Blondes in Business: Luxury Beauty Business Coaching

Epic Endings & New Beginnings: Forecasting a Bright Future Ahead

December 27, 2023 Lindsay Lowe & Jen Booth
Epic Endings & New Beginnings: Forecasting a Bright Future Ahead
Blondes in Business: Luxury Beauty Business Coaching
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Blondes in Business: Luxury Beauty Business Coaching
Epic Endings & New Beginnings: Forecasting a Bright Future Ahead
Dec 27, 2023
Lindsay Lowe & Jen Booth

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Imagine ending your year not with a whimper, but with a resounding bang of celebration that echoes into the new year! That's what we're here for on Blondes and Business. Join myself, Lindsay Lowe, and my co-host Jen Booth, as we wrap up a stellar 2023 and unveil the secrets to setting the stage for even greater achievements in 2024. We believe in the power of reflection and recognition, so we're sharing how saluting every victory, no matter the size, can skyrocket confidence and solidify team bonds. Let's transform your end-of-year rituals into catalysts for growth, with exercises that not only honor individual triumphs but also weave a tighter fabric of camaraderie within your salon team.

This episode is a treasure trove of strategies for personal and professional elevation, tailored especially for you, salon owners, and your vibrant teams. Revel in the value of recognizing the full spectrum of employee compensation and discover how this acknowledgment can instill a profound sense of pride and motivation. We'll guide you through setting ambitious goals and crafting an educational roadmap for the year ahead, ensuring that each team member's aspirations are nurtured and celebrated. So, pop the champagne and toast to a year of success—because on Blondes and Business, we're about making every finale an epic prelude to your next grand beginning.

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Imagine ending your year not with a whimper, but with a resounding bang of celebration that echoes into the new year! That's what we're here for on Blondes and Business. Join myself, Lindsay Lowe, and my co-host Jen Booth, as we wrap up a stellar 2023 and unveil the secrets to setting the stage for even greater achievements in 2024. We believe in the power of reflection and recognition, so we're sharing how saluting every victory, no matter the size, can skyrocket confidence and solidify team bonds. Let's transform your end-of-year rituals into catalysts for growth, with exercises that not only honor individual triumphs but also weave a tighter fabric of camaraderie within your salon team.

This episode is a treasure trove of strategies for personal and professional elevation, tailored especially for you, salon owners, and your vibrant teams. Revel in the value of recognizing the full spectrum of employee compensation and discover how this acknowledgment can instill a profound sense of pride and motivation. We'll guide you through setting ambitious goals and crafting an educational roadmap for the year ahead, ensuring that each team member's aspirations are nurtured and celebrated. So, pop the champagne and toast to a year of success—because on Blondes and Business, we're about making every finale an epic prelude to your next grand beginning.

Do you have a question for Blondes in Business: Luxury Beauty Business Podcast? Send a text or leave a voicemail at 855.650.3445 or send us an email to We would love to hear from you.
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Speaker 1:

We made it to the end of the year it was an amazing 2023 and are looking forward to an awesome 2024. Hey, it's Lindsay Lowe and Jen Booth and we are here with Blondes and Business to really dive into an exciting topic. Today, we want to close off this 2023 in an amazing way and kick off a bright future into 2024.

Speaker 2:

All right. So today they're going to be about epic endings and new beginnings, so we're going to deep dive into like how can you close the year with your team in an epic way but also set your team up for success in 2024.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and so if you are somebody who is already hosting amazing growth sessions for your team, you are going to love some of the things that we covered today, and if you are looking for an amazing idea for your next salon celebration, which is what we call our team meetings inside of our salons, then you're going to love this episode. Today, we are going to give you some really useful information that you can go out and utilize right away, and if you're inside of our full program, you're going to get even a deeper dive into this. But we just want to give you some great knowledge today that you can implement right away.

Speaker 2:

All right. So let's kick it off by looking at how to have that epic ending with a salon celebration, and so one thing that you really want to view is it's a really magical place to come from is to really help everyone celebrate the success and the wins that they've created in 2023. Because a lot of times, as human beings, we don't celebrate until we get to the finish line, but really the success comes from the small victories that take place, so really helping your team understand that small victories equal success. So let's dive deep into 2023 and really view what you called forth. What you need to celebrate, what wins you had really creates a magical and high energy space for your team.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I love that. And so you know you might be thinking how do I do this with my team? Well, you know, I think one of the key things is to be able to get everybody together, because you know when, when you're able to see those wins and celebrate them yourself, that feels incredible. But when you're able to do it with a group of people who are rooting for your success, it really amplifies that win even more. You know, it's like if you know that you won something but you haven't shared it with somebody else, it doesn't really anchor it in. It's not like you coming out to the world saying like, hey, this is, you know, this is how I want to be viewed from now on. I'm, I'm winning, I'm doing great things and I know that more are on the way.

Speaker 1:

And so when you're able to gather your whole salon team to be able to celebrate some wins, man, it really does just amplify them so much more and calls forth so much more greatness inside of each other. And it helps. It helps people view, you know, their, their coworkers even in a brighter light, because they're like, wow, you know, jen's doing some amazing things. I knew she was great, but hearing all of the success that she got to celebrate in 2023 makes me even have more respect for her, makes me understand and enjoy her even more. So it's a it's a great thing for an individual, but it's also a great thing to create that synergy as a team.

Speaker 2:

I love that lens and you know, thinking of it from a salon owner standpoint, you probably see this or your leadership sees this as something goes wrong with a guest, the team gets some feedback and then they feel beat down, like I don't even know if I'm cut out for this. Should I even be doing hair? I know, I've experienced this. I'm sure a salon owners we all have and it's like to see them lose that victory like defeats them. The reality becomes. You know, should I even be doing hair? And so like really helping them understand, like how can you pull a small victory from a lesson, from something that doesn't go quite as right, and celebrate that? Wow, the magic that that can create and what it can call forth, like Lindsay was saying, is really an epic way to close the year.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I love that you just talked about that, because you know we've we've all experienced that on some level and you know we are firm believers that the lesson will continue to show up until you're ready to sit in that classroom. And so you know if a new stylist on the team or a seasoned stylist is getting feedback about a particular thing, it's a great time to view that when we do get that feedback and really celebrate it as a win, like, hey, you know, I learned this year, you know how important it is to use pictures in the consultation or how important it is to you know, whatever that might be, because now that's not going to be a thing anymore. You know, and and those are some things that can be some wins you know it's also great like to be able to celebrate, you know, if somebody purchased a new car or new home, you know, maybe they paid off a loan or some debt or something like that, whatever it looks like at each level. Or, gosh, maybe it's just that they drink enough water most days of the week.

Speaker 1:

You know we all have different things that we are working towards and when we're able to recognize and celebrate those, it really does, you know, help create a new, stronger identity of ourselves. You know we're like, wow, that's me. You know I. A year ago I wouldn't have thought that could have been me, but now that's me. And so what's next? You know it really does help open up that, that that portal to what's next. You know you, you start to realize that there's even bigger possibilities for you out there as well.

Speaker 2:

Mm, hmm, so it's a beautiful place to come from is to kind of set up the context with your team about why isn't important to celebrate the wind, why what's the why behind winning and success. And once you set up that context, a couple things that you could do would be to pair them in partners. I'm always a good up for a good blindfold partner challenge where you walk around until you touch the first person when the music ends and that's going to be your partner for the day, because I truly believe sometimes the universe gives you in life what you need. And so parting someone up is because we know that as human beings, sometimes it's it's hard for us to share those wins in front of others People see it as bragging. But to know that this is really truly a safe space, and you know, have them each.

Speaker 2:

Take a sheet of paper, have some markers, make it fun. I think there's power in writing things down, especially with some colorful markers, since, for most of us are artists, is have them. You know, draw a line in the middle of the paper, put on one side of it will be cool, one side of it will be career wins, on the other side will be personal wins, and you know to give them a certain amount of time. It doesn't have to be long to let make them overthink it. Like three to five minutes to write down all their career went career wins, and then three to five minutes to write down all their career went career wins, and then that'll open up the floor to share with each other.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think you meant personal wins. Personal wins and career wins, both of those. You know, those really do. It's like the yin and the yang, you know. It takes one to make the other possible, and so when you marry those two together I love the way that you set up that context because you know, when you, when you marry those together and you allow that safe space for people to be able to celebrate those wins, man, it really does just unlock a new sense of freedom. And, jen, I know that you just hosted a meeting like this with your team and you did something really cool. I'm sure you're going to tell about the, the frames and all that good stuff. I'm. I think the listeners are going to love to hear about this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so yeah, you know the energy of the room. You could just feel more love in the room when we did this exercise. So like I wanted to take it a step further is because a lot of times the way we view ourselves is not the way that other people view us. So you know, it's hard to celebrate wins. Sometimes we don't want to share them. But once you have that partnership and each partner shares their wins with each other, I gave everybody a frame you can get from the dollar store doesn't have to be a super expensive frame and a ton of markers and a plain piece of paper. And then they drew a picture for each other that represented either a win that they heard, or how that person shows up for them, or just anything beautiful about that person that they want to celebrate. And so I gave them like five minutes.

Speaker 2:

So that's the thing is, you want to have control the time. Don't let someone overthink it. They'll get in their own way with like, oh my gosh, it's got to be perfect. Is this what I should do? So make sure you have that time constraint on it and just let them paint that picture.

Speaker 2:

Be an artist, and let them just share what's coming to view for them with that person and then after they finished that, we actually took the wins and the picture, put them in the picture picture frame and then exchanged it with each other and did a little explanation of like hey, you know, I had Lindsay as my partner. I drew a ray of sunshine because every time she walks in, like in the door, like I know that she is just beaming. You know she did some amazing things and so I know she bought a brand new big house and that's on her. I drew that picture. That really happened, so that's why it's coming to view for me and so, I think, is. It was just really incredible to see each other, like just to celebrate and to dig deep and say, wow, people view me even better than I view myself sometimes. And when you have that reality, that's when transformation can happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's incredible, you know, and I love that you have another team member draw that because, like you said, you know, sometimes other people view you in a different light than you do yourself, and so it's great for your team to be able to have that.

Speaker 1:

On the days where they're like, man, what am I doing, you know, am I doing the right thing? To be able to remember, hey, my team views me this way, you know, I have all of these wonderful gifts to give is such an amazing thing, you know, and I think, like you were talking about earlier, it really does just kind of close the loop on the year. Like you know, I think this is a time where a lot of people are like feeling like, did I accomplish everything that I was trying to in 2023? And when you're able to give your team the gift of seeing, hey, I did a lot this year, you know, that really can help close that loop so that they feel ready to move into 2024. And you know, it's like clean slating things to where they feel like, okay, I'm walking in with a clean slate. I know I did all of these epic things in 2023. What can I create next? You know, I think that that's a beautiful place to get to is when they close that and they're ready to open up something totally new.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, try that at your next salon celebration. You can feel the love, you can feel the energy. It's a fun exercise to do. No judgment on the drawings. You know it's like guys, make sure you hang these in your living room. They're so awesome, like, oh yeah, believe me, I am going to. So they. I would just say that the buy into that is really huge and the payout that you can get from viewing each other like that, cause it's so easy to find the negative in life. You know the floor is not clean, there's dirty brushes and you know, just to remind it, sometimes when you walk in, just to look for the good in the place and wow, what a magical salon company that can be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love that. That's beautiful, and so once you've created this amazingness, you know, let's talk about what you can do inside of your kickoff growth session for the year. So I love the first yearly growth session with each team member. It's. You know, one of the things that I look forward to most throughout the year is, you know, once you've closed that loop on 2023, you start to open what is possible inside of 2024,. You know, and there's so many different areas that you can look at inside of these meetings.

Speaker 1:

But if you're currently not doing any sort of growth session inside of your salon, you know it's a. It's like a monthly one-on-one meeting with either the salon owner or some mentor or leader inside of the team. You know, and the purpose of it is really to uncover, you know, what are some new possibilities for the stylist, help them be able to celebrate their wins with somebody else, look for what's working. You know what could be a challenger or hurdle that they're experiencing, and help them uncover what their number story might be telling them about what's happening. You know for them, either. You know behind the chair or beside the table or whatever their role inside of your company might be, you know.

Speaker 1:

So there's lots of key areas that you can look at inside of that yearly growth session, but when you kick off the new one for the new year, I think this is just an epic time to really dive into. You know, what are your goals for the year? What are your education goals? What are your personal goals, what are your professional goals? You know, let's, let's re, let's write the story before the story gets written for us. Let's really plan ahead and see. You know, what are we trying to accomplish this year and how can we help this person on our team make all of their dreams come true? Because I think that's one of the most beautiful gifts that we get as a, as an owner or a leader, is to be able to help other people get more of what they want in life. You know, and so really I think this, this yearly meeting, when you kick it off for the year, is that it's like let's figure out what you want and let's go get it.

Speaker 2:

I love that lens because that could be a huge opportunity to support your team and helping them visualize what could 2024 truly look like for them. Like if they were to close their eyes, it's December 31st 2024, like, what do you want to make possible? And I think when you, a lot of times as service providers we have hard time viewing the next day or the next week. So to be able to think 12 months ahead, it can really create impact. For someone to say, hey, this is where I want to be. And then you can almost reverse engineer and say, okay, let's talk about what it's going to take to get you there. You want to be, you know, level four, or you want to buy a new house, or you want to buy a new car. Like, let's actually create a timeline of exactly what the scenario would look like, what actions you need to put into place to make this possible.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you know, something that we have as a resource for everyone inside of the PhD program is things to work on or things to look at, view at each different level, you know, and so we love to say like, hey, at level one, let's try to get out of debt and let's, you know, really see if we can knock that out and what that can create in our lives. You know, a lot of times when someone is new inside of our salon company, goal setting is totally new for them, and of course, we would never judge or have any sort of feelings about anyone else's goals. But sometimes it's like you're not even aware of the picture that you could truly paint until and that's the purpose of having a mentor or a leader, somebody like that, in your life is that they can help you paint a picture even prettier than you could imagine, and it helps unlock some amazing creativity inside of you. And so I think that's one of the gifts too that you can give at this yearly growth session is to be able to say like hey, you're at a level three, like you're getting to the space. Have you thought about purchasing a home? Have you different things like that?

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, when somebody else helps. You see that it's possible. You're like, wow, I would have never thought. Because I've had people say I would have never thought at 21, I would have been buying a house. But here I am because they've got the income to support it and they can see what it's going to do for their future when they're able to make some purchases like that and to do some things like that inside of their lives. And so I think it's great to be able to help dream with somebody and let them know hey, it's a safe space to dream. You don't have to live in fear. We can create some amazing things. I think that's one of the coolest things about our industry is that we have the opportunity to turn up the dial for our earnings and our income, and so I think helping to unlock new possibilities of things people want to create in their lives helps them turn that dial up even more too.

Speaker 2:

I love that and we have a great resource in the year-end compensation report that. Just reach out to us. Hello at thephdprogramcom, we'll be sure to send that over to you. But it helps you to. It's a calculator. It helps you to put in everything that the employee received for the year, including payroll tips, bonuses, anything like that.

Speaker 2:

It helps to break it down like what their hourly earnings would be, because sometimes, as commission stylists especially, they don't understand like what am I really making an hour? They don't truly understand the math behind it. So showing them that but also showing them because as team-based salons, commission salons, we do give a lot to. It's a win-win situation we give to each other and that's what makes our companies powerful. But to also show them, like what you contributed to their education fund, their paid vacation, their advertising, like all those things add up. So like even your simple IRAs, they did some coaching if you had salon retreats, like putting a dollar value to that to see how much that can actually elevate their hourly earning. I think that's going to be the transformation or industry where some salon owners and team-based salons, commission salons, really create impact in this world to say, hey, the things that we do out here are truly incredible, and we want more incredible people to take this journey with us.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and I love that calculator so much because it really does break everything down and make it so simple. And then they start to realize wow they're. Because I think there's a lot of misconceptions about commission inside of our industry. So I think this really does just break that down totally so that people aren't as confused. They can explain it better to their friends and family who are asking them about what happens to the other part of the money. Now they know and they can see wow.

Speaker 1:

Some people on my team are like, wow, I had no idea that I was making $90 an hour. $65 an hour, however, their money ended up being, after we added back all of the additional benefits that they got. It really did create a sense of pride and freedom for them and they really, of course, are super grateful, as is. But it made them really realize what all is getting poured back into them and I think that that's such a beautiful thing when it can be a win-win situation. It really does just unlock some amazing freedom and I think that's one of the keys inside of that yearly growth session is to include that ad back, setting some new goals for the year and just really painting that future with the education plan and the vision for 2024.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. I love that. So, if you guys are ready for some epic endings and new beginnings, close the chapter with some incredible wins at a team celebration. Celebrate each other, look for the good and then also on those epic growth sessions, to really look at those year-in-compensation reports to help them dream big and because when you really help people dream big, I think that's when your dreams come true as well.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for tuning in. We can't wait to see you again soon. Bye.

Celebrating Wins and Setting Goals
Achieving Growth and Celebrating Success