsell—a seasoned real estate investor and entrepreneur from Las Vegas, NV, whose life story is nothing short of miraculous.

Once struggling with homelessness and addiction, Rob turned his life around through his faith in Jesus Christ and support of his family. He flourished in auto repair and property investment, penning the best-selling autobiography, "Addicted to Life," which recounts his remarkable turnaround.

Today, Rob isn't just an investor but also a mentor and coach, leading the ATL All-In Community in mastering business ownership and wealth management. His holistic approach to success encompasses health, spiritual growth, relationships, and financial prosperity.

Catch Rob as he shares his inspiring journey at various conferences, or follow his property renovations on TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. An enthusiastic marathon runner, he also competes in events like the prestigious Boston Marathon.

Key Takeaways:
The law of exposure states that what we expose ourselves to, we become.
Surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals who strive to be the best versions of themselves is crucial for personal growth.
Social media addiction and the need for acceptance can be detrimental to our well-being.
Living within our values and not succumbing to societal pressure is key to financial success.
New levels of success often come with new challenges and temptations.

Watch this episode instead w/ full timestamp💚

Connect with Rob Rowsell on Instagram 

Thank you for spending your time with us!

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@fitnfrugalpod or @tawnisaurus
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0:00:00 - (Tawni Nguyen): Everyone, my name is Tawni Nguyen. I'm here with my friend Rob Rowsell.

0:00:03 - (Rob Rowsell): So my name is Rob Rowsell. I live here in Las Vegas, Nevada. My wife and I work as a team. We're business owners, we're multifamily investors, we're syndicators, and, yeah, that's our day job, actually.

0:00:16 - (Tawni Nguyen): So, everyone, this is who I'm going to be joining. We're going to go to Tijuana together. And we met less than six months ago, actually, at another mastermind. So, which is hilarious how the stars just kind of aligned, and we started talking about shared values and the things that we want to do and accomplish in life. And I'm like, how cool is it if we get our time together and just talk about it and share what we're doing with others? And today happens to be the day, so, yay.

0:00:41 - (Rob Rowsell): I'm really excited to have you come down with us. It's going to be a phenomenal. It's our first time. It's our maiden voyage, actually going down into Tijuana, coming up alongside the ministry called Homes of Hope that builds homes all the time down there. And I was there in May of 2022 with my church as an attendee, and the Lord just touched my heart and said, you know what? You need to be using your influence and your philanthropy money towards the kingdom, and you should be taking people down here. So you had the pleasure of being on our maiden voyage, of actually doing and being obedient to the tug of the Holy Spirit to actually get this done. So I'm very excited about it.

0:01:24 - (Tawni Nguyen): Not once did he sell me that there's going to be amazing tacos, but.

0:01:28 - (Rob Rowsell): There will be little. Do you know that on Saturday night, we have a taco vendor coming in and a churro vendor. So there'll be a taco truck and a churro truck, and we're actually going to. That's a surprise nobody knows about. But now, you know, the cat.

0:01:42 - (Tawni Nguyen): Now you know. That's phenomenal. I'm so excited for that. What I wanted to talk about from the book is that you mentioned, like, the law of exposure. Right. That's something that really resonates with me, and I think not a lot of people know about it because, phenomenally, people only hear of the law of attraction because the secret kind of made it so big. Can you tell us more about law of exposure and what that is?

0:02:03 - (Rob Rowsell): Chapter seven of my book is named. You've got to understand the law of exposure. And the law of exposure simply says this. What I expose myself to I shall become, and I personally feel as if it is reliable as the law of gravity, because it's that simple, whether it's good or bad. And we expose ourselves to things without ever actually being around those things, such as the things we watch, our media intake, which is so prevalent nowadays, we're all exposing ourselves not just to CNN and tv anymore, but the sitcoms that we watch, the podcasts that we listen to, the crime tv that we watch.

0:02:42 - (Rob Rowsell): That's all molding us in our subconscious mind as well. Know, I always use in my book, I use a couple of analogies. It's one of the reasons why people say paktaka and the havad yad up in Boston. It's one of the people in Texas say, y'all, it's why a lot of people end up working in the same industry as their a. As a christian man that wants to be the best version of himself, I know that I need to hang around other christian men that want to be the best that they possibly can be as well. That's what's going to make that happen.

0:03:15 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, I do strongly agree with that. It's kind of like what obviously people say, like, you are the average of five people, right? But our community here in Las Vegas, I think it's so much more bigger than that, because I felt like since we decided on having a collective shift of movers and shakers and deciding to make each other better, I firmly believe that iron sharpens iron. So once our paths kind of aligns, I'm like, wow, I really feel like a strong gravitational pull towards this person.

0:03:46 - (Tawni Nguyen): Why is that? So once I read your book, I'm like, okay, now I know why. And I know that before giving any of your books away, besides what we just talked about, how do you feel that manifests itself in terms of how people make their decisions to lead their own lives?

0:04:03 - (Rob Rowsell): Well, coming from the streets and being homeless and addicted to drugs and alcohol, I know that I became that person that was living on the streets, homeless and addicted to crystal meth and crack cocaine, because I hung around those people, right? The old saying goes, if you hang around a barbershop long enough, you're going to end up with a haircut. No question about it, right? If I hang around bank robbers long enough, I'm going to end up driving the getaway car. It's really that simple.

0:04:29 - (Rob Rowsell): The way it's manifested itself in my own life is by getting around the people that are wanting to be the best versions of themselves that are doing those things and creating the daily habits necessary to be the best version of themselves. I've also acclimated to that same lifestyle. So things like, for me, my spiritual disciplines, being in the word prayer, Christian authored books, church, not just being an attender, but being in a member of my church, my place of worship, going to the gym on a regular basis, which makes me feel good. When I feel good, it makes me look good. When I look good, I feel good. When I feel good, I do good, right? So all of that are just our daily habits, right. As well as being around people that, hey, I'm not always up. I'm a very motivated, positive person, but I'm not always that way.

0:05:16 - (Rob Rowsell): I need to be around people that are that way a lot of the time as well, so that when I'm not feeling 100%, they uplift me back to the level that I should be.

0:05:26 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, I agree with that. It's like you have to vibrate kind of like on the same harmony as the frequency that you want to put out there and what you want to attract as well, right?

0:05:34 - (Rob Rowsell): Yes.

0:05:35 - (Tawni Nguyen): So what going on from that? Is there a moment in time to where I know that for me, what was really powerful is the start of your book? It's like, you just got to be done right. And people always say that to me. They're like, hey, why did you change so much? And before even reading your book, I'm like, I just got tired of my own shit. I literally just woke up. I'm like, I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't want to wake up with the same problems, the same mindset or whatever, like, lies I was telling myself, the little excuses that I was putting out there, and I'm like, I don't really want to attract that. Right? Because that's exactly what you said. Amen is the more you put things out there, the more you're going to get back. It's reaping what you sold.

0:06:12 - (Rob Rowsell): Amen.

0:06:13 - (Tawni Nguyen): And I feel like another thing that's really powerful with speaking on habits is like, what are your spending habits like? Because I know people are like, you guys are probably majillionaires, and I just want to know, at the basics finance level, what are your spending habits like?

0:06:26 - (Rob Rowsell): Well, good for you for asking. So the honest answer to that question is, once you get to a certain level with finances and you can afford many, many things that you don't necessarily need, it's really a matter of living in the lane. I call your values, living within your values, not your ego. Right. So the level of vehicle that I could be driving, that really doesn't attract me anyway. So it's not even enticing to me to drive the level of cars that I see some people driving that our society accepts as being a sign of affluence.

0:07:04 - (Rob Rowsell): I don't necessarily need those things, but I guess it's all perspective in who you ask. Because even living within my lane of values, some people would look at my lifestyle and maybe wonder if I've stepped outside of that lane because that's their lane, right? So their lane might be a lot smaller, but I have learned that I can still be a good steward of God's money and still live a life of affluence at the level that I feel is comfortable.

0:07:31 - (Rob Rowsell): I don't know if that makes sense or not.

0:07:33 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, that does make sense. Because automatically I think what the biggest misconception people think about is like when you reach a certain point, like they say, once you've made it right, and the biggest thing that no one I feel like talks about is the lifestyle inflation that comes with it. So it's a really good way of you putting it. It's just like kind of spending within your means and within your values doesn't mean that you can't be intermaterialistic things. It's just if it resonates with you, go for it. And then if not, why are you spending money doing things that are out of your alignment?

0:08:03 - (Tawni Nguyen): Another thing I'm always wondering is just what do you think currently people are addicted to besides drugs and alcohol that no one talks about. What are some of the silent addictions that you feel like it's killing us?

0:08:15 - (Rob Rowsell): Probably one of the biggest addictions I see is people needing to be accepted. And social media has really accelerated that, accentuated it on steroids. And the reason I say that is because it's so easy to like people's posts or to have things shared or the number of views that are seen and that's seen as having been accepted. So when we're not getting those likes or those followers or those shares or views or whatever that is, we're feeling as if we're not having success in that area. We're not liked, we're not accepted. So I think that's an addiction. I really do.

0:08:54 - (Rob Rowsell): I call it brain candy, right? Scrolling through all the social medias as I don't have to work to do that. It numbs me for a little while. And I know that other people can relate to that. So I think that's an addiction to, I think, honestly, and a lot of people don't know this, and I don't talk about it too deeply in my book, but I'm a recovered compulsive gambler as well, because when I was doing dope at 02:00 in the morning, where else do you go but the casinos?

0:09:24 - (Rob Rowsell): What an amazing God. I serve that now as a recovered compulsive gambler. I have moved since recovering to the city of Las Vegas. Is that an amazing story or what?

0:09:34 - (Tawni Nguyen): I think that's what we call irony. Right?

0:09:36 - (Rob Rowsell): Right. Absolutely. With the slot machines in 711.

0:09:43 - (Tawni Nguyen): I don't think we can even go to the bathroom without seeing any kind of machines.

0:09:47 - (Rob Rowsell): Absolutely.

0:09:47 - (Tawni Nguyen): To a bar or anything. I didn't realize that before I moved here either, because that's what most people think. It's like you've probably picked up this terrible habit of gambling. I'm like, first of all, I don't know how. So what? I don't know how. And I don't spend money on things. I don't know. Right. Do you feel that you've made it, or what do you think is still missing? Is there a calling that you feel like that really strong pull from of your life's mission, or are you currently working on your life's mission?

0:10:14 - (Rob Rowsell): Well, I read a book most recently by the name, not too long after selling our auto repair shops and exiting that business called halftime by Bob Buford. And that book talks about people that were in my situation, or maybe even younger, that have created a certain level of lifestyle, whether that's in a good paying w two job with a good 401k package already established, or whether it's somebody that exited their business or somebody that's of high affluence, that starts looking at things a little bit differently and what their priorities are. And that's one of the reasons why we're starting this Mexico trip or these trips, because this will be one of two. I know we didn't talk about that. And 2024, our vision is to be doing three every single year and develop leaders that can do it, whether I do it or not.

0:11:00 - (Rob Rowsell): So I know that the Lord has something much bigger in my life than for what we're currently doing. But I also know that he gives us all gifts and talents and abilities and opportunities that he doesn't give to others. And so Claudia and I are given a lot of opportunities that we do feel it's one of our missions to take advantage of so that we can show, because I don't personally believe that God wants his children in the breadline, so to speak.

0:11:29 - (Rob Rowsell): I don't think he wants us standing on the street corners begging for money. That's not victorious. That's not living like a child of the king, in my personal opinion. So I honestly believe that he blesses those so they can be a blessing. So our goal is to be a blessing to as many people as we possibly can. And some of the people that's with money, but some of that people, it's not with money. It's really just sharing what your knowledge is and experience level is and helping the next person up to the next level, whether that's our kids or the people that he puts in our lives.

0:11:59 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah. What I'm hearing from that is I think most people kind of mistaken resource for direct. Right, like relational to just money. But in your book, there's a really funny part that I don't want to give away, but I laugh so hard because you're so resourceful. It's the gene story. Oh, yeah. This is why I found it so funny. And so it sounds like enabled to go to the next level, which I feel like you and Claudia are both reaching your next level to give back.

0:12:31 - (Tawni Nguyen): From what I take from my life, it's like every new level, there's a new double. Right. Like, what do you think that devil is in this next phase of your transition?

0:12:40 - (Rob Rowsell): Well, there's an old saying that if Satan can't make you full of sin, he'll make you so busy that you can't forward the kingdom. Right. So that's the next level of sin, I guess. What did you just call it? I love that.

0:12:55 - (Tawni Nguyen): New level, new devil.

0:12:56 - (Rob Rowsell): New level, new devil. I love that. So that would be the devil for this level, is for him, for us, for that thing we call greed, to kick in for our own personal gain, to distract us from the things that are really important. Right.

0:13:10 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah.

0:13:11 - (Rob Rowsell): So I'm always watching out for that 100%. What are your true motives?

0:13:15 - (Tawni Nguyen): I see. Yeah, because I think that comes with, like you mentioned from the beginning, like a little ego inflation, right?

0:13:21 - (Rob Rowsell): Absolutely.

0:13:21 - (Tawni Nguyen): And I think that highly kind of connects to the way we choose to receive and the way we kind of live in this abundance mindset. Because I was at service on Sunday with Tanner, actually, and what they were saying is, just like, we're wired for generosity. We're just conditioned to be greedy. But one of Buffett's famous quote is like, be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy.

0:13:46 - (Tawni Nguyen): And coming into that, how that translates into our real estate market is because people are so fearful right now. They're thinking like, oh, you're investing in multifamily. What does that look like? How does that translate into you being greedy? And I'm like, no, I just call it, like, me being a professional opportunist, right. Because opportunities are coming. It's out there. Like, we're sitting on it. There's deals sitting in our inboxes right now that I'm, like, mind blown of how many things that I wasn't able to grasp before that concept kind of comes to mind because I didn't have that abundance mindset to kind of receive all of these. Right.

0:14:20 - (Tawni Nguyen): And with that, it's like, where do you feel like our Vegas market is going?

0:14:25 - (Rob Rowsell): Well, I honestly believe that know we've got a buyer's market phase one, buyer's market phase two, sellers market phase one, seller's market phase two. I honestly believe that the curve for us is probably somewhere at the bottom again. People don't realize that we're starting to see offers come back out. Inventory is starting to tighten up again, so nobody has a crystal ball. And my challenge is, I'm a bit of an optimist, regardless of what's right in front of me.

0:14:52 - (Rob Rowsell): My defense mechanism has always been denial. Right? So even if the house is on fire, I'm denying that it's going to burn to the ground. Right. And that has always worked for me 100%. So I honestly believe that the Las Vegas market is stale but not dead. And I don't believe some of these doomsayers that say that we're going to be down in a dead market for a couple of three years. We got another 2008 coming. I don't believe any of that. Now, time may tell me wrong.

0:15:24 - (Rob Rowsell): I certainly don't know it all, but I invest very cautiously. Right now, we're still flipping homes in the Vegas market with my team here, as well as the San Diego market with my team there. We're going to close on a property yesterday, going to close on a property this week over in San Diego. Closed on one yesterday here in Las Vegas. And the reality is things are still happening. You just have to buy them conservatively enough and underwrite conservatively enough that no matter what happens, you're still going to be okay. And I'll give you a perfect example.

0:15:57 - (Rob Rowsell): In San Diego, the house that we're selling this week, when I purchased it, the after repair value was $900,000. I'm in escrow and going to sell at $790,000. And still going to make money.

0:16:12 - (Tawni Nguyen): Oh, wow.

0:16:13 - (Rob Rowsell): Not a ton of money. We'll make $10,000. Certainly not enough to justify the risk I just took. But I underwrote it conservatively enough to where even if it dropped $110,000 and after repair value, which it did, there's a very small boutique home that those dropped the fastest over in San Diego. Everything else over there is pretty stable. But this type of a home nose dived very quickly. But we're still going to be okay.

0:16:39 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah.

0:16:41 - (Rob Rowsell): So underwrite conservatively in any market is my motto anyways. Right.

0:16:46 - (Tawni Nguyen): Especially coming from California, too, which that's where I originally was from. And anytime I hear there's a property in California, I'm like, I'm just going to hold off. I'm just going to play where I know and play to my strengths right now, which is not in California. So it sounds like you and Claudia work together a lot, right? Like, you guys underwrite together, run your businesses together. What does that look like? How do you keep your marriage healthy, being business partners as well as, like, life partners?

0:17:12 - (Rob Rowsell): Well, a husband has to know where the line is, and he also has to agree to himself for his own joys, for the joy of himself to not push his wife to the line every single day or every single week. So I know where my wife's line is, of how much she can handle, of me and of anything I'm going to put on her plate. And I know when to stop putting things on her plate and when to stop giving her too much of me. That's really the secret.

0:17:42 - (Rob Rowsell): And everybody has to determine where that line is for their marriage. My wife has roles that she does, which is more behind the scenes and document preparation and providing documents for loans and for different things that we do. I'm more of the frontline guy. I do the underwriting, I do the negotiating, I do the deal, finding all of that sort of stuff. So we just determining who's doing what. I don't step into her bounds, and she doesn't necessarily step into my bounds, although we will give opinions of how we feel about each other's, what their boundaries are, but I don't necessarily step into those too often unnecessarily.

0:18:23 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, I really like that separation of work and your love life so that it doesn't kind of bleed into each other. And then if there's something that's going on at work, you don't want it to kind of reflect on your personal relationship, too, because you have to go home to each other and kind of still be in that sound, safe space together, and then you don't want it to come from, like, a conflict from work.

0:18:43 - (Tawni Nguyen): With that being said, what do you think is, like, the hardest habit for people to break? Do you have any current habits that you want to get better on, or is there something that you want to break?

0:18:58 - (Rob Rowsell): I don't have any habits that I'm really trying to break right at the moment, to be honest with you. I'm currently going through some. I have a trainer for my health. I've had many strength trainers over the years. This particular one specializes in not weight loss, but fat loss. So trying to change my body composition, body fat so that I'm currently working on, which does have me changing. Okay, I'm just going to be completely confessional right now. I love chocolate.

0:19:35 - (Rob Rowsell): This is why I work for chocolate cake. Okay. I love cookies. All that stuff I love.

0:19:42 - (Tawni Nguyen): Right?

0:19:42 - (Rob Rowsell): So that is. Okay, you caught me. That is a habit I'm trying to break and only do it on cheat days because it's okay to do it. You just can't do it every day. If left to my own devices, I will do it every day. Right. So the goal, naturally, is to change eating habits and move things around so that things move around.

0:20:01 - (Tawni Nguyen): Yeah, because the old saying is like, everything is good in moderation or whatever, but at the same time I'm like, no, there are some days I just want to sit there and binge eat, like, a whole bag of something, and it just feels really good. It's very gluttonous, it's very pleasure driven, which is pure out of ego. Right. Because you're just kind of like fixing something.

0:20:19 - (Rob Rowsell): Salt or sweet? Give me a bag.

0:20:23 - (Tawni Nguyen): So it sounds like you've worked on your relationship with yourself quite a bit since you kind of made that shift to drastically change your life. Like the day you've had enough and the day that you're like, okay, this is it. I can no longer go down that path. So for those that are still currently suffering in whatever they're suffering from, whatever habits they're trying to break, or any addictions that they're still suffering with, what would you say to them if it were your younger self?

0:20:50 - (Rob Rowsell): It starts with little changes, right? So we didn't get to where we are with the place that we're saying, okay, I'm done. Chapter one, you got to be done. You don't get to the point where you are where you want to make those changes overnight, and you're not going to get back overnight. Nobody can make those changes overnight, but you can make a decision overnight to make the change and go in a whole new direction. That's my personal philosophy. I believe it 100%.

0:21:15 - (Rob Rowsell): But until, as you know, until we say we're done, but then we've got to take action, right? Action that we don't go to the gym once a week, once a month, and expect to see changes, right? That is a continual, ongoing thing that we've got to do over and over and over again. There's no difference with any change that we want to make in our lives, whether we want to become a better cook, whether we want to get rid of the cookies at night.

0:21:42 - (Rob Rowsell): All those things that we want to do are the gradual thing that we have to do a little bit every day, a little bit every day, a little bit every day. At this stage, I want to be embarrassed of the self that I am today a year from now. So a year from now, I want to look back and I want to be embarrassed of the person that I was today. So my goal is to make, like, right now. As I sit here talking to you, Tony, I am very, very happy with myself from yesterday because of the results and the fruit that have materialized in my world, because of the actions I took long ago.

0:22:22 - (Rob Rowsell): So I want to be just as happy with my today self a year from now when I look back, because of the fruit that continues to materialize itself in my life.

0:22:32 - (Tawni Nguyen): Wow, that's really powerful. Because there's a thing that's like, the only person that you should make proud is your younger self and your older self, right? So the two versions.

0:22:42 - (Rob Rowsell): Amen.

0:22:42 - (Tawni Nguyen): Of being, like, your true, authentic self. And I think that's what people kind of lack a lot due to social media, too, and that form of addiction to external achievements or external validation, just to feel that self worth, that connection to other people. And I think it manifests in a lot of people pleasing patterns. And that's something that I kind of broke, too, is because I woke up and I realized, I started questioning things, like, are these people in my life because they want to be in my life or is because I'm giving them a reason to stay. Like, there's too many advantages that they can't say no to or, like, what's on your bucket list that you and like would love to do in your personal life together?

0:23:22 - (Rob Rowsell): Well, we still have some places in the world we haven't seen, right? So we're going to Egypt this year. We spend a month every year in our motorhome so we spent with travel in the month of June. This year, we'll be traveling around the country in our motorhome to different destinations, seeing friends, relatives, and neighbors that we don't regularly see. And the other things that we want to do is we want to build this ministry down in Mexico, building homes on a regular basis. That's something that's been on our bucket list.

0:23:51 - (Rob Rowsell): And I have a long list of bucket list items that we just chip away a little bit every single year. Things that every two years. And I think we're going to bring it down to a year. I talked to my sons about it, my two boys. I have a 36 year old son and a 32 year old son, and we go do a boy adventure. We've been down into the Grand Canyon for six nights and five nights and six days and went rim to rim to rim with backpacks on our back, sleeping in tents. It was a wonderful experience.

0:24:17 - (Rob Rowsell): We've been down whitewater rafting in Utah last year. So I have bucket list items that involve my wife, my kids. And then as a family, for the first time ever, we're all going to Hawaii this year as a bucket list item to fly the kids and their spouses and our grandkids into Hawaii and spend a week at a vrbo over. So I've been to every island.

0:24:43 - (Tawni Nguyen): Oh, nice. Okay.

0:24:44 - (Rob Rowsell): But my kids have never.

0:24:46 - (Tawni Nguyen): Sweet. That's such a sweet moment. So speaking on doing something so, you know, there's a lot of people that faces a lot of discomfort, even maybe hearing our messages on how we drastically change their life. What would be your advice to them in this very moment? It's just like, what advice would you give them for the people that are afraid of change?

0:25:07 - (Rob Rowsell): Pull out a piece of paper and write down. You just hit the nail on the head. Some bucket list items, right? All the things that you want to accomplish in your world, in your lifetime, all of them, every single one. And just write and write and write and write until it gets a little bit painful. Keep going a little bit. But when you're done and you're out of gas, now go down the left hand side and put ten year, five year, three year, one year next to all those items.

0:25:31 - (Rob Rowsell): And then start figuring out where you're going to be one year from now and start checking off those lines that are one year. And then start putting a plan for each one of those. What is the first five things that I need to do for this one item? That one year from now, I want to look back and be happy. That I went through this exercise and then start working on those five things for those five items, that's amazing.

0:25:54 - (Tawni Nguyen): That's actually something that I started doing earlier this year, is strategizing my life based on around my goals and my values and what I want to accomplish. That's because, like I said, I don't want to wake up a year from now, like, damn, I'm doing the same shit over and over. So with that being said, I just want to acknowledge you for being here today. I really honor your story and I feel like that spiritual alignment couldn't have come at a better time, you know what I mean? For us to have this conversation and kind of sit down and share our message with others, because I feel like it's such a powerful movement that needs to happen more as a collective shift to kind of move forward and be more change makers. Like, there needs to be more catalysts into the world that actually doesn't come from glam and glory and rags and riches stories. A little different, but people that I call that kind of the weird, like they took themselves to hell and they kind of redeemed the redemption story that I think it's much more powerful than if you were just like, oh, I was broken, now I'm rich, you know what I mean?

0:26:54 - (Tawni Nguyen): So with that being said, I just want to end on what are the three philosophies if all of your life's work had to go with you into your life's transition? Right? Like, what are three messages or lessons or philosophies that you believe to be true that you can leave this world with?

0:27:10 - (Rob Rowsell): Well, the first one is, and it's a personal philosophy of my own that I think is, I know everybody doesn't adopt the same thinking, but I honestly believe that my salvation and my faith and my lord and savior Jesus Christ is numero uno for me. And for me personally, I believe that anybody's success should be based upon that. I know many of the people that see this podcast may not necessarily agree with that, but that's my philosophy. Number one, get right with your God and chase after him with a fervent so that you can understand what that is and pass it down to the next generation. I personally believe that we are one generation away from Christianity not being around anymore. So it's up to us to continue to teach that. So that's number one.

0:27:56 - (Rob Rowsell): Number two, for those that aren't already married or haven't found a significant other, that is going to be the most important relationship that you ever have in your world because one can touch 1002. Can touch 100,002 people yoked alike that are 100% focused in the same direction will change the world.

0:28:17 - (Tawni Nguyen): Oh, wow.

0:28:17 - (Rob Rowsell): Yeah. So I think that's very important. And then number three would really be be in the moment. We all struggle with that. I do as well. But it's a constant reminder to me, everybody, especially in this fast paced drive through social media world, it's onto the next thing. When's my next meeting? What's the next to do list item I need to do? What's the quarterly action plan? What are we going to get accomplished by the end of the year? How are we doing our goals when. You know what?

0:28:46 - (Rob Rowsell): I just want to be here with you right now. Right now. Right here and now is the most important thing because that's what we get to leave behind. The two things that I get to leave with my kids are the legacy that I get to leave with them is a relationship with the Lord, number one. And number two, the way that I made them feel the loving, caring person that I am, that everybody doesn't get to see because they're my inner circle. Right. So the key thing is to expand your inner circle so that more people get to see that loving, kind side of you. Right.

0:29:22 - (Rob Rowsell): And be in the moment.

0:29:24 - (Tawni Nguyen): Wow. Like, I have chills. I like that you said that now people are going to resonate with that.