Blondes in Business: Luxury Beauty Business Coaching

Conquering Imposter Syndrome: The Key to Unleashing Your Leadership Potential in Salons and Spas

April 17, 2024 Lindsay Lowe & Jen Booth
Conquering Imposter Syndrome: The Key to Unleashing Your Leadership Potential in Salons and Spas
Blondes in Business: Luxury Beauty Business Coaching
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Blondes in Business: Luxury Beauty Business Coaching
Conquering Imposter Syndrome: The Key to Unleashing Your Leadership Potential in Salons and Spas
Apr 17, 2024
Lindsay Lowe & Jen Booth

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Have you ever felt like you're wearing a mask of competence, secretly waiting for someone to pull it off and reveal your true self? That's the isolating reality of imposter syndrome, a frequent unwelcome guest for many salon and spa owners. Join us as we dissect this psychological phenomenon that can stunt the growth of not only individuals but also businesses. We share stories and strategies, aiming to strip away the layers of doubt and unlock the confident leader within you. By understanding the roots of these self-defeating beliefs, this episode promises to guide you along a path from trepidation to triumph, ensuring you and your team thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of beauty and wellness.

Our conversation isn't just about acknowledging the challenge; it's about transformation. We delve into the power of objective data analysis in dispelling the fog of self-doubt, and how a clear-eyed view of your business metrics can be the North Star in your journey towards informed decision-making and strategic growth. The impact of your social environment on your self-perception is undeniable, and we explore ways to cultivate a supportive network that reflects and reinforces your values and vision. So tune in for an episode packed with insights and actionable advice that will help you stand tall at the helm of your business, navigating through uncertainty with newfound confidence.

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Have you ever felt like you're wearing a mask of competence, secretly waiting for someone to pull it off and reveal your true self? That's the isolating reality of imposter syndrome, a frequent unwelcome guest for many salon and spa owners. Join us as we dissect this psychological phenomenon that can stunt the growth of not only individuals but also businesses. We share stories and strategies, aiming to strip away the layers of doubt and unlock the confident leader within you. By understanding the roots of these self-defeating beliefs, this episode promises to guide you along a path from trepidation to triumph, ensuring you and your team thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of beauty and wellness.

Our conversation isn't just about acknowledging the challenge; it's about transformation. We delve into the power of objective data analysis in dispelling the fog of self-doubt, and how a clear-eyed view of your business metrics can be the North Star in your journey towards informed decision-making and strategic growth. The impact of your social environment on your self-perception is undeniable, and we explore ways to cultivate a supportive network that reflects and reinforces your values and vision. So tune in for an episode packed with insights and actionable advice that will help you stand tall at the helm of your business, navigating through uncertainty with newfound confidence.

Do you have a question for Blondes in Business: Luxury Beauty Business Podcast? Send a text or leave a voicemail at 855.650.3445 or send us an email to We would love to hear from you.
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Speaker 1:

Welcome. We're excited to dive into a topic that is so important or we hear so much about inside of our industry, and it's truly can be transformational when you understand what's happening, when it shows up, and implement the key tools that we're going to talk about today to dive out of it and create a life that you want.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. So we're going to be talking about overcoming imposter syndrome as a salon or spa owner, you know, to really help you build confidence and thrive in the beauty industry.

Speaker 1:

So you might be thinking what in the world is imposter syndrome Like? I think I've maybe experienced it before, or it sounds familiar, but really it's just a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud. So this is despite external evidence of their competence. So if you've ever felt like a fraud, if you've ever had doubt come up for you, you know. If you've ever wondered gosh, am I even in the right industry or am I, you know, doing the right thing? You know that might've been imposter syndrome rearing its ugly head, and so those who experience imposter syndrome often feel like they don't deserve their success. So they attribute their accomplishments to luck or deception rather than their own effort and abilities. So this phenomenon can affect anyone, regardless of you know, if you're brand new inside of the industry or you've been here for a really long time. But it's particularly common among high achievers and people taking on new challenges or roles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And so if you've ever lived in that space of imposter syndrome, you know you probably could experience like anxiety, stress, low self-confidence and in some cases even depression, cases, even depression. And so you know, like being in that imposter syndrome and living in those realms of anxiety, stress, low self-confidence, it can really hinder your personal growth, it can really hinder your salon team and then really your ability to embrace new opportunities due to the fear of failure are being found out. If you've ever felt that way found out you're probably saying, oh yeah, that's me and that's OK.

Speaker 2:

I think that can happen and sometimes in a season of life, and I think the biggest gift of that is to realize when it is happening, you know, acknowledging and discussing these feelings and recognizing your achievements and challenges. And what beliefs do you have? Like what in your reactive mind are you telling yourself when that imposter syndrome is showing up? Maybe it's that, like Lindsay was saying, I'm not good enough, I'm not smart enough, do I really know what I'm doing? Are they going to really find out at the end of the day, that I don't know what I'm doing? And so we're going to really look at a formula that can really help you uncover, especially one of the main imposter syndromes that can lead, which is self-doubt.

Speaker 1:

And right before we get into that formula, you might be wondering, hey, statistically, I wonder how many salon owners or entrepreneurs have experienced imposter syndrome? And you know this isn't a proven fact, but I would probably say 100% of you know highly successful individuals have experienced this at least one point during their career. And so you might be thinking I'm there right now. Or you might be thinking, gosh, it was years ago. Or hey, it could happen at that next level that you're going to get to.

Speaker 1:

So, whether this is a tool that you can implement right away or something that you can keep in your back pocket for if it happens, or maybe there's a high achiever on your team that you see is experiencing that imposter syndrome and you would love to be able to give them that formulation to be able to get out of there quicker so that they don't live there too long. Because when anybody lives in that space for too long, that's when you can usually become an ex-somebody inside of this industry. That's when you start to think, gosh, am I made for this industry? Am know, is this even? Am I cut out for this? And so you know, not only recognizing it in yourself but recognizing it in in people on your team and helping them have that formulation, to get out of that doubt and to get back into creation mode, where we all deserve to live in and and and be at, is one of the keys to to keys to getting out of there and becoming successful.

Speaker 2:

Because when you think about a doubt, if we think that everything is energy, you know doubt is unable to decide. Hey, should I be a salon owner? Should I not be a salon owner? You know it helps you to stay in this place of being indecisive. And you know, when you're indecisive or in that limbo, land the cause, by not having certainty, it can really impact you, your team, your beingness, your guest, your community. And so let's just look at, like, how do you get out of that place of self-doubt and how do you really create something that really helps you to inspect everything about your beingness, everything about your opportunities and helps you shift from doubt to easily making a clear, decisive choice?

Speaker 1:

And so you know some other ways that you can look at doubt is. You know this is where you also start. You know, like Jen mentioned, doubting if you should be a salon owner. But you know you also could doubt people in your business, like what are they doing? Are they with us, are they against us, are they staying, are they going? Can we trust them? Can we not trust them? So these are also additional types of questions that arise in the minds of people you know involved with a person that could be creating doubt in their lives. You know, and so sometimes it's, it's a person um in your life who is causing or or impacting that doubt Um, but sometimes you know um there's, there's other uh causes for erosion. You know Um, but but truly every part of doubt um can be solved with this easily easy formula um and can get you that clarity to head in that next right direction.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. So step one of the doubt formula is going to really be like informing yourself honestly of the actual intentions and activities of your beingness, you know, based truly on facts and observations. So what we mean by this is like really getting connected to what are your actual intentions, like if you're pure and sure about your why and you're really clear about your beingness and how you show up and you don't entertain the gossip and rumors and you just see what is there. It really can help you get from that space of uncertainty or unclarity to that space of really viewing what is possible.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm. And so, once you've really informed yourself honestly of the actual intentions, the next step would be to just examine the statistics of yourself, you know. So this is kind of like looking at what the evidence is showing you inside of your life. And so, you know, having you know, when you're looking at this, you're not looking at it through a place of judgment, You're not here to say, well, I did this and it was bad, and I did this and it was good. No, you're really just having that opportunity to just examine the statistics. And so what do the statistics point to inside of you, inside of your business? You know you could also look at a group or an organization or you know another individual. But truly, when you're looking at your own lens and your own life, like, just look at those statistics, what are they telling you? And again, not from a place of judgment, because you can rewrite the future, you can change the future. But right now we're just trying to view where are we at now so that we can create that bigger vision for the future.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And so, after you looked at those statistics, you're going to decide on the basis of the greatest good for the greatest number of people. And you know, when you think about that is like, what is your company really there to do? Are you there to help create connection, disconnection, whatever it may be, disconnection, whatever it may be? And I think this really, if your true intention is to help people the greatest good of, or the greatest number of people, like when you're really clear about that, it helps you eliminate that self-doubt because you're clear about your why you're clear about you know, if you have people that leave or uh, you know uh, people or something that happens that is not always uh, exciting you that it just you know you're, you still understand that hey, there's no reason for people to leaving, for people leaving to make me doubt myself Like I'm certain who we are, I'm certain in what we create. And when you eliminate that self-doubt and look for the greatest good for the greatest number of of humans, it really helps to shape your certainty in life.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. You know, and I remember during the pandemic, when salons closed down, trying to determine like, hey, how are we going to pay our people? You know what would be, what would create the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. You know I knew, whatever decision we made, somebody was going to be upset by it, you know. And and so truly being a leader inside of your industry is saying like, hey, I'm going to make that decision and know it's for the greatest good and I'm going to be able to handle.

Speaker 1:

You know cause I did have a girl come up and say like, hey, I'm making less money than if I would have been, um, you know, collecting unemployment.

Speaker 1:

And you know I thanked her and acknowledged how she was feeling, but also just helped her to understand. You know, when I make a decision, as you know, the steward of our ship, it's to, you know, really create the greatest good for the greatest number of people. And so when I helped, you know, explain a couple of other people's situations, she was understanding and on board and more than supportive and you know, was like, absolutely, I understand your decision and I couldn't be more supportive Because, you know, maybe $100 extra to me would make them lose out on. You know $700 extra and they have children and a family to feed. And so you know, a lot of times when you, when you create that clarity and you really decide, like Jen talked about on on step number three, the greatest good for the greatest number of people that can really help you create some certainty for sure in your life, step out of that doubt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, awesome.

Speaker 2:

And so once you've done that too, you want to evaluate ones on group or organization, and what I mean by that is just looking at who you're surrounding yourself with, you know, because at the end of the day, if you are around people that could be bringing you down, that could really be impacting your self-doubt.

Speaker 2:

And I know we've all heard the saying you are your net worth is equal to your network. And so to really view that from the place of and like I want to be surrounded by people that are doing like a more amazing things than I am, because I know if I'm surrounded by those people it's only going to help me to be better. But if I'm surrounding myself by people that are actually dragging me down, that actually can create that more feeling of self-doubt for me. And that's also a really important formula to view when you're working with your team as well as, like if you have somebody in a growth session that's always feeling kind of down or out is just to really view and ask them who they are surrounding themselves by, because I think that really can help paint the picture of hey, are these people or groups serving me or are they okay group, they're just not the right group for me and when you're evaluating that group, like jen was just talking about.

Speaker 1:

That's the intentions and objection. So what is that? Groups, intentions and objectives. And then step five would be to evaluate your groups or your organization's statistics. And so you've gone from evaluating yourself earlier in the call to now you're evaluating the groups or who you're surrounding yourself with. So it could be your salon team, could be your friends, family, but seeing what those statistics are, because you know.

Speaker 1:

Another thing is that you know I would never take advice from somebody who isn't somewhere that I want to be in life and you know statistics are just kind of those proven factors for it. And so you know, if statistics say like, hey, they're not somebody that I want to be hanging around and for whatever various reason you know, depend on your own moral, financial, whatever your compass says. But look at those statistics to say what does it point to? Because when you're able to evaluate that, sometimes that can get you out of doubt right away, cause you're like I'm in doubt, I don't know what's going on. Then you're like, oh, I'm connected to this person that's creating doubt for me, but I know who I am. Seeing those statistics reminded me who I am and that can help get you out of that doubt faster.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and so once you really realize that too, you know one progress that you can make would be towards the greatest good for the greatest number and announce the fact publicly to all parties.

Speaker 2:

So what we mean by that is really looking at what you have created.

Speaker 2:

You know, sometimes we can get stuck of what we haven't done instead of what we have done.

Speaker 2:

That it keeps us in a place of not knowing, and when you're not knowing, that really can keep you stuck in that sphere. So I just really like even if it's celebrating with yourself, celebrating with your team, celebrating with someone that you know is going to celebrate you, is to really show what progress that you've created and really be able to share that with others and also teaching your team to do that too. If they live in a place of self-doubt, there's nothing greater than not celebrating a win, because that can signal your reactive mind either you weren't deserving of it or you weren't smart enough for, and so sometimes just taking that sheet of paper, paper and pen out and just celebrating your wins for the day can really help you rewrite the story of doubt I love that, that, and so you know, once you decided that you were going to join, remainin or or befriend, you know, the, the people in the group and and those which help you create that progress, and you're celebrating those wins, announcing it publicly.

Speaker 1:

The next step would be to do everything possible to improve the actions and statistics of your life, your company, you know, whatever group or organization that you're a part of. And so you know this also means like hey, be the best friend possible, be you know, be the best leader possible. Just really make that commitment to do everything possible to improve the actions and statistics of yourself, your group, your organization, whatever it is that you're a part of. Because sometimes, you know, the opposite of doubt can just be that certainty. And when you have that certainty that you're going to do everything possible to improve something, then that can really eliminate that imposter syndrome and really unlock so much potential.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and so if learning all those just formulations to you know just as a being, just continue your learning and skill development and that helps to build that confidence, you know a saying says I realize the more I learn, the more I don't know. And so you know, just continuing to improve yourself, being around you know, the right people, the right groups can really help build that mastery for you.

Speaker 1:

And if you're looking for an incredible group to be a part of, you know we'd love to introduce you to the PhD program. We've got an amazing group of salon owners inside that are really dedicated to, you know, just improving our industry and the world at large, and so if today has been helpful, share it with a friend, give us a review. We'd love to hear from you.

Speaker 2:

Send us an email, hello at the phdprogramcom and we can't wait to hear from you awesome Cause we know that every salon owner has the potential to overcome self-doubt and shine brightly in their personal and professional lives.

Speaker 1:

All right, thanks for tuning in.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Salon
Strategies for Overcoming Self-Doubt