Thinking Historically About

Thinking Historically About the State of Social Studies Education with Shawn Healy

Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode, we are thinking historically about the state of social studies education with  Shawn Healy, the Senior Director for Policy and Advocacy at iCivics. In this episode, Shawn helps us think to think about the policy implications around the state of social studies education and what steps toward stronger advocacy can be taken.

This is the 6th in the series where Thinking Nation's Executive Director, Zachary Cote, will interview various leaders in social studies education in the lead up to Civic Learning Week (March 11-15, 2024). Zach will talk to guests about the state of social studies education broadly, while also looking specifically at the data found in a white paper published by Education Week in November 2023, which Thinking Nation commissioned. On March 11th, Zach and Dr. Lawrence Paska of the National Council of Social Studies Education will cohost a webinar entitled, "The State of Social Studies Education: Collaboratively Moving Forward.

We hope that these conversations stir up ideas in the Civic Learning and Social Studies communities about how we can move forward and best support and sustain social studies education in the future in order to preserve and protect our constitutional democracy.