The Hemp Del Soul Podcast

Unraveling the Intriguing History and Impact of Psychodrama with Melinda Lawless Coker

Marilisa Lawless

Imagine having a fascinating journey through time, unraveling the intriguing history of psychodrama? That's exactly what our expert guest, Melinda Lawless-Coker, offers to guide us through in this episode. Melinda shares the evocative narrative of how the founders, Jacob Levy, and Celine Zirka-Toman Moreno, developed and lived out their creation of the triadic model of psychodrama, sociometry, and group psychotherapy. This isn't just a look back at history - it's a journey in understanding the co-created reality that is the foundation of psychodrama and its profound impact on various aspects of our lives and work. 

Melinda Lawless-Coker emphasizes the importance of understanding this rich history as it can enhance our self-awareness and increase our confidence in using the skills associated with the triadic model. She invites us to engage with this powerful process in our everyday environments - whether at home, work, or school. This episode encourages you to leave the sidelines and join in the exploration of the mesmerizing world of psychodrama. As a bonus, Melinda provides useful contact information for listeners who wish to dig deeper into the fascinating realm of psychodrama. Listen in and discover how this knowledge can impact your life and work!

Melinda Lawless Coker:

Hi there, I'm Melinda Lawless-Coker and I'm back to talk to you about psychodrama again and more of the background. The history, in particular the history of psychodrama, includes how its founders developed in their own lives and then shared that process with others like us. Just like other historical narratives, we'll find some richness in the telling and in our efforts to potentially sidestep some prior mistakes, if we could. Of course, we can learn from any of those failures or errors and treat these as learning opportunities, if we wanted to. Now, what is the history? So, briefly, the history of psychodrama is what we actually co-create daily in the practice of this approach. It's also what we create in our lives, co-create with others. It's a recounting of the background of its creators, jacob Levy, or JL Moreno and Celine Zirka-Toman Moreno that's JL's third wife.

Melinda Lawless Coker:

Understanding psychodrama's history incorporates the development of their triadic or three-part model. We have psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy. Now, who does it help In the world of work and in workplaces? This background provides useful information, especially in learning about the basis of the philosophy that's used, the particular proficiencies, the purposes, etc. There's many ways to learn from this. And how does it help? I know. For me personally, knowing more about this history of psychodrama has helped me to get more grounded in this field. For others it might be similar. It could be helpful to feel more at ease with using the skills associated with all three parts of this Psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.

Melinda Lawless Coker:

Now I would say also why? Why would we want to know this history? Well, learning about this can teach us more about ourselves as we engage in the whole process. And where might we do this? Well, this could be wherever you are. It could be at work, school, at home, in nature, beach. We're really close to the beach, and when that happens, it's really up to you. We are located in downtown Davie, by the radio grounds, and we'd love to have you visit our website, which is www. the wwwtransformationproject. net. Or you could call us at 954-797-7430. And I'd also like to hear from you personally. My number is 954-260-4994. Come see me. Bye.

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