The Hemp Del Soul Podcast

Triumph Over Addiction: Embracing CBD, Mindfulness, and the Power of Alternative Healing

Marilisa Lawless Season 1 Episode 7

Have you ever clung to a lifeline only to find it was actually tying you down? Our latest guest is a beacon of hope who did just that and emerged triumphant. With a storied 35-year battle that shifted from addiction to empowerment, they regale us with their transformation from dependency on amphetamines to embracing healing modalities that eschew conventional medicine. This episode is an exploration of resilience, showcasing the journey from being heavily medicated to finding solace in CBD, crystals, and the stillness of mindfulness meditation. Join us as we unravel this riveting tale of addiction, recovery, and the quest for holistic wellness.

Every path to recovery is uniquely paved with challenges and discoveries, and our conversation also spotlights another soul's brush with prescription medication dependency. This narrative serves as a stark reminder of the thin line between therapeutic use and addiction, opening a dialogue on the healing virtues of nature and alternative therapies. We're delving into the restorative potential of CBD, the cautious curiosity around micro-dosing psilocybin, and the stabilizing power of reconnection with the earth. And for a slice of levity, we're cranking up the volume on passions outside of healing, like a shared love for the flamboyant theatrics of KISS and the vibrant world of metal music. Tune in to celebrate the multifarious routes that lead to personal growth, healing, and a head-banging good time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess I am a bit twisted, being in recovery for 35 years.

Speaker 2:

Recovery from what? Everything, everything. I loved these some amphetamines, so that was my thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, I like that too, I like them.

Speaker 2:

So when we're fun, we're next level fun. We just started sending, we started floating.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I got a little untwisted at that point. Oh well, does that kind of like lead?

Speaker 2:

into the fuck. Yeah, lead into what I did. Okay, so let's dive into that. So tell us about it. How's the journey?

Speaker 1:

So I started as a family therapist. I after a lot of my own therapy, my own recovery. Then I got into doing working with trauma, working with people in recovery and all of that, watching the pharmaceutical industry and their insanity with put everybody on medication, put everybody on medication. I've been on my share so I'm not on that anymore. I got into CBD and crystals. I'm also a meditation. I also got into mindfulness meditation, doing silent retreats. I do. I mean I've done it. I'm a Reiki master. I'm a hypnotherapist. I mean I've been doing this over 30 years.

Speaker 2:

Why are there so many stories that go exactly like that? Yeah, individual. So in my case, I'll give you a quick version of it. Never touched a drug in my life. I was prescribed Adderall as an adult. Didn't know what euphoria felt, so the first time I took Adderall I was like, wow, I have been depressed every day of my life. Holy shit, yep. So then that led me to a path where one pill turned into five, five pills turned into 20, 20 turned into 40. And now I got six different pharmacies, a guy that I'm buying it down the street and I'm getting my own prescription and that's literally and then what did I do Then?

Speaker 2:

I found the holistic way Anibis THC crystals. That got me my TIGER eye, and it's funny how all the paths lead to the same place.

Speaker 1:

And it is because we get back to the earth, and for me it was important to not go the THC route. So I educated myself on cannabis and learned what the difference was between marijuana and hemp, and so, the CBD being a natural enzyme inflammatory, natural enzyme anxiety, that's the one that was like oh, I can hang my hat on that one, Right?

Speaker 2:

right right.

Speaker 1:

Because I didn't want to go back to getting high, right, it just was like, yeah, no. However, the CBD has been amazing, for we experimented on my dog first, then my child, who's on the autism spectrum. She was like mom, this is cool, but, just as a shout out to her, queen of the Ganja is her moniker. She's an influencer. So she went that route.

Speaker 2:

But no, the CBD has made an amazing difference in so many people's lives and micro dosing psilocybin.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's still not legal in Florida, so we're not doing it outside of that.

Speaker 2:

But you know it's not legal. How else are? For entertainment purposes only?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

For entertainment purposes only, absolutely, and I feel like you've been a little bit neglected. So tell us a little bit about you and your journey, because I'm sure you've had an interesting one as well. Wow. Personally, professionally all of the above. Where do you start?

Speaker 3:

Where do I?

Speaker 2:

start. So what's your twist?

Speaker 3:

My twist is that well, I called myself metal mom.

Speaker 2:

Metal mom when I had my twins. All right, but now I got to ask you the question Are we more Ozzy, metallica, pink Floyd? Where are we on the spectrum? Where are we on the spectrum?

Speaker 3:

We are KISS we are.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she likes the razzle-dazzle, the razzle-d-the pageantry.

Speaker 3:

Yep, yep, yep, there's my roots.

Speaker 2:

No, so that's, those are my roots. Are they really going to retire?

Speaker 1:

Uh no.

Speaker 2:

Never. They keep saying they're retiring and then they plan another tour. Yeah, so okay, sorry for interrupting. So what's your journey been? Never.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, there you go. So no, I'm a Chicago-born girl, but I'm a South Florida girl, oh, oh. I've lived in South.

Speaker 2:

Florida for over 50 years. Same here. Oh, wow, okay, okay, hard to find Florida and Miami natives, like people that have lived in South Florida. Their old lives very rare. Yeah, my whole life.

Speaker 3:

I got two right here and I was a travel agent, so I love exploring. So I met my husband, my Israeli husband. There you go, and we traveled a lot and I became a teacher and we had our three kids. I was a teacher and then, when they went to college, when they graduated from high school, I graduated teaching pre-k and I became a realtor in our family business. So I'm Leo Lone, south Florida real estate at our family-owned G&E Realty Group. We're a boutique brokerage. So then, what brought you?

Speaker 2:

two together, because I just feel like you're so different, so we are.

Speaker 3:

No, no, we're really not, we're friends.

Speaker 1:

We're friends. I'm the only one with an actual podcast, though.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, okay and they're all working on it. Next week You're going to be a guest on her podcast, Absolutely so if you want to see these two together again where can you watch them?

Speaker 1:

just so we can make sure to plug it. Hemp Dell Soul S-O-U-L. Because it's all about the soul. So it's crystals, it's CBD, it's meditation, it's all these natural alternatives To healing. The world needs healing.

Speaker 2:

We need to make the mistake that we made, trying to figure out all the answers on our own. You have people that have been through that journey. They know exactly, step by step, a to Z, what that experience is like. Avoid the problems and the obstacles and the challenges we made by listening to these two.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just ask questions, just ask questions I love to talk to people.

Speaker 2:

Let me get on your podcast sometime. I'd love it. Yeah, because I've been on that journey.

Speaker 3:

If you want a house in South Florida.

Speaker 2:

There we go.

Speaker 3:

My podcast is RealLife with Lee.

Speaker 2:

Love it. Yes, I think we're all just waiting for the interest rates to drop just a tiny bit more. It's happening. It's happening Alright well, it's a pledge.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much.

Speaker 2:

Great to meet you. Love it, love it, love it. Thank you, Cheryl.

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