
21st Century Church: Can the church be relevant and relatable at the same time? Exploring true virtue over sex appeal.

February 27, 2024 Pastors J. Anthony & Tiffany Gilbert Season 1 Episode 2
21st Century Church: Can the church be relevant and relatable at the same time? Exploring true virtue over sex appeal.
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21st Century Church: Can the church be relevant and relatable at the same time? Exploring true virtue over sex appeal.
Feb 27, 2024 Season 1 Episode 2
Pastors J. Anthony & Tiffany Gilbert

When you clothe yourself in the morning, do you ever ponder the message your attire sends to the world, especially within the confines of the church? Join J anthony Gilbert, as he explores this intriguing intersection of fashion, faith, and the fervent call to maintain righteousness without sacrificing relatability.  Our journey through this episode traverses the delicate balance between upholding scriptural truths and navigating contemporary societal norms. I share intimate stories, including the pivotal moment I sought wise counsel before proposing to my wife, to illustrate the profound safety found in a multitude of advisors.

Navigating the waters of truth and accountability, we challenge the notion that silence is golden, particularly when faced with the moral responsibility of being a watchman.  As we dissect the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding us to speak up, we acknowledge the fine line between relevance and spiritual compromise.  Alongside this, I recount the ethereal moment I conversed with the woman who would become my partner in life, sharing how virtue emerges as the keystone in any relationship.  This episode is an invite into our online church community and a call to embrace coaching—should your heart seek it.

Finally, we underscore the indelible power of virtue in relationships, with personal anecdotes illuminating the essence of true connection beyond the physical realm. The discourse ventures into the critical significance of the Holy Spirit's role in the church's foundation, and the crucial baptism of power necessary to fully embody Christ's mission.  Encouraging men and women alike to cultivate and cherish virtue, we close with a profound reflection on spiritual growth, purpose, and the transformative experiences awaiting in our Saturday night gatherings. Prepare for an episode that not only shifts perspectives but also has the potential to pivot the direction of your life’s compass toward a more divine north.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

When you clothe yourself in the morning, do you ever ponder the message your attire sends to the world, especially within the confines of the church? Join J anthony Gilbert, as he explores this intriguing intersection of fashion, faith, and the fervent call to maintain righteousness without sacrificing relatability.  Our journey through this episode traverses the delicate balance between upholding scriptural truths and navigating contemporary societal norms. I share intimate stories, including the pivotal moment I sought wise counsel before proposing to my wife, to illustrate the profound safety found in a multitude of advisors.

Navigating the waters of truth and accountability, we challenge the notion that silence is golden, particularly when faced with the moral responsibility of being a watchman.  As we dissect the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding us to speak up, we acknowledge the fine line between relevance and spiritual compromise.  Alongside this, I recount the ethereal moment I conversed with the woman who would become my partner in life, sharing how virtue emerges as the keystone in any relationship.  This episode is an invite into our online church community and a call to embrace coaching—should your heart seek it.

Finally, we underscore the indelible power of virtue in relationships, with personal anecdotes illuminating the essence of true connection beyond the physical realm. The discourse ventures into the critical significance of the Holy Spirit's role in the church's foundation, and the crucial baptism of power necessary to fully embody Christ's mission.  Encouraging men and women alike to cultivate and cherish virtue, we close with a profound reflection on spiritual growth, purpose, and the transformative experiences awaiting in our Saturday night gatherings. Prepare for an episode that not only shifts perspectives but also has the potential to pivot the direction of your life’s compass toward a more divine north.

Speaker 1:

Welcome everybody to another edition of dimensions. I'm Janthony Gilbert and I'm so glad that you tuned in on listening. Before we get started here, I've got something really good to share with you all. Listen. We're going to talk about relevancy and relatability in the church. Are we called to be relevant? Are we called to be relatable, or do they mean the same thing in a lot of different ways? I'm going to talk to some people about how we dress, how we're dressing nowadays, ladies I got to speak to some ladies that are out there and many other things why pastors are called to be the watchman on the wall and what it means that their souls will be required of the hands of men and women of God that knew the truth and did nothing about it. All that coming up right now on dimensions. Listen. I need you to take a minute right now Like, subscribe, follow, share, whether on YouTube, facebook or listen. If you're listening to the podcast, go to your Apple Android store. I need you to go right now, download that, get in on it, follow it, so then you can get ahold of everything. I'm coming to you at least twice a week and listen.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you you're not going to want to miss anything that I'm going to be sharing. I'm not going to be your everyday preacher. Y'all know me already. I don't talk like everybody else. I'm not in to be liked. I'm here for one simple reason to be. I'm a person that believes in supernatural truth, supernatural purpose and supernatural power, and a lot of times, the truth is not going across the airwaves the way it should, and I believe it's so important that we do that and that people need to know what the word of God says about these situations I'm talking about right now. You're not going to want to miss it. I've got a whole lot more. I'm so glad for this platform. I'm so thanking God already for what's going to be shared.

Speaker 1:

What I love about this podcast, about this video cast on Facebook, live, youtube or wherever you're watching us Instagram X, wherever it is that you're watching is that you just never know what the Holy Spirit is going to do during dimensions. You never can tell. I'm telling you right now. You don't know what's going to happen. You know what's going to transpire. All I know is when we turn on the camera and we hit the lights, we have an agenda, but you never know what the Holy Spirit is going to do and you have tuned in for such a time as this and I'm so glad that you did so.

Speaker 1:

Listen right now. Everybody like, share, follow, download the podcast. Go and get it right now I'm excited about it in your Apple Android store, wherever you want to go. Download that and get it in your spirit. Listen. You can listen to this when you're traveling in your car. You can listen to it wherever it is that you're going. You can check it out. It's going to be a blessing to you. And don't forget, on our Facebook page, going like that as well. Another level ministries Jay, tiffany, gilbert go like us there and go to our YouTube page. We're trying to build that up there.

Speaker 1:

We got a whole lot more that's coming. I got shorts. I got different things from messages that are coming up. Listen. We got a Saturday night service coming up. My goodness, this Friday night, dr Van Gaetan from Jacksonville, florida, is going to be coming to us talking about evangelism.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I don't have time to go into all that today, but we need to get back to evangelism. We need to start talking about that. We need to start winning the loss. You know what my prayer is Is that every person that's listening right now and every person in our church wins somebody to Jesus in 2024. That's what I'm believing God for. That's not much. Think about it. That's the great commission. That was Jesus's last words. One of his last words, or his great command, was to make sure we go into all the world.

Speaker 1:

I heard someone mentioned something recently and they said something really profound. They said the first two words, or first two letters of the gospel are G? O go, go into all the world and preach the gospel under every creature. So it's important that we do that and I need you to get on board with that as well. So, listen, if you're going to win somebody to Jesus this year, you want to come into agreement. Why don't you just type that in right now sign me up, pastor Jay. I am going to win somebody Jesus Now. Listen, some of this been in my spirit.

Speaker 1:

I didn't plan on going here, but I want to throw it out here right now to give somebody an opportunity that may be interested in this. If you are interested in an online church, you're saying, pastor Jay, I love another level of ministries. I know you all meet on Saturday night. I'd like to be a part of an online ministry. Maybe you've been hearing about our coaching and you've been liking that as well. I want you to do me a favor go to another level of ministries and just inbox me. If you want to, you can put it right on the chat here now.

Speaker 1:

Whatever is that you want to do, but let me know that you're interested. You'd like to tune in, you'd like to have some ways that you can get this ministry into your spirit, that you can be a part of another level of ministries in some capacity and be a part of what's happening and hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying and be coached and developed by our church through an online presence. If you're interested in that, that's something I'm praying about. I want to see what type of traction we get with that. I want you to take a minute and do that. Just let me know that you'd be interested in that and if you are, we're going to look at doing that because I think it'll be great in Jesus' name. So really looking forward to that and seeing what God is going to do, and I'm excited that you're here. So once again, like, subscribe, follow, share all that. You're going to hear me say that throughout different parts of the broadcast today and let somebody know that you're on with us. Take this and just share it. People want to hear what the truth is. You know you're not going to want to miss what I'm about to share. And before we go any further, I want to take a minute and I want you to grab your Bibles and I'm bringing mine out right now as well and I want you go with me to Ezekiel, chapter number three, verse 18.

Speaker 1:

As some of y'all know, on Cornerstone Television Network, I'm a part of the panel of pastors on hard questions and this question was brought up and I thought it was just so important that I speak a little bit more. We only get a certain amount of time, but I get to go a little bit deeper. Now, listen, if there's certain things you'd like me to cover maybe there's some things you want me to address here, maybe you got some questions for me or some topics that you'd like me to go over I want you to also inbox me as well for that. You can go to another level ministries J, tiffany Gilbert, wherever you want to go, and let me know. You can type it right in the box there, right in your comment box, and I hope that you're commenting as well.

Speaker 1:

If there's something that speaks to your spirit, something that gives you an amen that you take a minute and comment that, let me know that you're being blessed and, like I always say, if you keep the love coming, I'm going to keep on bringing the love of Jesus Christ right to you. I have a whole lot to share and I believe that what we're sharing here on the platform of another level ministries is necessary because we're speaking the truth. So if there's something you want me to cover, tell me about it and maybe I'll consider doing that and making that a part of our show here, because I believe that's so important. I want to speak to what's important and what God is speaking to you as well, and what's on your heart. I have things. I have a lot of things that I want to share, but a lot of times maybe I'm not hitting something that I think a lot of people would like to share up. There's something that comes up in the news and you want me to address it. I want to be able to do that for you, but this came up in our questions and I thought it was a phenomenal pass of scripture.

Speaker 1:

You know, it's amazing how many things are in the Word of God that the church has gotten away from. I was talking to a friend of mine. I was at a pastor friend's house and I was talking about how I had been debating about just going through the scriptures line upon line, verse upon verse, versus just topical preaching, renewing the mind or things along that line. And not that any of that is bad topical preaching isn't bad at all but it's important that we know what the Word of the Lord says and what the Spirit of the Lord is saying about different topics and when it comes to the Word of God. But it's more important that we know the orthodox of the scripture, that we understand what the Word of the Lord is saying.

Speaker 1:

So I thought about just going through line upon line upon line and addressing the scriptures. Why? Because there's so many things in the Word of God that are there that we just don't read anymore. We don't read the scriptures, people don't spend time in the Word of God. We're not meditating on the Word. We don't have any new scriptures going within us. We just go on Sundays or Saturday nights, if you're at another level or wherever you are. We listen to the scriptures. We tell the passage of the great Word and then we go on and wait until the following time versus really researching the scriptures. There's so many things that the Word of God speaks about that people are just over glancing and sometimes there can be errors in pulpits. There can be errors in churches, there are errors in relationships and how we govern. There is a lot of time church abuses going on because people don't know the Bible.

Speaker 1:

I've talked to people at times where people got to get permission to do everything and I got to get permission to go here and permission to go there. There's no place in scripture where your pastor, you got to get permission from your pastor and people say, well, what's that mean? Well, I thought you have to have spiritual authority. I'm all for spiritual authority. It's not for permission, it's for covering, it's to make sure you have somebody peering into your world, speaking into your life, addressing the things that need to be addressed. You want to get married? Well, you sit down with your pastor and talk to your pastor. Sit down with your pastor and your pastor's wife or pastor's husband and whatever it is If you, if it's a lady pastor, and sit down with her husband and they talk about what's going on in the relationship, why you're giving God every opportunity possible to address that, and let me say that I didn't plan on going down this path, that I'm going to address it anyways. You know, I think it's so important that, dealing with marriage, you know when you're dating you want to sit down with your pastor.

Speaker 1:

Before I married my wife, I sat down with. My pastor, lived in Denver. I was living in Olean, new York, about 60 miles south of Buffalo. At the time I was living there, I had him fly into Denver and would not propose to her until he met her. I didn't have to do that. I wanted to do that. Why? I wanted to give God every opportunity to speak to make sure if I was making a poor choice, poor decision, didn't include something, something I needed to consider, that I gave him that opportunity and many people are just I'm not going to talk to nobody. I can make my own decision. Yeah, you can. But the Bible says in the multitude of counselors there's safety. So I talked with my pastor and his wife. I talked with her pastor. She had a couple pastors, an assistant pastor that she was under, and then her, her, her bishop. I talked with them. I talked with her parents, I talked with my parents, I talked with all her family. I had all their agreement before I moved.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not saying you have to have everybody's agreement, don't? That's where the confusion comes in. But what it is, it's giving God an opportunity to speak. And you go to people that you know, that love you and that you trust. And you can't run from authority because you're afraid of what you're going to hear. You have to be willing to be submitted to that authority and be willing to open yourself up to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying, because there might be something that you're missing, especially with a lifelong commitment. So sit down and talk with somebody, so then it gives them an opportunity to speak into your world.

Speaker 1:

And that's the reason why I'm bringing this broadcast to you to make sure you know the truth of God's word. It needs to be addressed, it needs to be talked about, and what I'm talking about right now is going to really bless you. So I need you to go to Ezekiel, chapter number three, verse number 18. Now check this out. This is very important. Now I want you to see is because it came up during hard questions. If you've never checked out? Hard question.

Speaker 1:

You go to Cornish on television network ctvnorg. You can go to YouTube, put in Cornish on television network and you'll see a bunch of stuff. I have a listen If you like stuff about the end times. I have a show called signs of the times that I've been doing that sits down people like Jonathan Conn and others to minister about what's happening in this present day and how it speaks to you. So there's a lot of stuff you can get on there if you want to check it out. Hey, let me mention this as well. I'm going to throw this out here real quickly.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of just all the knowledge and stuff that we have, don't forget to go out and grab my books as well on Amazon or stop at the church. I've got a couple of great books. One is a 30 day prayer journal called praying on another level. You can get that on Amazon or at our church. You can also get my one, the wisdom seed, which is the mystery behind the $1,000 gift, and mystery behind the $1,000 seed when you saw it's a thousand dollar level. What happened? And I just released my last book, my third book.

Speaker 1:

Listen, this is a mini book but it's phenomenal. It'll really bless you. Make sure you get your hands on this. It's called obtaining your inheritance. It's a mini book. It's about 60 pages, but it's a mini book and it's powerful because it talks about why church membership is important. It's not your standard everyday stuff. It is why God has us as a member of a church. What's your missing when you're not a member of a church? Why you should become. It's not just so you can have a social club and be together and all that. That's important, but there's more to it. It's about the inheritance, and a lot of people don't understand that and how many times people get offended and upset due to that and they leave their place of inheritance thinking they can go somewhere else to get their inheritance. Whoever, wherever God places you, that's where your inheritance is and that book will help you. So, listen, go get that, and that's why I'm on here. I know I have a lot of my spirit right now, but all of that is available, and I believe that's why I'm talking about an online presence as well for an online church, and all that because I believe there's a lot of people that want what's on the house here and they want to know how to get it and how they can be a part of that. So we're looking at that. We get enough traction, maybe it's something that we'll get rolling with.

Speaker 1:

So you see, you're chapter three, verse number 18. Now listen to this, this is powerful. When I say to the wicked Now, this is God speaking, he's talking to Ezekiel when I say to the wicked, you shall surely die and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. Now that's Ezekiel 3.18. I'm going to read that again. When I say to the wicked you shall surely die and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity. So he's still going to die, but his blood I will require at your hands. Yet if you warn the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity. But you have delivered your soul. I want to read that one again too. I'm just the last part. He will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your soul. Again. When a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity and I lay a stumbling block before him he shall die because you did not give him the warning. He shall die in his sin and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered, but his blood I will require at your hands, nevertheless. Verse 21,. If you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin and he does not sin he shall surely live because he took warning. Also, you will have delivered your soul, and I wanted to mention this because I believe we live in a day and hour.

Speaker 1:

People are always talking about being relevant. People are always talking about being relevant, all the importance of being relevant. We got to be relevant in this day and hour. You know, we got to have relevancy, and I was thinking about the word relevant, and that's important to some degree. But the problem is, the definition of relevancy has become the definition of relatability. So we're not just being relevant, we're relating to the world. We are called, ladies and gentlemen, to be salt and to be light. You are called to be light, not to be light. Oh, that's good, right there. That's tweet worthy. Go ahead and put that in there. You're not called to always be light.

Speaker 1:

You can read in John 15, where Jesus talks about how, if the world does not like you and no matter if I give you anything to like you if the world hates you, don't be surprised. It hated me as well. So listen, when did it come into play where the church always had to be light? Well, and that's where this whole thing about being relatable is. I want to be relatable, I want to be relevant. Relevant means I can relate, which means that we're in agreement. I can relate to them, I understand them. Watch this it's the gospel of relatability, which is he gets us. I talked about this a little bit before and I believe that whole he gets us piece is really the gospel of the world in this season, and what it was it? What is it? It is being relatable. Relevant means speaking to what's of the day, but the problem is we're not using relevancy in the right way. We're using relevancy, which means I need to be relatable, and this is the reality.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people think that we're supposed to be liked by everybody and we're supposed to make everybody happy, and if people are turned away from the Lord, what are we doing wrong? The results are not up to you and me. Our job is to preach the truth. Ezekiel 3,. He says when you say to the, when I say to the wicked you're going to die for what you're doing, but you don't warn them, I'm going to require that blood on your hands. Now watch this. How many preachers today are silent about the issues of our day? And they're speaking to multitudes of people. Do you understand? God's word says if you know and you don't tell them, I will require their blood at your hands. This isn't a Bible, y'all. This ain't passage A Any issue. I don't care if it's marriage, I don't care if it's abortion, I don't care if it's gambling, I don't care if it's adultery, I don't care what it is.

Speaker 1:

You are required as a preacher, as a pastor, as a minister, as a believer. If you see somebody that is in error and it requires you to speak up and use choke and swallow on the whistle, versus blow it and say it's a file, you are required. Their blood will be required at your hands when they die. Think about this for a minute. He makes it very clear here that if you keep your mouth shut about the things the Bible clearly says is incorrect and you do not address it? Yeah, but what about cancel culture? Yeah, but what about people that will leave the church? That's not up to you and up to me. You better sign up for something different than being a believer or being a pastor, and it's not just for pastors, I believe, it's for anybody that knows. If they require of you an answer and you are supposed to speak on that matter and you know they are demanding an answer and we choke on the whistle versus blowing it and saying that's a file. That's not correct. The Bible says if they die in their iniquity, I will require their blood at your hands.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, it's so important that we understand we are not called to always be liked. You're not always going to be liked. I'm not saying that we should seek out to condemn, but see, we have to be careful of this relevancy, relatability, that it's not making us say well, I don't want to be called a bigot, I don't want to be called hateful, I don't want to be called this, that and the third. So I don't want to say anything that's going to ruffle any feathers. Let me tell you something. We are in a day and an hour. Today you are going to have to pick a side. You're going to have to determine.

Speaker 1:

We are in a day and an hour, like it was with Elijah when they called down the fire. When he called down the fire from heaven, choose you this day whom you're going to serve. Joshua said it. He said how long will you halt between two opinions? If God be God, serve him. If Belle be God, serve him, they were required to make a decision. Listen, if the church continues to be silent, we will be silent, to our own detriment.

Speaker 1:

It is important that we speak up for the matters of our day. It is important that we speak up for the areas of truth that we know to be truth, whether it's about marriage, whether it's about pregnancy, life in the womb, abortion, whatever it might be, transgender, homosexuality, lesbianism, whatever. We have to speak the word on the areas that God calls us to speak. It's just as simple, because how else will they transform? How do they call Romans, chapter 10? How shall they call upon whom they have not believed? How do they believe upon whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Speaker 1:

My God, if we ever needed preachers, it's today. There's never been a time that we need preachers. It's right now. There's never been a time that we need people to stand up unashamedly, unreservedly. It is now. Do you understand what I read, though? That the blood will be. How many people don't know that I want? How many pastors don't even know it, that they don't realize God says I will require the blood of those people that are listening to you weekend and week out. I will require their blood on your hands. Think about that for a minute. That's important that we understand that God says I will require their blood on your hands. That is just. I mean, when you think about that, think about how scary that is, that you have to make sure that you're addressing the issues of our day.

Speaker 1:

I do my best as a preacher of writing to make sure that we share it in love, to make sure that we're not just being offensive. I don't mean going out there and just sharing whatever you want to share when you want to share how you want to share, and just beating people up. I don't want to be a Bible basher, ladies and gentlemen. Being a Bible basher is not standing up for truth. Being a Bible basher is condemning people with the truth without redemption. See, the reality is the purpose behind telling anybody the truth of God's word is not to condemn them. It's to get them to a point where they can see there's an error. Now I wanted you to see something. I want you to go with me to John, chapter 14. I want you to see this so a lot of people see what's happened because we want to be like, we want to be relatable, we want to be relevant, we don't want to speak against anything.

Speaker 1:

Well, I heard one person say something recently. They were speaking about a situation. They were sitting inside of a preacher one time and the preacher said well, you know, I don't really cover a lot of those major issues like that. I allow the Holy Spirit to do it. You couldn't be further from the truth. You can't. You can't do that. You can't say, well, allow the Holy Spirit. No, that's our job. That's the job of a preacher is to be salt and light and to speak to those things.

Speaker 1:

For this reason, now I want you to go with me to John 14, because I think this is very, very important and I didn't plan on going here, but I believe this will really, really, really, really speak to you and I think it'll be a blessing to you because it's going to help you to see what you, what I'm talking about here. And let's take a look here. John 14, and let's see here. Let me just read a little bit of this because I think it'll really speak to you. Now check this out.

Speaker 1:

Jesus says if you love me, keep my commandments. Now, how are people supposed to determine if they love them if no one declares the commandments, if you don't tell them what's right and what's wrong, how do they determine who loves God and who doesn't? He saw pray the father and he will give you another helper, speaking of the pericleto, speaking of the Holy Spirit, that he may abide with you forever. Ain't that good to know. Watch this, the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive. So listen, sometimes we have to share the truth to determine whether somebody is of the world or not. So when somebody leaves a church, when somebody leaves a ministry because they heard the truth, it does not mean that the preacher is wrong or doing something wrong. Just because people have a lot of people in the church don't mean they're doing something right. The reality is, how well do they respond to truth? Hallelujah, there's a prescription.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to go there now because I'm already reading here in John 14. But if you read in the book of 1st John I believe it is chapter three or chapter four, I can't remember the top of my head but he says to them he says they came to us but they left us because they were not of us. And the Bible says sometimes God allows those people to come in because there needs to be a divide. It shows who's really with God and who's not. Listen, stop worrying about everybody liking you. Stop making excuses for God. Stop wondering oh my gosh, why do I want to say this? Because they might leave or they might do this. Listen, if sometimes God wants you to prune the wrong ones so he can send you the right ones, oh, that's good preaching, right there y'all. God wants you to prune the wrong ones so he can send you the right ones.

Speaker 1:

If you read in the next verse, it's an amazing. He talks about truth all through and I'm about to go in but then you jump into John 15, he immediately goes into pruning. Why? Because whenever truth comes, truth is always the dividing line to determine who's in the kingdom and who's not. But if there is no truth, we live in a shade of gray. Matter of fact, a little shameless plug right here. You can go to YouTube right now and I preached a message called 50 Shades of Gray and I talked about. That's where we are in the world, not in the church. In the world, that's what the church, the world, wants the church to become. Everything is gray, everything is. Whatever is relevant to you, whatever is your truth and, ladies and gentlemen, you can be more further from the truth.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says let God be true and every man be a liar, alright. So let's take a look at this. He says a little longer and the world will see me no more, but you will see me because I live. You will also live. Also, at that day you will know that I am in the Father, and you and me, and I and you. He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me. Let me take a quick drink. He who has my commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves me, and he who loves me will be loved by my father. I will love him and manifest myself to him. So that's important, that we understand what that's saying there, because without the truth you won't be able to determine who is with God and who is not with God. That's very, very important. We we've got to, we've got to remember that.

Speaker 1:

He says here let's move on a little bit further here, because I want you to see this. Let's see here Um, I want to find this. I got to make sure I find this to you, you know, find this for you. I didn't plan on going here, but I want let's go to verse 25. These things I've spoken to you while being present with you, but the helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name, he would teach you all things and bring to your memories all things that I said to you. Peace I leave to you. My peace I give you, not as the world gives. Don't let your heart be troubled, neither Let it be afraid. Now jump to John, chapter 16. Now, this is where I want to get to, because this is very important. Verse number five now, I want you to catch this, because this is why preachers are held accountable for this. Look at this. But now I go away to him who sent me. This is Jesus speaking, and none of you asked me where you're going. But because I've said these things, sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth and let me stop real quickly.

Speaker 1:

Some of the greatest passages on the Holy Spirit and the purpose of the Holy Spirit is John, chapter 14, 15 and 16. They're outstanding for people that say you know, holy Spirit isn't for today and you know, and the baptism, the Holy Spirit and all of that, they didn't have it at that point. They did not have it. At that point. He said I got to go so he can come. So he's talking about not what they get while they're here, he's talking about a baptism of power to become there.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it amazing, real quickly, that that the church couldn't be the church until the Holy Spirit came. There was no church age. The church age started in Acts, chapter 2. Jesus said don't even try to be the church. You can't be it without the Holy Spirit in your life. And that Holy Spirit that they got an axe to, in my opinion, from my study, it's not the indwelling presence of God when you get saved. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the power To be the church. You can't do that on your own, all right.

Speaker 1:

So he says here the helper If it's in vanities that I go away, for if I don't go away the helper when I come to you. But if I depart I will send him to you and when he has come now here we, this where I want to get to. I know I read through a lot, but I wanted to give you some of this. And when he has come, he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. Of sin because they do not believe in me. Of righteousness because I go to my father and you see me no more. Of Judgment, because the rule of this world is judge, and I saw many things say to you, but you cannot bear them. Now. However, when he, the spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth, for you now speak of his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak and he will tell you of things to come. Now.

Speaker 1:

Why is this important, pastor jay? Because the reality is now people say yep at the Holy Spirit. He convicts of sin. I don't have to do that. No, no, no. He convicts of sin where the word is made known. And how do I know that?

Speaker 1:

Now go to Romans, chapter number 10?. Now I'll take you a minute on here. I take in a little journey here, because people say well, why is that so important? Because, if you don't understand this, this is why God said preachers will be held accountable, and I believe the church will have held accountable. They're on your job and they ask you what's the definition of a man? What's the definition of a woman? What's the definition of marriage? What's the definition of this? What do you believe about the Bible when it says it is? What do you believe about adultery? What do you believe about fornication? What do you believe about same-sex marriage? What do you believe about all these things? All those things are very, very, very, very important that we must be willing to speak up about now. Look here Romans, chapter 10. I want you to see this. This is very, very important in verse number 14. Now, that matter of fact, let's move up a little bit. In verse number 13, just up one verse. You can read through the whole chapter, because all speaks to this, but verse 13 For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Right Wonderful.

Speaker 1:

If the Holy Spirit does all of the work, then why do we need to go preach the gospel? If the Holy Spirit would just naturally just convict people, why do we need to share it, verse 14?. How, then, shall they call on him and whom they have not believed? How shall they believe in him and whom they have not heard? How shall they hear without a preacher and how shall they preach unless they are sent? Now goes backwards. If you don't have a preacher, watch this. They can't believe why? Because if they don't believe, they can't believe until they've heard and they can't call until they've believed. So this is the reality. A preacher goes and declares the word. They have the ability to hear. Once they hear, they can believe. Once they believe, they can call. How shall they? How do they call if they haven't believed? How do they believe they haven't heard? How do they hear without a preacher? Go backwards, and that shows you the process of getting the gospel out and why the church Must not worry about being relatable, liked relevant in that word.

Speaker 1:

I believe we should be relevant, but we need to be relevant while. Are you all ready for this? Relating to the word of God. Be relevant, but don't relate to the world. Relate to the Bible, be relevant, speak to the issues of the day. We all should, but we need to make sure we're only relating to the scriptures. Oh, that's good, right there, why. This is the reality. The Holy Spirit, when he comes, he will convict the world of sin. When, when the word goes out. If you read in Acts, chapter 3, chapter 2, chapter 3, the Bible says that after they finish speaking, peter, then, after he finished speaking, the spirit convicted them. He didn't convict them before, he convicted them after.

Speaker 1:

And I gotta say something that may be a little controversial. A lot of people may not like it, but they don't understand. A lot of preachers don't want to share the truth because it'll affect their bottom line. I'm not saying all, but there are many that are worried about what if people leave? And what about money? If it's weird, if it's about numbers and I'm all four numbers, praise God, man, if you can grow great church, grow great church, hallelujah. Nothing wrong with that at all. But it would expense If you have a bunch of people that are in your church and they're on your church, but they're not saved because and you're saying, well, I'm just waiting on God to get them to get saved, well, that's your job. Preach the gospel and many will leave.

Speaker 1:

See, the problem is watch this. Are you already? This is powerful right here. Do you remember the story where Jesus, when he had fed the 5,000?. That's where the gospel has transfigured to. We're only preaching loaves and fishes, we're not preaching. Watch this. The blood in the body. See, you can tell when somebody saved. Anybody will come to church for loaves and fishes, just like they'll come for a potluck dinner or they'll come for of an event at the church. But transition to the body Turn, transition to the blood.

Speaker 1:

And what does the Bible say? Many of them walk with Jesus. No more. See, the problem is them. We've. We've preached a gospel watch this that caters to the flesh.

Speaker 1:

Woo, jesus, come on somebody, don't shout me down while I'm preaching. Good, as long as you're feeding my flesh man, the, the loaves and the fishes man, I'll follow Jesus in within. All son, jesus, transition, all right. You've seen my power, you've seen my miracle, you've seen it. Now it's time not to make me Savior but to make me Lord. And what happened?

Speaker 1:

The Bible says he started unless you eat in my flesh and drink of my blood, he says, man, you have no part of me. But as it may, his disciple stayed and the gospel went forward. But many walked away. Why? They're like, hey, all it's good with the loaves and the fishes, but I don't want all this. I don't want to have to live right. I want to do right. Which leads me to another point.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my good God, I take a look at the way people address nowadays. I gotta speak some. I know we're still about a month or two out or whatever it is for prom, but I take a look at. I give a shout out to a good friend of mine, dr Connie Brooks, and I kind of taken this from her. I remember last year she put a post across Facebook and she said shame on all the parents that are sending their daughters out and their sons that with these daughters that are half naked. And I take a look at how Some of these young girls, 14 and 15 years old, dressing and there's, they can't even, they can't squat, they can't bend over and pick anything up.

Speaker 1:

If they do, their dress will fly because it's that short and that tight and strapless and all these things that a lot of people, oh, we don't want to say any of that because that's you know, we don't want anybody to be offended when I'm ready to walk away. We don't want anybody to be upset. Listen, you're supposed to be covered up and when I go into this. Later on I'm gonna tell you some things about that. That's important. Now, one thing I'm gonna share with you is this Remember, when it comes to the gospel is meant to keep you safe.

Speaker 1:

It's meant to keep you sane. And the reality, the way that you dress, ladies very important. Come up you say, well, if they dress that way, then just tell them don't look well, no, no, no, it doesn't work that way, though. I mean I get it that no one should take advantage of anybody. It doesn't matter what they're dressed like. But it is important that we understand this.

Speaker 1:

When you say I'm willing to show something, you're telling others. I want to share that with you. Think about it. There are things that go on in your home. There are something. If you don't want anybody to know, what do you do? You keep that in your home? Why it's not for everybody? Don't show anything of your body that you don't want reserved for your spouse. That'll set you free right there. Until that boy puts a ring on it and you are married, until that girl puts a ring on it and you are married. There are some stuff that is not for them. It is only for your spouse.

Speaker 1:

See, this is in between being relatable and relevant. There was a man, a guy on television, a very famous preacher named Jamal Bryant, and they had talked about him then. He had shared about how he's looking to raise up weed farms and how he was talking about Different things in regards to well, you know, if you're 35 years old and you've been divorced, we've got to come up with a different gospel for these women that have had sex before. That's not what the Bible says. That's not what the Bible says. No reason I mention this because it's not. It's public knowledge, it's it's all over the internet. That's not. That's not what the Bible says. The Bible clearly says that sex before marriage is incorrect.

Speaker 1:

Are we trying to be relevant and relatable or Are we called to be righteous? That's the question we have to ask, and it's important that preachers are Speaking to the days and the hours of which we live. Listen, be relevant, but not the way that they're defining it. Relevant doesn't mean relatable. It means speak the truth of God's word to those relevant situations. Be relevant While relating to the scriptures. Are you here when I'm saying, which means we've got another word? That's why I came up with this. I said, my goodness, what a powerful pastor's, I gotta make sure I do this on my podcast. Make sure people understand.

Speaker 1:

A preacher is Called to declare righteousness, to show the path of writing. He is not called to relate to you or to the world. He's called to bring a relationship between you and the scriptures. That is the job of the preacher, that is a job of the word of the church is to tell the world, to Relate, to bring a relationship, to relate to the world. In regards to this, I want to bring a relationship Between your situation and the scriptures and bring them together. Yeah, relate to the Bible, but bring them to a Relationship. That's what relating is. To relate means we are a family, but we've called relevancy Relating.

Speaker 1:

That's what that new definition has been, and that's not what God has called us to do. He called us to speak truth to power. Let's see. That's the problem though. Well, yeah, but people aren't gonna like me. I know it's not about you.

Speaker 1:

Remember the story of when Saul, they had rejected Saul, or God had rejected Saul, and then and and they were so upset I'm, I'm sorry a God had rejected, so he didn't want Saul to be king. The people wanted a king, people wanted a king, and so Samuel. Finally, he's all sad and and look what God says the same when he said, samuel, they're not upset with you, they're upset with me. They're not relating to me, it has nothing to do with you. You're just a messenger. But your job is a believer. If you believe that hell is real, if you believe that heaven is real, if you believe there's a heaven to be gained in hell, to be shunned, and you got to show people that will take you to hell or that will take you to heaven, you've got to declare what the truth is.

Speaker 1:

Preachers are not called to relate to the world. They are called to speak the relevant truth and Relate them to the word of God. That is the job of every preacher. So I wanted to encourage you with that today, because I believe that is just so Important. Don't worry about relating to people. We want to be relevant. Well, the way that we dress Ladies, I'm not gonna go into too much into that, but let I tell you what. There's a whole lot more.

Speaker 1:

A lot people say I don't understand why I get these guys whistling at me. Well, listen, I always say like this what you give off, you attract. And if you're giving off a bunch of sex. If you're giving off a bunch of look and you're wearing everything tight, you're gonna attract dogs. You want a man of God. Give off something that attracts a man of God. That's just the reality. You attract what you give off. It's, it's a simple rule. If you give off something, you're gonna get that back. You give anger off, you're probably gonna get anger back. You are going to eventually reap what you sow. Whatever you give off, as your person Is what you are going to attract. It's what's going to relate to you.

Speaker 1:

If I have a matter of fact, when I went on Christian mingle and I'm gonna leave this alone I remember when I went on there and I put on a little bit of weight since Christian mingle, but not a whole, whole lot, but I had put on some and. But back then, before I met my lovely wife, I mean man, I was completely cut, chiseled. I mean I had it all. I mean it was had all that. And I remember when I got on there I said you know what? I'm not going on there with no tight shirt on and all that stuff. I said I put on a three-piece suit, I put on a tie and I said on the bottom of my little Statement about my personality and who I was, I said forgot I live, forgot I died, said if this three-piece P-P-P-P-Soup and this also, this statement doesn't attract you to me, then you're not what I'm looking for. Because the reality is there was something I wanted someone to see within all of that.

Speaker 1:

And once again, ladies men, what you're willing to show, you're saying I'm willing to share with you. Whether you mean it or not, that's what it translates. So it's important that you're giving that off. Give off what's right to you. Want a righteous man of God? Give that off. Show a show a man of God, show a woman of God. This is what I want. You want a good man. Give him something that's going to chase you Hallelujah, not physically, but spiritually. They said, well, yeah, but they don't want that. Then that's not the one that you want. You have to remember you are called to stay hidden. Come on somebody until God reveals.

Speaker 1:

You know, the Bible never says anything about a man, a woman, finding a husband. The Bible only says now two things. I want you to catch this, and I'm get ready to wrap up and let you go Now. What number one the Bible says watch this when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. All right. So the Bible says a man has to find, he has to seek out, he has to look for it Proverbs 31 who can find a virtuous woman? Wow, watch this, you ready. Virtue and favor go hand in hand when it comes to relationships. Oh, this is so good. Virtue and Favor go hand and in hand. What do I mean by that? A woman of virtue. God allows her to stay hidden Until a man that he favors, he allows his eyes to be open to discover you. My good God, almighty, that's so good, right there. That's why, see what you're doing. Watch this.

Speaker 1:

When you, when you give off a Sexual appearance, you are cheapening yourself. Why you're having, you're removing this is so powerful. You are removing God's ability to give you a man that has its favor for your virtue, for something sexual. So now he's not looking at the virtue within you and listen. When you're giving off a sexual look, you're only going to attract men that are selfish, because if he only wants you for your body, he wants to consume you upon his own lust. Good God, almighty, my good God, y'all better help me in here right now. But see, if you wait upon the Lord and stay hidden, god will cause a man that he has for you to see you the way he sees you, and God will give him favor and watch this. He will allow the virtue in you to be discovered by the man. So you have to understand if a man follows you for the Right reasons is because God gave him favor.

Speaker 1:

You're one of his diamonds, you're one of his jewels. You are. People call him a dime piece. Why do you want to be a dime? I know that's 10, but man, you're called to be a diamond piece. Come on somebody. But diamonds are not on the surface. Diamonds you got to dig for them. They're created under pressure. Gold you got to dig for it. They're made Pearls you got to dig for. You got to search for them. Why? Everything that is valuable requires a price.

Speaker 1:

You are a woman of virtue and a man that is worthy of you. You want to keep yourself covered up. You don't want him to run after you if you're. But if those men are blind to you, thank God. Why? Because God only hides what he considers valuable.

Speaker 1:

And when the right time comes, god will favor that man. It will open up his eyes, he will see the virtue in you and he will pursue you come in hell or high water, and you want that because, ladies, let me say this to you, you know that a man loves you when you're not willing to give him sex and he keeps on pursuing. That is the litmus test for any man to determine if that woman is for him. And it's a greater litmus test for a woman to determine if that man belongs to her or not. Is that can he pursue you Without getting anything back in return? And so if he needs sex to come, then that ain't what it is that's gonna bring, that's what it's gonna take to keep him, and then, when he gets tired of you, he's gonna go somewhere else when he needs sex in order to come after you.

Speaker 1:

This is the reality. He's saying that I have not been given favor by God to discover your virtue, but when you can say I'm not doing anything until I get married, I'm not gonna be making out to you, I'm not gonna be doing all this heavy petting, I'm not gonna be no, and the man still keeps coming. My good God, almighty God, has put something in that man's heart that eternally will seal you two together and he will keep running after you no matter what. Ladies. That's reason why it's important keep yourself Covered if you want dogs, give a listen. This is the reality. Let me say this like this. Let me say why do I always get these men that are dogs? Well, think about it.

Speaker 1:

When a female dog, a Lady dog, goes into heat, she gives off a scent that she's in heat. She gives off a sound and then all the dogs Come around that dog and say she's in heat. Who's gonna get to her first? Because she's, and it's not any old time dogs that are in heat go into heat. That's why they call it that they're giving off a scent, that other dogs from all over the neighborhood Well, come around and say she's ready, she's willing to give it up, she's ready, she's ready to do this. But if you're not in heat, come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

But I'm full of the Holy Ghost. Only those that are sent by God will be attracted. That why? Because there's nothing in their flesh that will desire or crave your flesh, my good God. So if I keep my flesh covered up, then only those, my good God. Do you understand that? The flesh is the veil? The flesh is the veil. If I keep my flesh covered up, they've got a sea beyond that in order to get to the spirit. I'm not gonna allow you, I'm not gonna present my flesh to you, because the flesh is the reward of identifying the virtue. And I'm not talking about the sinful flesh, I'm talking about the physical body now. The flesh before it can be a negative connotation. I'm talking about the flesh.

Speaker 1:

If the man is only attracted to your physical body, that is watch this, ladies, oh my good God. And and it goes for men too, but I'm saying it's the ladies because, ladies, a lot of time, you want that so bad. You want that relationship so bad. You got to wait on God. Do you understand that your physical body is the reward for a man that discovered your virtue, jesus, the reward of a man that sees the virtue in that woman of God. God says listen, that's gonna be the reward, that's gonna be all yours, hallelujah, because you have discovered the innate value inside of that woman. So when you see the value of that woman In her, that God has planted in her that who can find a virtuous woman, a man that has favor, he sees the virtue in that woman. God says this is one of my chosen vessel. And then, as a result, he makes a commitment to marry that woman. And now he gets the outer. Because he has been, he has discovered the inner. So, ladies, don't reveal the icing on the cake. Come on until he's in love with the batter. What's on the inside? And that's the reality and what happens.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, because we want to be relatable, we want to be relevant, we want to be sexy, like this person and that person. We take a look at all these female, even the commercials. They're showing everything. What man is gonna go after that virtue. And then once see, let me, we gotta be real right now.

Speaker 1:

Once he gets what he came to get, the virtue's gone. Of that it's gone. He's on to the next thing. There's only so much you can do until you're ready to get something else. But if you fall in love with that woman's virtue, my good God, you might be able to get another body, but you'll never tap into that virtue. Ladies, you gotta know your own power, you gotta know your own ability. You gotta realize I gotta keep this covered. Why? Because I need him to see my virtue, and if he doesn't, god has not chosen him for me and men, you should be running from any woman that doesn't Men. We should not be giving that off. We should also be projecting a man of God and then looking for a woman of virtue and then being willing to pursue that virtue. Saying this is oh my good God. That's what caused me to go after my wife. I had a three-piece suit on. I had all that as a matter of fact.

Speaker 1:

Let me give you a quick story. I'm gonna let you out here. I know this is closing number two. I'll never forget the first time I ever talked to my wife. I found her on Christian Mingo. I dated one girl on there. I wanna say data. We talked online. We didn't date, we talked online and she was two scoops of Fruit Loops y'all. I mean cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. It was just completely crazy. That's why I don't wanna knock it. You just gotta see the thing about going online. Online dating isn't bad, but you've gotta make sure that you identify who is of God and who is not, because everybody that's on there there are piranhas out there in that pond, so you gotta be aware that that it's just looking to consume. That's all they're looking to do. And I remember I hopped on there and I talked with this girl and I was like, oh man, I thought God led me to be on there and hopped on there and it was just a mess. It only took me two weeks to find my wife and then I saw her picture. We kind of dated about a week later. So I was on there probably a total of three, four weeks or so, and then we talked for a while and I'll never forget.

Speaker 1:

I was on my way to Denver, colorado, to speak at a pastor friend's church and I was just telling her where I was on my way. I was driving on my way to the airport and we started talking and it's just a great time talking with her. And then all of a sudden I told her. I said, man, I woke up in the middle of the night and God changed my message. She goes God changed your message. No way, I can't believe God changed your message. Oh my God, you gotta tell me what's gonna happen. I mean the power of God. Tell is just an awesome time. And I knew right. Then I remember that there was a movie back in the day. He said that's wifey right there. She don't know it yet, but that's wifey. I was telling myself right then. And then I said, man, that's my wife. I said, wow, I've never had a woman Watch this, that was intense about my virtue, as I was hers.

Speaker 1:

I mean, she loved what was in me, not what was on me, she loved what was in me. Ladies, gentlemen, you wanna find a man or woman that loves what's in you, not what you're showing? I mean, my goodness, ladies, men, we gotta realize men, once he gets it, he tags it, he bags it, he's out of there, and once he has it, the novelty is gone. But see, listen, the virtue is eternal, my good God, almighty. So when he sees that virtue in you, that changes everything. That's it. Now he's pursuing you because, watch this, oh, my good God, I gotta get out of here. I know I'm almost out of time, but this is so good.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember the story, the woman with the issue of blood? And whenever, watch this, whenever you see a woman with issues, it is because watch this, she has been in contact with the wrong man or with the wrong man. Let me give you an example. If you remember the story of the woman with the issue of blood, it's actually a venereal disease that she contracted and it caused her to constantly menstruate all the time she had been in contact with a man that consumed versus a man that nurtured her virtue, oh Jesus. So watch this, watch this, watch this. This is so good. I tell this to people all the time whenever I'm talking about relationships. The first relationship you have to come in contact with is Jesus. Watch this. Isn't it amazing? She was losing life. She was losing virtue.

Speaker 1:

Virtue is a form of life. Women are the. The was called the mother of all that's living. She was called my good God. That because of what? How? She had the ability to produce life within herself. When you get connected to the wrong man, you're always menstruating and can't conceive, because the wrong seed will bring disease into your life. The right seed will bring life into your life. So watch this. She got connected with the wrong man. She's now. She's trying all these doctors spending all her money, but got worse.

Speaker 1:

Watch this, she said within herself. She heard that Jesus was passing by. If I may, but touch the hem of his garment, I shall be made whole. We all know the story. So she reaches out, touched the hem of his garment and the Bible says virtue, virtue. Come on, somebody type the word virtue in there. Virtue left Christ and went into her and her menstruation ceased and she became whole again. The virtue left the Lord, went into her and healed her. Now watch this. Why is that important? Because when she touched him she knew something changed. She felt the virtue go into her body. Now watch, why is that important?

Speaker 1:

Men and women need to touch the hem of his garment. Why? Because everything flows out of virtue. Everything flows out of virtue. So if you do not touch the hem of his garment first, you will not be able to recognize what relationships have virtue in them or not, because you've never experienced it. So if I can touch Jesus' hem when I find my wife, that same virtue that came out of his hem will come out of that relationship. It is the stamp of virtue, it's the stamp of approval that God is in what you're touching. Jesus, help me, I'm getting so excited here, I'm about to run around. So I wanna encourage you with this. Ladies, touch the hem of Jesus' garment. Men, touch the hem of Jesus' garment. Why? Because when I started talking with my wife, that virtue that I had out of my relationship was flowing between me and her and that virtue need to flow. See, if you get with somebody and there's no virtue, it's because God's not in it. My good, god Almighty. But I felt the virtue. So I said that's my wife why the virtue was there.

Speaker 1:

But if you don't even know what virtue feels like, if you don't know how to experience it, if you don't know what that looks like, if you don't realize that you're with somebody, that there's no virtue in it and it doesn't always mean the person is bad, it just means there's no virtue. That means God doesn't have his endorsement or his signature upon where you are. Jesus, help me. And that's why, ladies, you do not want watch this. You don't want to give off the physical because you're robbing yourself of spiritual virtue.

Speaker 1:

If he's on, what initiates the relationship sustains it. If virtue initiates the relationship, virtue will sustain it. If sex initiates the relationship, sex will sustain it. It's the only thing that will sustain it. And when that gets old, it will leave because sex is fleeting. So it's important, ladies and gentlemen, that you identify virtue in the relationship. Everybody's like why, why, why can't I wear, I should be able to dress the way I want. Well, you can but that. But that don't mean there's not a consequence for that.

Speaker 1:

If you want a man that's going to pursue your virtue, don't give him the outer, don't give him the sexual, because that's not virtue, that's lust. Virtue is spiritual, and if you want him to pursue the virtue, then you've got to be willing to keep it covered up. And then when he explores the virtue in you when you get married, then let him explore the physical. This is the reward. This is what I give to a man that understands my innate value, and a man that is chosen by God will pursue that virtue because he knows who he is and he knows man.

Speaker 1:

I need a woman of virtue. Why? Because she can only multiply what I give her, and I realize I have something valuable inside of me and I can't plant my spiritual seed or natural seed into a womb that can't produce. Come on. So the reality is you as a man have to have the hold of that virtue too. So then when you see her, that virtue goes back and forth, and if I can get virtue to flow between us, there's nothing that we can't accomplish. So I want to encourage you with that. I'm going down on that path, but the Holy Ghost did, and I'm glad that you tuned in. Ladies, keep it covered. Keep it covered why.

Speaker 1:

You want him to discover it. You want him to dig for that virtue and if he don't see it, it's because it's not who God chosen. And you've got to trust that your daddy knows best and he's got the right man. And when the right man comes, listen, you want a man with favor. How do I know that he has favor on his life? Because he will discover the virtue, he'll see it and then he'll dig for it and nothing will stop him. Why? Because he wants God's best and once God reveals that virtue, he will run after it, he will pursue it. And then on that wedding night, you say now let me give you everything, because you're the man that God allowed to see within me when I never had anybody else see. Maybe not anybody, but no man outside, maybe your father or your pastor or maybe some friend. But then there was a man that you felt he sees me, he understands my virtue and, as a result, now he gets my body, he gets all of this. As a result, ladies and gentlemen, I hope this has been a blessing to you today. I really do.

Speaker 1:

I didn't plan on going down this path, but I believe it's spoken to some people and I want you to understand. This is why God had you tune in right now, and I believe there's many of you. A lot of preachers don't share this, but that's where the virtue is. Y'all Get it out there. Let people discover it for themselves.

Speaker 1:

This is why I don't want to be relatable. I don't want to be relevant. Oh, why don't? I want to dress, I want to dress down. I want to show bang, boom, pow. I want to show my backside, I want to show my chest, I want to show my legs and my thighs.

Speaker 1:

And all Listen, no, he'll never. Any man that's attracted to only that will never see virtues. Not that even a saved, godly man won't say, wow, that's nice, I mean, we're not dead. But the reality is that's not virtue. A real man of God is not going to be attracted to that. You're not going to get a real man of God. As a matter of fact, god won't even allow a real man of God to probably pursue that Probably won't, because he's not.

Speaker 1:

You're not in a position to receive a man of honor. You have to be willing to walk honorably to receive that and man same thing for you. Don't be pressuring women to want to have sex and to be sexual. Wait on that. Show her, because you're going to have to learn Maybe I'll talk about that next time but why it's important for a man to have that. Because there are times that men have to understand this. You have to be willing to give to your wife when you don't get what you want back in return.

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A lot of times there's times in a marriage where a man doesn't get the bedroom. He doesn't get a chance to get that, but he's still got to be everything else that the family needs, even when he's not getting his own. That's the mark of a true man is when he can lay down his life for his family. That's not easy to do, and if you don't have virtue within you and know how to tap into your virtue, what will happen is that you will be looking for a mother and not a wife, and I ain't got time to go into all that, but that's a whole another story for another day. Maybe we'll talk about that later on about mama's boys. We don't need mama's boys. We need men that know how to initiate virtue, even when it feels like they're dead themselves. They know how to go get it from their Lord and Savior and then impart it into their family. Whole another story for a whole another day.

Speaker 1:

But listen, if you've been blessed by today, I want you to take a minute to like, subscribe, follow, share. Let somebody know that you've been blessed. I believe this will encourage a lot of people. Go to YouTube, make sure you follow us there. Go to your Apple store, download the app dimensions, get it in you. Come on, let's do this. Y'all. We're going to get this word out more and more.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be coming to you again, really, really soon. I'm excited to be able to do this with you. If there's something you want me to speak on, please let me know. We'd love to be able to do that, and I want to pray for you before I go, and I want to pray for anybody out there that doesn't know Jesus, because I don't know who's listening. This may be your one and last opportunity to give your life to Christ, but if you don't know Jesus Christ as your Savior, you know that you're a sinner, not looking for you just to say I want to go to heaven, but you know that you need a Savior. You know that you're a sinner and you know that I have offended God and I've been wrong by my actions and I need him in my life and I want him to be my Savior. I understand that Jesus had to die for me because I owed a price I couldn't pay and he paid a price he didn't know. That's you.

Speaker 1:

I want you to pray this prayer. Say Dear Father in heaven, I thank you today for the opportunity to receive you as my Savior. I know that you came, you died, you were buried and rose again, that I might have eternal life. I know I'm a sinner, I know I've done you wrong. I don't want to live that way anymore. Help me to live right, change my nature and I will live for you as you show me how, in Jesus name. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Now listen. If you prayed that prayer, I want you to email me info at another levelchurch. Let us know. We want to pray with you. We want to stand in the gap with you. We want to help you any way that we can. If you're in this area, come visit us 45 55 McKnight road every Saturday night 6 o'clock. Tune in that others know this.

Speaker 1:

We're praying for people online. We just had a healing service just about a week ago, last Saturday, in the time of this recording, and we are praying for people online. Listen, if you've got needs, we want you to call in. We want to pray for you. We believe in the power brain. There's no distance in the anointing. We want to do that for you, so type in the comment section. Let us know that you've given your life to Jesus. Tune in on Saturday nights at 6 o'clock. Let me know if you're interested in this online church. Maybe you want to be a member of our online church. Maybe that's something that God's putting up on your heart. I want to help you. I want to pour into you. My wife and I would love to do that for you. I'm looking forward to a whole lot more shows. Ladies, I'm praying for you as well. Man, I want to pray for you, both of you all, right now as well.

Speaker 1:

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for every person watching. There's somebody out there. There's pastors watching that may be battling with compromise. I pray that you would give them boldness and understand that they're watching on the wall. I'm praying for women and men that are looking for relationships. Father, god and Lord, this message on virtue may have helped them right now. And, lord, I'm asking that they would write wait for the right man and wait for the right woman. That they wouldn't rush, father God, and they wouldn't settle for the wrong person. They wouldn't settle because they're scared that you won't send them anybody. But, lord, they'll wait until there's virtue in the relationship. And, lord, I just thank you right now for blessing us, being with us and, father, I pray for those that are watching.

Speaker 1:

Maybe there's some women out there and you know you haven't been dressing the right way. Maybe there's men out there. You've been pursuing girls the wrong way and maybe you haven't been dressing the right way, and maybe you've been one that you've been pressuring the girlfriend that you're with or looking for women and doing different things that are sexually not appropriate. You know, you know that's not what the Bible says we ought to do. Here's your opportunity. I just want you to take a minute right now and ask the Lord to forgive you, ask him to strengthen you and tell him that, lord, I'll wait upon you. I'm not going to flirt with women just to be flirting with them. I'm not going to be a playboy. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to be a playgirl running around with all these different boys and the set and the other and trying to show things that I'm not ready to share, because I want someone to be attracted to me. The number one attraction is virtue on both sides a man and a woman. So God bless you today. Hope this is a blessing to you. I love you all so much. Please get out there and share this.

Speaker 1:

I believe this message is so vital. There's some of you that maybe your kids getting ready to go to prom and all that. Let them check this out. Yeah, it's not cool. It's not the cool thing to be dressed up and to be covered in this, that and the other. But listen, it's the same thing. It's the saved thing. It's the thing that'll take you to heaven. It's the thing that'll get you a good man or a good woman that will live for God.

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And they're not going to be perfect Just like any other relationship isn't perfect but I'll tell you what they'll be saved and God will get their attention and you will thrive and not just survive. So God bless you all, love you all so much. I'm going to look forward to seeing you next time here on Dimensions. It's always a great time here. Another level. Come see us on Saturday nights, check us out. Listen, I'm telling you what it's a place, truly, where you won't leave the same way you came. A place of supernatural power, supernatural purpose and supernatural truth. God bless you and I look forward to seeing you next time right here on Dimensions.

Importance of Biblical Authority Submission
Speaking Up for Truth and Accountability
Truth in Love and Discernment
The Role of the Holy Spirit
Scriptures and Dress Importance
Value of Virtue in Relationships
The Power of Virtue in Relationships
Cultivating Virtue in Relationships
Supernatural Power and Purpose