Unreasonable with Amy Lea

20 | My Journey with T1 Diabetes, Pluto Transits and a Dark Night of the Soul

Amy Lea Episode 20

My health, spirituality and business journeys are all so intertwined and overlapping in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am in one of these areas without the challenges and growth I’ve moved through in the others. And in all honesty, if I hadn’t had the health journey that I have I don’t know if I would be doing the work that I am today. 

In this episode, you will learn more about my late-onset T1 diabetes diagnosis in 2012, how that year was one of the most challenging and life changing years of my life, and how my diagnosis set me on the path to do the work that I am doing today.

If you are someone who is navigating an autoimmune condition, the medical system, Pluto transits or a 12th House year, you will likely find pieces of my story applicable to your own journey.

If you resonate and want to reach out to talk about what I shared here, please feel free to email or send me an Instagram DM.



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