Parenting The Socially Phobic & Avoidant Adult
The socially phobic adult with avoidant personality and overly dependent behavior presents a complex and daunting therapeutic challenge. In fact, the mental health professions have been confounded by this clinical scenario. This podcast provides critical information for parents and concerned persons of adults who have had a long-term struggle or paralysis with launching. Launching refers to social, academic, career, relationship, and emotional pursuits.
Jonathan Berent, L.C.S.W. has pioneered treatment for social and performance anxiety, having worked with thousands of patients since 1978. He is the author of "Beyond Shyness: How to Conquer Social Anxieties" (Simon & Schuster) and "Work Makes Me Nervous" (Wiley). Jonathan has extensive media experience including Oprah, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, Fox, The New York Times, Newsday, The Chicago Tribune, and The Boston Globe. His website is www.socialanxiety.com.
Parenting The Socially Phobic & Avoidant Adult
Parenting The Socially Phobic & Avoidant Adult: Episode 12 - Physician Describes How 5-Year Old Daughter Resolved Selective Mutism
"It was like a miracle."
This interview highlights a comprehensive treatment process, which occurred via telephone and skype. The father describes the steps of The Berent Methodology including; productive diagnostics, empowering parenting, “processing”, which is the challenging, but profoundly important task of helping the child identify thoughts, feelings, and reasoning skills at age appropriate levels. This process empowered the social intelligence and social skills of child who was previously "imprisoned" by selective mutism. In addition, the cycle of pharmaceutical intervention is described.