The Hemp Del Soul Podcast

EP #10: Exploring CBD: Myths, Medication Alternatives, and Real-Life Transformations

Marilisa Lawless Season 1 Episode 10

Can CBD truly replace your daily medications? Join hosts Marilisa Lawless and Jeremy Wolf as we unpack the frequently asked questions about CBD, cutting through the myths and misconceptions. In this eye-opening episode of the Hemp Del Soul podcast, we reveal the minimal side effects associated with CBD use and explore its potential as a supplement rather than a drug. Hear firsthand accounts of individuals who have successfully used CBD to manage conditions like anxiety, pain, and depression, often reducing or eliminating their dependence on traditional medications.

Curious about the FDA's stance on CBD? We break down the regulatory landscape and discuss future possibilities for CBD in the wellness industry. Discover why incorporating CBD into your daily routine could be life-changing and learn what makes it a safer alternative compared to conventional treatments. Whether you're considering starting CBD or simply want to educate yourself further, this episode is packed with invaluable insights that could transform your approach to health and wellness. Don't miss out on this enlightening discussion that promises to clear up any doubts and offer a fresh perspective on CBD's role in enhancing your quality of life.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Hemp Del Soul podcast. All health, no high. Here's your host, Maril isa Lawless.

Jeremy Wolf :

Hello, hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the Hemp Del Sol podcast. I am your co-host, Jeremy Wolf, joined by none other than your host, Marilisa Lawless. Maril isa, good to see you.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yes, same here. I'm glad to be back. It feels like it's been forever, even though it's only been a month.

Jeremy Wolf :

Yeah, yeah, indeed. So I wanted to try something a little bit different today. I wanted to rattle off some FAQs, some frequently asked questions surrounding one of the businesses that you do, which is CBDs. I know a lot of people out there have strong feelings about cannabis and CBDs and hemp and marijuana, but as it becomes more mainstream, I think it's important to clear up some of these misconceptions and myths. So, first off, what are some of the potential side effects of using CBD?

Marilisa Lawless:

And I have to preface it with anecdotally because of legal things. However, my experience has been the worst side effect that anybody has ever had was that they were sleepy, which for many people is not a bad.

Jeremy Wolf :

That's not a bad side effect in most cases.

Marilisa Lawless:

There is maybe two people that I have worked with over the past five or six years that I've been, you know, doing the CBD, that they had some stomach upset.

Jeremy Wolf :

That's about it. Yeah, so so pretty safe. What are, I guess? Is it safe to use on a daily basis? I'm guessing it is because you haven't had issues, but is this something that's recommended that you could take every day without issue?

Marilisa Lawless:

Yeah, In the CBD community, because everything is hemp based. It's not a drug. You're not going to get high, You're not going to. You know, you're not going to have any of those euphoric experiences. It is because it's not a drug. You're not going to get high, You're not going to have any of those euphoric experiences Because it's not a drug. It's absolutely recommended that you take it on a daily basis to get the best benefit.

Jeremy Wolf :

So is it more, I guess, classified as a supplement than a drug. Would that be a good classification to use?

Marilisa Lawless:

It's a better classification to put it as a supplement, but it's not really classified as anything yet, so I'm not really sure about any of it. Um, according to the FDA, CBD may interact with other medications.

Jeremy Wolf :

So, like for, for instance, somebody's on maybe they're on an antidepressant and again, I know you're not a doctor and this is just us speaking. But from your experience, if somebody is on some kind of other medication, is there any negative side effects or interactions through CBD use?

Marilisa Lawless:

No, actually they've discovered that CBD actually increases serotonin.

Jeremy Wolf :


Marilisa Lawless:

It's one of the studies that have come out and that's what most of the antidepressants are they're for increasing serotonin. So I actually have had many of my own patients get off their antidepressant when they got stable with the amount of CBD that they were taking. So I have seen not a negative interaction but a positive replacement so that they've actually been able to replace their antidepressant medication. I've seen people get off of their pain medication specifically because they were using CBD and the CBD appeared to be taking care of their inflammation, and sometimes pain is increased because of anxiety. So once the CBD took care of the anxiety and the pain, they didn't need the pain medication anymore.

Jeremy Wolf :

That's fantastic. As somebody that has taken antidepressants and anxiety and pain medicine throughout my life, I know how difficult that could be on the mind and how it could totally change the way your mind is structured. So if there's an alternative to that and like I think we've talked about before, like it doesn't hurt to try it right, to just implement it into your life and see what it does for you. It is again, through all accounts, pretty damn safe.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yeah, and throughout cannabis, as the parent of marijuana and hemp. Nobody's ever died from an overdose. Nobody's ever had any life-threatening illnesses as a result of taking hemp.

Jeremy Wolf :

So what does the FDA say about all this? Like, where are they at with this? I know this is still so much red tape, but what is the FDA's current positions and guidelines regarding the safety and efficacy of CBD?

Marilisa Lawless:

Well, realistically, they have been studying this since the 1970s. It is kind of crazy. So they have more and more studies, more and more studies, and they have approved medically a CBD product Epidilox for treating seizures. Okay, but it's only that one product. And then there's two others, I believe, that they've also approved, but they are prescription only and they are CBD. But they are prescription only and they are CBD. So the Epidilux is CBD and the other two are actually synthetic THC based medications for pain, but that's all the FDA has approved. So the FDA hasn't said this is a supplement, nor are they saying it's a drug. They're saying we need to do more research.

Jeremy Wolf :

So they approved synthetic THC for pain, because I've heard all sorts of horror stories about the synthetic THCs that they sell.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yeah, no, no, no, and this is a prescription. Okay, like I said, I can't remember the names of it. It's like it used to be. Marinol was the one, but that's not. I don't know that that's still around but Marinol was synthetic THC that they use to treat pain and they were giving it only to cancer. Patients Got it so, and that was for years. So the FDA just. They read a report that came out last month from the FDA and what they said the holdup is is being able to get it in front of Congress and that if Congress put some pressure on the FDA to continue their research, it would move forward.

Jeremy Wolf :

So what you're saying is that it'll get done in the next three decades?

Marilisa Lawless:

I hope not.

Jeremy Wolf :

So what about age restrictions? Are there any recommended ages or is there a recommended age for use of CBD products, and are there any restrictions specifically on like children's children and teenagers?

Marilisa Lawless:

There there's no true legal age 18 on some, 21 on some. It just depends. But the realistically it's 18 and over. Sure, I do know children that take it, I do.

Jeremy Wolf :

Do they need to get? Do they need to get authorization from from their doctor to do that, or it's just up to the parent Most of the time they do.

Marilisa Lawless:

But the children that I know take it. I do know doctors that give it to children that are really high anxiety and or on the autism spectrum. So I do know that there are many children that are taking CBD, that there are many children that are taking CBD and again, with that disclaimer of it's not, you know, there's nowhere that it's recommended for children.

Jeremy Wolf :


Marilisa Lawless:

Yet I know many that are taking it, many that are on the autism spectrum and or have attention deficit issues. They're taking that. Parents are giving that to their children instead of medication that the doctors will prescribe. So I do know neurologists, child neurologists and child psychiatrists that will recommend CBD and some actually sell CBD out of their offices and it makes a huge difference with these children, again, anecdotally, and it makes a huge difference with these children, again anecdotally, I've even I've had parents that have reached out to me that have said, wow, what a difference this has made for my kid, for his focus in school, what a difference this has made for my kid to be able to sleep at night, what a difference. This is Because a lot of parents are giving their kids melatonin, which is not a good idea, you know, because they want to knock their kid out at night.

Marilisa Lawless:

Yeah, the other option is clonidine, which is a medication or it's an antihypertensive, and that's what they give kids to put them to sleep because it lowers their blood pressure enough that they fall asleep. But again, I don't know many parents that are that well-informed that will just do that without doing research yeah, sure.

Jeremy Wolf :

So some of the things they put kids on for different disorders is crazy, like giving child for add or adhd. It's like, yeah, let's just give them speed to to fix the issue what is?

Marilisa Lawless:

yeah, well, the speed. What it does is actually, it helps the brain to coalesce and pull into focus.

Jeremy Wolf :


Marilisa Lawless:

It's not that it's doing the reverse or anything like that. It does what amphetamines do pulls you into focus. So that's why it's always been recommended. But, yeah, there's side effects. Kids lose weight, kids don't sleep. Yeah, yeah, there's side effects. Kids lose weight, kids don't sleep. So there's other issues, and the parents that I've spoken to don't have any of those issues with their kids that are taking CBD. They see it as a godsend.

Jeremy Wolf :

Indeed. So I know one of the things that you pride yourself on at Hemp Del Soul is where and how, where and how you source your products right is very important to make sure you're getting the best product available. So how could the general consumer that is interested in learning more and ultimately trying CBD, how could they ensure that they're purchasing and using the highest quality and the safest CBD products?

Marilisa Lawless:

So if they're getting it off a website, don't buy it on Amazon, please. If they're buying it off a website, make sure they're checking the certificates of analysis called COAs. It should be on every single website that sells CBD, and what that is is third-party lab testing that says that what's in this bottle, in this jar, in this lotion, in this product, is what it says. It is that there is no difference, that it's that, that that's what it is. You know that. It is what it is.

Jeremy Wolf :

Got it. Lastly, what is, what is some of some of the ongoing research, or what ongoing research is the FDA currently conducting on CBD?

Marilisa Lawless:

They're still. They're still saying that they have. So 51% appears to be for pain management. They're still saying that they have. So 51% appears to be for pain management. 9% is actually for psychiatry, and this is just a report that came out in May. 9% of the research is about psychiatry and helping with mental health issues, and then just various other bits and pieces, but those were the two that stood out to me in that report. Got it? So, yes, and that's recent, that's recent research. So it had a little pie chart on the FDA website about what they're doing.

Jeremy Wolf :

Okay, Very cool. So that wraps it up. If you guys like this format with these frequently asked questions, if you think this was useful, please drop a comment below and let us know if there's any other topics you'd like us to address. Maril isa, always a pleasure.

Marilisa Lawless:

Absolutely. I'm glad we're doing this and, yes, I love to answer questions, so please feel free to reach out to my phone number right there. It's my cell phone. Just text me.

Jeremy Wolf :

All right Sounds good and everyone thanks for tuning in and we will look forward to seeing you on the next episode of the Hemp Del Sol podcast. Everyone take care, have a wonderful day.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to the Hemp Del Soul podcast. Explore our wide range of organic products at hempdelsoul. com. That's H-E-M-P-D-E-L-S-O-U-L. com, or contact 954-854-1039.

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