
Good Friday Prophetic Update (Repentance, Forgiveness, and Your Harvest)

March 29, 2024 Pastors J. Anthony & Tiffany Gilbert
Good Friday Prophetic Update (Repentance, Forgiveness, and Your Harvest)
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Good Friday Prophetic Update (Repentance, Forgiveness, and Your Harvest)
Mar 29, 2024
Pastors J. Anthony & Tiffany Gilbert

Are the events unfolding around us mere coincidences, or do they carry a deeper, divine message? Join us as we traverse the often tumultuous landscape of current events and their prophetic implications. In the midst of controversy surrounding figures like P Diddy and various ministers, we unravel the threads of divine judgment and the necessity of personal repentance. 

In this powerful conversation, we recognize the time of harvest, a period of reaping the outcomes of our actions, and the importance of forgiveness. Understand the parable of the wheat and tares, pondering the revelation of our private deeds and the call to align with God's mercy. We discuss the profound impact of the April 8th eclipse, heralding a season of divine order and abundance. 

Join Pastor Jay as he reflects on April's promise of the Latter Rain leading to a spiritual harvest and divine favor. This is your appointed time as we stand on the cusp of a time of the Latter Rain of God's Glory. 

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Are the events unfolding around us mere coincidences, or do they carry a deeper, divine message? Join us as we traverse the often tumultuous landscape of current events and their prophetic implications. In the midst of controversy surrounding figures like P Diddy and various ministers, we unravel the threads of divine judgment and the necessity of personal repentance. 

In this powerful conversation, we recognize the time of harvest, a period of reaping the outcomes of our actions, and the importance of forgiveness. Understand the parable of the wheat and tares, pondering the revelation of our private deeds and the call to align with God's mercy. We discuss the profound impact of the April 8th eclipse, heralding a season of divine order and abundance. 

Join Pastor Jay as he reflects on April's promise of the Latter Rain leading to a spiritual harvest and divine favor. This is your appointed time as we stand on the cusp of a time of the Latter Rain of God's Glory. 

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, there's a lot going on in the world. We take a look at everything that's happening with P Diddy. We take a look at all the different allegations of different ministers. We've got all these things happening. What does it all mean? What exactly is transpiring? Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here today to give you a prophetic update as to what I believe God is doing. Are you going through a bunch of things in your life Struggles, trials, tribulations Stay tuned, I've got a word just for you. This prophetic update is coming up next here on Dimension Welcome, welcome, welcome back to another episode of Dimensions.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited and I'm glad that you've tuned in. I'm Pastor J Anthony Gilbert and listen, I've got something really good. I need you to take a minute right now and just hit that little subscribe subscribe button, or maybe it's the like share, let somebody know. Listen, I'm about to give you a prophetic insight into what is happening. I believe, in the world today there's been some things that God's been impressing upon my spirit that I believe he's going to speak directly to you. There's a lot of things happening in the world. We've got the eclipse coming up. Ladies and gentlemen, this whole thing with P Diddy I mean, my goodness, that which is that's going down. Some serious business going on. There's a lot of ministers that are in the news. You take a look at someone like Bishop TD Jakes and what's happening in his world and just so many different people that are going through in this day and in this hour. Before you even get it all twisted. I'm not here to make fun of nobody, to condemn nobody, because, listen, this is a time and day and an hour that he that is without sin should cast the first stone. But in the midst of these things, when these things are coming up, we need to ask ourselves what is God saying to his people? What is God saying to you? What is he saying to me? I believe there's a lot of things that are going on in the world. There's a lot of things that are happening. People say what in the world is going on? Is it a time of judgment? Is it a time of where God is uncovering those things that need to be uncovered? I believe it's all the above.

Speaker 1:

I do believe that I believe that we're in a day and hour that it's so prophetically significant as to what is happening, and I believe this. Let me say this this is very, very important. Make sure your life is under the blood of Jesus. You need to make sure your life is under the blood of Jesus. You need to make sure your life is under the blood like never before. If there's ever been a time you need to pull closer to Jesus, it's right now. And let me say this as well Nobody should be condemning another minister, another preacher, anybody. Everybody falls short. Everybody makes mistakes. We all need the blood Now. This is the reality. We are in a time, a day and an hour where we need to make sure that we are applying the blood to our lives. This is a time we need to repent of anything that we've done, things we've done wrong. God, forgive me, cleanse me, wash me. God Listen, we're all. We all have fallen short.

Speaker 1:

I think about the scripture in the book of Exodus, where we're actually in this time, right now, we are in the time of the Passover. We're in the time where Jesus Christ become our Passover. We're coming in here now on our resurrection weekend of Good Friday. I mean, all these things are happening right now. Today it's Good Friday, my goodness. And what did they do? They took the blood and they applied it. He said now, watch. This is powerful. He didn't say if you had any sin or if you messed up or if you look back in your past. He said if you don't apply the blood to the doorpost of your house, the firstborn will be killed.

Speaker 1:

This is the reality.

Speaker 1:

We are in a time, in a day, in an hour.

Speaker 1:

We need to be applying the blood of Jesus into our hearts and into our lives. We don't need to condemn anybody. We don't need to be judging anybody. We need to apply the blood in our lives. Come on, somebody, just type that in the comment bar apply the blood. You need to apply the blood in your life. You need to be bar. Apply the blood. You need to apply the blood in your life. You need to be taking communion with your family. You need to be seeking the Lord. You need to be asking God. Lord, I repent of anything that I've done wrong. Forgive me, father, for where I've fallen short. Forgive me, Father, for where I've messed up. It's not about perfection, but I really believe a lot of the things that we are seeing is judgments that are coming to people that have not applied the blood, people that have not repented, and the reality is we've all got to repent. We've all got to repent. We all have to say Lord, forgive me for what I've done. Forgive me. And that's the reason why we don't judge nobody. No one should judge anybody. But apply the blood. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

He said when I see the blood, I'll pass over Doesn't mean that sin wasn't in the house, doesn't mean that you've been perfect. It just means the blood paid the price. When we take a look at Passover now, watch this. This is very powerful. When we apply the blood. The reason why he passed over? Because the Bible says without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sin. The shedding of blood is symbolic of a death. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. So what happened is this when the blood was applied, he said death has already visited. So, as a result, I will pass over. Hallelujah. That means sicknesses can't come near my dwelling. Come on. Doubt and unbelief, you can't stay here. Fear, you can't stay here. Lack, you can't stay here. Whatever it is, as long as the blood has been applied, he must pass over. Come on somebody. Jesus is our Passover lamb, my good God.

Speaker 1:

People say is it scriptural to plead the blood? I do, I do Now. You may not be able to find a bunch of it, but I believe when people talk about pleading the blood, they're saying I appropriate, put my faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. Come on somebody. So I plead the blood over my life, over my family. You need to plead the blood even over your past, over the things you've done wrong. Nobody is perfect. Nobody should be casting any stones. Yep, some people are being brought to justice, some people are have fallen short, but you know what? We all should be merciful with those that have fallen short. We all should be gracious because but by the grace of God, there goes each and every one of us. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

But I believe we are in a day and an hour that I wanted to give you a prophetic update of just some things that I felt God has put upon my heart. If you're listening to this right now and you want a prophetic update, or you know someone needs a prophetic update, this is for you. There are a lot of people that are going through a lot of different things. You've been following me on Facebook. I talked a little bit about it then I share a little bit of this on our prayer meeting that we have. We meet up almost every day at different times in our church, on the phone each day at certain times to pray, but every Wednesday at 12 o'clock, go to our webpage. You'll see there where you can call in and I do a live prayer call.

Speaker 1:

We fast, we pray and we seek God for his direction, for his anointing, we seek him for his wisdom to get the mind of Christ. It's like a midweek push and God began to speak to me and said let my people know that we are in a time of the harvest. Come on Now. This is the reality. When I talk about the time of the harvest, now watch this. This is important. It's a time of the wheat and the tares. My good God. And what do I mean by that? God said this is the season that where you have sowed in your past, now watch this. This is important. Now is the season to reap. Now that's good or bad.

Speaker 1:

Now the reality is we've all done something bad in our life. This is the reason why this is the time for the blood. You've got to take the blood. Say Lord, watch this. I'm forgiving everybody that's done me wrong. Lord, I'm asking for forgiveness. Don't you dare. Don't you dare hold over somebody else's head their sin, when you know you've got plenty in your own backyard. God I relinquish anybody that has done me wrong. Come on, just do that right now. God I relinquish any penalty to anybody that has done me wrong. Lord I forgive them. Lord I let it go. In the name of Jesus, don't hold their sin to their charge. Come on and at the same time, god forgive me of all of my wrongs. Lord I plead the blood. Listen, you can't plead the blood over your life. Watch this. While you're demanding blood of somebody else oh, that'll preach right there you cannot say Lord forgive me, and Lord I plead the blood over my life, but you're holding and demanding blood of somebody else you owe me. You did this to me wrong. Wait a minute. Now the Bible says forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Hear me. Well, we are in a time where the wheat and the tear now watch this.

Speaker 1:

The parable talks about how there was a farmer that went out and sowed good seed into the ground, but then there was an enemy that came and sowed the tares. And it says now the wheat and the tare were coming up together and then they identified there was tares in the wheat. And this is what he said. He said should we go and tare up T-E-A-R. Tare up the tares, t-a-r-e. Should we tare them up? And Jesus said in the parable no, let the two grow up together and at the time of the harvest, sift the two. Now listen to me when I say this.

Speaker 1:

I believe what we're seeing in the news and the media and all these things the weed and the tares have come up together and now what God is doing, he's calling in the harvest, there are some things that people do in private, that they don't make right, that get exposed because they didn't put it under the blood, that they haven't repented, they haven't made it right. They get exposed and God deals with those individuals in those areas that they've sown. And it doesn't mean we all haven't made mistakes and fall ashore, and I want you to hear me. That's the reason why it's important that we forgive others. We ask God to forgive us because we're in the time of the harvest. We're in a time when God demands payment for what has been done, but I believe we're in a season.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk to some people that have been sowing good seed, that have been doing in the ear. The full corn in the ear is coming. I hear the Lord saying that it's important that we understand that from now. I believe April, y'all better hear what I'm saying. As of April 1st, it is going to begin the month of harvest. It's going to begin to, you're going to begin to see increase in your life and you're going to begin to eat from the stalk of the new seed that you sow. You're coming into a new season harvest. That's why some of you have been going through so much. Some of you have been feeling like you want to quit. You've been wanting to throw in the towel. You've said things like this I have never been in a season quite like this. I've never seen so many things happening in my life. Why is all this stuff happening? It's because the window of opportunity is coming. It is getting ready to pass by.

Speaker 1:

I love the story about the woman with the issue of blood. The Bible says that 12 years she spent all that she had on doctors and did not get better, but rather grew worse. But she heard that Jesus is passing by. Isn't it amazing? Now hear me when I say this April 8th is going to mark an eclipse when things come into an alignment. As a result, there's a prophetic significance that something is happening. Now I want you to hear this preacher. Well, I believe things are coming into alignment. This is a time when God says I am bringing everything into alignment, into life, even things that aren't right. God says I'm bringing them into alignment, into life, even things that aren't right. God says I'm bringing them into alignment. I think of the scripture where it talks about how I believe it was.

Speaker 1:

Nebuchadnezzar said you've been held in the balance and found wanting. I believe there's two types of people in this season that are being found wanting. Now, if you watch something, I feel the presence of the Lord on this. You better hear what I'm saying. My good God, if you remember that past scripture, it's not just that time of wanting is for those that are under the blood or those let me start with those that are not under the blood. It's a time of judgment. It's a time that God demands payment. It's a time that God says you owe. You've been found wanting and they haven't put their lives into the blood. They have not repented. It doesn't mean they've been perfect. Hear me well, I don't want no one to walk around in fear. But if you know there's something that's not under the blood, get it under the blood in Jesus name. And then there's also those, because that's what happened in Egypt.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says that when the Passover hit and we are in the time of the Passover, when the Passover came all those that did not have their lives under the blood their firstborn, what was most important, the beginning of their strength was killed in that moment. Are you hearing what I'm saying? Some people's dreams may die in this season. Some people's futures may be altered in this season because of things that they did not repent of and things that they did not put under the blood. But if you put it under the blood and you make it right and Lord forgive me, god, I repent, I change my ways there's something else that's going to happen. You better hear what I'm saying. This is the good news of the gospel.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says that when the Passover came, after they were done, pharaoh released them. I'm declaring that this is going to be a season of release. Watch this. Where you have been in bondage, where you have been in captivity, whatever has been held up, this is going to be a Passover that is going to turn the tide and things are going to be released. God spoke and he said the beginning of this year. He said this is the season of the latter rain. What is the latter rain all about? The latter rain is where you have sowed in your past and it's time for the harvest to begin to come forth. In Jesus name, come on, somebody Now watch this.

Speaker 1:

When they were in Egypt, the Passover came. They weren't perfect, they didn't have it all together. You don't have to have to have it all together, but you've got to be under the blood. But what happened after the Passover came? Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says Pharaoh not only released them out of their captivity. I believe we're in a season that God has released the people out of the captivity, just like he did in Egypt, just like he did it with Joseph. He's bringing people out of captivity in this season where they have been in bondage, where they have been in shackles, where you haven't been able to move forward, where you felt like I need to be able to move but I can't. God said this is the season and the reason why the devil's been trying to attack you so hard, because Pharaoh's trying to keep you in your past season. But God says I'm releasing you in the name of Jesus, to go forward. In Jesus name, come on somebody. And what happened? Not only did they, their firstborn was protected because of the blood, but the Bible says they spoiled Egypt. They spoiled Egypt. Come on.

Speaker 1:

Could this be, could this be the season we're going to begin to see a great wealth transfer? Could this be the time when those watch this, those that have been in bondage and in captivity, are getting ready to come into a harvest season in their life? I believe we are in a Haman and Mordecai season. Jesus, help me. We are in a season right now where the Hamans that have done wrong tried to destroy God's people are getting ready to hang themselves on their own gala. Oh, my good God. Even Judas thought he had a plan to take Jesus out. Now I understand it was going to fulfill the call of God. Jesus was going to be on the cross, yes, but God used what the devil meant for evil and turned it for good. And what happened? Judas hung himself on his own gallows. But then even Peter now watch this.

Speaker 1:

This is a season of the Haman and Mordecai's, the Judas's and the Peter's. Isn't it amazing? Judas only betrayed Jesus once Peter did it three times. What was the difference? Judas had the blood on him. Judas I'm sorry, forgive me Peter had the blood. He appropriated the forgiveness of God. Judas did not. Judas had the tears sewn into his heart, didn't deal with those things. Peter was striving, he was doing his best, he was giving God all that he had. He had a revelation. If you notice something, watch this so powerful.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says in Matthew 16, that when Peter caught that revelation, die with the Christ, son of the living God. He said flesh and blood has not revealed this unto you, but my father, who is in heaven. This is just my personal opinion, that I believe that. Well, let me say it like this, that Peter, at that point the harvest was sowed into Peter's life. That revelation was planted in Peter's life, but then in Judas. The Bible says Satan put it into his heart, satan filled his heart. He was the tear. Isn't it amazing? At the same time, judas and Peter were growing up together and yet look at what happened. Judas hangs himself.

Speaker 1:

Peter, though he was not perfect, was forgiven, gets restored, preaches the first evangelistic crusade in Acts, chapter 2. 3,000 give their lives to the Lord. He starts the beginning of the church, god begins to do some powerful things in and through Peter's life, even though he had messed up. See, it's not about being perfect One we don't judge others, but number two, we realize. But by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus, we all fall short. In Jesus name, come on somebody. I sense the Holy Ghost on this.

Speaker 1:

This is a time of the Haman and the Mordecai's. Mordecai should have been killed. There's been a plot to take you out. There's been a plot to destroy you. There's been a plot of the enemy to try to take you out. But I'm here to prophetically declare that what the devil has meant for evil, god is going to turn it around for your good. And what happened? Haman said I'm going to prepare these gallows and hang Mordecai on them. But what happened? God now watch this.

Speaker 1:

Wow, this is a season of the harvest. This is a season that the harvest is coming forth. Hear this preacher. Well, I'm talking about the tares as well as the wheat. And in your life, as long as you have the blood over your tares, my good God, they got to pass over my Jesus, and that's why you can't condemn nobody. Don't judge nobody. Don't let a root of bitterness get into your heart, because if you hold other people in the time of judgment to their sin, god will hold you to yours.

Speaker 1:

And there are people, though, that are out there that have done wrong that God has tried to get their attention, haven't repented. Is this a time where God may be saying okay, I've given you your time to make it right. You haven't. So now he comes in and deals with those things because they're not right, they're not right and they refuse to repent. Are you hearing what I'm saying?

Speaker 1:

But for those that have, this is the time of the harvest. This is the time that what you have sowed, it's time for it to begin to come forth. In your past season, the works you've done, the fasting you've done the praying you've done the faithfulness that you've had, the prayers that you've prayed, the seeds that you've sown this is a time of the harvest. Come on somebody. This is the time that the Haman's that have sold all of that wickedness, they're going to be hung on their own gallows. And then you take a look at the Mordecai's. What happened?

Speaker 1:

Now, watch this. I want to show you what I mean by the time of the harvest. This is so powerful. Somebody needs to share this. Take a minute right now. Share this in the name of Jesus, because I really believe this is going to speak to so many people about where they are. There are some watch this that need to expect. You need to begin to expect.

Speaker 1:

You gotta walk humbly and say Lord, I know I ain't worthy, lord, I know I've messed up. Lord, forgive me of my sin, forgive me of my wrong, cover me of my wrong. Forgive me, god, of all that I've done wrong in my life. Lord, forgive me. I'm not holding anybody to their charge. Why I don't want God to hold me? Forgive me, wash me. I've repented. Let go of the sin, let go of the things that are wrong, let go of the things that have happened to you. Let go of all of it, because God wants to bring you into a brand new tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

And this is the reality. You don't deserve what you're getting. Come on somebody. None of us do. That's why I'm saying no matter who goes down, who gets exposed, we should always show mercy Wo exposed. We should always show mercy. Woe unto men and women of God that get out there talking about. They deserve this and they deserve that. We all deserve a nothing short of a devil's hell, but thank you, jesus, for the blood. Thank you, Lord. Come on Somebody. Thank God right now for the blood.

Speaker 1:

If it wasn't for the blood, you wouldn't be where you are. If it wasn't for the blood, you wouldn't be where you're going. If everybody knew your real secrets and what you really did, people may not even want to be your friend. Come on somebody. But the blood is covered, the blood protected. The blood kept you covered.

Speaker 1:

Somebody, thank the Lord for the blood. Come on. It ain't by your works. It's because of the blood. Your family's protected, because of the blood.

Speaker 1:

I ain't been perfect, but it's the blood. I may not have always even been faithful, but thank God for the blood. Didn't always do what God asked you to do. Lord, thank you for the blood. Forgive me, god, wash me God, cleanse me, god. Thank you for your blood. Come on somebody. Thank Jesus for the blood. The blood therefore blocks what you do deserve, but the blood also gives you what you don't deserve. Come on somebody. My good God Almighty. Thank God for the blood. The blood blocks what you do deserve, but the blood also gives you what you don't deserve.

Speaker 1:

Jesus drank the cup in Gethsemane. He drank down that cup, lord, accept it. Be thy will, he said. Let this cup pass, but if it's your will, god, nevertheless be it unto me, according to your word. He drank down a cup he didn't deserve. So now, when we drink the cup of the new covenant, when we take that communion, come on appropriating the blood. I don't deserve it. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

His body was broken, but thank God for the blood. Come on somebody. His body was broken, but thank God for the blood. Come on somebody. Thank God for the blood that reaches to the highest mountain, flows to the lowest valley, the blood that gives us strength from day to day. The blood over my children, the blood over our ministries, the blood over our business. The blood, the blood, the blood. I'm not worthy, but the blood ain't been perfect, but the blood, thank God for the blood. Oh, it reaches to the highest mountain, flows to the lowest valley. The blood that gives me strength from day to day will never lose its power. Oh, we need to thank God for the blood.

Speaker 1:

Jesus drank down that cup. He drank down that cup in Gethsemane. He drank down our sin, our sicknesses, our diseases. He drank down our lack. He drunk down everything that ever happened in our life. He took all of that, ingested it, processed it. That now Romans 8, 28 is applied to all of us. Come on somebody, hallelujah. What does it mean? It said all things work together. So then, that love the Lord and to them that are called according to his purpose. We know that all things work together. Why he drank down the cup, processed it, came out the other side with victory and overcoming power, and now gives you and I a cup. That's why we need to take communion as often as you do it. Why, how often should I do it Whenever you're coming up against something that's coming up against you that ain't of God? Why, jesus, you drank down that cup? So I could drink the cup of blessing. I can drink the cup of prosperity. I can drink the cup of healing. I can drink the cup of overcoming power. I can drink down that cup because of the blood. Come on somebody. Type in thank God for the blood. Oh, jesus, help us. That's why we're protected, god, I thank you for the blood.

Speaker 1:

Don't judge nobody. Y'all. Don't throw no stones. Keep your mouth off of every preacher. Keep your mouth off of people that are doing wrong. Don't dog nobody. It doesn't mean we can't call a spade a spade. It doesn't mean we can't say that's wrong or that's right, but we have to be careful that we don't start playing judge and jury with people, because do you want God doing that with you? You know there's things in your life.

Speaker 1:

Come on, you better cover people right now. If you want God to cover you, you better cover others. Y'all better hear what I'm saying. Don't be like Ham. They didn't cover his father. Cover him in the name of Jesus. When Ham didn't cover Noah you better hear what I'm saying he didn't cover him. And so, as a result, what happened? He was cursed. He was cursed because he didn't cover his father's nakedness.

Speaker 1:

This is a season that we need to cover those that need to be covered Now. Watch this man. I felt something on that. I need you to share this. Take this, take a moment and share this. I need, if you're listening to this by way of podcast, share this with somebody. Somebody needs this word right now. I'm telling you somebody needs this word because you've been feeling why am I under attack?

Speaker 1:

This is the season where the wheat and the tares have come up together, the Hamans and the Mordecais have come up together, but it's a harvest time. And the wheat and the tares. The Bible says that they sow the tares and God said. Jesus said in the parable don't pull it out before the harvest, because otherwise you'll uproot the wheat with the tare. Wait for the harvest. And isn't it amazing? Watch this. God is the one that does the sifting. It's now you and I Wait for the harvest. Let God separate the wheat from the tare. Sometimes even the tares in your life are actually working for you. God is using it to grow you, to develop you, to mold you, to make you, to process you, to refine you in your season. And I believe that we're in a season now where the harvest is coming, the chickens are coming home to root the seeds that have been planted, whether the tares or the wheat are coming up in the scene. It doesn't mean there's never been any tears in your life, but the blood y'all better hear what I'm saying that blood that gives me strength from day to day will never lose its power. And now we're in a season where watch this.

Speaker 1:

I want to go back to Haman and Mordecai Now. If you remember that Haman had all these plans. He was trying to destroy the Jewish people. Nothing happened. They begin to fast, they begin to pray. We all know the story. And what happened in the middle of the night. King Ahasuerus couldn't sleep. He said bring me the book of the Chronicles. Oh, jesus, somebody better. Thank God that God keeps the books. Lord, I thank you that you keep the books, lord.

Speaker 1:

Forgive us where we haven't done right. Forgive us where we've done others wrong. Forgive us, god. Forgive me, father. Forgive everyone that's watching. Forgive us all, father, where we haven't done right.

Speaker 1:

Forgive us, father, for the things seen and unseen. Forgive us, god. Wash us in your blood. Cleanse us, o God.

Speaker 1:

We don't deserve what we have. We know that, god, we don't deserve what we have. We know that, god, we're not perfect, father. Nobody is, but Lord. We look to you, the author and the perfecter of our faith.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, lord Jesus, for your blood. We don't deserve it, lord, but thank you for the blood. Oh, we're not worthy Lord, but thank you for the blood. Thank you, lord, jesus, for the blood. Thank you, god, for your blood that gives us strength. Wash us and cleanse us, father, and make us fit to be partakers that we can receive all that you have for us. My good God, I feel such an anointing on this today Korra rabba shikiri, rabban dorobo shata. Thank you, lord Jesus, for the blood. Thank you, lord, god, you know everything that we get, we're not worthy. We're not worthy. I'm not worthy to have anything that God gives in my life.

Speaker 1:

I forgive everybody that's done me wrong and I ask God to forgive me for anything that I've done wrong. We're not worthy, but you know what he makes us worthy because of the blood. That's why I don't judge people. I don't throw stones at people Doesn't mean people haven't done me wrong, but I release them. I bless those that curse me.

Speaker 1:

The devil wants to make you bitter in this season. Devil wants you to hold on. Why? He said if you hold on to other people's sins, if you hold on to what everybody else did to you, then what God does? He recalls in a harvest season what you've done wrong. But listen, if you see, you can't receive the blood. Without giving people the forgiveness of the blood, you can't receive forgiveness.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says you read in Matthew 18, unless you forgive others, don't hold on to it, because you're blocking your own. Blessing God. We forgive everybody. I don't. I feel this so strong right now. Forgive everybody. Wash it away, lord. It doesn't matter what they did, lord, you be judged between us and them. But, lord, I forgive them. Bless them, god. Bless them, god. Multiply them, increase them, begin to do for others. Come on somebody. What God, what you want God to do for you? Forgive others. Watch this.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to get there, but I keep feeling a pull to come back to there. In the name of Jesus, I need you to catch this. This is so powerful. Haman is preparing all of these plans and that's where some of y'all felt I'm destroyed. The devil's coming after me. Listen, the devil should have right, but thank God, my goodness, I feel an anointing on this.

Speaker 1:

Thank God for the blood of Jesus. He could have had a right to your life. He could add a right to your family. The death ain't all. God, I give you praise. Come. Somebody needs to thank the Lord right now, right where you are, for the blood, the blood, the blood, the blood. Thank you, lord Jesus, for the power of the blood. Thank you, lord Jesus, for the power of the blood. Thank you, lord Jesus, for the forgiveness of the blood. Thank you, lord. The devil could have. When the death angel came, he had to pass over while death already visited there, hallelujah. Whatever wage you owe, hallelujah, jesus has already paid.

Speaker 1:

Whatever you've done wrong just in this season, say God, have mercy upon me. God have mercy because of the blood. Thank you, lord. Jesus, I don't deserve it, I'm not worthy, but thank you, lord, for the blood and even others. You may say they ain't worthy to be forgiven. Neither were you, but Jesus forgave you. Oh, come on somebody. Hallelujah, come on. Somebody needs to give God a praise right there. Thank God for the blood of Jesus. It reaches to the highest mountain, no matter how big and tall you are, but it flows to the lowest valley, gives us strength from day to day and never loses power. I'm trying to move on, but I feel an anointing on this, my good God, oh Jesus, help me, help me, help me. I feel such an anointing on this. Let's try to go again.

Speaker 1:

Haman built those gallows, said I'm going to put Mordecai on there, which is where some of y'all have been. Feel like people have been trying to destroy you. The devil's got a plan to take you out. But watch this. God is about to use your seed hear me well to break the neck of your enemy. When Adam sinned, my good God, he said her seed, speaking of Christ, will bruise Satan's head. Satan's seed will bruise his heel. Watch this. God's about to use your bruised heel to crush Satan's head. God's about to use the seed that you've sown in your past to break the neck and the bondage of the enemy. He'd get ready to crush Satan's head under your bruised heel. You better hear this preacher today. You're not worthy, I'm not worthy, but the blood makes us worthy. He said I'm going to crush Satan's head with the seed. It's harvest time, y'all. Isn't it amazing? Watch this. He was talking about seed in Genesis. His seed will bruise your heel. Her seed will bruise his head. Speaking of Satan, jesus bruising, crushing Satan's head.

Speaker 1:

God says I am getting ready to annihilate and crush the demonic forces that are trying to keep you from your new season. This is the time of an open portal. This is the time of an open heaven. Even in the time of the eclipse, when certain things come into an alignment whether it's a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse it's when things pass by, at a certain time there's an alignment. Isn't it amazing? Before Jesus Christ passes by, the Bible talks about how the spirit of John the Baptist was come. Bring the high places low, the low places are up. He said he'll make the rough smooth and the crooked straight to make straight the way of the Lord. He's saying it's gonna come into an eclipse moment where things are gonna be able to pass through. When things come into alignment, that means it's the perfect. There's a window of opportunity. It only lasts for a season and then it moves on.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you, right now we are in a season where the things of God are coming into the earth, that where people have sold, whether tares or wheat. God is getting ready to release the blessing into their lives. And what happened with Haman and Mordecai? God remembered Mordecai's seed, where man has forgotten. God said in this season I will remember and I will repay.

Speaker 1:

Are you hearing this preacher today?

Speaker 1:

That's why I listen. You better put everything under the blood. What people have done wrong to you, what you have done wrong, put it under the blood, I will repay. See, this is the time that God says hey, you know if I like you or not. No, no, no, no. We're all enemies outside of the blood. The blood transitions us from enemies to become friends. Thank you, lord. And you better make your enemies your friend. You better bless them like you want God to bless you because you're not worthy. I'm not worthy, lord. I forgive them, god, and deal with people with mercy in this season. Deal with them in mercy and watch what God will begin to do in and through your life, my good God, to do in and through your life, my good God, mordecai God remembered.

Speaker 1:

King Ahasuerus woke up. This is a season and a time where the kings are not going to be able to sleep. The people in authority are going to feel disgruntled because listen, there are things in the balance that God has to bring equilibrium to. People that have sown, that haven't reaped, are getting ready to reap, whether it's tares or wheat. It's coming, but the blood gives you what you don't deserve and that's why you got. Don't be caught up in unforgiveness and bitterness. Let it go, because you'll rob yourself of what it's that God has for you. And the Bible says bring me the book of the Chronicles, which were the things that we remember, and there was. I can't remember the two people, but off the top of my head. But if you read the story of Mordecai and Esther, the Bible says that he saved the king's life and he was never rewarded. He was never rewarded.

Speaker 1:

God said this will be the year where your past seeds watch. This will crush Satan's head. Hear what I'm saying. It will open doors, it will promote you and it will block the enemy in your life your. What you've done in your past is going to open the doors for future. This is a time of remembrance.

Speaker 1:

The harvest Watch this. A harvest is nothing more than the promise, the remembering of a seed. Are you hear what I'm saying? The harvest is the remembrance of a seed sowed, that was sowed. It went through a process. Here's the fruit of what was sown. A harvest is remembering. It's the remembrance, it's the reminder that a seed was sown. Remembrance, it's the reminder that a seed was sown. Do you realize? A harvest is a memory that is so powerful of a seed that was sowed in the name of Jesus.

Speaker 1:

I believe this is the time watch this where the Kings aren't going to be able to sleep and the Mordecai's come on. Somebody, I wonder. And they're not sleeping either, because they know that Haman's coming. They've got problems coming here. This is coming there. They're wondering what am I going to do? But God said because of the blood, I will remember your seed and your bruised teal is going to crush. Watch this Satan's head. And what happened. He read through and he remembered oh my goodness, watch this. Just like it was for Joseph. God remembered Joseph's seed. Watch this.

Speaker 1:

There are some things God allows man to forget that God can get the glory. Jesus, help me. Can get the glory, jesus, help me. There are some things that God allows man to forget that only God can get the glory. Why so then? Therefore, you know better what God's getting ready to do in your life. Nobody gets the glory but him. Come on, god get the glory. Hallelujah, my God doesn't forget. He keeps the books, he remembers even people that have done you wrong. Let them go. Let God deal with them. Just receive what it is that you don't deserve in this season. Come on, they didn't deserve the harvest of Egypt, they didn't deserve it all, but God blessed them because they applied the blood. The death angel passed over, and what happened? They spoiled the world. They spoiled Egypt. The blessing, the harvest came in.

Speaker 1:

This is a season of the harvest and the Bible says that the king read.

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And then what did he do? Now watch this. What did he do? He went and he said go, bring Haman. Your enemies are about to see you get blessed. Ooh, jesus, don't even sweat your enemies, let it go. Don't even worry about them. Bless them, why you have more than enough. They tried it. What the devil meant for evil, god's about to turn it for your good. So he brings Haman in. King Hasherah says what should the king do for the man whom he delighteth in? Haman said who else will the king delight in more than me? So all of a sudden, now Haman's got all this. Isn't it amazing that Haman's oh my good God, haman's mind to destroy Mordecai? He built those gallows, but God used Haman's mind and his plans to promote Mordecai and Haman hung himself on his own gallows.

Speaker 1:

Your enemy's mind, god, your enemy's plans for good and evil. God's about to switch the plans that the devil, my good God, y'all better get ready, because I sense doors beginning to open. I sense things that have been shut down in your life, that should have been open. God says I'm opening them back up. I'm getting ready to put you in the positions and the places that I've called you to be. Back up, I'm getting ready to put you in the positions and the places that I've called you to be. Come on, people tried to keep you out of places. People tried to stop you, but God says forgive them, let it go. I am the God that's about to do a switcheroo in your life.

Speaker 1:

Haman had a mind and developed the gallows to destroy Mordecai, but then the king brought him in and said what shall the king do for the man in whom he delighted? And Haman said who else better with the king delighting than more than me? And his own mind plans that. Now I'm going to prepare a plan for me, what I would want for myself, and bless them like that. And what did he tell him to do? Now Haman going to do that for Mordecai. God's about to use what the devil meant for evil and turn it for your good. But God's about to do to the enemy what he planned to do to your life.

Speaker 1:

That's why you need to pray for me, because I don't want anybody to go on and I think about people that have done me wrong. Man, I don't want them to suffer. I really don't, even right now, I pray the blessing over every enemy, over every fiery dart, over every sword, over every person, god, that nothing would be held to their charge. I want you to take a those that have done you wrong. You don't want that to be upon them. You wouldn't want that upon you. Don't pray that upon them, father. I pray that no sin, even Jesus, even though he was on the cross and they were worthy. What do you say, father? Don't lay this sin to their charge.

Speaker 1:

Father, I pray today that every enemy, every person, even people that I don't know that have done wrong, that you would forgive them, as you've given me, that you would be faithful and merciful and gracious to them as you were to me. God has been so merciful and gracious to us. How dare we, how dare we, how dare we tell somebody else you can, you can't come in, you can't do it. Wait a minute, god, you've been so good to me, you've been so good to me. God, you have been so good to me. Everything I've gotten, yeah, yeah. People say, oh, I deserve that. No, you don't. There may be some things you might've been able to work out or whatever. But listen, if God really gave us all what we deserved, we'd all be in the bowels of the devil's hell. I wanna encourage you right now. Let him go, just pray right now for those that done you wrong and release them in the name of Jesus. I'm thinking about what Haman was getting ready to be upon. God will do what he wants to do, but I pray forgiveness, I pray a release of those that have done wrong. Come on somebody, my good God, I sense an anointing on this message, this Good Friday message for you, this prophetic update that God gave me for you in this season.

Speaker 1:

I believe April is a turning point. It's a turning month. It's a month of the harvest. It's a turning month. It's a month of the harvest, it's a month of increase. Increase is coming into your life in the name of Jesus, and God is getting ready to remember the seeds that you have sown. And what did he do? Even though King Ahasuerus had forgotten, the Bible says God kept him up. Mordecai was up as well, because he knew he needed a breakthrough. And that's where some of you are. But God remembered, reminded the king, and the king went and used his enemy in order to bless Mordecai. Wow, this is where we are. God is watch this. If first, corinthians, chapter two, I believe it is eight through 10.

Speaker 1:

You know we read that passage of scripture, for eyes not seen, nor ear heard, neither enter the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those that love him. Do you understand why they said that scripture? Because the Bible says in the verses before it says if Satan would have known he was crucifying the Lord of glory, he wouldn't have done it. And that's why the Bible says we got to get the mind of Christ. And he says for eye has not seen, nor ear heard neither has, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for you and for me. We're not worthy, but he makes us worthy. In Jesus name, I feel the love of God, the mercy of God, the grace of God, my good Lord. Lord, help us never to forget that we don't deserve anything. We don't deserve nothing, and you know what, even the things that people have done wrong to us. We deserve it, and probably even more than that. I won't say even More than that, but God is so good we can't become self-righteous in this season. Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin and still said don't lay it to their charge. He was perfect and he said don't lay their sin to their charge, don't put it on their account. Lord, whatever happens, happens, it's all good. Come, hold somebody. I want you to do the same in this season, because God is getting ready to turn the tide in your life. Wow, I feel such an anointing here today. Just receive that.

Speaker 1:

This is the time of the harvest. That's why you're seeing so many people get exposed. What's happening? It's the harvest. It's the harvest, the seeds that people have sown. But if you put it under the blood, oh Jesus, if you put it under the blood, everything will be made right. In Jesus name. Even you may be seeing different preachers in the news, someone like Bishop Jake. She probably saw things going on.

Speaker 1:

Lord, cover him in your blood. Cover him. How many of you have been blessed by his ministry Men? Cover him in your blood. Cover him. How many of you have been blessed by his ministry Men and women of God that we see things that they've done wrong?

Speaker 1:

Man, if they've blessed you, god, lord, don't lay their sin to the church, even if they haven't. But, man, don't get self-righteous. Lord, forgive us of our self-righteousness. God, want to expose somebody, point somebody's sin out, cast a stone? No, I'm not doing that. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. God, they ain't worthy, they ain't worthy, I ain't worthy. But the blood Come on somebody. Lord, I don't want what I deserve. I want what I don't deserve. Come on, somebody. Come on, I want a blessing that I don't deserve. Then you better bless others and give them what they don't deserve. Thank you, lord Jesus. Thank you, Lord God. Thank you, lord Jesus, for giving us what we don't deserve, hallelujah. Don't ask God to give people what they do deserve. Don't get a bitter heart. Just bless them. Bless them in Jesus' name and watch what God will do for you.

Speaker 1:

I hope this has blessed you today. I feel such an anointing here today. I'll be honest, when I got on here knowing what I was going to share, but I didn't sense that God was going to move like this. But I believe this is a word in season. It's a good Friday message for you, a prophetic update as to where we are coming into the month of April. Come on, say April showers Open the windows of heaven. It's going to bring May flowers. You're going to begin to see the increase begin to come. The rain is coming to refresh where you've been discouraged, where you've been downtrodden, where you've been down and out. God is about to encourage your life. I hope this bless you today. I'm about to get up on out of here, but I want to pray for you before we go.

Speaker 1:

I've been praying through this whole thing. What a word from God. But I pray that you would forgive others and that you would begin to expect for God to do for you what you don't deserve, because you're blessing people that don't deserve it either. God don't give them what they do deserve. And you're also saying God, don't give me what I deserve. Give me what I don't deserve in the season.

Speaker 1:

So, father, thank you for every person listening, watching right now, and, lord, I pray today that your hand would be upon them. Lord, you said this is the time of the harvest, where the wheat and the tare are coming up together, but, lord, you're separating the two. Lord, god, I pray that every Judas would turn in this season, that every Peter would be promoted. Forgive us for where we have done wrong and, lord, we forgive others for where they've done us wrong. We release it never to remember it again.

Speaker 1:

And, lord, I thank you that, as we step into this eclipse on April 8th, 4-8-24, as we step into this time, I pray that it'll be a crossover season. Things will come into alignment. I have a sense from the Lord that that eclipse is going to mark a dividing line. Get it right before the eighth, get things together before the eighth, get it under the blood before the eighth and then forgive everyone, ask God to forgive you, repent and get ready for a brand new. Tomorrow there's going to be a release of the open windows of heaven, the open door. It's all happening. There's doors that are opening for those that have sown that are under the blood, and there's doors that are opening for those that have sown that aren't under the blood. Get your life under the blood in Jesus name, and I believe that God will bless you. So, father, I thank you for that. Thank you for blessing every person watching, covering their minds, hearts, souls and spirits, lord, giving us all what we don't deserve, lord, and putting under the blood what we do deserve, and we thank you for it now, in Jesus name. Amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I want you to take a minute, one more time like, subscribe, follow, share all the above. Do that right now. I hope that you have a wonderful Easter resurrection weekend. Listen, if you need a place to come, hang out. Listen. My wife and I are ministering on placing a demand upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. We're seeing healing, deliverance, breakthrough salvation.

Speaker 1:

Come on out, 4555 McKnight Road, right here in Pittsburgh. You can tune in online Facebook, youtube, another Level Ministries, anotherlevelchurch. Go to our webpage, come, check us out. If you're anywhere in the Pittsburgh area, outside there, make your way. Come on in 1030 am. Only one week, only on Saturday, 1030 am.

Speaker 1:

Listen, come on out on Saturday, get blessed, get filled, enjoy your family. On Sunday you can go to church again if you want, but at least then you've come in and you know Jesus was actually crucified on a Wednesday, resurrected on a Saturday. It wasn't on a Sunday. Friday to Sunday, that's only two days. It's not even the math ain't right. It doesn't mean that you can't celebrate it we do. But what I'm saying is that we are celebrating the resurrection on the day he was resurrected in Jesus name.

Speaker 1:

So come on out this Saturday at 1030. It's going to be great. I have such an expectation. And don't you dare give up and throw in the towel. It's harvest time for you. Don't fall into the traps of the enemy. Don't fall into the plots and ploys of the enemy. Stand strong and watch what God will begin to do in and through your life. So excited, I'm praying for you, believing for God's best in your life and I really believe that the best is truly yet to come for you. So know that I love you, I'm praying for you.

Speaker 1:

Like, subscribe, follow, share, get one of my books. I got three different books out now One obtaining your inheritance obtaining your inheritance on church membership and why it's important. It is outside the box. I promise you haven't read anything. Quite like it. It's not your status quo membership book. Also, my book praying on another level 30 day prayer journal to give you 2020 kingdom vision every day, a new revelation of why prayer is important. I got churches that are using it for a small group devotional and just imparting that into their people. Outstanding the last one, it's amazing the wisdom seed. It's the revelation behind the thousand dollar seed, when people saw, you've heard people say something happens at the thousand dollar level. Well, something does, and that's what God gave me in the revelation of the wisdom seed, which is what Solomon got. I can't go into that now. Grab one of those books, go to Amazon, come see us at another level.

Speaker 1:

Ministries, I love you, praying for you. Forgive others, as God has forgiven you. Expect what you don't deserve. This is the time of the latter rain, I believe from April to the end of the year, you're going to begin to eat from the harvest, just as it was in the and when they came into the promise and the Bible says, the manna ceased and the eight of the fruit of Cain and the corn of that year the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night that ceased, the captain of the Lord's host showed up. You're stepping into a new season. Even coming into April 8th, something supernatural is going to happen. Expect it, believe it, decree it, declare it. It's your time. God bless you and I'll see you next time right here on Dimensions.

Prophetic Update
Time for Harvest and Release
Harvest and Blood"time
Power of Forgiveness and Harvest Blessings
Supernatural Season of Abundance