Unreasonable with Amy Lea

18 | How to create your most magnetic offers (this might surprise you!)

Amy Lea Episode 18

This might be a controversial one…

In this episode, I share some behind-the-scenes insights into my process of birthing new bodies of work and how I allow my creations to emerge organically.

If you are an entrepreneur or creative and are curious about how I create offers that are coherent and attractive to my audience, you won’t want to miss this episode.


  • Acknowledging my slow integration and creative process
  • Why I look at my creative process, bringing new bodies of work through, as a dance 
  • Why it helps to ‘romance your offers’
  • The importance of the right timing and trusting yourself
  • The difference between the timing of your mind and the timing of your body
  • Why a creative percolation period is necessary for many of us
  • Why embodiment and cellular integration make all the difference
  • Why teaching something before it is integrated will lead to burnout 
  • The importance of mastery and integration 
  • The importance of avoiding urgency and pressure
  • Your audience is smarter than the marketing industry gives them credit for

If you want to step into your most unreasonable, unfuckwithable and audacious leadership, my new business immersion is enrolling now. Learn more here.

If you are ready to start integrating Human Design into your business and client work, my course BY DESIGN is a great place to start.

If you want to become a Human Design and Astrology professional, you can learn more about my ADVANCED TRAINING here. 



A 6-month immersive and rich educational experience. If you’re ready to cultivate your mastery and develop the skillset to help your clients thrive, our advanced training is the perfect place for you.