The Hemp Del Soul Podcast

EP #9: Embracing Positivity: Balancing Peace and Productivity in the Modern World

Marilisa Lawless Season 1 Episode 9

Discover how the subtle power of energy can profoundly influence our lives. Marilisa and Jeremy start with their journeys, revealing how both positive and negative energies have shaped their paths. We uncover the mysteries of Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, and explore its life-changing benefits. Tying in Joe Dispenza's groundbreaking work on mindfulness and meditation, we discuss the profound impact of our internal dialogues and the holistic connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Meet Rylin Rossano, a remarkable 17-year-old who has channeled her struggles into a mission to heal trauma through kindness and energy. Rylin’s story is not only inspiring but a testament to the power of gratitude and the importance of giving back. We touch on various healing methods, including Qigong and mediumship, and delve into the often misunderstood world of CBD. We also discuss the adventurous world of alternative therapies, like ice baths and cryotherapy, reflecting on their potential benefits and the apprehensions surrounding them.

Balancing productivity and a peaceful mindset in our fast-paced Western society can be challenging. Marilisa and Jeremy share their personal routines that keep them grounded, such as morning silence and walking meditations. We explore cultural differences, noting how countries like Japan seamlessly integrate practices like Reiki into daily life. The conversation rounds out with insights on grounding oneself, nurturing the inner child, and the power of positive thinking and manifestation. Learn practical tips to achieve and sustain the elusive flow state and attract opportunities by staying present and positive.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Hemp Del Soul podcast. All health, no high. Here's your host, Maril isa Lawless.

Jeremy Wolf:

Hello, hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the Hemp Del Sol podcast. Co-host here, Jeremy Wolf, joined by your host, Marilisa Lawless. Marilisa, I say this all the time, I will say it again it's always a pleasure being in your company.

Marilisa Lawless:

I just enjoy being with you. You have a good energy yourself, you know, and it's not just about the company, it's about what we put out to the world. So I'm grateful to be here with you.

Jeremy Wolf:

Yes, indeed, and speaking of energy, that's the topic of conversation for today Healing and energy, something that I say this all the time on the North Side of 40. Recently, I really got into this whole space and it's been fascinating. My personal journey of growth and personal development has been real. So let's talk a little bit about energy healing, and I know you mentioned you've been listening to Joe Dispenza a lot. So let's get into this. Set the stage for us and I know this is what you do right With Hemp Del Soul, Crystals Del Soul, the Transformation Project. It is all about basically using the tools we have available, using our own bodies. We are the medicine. What can we do within ourselves to be better, live a good life and put good energy out there and attract the things we want in our life? So set the stage for us. What do you have on your mind?

Marilisa Lawless:

So where I am in my life, is that I understand, because I guess if you're on the north side of 40, I'm on the south side of 70. I'm 62.

Jeremy Wolf:

So you know looking good, I might thank you very much.

Marilisa Lawless:

As I move through my life, I look at how the energy of the people around me has impacted me in a positive or negative way, and that the people I choose to have in my life. On a personal level, I've really we talk about things, about how we actually feel and the things we pick up from each other, what we sense from each other, and in my professional world I realized that I've done a lot of training in energy healing, so I've been exposed to Reiki for 30 years now and Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing and we actually have a Reiki circle here twice a month now.

Jeremy Wolf:

You need to send me information about when you have that, because I've heard all sorts of things about Reiki healing. I don't know that I've ever been involved with that, and that's something that I do want to explore. So please don't forget, send me over some information.

Marilisa Lawless:

Absolutely I will, and generally we have it in the in the office, because we do have a large space. So we have a circle and we have that on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. For the month of June we're switching it up just to the first and the fourth because I'll be away and the person who does it normally on the second it's her birthday, so she's not going to be here on the 13th. So we're doing it June 6th and then we'll do it again on the fourth Thursday. Seating's limited, so we do tell people to reach out to us to reserve a seat. What does that look?

Jeremy Wolf:

like and I'm going to experience, but what is one to expect? I think I say this all the time. Right, like for the most of the masses out there, they hear a term like Reiki healing and immediately it's like that woo-woo, the woo-woo, knee-jerk reaction comes up. It's like oh, what is that? Like energy healing, but it's like a healing, but it's like but I think most people have that misconception about it it's like what? What is one to expect if they came into a Reiki circle? What does that look like? What does that encompass?

Marilisa Lawless:

The room is set up. There's eight chairs maximum. The person who is performing the Reiki is on the outside of this circle and she'll walk around. She asked for permission to touch ahead of time. She usually will have incense not incense, but essential oils like lavender and things like that in the room. The lighting is low.

Marilisa Lawless:

It's a very calm experience physically and what they? She tells you not to expect anything. Don't have expectations, just allow to come whatever comes. And so she'll move around behind each person and every single person. She'll say something. She'll, you know, give you a hug, she'll touch you, she'll, you know, just doing different parts of the body and how we heal. She's really fine-tuned or in tune with other people's energy. So it's sort of a sampling of a Reiki session, because she does do individual sessions here. You know, private sessions.

Marilisa Lawless:

This is a way to be exposed to what energy healing looks like and feels like. Everyone has a different experience, and yet there's not been one person in the months that we've been doing this. We've been doing it since February. No one has said, oh, that sucked. I was like, wow, that was really interesting. The things you said were spot on. The emotions that I felt were incredible. So I haven't had anybody have any kind of a negative response on any level.

Marilisa Lawless:

The thing to know is that in Japan, this is part of medical school training, because they understand that in order to heal the body, you need to heal the energy that's attached to the body. So everything is about mind and body, soul, spirit. It's all connected, we're all connected. So when we move into, like Joe Dispenza, and we start looking at what people do in this country well, actually he's all over the world and how they offer healing, how he offers healing, and it's generally through meditation, everything about meditation and mindfulness and changing the internal dialogue. There's so many different components.

Marilisa Lawless:

I've got a lot going on in my head right now. Like one of the books I'm reading is called the "Untethered Soul. Right now, like one of the books I'm reading is called the untethered soul and it is about how we rent space in our head to our own mind and our own conversation and how that conversation will flip a switch on us and we can go from being pro to con in like three seconds flat, depending on the subject, how reactive we are and how much we actually listen to that voice. So following up with going back to like Bruce Lipton and his stuff. He's a molecular biologist who's done a lot on. His book is "The Biology of Belief. That was his first book and it was about changing our bodies on a cellular level based on the way we think.

Marilisa Lawless:

What do we believe to be true? So there's always a fact in a situation, and yet everything around it is perception, so the perceptions are always different. There's nothing that's really the same in how two people respond to a particular situation. I don't know whether that makes sense or not, but that is about the energy. So Joe Dispenza will talk about how it's the things we think that affect the outcome of anything and that being stuck with historical stuff, trauma, things that have happened in our lives, the things we tell ourselves, the things we believe about ourselves they all have an impact on our daily life.

Jeremy Wolf:

So much of it, so much of an impact. One of the things I noticed was the stories I had been telling myself for so long, and I talked to you about this with my you know creativity with my music and writing poetry and things like that.

Jeremy Wolf:

I told myself this story forever that I just I'm not good enough. Maybe I just don't have any rhythm. Technically I can play the guitar, but that's as far as I'll go with it. And the more you tell yourself that story, you limit the belief of what's possible, and the more you let your guard down and start to just truly not give a shit about expectations or what people think or the outcome. Well then, all of a sudden, genius starts coming out. Well, I say genius.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yes, it's like your stuff, it's awesome.

Jeremy Wolf:

Yeah, and it feeds on itself. So the more you let go and the more you let your guard down, the better it starts to sound. And the better it starts to sound, the more confident you get, the more confident you get. And, just again, it's like a an endless loop of greatness and it's just absolutely mesmerizing to me how so many people live their life without tapping into their true potential for fear of what others think or fear of failure or whatever it is. And I lived that way for so long and I still have. You know, we're all human beings and we all have that to some degree. The trick is to identify that when it happens and then, going back to meditation, right, just recognize it for what it is. I like to thank it. If I get some kind of negative anxiety or thought that comes up, it's like, oh interesting, why are you asking of negative anxiety or thought that comes up? It's like, oh interesting. Or you ask it questions, right, your anxiety comes up. Why did you pop into the system?

Speaker 1:

And you kind of?

Jeremy Wolf:

have a little dialogue with that and you watch it, just dismay. It goes away and you realize how silly it is. You're like, oh OK, or you can get caught up in it and let it ruin your whole day over some silly interaction that you had with some external thing that you have no control over.

Marilisa Lawless:

No, and that's true, because the reality is we have control always over our reaction to those external things. That's it, you know one of the things that I was listening to this morning was you know, if somebody cuts you off in traffic, why, Okay A react. You know you could react to it, but why? Why, Okay A react. You know you could react to it, but why, what? What purpose does it serve for you to react to it, except to say, oh okay, Somebody, just, you know, switch lanes in front of me.

Jeremy Wolf:


Marilisa Lawless:

Nothing bad happened. No accident occurred, no, it was just something that shifted our focus.

Jeremy Wolf:

It's like a knee jerk reaction to when somebody, if somebody cuts you off something is a deep psychological impulse to want to lash out right. You have to catch yourself because it's overwhelming and you have to just recognize that.

Jeremy Wolf:

One of the things that I do is I just try to come from a place of compassion and understanding and just realize that everybody is operating in this world. Everybody is going through their own challenges. You don't know what's going on in their world and most of the time when somebody cuts you off it's not intentional, it's just because they didn't see you. It's not like they're like oh, I'm going to really ruin this person's day and cut them off. Most people aren't thinking that. It's just a silly mistake. And then again we allow it to consume us and get angry and we're only hurting ourself and we're also putting out a bad energy there. Then the next interaction you have with somebody, what are you saying? Like oh, I was just driving and some idiot cut me off, and now you're giving that to somebody else, like it's so useful.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yeah, you're paying it forward. Well, and that's the whole thing. You're paying it forward. You're paying the angry part forward instead of the loving, peaceful part, and saying we're all doing the best we can.

Marilisa Lawless:

Everybody's doing the best they can. There's, there's, you know, regardless of our perception of what they think is their best, we all, we all are, we're all doing the best we can. So, looking at energy, looking at how our internal dialogue, looking at what we're capable of doing on a biological level to heal our own bodies, to heal our own minds, it's all connected. I just did a podcast with another young woman, Rylin, who does this healthy podcast. She does it herself, she does everything, she sets it all up, Rylin Rossano, and it's the second podcast that I've done with her and we did one this week on trauma and how to help with healing trauma, and she puts it on social media and she's got a following. But she's 17 years old and she graduated from high school and I think she's in her third year already at Nova University and she's 17.

Jeremy Wolf:

Talking about trauma and healing at 17. Goodness.

Marilisa Lawless:

She's amazing and she has some medical stuff going on. But just to watch her, she thinks I'm amazing.

Marilisa Lawless:

I think she's amazing at 17 to be doing everything that she's doing, um, you know, and she's got her own health issues, she's got her own things, but she, she just keeps going, um. So I've done two, uh two podcasts with her. I think the first one we did was like an hour and a half long a bit long, but it was good and it was really beautiful. And she again, she's searching for answers and wants to help people figure this out, you know.

Marilisa Lawless:

And the reason that I got into any of this to begin with was because of my own trauma and how I healed and how I got through all of that, because it's I mean, I started. I didn't start the field until the late 80s. You know, up to up till then I had been in therapy, I had done work, I had done all that, but there was still something missing. But I had enough to start giving back and that's sort of how I moved into this field in general was to start giving back and that's sort of how I moved into this field in general. I was grateful enough with the progress that I had made in my life and felt settled enough in my life to go to graduate school to become a psychotherapist, to be able to specialize in trauma, to be able to bring as many people out of the trenches as I could.

Marilisa Lawless:

My sister, my mom and I we all did it together. We were at different levels, but we ended up opening the. I could, my sister, my mom and I we all did it together. We were in different, at different levels, but we ended up opening the practice together. I mean there's so many things that are connected to, at its base, a level of gratitude.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yeah so being grateful for all of my life experiences and the healing work that I've done and continue to do and give back is truly one of the best things that I do in my life. I really do love being helpful and, for me, being kind, being loving. You know I'm not perfect, but that's at my core. That's what I want to be is loving and kind in every situation. It doesn't mean I don't get frustrated with some of the corporate stuff you know, like dealing with companies that have issues with CBD and hemp based products and it's, you know, dealing with. It's a supplement, it's not a drug, and supplements help people.

Jeremy Wolf:

Yeah, it's, you know, dealing with it's a supplement, it's not a drug, and supplements help people. Yeah, it's. It's crazy how much red tape there is in your industry and CBDs with. With the cannabis industry so prevalent and becoming legal everywhere, you would think that with that happening, the regulation around CBD anyway would would would be a little bit more lax. But it seems like you deal with so much red tape with everything from running ads on Facebook to you were just talking about with your payment processing. Everything you do is scrutinized with a fine tooth comb because you're selling CBDs, which is not even marijuana, it's hemp.

Marilisa Lawless:

So yes, but it's. I have to see that some of this stuff, the roadblocks that get put there, they're there to teach me something.

Jeremy Wolf:

I was just going to say yes.

Marilisa Lawless:

Everything is a lesson for me and what do I need to learn and how do I need to move forward? So, moving back into energy healing, looking at so Qigong it's a Chinese energy healing Then we also have I mean, think about what we have in this country. I mean, in the store, in the office here I have a medium that works here and he was funny. I was asking him one day well, what's the difference between somebody that's a psychic and somebody that's a medium? And he said all mediums are psychic but not all psychics are mediums. And if you're a medium you're talking to dead people. I was like, okay, he says they have to be dead. You're just being a psychic, you're not being a medium. He made me laugh.

Marilisa Lawless:

But Maurice Israel, he's an amazing intuitive healing presence in my life and now in business and he's a medium and he's done the medical mediumship. He started out as a Reiki master many, many years ago. He's a hospice nurse. I mean he stays connected to that, that fine line. And then the other side and I've had so many hospice nurses tell me oh yeah, all the spirits are here. We don't tell the families because we don't want to freak them out and they're not there to take somebody. They're there to make life easier, to make the transition easier. They can stay. Or if they don't heal and they're ready to move on to the energy world or the spirit world, they do do so. There are so many different components to healing with energy that it's it's. It comes down to find what it is you're comfortable with. And if you're uncomfortable, what are you willing to step into for healing? Like you like the ice baths? The idea of stepping into an ice bath is like there's no way. I don't even like there's a way we will.

Jeremy Wolf:

We will get you in to the ice bath, my you and my wife both. She won't go in but we'll get you.

Marilisa Lawless:

We'll get you both in at some I've done the cryotherapy, you know, and that kind of stuff and it's it's interesting, but it's not my entire body in an ice bath. I just watched an episode, or re-watched an episode, of Ted Lasso, and Roy Kent this character is sitting in a trash can that's filled with ice and water in their training room and he's just sitting. Then he goes underwater and he's just sitting there in an ice bath. Um, you know, and we know it helps with inflammation, but we also know that you can have a heart attack doing it. People have died doing ice baths.

Jeremy Wolf:

Yeah, if you have an underlying heart condition, you might want to check into that. If you have a strong and healthy heart and you're active and you do exercise, you ain't going to have a problem if you go on the ice bath.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yeah it is. It's for any kind of the healing modalities? Do your research. It's for any kind of the healing modalities. Do your research. At the end of the day, there is enough research out there moving away from traditional science held beliefs about earth and ground and it has to be, you know, tangible in order for it to be real. And moving into this quantum field of energy and understanding that we are all energy. We all bring something to a room, we bring something to our family, we bring something to our lives, just by the energy that we put out. You know, if your pops walks into the room and he's angry, everybody knows it.

Jeremy Wolf:

Everybody feels it, he doesn't have to say a word.

Marilisa Lawless:

Everybody feels it, and if somebody walks in and they're silly and goofy and giggly, you can't help but laugh and giggle. And people do silly things and sometimes it just cracks us up. And if we can find more things to just bring joy into our life, the world would be such a nicer place.

Marilisa Lawless:

It's like I don't watch the news. I'll scan headlines, but in general I won't watch the news because everything is sensationalized, everything is negative. There's no more stories in the news about cow tipping. There's no more stories in the news about the traffic light that was out and, you know, helping the little old lady get across the street, or you know I mean there's no more little heartfelt, just loving warm stories in the news anymore and searching for that. You know I have a song that I listen to almost every morning and it's Michael Franti. Michael Franti and Spearhead. It's I listened to. It's a good day for a good day.

Jeremy Wolf:

Today is a good day, I don't know the song, but I'm going to check it out.

Marilisa Lawless:

Oh yes, it's a good day for a good day.

Jeremy Wolf:

I love that song, the song, but I'm going to check it out, oh yes, a good day, it's a good day for a good day.

Marilisa Lawless:

Good day, I love that song and I will when I'm with my grandchildren. I'll grab my grandchildren and we'll spin around the room, just like my mom did with my son, Putting music on and dancing and just being playful. It's and at full and, at the end of the day, if we just focus on our own energy, and that's where meditation comes in. I'm actually headed to a retreat out in Colorado at the Rocky Mountain Eco-Dharma Retreat Center.

Jeremy Wolf:

Another silent retreat, absolutely.

Marilisa Lawless:

Silence up in Rocky Mountains.

Speaker 1:

I cannot wait.

Marilisa Lawless:

But this is also along the lines of what Joe Dispenza does. We all know in this field, we know that energy comes with being able to sit still long enough to know what's going on in our own head and changing our dialogue. So when I was listening to the book the Untethered Soul I'm listening to it and it's cracking me up because I got it. I know how my brain will switch sides. It'll play both sides, it'll. You know it'll flip a switch whenever, and if I need to get angry, I will. If I want to be happy, I will, um, but the opinions and the voice that's nonstop.

Marilisa Lawless:

So some people may not think the book is funny, but I think it's really funny because of just. It's like yeah, I know, I know that story, I know that story, and so if each of us as individuals can just bring a little more kindness to the world, I think we're all going to be in a much, much better place and that our lives are going to move more smoothly. That feeling of abundance isn't just about financial abundance, it's also about emotional abundance. Do I have enough to keep giving to everybody that I love, everybody that I want in my life? And it's so easy, it really is easy to just give, that I don't have to give financially, I can give time, I can just give and make space for people in my life. So having an abundance of love and kindness, there's nothing like it.

Jeremy Wolf:

It's the way to go. Yeah, and I tell my kids all the time, because they get stuck in their emotions like everybody does. I tell them life is so much better when you just let things brush off of you and you don't get consumed with anger, you don't get consumed with hate and jealousy and you just try to be happy all the time and everything just seems to work itself out. Dig in a little bit further what you said, because this is something that I struggle with tremendously in my life and I'm thinking that maybe you could offer some wisdom here, having a few more years on me and being really deep in this space. You mentioned the retreat. Right, you go away for eight days in silence.

Jeremy Wolf:

I've been on many retreats. I do a lot of plant medicine and other things that I work on, and one of the things that I struggle with and I think this partially has to do with the society that we live in Western society is very status-driven, success-driven, abundance, instant gratification. So every time I go away and I unplug and then I come back into society, it's like I'm hit by a ton of bricks and it's very difficult to integrate what I've learned through those experiences into the day-to-day life. It gets better and I realize it's a process. But I often find myself, you know, a week out of the retreat or whatever it is. I'm okay, I'm okay. But then slowly I start to get sucked. I feel like I'm being sucked into the dark side of Western society.

Jeremy Wolf:

And I, I met my. I met up with my cousin. I hadn't seen him in a while and he lives. He's married a lovely Japanese lady and they have a child and they split time between Japan and the US and he's on his way back. He's actually leaving tomorrow back to Japan and he was talking about just how much better it is, how much more he enjoys living over there than he does here, because of the culture over there and you mentioned Japan earlier and Reiki and these types of practices those are integral with society there and people are just more courteous, people are more laid back.

Jeremy Wolf:

He lives in Okinawa. He said it's just so. Everything he said about that was like I want to go there but I'm not there, I'm here. So what do I do, or what does somebody do in their daily life to kind of walk that line right between being productive and being successful and building wealth for your family and doing all those things that are important, but also live from a place of patience, understanding, being laid backpenza say this it's a razor's edge between being a bum and not doing anything and just oh, I manifest everything but I don't do anything and actually being so productive that you're burning your life up with stress and anxiety. You have to find a balance. How do you do that? Plugged into the society?

Marilisa Lawless:

It is about. What is your routine when you're alone? What do you do to take care of yourself? So what I try to do is that I try to do a minimum of I do silence in the morning, so I'll do, and I may not be sitting. Like Joe Dispenza says, there's benefit to walking meditation and when I'm out doing my silent retreat, that will be one of the things that we do. It's a walking meditation, it's sitting meditation and when I'm out doing my silent retreat, that will be one of the things that we do. It's a walking meditation, it's sitting meditation, it's laying meditation, it's standing meditation. It is about being connected.

Marilisa Lawless:

So what I do for myself to stay grounded and to not get tied up into the insanity on a regular basis. Or at least you get tied up into it. But how quickly can I remove it? How quickly can I let it go? So that time, with practice, gets less and less. So one of the things that I do every morning is that I go out back barefoot and get in the grass. I have all these trees in my backyard now and I've got guava and I put fruit boxes around them, them like the ones that the strawberries come in. So when the fruit is coming. To keep the iguanas and the squirrels and everybody else the birds from eating my guava, I put boxes on them. I'll have to send you the picture. I took a picture to send my sisters.

Marilisa Lawless:

I also have two avocado trees that have are bearing fruit for the first time this year and there are things. Everything in my yard was planted from a seed. It was something that came into my house that I bought, I ate and threw in the dirt. So I now have these two avocado trees in the background or in the back. I've got a couple mango trees in the backyard and then I have other trees that aren't bearing fruit yet, like my May and other things. But I physically go stand in the grass and today I just stood in the grass and looked at the trees. That's all I did. I just looked up and I'm like, oh, that's so cool. There's actually an avocado on this little tree that I planted and, oh man, those mangoes are getting really big.

Marilisa Lawless:

I'm grounding because I'm just noticing what is. I'm physically standing in dirt grass trying to avoid dog poop that I haven't found yet. I know I pick that up every morning, but actually just noticing what I have in my life to be grateful for, for this minute keeps me out of that fray, yeah, and there's nothing like it. And then at night, to be able to just do did I do my best? What do I need to do to let go of what I didn't do right or what I didn't do well? So it really is about checking in with myself in the morning and checking in with myself at night, and often that helps me to just stay balanced. So when I come back from one of these retreats, there is an integration period because, going from the silence to like the busyness of of insanity which is what happened last year when I went with big out to big bear in California there was a hurricane that came through California the first time in a hundred years.

Jeremy Wolf:

Right, you leave Florida to go somewhere. And of all things, a hurricane, a hurricane.

Marilisa Lawless:

At least I knew what to do. I knew how to handle it, while other people were freaking out.

Jeremy Wolf:

You're a seasoned veteran.

Marilisa Lawless:

Seasoned veteran A.

Jeremy Wolf:

South Florida resident.

Marilisa Lawless:

But that was a hard entry. Back into a week of silence doing evacuation planning, back into a week of silence doing evacuation planning. And how are we getting here? I was like that was a bit rough. So I planned an extra two days in Colorado for my re-entry. I have no idea what I'm doing, I don't have a plan, I just know I'm going to be there an extra two days. So just slowly moving back into things.

Marilisa Lawless:

So when you come back from retreat, giving yourself an opportunity to be quiet some people it helps to journal, some people it helps to exercise, but I find it most helpful for me to just be quiet and stand in the grass, stand in the sand. If you're on the beach, stand in the grass, stand in in the sand. If you're on the beach, stand in the grass, stand in the mud. Just physically get to the earth. The earth has its own vibration.

Marilisa Lawless:

And trying to create that balance back, somebody just sent me something yesterday. A friend of mine sent me earthing. I think that's what it's called. I haven't looked at it. It's a movie and it's this guy who does nothing but grounding.

Marilisa Lawless:

And what do we do to stay grounding or to stay grounded, and it's that kind of stuff. What do we need to do? To pay attention to what it is that's going on inside and saying, baby girl, it's okay, you're going to have a good day and you'll get through this. And being able to just say that to yourself, you know, to say, hey, little boy, we're going to be, we're good.

Marilisa Lawless:

Because that fear that gets struck up on us, that's our like what we call inner child stuff. It's old stuff from when we were kids and it didn't feel, didn't feel heard, accepted, loved, whatever. So being able to just take time every day, that's how you do the reintegration process in a healthier way, because you don't want to come back and get it a drinking or smoking or you know partying or any of that, and you don't want to come back and get into drinking or smoking or you know partying or any of that, and you don't want to just jump back into the the every day, what we have to get done every single day. It's take time to know that those things will get done and it'll be easier to do them if we're also taking care of ourselves first.

Jeremy Wolf:

So much easier, yeah, so much easier, yeah. So for me, I've been running a lot and sometimes I'll put on Joe Dispenza and run and I remember when I started listening to him, a lot of it didn't resonate. So it's just like when you talk to kids and they're not really hearing what you're saying because it goes in one ear out the other, you're not really paying attention. I remember listening to Joe Dispenza when I hadn't implemented a lot of these practices in my life. But as I started to implement some of these things that he talks about and started to actually reprogram my mind, I started to notice things appear he talks a lot about.

Jeremy Wolf:

When you start to what's the word I'm looking for, I don't want to say manifest when you start to kind of create your own reality with your thoughts, things start to show up in your life. I think he called them like breadcrumbs from the divine or something, or little serendipities, right, Little coincidences that pop up where you're like oh, wow, isn't that crazy how that just landed on my door, which kind of like always there. But we're just not training our attention on them. We're focused on too often the negative things and that's what you see when you're focused on it and I've had these moments where I've been running and he's been talking on a podcast or whatever it is and he'll say something and it just hits me so hard that I get that glow in my body, the warm and fuzzy glow. I'm like oh my.

Jeremy Wolf:

God, like, wow, how powerful that is. And you get that feeling and you're like, okay, like this is real, like this is real shit, this is powerful. And you're like I get this, like this is actually works, and it just feeds itself. And then that unlocks. And then later on I'm sitting there playing the guitar and it's like all of a sudden, something comes to me and I call them downloads from the divine. I call them divine downloads. So the creativity just flows the more you open up your and tune into it everything.

Marilisa Lawless:

Absolutely. And for me, when I know that I'm on track with whatever I'm doing, saying, thinking, behaving whatever it's like a goosebumps. I actually get the chills from head to toe and I'm like, all right, I'm on target, Things are going in the way that I want them to go and I'm actually focused on making things go the way that I want them to go because I'm not I'm not stuck on the outcome. Yeah, so I'm looking at what I can do to just be present in my life and bring more positive into my life.

Speaker 1:

Be present in my life and bring more positive into my life.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yeah. So the stuff with processing, it's going to work its way out. The stuff with, you know, the, the products that will work its way out, the the clients that I want to attract in my life. It's happening, it's already happening. The things that I want to do. You know I had the mayor text me this morning and say I have a client for you.

Jeremy Wolf:

I have a customer who wants to get some things from you reach out to her. I was like that's pretty cool. Well, I mean, that's a function of you doing what you do right. You're very present in the community, you put out that great energy, you're always positive, and then these things just show up at your door. Yeah, I want to talk real quickly about the flow state, right, the elusive flows. I actually wrote this little poem the other day.

Marilisa Lawless:

Oh cool.

Jeremy Wolf:

Tell yourself this story now. Elusive flow state has been found. Tune my soul with existence. My only goal is no resistance.

Marilisa Lawless:

Wow, I love it goal is no resistance.

Jeremy Wolf:

Wow, I love it. So it's so elusive, right, the flow state they're talking about. But when you get into that groove and I I notice it the most when I play music and when I'm, when I'm really plugged into that and it's almost like a different person to write. It's like it's, it's automatic and it's your joyful self.

Marilisa Lawless:

It's your joyful, joyful self.

Jeremy Wolf:

But it is so elusive. Sometimes I'll sit down with the guitar, I'll start playing and I feel like, well, man, I really suck today. Like what am I doing? How do I get into that state? Right, and like it's one of those things that you just have to do the work. You just have to be present, you have to.

Jeremy Wolf:

Whatever that practice looks like for you, whether it's meditation, whether it's exercise, if you do these things consistently, you start to program your mind in a way that starts serving you and what you want to do, whereas if you don't create these habits, you know cause we don't, we don't really have control over what we do. I mean, it's almost an illusion the idea of free will, like everything we're doing, all these reactions, everything that we're, the way we're operating the world, is basically the programs that are running behind the scenes. That's like how do we refine those programs in the way that best serves us and our life and what we want to do? And I think the more you do that you start tapping into that flow state more and more and more and it becomes less and less elusive. But it's been very elusive for me, as I'm sure it has been with most people throughout my life, but I am tapping into it more and more now which is cool.

Marilisa Lawless:

That's awesome, and I find that most men in their forties are ready because they've already. They've been working on the career, they've been working on the family and they're finally working on themselves. Women probably feel it at a younger age because they have had more responsibilities on one level or another for the family, and it just is an amazing experience when you let yourself actually start to feel and it's being connected to how you feel. That brings more of the emotional side of life. People have a tendency to want to avoid sadness, but if you avoid the sad things in your life and you don't allow yourself to just have a feeling, don't make a big deal about it. It's like I feel sad right now. I want to cry With. That brings joy, because everything is a give and take, everything is a balance, everything is the yin yang. It's all these things.

Marilisa Lawless:

How do you bring more joy into your life? Pay attention to those moments when you feel sad. Notice the things that make you angry and what do you need to do to let it go? Most anger is struck by fear. So pay attention to the times when you feel afraid and say, oh, I'm afraid, why am I afraid? I'm safe, I'm safe, I can let this go. The quicker you can address the physical or the emotional responses that you're having, the more joy you're going to have in your life. The more you practice being kind, being loving, the more joy you're going to have in your life.

Marilisa Lawless:

It does not mean that you don't experience sad things or that you don't get angry. Sometimes You're not just this emotional mush where you don't feel anything. No, it opens up this broad spectrum of who we were. As babies. We came into this world having all of our feelings and we learned to stop having them. So as we move forward in our adult lives, we realize, hmm, something's missing. How do we bring it back? This is how we bring it back.

Marilisa Lawless:

Give yourself 10 minutes in the dirt every day. Give yourself, whether it's in a garden, whether it's in the grass, whether it's putting boxes on a guava, do something in nature. I go outside of this office and I stand and I just stare at the sun. Every day. I do it every day between sessions, between when I have a minute, when I'm feeling stressed, I'll go sit with the crystals, or I'll go outside and just and the sun, just letting the sun shine on my face. It's not about getting a tan. It's just about being grateful that I can actually still see the sun and I can feel it, and it's about life. You know, this is all. How do we bring more joy, how do we bring more healing, how do we bring more energy into our lives that are positive? We are. It Change the way we think and we change the way we feel we are the medicine.

Marilisa Lawless:

We absolutely are the medicine.

Jeremy Wolf:

Very cool.

Marilisa Lawless:


Jeremy Wolf:

I'm going to leave it at that, unless there's anything else you want to share. I think that's a good way to close up here. This has been a very constructive and useful conversation and I am so excited to continue this journey and continue to implement these practices and spread the message and try to do my best to live a good life and help others and put a good vibe out into the universe Right. Here's another one.

Marilisa Lawless:

I appreciate you, Jeremy.

Jeremy Wolf:

Here's another one for you High vibration, feel the flow, expectations. Let them go. Step aside and clear the way, embark upon a brighter day.

Marilisa Lawless:

Woo Awesome.

Jeremy Wolf:

Love it, love it, all right Get that stuff out there.

Marilisa Lawless:

Continue To be continued, absolutely.

Jeremy Wolf:

All right, Mari lisa, have a wonderful day. I will see you next time. Thanks, everyone for tuning in and we will catch you all in the next episode of the Hemp Del Soul podcast. Everyone, take care, have a wonderful day, bye-bye.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Hemp Del Soul podcast. Explore our wide range of organic products at hempdelsoul. com. That's H-E-M-P-D-E-L-S-O-U-L. com or contact 954-854-1039.

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