
Pastor Rod Parsley, Pastor Greg Locke, Spiritual Authority, What you need to know and what our stance should be. (Part 1)

June 14, 2024 Pastors J. Anthony & Tiffany Gilbert Episode 6
Pastor Rod Parsley, Pastor Greg Locke, Spiritual Authority, What you need to know and what our stance should be. (Part 1)
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Pastor Rod Parsley, Pastor Greg Locke, Spiritual Authority, What you need to know and what our stance should be. (Part 1)
Jun 14, 2024 Episode 6
Pastors J. Anthony & Tiffany Gilbert

In light of all that is going on with Pastors and Leaders being exposed with sin and abuse of church members, how are we to view the situations we are being exposed to? 
 We need to look to God's word that speaks to both Pastors and
church congregants on how we ought to conduct ourselves.
 Leaders as well as congregants have abused one another and
misused spiritual authority or rebelled against authority, knowingly and
unknowingly. Join Pastor J. Anthony Gilbert as he takes a deep dive into
spiritual authority and the abuses of it from a biblical perspective. Tune in!
You won't be disappointed with the revelation you are about to receive. 

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In light of all that is going on with Pastors and Leaders being exposed with sin and abuse of church members, how are we to view the situations we are being exposed to? 
 We need to look to God's word that speaks to both Pastors and
church congregants on how we ought to conduct ourselves.
 Leaders as well as congregants have abused one another and
misused spiritual authority or rebelled against authority, knowingly and
unknowingly. Join Pastor J. Anthony Gilbert as he takes a deep dive into
spiritual authority and the abuses of it from a biblical perspective. Tune in!
You won't be disappointed with the revelation you are about to receive. 

Speaker 1:

Well, ladies and gentlemen, there's a whole lot going on in the world right now. I mean, just take a look at the allegations of what's happening with Pastor Rod Parsley and Pastor Greg Locke and listen. There has been a subject that God has lit up in my heart. Just for you, you're not going to want to mistake I'm going to be talking about spiritual abuse versus spiritual authority. If you want to put it the other way around, spiritual authority versus spiritual abuse. So many people have abused it on both parties.

Speaker 1:

I've got a whole lot to say today. I'm glad that you've tuned in. It's going to be off the chain, stick around, because we're going to be going deep into dimensions. I know it's been a little while since you've seen me, but I'm back, baby, and I'm so excited. Spiritual dimensions I know it's been a little while since you've seen me, but I'm back, baby, and I'm so excited. Spiritual authority versus spiritual abuse what's the difference Coming up next on dimensions. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I am so excited that you have tuned in. It is going to be a special, special day today.

Speaker 1:

And listen, I'm glad that you are here. It has been a little while since I've been on with you. I've been away. I've been doing a lot of different things, but I am back and I am so excited that you are tuning in right now. So, listen, I need you to take a minute right now and I need you to go and like, subscribe, follow, share, do all those things that we do on media. Go ahead and do that right now and come on and be a part of what I'm getting ready to share. Listen, there's going to be a lot of people that are going to be blessed by this. I promise you you are not going to be disappointed with what I'm about to share with you today. If you've never gone to our podcast store and gone there and downloaded our Dimensions app, please do so now. Listen, there's already many episodes on there and I've got a whole lot more coming to you. I'm going to be coming to you a whole lot more than I have been in the past. I'm sorry that I haven't been as diligent to get as many out. I've been traveling, been doing different things, but I'm back and I am so excited to be sharing this with you today, and so take a minute right now, just share this.

Speaker 1:

I promise you in advance you are going to be blessed by what I'm about to share with you today. I'm telling you right now it is going to be off the chain. You are going to be blessed. You're going to hear some revelation that maybe you've never even heard before. That's going to be brand new to you. That, I believe, is really going to be blessed. You're going to hear some revelation that maybe you've never even heard before. That's going to be brand new to you. That, I believe, is really going to be a blessing to you that I think God is really going to blow your mind with. So take a minute right now. Like, subscribe, follow, share. If you haven't gotten the dimensions podcast download, go and do it. You'll be able to stay up to date on everything that's coming up and what's happening as we are going. So it's going to be really, really good.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited about it and I want you to grab your Bibles, because today I want to take some time and I want to talk to you all about some things that are happening. I'm sure you've seen in the news there the things that have gone on with Pastor Rod Parsley and what's happening. I want everybody to realize right from the jump this isn't going to be a bash on him. I'm not going to bash him or get on him for what he has done, or beat him up or anyone else whenever I come on, but my desire is to always give a perspective and an understanding to what has happened and what is going on, and what I'm about to share with you.

Speaker 1:

There are many of you watching right now that have been victims of spiritual abuse. Spiritual authority has been hung over your head, been used as a weapon, you've been abused by it, and there may be some that are watching as well, because, see, there's two sides to every pancake. So of course, there are things that people in leadership have done wrong, but then there are others that have done wrong as well. There are people in the congregant side, those that are following, that don't understand. They may be in spiritual rebellion and not know it. Now have people abused spiritual authority and called it rebellion, when really it is control, of course. That's why I'm going to get into this.

Speaker 1:

I want to give you today a spiritual understanding of what spiritual authority really is from a biblical perspective. Not just a commentary, but scriptures to back it. How are pastors supposed to govern their churches? How are church people supposed to be led by pastors? What do we do when we don't agree with our pastor? What do we do when we don't agree with our pastor? What do we do when we don't see eye to eye? When do I have a right to get in there and flex to some degree if you give me the leverage of that word and when should I just go with the flow? How do I handle it, even if my pastor is biblically in error? What do I do?

Speaker 1:

Listen, you got to check this out. This is going to be so good. You are going to be so blessed by what I'm about to share with you and I want to do a little more teaching than I normally would, but I believe this is really going to speak to you and it's really going to minister to you. So listen, take a minute right now and just go like follow, subscribe, share. Take a minute and go ahead and let everybody know that I'm on the air right now. Live with you and I've got some powerful things I'm going to be sharing with y'all. This is going to be so good. I'm telling you right now because I believe it's apropos for what we're facing. I'm sure many of you have seen the videos and the audio tapes that have leaked out from Pastor Rod Parsley's camp. I went to school there. Love that man forever. We'll love that man. I mean, he was such a blessing to me. I'm where I am today because of the anointing that I received from that house. But I want to talk for a moment, though Let me also mention this too. For a moment, though, let me also mention this too.

Speaker 1:

Then you have pastor Greg Locke out there just bashing pastors for what they've done and things along that line, and we're taking a look at what's happening there. Well, what do we do? How do we handle that? And that's why I wanted to talk to you today about spiritual authority versus spiritual abuse. And listen, I guarantee there are several, several of you that have been under spiritual abuse before. There are pastors that may be watching they would be operating in spiritual abuse and don't even know it. But then I also believe that there are people that have been operating in rebellion against authority and don't even realize that they're doing it. Or there may be some that know that they're doing it. Today it's going to come across the way like God saying you better leave my anointed alone, because many times we take a look at these things. There has been so much abuse in the kingdom of God that what happens? People were never called to be oppressed, and so whenever oppression comes into people's lives, revolt happens. As a result, there's a revolt and there can be a revolt, and then there can also be rebellion that comes as a result.

Speaker 1:

So we don't just do. What we do is we throw all spiritual authority. I'm not going to listen to anybody. I'm going to say what I want, do what I want, operate, however, I want. What we need to do is get edumacated, ladies and gentlemen, on what it means to have spiritual authority, what does it mean to operate in spiritual authority, what does it mean to be under spiritual authority, and what are the lines that show us when it's out of bounds and when it's correct? So one of the first things I want to mention is this If you got a notepad and a pen, I hope that you do or type on your keyboard or whatever it is that you're going to do take down some notes and write down these scriptures, because it's really going to help you.

Speaker 1:

Today, when we talk about spiritual authority and spiritual abuse, think about it. There's a key word in both of them it is spiritual. So remember, all authority pertains to the spirit. It's pertaining to the things of the spirit. In Ephesians, chapter four, verse 11 through 13,. I wanna read this to you because I wanna make sure, see, one of the things that we've gotten away from, ladies and gentlemen, we've gotten away from the Bible. We don't always need to hear a pastor's commentary, we need to give commentary to it. But sometimes we give commentary but then we leave it void of scripture. How about we do both? How about we read the scripture and then we give the commentary accordingly, so people understand. And that's what you're going to get today Spiritual authority versus spiritual abuse.

Speaker 1:

And what does it say here? And he gave himself to be some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, some teachers. Look at this for the equipping of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of God, to a mature, perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but speaking the truth and love may grow up in all things into him. Who is to head Christ Jesus? Okay, so we take a look at there. The purpose of the five-fold ministry gift Now watch this, we're going to outline it very quickly is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, to mature their kingdom walk with Christ.

Speaker 1:

Pastors have never been granted the ability to control your life. Even if you want to rebel, god did not stop Adam. Pastors don't need to control sheep, because if they are in rebellion, their lives will speak for themselves. God will deal with them. We don't need to control men and women. We don't have to control them. Allow them to make their own decisions. If you're in a church where you cannot think for yourself, where you don't have the ability to be who you are, then you need to get out of that church. Now, once again, see, this is the thing you have to have the ability to know what is right and what is not right. So you have to have the ability to understand what is wrong and what is right. You got to know both of those. So that is very, very, very important that you understand both of those. Yes, you can do what it is that you want, but you are also responsible to weigh everything that is brought to you. So very, very, very important.

Speaker 1:

The purpose of the fivefold ministry gift is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. It is meant to be kingdom authority, of course. Yes, if you're out of line in areas of the scripture, a pastor or a leader is called, or five-fold ministry group can bring you into correction and show you what the scripture is. But at the end of the day, it is your choice. You have the right to think and to do as you want. But this is the thing. There are consequences that come along with that. But pastors don't have the right to control your world. You don't have to have permission to go on vacation. You don't have to ask for permission not to go to church a week. Now, there may be certain things that certain cultures have where you got to be in church certain amount of times. If you're in leadership, things like that, I get that, but that's your choice. But they don't have a right to tell you how you need to orchestrate your life. You need to give this amount. You need to go do this, you need to go do that when it's not applicable to scripture. So what's happened?

Speaker 1:

A lot of spiritual abuse has taken place, because spiritual authority has come into people's hearts and lives and they feel well, it's spiritual authority, it's not your authority in life. You go home, live your life as you want. You want to go to the movies? You go to the movies If you want to wear pants. You wear pants If you want, whatever it is. But see, this is the thing too. Let me say this, and if you can't find yourself operating in a culture that you appreciate, the key is is to get out and to leave, leave that culture. Leave that and find a culture where you feel you can grow and develop.

Speaker 1:

Now, here's the dichotomy. In all of this, though. The difficult part is the fact that, of course, people can't be controlled, but a pastor still has to call a spade a spade. So you've got to determine whether or not what he's saying, or she is saying, or that leader is saying, is for you and is it biblically in error. Is the Holy Spirit convicting you? And if he is, you've got to own it. Whether you like it or not, whether it's comfortable or not, you still have to own that part. That is the reality. So very, very important that we understand that.

Speaker 1:

And I want you to go to Acts 20 real quickly Now. Take a minute like, subscribe, follow, share, because I'm telling you right now this is going to get really, really good. You're really going to enjoy this. Acts 20, verse 28 to 30, because I want to take some time teaching. I don't think we do enough teaching. I think what's happened in the church, especially in the charismatic church prophecy has replaced doctrine in a lot of ways. We are so looking for a prophetic word, looking for somebody to give us direction and guidance, that we've gotten lazy, where we don't study the scripture for ourselves, where we don't take the time to read. We want to be excited. We want to come to a church, see somebody with their hair on fire, we want to feel twiddly, bumps and goosebumps and all these things. We haven't learned to appreciate the doctrine of the word.

Speaker 1:

Am I for prophecy? By all means? Do I believe in prophecy? Absolutely? Do I allow certain prophecies to govern my life as God leads? Of course I do, but you cannot allow prophecy to be a replacement for hearing God for yourself. I'm going to say that again. You cannot allow prophecy to be a replacement that you're no longer hearing God for yourself. Don't let that replace it. Matter of fact after you get prophecy, you need to go and study the scripture and find out and seek God to determine what God is directing you to do and how it ought to go, because prophecy is always, ladies and gentlemen, always meant to be confirmation, never information. But that doesn't mean that some prophecy can't start out as information and become confirmation. Are you with me, okay?

Speaker 1:

Acts, chapter 20, verse 28 through 30. Now look at this here. Paul's writing here. Actually, that's not Paul, I'm sorry, it's Luke that's writing. Therefore, take heed to yourselves and to all the flock. Now watch this Among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood. For I know this that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Now look at this here. This is very important. Jesus purchased the body of Christ with his own blood and now he gives us pastors to shepherd us.

Speaker 1:

But this is the key, ladies and gentlemen, I want you to catch this. This is very, very important and I'm going to get into this in just a minute. I'm going to come back to it. But shepherding deals with influence. Now, stay with me on this, because this is important. Okay, we're going to come back to that.

Speaker 1:

Go to Hebrews, chapter 13, real quickly. Go to Hebrews, chapter 13, real quickly. Hebrews 13, verse number 17. Obey those who rule over you and be submissive, for they must watch out for your souls. As those who must give account, let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you. Okay, now, this is important. So we're called to submit.

Speaker 1:

We understand that. We understand that. We understand that God gave us overseers or shepherds, or pastors that are there and they have to. We have to give an account. Me as a pastor, as a leader, I have to give an account for how well I stewarded and took care of the people of God. But it's very, very important that we understand we are not called to Lord over their life.

Speaker 1:

You can listen. At the end of the day, a person could you say I want to go to hell. I'm going to go live contrary to the scripture. I'm going to go do something completely different to what God's word says. They have that right now. It doesn't mean that the church can't step in and do whatever it needs to be done. But many people have been told how to live their life. I'm talking about like you're going to be a church three days a week. You are going to pray. When I tell you to pray, if you don't get up and do this, you're in rebellion and the judgment of God is going to come upon you. You better get in there. You feel called to serve in one part and the pastor tells you no, I want you serving over here. Go do what I told you to do. You go do this. They can speak down to you, they can degrade you. There's no place in scripture that says that it's okay. There is no place. There's no place. And if you're in a place like that, where the leaders do not serve, I was just in San Francisco, out in that area in Stockton, california, speaking at a conference, and one of these Lord put upon my spirit is that a lot of times people that have pulpit gifts, that have influence, feel that they're no longer servants.

Speaker 1:

But if you take a look at Jesus, the Bible says on the night that he was betrayed. Not only was he getting ready to face the most worst crucifixion, suffering, torment and death a man could possibly face he gets up. Now, if it were me and my hands were getting ready to be pierced, my side was going to be pierced. My feet are going to be pierced. I want my favorite dinner that night. I want my hands and my feet done. I mean, I'm going to get all manicured, make me feel as good as possible. What does Jesus do? No, he doesn't do that. He doesn't to realize that we are anointed to serve the body of Christ. It doesn't mean that we are not honored because we're gonna get to that side. Trust me, there's two sides to this, but I wanna first address this facet of it. It's so important that we understand that we are not called to be lords, but shepherds.

Speaker 1:

Okay, 1 Peter, chapter five. Let's go there real quickly. Once a minute, once again, take a minute like, subscribe, follow, share. I'm telling you people are really going to be blessed by this. First Peter five, verse number one the elders who are among you elder can be a shepherd, a pastor among who I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed. Verse two Now look at this. This is first Peter, chapter five, verse two shepherd, the flock of God, which is among you, serving Do you hear that word? Serving? I'm gonna say it again serving as overseers, not by compulsion, but willingly, not for dishonest gain, but eagerly. Now this is where I wanna get to in verse three, not as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away. So, verse three not being a lord, not being a tyrant.

Speaker 1:

We don't have the right to be a taskmaster. We don't have the right to tell people where to go. We don't have the right to be a taskmaster. We don't have the right to tell people where to go. We don't have the right to just say well, you just do what I tell you. Or else Now, when it comes to a pastor having authority in the church, they want the children's ministry ran a certain way, they have a certain vision. Not talking about that. We are gifted to do that, we have the authority to do that. We're the line where it becomes spiritual abuse versus spiritual authority, spiritual authority. God has given the pastors the fivefold ministry, the ability to speak into your life, to support your life. But it needs to be with the scripture, where spiritual think about it like this.

Speaker 1:

Abuse is abnormal use. So abuse is using something for which it was not intended to be used for anything Anything at all. It doesn't matter whether you use a butter knife, it's a screwdriver. That's really abusing the knife. It was not created, nor is it intended to be able to do this, not that it can't perform it, but what it's saying is that that's an abuse. So when you're abusing the flock of God, when you're using your spiritual authority in the form of abuse, you're using your authority in a way God never intended it. So we have to determine and outline how did God attend spiritual authority to do? And the only thing that God does, he wants us to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, to shepherd their souls according to the scriptures. That is it. Anything else outside of that is their prerogative.

Speaker 1:

Where the Bible is silent, pastors must be silent. We can give our opinion, but we cannot lord that over people. People have been so bound in some areas they can't even think for themselves. They gotta ask the pastor for permission to go and speak somewhere. Now show me. There's no place in Scripture. Now please hear me, because there's two sides of the boat. Now don't get me wrong. If you've got a position in the church and it needs to be filled, well of course you know the pastor may ask you hey, before you go, could you do that? Well, of course that's understandable, but I'm talking about permission. No, you can't go. That's not Bible. You are not a Lord over them. You are serving them and they are supposed to submit to our servitude, and sometimes in that serving, there is correction, sometimes there's things that we don't want to hear, but there is not control, because where there is control, people begin to revolt.

Speaker 1:

And I think what we're seeing in the body of Christ is people being sick and tired of being sick and tired saying listen, I and people have used in the past I'm not saying this about people that may be in the news at this time, but people have used spiritual authority as a way to get people to bend to their will. People are threatened, people are scared, they're worried about rebelling against God. Get into your Bible. The Bible makes it clear on where a pastor's authority lies and where it doesn't, and I believe every pastor y'all ready for this Every pastor should run their church with an open hand, god removes them and places them in there as he feels. The moment you start constricting your hand.

Speaker 1:

Leader, pastor, whoever you are, you are now becoming a Lord. You are not a Lord, you are a shepherd. Now, this is where I want to get to. This is so powerful, oh, it is so good. Take him in and share this with somebody.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you, it's going to set some people free. Some of you, pastors, need to repent. Some of us may need to repent. Maybe we've done it the wrong way. Some of us need to empower our people to have a voice in the accurate, biblical way. Are you hearing what I'm saying? There are some people they can't even think for themselves. They can't even think for the. I've seen it. They're afraid. Oh my God, if my pastor doesn't tell me I have his permission, he's not going to give me his blessing. If he doesn't give me his blessing, oh, what am I going to do? Oh my gosh, I'm going to go to hell. Man, get out of here Now, of course.

Speaker 1:

Now hear me. There's two sides, and that's the hard part, because there's two sides to both of this. It doesn't mean that when your pastor speaks, you don't want to hear it. But this is the key. How do I know if I need to hear? How do I know if I need? Because there's something I can hear right now that I kind of said I know I just want to do what's right, but I don't want to hear the wrong thing, I don't. First thing you got to do is you got to find God for yourself. You got to find God for yourself. You got to hear his voice because watch this, this is where I want to get to. A shepherd, watch this leads the sheep with his voice. Oh, this is about to get good. Now, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch, watch Ready, now check this out. A pastor only can shepherd where he or she has influence, and you can only be led if you can hear the shepherd through the under shepherd, which is a pastor fivefold ministry gift. Even a prophetic voice is an under shepherd. Now watch this.

Speaker 1:

Go with me to John, chapter 10, verse number 25. Oh, I hope you're being blessed by this. I hope that you're being blessed. I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost on this, john 10, verse number 25. Now, this is powerful. Jesus answered them. I told you Now he was speaking to them about some things and they weren't hearing it. But look at what he says. I told you, and you do not believe, the works that I do in my father's name. They bear witness to me, but you do not believe because you are not of my sheep. As I said to you, verse 27,. This is so good. My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my good God, how do I tell if my pastor is my pastor? Simple, number one. You first got to hear God for yourself because the only way you will know that. Listen, I don't believe that every person picks their own pastor. I don't believe that. I believe God ordains pastors for your life. You say how do I know that? Where do you hear the shepherd, through the under shepherd, which is us serving you? Where do we hear that, if we hear God's voice, we're not looking to a man anyways, we are supposed to be as pastors and shepherds, hearing from God and it should bear witness with God's sheep. Oh my good God, almighty. So it's not me telling you what to do, it is the hearing you, us both submitting to God. The people submitting to God saying God, I want to follow you. The shepherd saying God, I want to follow you by serving your people. So, lord, give me what you're saying to them and may it bear witness with your sheep. So watch this. If a pastor is truly a under shepherd for you, he will have the word of the Lord or she will have the word of the Lord for you. And if they're now, let me set some pastors free.

Speaker 1:

If I don't have influence with the people that I'm speaking to, I'm not their shepherd, even though they may be in my ministry. Are you with me Now? Watch this. The shepherds you follow determines the mantle that blesses your life. You can be in a church but not reflect the glory of that church and the anointing of that church because you're not following the mantle of that church. So we have to understand the purpose behind. It is to have a shepherd that you hear God through. That confirms in your heart. And shepherds You've got to know. If I'm speaking to them and I don't have any influence in their life, I'm not their shepherd. So you have to understand shepherds Now. Are you ready for this? You can know who your shepherd is and you can know who you're shepherding based upon how well they hear your voice. And, ladies and gentlemen, if you're being shepherded, how well do you hear God through them? And if you can't have both, if that person doesn't hear God through the shepherd and the shepherd doesn't feel the person is hearing them, then you're not shepherding them. Just as simple.

Speaker 1:

Now the difficulty if people say well, does that mean I have to do everything the shepherd tells me to do? Not necessarily. People say well, does that mean I have to do everything the shepherd tells me to do? Not necessarily you have to do everything God tells you to do. But if the shepherd shows you something in the scripture that you are in error of or you need to adjust, then you need to adjust because it's the word of the Lord. Or if you hear God through them, you need to respond. So you can't. You should never blame somebody that well, I'm being spiritually abused. The only way that spiritual abuse happens is when people don't know the scripture. My people perish for lack of knowledge If you don't know what the Bible says. I know I'm going to do a part two of this, by the way, so just this is going to be part one.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know what the Bible says, people can deceive you. They can play on your heartstring for God and what will happen and you'll. Because of fear. And they become a time because all spiritual authority is operated under fear period. They're afraid of losing people, they're afraid that they're not going to be able to go where they want to go. So they put fear into the people and, as a result, they become a tyrant, they become a taskmaster, they begin to drive the people versus being called out of grace.

Speaker 1:

There's some of you watching right now. You are burnt out from your pastor. You are burnt out from where you are. You are burnt out why? Because you're trying to operate in a grace that God hasn't called you to do. You're following the pastor and you're not following the voice of God. See, a lot of people will get mad at this and say oh my God, how could you say that? No, because I'm a secure pastor. I'm a secure pastor. I don't feel threatened. If people think for themselves, jesus even said it like this no man can follow me except the Father. Draw them. Well, why don't we just allow the Holy Spirit to draw the people?

Speaker 1:

Now, that doesn't mean, when the Bible says the Bible, that you don't follow him, or if there's something in the church that's saying this is the way we want our culture. You follow that culture. Now, if you don't like that culture, then you can go to a different culture. But every church has a culture and you got to determine whether that culture fits you or not. You don't go in there trying to change the culture. You go in there and you submit to the culture at the end of the day. And so there is culture and then there's Bible. Now there's one or two, one or two. There's two different things there. So every church has a culture, but every church needs to follow the scriptures and where the authority lies when it deals with the culture, ladies and gentlemen, and when it deals with the Bible. They're the only two areas that a pastor has a right to come into your world and to ask you to submit to follow. Are you with me Now?

Speaker 1:

Watch this, this is important. Lordship deals with one thing, shepherding deals with another. A shepherd Watch this. We'll serve the people. That's how you can trust a shepherd.

Speaker 1:

Good friend of mine I was just out at his church, bishop Mark Filk, if he's watching this or listening to this, one of the greatest men of God. I've ever met. Such a servant, I mean, he brought us out to his church. We spoke. I mean he served us. I mean he served as if he was somebody that was just coming to the church for the first day. His son served, his wife served.

Speaker 1:

They're constantly serving, and so what happens when we serve? It validates our heart. That people will hear our voice Doesn't mean everybody, doesn't mean everybody, but people want to know. How do I know? When I found a good shepherd? The Bible says we're to serve. How well do they serve? Do they serve? Do they have feeling of entitlement or do they serve? So what's happening, though?

Speaker 1:

A lot of people have agendas and then they want to drive the people, and then the people, because of their heart for God, they're afraid, they're terrified. They, because of their heart for God, they're afraid, they're terrified, they're terrified. Oh my gosh, if I don't do this and you don't have the grace to do it, you're serving seven, eight days a week. There's only seven days in a week and you're so exhausted, family suffering, everything else, because you want to make the pastor happy, you want to make that person happy. That's not what God called us to do. He called us to be led, happens. The pastor shares and the people should be drawn. They should be drawn. We run it with an open hand. Are you hearing what I'm saying? So it's very, very important that we understand that, and so what I want to do is set people free, because reality is I tell people this all the time.

Speaker 1:

I said listen, in my church we have a culture. There's certain things that we expect. If you're going to be in leadership, there's certain ways you have to live. We can hold you accountable that we ask you to sign up for that. If you don't want to sign up, you don't have to. But if you're a leader, there's certain things every church will require of you. The higher you go, there's certain things that are required of you. That's what that church requires. You don't have to do that. But we're saying if you want that title, that's culture. This is how we operate in culture.

Speaker 1:

Where it gets ugly is when people start feeling controlled. What do I mean by that? You got to do this. People can't people. People, hey, you got to get up at three in the morning, leave your wife, leave your kids, go do this. You don't get to rest, you can't do that. You can't take. I mean, I've seen it. Where people are exhausted, they're exhausted and they feel. This is the thing. It's not the fact that pastor can't ask, but they have the right to say no when it comes to things, when it comes to their gift and when it comes to who they are, and it comes to their family and all that. That's their decision. Now, you may not be able to be a leader, but it's still their choice and they don't need to be felt. They don't. They don't need to be made to feel bad, because they have their own decision and they have their own feelings and their own heart. Now, this is the round.

Speaker 1:

I want to come back to this, and that's the difficult part of this is there's two sides to it, and that's why I want to go back and forth. That doesn't mean, though, what your pastor shares you don't need to take heed to, and it doesn't mean that, when it deals with their culture, you don't need to follow it. Hardy gave you the out. If you choose to leave, you can choose to leave, but if you choose to say, then you've got to be willing to follow through completely as a result. So it's important that we understand that we have to follow the pastor and that culture when we're there, but if it's like control and all that. Then find a culture where you can flesh yourself out and flesh out your vision and your passion and your purpose and what you're called to do. I hope that that makes sense to you.

Speaker 1:

But this is the thing. My sheep know my voice and they follow me. I've made it very clear in my ministry. I was like hey, if you're going to follow me, this is where we're headed. If it rings with you, come join us. If it isn't, then that's okay. Now, when it comes to our culture, it's non-negotiable. This is what our culture is. You got to follow that If you want to be a part of our culture. That's how we do it. But at the end of the day't do what I tell you to do. You go into hell. You better do it. And that pastors can use any tone talk down to them, berate them. That is not biblical. And I want to go on to this. Why, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready, ready.

Speaker 1:

God never anoints pastors or leaders to destroy what he died for oh, that's so good. God never anoints pastors or leaders to destroy what he died for oh, that's so good. God never anoints pastors or leaders to destroy what he died for A true secure pastor. A true secure pastor allows his own people to make their decisions, whether he agrees or not. Now, it doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to enforce some type of correction if they're biblically in error or if there's something that's going against the culture, he has a right to do that. He has a right to say this is not a way. They're late. They have a right to say you can't serve, you're not going to be on time, things along that line.

Speaker 1:

But I'm talking about control, where, if you don't do this, you better come to the church. I need you there, you, you there. You didn't plan on being there. Come to church tonight at five o'clock and if you're not there, I'm taking you down from leadership. You're an error. You're this, you're that are driving the people. God never anoints you to destroy what he died for.

Speaker 1:

Why, if anybody could have destroyed the people, it was Christ Jesus. Jesus could have easily have destroyed them on the cross. What do you say, father, forgive them. Then they know not what they do. One man he brings to paradise with him. The other man he doesn't even respond to. So it's always important and this is the thing that's important as well, whether you're dealing with pastors or whoever it might be, even if you have a place of authority in your life. Now watch this, and I need someone to catch this Jesus is always redemptive, even in his rebukes. My good God, that's so good. He's always redemptive, even in his rebuke. Why the Bible says in John 3, 16 through 18. Let's go there real quickly. John, chapter three, verse 16 through 18.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to give you a bunch of scripture I would like to just preach, but I don't want you to feel it's my opinion. I want you to see it in the scripture. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish, but what have everlasting life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. Let me read that again For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. He who believes in him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten son of God.

Speaker 1:

So here we go, very important here. So people say well, don't condemn me. Don't condemn me. Condemn me Are you ready? Is not the same as correct me. We have made correction, we have made correction, condemnation. People have made conviction. You ready? Condemnation. They don't know the difference. Now, here you go. This is important.

Speaker 1:

Correction is not condemning, but how is can correction be condemning? Yes, it can. How it's the spirit, by way it's delivered, by the way in which it is delivered. So correction always has the good news and redemption with it. Even if you're correcting your staff, even if you're correcting your people, the purpose behind it is to be redemptive. Now, there are times you have to fire, there are times you have to. I get that, but the spirit behind it is like I'm trying to get you over, not to disqualify you. Oh, that's so good. The spirit by which you deliver your message determines whether it's correction, conviction or condemnation or judgment. It's the spirit by which you deliver it, because this is the reality.

Speaker 1:

There are two stories here. Oh, this is so good. I hope y'all are getting this. Before I go there too, let's go to Galatians 6, verse 1. Galatians 6, verse number 1.

Speaker 1:

Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, so if anybody is struggling, if they're having a sin, if they're having a weakness. You, who are spiritual, if you feel like you're on that level, you're doing well. Restore such a one in a spirit of meekness. Yeah, I could break your leg, but I'm just going to apply enough pressure to get you to see we need to make an adjustment. Considering yourself yourself lets you also be tempted.

Speaker 1:

So people that are judgmental which means this they're correcting without redemption, which is judgment or condemnation. You bum, you idiot, you're failure, you're this, you're that. How dare you? Who do you think you are? All that stuff? There's nothing redemptive. Christ, even in his correction, is always redemptive, why he's the God of another chance. So he's letting you know there's an error, but guess what? There's another chance. And most people. Just how you can tell the difference between correction, conviction or judgment and condemnation is the spirit, is it redemptive? Doesn't mean it doesn't call a spade a spade. Doesn't mean it doesn't call an error an error. It's saying, okay, you did wrong, but guess what? You're not disqualified. That needs to be laced in the message. Jesus who caught the woman in adultery. Look at the difference between the two Stoner stoner, stoner stoner. That's why listen to me, listen to me, please hear me everyone, please hear me.

Speaker 1:

Ministers are being exposed left and right. We are not called to condemn or judge. Are we called to correct? Of course, but it needs to be with a heart of redemption Anybody you see in the public eye that has failed but has blessed you. Do not condemn them or judge them. Do not See the difference? We have to separate correction and conviction versus judgment and condemnation. What is the difference?

Speaker 1:

One is redemptive, one says it's not too late, one says God is the God of another chance. And it doesn't mean there aren't things that people lose. And it doesn't mean that people don't have to step back. And it doesn't mean that sometimes people can't get back into ministry. I get that Sometimes, if you're messing with kids or doing something like that, sometimes you can't get back. You can't get it back. But even if you can't get everything back, there are some things. Everybody deserves to be forgiven and given another chance in some way that their life is not over. God is not done with them. He wants to use their story. He wants to redeem them. Are you following me?

Speaker 1:

We are not to put our mouths on people, to condemn them and judge. Oh man, see, I knew there was something wrong with them. Yeah, see, I knew it. Yup, yup. See, that's what they get, yup, that's why they going down. Yup, I knew it. How dare they? They going to hell? No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

Now you're in condemnation and judgment. Yes, that was wrong. You have to call it what it is. But it's not your jobs, because listen, this is the thing you probably don't have a voice with them anyways. So who are you to judge them? Because you don't know what God's be doing in them. And listen, if everybody knew everything about you, oh my goodness. Nobody want to be your friend, nobody want to be my friend. Everybody's got something in their world that they're not proud of. Everybody has someplace in their life where something they did wrong, and you don't want everybody kicking you when you're down. Nobody wants that. Now, this is the thing. Listen to me when I say this Every sin requires a certain level of accountability.

Speaker 1:

I get it, but that don't mean we have to be the ones to put our foot on their neck. We have to determine. See, the problem is we have to have accurate judgment. When we do it, we need to be judicious, rather, in our judgments Doesn't mean we don't call a spade a spade and that we have to work through a process. Sometimes people do it. We need to be judicious, rather, in our judgments. It doesn't mean we don't call a spade a spade and that we have to work through a process. Sometimes people do time, people have to go to jail.

Speaker 1:

But our heart is, if they're willing to repent, come on somebody, if they're willing to come to the table, if they're willing to confess their faults, if they're willing to say I'm sorry, if they're willing to own what they've done wrong, we need to be the ones that are spiritual and restore them. And this is the thing A lot of people that you see in the news you're not going to know. So all you need to do, all I need to do, is pray for them. Lord, help them, restore them. God will deal with that. If you're the one that's been afflicted by it, well, that's another story. Then you walk through the processes you need to walk through.

Speaker 1:

But the problem with the church today is, when we find people in sin, we're looking for a reason to put our foot on the neck and crush their jugular. That is condemnation, that is judgment. It's not the fact that you can't be upset, not the fact that it doesn't hurt, but let me say this as well Let me go here A lot of times. What happens here we go A lot of times. What happens here we go?

Speaker 1:

Spiritual authority, spiritual abuse. Where people get spiritually abused is they start looking people that have spiritual authority as God and not a voice for God. You have to learn early Men are men, women are women. They're going to fail you. People are going to hurt your feelings. People are going to do you wrong. People are going to make promises to you and break them. They're men and women, just like you, and I Don't put them on a pedestal. It doesn't mean that they have an excuse Please hear me but they're not God, so we don't follow them as God. What we do, though, is say God, they're your voice piece, and when I hear your voice or I hear your word through them, I will follow and, lord, if this is where I feel God's calling me to be, as long as the culture watch this, all right.

Speaker 1:

There's four reasons Let me give this to you, four reasons why you don't follow a spiritual authority Ready, illegal, unethical, immoral or unbiblical. Oh, that's so good. Write that in Somebody, please do me a favor. The only reasons why you don't follow spiritual authority illegal, unethical, immoral or unbiblical. Otherwise, you determine the culture because if it doesn't fall into one of those categories, there's no reason you can't follow it. Excuse me, if you don't want to follow it, go to another place. If you don't want to follow it, find another culture. That's completely fine. It's totally up to you. But unless it's illegal, unethical, immoral or unbiblical, it is not for you to speak against that authority, and so it's important that we are very, very careful.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to say this here and I might wrap up here, because I'm going to do a part two. I might even come on again tomorrow, but I'm telling you this is going to be a blessing, like subscribe, follow, share, take a minute right now and just go and do that, because I believe people are really going to be blessed, because this is the type of teaching, ladies and gentlemen, the church needs to hear. I know a lot of pastors ain't going to want to hear this, because a lot of pastors use that thumb. They're really slave masters. They've turned into pharaohs that command them to make bricks without straw. There are pastors that do that.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm not saying that doesn't mean a pastor has a standard pastor that wants to be the leader. That's his culture. As long as it's not illegal, unethical, immoral or unbiblical, you may not do it that way, but that's fine. You're not pastoring that church. If you want to have it a different way, go find a church you want to pastor. You can do that. Don't try to change the culture. You'd say.

Speaker 1:

This is where I feel God has called me. That's why I see this is the thing. We can't take the responsibility off of people. To hear from God for themselves, you've got to hear from the Lord for yourself. What has God said to you? Is that where you're called to be? If it is, then follow it.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I've been in church. I've been a senior pastor, been a lead pastor and I've been under pastors In every church. I've seen pastors do things that ain't right, that literally aren't right, that I definitely wouldn't do. But then I see pastors that have done things that just isn't my preference. I don't run like that, but I still followed what they wanted because it's not illegal, it's not unethical, it's not immoral, it's not unbiblical. Well, I'm still going to follow that, even if it's not the way that I would do it. I wouldn't want to do it like this. I wouldn't expect my leadership to any of your church.

Speaker 1:

So now remember oh, I wish I had more time to go into this, but I'm going to get into it later because one of the things I'm going to talk about is family image. When you have a family minister, family ministry where, like I have, or there's a lot of people that are your husband and wife, how do you operate in that operate when you have your brother or sister, aunt or uncle and there's authority in there, and how do you have family? But then how do you have ministry? I'm going to talk about that later on, which I'm not going to get into. We see that story with Miriam and Moses and Aaron and all of that. We'll talk about that later on.

Speaker 1:

But it's important that we understand God has not anointed pastors to destroy what he died for. Now watch this. Remember we talked about it. There's judgment and there is condemnation. There's correction and conviction. Okay, so remember that the spirit behind which they operate determines whether it's one or the other. Now watch this Just because you are uncomfortable does not mean your pastor or leader is in error.

Speaker 1:

Just because you don't like it don't mean they're wrong, my good God. It doesn't mean that they have the right to speak the word of God or to correct you about the culture. In my culture, at our church, we all know we don't do late, we have deadlines, all that and we correct people when they don't. We hold people accountable for that. Nothing wrong with that. Some people why wouldn't do that? Let people come when they want. That's your church. If that's what God calls you to do, go ahead and do that. But this is what God told me to do in this culture, so we enforce that. Now that doesn't mean people won't get uncomfortable like that. This is our culture, this is what we do. This is how we operate.

Speaker 1:

But we're always redemptive as long as the person's willing to repent and change. We're always trying to bring people up. Are you following me? Okay? Now there is a story. There are two of them. Go with me to Exodus, chapter 17,. Real, quickly, exodus 17.

Speaker 1:

And I want to read these two to you, and then I'm going to wrap up with this. I hope you've been blessed by this man. I tell you what this is so good and you know what I wish I would have heard this years and years ago, because there were many areas of my life where I fell into that trap of fear, and I mean you were afraid to do anything, man. I mean if they told you to get down and do 20 pushups, if you didn't do it you was going to hell. I mean you get to a point I remember where, when people would give altar calls, I wouldn't go up and get saved, I'd battle with them, I'd go home and couldn't sleep at night. I'm just telling you what. I don't want people in that bondage, I don't want you in that bondage and I don't want pastors to be in that bondage.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times we don't understand. The Bible says God said he would build a church. We don't have to drive people. We don, and people can do that, and that's not fair. How we treat them, how we talk to them, how we berate them, that's not what God called us to do. So look here Exodus, chapter 17.

Speaker 1:

Now this is the two stories of Moses to best illustrate conviction, condemnation. I'm sorry, conviction and correction. Condemnation and judgment. Now here's the first one here. This is a story where they were led out into the wilderness and Moses doesn't have anything to give him to drink. Out into the wilderness and Moses doesn't have anything to give him to drink. Now watch this. Now I want to show you here.

Speaker 1:

Then all the congregation of the children of Israel set out on their journey from the wilderness of sin, according to the commandment of the Lord, and camped in Rephidim, or the place of rest, but there was no water for the people to drink. Therefore, the people contended with Moses Now look at this here, this is important, there's a lot to be learned by this and said give us water that we may drink. So Moses said to them why do you contend with me? Why do you tempt the Lord? Moses understood it right there. Listen, sometimes God leads a church, a ministry, into places where you need a miracle. He's trying to grow you, he's trying to reveal something.

Speaker 1:

And so what happened? The people began to tempt the Lord by way of Moses. They didn't like where they were, they were upset. So now they're mad at Moses. You brought us out here. We ain't got no water. Give us water that we may drink. And he's like wait, and why are you tempted? They were thirsty, they didn't have what they wanted. So they cried and complained at Moses, complained at him why are you doing this, why you got to do like that? Why do people have to be on time? Why do we have to tithe if we're going to be a member? Why do we have to do that? Why do we have to be dead, all these types of things coming after? Because they didn't like what was coming from the Lord? It wasn't Moses, it was the Lord. And look at, and the people thirsted for water and the people complained against Moses. Why did you bring us out of Egypt to kill us and our children? And now so they're mad at Moses.

Speaker 1:

Now, watch this. This is important. People say am I allowed to ask questions to authority? Of course you can. Now watch this. This is very important. If a pastor is unbiblical, illegal, unethical and moral, of course you should go challenge a pastor. I'm going to talk about how to do that in the future. I'll get to that, but I don't want to take too much for side track, because that's a whole nother thing. There's probably part three and four coming to this as well two, three and four. But the thing that I want you to realize is it wrong to ask a question? Is it wrong, if you don't understand where a pastor is going to ask him? Yes, watch this.

Speaker 1:

It all deals with motive. It's not. Can I ask a question? Motive always deals with one question why. Motive deals with the why you did what you did. It's the difference Watch this between first degree murder and involuntary manslaughter. First degree murder is meditated.

Speaker 1:

There's some people that have first degree rebellion and some people have a manslaughter rebellion, if I could say it like that. Some people they may not. It wasn't intentional, I didn't realize it and they made an error. Some people their motive is wrong. They intended I'm trying to do something bad. So the judgment comes based upon what the motive of the heart is. But it still can be wrong either way, it doesn't matter, it's still an error, just. But motive goes a long way. But also, motive is how we can expose what spirit we are walking in. That's very, very important that we understand that.

Speaker 1:

And the people thirst for water and they complained against Moses. Why did you bring us out here into Egypt to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst? So they're complaining now, mad, why the pastor asked them to do something they didn't want to do, and so now they're in a situation. And so instead of saying okay, god, what are you doing in this moment, in this situation. They began to complain against the character of Moses because they didn't like what God was saying, which is what a lot of people do. And this is where we get into spiritual rebellion now, because they think they're speaking to oh, this is so good. They think they're speaking to oh, this is so good. They think they're speaking to Moses.

Speaker 1:

And you have to understand. You're not following a man, you're following a mantle. Did you hear that? You're not following the man, you're following the mantle. So you have to understand. That's why David becomes such a great king, besides his error with Bathsheba, but otherwise he's still noted as the greatest king to ever be. But look, no matter what Saul did, he dodged the javelins and never touched the anointing. He never touched the mantle. He did what God called him to do and God prepared him in that time in order watch this to be able to be in that mantle. So a lot of people don't understand it. I'm not. I'm not after that, I'm not going to touch the man. I'm allowed the mantle to deal with the man, because I'll talk about that later too. The mantle will deal with the man which I'm about to show you in just a minute. If we deal with it the right way. But it's very, very important that we understand it's.

Speaker 1:

You have to be careful when oh now hear me, this is where rebellion comes. When it is God and you touch the man, wow See, this is where you got to know God for yourself. There's in between, all right, that's the culture, that's the culture I ain't going to touch that. I ain't got nothing to do with me. I either follow it or I don't. If it's the word of God, I got to follow it. I ain't going to touch the man. It's the word of God or it isn't. But when it comes to just the fact that it's the word of the Lord, and then it comes to you and you decide I'm going to touch that messenger, that's like me going and beating up my mailman because I didn't like what somebody sent me through him, and God takes that personally. You won't beat him up because of what I sent to you.

Speaker 1:

And see, if you don't know the difference, you can be in rebellion. And that's why it's important you listen, ladies and gentlemen. You've got to know God for yourself. You've got to know the word, you've got to know what God is saying, so then you can gauge appropriately. Otherwise you can fall into abuse or you can fall into rebellion based upon what you don't know. That's why I'm taking the time to teach you right now, because all the stuff that's going on in the news, people say, oh, what about this? A lot of people are rebelling right now because of how spiritually abused they've been.

Speaker 1:

But you can't throw both out. You can't say I'm just not gonna follow anything, I'm just gonna say anything to any man of God or any woman of God. You can't do that. That's biblically in error. Even if you've been wounded, you got to go get healed and find the right way to be able to come correctly. All right, I'm almost done with this.

Speaker 1:

Now look at this. So Moses cried to the Lord. There's a message in that for pastors as well. What shall I do with this people? They're almost ready to stone me. And the Lord said go before the people. Take with you some of the elders also. Take into your hand the rod at which you will struck the river and go and behold, I will stand before you there on the rock and horrible, and you shall strike the rock and water will come out of it that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the Israel. So we call the name of the place Messiah and Meribah, because of the contention of the children of Israel and because they tempted the Lord, saying is the Lord among us or not? Wow, so look at this here. He says go there, strike the rock, bam, water comes out.

Speaker 1:

So God gave the people a little bit of grace in that moment, because they were incorrect. They came at Moses. They are is God with us or not? Brings the water out, brings the correction. They see now, okay, god's with us. This should be enough now to prove God and bring them out there to die, because he could let them die there.

Speaker 1:

So Moses has the right heart. He strikes the rock, water comes out. The people's hearts were wrong, which makes watch this a great. Leader has to have the right heart, even when people have wrong motives. My good God that'll preach right there.

Speaker 1:

See, some of you don't realize you're being tested even right now with people that tick you off to the highest level of ticktivity. Because of what reason? If you don't learn how to temper your emotions, people will make you angry and you will come out of character. Watch this. And if you are not tempered correctly, you will then abuse with your authority the people God has called you to shepherd, because if you're in ministry long enough, you're in business long enough, people are going to upset you, but God never anoints you to destroy what he died for. Now, this is the thing. It doesn't mean people don't listen. Hear me well. Hear me well, because I don't want a bunch of emails and people texting me saying what did you do this for? Why'd you say no, no, it doesn't mean you can't correct them. No, no, no, no, you can correct, you can fire, you can transfer, you can train, whatever you need to do with that person individually. It's the spirit behind which you do.

Speaker 1:

Moses here was redemptive. Redemptive still brought the water out of the rock, still showed the people, corrected them. You notice, he never beat up on them, he just talked to them. He said he went to the Lord. Lord, what do you want me to do? He said go before them and do it, and he allowed God to do it.

Speaker 1:

But sometimes, being a shepherd and being a leader, ladies and gentlemen, sometimes you're dealing with people that don't got it yet. They're coming along the way, they're learning, they're growing, they're developing. They don't get it yet. Even Jesus got frustrated with his son how long do I got to be with y'all? I mean, man, you still don't know that I'm the Messiah. I mean, I showed you I walked on water, you still questioning me. Even Jesus felt the tension of that, but he never abused them, he never spoke bad to them, he never critically came at them and judged them. He was always, always redemptive. All right, so that's the. We see the right spirit hits the rock, right spirit, water flows.

Speaker 1:

Now let's go to Numbers, and I'm done with this. After this Numbers, you have to come back for part two. I hope you've been blessed. If you've been blessed, put that in the timeline there, put that in a little chat box. Let me know that you've been blessed and I'm going to keep coming to you because I believe this is going to help some people. Numbers chapter 20, verse number one. I want to read a little bit more, all right, and then I'm a wrap up with this.

Speaker 1:

Then the children of Israel, the whole congregation, came into the wilderness of Zin in the first month and the people stayed in Kadesh and Miriam died there and was buried there. And now, once again, there was no water for the congregation. So now they're being tested again with no water. So they gathered together against Moses and Aaron. Now notice that God brings them. Now. This is where you have to see. God brings them to a place and they start attacking the man that's in the mantle. Be very, very careful.

Speaker 1:

Just because you don't understand doesn't give you a right to touch a man or a woman. You can ask questions, but it's the spirit behind how you ask. Are you asking to understand? I'm not talking about if they're that goes without saying unethical, immoral, unbiblical, any of those. I get it. You got to come to. Hey, I thought I heard this. What's going on? We'll talk about that later on. You know I'm still going a little bit deeper on how you deal with that, but I'm talking about all right, you just don't like it. You're not happy. It's not illegal, unethical, immoral, unbiblical, any of those things. Just you don't like it. Some people you have to realize are sometimes God has you and stuff that ain't comfortable. You don't like it. You don't appreciate where you are. It don't feel good. Your flesh is being riled up. Does it give you an opportunity to be disrespectful or dishonor the man Just because the mantle has led you to a place where you didn't want to be. Oh, that's so good, right there. Look at there. Verse number two Now, there was no water for the congregation, so they gathered together.

Speaker 1:

So you're going to pull together some foot. We're going to get Moses and Aaron. Yeah, we're going to get that pastor. We're going to have chopped up broiled pastor tonight. It's on All right.

Speaker 1:

And the people contended with Moses saying if we'd only died when our brethren died before the Lord, why have you brought this assembly up out into this world? Is that our animals would die here? Why have you come up out of Egypt to bring us his evil place? Isn't this a place of grain or figs, or vines or pomegranates? There's not even any water to drink. So Moses and Aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle meeting. They fell on their faces and the glory of the Lord appeared before them and he said go, take the rod, you and your brother Aaron, gather the congregation together, speak to the rock before their eyes and it will yield its water. Thus you shall bring water for them out of the rock and give drink to the congregations and their animals. So Moses took the rod from before the Lord, as he commanded him, and Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock and he said to them here, now you rebels. Must we bring water for you out of this rock? Must we bring water for you out of this rock? And Moses was starting to take it personal. Then Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod and water came out abundantly and the congregation and their animals drank. Now stop right there. Now I need you to see some.

Speaker 1:

Verse number eight the people are rebelling again and God says don't strike, speak, watch this. Sometimes, the harder the people come in order to apply the kingdom, the meeker you have to become. What struck before? God said speak this time. Wow, think about that for a minute. Ladies and gentlemen, I could strike it before. Speak this time. God wanted him to speak to the people. And what does he do now? Here, now you rebels, must we, must we? So now he's taking it personal. Beforehand, god brought the water out of the rock. Now it's Moses bringing the. I got to bring water out of the rock for y'all. So he started elevating himself and he started getting himself in the way and, as a result, he began to abuse the people. Here now you rebels. We bring water to this rock, so he struck it. What's amazing? Now watch this. I want you to catch this.

Speaker 1:

Even when God knowingly has allowed in his sovereignty you to be subjected to a pastor that didn't treat you right, didn't speak to you right, any of those things he will still be faithful and bring the water of the rock, even when the man or woman of God is not obedient. That's the reason why you don't have to control a man or woman of God, because God will still be faithful to you even when the man or woman of God is not faithful. My good God, almighty, somebody need to give God praise right there. That sets somebody free. Why you don't need to put your mouth on them. You don't need to touch them. You don't need to do anything.

Speaker 1:

I'm not talking about if there's sexual rape, or I'm not talking about the time you go to the cops, and I'm talking about things that every day to day, stuff that people get caught up in. You know, sometimes they don't do things right. Hey, I'm not going to. I'm not. I'm going to be redemptive in everything that I do. If Christ can be on the cross and be nailed to the cross and still say father, forgiveness, no, not what they do. Why can't God require that of us? That our heart, we apply the pressure needed because of whatever's going on, but we're not retaliatory. That's the difference. Doesn't matter what they do, we're not retaliatory. That's the difference between conviction and correction, judgment and condemnation. I'm not retaliatory and I'm not judgmental and critically condemning them, saying there's nothing redemptive left with them.

Speaker 1:

Here now, you rebels, must we bring water to the rock? And then God brings it out anyway. But I want to see this verse, number 12. Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron. Moses and Aaron, because you didn't believe me, to honor me in the eyes of the children of Israel. Therefore, you will not bring this assembly into the land which I've given him.

Speaker 1:

So look at Moses, disqualified himself as a leader, but God was still faithful to the people. See, we have to learn how to apply the principles, ladies and gentlemen, into our world. We've got to learn. Moses, in one situation, strikes the rock, has the right spirit. The other time, he strikes the rock, has the wrong spirit, has the wrong spirit. God deals with the man, still faithful to the people Both situations. Even when the people wrong, god was still faithful to the people. Both times Moses did it right, one time wrong. The other God was still faithful.

Speaker 1:

What does that do? That lets me know, my faith does not need to be in men and women, it needs to be in the Lord. But I need to hear God. So I know him, so I know the voice of the shepherd in the under shepherd, so I know what to follow and I know my Bible. So I'm not operating in illegal, unethical, immoral or unbiblical principles. If they're operating in that, I can't follow that. I will lovingly step back and say I can't follow that. Why it's not in the word? It's wrong, it's illegal, it's not okay.

Speaker 1:

And the other part, ladies and gentlemen, if you have a pastor that's driving you and you're burnout, you got to go have a talk. I can't do this. I don't feel a call to that. Well, how dare you? You're only human. You can only do what God's graced you to do. And if you can't do it, then you can't do it. You got to find a place where they'll shepherd you.

Speaker 1:

What does a shepherd do? He calls, and if it's God you'll be graced to do, are you with me? But then, on the other hand, you got to be responsible enough to know. Hey, you can call the man of God a devil, but it's God, are you with me? But you can call the man of God God, and it's actually the devil. You have to know God for yourself, one of the things that you can't. That's the reason why God, when Jesus talks about how, if you offend one of my children that don't know, it's better for you to cast a millstone, or put a millstone around your neck and throw yourself off into the depths of sea, than is to offend one of my little ones, why did he say that? He said that because they don't know any better.

Speaker 1:

And does it happen in churches Of it happen in churches? Of course it does, unfortunately, and I'm sorry if you've been abused. I'm sorry if you've been subjected to tyrant pastors and pastors. I'm sorry if you've been subjected to people that didn't treat you right and you did the right thing, and then they're trying to stone you. You're doing everything God asked you to do and then they want to kill you.

Speaker 1:

See, people, if we would start looking through it, through the other person's eyes, we'd look at it differently. If we look at pastors and realize the stresses they have to have to follow God, have to do what they have to do, have to share the hard thing. See, a lot of people don't think about this. Pastors don't. Even people don't realize, when people leave their church, the impact it can have on them. Not that they don't need to grow and develop. And I'm just saying if we saw it through someone else's eyes, if we walked a mile in their shoes, I mean, I think I think about someone like Coach Mike Tomlin those of you that are watching from Pittsburgh here, you know, and how, man, if I was the head coach man, I'd be doing this. If I was the head coach, I wouldn't have ran that play.

Speaker 1:

It's easy to say that when you're at home eating popcorn and hot wings and he's down there with 80,000 fans screaming, with his job on the line and his finances on the line and his future on the line and all of that, he's got to make the right call and he's got people screaming here and this person and it's all on him. It's easy to make the decision when you don't have any skin in the game and I'm saying that for both sides pastors that are driving the sheep it's easy to say do, do, do, do, do, not, do, do. Now, understanding there's things in their world that they're battling with. You have to lead the people, you have to be, you have to have a heart for those people and some people ain't going to want to go and some are going to want to go. But some people beat them because they got they were trying to build their kingdom and not the kingdom of God. So they beat the people. But then, on the other hand, you have people that the pastor is doing the right thing and he's wanting to say the right thing and he's loving them and preaching the word, but then they don't want to hear it and they don't want to grow and they don't want to develop. So now they're going to pick up stones and stone the pastor. It's amazing If you hopped in their shoes for a minute both side pastors hop in the congregants feet.

Speaker 1:

I think every pastor every once in a while should have to go back to being a congregant again for a year. I think it'd be outstanding. Find what it's like to be in their shoes and then you can also forget. You can't really do this, but if every person had to be a pastor for a month, it's kind of like the story you ever watched Bruce Almighty when he said, man, if I was God I'd do it. So God gave him all his powers and if you ever seen the movie, I mean it drove him crazy. He's like, oh my gosh, how do you deal with these people? It's easy Watch this. Watch this. Pastors that don't have a heart for people and people that don't have a heart for pastors. Watch this.

Speaker 1:

The reason why we throw stones at one another? Because we only consider ourselves. We only see it through our own lens. But if we began to look at other people and see it through their eyes, see it through their lens, do you understand what a pastor goes through? Do you understand the pressures that they face? People? Do you understand that? Do you understand what it's like to have to make decisions and to tell people they're wrong and then have your name drug through the mud? Do you understand they're doing the right thing? They're doing what? Do you understand what it's like to be like Joseph, to to do the right thing and run away from the woman? She rips off his clothes, he leaves her and still end up in prison? A lot of people don't know what that feels like. You'd be a lot easier on your pastor If you walked a mile in his shoes or her shoes.

Speaker 1:

Pastors, do we remember what it's like to follow people, to follow leaders? Do we understand? Do we remember what it's like? Do you understand? Most of them see with you, with pastors, that's their job. Other people have jobs and they've got all these things that are going on in their world and they have all these things happening. And then you got to do this and this and this and this and this and this. We're just adding more on them. Do we remember what it feels like to be bi-vocational? I got to work a job and I got to pastor. I got to help the church and I got to be at my son's game. And I've got this going on and I've got a deadline. Do we remember? It's important that we start looking at it through one another's lenses? Take the lenses off of you, put them on me, take mine off, put them on you. Let's see through each other's eyes just for a moment. We'd stop being so hard on one another and that's why I said there's two sides, and I know some people are going to be, no matter what you say, they're not going to be happy. But listen, I'm secure enough to know that what I'm sharing right now is 100% from the spirit of the Lord, because more pastors are falling. From the spirit of the Lord. Because more pastors are falling, we're seeing the humanity. I'm going to talk about that in a minute. And when I say in a minute, the next episode pastors are falling.

Speaker 1:

People get familiar with pastors. You know a lot of people don't realize how privileged you are to be able to. If you're walking with a pastor, you might. If you walk close enough to any pastor you're going to see they're just flesh and blood like you. You're going to see them. I'm not talking about sinful things, but sometimes what'll happen is you can become familiar with them because you're close to them. And let me say this as I close If you've been privileged to walk with your pastor or with a leader or with your boss, just because you see some of their humanity, what do I mean by that? You might be close enough to realize, man, their breath stinks, just like anybody else. If they don't bathe, they stink. They're human. Everybody else doesn't get that close to witness their humanity. And if you're not careful, you may say, yeah, they just like me, and then you'll begin to disgrace them and you'll begin to discredit them and you'll begin to bring them down to your level, which what I mean by that. Watch this. They are on your level. You begin to take that office and say I don't need to honor it anymore, they're just John. And that's why I believe it's also a dishonor for pastors to say don't call me pastor. Oh, you don't have to call me pastor, just call me Willie, just call me Don, just call me Lisa. No, no, no, no. Watch this, watch this.

Speaker 1:

Your title preserves the nature of your relationship, preserves the nature of your relationship. That's why, when I see my doctor, he ain't Jim, it's Dr Jim. Why it reminds us this is why we're together. Every relationship that you have, from the time it comes into your life, you need to classify it. You need to determine the nature of the relationship from the jump. If that person is in your life to be your pastor, they're not there to be your friend. If they're in your life to be your doctor, they're probably not in there to be your friend. It doesn't mean they're not friendly, but it's hard to walk in both. So every relationship that comes into my life, I ask the Lord why are they in my world? So then, therefore, I preserve the nature of that relationship.

Speaker 1:

You know, ladies and gentlemen, I hope this has been a blessing to you. I hope that you've heard my heart today and I really want you to understand my heart in this. I mean and I mentioned this only for the sake of I know what it's like to be a pastor. I know what it's like to deal with the stress as a pastor, and I'm not excusing anything. We have to own what we've owned.

Speaker 1:

But the things that have surfaced about Pastor Rod Parsley, Pastor Greg Locke if you've been around long enough and in the media at all Bishop TD Jakes I mean I can go on and on Ravi Zacharias see all these major generals struggling. There are some issues Creflo Dollar, dr Creflo Dollar that came up, I mean, and the reality is, is everybody's just men? There's just men and women just like you and me they battle with. The only difference is they have a platform that makes their nakedness more apparent to all. And if we're not careful and I feel that it's just the heart of the Lord right now If we're not careful, we will begin to become critical, condemnatory, judgmental over people that God wants to redeem.

Speaker 1:

And let me tell you something no matter what man or woman of God that they fell. You have to learn to separate the man from the mantle. The only reason why they get their revelation, and all that is because God graced them. If God would have given that to you, you could do the exact same thing. They're just graced to do it Separate the man from the mantle.

Speaker 1:

The man still, or the woman, still, needs to be redeemed. They still need to be loved, they still need to be cared for, they still need all those things. But that doesn't mean they don't need to be accountable, because to whom much is given, much is required. So it doesn't mean they don't still need to be accountable for what they need to do. But we need to have hearts that are open, saying, hey, listen, if they've fallen short, where's the good news for them? Just like they gave it to you and me. We need to offer the good news to them. Do they need to repent? Do they need to be accountable? Of course you see what's going on with Dr Tony Evans. Don't tell me you haven't been blessed by Dr Tony Evans. Don't tell me you haven't been blessed in some way by one of those ministers that I've mentioned that have all have had a fall from the grace of God, and when I say a fall from grace, of course they're from their position and what we do, oh man, now it's almost like can't hear nothing from them. Wait a minute. They're still a man or woman and they need to hear the good news now. We need to give them back the love that they've showed to us for so many years. We need to now say God, thank you for using them. I'm going to make it available to them if they want to receive. Now.

Speaker 1:

There are some that will not repent. There are some that will not change. There are some that are going to go and say you know what, forget it all, I don't care. I'm going to do what I'm going to do. But, ladies and gentlemen, please hear me when I say this. Let's not be the one to put our foot on their jugular and stomp the life out of them when they're looking for another chance. When they preached to you and gave you that revelation and that insight, you hopped on any one of the social media pages, their webpage, went to one of their conferences and they were there and poured their heart and soul and life out to you.

Speaker 1:

The question is, can we now give back to them the opportunity to be redeemed and restored. Some won't repent, but that's between them and God. But I want my heart to be right, and you know what? I pray to God that not one of us ever falls and ever has a moment where we fall from grace. But I hope that, man, if I give it to others, if one day I should ever need that, that somebody would say I still believe in you. Here's another chance Because, listen, the same the Bible says blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Speaker 1:

How you give mercy to others determines, determines how God will give it back to you. And listen, there's going to come a point in your life and in my life. We're all going to need a self-compassion. You may never be on that level where you need it, where you're exposed in front of anybody, but it may just be your marriage, it may just be your kids, it may just be wherever it could be your job. You made an error. They could have to you because you are merciful to others. Now, when you need mercy, I will give it to you. Man, I feel the heart of the Lord right now. It's so important, ladies and gentlemen, that we give that heart back to people.

Speaker 1:

I feel bad for all those men and women that are going through. Some may not repent, they may not, and they're wrong. If they did wrong, they did wrong. I'm not excusing it, but what I'm saying weren't you ever wrong? Didn't you ever drop the ball? Didn't you ever fall short? Didn't you ever make a mistake and wish you could take it back? Well, what did you want someone to do for you? And if they're willing, and if you wanted someone to do that for you, why don't you extend that now?

Speaker 1:

I believe there's people watching even right now. There's people you need to forgive. My good friend, pastor Gary Metric. He says this all the time. He said forgiveness doesn't make them right, it makes you free. It doesn't mean that we're excusing or condoning and saying, oh, it's okay, they're a man of God, it's all right. No, it's not. What it is saying is it's wrong. But you know what? God wants to restore you and bless you. God wants to honor you and God still wants to give you another chance if you're willing to allow him into your heart. So I just want to encourage you with that and I just want to take a minute. I want to pray for you as I get ready to wrap up here and I hope this has been a blessing to you I'm going to come back on. I might even try to get on tomorrow, but I'm coming on really soon because I have a part two, three and four.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I have so much more that I want to share with you. I hope that you'll take a minute and just like, subscribe, follow, share all that good stuff and let others know about this. I'm going to talk about Jesus, the time when he drove out the temple and why that was okay. I'm going to talk about Miriam and Moses and how we can become familiar with people in our lives. I'm going to talk about how to address pastors, leaders and bosses when they are in error and when we don't understand, but they want us to follow. I'm going to talk about family in ministry and the dynamics of that and how you operate accordingly, being how Jesus dealt with that with his own family. And the last thing I'm going to talk about as well is pastors that are rebuking other pastors. How do we address another pastor that's in the public? There was a situation that happened recently. I'm going to talk about it, about the pastor that had the mail on the stripper pole and all of these things that happened, and then the pastor called him out in front of everyone. Was that correct or was it not? I'm going to give you some details on that as well. I have so much more to share with you that I believe, is going to be a blessing to you.

Speaker 1:

And, like I said, if you haven't gotten the podcast as well, go to your podcast store, download. This will be on the podcast here within the hour. It'll be uploaded to it. This is literally live. It's not live to tape. This is live.

Speaker 1:

I am on here right now. This is live. I am on here literally, and I want to thank you all so much for your time and I want to pray for you before I go, and I feel the presence of the Lord on this. You know, I feel the heart of God. You know, because sometimes people don't understand. There's so many pastors and ministers and people out there and both have been hurt. Both have been hurt. Pastors have been hurt by congregants and leaders or people, and then you have people that have been hurt by pastors. I'm not excusing either one. What I'm not excusing either one.

Speaker 1:

What I'm trying to do is give you the biblical understanding. Spiritual authority is real. It's powerful. I believe in it too. I believe totally in spiritual authority With all of my heart. I believe spiritual authority is huge. There's safety in it.

Speaker 1:

But can it be abused? Yeah, just like anything else, it can be abnormally used, used in the way it wasn't intended. How do we know? That's what this is all about. It gives you the understanding so you recognize what spiritual authority is, for, why God gave it to shepherd our souls, to show us the word they're supposed to be in it. So then they can give you the word and when there's errors and adjustment, or maybe there's a word from God that you need, they can go and seek the Lord and you come and you ask them and what do they do? They bring you a word in due season, prophetic word to speak to you. If it's confirmation, you follow. But it should never be used as a way to condemn and judge, to where people can't think for themselves, they're afraid to say that they don't agree, or be able to process it through their own laboratory and come back with a word, or follow the word blindly and all these things. When it's not scriptural, it's just something that they felt God said to them man, I mean, we got to get out of this stuff y'all. We got to get out of this.

Speaker 1:

One of the things I've learned as a pastor I run my ministry with an open hand. People come and go as they want. Yeah, we have a culture and we have a situation. Not too long ago I went to somebody and gave them some input and they were so scared hey, but I'm trying to follow what God gave me. I said listen, listen, I'm not God. I'm giving this to you, saying consider it. If it fits, you, take it, if it doesn't, don't. I don't want you to follow, and any pastor worth their salt should be willing to simply say this I'm going to give you what I feel God is saying. If it's for you, follow it. If God is in it, follow it. If he's not, don't follow it. Period. Every pastor or leader or preacher should have enough in them to say those words to you with integrity period. If it's not God, don't follow it. You're not going to go to hell. And even if you thought, even if you didn't know it was God and you chose to go in a different direction, you're still not going to go to hell. I'm going to give you a quick story. I know I said I'm going to let you go, but I feel something on this right now.

Speaker 1:

Real Talk, kim. You ever heard of Real Talk Kim? This is something she shared publicly, so I know she wouldn't mind it. She said she found this guy and she was at Pastor Rod Parsley's church. She found this guy and Pastor Rod said I see you looking at that guy. You don't need to be looking at him, I'm not going to bless it. She got off the plane.

Speaker 1:

She said, went and married the guy in total rebellion. This is her story, true story. Went and married him total rebellion, I think if I have it right. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I think she said within like six months to a year they were divorced. She said it was the worst decision she ever made, but she just rebelled and went and did it anyways. Well, does a pastor pick your wife? No, but if you have a good pastor that loves you and they're showing you some red flags, you might want to take a minute and ask yourself if that's God. You might want to take a minute and say Lord, confirm it, show me, and then, if it is, you, honor that pastor. She went and did it anyways. The reason why I'm saying this is this she went and did it anyways, got a divorce. God's using that woman in great ways. I mean, she's her platform bigger now than I ever was. I mean, man, you know that's what God did.

Speaker 1:

What I'm saying is that even if you miss it, god will still redeem you. So we have to give people the opportunity to make decisions and not make them feel so guilty. I hate that fearful spirit that binds up people, makes them feel like, oh my gosh, if I don't follow every single jot and tittle of every pastor that comes to me, they tell me I better have fruit loops for breakfast and I better follow it. If I don't do it, oh my gosh, I'm going to hell. I've seen so many good people get burnt out and get hurt and be destroyed because they were afraid to say you know, that ain't for me. No, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't feel a call to go to Africa with you. Yeah, but if you don't go there, I ain't never calling you again. Then don't call me. It's okay, cause God didn't call me there the first time. Y'all better hear what I'm saying. Yeah, but if I don't follow the pastor. Follow the who. See, are you following the man of the mantle? See, the pastor can tell you. You need to go to Africa, you need to go to Africa, you need to go to Africa. If God didn't call you to Africa, you can't go to Africa. Why won't call you again? Please don't, because God didn't call me. But if God calls me, I will answer.

Speaker 1:

See, we have to give people that leverage and that ability and that room to be able to hear God for themselves. We can't be insecure with that. Even leaders. You don't even have to be a pastor, a leader. You got to be secure enough to know when God leads you and when he doesn't. And if he's not leading them, well then let him go. And if he is leading them, then God will send you the right one.

Speaker 1:

Did you hear what I just said? If he is leading you and you are telling him, hey, I feel that you should come with me to Africa, and they're not willing to answer it, then God will pick somebody else. But we don't need to condemn them or judge them or make them feel bad or guilty, that they're going to hell and all these types of things which I have heard Grew up in some of that. And man, that's rough. It took me years to come out of that. And man, that's rough. It took me years to come out of that. And I'm all about honor, man, all about it.

Speaker 1:

But I am not about God's people, god's pastors and choice ministers using control and fear and manipulation to get people to do what they want because they can't get the people to move the way they want. No, that's wrong. And I'm not about people controlling and beating up pastors and talking about high pastors backs and and creating these little coups and things like that and bringing rebellion and speaking negatively and putting bad thoughts into people's minds about pastors because they didn't like something that was biblical or something that was the culture and so they decided to bring up them lie about a pastor. I don't agree with that either and God will judge both. See, I'm not here to say right, wrong as far as like, well, I'm going to judge this person, judge that person, judge this person, judge that person. I'm going to call a spade a spade, but what I'm saying is both sides. So you can't condemn all pastors. You can't condemn all people in the pews or in the church or in the seats. It's both ways, but see if we can get the right biblical understanding and perspective and narrative. But see if we can get the right biblical understanding and perspective and narrative.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, everything can be different. Everything can be different, so it's all about how we go about it, and honor is something that we have lost in the kingdom of God. So, last but not least, I want to pray for you and ask God's blessing upon your life, that's that God will give you wisdom. And if you need healing right now in your heart from maybe you've been hurt, don. And if you need healing right now in your heart from maybe you've been hurt, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I don't care if you're a pastor that's been hurt, a minister that's been hurt or maybe it's been. You're a person that's been hurt by a pastor or leader. Don't get rid of the church. Every pastor is in a bad past, just like every. You know I have some. I have a great restaurant I love going to. I'm not going to mention which ones they are, but I love steakhouses, and if they do something wrong, man, I might still have to go back, cause I mean they might get it right the next time, but if they keep serving bad food, eventually I'll find another place to go. But you know what? Don't just because you had you got hurt, don't shut down everything, cause, listen, I don't know who this is for and I'm trying to get out of here, but I really sense this.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes the devil will hurt you the first go round because the man or woman that God is sending to you is coming in this season and the devil wants you to say fine, I'll shut. See, the devil was playing chess with you for years. He knew you were coming into this moment, right now that I'm talking to you about. And this is the time when God's sending the right man, the right woman, the right people. And you could be at a point now where you're like forget it, I'm done, I'm not talking to nobody, no more. And now the perfect person comes to your life and you'll shut it all down because you're not gonna deal with them. I'm not doing that ever again.

Speaker 1:

And the devil says gotcha, be careful that you don't allow your past to dictate how you see your future. Sometimes that's a good thing, but, man, keep a clear lens in this season. I don't know who this is for, but God says I'm bringing the right pastors. Pastor, I'm bringing the right people. Don't allow what you have faced and what you have been through to cause you to say I'm not gonna listen to nobody, I'm not gonna open my heart. Because this is the season I hear the spirit of the Lord saying that I am sending the right people to you. I'm sending the right people, and don't allow what you have been through and what you have experienced to shut down your heart and cause you to abort what God is doing for you in this season. So just lay your hands on your heart, on your mind. Put season. So just lay your hands on your heart, on your mind, put one on each, if you want. And I just want to pray for you, father, in the name of Jesus.

Speaker 1:

I pray for every person that's watching Pastors, ministers, those that are listening by podcast, whenever they hear this Father, you've ordained it that they heard it. And I hear the Lord saying that you didn't watch this or listen to this by happenstance, but God says he ordained it because this is why, hear me, there are doors and new relationships that are coming, and God says what you are learning today is going to set you up to be healthy for tomorrow. God has trained you and there's some of you that you're going to go back and you're going to speak to other people that have been wounded and hurt and show them the right way. There are some of you that are people that have followed pastors, that have been hurt, that God's going to make you a pastor and that you would love the people the correct way, like David did with Saul. There's some of you that are pastors that have been hurt by people. Maybe they've gotten too familiar with you and you're saying I don't want to deal with these people anymore. But God says I'm sending the right people to you in this season. That's going to help your ministry grow. It's going to help you accelerate. I'm sending the right business to people, to you, and what I showed you and what I've taught you and what I'm teaching you right now are the principles I need you to apply.

Speaker 1:

Do not allow the scars of your past to become infected wounds again. I'm going to say that again Don't allow the scars of your past to become the infected wounds again. Don't reopen those. Yes, it happened. It wasn't right. God understands, but get the healing and develop the appropriate boundaries. Don't build walls. Have healthy boundaries.

Speaker 1:

God says right now I'm pouring in the oil and the wine and I'm bringing healing to you. Be open to what I'm doing, for I am sending the new, I am sending new people. I am sending a new wave of people. I am sending new leaders. I am sending a new wave of people. I am sending new leaders. I am sending new things into your life, man. I feel the prince of the Lord, and God says don't allow what's happened back there to skew your vision now. And so, father, I pray your blessing, your healing, your restoration upon your people now, in Jesus name, amen, amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I feel the anointing of the Holy ghost. My good God, I hope that you really will take a minute and like, subscribe, follow, share. I really believe this is a word from God. I have several other things. I hope that you will tune in and listen. I'm going to come again. If you haven't gone to our page, jay Tiffany Gilbert or another level ministries, go and like again. If you haven't gone to our page J Tiffany Gilbert or another level ministries go and like that so you can keep up to date and follow it. So then, when I'll put updates on there, let you know when I'm coming on and keep you up to date on what's happening, but I really believe this is a word from God.

Speaker 1:

I believe pastors and people that are watching you need to go back and listen to this again, because I believe what I'm sharing are principles that you are called to live in this season. That's gonna help you get to where God has called you to be, and there are many of you listen to that prophetic word that you've been wounded on either side, but God has not only allowed you to walk through it. Like Joseph, you're gonna come out the other side and say what the devil's meant for evil. God has turned it around for our good, and I believe there are many of you that have gone through some dark things. People have done you wrong, lied on you. I mean, you've suffered some serious, serious bites.

Speaker 1:

But you know I remember back in the day the Lord spoke to me and I've carried this with me when Paul was bit by the serpent, what the Lord spoke. He said you can't stop the bite, but you don't have to allow the venom to destroy you from the inside out. And some of you God has allowed you to process. You've developed the antibodies now to where you've been bit. The antibodies are now going to destroy the venom. So, even when people bite you, the venom ain't going to bother you no more. You won't become bitter. You're going to develop gangrene on the inside. You're not going to have any of that. You're going to be completely fine, right where you are. And so God has allowed you to process those things, because now he's gonna bring the right people to you.

Speaker 1:

Whether you're a pastor, whether you're going to be a pastor, leader, businessman, businesswoman, manager, supervisor, ceo, wherever you are, god's allowed you to walk through that. Like Joseph, he's about to elevate your life. This is a word for somebody. He's about to elevate your life and as he elevates your life, god is gonna bless you in a super natural way, and you are going to apply the principles that you have learned and you are going to become better and not bitter. You are going to be a success and not a failure if you don't allow the bites of the past to become infected wounds in your present. So learn what you need to learn. God has given you the instruction. Go back and hear these things and watch what God will begin to do.

Speaker 1:

If you haven't gone to our webpage anotherlevelchurch. It's actually church, not com church. Go there tomorrow night. I'm so excited I've got a great message for Father's Day. I'm also going to be ministering at Dr Connie Brooks' Church Jubilee International Ministries Sunday morning. But tomorrow night I'll be at another level, at our church, at six o'clock. I hope that you'll come out and see us Listen. If God puts it on your heart I don't normally do this, but God puts you on your heart and you want to sow a seed into our ministry, go to anotherlevelchurch. I don't ask that of anybody, but if God lays it upon your heart and you're saying, hey, I want to sow into the ministry, to keep the ministry of another level going forward, to keep the ministry we always run live, at least weekly, you know, and just so many different things.

Speaker 1:

We also have a great we're doing this phenomenal thing on Wednesday nights called Casket Empty. It teaches you the whole Bible C-A-S-K-E-T-E-M-P-T-Y. It's an acronym from New Testament Casket our Old Testament Casket, new Testament Empty. From New Testament casket our Old Testament, casket, new Testament empty. And it's an acronym on each phase of and how the scarlet thread of redemption flows through the whole thing and how you can marry the New Testament the old. It is outstanding.

Speaker 1:

We had our first week this Wednesday. You can join at any time. Hope that you'll come on out with us on Wednesday nights as well. It has just been such a great time. So we're doing a lot of things. We have our pregnancy center. My wife and I are going to be coming on again talking about it and what's happening there, if you'd like to support us with that as well. So many different things, but thank you all so much for all that you've done for us and your prayers and your constant support. So love you and appreciate you and thank the Lord for you, and I'll be coming very, very soon, most likely. I'm gonna try to get on tomorrow. I'll let you know. Keep us uh, keep a lookout on Facebook. It's going to be great and you're going to learn a lot and I believe it's going to bring healing and restoration to your life. I love you very much, appreciate you. God bless you, have a wonderful day and we'll see you next time right here on dimensions. Thank you.

Understanding Spiritual Authority vs Spiritual Abuse
Understanding Spiritual Authority and Abuse
Spiritual Authority and Servant Leadership
Understanding Shepherding and Leadership Roles
Spirit of Correction vs Condemnation
Navigating Spiritual Authority in the Church
Difference Between Conviction and Condemnation
The Mantle and Leader's Heart
Lessons on Leadership and Faithfulness
Understanding the Role of a Pastor
Preserving Nature of Relationships
Understanding Spiritual Authority and Honor
Healing and Restoration Through Past Wounds