The Hemp Del Soul Podcast

EP #3: Unleashing the Benefits of CBD for Pets

Marilisa Lawless

What if you could boost your elderly pet's energy levels, manage their pain, and even decrease aggressive behavior? This episode of the Hemp Del Sol podcast unpacks the possibilities of CBD for pets. Our host, Marilisa Lawless, an avid CBD user herself, shares her personal experiences and insights. She recounts the transformation she observed in her own dog after introducing CBD, turning her lethargic pet into a more lively companion. 

As we journey further into this intriguing topic, Marilisa also discusses studies conducted by prestigious universities like Cornell and Colorado State. These studies reveal the effectiveness of CBD in addressing pain, stress, anxiety, and even aggression in pets. The conversation shifts to the practical aspect of administering CBD to pets, emphasizing that dosage is typically determined by the pet's weight. Listen in to learn how to adjust dosages, address common concerns, and maximize the benefits of CBD for your furry friends. Remember, always consult with a veterinarian before trying anything new. Tune in and discover how CBD could potentially improve the quality of life for your beloved pets.

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Welcome to the Hemp Del Soul podcast. All health, no high. Here's your host, Marili isa Lawless.


Oh, hello, hello, and welcome everyone to episode number three of the Hemp Del Soul podcast. I'm your co-host, Jeremy Wolf, and I am joined by Marili isa Lawless, your host, Maril isa, it is a pleasure seeing you.


Always, always. I'm so happy to be doing these. I feel like I'm becoming more relevant. Yeah, absolutely. I love hearing the podcast world.


And I always love hearing the intro that you picked out for the podcast. I feel like I'm in the, in the, in nature, in the jungle. It's so perfectly picked for what we're doing here. So today we're going to talk about a topic that's near and dear to my heart, as it is with many, many, many other folks, and it's our pets. Right, I know you offer, obviously, through your CBD products. You offer that for human consumption, but you also offer that for pet consumption. So interested in to learn about this. The first thing that goes off in my head like I don't mind taking CBD myself because I'll put any. You know, I'll try anything out. I think of my doggy and, like you know, we love our animals so much. I'm like wait, is this really safe for my pet? Like, is it okay to give my pet CBD? So can you talk about the efficacy of this in terms of animal consumption?


Absolutely so what they're. The national organization is not approving it. They're telling everybody to just seek their their own veterinarian and see what they say for their fur babies and how it may be helpful. I actually it was my dog who I gave it to first, back in 2018. Because when I read at that point it was like, at its worst, it does no harm, and that was important to me. So my dog she was old, she just sort of laid around, was like yeah, no, okay, I don't feel like doing anything, just leave me alone. And my sister had researched all these companies, came home with this particular brand and said try this and let's see what happens. So after a few days of just putting this, what is called a tincture which is this stuff I'm holding up this little bottle of bacon flavored tincture.


Bacon flavored tincture. Love it.


So at the time they just had unflavored, and unflavored is simply CBD and coconut oil, there's nothing else added to it. And I gave it to her and after about three days of putting it on her food, all of a sudden she had like all this energy. She was like wiggly and she, if she could have, she would have grabbed the leash herself and said let's go for a walk. But she had energy and I took her for a walk and for the rest of her life she had another year with us and she was like living life and loving it.


It was such an amazing thing After a couple of days I was like okay, and at that point veterinarians very few had heard of it, very few had been interested. So the we sort of I looked at some studies that were coming out. Cornell University had one that came out in like 2017. And they actually had an 80% positive rate with pain for dogs in the study that they did. So I was like, yeah, that's a good thing. She's got arthritis, she's old, so 80% is like really high statistic. I don't remember the size of the study. You know whether it was a small study, large study, but it was Cornell University. I mean, they've got a name and so I just started moving forward from there. Then it went on to the people and everything else. Since then, the company that I use for my pet products. It's the same as people products. They really are the same. The challenges or the differences are, is that people have peppermint and strawberry Flavored pets pets have bacon and tuna.


So, just right off the heels of some Technical difficulties, we are back. So I was asking about Dosages. Right, so you were saying that there's really no distinction between the actual product in terms of human and animal consumption, other than, typically, the flavoring, but in terms of dosages, I would imagine that it's based upon body weight.


It is with it, with the animals. What they suggest is, like some of the studies I've read have been two milligrams per kilogram of weight. Okay, so kilogram is 2.2 pounds. So, yeah, realistically, I just tell people and there are dosages on the packaging, suggested dosaging for your size pet, and you just play around with it because, again, like people, even your pets, they respond differently and, like any supplement, it's not a hundred percent for all pets.


It's used for the same things for pets as it is for people anxiety, the ones that have the lightning, fear or the firecrackers and the loud noises. And Then the pain, you know, arthritis and pain. There's actually a study that they just did, that also came out in Australia, that they did on decreasing aggressive behavior in in shelter dogs Towards people. So I thought that was really fascinating. It was actually different Countries that participated but it was a University of Australia who actually did it and while it was a smaller study, they found that it it actually helped to decrease the aggressive behavior. And obviously they say to take other precautions, but I thought it was an interesting study.


So veritas farms is the product that I use for pets. I've tried a couple of other companies, but I haven't had as much success, and the veritas farms has a joint care to which is CBD, but it also has, like the, the glucose amine and the con joint and added to it Um. And then there's all calming chew, and the calming chew has 10 milligrams of CBD per chew, but it also adds lavender and chamomile and a few other things that are also calming. So there's there are different products, people I haven't actually tried any of the chews myself, but I don't people could eat those. People prefer gummies If they're gonna eat something or a capsule. So, with the, with the dogs, it was great. Colorado State even did a study in 2019, or they did two different studies. One was for seizures and what I found fascinating is that they actually had an 89 89 percent decrease in seizures With these dogs by giving them CBD.


I've heard that CBD is also a powerful tool to use with folk humans that have epilepsy absolutely yeah, I mean, think of Charlotte's web.


That's where it started. That's you know, 20 years ago probably. It is now Charlotte's web that Charlotte was having seizures and the medications just weren't working and the family came up with this CBD basically is what it is and and that's what helped control her seizures. So now that's the first CBD company that came around. It still exists to. They branched out and they're still the same. But, yeah, but that's where it started.


So, yes, and I actually have one of my customers is he's got a Rottweiler and she has grind mal seizures. She actually takes the human form, which is, again, it's uns flavored CBD. But because she's such a big dog to not give her so much coconut oil, they buy the 2,000 milligram Tincture the strongest tincture that I carry. So it's 2,000 milligrams in a 30 milliliter bottle and they use that to control her seizures. So it's you play around with it with whatever the dosage is. At the end of the day, you have to check with your veterinarian to see if they approve, disapprove, work for it. So they and and then the Cornell did another study on decreasing stress. So they did the first one in 2016, 17 on decreasing pain. Then they did another one about stress and anxiety, and again they found an 83% decrease in the anxious behavior.


I Try to explain to people that want to come in, just like on July 4th, to get choose. It's not a drug, it doesn't work like that. You need to give it to them regularly on a, you know, for a couple days and then, during those events, increase the dosage. The number one side effect is that they might be sleepy, and that's not necessarily a bad side effect when there's fireworks or, you know, lightning storms. I have a dog who's terrified with lightning, you know, so I did proceed to be on a regular basis, but then I increase it when I know there's a storm.


So how long if you start administering CBD's to your, to your pet, how long From your experience, there's a typically take before you start seeing results or the effects, and Almost immediate. So it's like three days of.


Again, it depends on the animal. If you, if you hit that sweet spot, you've gotten the right dose right out the right out the bat, you know, right out the cave that, right off the bat.


Out the box kind of think of the right words.


It's amazing, but most of the time after three days You'll see whether it's working, not working, whether it's giving you enough and whether you need to increase it or decrease it. You know, if it's making them a lethargic and it's like, yeah, now this is not, it's yes, decrease your anxiety, but now they don't feel like doing anything. So you know to cut the dosage, but if it still is just taking the edge off but it's not really Addressing the issue, completely, increase the dosage. You know it's. It's super, super easy. Play around with it with your animal. I've given it to cats. My had a cat and so tuna flavored work for her and actually my dogs prefer the tuna flavor.


Flavored CBD will I know, and the company doesn't even carry tuna anymore.


I bought cases of tuna for myself.


I'm not gonna be trying that myself. Thank you, tuna flavor. I'll try the bacon flavor one, but not tuna flavor. Yeah, I don't know about that, so so question the question for you that I think I know the answer to already, but I feel compelled to ask it if you have your pet that's on other medications, is it okay to give them CBD, or is that something you'd want to consult your vet?


Well, always consult your vet first. However, anything that I've read, there isn't any contraindication.


Okay, you know if, obviously, if your animal is so sick that they've got liver failure or their kidney failure, they're in those kinds of things. Yeah, double check with your doctor before you do anything, before you add anything or take anything away always Anything that. I've read any study. I've read any of my own research, because that's who I am. I've never had any research or product before I'm going to sell it, give it whatever. Everything I have is third-party tested, like my human stuff and yes, I've seen so, for instance, the Rottweiler that I've been giving the CBD to. They didn't like the medication and so she's not on any medication anymore, she just takes the CBD, and so that's been a benefit, because that's also for humans. Humans have come off of their medications. One of the things they give dogs for anxiety is Prozac.


That's lovely. But, or in addition to Prozac puppies.


Yeah, so what we know is that CBD oil increases serotonin, which is the same mechanism that Prozac is doing. So, again, it helps with all these things because of the stuff that we know medically that CBD does None of it's FDA approved. It's all you know.


What a shame, right figure out what works.


Well, it's not. Actually, it's not a food. They don't consider it a food product. It's a supplement, so it doesn't really need FDA approval.


Well, not just the FDA approval. I'm talking about just the way cannabis, ultimately, and hemp and everything, is treated in our society post-60s. It's taken so long I mean I haven't done a lot of research on this but I got to imagine that CBD in and of itself is as benign as it comes in terms of whether it could harm a human. I don't think there's been any documented cases of actual cannabis like THC that has killed anybody, right, it's just no, there is not, if I have a tough experience with it, but it doesn't even exist.


No, nobody has ever died from cannabis, whether it's marijuana or hemp. No one has ever died and, to the best of my knowledge, no animal has ever died. All it has done. The number one side effect that I've seen is it slows you down a little, and that's often a good thing. It's what we want. We want our animals to calm down. We want them to not be aggressive, we want them to not fight with each other. The cats, how they go, with these little cats arguing back and forth, and I have several of my friends who I give the tuna tincture to and their cats like it still now. They like people again. It's used for a bunch of different things, but it's the same as what's used for people. It's people and animals. We all experience anxiety on some level. Sometimes we have difficulty with sleep, sometimes we have difficulty with aches and pains. The CBD is a really awesome natural alternative and that's where we go.


All right, very good. Anything else you would like to share before we wrap up?


I think that you check with your doctors, see what they think and go for it. My veterinarian is amazing and he is all for using it and some vets even sell it in their office. Some do different things. It works for calming their anxiety especially. My roommate works in a cancer center. She's an oncology veterinary nurse and they give their animals CBD. It helps. It hasn't done anything harmful.


And that's the best.


I can offer.


It seems to do no harm.


All right, sounds good, and everyone out there remember, cbd's effects on pets can vary, so it's always crucial to gather information so you can make the best informed decision based on your pet's unique situation. So, as we always like to prioritize our pet's safety and well-being, because we love our little fur berries, fur berries, fur babies, fur babies, I love my fur berries, I love my fur babies, I love all the furry things. Oh goodness, mary Lisa, always a pleasure, absolutely. We'll see you soon. Yes, indeed, you will.


And to all our listeners. Thanks for tuning in and we will catch you next time. Everyone take care.


All right, bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to the Hemp Del Soul podcast. Explore our wide range of organic products at hempdelsol. com. That's H-E-M-P-D-E-L-S-O-U-L. com, or contact 954-854-1039.

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