The Gould Mine: Find your Fortune through Real Estate Investing

Jacqueline Matoza: How She became a Real Estate Millionaire...

March 13, 2024 Danny Gould Season 1 Episode 24
Jacqueline Matoza: How She became a Real Estate Millionaire...
The Gould Mine: Find your Fortune through Real Estate Investing
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The Gould Mine: Find your Fortune through Real Estate Investing
Jacqueline Matoza: How She became a Real Estate Millionaire...
Mar 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 24
Danny Gould

CPA Turned Real Estate Master Reveals how she became a Real Estate Millionaire through her Wealth Building Secrets and Blueprint...

In this episode of The Gould Mine, I sit down with Jacqueline Matoza, who left the corporate world and leveraged her knowledge of real estate finance, tax planning, and private equity to build a tremendous track record as a Real Estate entrepreneur. 

From flipping her first house to orchestrating major syndications, Jacqueline merges diverse financial strategies to open doors to wealth and investment opportunities for all. With a portfolio that spans from modest beginnings to vast multifamily complexes, her journey is a masterclass in leveraging finance and taxes for exponential growth. 

Welcome Jacqueline, to The Gould Mine...

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CPA Turned Real Estate Master Reveals how she became a Real Estate Millionaire through her Wealth Building Secrets and Blueprint...

In this episode of The Gould Mine, I sit down with Jacqueline Matoza, who left the corporate world and leveraged her knowledge of real estate finance, tax planning, and private equity to build a tremendous track record as a Real Estate entrepreneur. 

From flipping her first house to orchestrating major syndications, Jacqueline merges diverse financial strategies to open doors to wealth and investment opportunities for all. With a portfolio that spans from modest beginnings to vast multifamily complexes, her journey is a masterclass in leveraging finance and taxes for exponential growth. 

Welcome Jacqueline, to The Gould Mine...

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  •  What's up cool miners. Today we welcome my good friend Jacqueline Matoza to the show. She is a wealth an encyclopedia of knowledge when it comes to all things real estate finance and tax planning and as I like to call her the real estate and finance Swiss Army night. This girl knows it all and I'm super excited for her to drop some knowledge ROMs on all of you in today's episode. Jacalene spent a lot of her young career as a tax planner in ernston young and early on in the episode we'd go over some of the tax planning strategies that she took from that time eron young and how she applies it to her real estate Endeavors today. Later on in the episode we cover some of the acquisition strategies that she's used over the years such as subject 2 and bird to build her real estate portfolio and then finally in the episode. We talk about some of the work that she's doing currently in the private equity and in the real estate fund space and why investing in some of these alternative investment vehicles can be an Investor's way of double dipping where you are not only making money but saving taxes. At the same time. Whether you you are a super seasoned real estate investor or you are brand new to the game. There are tidbits in this episode that you are going to find super relevant so without further Ado everyone. Let's welcome to the show jacquelene matza Jacqueline welcome to the gold mine thank you thank you for having me. So we know each other like I would I would say well this point. You know we I I I feel like I know you pretty well and and what's interesting is like I was thinking as I was getting prepared. For this. I was like how would I describe jacquelene and and what is it that. Jacqualine does because like it's complicated so in one maybe in one or two sentences. Maybe perhaps you could summarize to the audience. What exactly Jacqueline does and by the way I came up with my own description. But I want you to go first you're testing me. Okay. I love a good test. I'm uh. I'm very studious so it's good um you know. I think I would just tell people like I'm someone who left a big corporate job as a certified public accountant. Uh that helped you know billionaires and corporations become the Behemoth that they are like the Facebook's Google's Apple's HPS um and I left just to Simply make millionaires um a lot of Americans. I think six figures is a lot of money and it frightens me being a money person like you really need eight figures in the bank to retire at our generation and Millennials are the next largest generation after the Baby Boomers so you know I'm I'm here to just give access to money and give access to knowledge and um I'm a tax planner by trade. And I think in learning you know how to structure deals and how to work as many deals. As I did I inherently learned a lot about everything and silly things because I valued companies and stuff. So now I would say I'm probably someone who is doing everything. They can to give people access to money to do business and to help people with understanding money wealth real estate. That was more than two sentences you know I'm like who am I and then where am I going felt appropriate. I'm I'm totally messing with you. I'm so messing with you right now um. That's awesome and I want to like even just in that there's some things that we should definitely talk about yeah. If I were to describe you I would say jacquelene and by the way like we have a we have a different relationship because you've been helping me with some stuff on the on the real estate side on the finance side so like I would consider you a a real estate and finance Swiss army knife. That is what that is how I would describe you because you know so much about so many things and what's cool is that and this is something that we've talked about before is is you kind of have found this way to to merge all of these different things together in a way that's like palatable and consumable and people understand because I think when people think about Finance when they think about tax planning when they think about real estate. Even despite the plethora of information there is out there like there is a like a almost like a fear of the unknown factor like it feels like a big mountain to climb and and at least in our interactions you've made it seeing you know sounds so simple so um. It's it's kind of. It's. It's fascinating you know yeah so so let's just let's dive into that. So Bank we we talked about like this merging or like this. Like this idea that you want to bring uh real estate uh tax planning and and Banking and kind of like like merge. All of these worlds together because you have experience in all these different worlds and you can kind of bring them all together because there are people in in those fields that have no like. There are tax planners that have no idea how banking works or real estate you know so it. It's it's interesting that you talk about that like how how do how does how are you doing that right now like what are you doing right now to kind of merge those worlds together and what does that look like a decade from now oh God vicious business um yeah. You know it's that's a good question. So I have four client facing businesses um and one that for now is is mine that I don't solicit um the way I build my business. Model is then diagrams right like I always try to think about like once you build rapport and trust with a client. How do you keep them in your ecosystem right because I feel you know I can do services but if I don't educate people then they're stuck on me and what happens if I decide to like go on hiatus for a year you because I want to start a family or whatever. So I always try to teach people to fish right and people have a hard time with that they they just want to do what they do and they want to stay in their Niche and so for me. It's it's the four pillars right that I really think about so that I can service people and meet people where they're at so. I've got Wealth Management in wealth management that that company we're doing private. Equity. We're doing funds. We're doing assets under management. We're doing you know foundational Finance stuff for human beings. So we we work on building that really big Financial foundation and then we take your investment. It's like a pyramid and and depending on where you're at there's more money to risk or less money to risk depending on how much you're making how young you are how much you know how how many dependence you have. There's no no situation is identical and then you know we we work on that. Financial base you know making sure you life insurance for living um making sure you have you know all of your retirement accounts everything cruising at a clip that Charles Schwab and Fidelity are not going to do so. We do hedge fund trading um we open that up in democratize it bur. It's true like everybody else has to said it forget it and and frankly. I think that's that's the thing right so many people rely on. Cfp certified financial planners that is their licensure title. But it's a bag of you know like you can't advise you can't tell clients. What to do you are taking your firm's directive and you are giving that to your clients. If the firm changes you're telling your clients right you're not an independent thinker. You're a the big man upstairs told me go. This is why Vanguard Fidelity have gotten so big right. They hold a ton of retirement money and they're sitting on it making trillions off of it so for me at the firm that I'm working at we advisers. So we think we look at taxes. We look at your wealth. We look at how to structure and build your business business as well as your personal life so that you can be very successful so that's the key differentiating model in the route that I'm in with my wealth management firm. Then I've got funds for people to invest in so I've got real estate projects. They're going all the time you know this um I'm always trying to like keep things going and keep things moving. I've got land plays. They can do which are shortterm. I've got you know longer term two-year holds and then I got the five-year hold. So I I I try to have something for every investor and that's that's my fun private. Equity space I'm building and then um I've got my education arm so my 360 real estate University. This is where you're going to come in and you're going to come to an event and be like yeah. I've heard everything real estate and you're going to walk out like my brain hurts. I've never even understood any of this like kind of how you felt after we sat down and had drinks right you're like I didn't even know what I didn't know that I needed to know um Wall Street level people in that mentorship group group. We've got Brad Blazer $2 billion in capital rais in a lifetime that's unheard of um. We've got big multif family people like Alex lovelyy in there doing big things we've got me teaching flipping and B2B businesses and bringing someone into to do B Toc Business. Financial advisory right so again two different types of financial advisory work um. We've got you know how to how to wholesale at a seven figureure level. You know consistently coaches Abdullah. You know he he's 28 burning wholesaling that guy's cutting six figure checks like almost twice. Three times a week you know it's like stupid but once you learn the system then you're off to the races right and and it's really just learning about scaling with him and teaching you how to cold call teaching how to you know so that that is going to be my legacy. Danny. That's my future forever. I I don't plan on doing everything else forever. I mean I'll always be a solicor and a referral agent but um that's my. That's my main bread and butter. And then I've have consultings I do a lot of business management consulting um you know I consult for people who come in and they think they're going to give me services and then they're like I need you can you just take all of this for me and I kind of become like the treasury. Department for companies and the Ops hound and all going and like triage their businesses because most business owners are really good at selling their product or and marketing it. They're not good at doing the back office side and that's where I really get to nerd out and they're like I don't even my brain does not C right so um. I'm getting in more and more with like private Equity companies family offices and it's getting exciting like that that's the fun. That's where I get to really like amp up and make them more money and um show my really sexy skills. So I'm in the private Equity space. You know we're working on people who are doing done for you. Government. Contracting businesses done for you e-commerce businesses um. They're they're great at what they do. But they don't know how to package and an exit for nine figures and get their clients where they need to be. So you know that's their dream place to be in they just buy these companies. Smash them grow them and then offload them and peel them off so um. That's another area that I'm flirting and dabbling in it's been really really fun to watch the businesses scale and grow and and so those are my four. Like this is where I work with people um and then my other business is Government Contracting. So I have my own Government Contracting where I leas space to government federal government agencies for fun just on the side right yeah. I mean people all the time right like what if one day they're like I need a hotel I'll be like hey. I got a hotel guy. There we go yeah so yeah. I mean it's. It's it sounds like a lot right but once a client comes in they kind of just go through the whole then diagram and like they usually hit three or four of the four. So let's PE.
  •  Let's peel back the layers a little bit because people see where you're at right now but there's obviously a story. There's there's what got you here so let let's actually go back to your your your tax planning days. You're arnston young yeah yeah seven years for seven years. So what were some of the and we'll keep this. We'll keep this you know tangential to real estate because obviously like most of our listeners here are real estate um yep investors in some capacity. So what were some of the key takeaways like as a tax planner um and and how are you applying that today to the real estate. Ventures that you have going on yeah so that is a great uh question. I mean I think my first uh tax return I did in the high netw worth individual. Um was a board of directors for one of our clients and uh I was like man. This guy turned $30 million through his p&l and made 30 million and he paid $1,000 in taxes and I thought I I was like I don't know what I'm doing. I don't do tax like I I did very few tax ferns in my life. I'm like this is processing stuff I don't want to process. I want to be a thinker um and I was like. I think I did something wrong and I told my Ser I'm like either I did something wrong or you need to educate me because I'm missing a picture because I'm I think I started at like $552,000 and I was spending like $14,000 a year. I'm like how's this like what in the heck is going on something is not. Computing something is not Computing right and it came down to real estate 100% um and that was very disturbing to me. I'm like okay and and then it it kind of brought me back into my like 15 to 18yar old age where I was working at a real estate F and I worked with a you know very higher end office and I learned about commercial real estate and this lady is like go learn money and then I like heard her in the back of my voice in the back her voice in the back of my head. I was like go learn money here I am learning money um so that was one of my key takeaways like real estate can wash out $30 million worth of stock gains. You know income on an IPO and and do a lot right so for me that that was lesson number. One. Lesson number two is learning rate Arbitrage and leverage like Capital markets you know um how you borrow at this rate and then you lend out at that rate. Or you put it in an investment that's going to be at a you know 15 or more rate right. So if you're borrowing a five and you're making 10% you're going to take that debt on all day which for me from my childhood taking on debt I was like my parents went B bangr like you know I I was like you know like I had this like immediate visceral reaction to it and then I turned around and went and got a 0% credit card and bought a condo. So I was like all right. Let's go take this money out. Let's do this 0% cash advance and this was back in the day so yeah yeah yeah. I got a car for 0% like I was all about 0% game because I knew my income was GNA go higher. I knew I could rent the house out. I always knew there was like a fall like I'm always like plan BCD EFG. So those are probably like my key key takeaways but like the thing that I learned which became my. I don't want to say like is French um like like my Lethal Weapon. Like we'll talk about that Swiss army knife thing where you tuck it away and nobody knows it's there until you need it um yeah like I learned the person with the most options always wins and the person with the most knowledge and the person with the most resourceful thinking critical thinking that ability for me to Pivot on a dime and recalibrate like clients would come to mean be like I want this kind of like you. I want this and I'm like what about this. It gets you the same way just right. Now this is easier and faster and simpler right and it kind of always brought me to the table because clients were like I I have a problem just come fix. It right because I learned very quickly about legal taxes treasury. You know I spent a lot of time. In all. The divisions are operational supply chain Logistics because every transaction has a tax and as a head of international tax. I was responsible for everything globally um at the age of 28. So you really have to think on your toes and think about where can I bleed the taxes and reduce the taxes and you have to start thinking pretty creatively. You got to understand the big 5D picture and then you got to come down and then you got to come back out and it's a rare brain for sure. Those will be my three massive takeaways from my tax career yeah that no that's awesome and and honestly like the rate Arbitrage is something you know that I've I've definitely um thought about like. What's a and obviously like I know that you can't like maybe go into super super detail but like what would be an example of like rate Arbitrage that you've seen in the real world where you were like oh my gosh like that person. Just made like a really good decision taking on that debt. I mean we we see it all the time and really statement creative financing um. Especially this is what I why I rushed launching my University because um the timing in the Cadence of where we are in the economy. People don't have to have a lot of money and they can make a boatload of money and in two to three years. Your life could exponentially change if you're willing to just sit down shut up learn put your head down and forget everything else. Just get lost in your company get lost in strategies and get lost in work cuz. We're we're I was looking at the Foreclosure rates I don't know if you were paying attention to those um in January of 2024. They went up 133% on completion of foreclosures uh that that means they weren't just listed and taken off. That means they went through to close which up from 5% the month before right and so for me like I'm always looking at data and I'm always looking at numbers so I know when I need to Pivot and focus my energy somewhere and I'm tracking on this because I want to know the highest markets I want to know where my team's going to be poised to talk and I want to make sure that we have people trained up and ready to go and everyone's like all hands- on Deck ready to go so what we do the biggest rate. Arbitrage I've seen um and and it's kind of sad. But I stay in the space of I am. Helping people you know because at the end of the day having a foreclosure on your credit you can't rent for seven years. You can't do anything for seven years anything that requires credit like you may as well. Just throw it out the window and if you don't own a house anymore because you went into foreclosure on this house right you're really going to be living on the couch with somebody in somebody's house and that's not a fun situation for people to be in. But I I focus on the creative financing right like I do a subject two so I'll take over the loan. I'll say hey. This is going to close right now. I'll pay for you to move out. So I'll get a moving truck and I'm like load. The truck up have these people loaded up. It's like five grand. Max you know and go and the minute the truck comes the documents have to be signed.
  •  Keys have to be in hand and you've forgiven. You walked away right and I assumed their mortgage well. I IID assumed a 30 grand mortgage that's it on like a $500,000 house which was just Insanity to me you know. But like there was no option. I couldn't this person was not. They were jobless. I couldn't keep them in that house. I I really wanted to give them their house back. But I just I couldn't figure out how to make it work where I was at risk and going to be in the same situation foreclosing on them yeah. So I took a $30,000 mortgage. I think the payment was like $23 month and then I turned around and I found I found someone who had a really bad credit but a great job like they had a business. But they washed all their tax. Trends out um and they don't weren't paying themselves a W2 to get over that hurdle. So I turned around and rented that thing for $2,500 you know and like the interest rate on this person's loan was like 2.95 and I charged them 5% interest on a seller finance carry. So I did a two-year lease with an option to buy and I wanted them to fix their tax returns and do them legally so that if they needed a third party loan but everything was negotiated for like if you want to if you want me to sell or carry. This is the interest rate. This is that that that got to give me the down payment up front. So I know you're serious you got skin in the game and then you're going to rate spread right. So I was making 20 2500. He was paying me I was paying like 250 we'll call it right. I mean pure cash flow and then what I ended up. Doing was just taking a few extra months and getting rid of that debt and then I turned around and refinanced and pulled. Even I pulled pretty much 75% of loan of value back out and uh went and bought like 20 more of those so like I mean you know for for very little negotiations. Right I helped someone not hit their credit. I fixed their loan. I got it back current. You know I I got it back on track by negotiating with the bank um I didn't have to pay it off but just. Easier to to do it under my credit than their credit blah blah blah right. So I mean right I walked away with you know 75% of 500. Grand and um I paid $1,400 for a quick claim deed and I was Off to the Races and this guy was still you know paying me 2500 obviously back into the number so you know the mortgage and interest and everything's covered but you know then I could go and buy a lot more subject. Two and then I always knew that that guy was going to carry the 5%. So I knew what my loan was going to be and then I backed into it and I ra R Arbitrage the loan cuz. He was higher risk because he had bad credit no income stoling on a W2. So I knew you know. It's a private money loan right. So those are always higher. So I added two points on it and you know I mean I think I made like over 800 Grand on that property like just from everything else like the spiral effect of reusing someone else's Equity you know and and then the rate on the loan and my my loan versus his loan um yeah and I had no m one if the right because you took up you subject to so. I mean if for people back at home who are listening you might be like what is subject subject. Two is basically you're you're assuming the more. It's almost like a like a mortgage assumption but not really because the mortgage still stays in the original owner's name. You're taking over title yeah and you are committing in the in that time to uh continue to make the payments and then there's verbiage in the contract that basically says if like you fail to make the payments then the seller like the owner. The original owner gets the property back so question though Jacqueline because honestly like I've looked into this like pretty um like relatively in depth and and there seemed to be a lot of uh there seemed to be a lot of people online um who um kind of give the warning sign or like give the warning off that like the bank can basically call the note at any time yep um how have you ever run into that issue um and and and if you haven't like what would the plan be if like that were to happen right. So I only sub to high Equity. So if the bank calls the note I can refinance. It work my numbers backwards because right I always do some two with a lease with an option because then I'm at least making six figures in two years so that's 50k a year on one property right. So it's a mathematical equation. This where understanding number and financial modeling is super critical right but if you buy it at like 50% on of value. They call the no turn around and go get another note. What do you care you know you're like okay. I'll refinance you know what they'll probably refinance you. So it doesn't really matter though right. It's it's just. It's like a Justin Case um yeah. I've never the reason subject to or the reason I mean look like when rates are when rates are coming down. The lender is not going to call that paper because they want the the more expensive paper right. They want to make more money but like right. Now that rates are adjusting up that like the argument was like because they've gone up a lot of that those notes are getting called due so that that's one of the that's one of the reasons why you know especially in this environment. Subject 2 became so popular because it was like wait. I can assume a mortgage or basically assume a mortgage. Uh take possession of this property and like get a lower rate um you know so but but it's interesting like re refi. They call the note you refi yeah. You're ref fying it but probably at a higher rate than you were at before which I think was theity. But you have the equity right so it doesn't matter. You can keep the loan low while the equity is is bad and then you can refile later at a lower rate and get the equity out. You know yeah and I I think what you said there makes just makes a lot of sense so like if you're going to do something like this don't take it where the guy or gal is like overleveraged and like you know like I had a guy who came on my coaching call. The other day in my 360 we have bi-weekly coaching calls. You guys are all welcome to come. It's free um and he was like yeah. I was always told like low equity and I was like like who and God's yeah because no one wants those cuz. They're like shake them. Dice and roll them right I was like what who is teaching you. They don't get numbers. That's not numbers that's someone who's gambling and to me again again right like you're GNA hear me say this over and over Danny right. It's like I don't want volumes of deals I've not done that many real estate transactions. If you really look at me in the grand scheme. I've been investing since I was 22. I mean I made over a million dollars on three properties like I don't. I don't waste my time. I'm like I see these people doing five flips a month. I'm like oh man. I'm exhausted like I don't want to chase these cont. I don't like I feel bad for you. I'm like what are you doing like this is awful um. So I'm lazy I'm. I'm very lazy by the way for those of you who don't know jacalene is an HGTV star and was on HDTV flipping how let's talk about that real quick can we just like that's a great segue. You did do some flips. I'm lazy you're famous. Now you're famous though you're F you're famous right. I'm not fam. No no h so how um first of all like how did like how did you get like walk. You you had some flipping experience yeah and then they were like hey you yeah come do this show we love to hear the story behind that yeah. I'm crazy. That's the story. They're like crazy makes for good TV boom get her on I mean I did body slam my partner in a rug on TV um. I rolled him in it and body slammed him um. People look at me and think I'm like so innocent and reserved and then they get to know me and they're like. She's that um I I don't you know like I I flipped a bur. I didn't even know what bur was until um somebody's like oh you're a burr a burr and I was like what the is. This. The buy remodel rent refinance repeat that that that was me I did a condo when I was 22 that I bought at the studs. Um I bought a two unit in San Diego and then I upgraded to owning part of a building 50% of a building in San Francisco that we subdivided in the Condominiums and sold um every time I sell I have the highest comp in the market um and and I if you look back in my childhood. I was a very right brain person like I loved being creative. I was always drawing coloring making everything pretty and organized and clean and right clean my space. So I think like that just as a CPA like my OCD was filled but I'm like uh all I do is like left brain stuff like I want to go do something right brain. So I come home and like paint the walls I'd be like. I could pay somebody five grand or I could just take six shots and put on some music and paint the walls like here. We go. This is fun and it's fun to me like tiling is fun. I I'm like a world renowned Tyler and my contractors are always trying to hire me. I'm like no just mine. I only do my properties um so. I'm kind of weird like that like I have the math brain. But I have the art brain and so I realized while I was on HGTV filming that you know flipping homes and remodeling them was my art um that was something I gained a lot of pleasure. Everyone in my family looked at the properties I bought and they were like you're insane. Why would you buy this property. It's a dump. It's ugly but then at the end they're like right. They're like. I can't even believe this is what you made you know like how did you have the vision to move these walls and do this stuff and like my my unit in San Francisco is two bedrooms one bath when I bought it. I sold it three bedrooms. Two baths people were like how did you do that um floor plan with remodeling so for me. Like I you know I they came to me. I I then I started a business in Dallas where I was doing more turns um. You know Middle Market turns auction. Hes. I had a video on my I had a I had a channel. I think it's still open on Instagram because I can't figure out how to merge my Instagrams. But um my Facebook is gone but yeah Jackie flips Dallas which I hate the word Jackie but it was just funny and so I was flipping Dallas in 2017 to 2020 and with my business partner my my LLC was I quit like I with quit LC um. So it was a lot of fun. You know it was a lot of fun. We had we had a blast um. We were like yeah. We're quitting Corporate America and this was our campaign and that was when I documented in our social media like I I'd take videos of us touring the properties that were going up for auction. Me and Auction House on the back you know of the I don't know the cinder block wall for the Planters like staring eye to eye with the guy because I'm short right.
  •  I'm 5' seven for a girl who guess that's tall but um compared to these like texting boys you know I'm short yeah yeah yeah. So I just do what I had to do to get where I needed to be you know. I'm like if he sees me. He can miss me. I'm like ey line sight right so again. This is my resourcefulness right like get out of my way guys like I've always been like okay boys. You're you're done. I'm not get out of my way be taller than you. I'll figure it out. You know so yeah. They they saw these things they saw my befores. They saw my. Afters saw the videos in between and me throwing sledgehammers they're like this girl's crazy um and she's a CPA like what the heck is she doing so they interviewed me. I don't know the interviewer is dying laughing the whole time. She's like you're crazy. This you're perfect. This is perfect like so I got put on battle on the beach and I had a blast like would they try to make drama right and how they cut it up. But like we laugh we laugh so hard. I mean we our camera guys like you need to redo that we can't. We can't keep that film I was laughing to our CU. He'd be like shaking the camera because it's on his shoulder you know so it was fun. It was a good experience that's awesome that's how into my Instagram DMS by the way that's how they found me. Oh. They slid into the D of course of course that's awesome that's super interesting actually. I didn't know that that you had that Instagram page and that's kind of how they found you so. That's that's new information for me me too. But that's super cool so so you did that for a while you were flipping Y and then but obviously you had this tax planning background yeah and and then covid hit and now you're doing all of this stuff with funds and private equity. And so it just feels like you made a a pivot what what inspired that you know P because obviously like you're still doing stuff in real estate. But there's just uh oh there. It is what is it Jackie flips. Ja I don't want to be called. Jackp Not My Name ja flips yeah. It's still there how funny. It's not even on my account. But it's there um yeah. How did I change well right like yeah when you're used to making 150 to 400 Grand a flip right. You're like okay CO's hitting. You're like yeah. Market's gonna hit the bed so don't want to be doing that. So I'm gonna go into developments um yeah. I' had always been investing in syndications um when I was in my corporate job just to make more money because I was like get me out of this sh. So um I was compounding my money for seven years about so you know. I had my salary. I put all my salary into my flipping business. Then I had people you know my rsus I would just cash them out and put them into real estate. So it was chugging you know and and I knew that that I've always known like funds are the yacht space. You know that's that's when you get into that sexy money and you don't have to have that much money in it um if any at all so you know for me. It was just I I have the background I have that CC experience people want to give me money all the time especially after I got off at the show in 2022. People are like I just want to invest with you. I just want to give you money and one guy was like. I want you to do hotels for me and I was like I anything about a hotel like that does not interest me at all. Like people do not interest me at all anymore um yeah so yeah. I just decided in 2020 like I was going to cash everything out and rebalance. My portfolio 2021 I left my corporate job. So I was like all right. It's time to make money. It's time to print like. It's time for me to put my money where my mouth is and you know uh copy. What my clients do so um. I just moved to. Vegas took a year off in 2022 started my real estate funds and went in storage Al Storage month to monthly clip the lock on call. The auction like Storage Wars and like maybe I I should be next Storage Wars girl. There you go and then just like yeah so um. I went into storage for for reasons of I want own multif family in in downturns. It's sad it's tragic there always some story. That's I'm an empath here to help people um. Storage is easy money because there's so much gentrification and yeah there's holes in the market. Like massive demands you know 700,000 square feet of demand like you could put three of them up and you're still rocking and rolling so yeah. So I got into that and then I'm building the government I'm building for people like I don't know I'm just having fun that's awesome so you said something there too. It's like hey the the the funds are where the real money is. It's interesting because I feel like so you know my background. I was a real estate team leader and and before that was just a realtor and I remember when I got my real estate license. I this is it. This is how I'm going to make the real bucks right. No mo reals are G to be off sleep. I'm sorry. I you just say that come come come learn come learn. It is a dying. It is a dying opportunity vehicle. I will say that for sure that's one of the biggest reasons why why I pivoted was because I saw the writing on the wall and then you know obviously. I I I I started my real estate team and grew the business and started my you know and I was like well. This is how I'm going to make the real bucks and like now on the other side of all that and I'm like wow it just. It's like night and day. It's like night and day and and it's not even about like. It's not even for me about the money. It's about um. It's about the CH. It's about the challenge that is presented within each because I like I'm I don't like easy you know like I'm I get bored very easily but like this shit's hard but in a good way it's challenging and it challenges you in so many different ways and because it's so challenging. The rewards are that much higher yes right and and because you because you're you're you're you're put in a position where you have to perform every single day not that I didn't have to before but like in a different way right at a different level so anyways. It's just uh yeah. I have to say like I I totally agree with you there and um and even though we have different backgrounds.
  •  It's interesting how we both kind of found our ways uh into the same space. So I'm I'm really just you know I'm curious when it comes to tax saving strategies on the fund level right. So so now that we've we've got how have you you know implemented some of the the strategies that you learned earlier on now uh in in this phase of your career and and and what are some things that listeners back at home. Whether they're LPS or or sponsors. You know can kind of take away from um uh from this because I would love for people to walk away with some nuggets you know um especially on on the on the tax saving side of things from from a fund level yeah. You know I will say real estate. People are not the best uh Financial listeners because they're like uh. I'll just add more properties and depreciate it and I'm like yeah you ever heard that thing that's like don't put all your eggs in on basket True Food. For Thought you know Food For Thought um don't stick in anyone. Market don't don't stick in anyone asset class um you know and so for me from a tax perspective right like again that it's that Financial sense right you got to have that base established that okay if if I made a quarter of a million dollars adjusted for inflation cost of living how do I grow a financial base. That's going to hit that while I'm working and then anything you're doing while you're working is extra credit. So most people are too busy running up credit cards and trying to keep up with the Joneses rather than thinking about if I spend five years of my life focused on my financial base and getting the hamster wheel going for me where I'm not working is working for me. They can track it right so like in you know index universal life insurance policies like I'm a huge proponent I clients. In fact I was at a coffee shop last night taking a client who's a contractor converting his whole structure into a seat. Corporation with llc's underneath and pumping index universal life insurance because he's a contractor what if he gets injured on the job who's going to pay his bills nobody um. But I can use that policy to pay his bills uh so it is tax deductible the way we do it uh. He has a really hard time retaining high high Talent like good talent because everyone's trying to overpay and overpay and overpay so I said okay cool put put put index. Universal life bonuses on your employees and use that as an incentive program and he's like I can do that I'm like yeah. It's tax deductible you know so when we look at um when when we look at the world of of life and the world of taxes right like captive companies. Captive insurance companies is why C Corps make two-thirds of the GDP and pay 9% of the treasury Department's Revenue in it but yet every CPA is taught double taxation don't do a C Corp I hear it all the time and I'm like run your GD numbers because you clearly don't know how to do tax planning right and if the corporate rate is at 21 and the US individual rate is 37 and a half just on a federal I even adding state state taxes. God bless California you know like that's a that's a 15% tax saving I just gave you 15% more back in your pocket and now you're off to the races with that 15% investing it which is going to make it more right. So not only did I save you money. But then I put it in Investments right and there's a lot of tax deductible. Investments that people don't know though index universal life insurance 831b plans which are captive insurance plans so that if anything happens to you business disruption covid you can pull from those plans um another. One 401k's profit sharing plans all of those kinds of things. Those are tax deductible you're putting in an investment vehicle where guess what rich people do. They turn around and buy stock of their own new Corporation and they fund their new business and they're off into the racist s satting and stocks bonds mutual funds. That's not what they're doing um. They're putting in business ventures um taxfree penalty-free don't don't liquidate it. That's the worst thing you could do like Grant Cardone always says oh liquidate 401K I'm like you're an idiot um Point Blank. Like you don't understand money. You don't talk about money. You have no business talking about money. You're not an expert got lucky you know he got lucky and he has good advisers now um. But it's one of those things you know you really really really have to focus and pay attention to to the more you cut you're saving which means the more you can invest most people are like oh. I need to buy a new car so I don't pay taxes. I'm like go buy all gas fund. You have 90% tax appreciation for every dollar. You put in. You get 90 cents back and it's earning like 800%. Roi over seven years like come on man like so. I think learning those tax deductible. Investments. The funds where you're not having to work um you know I had a guy call me on on December and he's like I have a huge Chef coming in and I don't know why I don't want to pay taxes. What do I do. I said at this point go to my own gas guy like I can't help you you know. It's forever grateful. You know like 10% leakage on on a million plus of money. It's a lot of money so you know. It's one of those things like look at what is tax deductible. Gonna not only save you taxes but also earn you income because that's a double whammy right you're making money saving and then you're making money investing right. And that's a that's that's how you get yourself in a out of a doom. Loop where you're paying credit card debt and you're up in an upcycle right and and you're in an upcycle. One decision like move all your debt to a 0% credit card and paay down and you're out that's it right so. There's ways of like stopping that Doom Loop like kind of sticking the screwdriver in the crankshaft and like causing the whole machine to freeze and then get yourself out of that situation so that when you pull the crank you could turn the crank. The other way right now you're going in an easier motion um. Some people would say making money is not easy but when you learn how and you see how people do it. It's very easy you know like you're learning right. It's not easy finding money but when you find the money and the deal works it's a lot of money right way more money than you could do yourself yeah absolutely and and you said something interesting there that I want to revisit really quickly and um and for those that like like wealth of like encyclopedia anyways I was like because you just sit there and you're like yeah yeah. I I know everything that you're saying i' like gu yes and also like encyclopedia anyways um. You said something there. The depreciation and wealthy people understand hey uh invest in things. Not only that save you money but make you money very interesting concept right because like you cannot and correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know everything. But I don't know of any stock that you can invest into that will simultaneously sa like save you taxes and M and obviously like you're. If the stock hopefully goes up right you're making you're the Stock's appreciating or dividends whatever correct me if I'm wrong. But no such thing exists no right so what you're referring to then presumably is like the the idea that like when you're investing in things like like especially like real estate funds. They're there's there's cash flows a lot of times depending on the deal. There's appreciation right so there's tremendous subside yep typically if you pick the right sponsor the right deal and also at the same time tremendous tax saving benefits especially if you you know you're cost segregating. There's like if it's a development deal. Obviously you've got a ton of uh appreciation benefits. There hotels not to to my own horn here but like one of the one of the the most highly sought after real estate vehicles to invest in simply because everything in the hotel not everything not the little soaps um. My mom loves those by the way the little soaps um. Not just not the little soaps but the case goods the TVs. All this all of that stuff is is depreciable and so it's it's it's super fascinating that you that you kind of tied that all together because it's it's actually the perfect way to say it it's like find investment vehicles that not only make you money but save you money and and it's just like mud drop. It's they ultimate compounding right like people are like oh compounding interest and I'm like what do you what do you. What does it mean to you like let's really talk about what does this mean to you right and like when you really PE watch the layers of the onion. Like yesterday I had a guy who's like if I give you 100 Grand you can make me like a millionaire in five years right and I started laughing and I said I can do nothing you m you are you know the devil of your future and you are the common denominator. In your life.
  •  I can tell you what to do doesn't mean you're going to follow my advice right. But the thing is warning to ratchet back right. So I said look at your p&l right. Now. If you were sued for a roof falling in. He was a contractor roof falling in on a client they'd come after your house. They come after your cars. They come after your dog your wife whatever you know what I mean like they're going to come after you with the book because you've comingled all your money. You're telling me. $330,000 of your house is office deductions and then you're telling me you need a car to lease for work when you work at home like do You Hear. The story your accountant has made for you and like how terrible this advice is like you're better off just giving yourself enough money from your business to pay your personal crap and keep it over there because you are in a high-risk business and then we will dunk the the rest of it. You know take what you need to live off of leave the rest in the business and we will take it and reinvest it for you and that is the best advice. I can give you at this point you know and then I said and depending on how much you're willing to cut and save. It's how much I'm willing to make you you know and most people don't like hearing that they don't want to hear oh. I can't have my $8,700 a month a year for my two car leases and a month it was a month. I'm like no no you can't have those like what is the point and like damn you know yeah like what are you doing you know what I mean. They like rolls-royces like I mean you could rent you could lease a Lambo for like 2500 like yeah and then I'm like is your is your car wrapped. I've looked into it or anything. I'm like is your car no and I'm like is your car wrapped. Does it have your logo. Does have your business name. No not a business vehicle like you're not understanding the terms of the legal. Merit of the court cases that they're going to argue and and you're trying to like rob. Peter to pay Paul for what when I can come in and I could have put all that that money in all gas F you would have been literally zeroed out and you would have been off into the races making a paycheck 125 Grand a month to that kind of money and he was like blink blink blink blink right and I think that's where people really you know it. It's where you you really have to get clear with who you are and what what are your priorities and what do you want you know and yeah you know. I see it all the time people start making money. They they upgrade. They upgrade. They upgrade. They upgrade right. I like a 2013 hun like Lexus you know um people give me all the time like why don't you go buy a new car. I'm like well first of all. I'm gone six months out of the Year traveling like I'm I'm I actually drove to San Jose. This is my travel schedule I'm going from San Jose tomorrow to Fort Meyers to Las Vegas because we have a team meet up on Monday at the Henderson Property. Then I'm turning around and I'm going to Houston to speak an MC JT foxes stage with Vanilla Ice and Adam coffee and Phil Grove and all them then I'm driving to San anonio to walk through for a lender and take pictures. Then I'm going to Austin buing to North Carolina do the same thing and then I'm literally turning around and heading to santose to get my car like I'm never home why am I gonna pay for a car like yeah never home. What is the point I'm literally what is the point. In this. You know what I mean I need a car like four days in Las Vegas and three days in Houston and you know it just doesn't make sense so for me. It's it's one of those things that like is that really going to be my identity yeah I to buy building with that 120. Grand. I think it's a I think it's a guy thing jacquelene. I think it's a guy thing you know I can't like I hear you. I hear you don't get me wrong like I hear you but like you go a fancy car sir one in one ear out the other for sure dude yeah like I don't wear designer clothes. But I will have my car dude. Is it like a what is it. What is it. Let's let's unack. I enjoy the uh I enjoy the power. I enjoy the the the speeds that I can not that I ever speed or anything. But if I were to Speed it would be a great vehicle to do it in um. I don't know I mean honestly if you were if you were to speed. It's a great if I were to speed do you hear what I'm saying like you're not even taking it to a racetrack or like what is the point in this um no Central in California Tropic Central. Here it's like you know I don't know it's. It's. It's uh. I don't know it's a guy thing. I think GNA more we gotta go fast um well my uh my dating life. Right now is very sad. I'm dating my uh my hotel fund and um my recruiting business and that's that's about it right now so uh no it's not the. It's not the girls I have no idea um. I think my um if I showed you the value of your car and the I don't need you to do that. I you the calm interest on that I don't want to. I don't listen I hear you and and and you know what like I I feel like I know what the number is. I feel like I know what it is um and and I accept. That is is the price of my happiness. It's not going to hug you what are you talking about. I don't need it to hug me. I just need to goast. You're single. Maybe oh man. I don't know I mean well. I I love it. I love my card dud leave me. Al leave meting you because I can it's so easy oh man man so um. We're cut. We're cutting the show we're cutting the show early all in love all in love. You're good. No I but but in all seriousness um I love my car. I know it's a nice car. It is. It is it is um and I I I do I you know I think I think that was part of the problem I'll be honest with you. I think part of the problem is that it was I got a BMW. My my first car was BM W um when I made like my third or fourth commission. That was the very first thing I did and it like I don't know house. Almost like should have bought a house should have b a house really like in hindsight like ABS 1000% time value of money inflation cost of living but it like it almost like ele it like. It's a constant reminder to yourself like I don't know when you're like like in a gilapy or something like you kind of Fe like it's almost like it allowed me to like mentally play the part if that makes sense and then like it. I don't know like it like FasTrack me because I was like all right. Now like now. I got a hustle right because like I've got this thing and everything I don't know like maybe. It's a psycho like slight psychological. Like uh boost. I don't know like I I don't know I don't know I really don't know. But I love it so much I mean confidence. Sister is is always good. It's always good yeah. It's that conf yeah confidence. Maybe I don't know if it's a confidence thing but it was like um almost like it made me want to work harder oh that's impressive if that makes sense yeah. No I no I mean I guess maybe you want to recover the money kind of but then also like yeah. I don't know like it it. It's almost like one of those things you use as a carrot like if I hit this Mark I get to buy this. Car is it one of those things kind of okay kind of okay. I'll give it to you. I'll give it to you. I like that motivator yeah yeah and it's like yeah. I don't know Batman not Hotel so CJ and I were talking about this um. Let's hear this. So he's like dude. We have to do something crazy and I was like what do you mean do something crazy like bro like uh. He's like we have to like we have to do something like really fun and and like so we're tossing around ideas. But actually we're I don't think I'm GNA do the car. I think what we're GNA do is we're gonna invite all of our. We're thinking about like inviting all of our LPS um out to New York to stay like while assuming that it's the New York deal where like it's looking good so far like we like invite them out to New York have them stay at the property and then rent a sweet out at one of the Yankees games and uh and go like go do that. It's like that that would be super fun right cuz like. It's like yeah yeah yeah. So that's what we're thinking about doing. But I don't know that was an idea that I tossed out. You gotta have rewards and you gotta have like yeah I like it yeah. I like yeah. We're getting ready deals. So it's uh. I get it well. Then it's got to be like like three times as exciting right yeah yeah like space like why don't you just take one of those rockets and like go up to space. No that does not interest me at all. No. I'm actually GNA take my cousins who turn 21 and I'm gonna go to the bomb oh that's cool. Yeah. I like that I like that c uh Cruise or or you're gonna um fly over there and then just get. They have a little acid. Reflux right now why say that it's not a hotel hey. Why don't we make a hotel and b. I I'll go in on a b hotel with you. Uh that'd be dope. That'd be dope. I actually know um well. I know I know that they have some. I don't know of any hotels right now. But I know someone oh really yeah. Yeah. I saw a deal there. Um. I know like eight months ago maybe it's still available. I bet it's still available but um bise huh you like bise never been just want to go out hear. It's very affordable. It's a great yeah destination travel destination and if I owned it then I wouldn't have to pay to stay you know I mean I would pay but back in my pocket. So whatever well um.
  •  I will keep that in mind the next time that a bullies deal comes across my desk yeah. We'll just go in on it together 5050 screw everyone else. We'll just uh we'll be ready spy. It. We'll be ready um in traditional Gold Mine fashion. Jacquelene yes we're coming up on time here why don't you leave the audience with one final GH nugget. Oh God gold nugget I feel I don't know I don't know what I have to say that's a gold nugget put on the spot. I mean I think I think what I tell my students. There's two things I'm G with two that's okay with you. That's fine. It's a bonus. The advice I give to every menty client person that asks me how I got where I'm at whatever it is. Two things one know your why and everybody's like oh I know my why I'm like does your why bring you to tears and if not. It's not strong enough like I take these people that I'm like mentor and I will break them down. I'm like that's not that's not good enough. It's not good enough. It's not good enough and they're just like you see the inferiority complex. Cooking you get the insecurities like everything starts to rear up and I'm like why are you doing and embarking on this new Journey. That's going to be grueling hard horrible. You're not going to know why you did it. You're going to quit unless your why is big enough so like if that why does not make you choke up and like start to tear. You don't have a why so I don't even want to hear it. I will break you in 30 seconds and make make you fight your why and that's like very important right because I mean Danny you know like you're tennis s daily daily. I'm like breathe like there's some days you're like living on this. Much cash flow because you put it in a deal and you're like right and you got to have faith. There's a lot right so so you got to have that why like why am I going all in like. It's like you're going 100%. All red on your name in that roulette table and if you're not willing to do that and you're not willing to like work through all of the emotional stuff with that very clear North Star. It's never going to work. It's never going to work and you're going to go back to your job. Like I couldn't figure it out. It's so and so's fault no. It's your fault. You didn't sit down and have a hard enough so make sure your. Why is like like when you read it. Write it down because then it solidifies it in your conscious subconscious and your hypothalamus like write it down and when you put it on your door when you're walking out of your bedroom and you look at it. It better make you cry and if it's not making you cry anymore you got to go back you got to refine it. So that and and you and sometimes you go to. I mean I kind of do mine like five times. So hey it's life. In a year you know um and then my other piece of advice would be some old. Henry Ford quote whether you believe you can or you can't you're right right and if you don't believe it and you don't think it's. It's possible you never will and this is where I have people come in. They like I'm stuck at 500 Grand stck. At 500 Grand I can't break through the 500 Grand ceiling. Like you'll learn in Consulting. We always look at the 2 to seven like two to seven in the front of the numbers. When those are when they're in those metrics like it's really easy to get to 200 Grand. It's hard to get over seven million right like 700 Grand 2 million 7 million there's hurdles and things that have to change in your business to get over those and those were our targets when I we J and young like we love those clients and it's because yeah you know. I'm like do you believe you deserve a million dollars in a year and they'll like look at me and be like. I mean it's un necessary. I'm like there's why you're not having it like right. There. You know this is why you can't break through and if you don't believe it you don't feel it. You don't see it and you don't know why you're getting that number and what you're going to do with it. It can't be you it. It can't be cars houses like if you're working for material things. It's not going to work. That's why you got have a really clear why and it's got to hit. You deep you know and then and then you're able to push through these barriers because you're much more humble and you know like I need this to get to my next place right like Alex and I joke all the time he's like. I want to solve world hunger and human trafficking. And I'm like I just want to rebuild the middle class and bring it back to normal size and people think I'm delusional and I'm like I mean I've touched a lot of people's lives last last year I had 75 clients. It's a lot you know that that was a lot of people. I impacted and then I got the referral chain right. Hey I heard you made this guy a million dollars can you help me hey you made him go from zero to 750. Can you help me right and it's those kinds of things like as people started to see the proof of concept which I don't blast on social media. I'm really terrible at it should um. It's one of those things like it. It's it's working with that mindset the worthiness. The deserving the limiting beliefs like do you love yourself enough to love yourself to have a million dollars like it sounds so so silly but like a lot of people had they hit that wall like oh. If I have a million dollars. I'm going to be responsible for my whole family. If I have a million dollars. Everyone's going to call me know the worry the worry of how to deal with that kind of money kicks in you know and you got to get rid of it. You got to get rid of it. You got to have a very clear wi and that's why they kind of go hand inand because if you don't think you can and you don't believe you can and you don't believe it's possible like why can't you have your dream girl your perfect business y'all work together and you live happily ever after why is this not possible because you don't believe say sabotage it. That's why you know. And I think like we sabotage ourselves every day. In simple things you know like when some bad event happens. Our whole day is oh was like the worst week ever because this one thing happened. No no no that event happened leave it. There don't give it more meaning it doesn't to control your whole day. Your whole week like just say like parking lot. We're going to parking lot that for now you know I'll come back yeah you know. And I think it's it's interesting being on the inside of people and when people like open up and they're vulnerable with me. You know I take that that is sacred that is the biggest form of intimacy. I'll ever get and that they trust me you know.
  •  But it it all serves between these two years and if you can't um if you if you can't let go can't move on. It's trapped and you're trapped and you're going to get stuck and that's that's not a good place to be because life change is the only constant you know so so might pi. Two gold nuggets I would leave for your followers love it yeah. You know I would agree with you. I mean having um you know LED an organization where you know I saw a lot of people come in and not get to where they wanted to go and and and a smaller subset. Still a significant amount of those people get to where they wanted to go. I would say that you fighting those demons between the years 1,000 % is the biggest hurdle is the biggest hurdle um so could not agree more jacquelene thanks for your time girl thank you. I'm honored to be here than you.