The Whole Shebang

56. Make Room for Your Manifestations (+ Life Update)

Jennifer Briggs Season 1 Episode 56

My recent experience with co-creation and manifestation has been nothing short of magic. For real. It got me thinking and wondering why and how things are coming through at such a rapid pace, and why it wasn't "working" for me before even though I felt like I was doing all the right things.

Today's episode is a personal share on my end; how I believe I've managed to co-create some pretty big beautiful things, and some principles that I believe can help you find YOUR unique way in co-creating the life you desire.

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Speaker 1:

We've been taught that it's crazy to trust our intuitive sense. We've been taught that it's a little weird, it's a little out there, it's a little woo-woo. Of course we're like I got all these goosebumps, like, but that doesn't mean anything. This doesn't make logical sense. Sometimes the things of this universe don't make logical sense. If you think of the ecosystem that is taking place around our globe right now and you think about how many variables are playing into every situation, there is no way our puny, egoic logical minds can wrap around how many things need to be orchestrated and in what way. And so for us to think that we have the ability to understand it all and make a decision from that place like that's kind of crazy. Actually, there is so much vastness and unknown that we cannot comprehend. So for us to think that we can make a decision purely based on our logical minds, that's crazy. This is normal. So what is normal? Normal is going. My body is telling me something. We've got a little bit of a different edition of a mini bang. Today I would love to share with you some life updates, what's happening in my world, but more specifically through the lens of how, how I, how the universe has made room for manifestations to come in to my life. Um, it has been I keep using these three words that it's been wild bananas and magic. And then I think about what's happening and how it's unfolding and I chuckle and smile and shake my head like in awe, kind of dumbfounded, this morning. Gosh, synchronicities just keep happening and I I feel like they're happening faster than I. Oh, yeah, there's something there. They're happening faster than I can grasp. It's just like things are, and some of them are small, but some of them are ginormous and they're coming at me so quick right now that I'm like this is definitely not anything I'm controlling or manipulating or searching for. Things are coming at me, um, in a really divinely orchestrated way and it's kind of yeah, it's bananas. I just said it again. So so I'd like to share with you how this is happening, or at least my perception of how it's happening.

Speaker 1:

As I'm sharing how I've been walking my path, I want you to be really clear. My intention is not to give you a formulaic way to do the same thing or to apply the formula to your life. I want you to and I'll do my best to help in this to extract the principles from what I'm sharing, so that you can apply those principles in a way to you, in a way that you're wired to your life, so that you can um, so that you can make room for your dream life to unfold. I don't even think we have to like. I think it's so adverse to what we've been taught that we need to make life happen and we need to work really hard. Don't get me wrong. I am working hard, but it's it's a V from a very different place. It's in a very different way. It is an unfolding of what's already in me, rather than me trying to go out and grasp at something and create something. So when I say I want you to extract the principles to help you make room, it's literally for you to open up and make room for what's already in you to come forth. So today is about making room for that and how you can get in alignment, more and more in alignment, so that you can make room for your absolute dream life to start coming forth. Okay, I don't even know what I just said. I was just riffing, flowing for you in that Now, when I go back to three, four years ago and I started this inner work, I was coming across a lot of work around manifestation Gabby Berenstein To Be Magnetic, abraham Hicks like a lot of different resources around how to manifest your life, different resources around how to manifest your life, and transparently, I don't know that I would say I was frustrated, but I was approaching that work like you would a genie in a bottle.

Speaker 1:

To some degree, I was approaching it like I really want my life to be what I want it to be. If I do these things, can I just rub it the right way, get what I want? That's the question, and that didn't work for me. Surprise, surprise, like I learned things. I learned things in my mind, but you can't logic your way to this, and I do think that there's an element of manifesting your dream life that is individualized, because we're not all exactly the same. We're not coded the same, we're not wired the same, we're not genetically the same, so how we get to that path is going to be unique.

Speaker 1:

As a little aside, I do want to note me and Maggie Hillpish I did an episode with her are going to be running an event at the end of September. Uh, she's going to be bringing in her human design aspect, which will help you tap into how you're wired and I'm going to bring in um, this divine, feminine, intuitive side and how to authoritatively in that union of masculine and feminine with how you're wired in human design or gene keys, different things like that, how to specifically start on full stepping into that. So that's an aside, but that's going to be at the end of September. I'm going to also have a link in the show notes If you want to get on the wait list. We don't have the date and time picked yet but, um, we're in the works on that. I'm super excited. We see the need for that and that's part of why I'm doing this mini bang. Okay, riff, riff, riff, here I go. So what's happening in my life? So here's I'm going to use these things that are happening in my life to reflect on the principles that I want you to extract. So one of the big manifestations I have is this trip to Scotland and I'm going to try to keep this shorty story.

Speaker 1:

You can go back and listen to the episode with Kristen Rowell last winter. She's a former trial attorney turned nutrition, fitness, energetics coach. I thought we were going to be talking about fitness and nutrition. We ended up spending almost the whole episode talking about how to align with your soul's purpose, feminine energy, mary Magdalene things that I was like blown away by During that episode. She was the third person, probably that week or in just like a very short period of time, that had brought up Mary Magdalene and at that point knew nothing, really nothing of her, except what the church had taught me, which was incorrect information or incomplete information in my opinion. And so she mentions that she's going on this trip to Scotland, which is to reignite Christ consciousness, and remember Mary Magdalene. And she said, to be honest, jen, I don't really know what we're doing, but I felt compelled to go.

Speaker 1:

And, as she's telling me about this, I'm getting just waves of goosebumps, not just like a little bit on my forearm, waves of goosebumps up and down my body, over and over, and I'm like that sounds amazing. I feel like I'm supposed to go on that trip, but like where's my invitation? And I don't really know Kristen at this point. I feel like I'm supposed to go on that trip but like where's my invitation? And I don't really know Kristen at this point, but I'm like I'm like kind of inviting myself on this trip with her, but also I'm like the no, I can't go on that trip. I already have another one planned in October, a work thing that I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

I'm, you know, at this point I had decided that I wasn't going to take on another formal position in my work and that I was going to be venturing out into this entrepreneurial world um, again on my own. And so I'm like I can't go, I'm not going to go to Scotland, so I let let the idea go. I just was like now is not the time, it doesn't make logical sense, jen. I just was like now's not the time, it doesn't make logical sense, jen, now's not the time, but it. But it kept coming back to me and so I was like, okay, let me just go see what the cost is. So I go online and I look at the cost, and then I'm like, thinking, thinking about it, but then I see that it's sold out. So I'm like, okay, could I spend the money? Yes, but also it's sold out. Thank goodness I don't have to make this tough decision.

Speaker 1:

So I let the idea go again and it continues to come up to me, and part of why I think it kept coming up to me is because I have been so attuned to my body and understanding that our bodies are like antennas. When there are things that are dangerous for us, when there's intuitive hits coming through, our bodies are divinely designed to give us indicators of which way to go, which way not to go. And I talk about that on a lot of these episodes, how to actually start to tune into that. Some of us don't recognize when we need to take a drink of water because we're so not attuned to our body. I've been there, I've worked back to back to back to back meetings all day long and like not gone pee and not realized that I've. It's been nine hours, you know. That's how detached we can get from even the basic, fundamental needs of our body, let alone tuning into our intuitive sense.

Speaker 1:

And then I think the third part of that is trusting it, because we've been taught that it's crazy to trust that. We've been taught that it's a little weird, it's a little out there, it's a little woo woo. We've been shamed for it, we've been made fun of for it. It's a little woo woo. Uh, we've been shamed for it, we've been made fun of for it. So of course we're like I got all these goosebumps, like, but that doesn't mean anything, this doesn't make logical sense. That is our knee jerk reaction, I think, is to go back to well, does it make sense?

Speaker 1:

Sometimes the things of this universe don't make logical sense. Oftentimes I think they don't make logical sense because if you think of the ecosystem that is taking place around our globe right now and you think about how many variables are playing into every situation, there is no way our puny, egoic logical minds can wrap around how many things need to be orchestrated and in what way. And so for us to think that we, literally that we have the ability to understand it all and make a decision from that place is kind of that's kind of wild, like that's kind of crazy. Actually, how could I possibly know all of the variables that are being divinely orchestrated? How could I know the creatures that are at the depths of the ocean that they're still being discovered? There is so much vast vastness and unknown that we cannot comprehend. So for us to think that we can make a decision purely based on our logical minds, that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

Let's like hashtag normalize. That. That's crazy. This is normal. So what is normal? Normal is going. My body is telling me something. My body is telling me something, so I'm going to pay attention to that. So I couldn't let it go. I think in part because I was remembering the hat, that embodied experience I was having, as I was just hearing about a trip, knowing nothing about Mary Magdalene or the trip or like why Scotland, other than the fact that I've binged outlander. I love that so much so so I said I was going to keep this short. I'm doing an awful job. If you're still with me, congratulations. So I reach out to Kristen and I say keep me posted If you hear of anything. I don't know if I could even go, keep me posted If you hear of anything. I don't know if I could even go, but I feel like I need to ask you to do that for me. So she says, okay, cool. This is months ago Now fast forward to just a few weeks ago and I had had, very transparently, what would felt like a tough conversation on my end from, um, somebody that was just coming to me out of care, out of like letting me know that from the outside world that it looks interesting to people the way that I'm making decisions and I get it right, like I.

Speaker 1:

This is a bit of an aside for those of you that know me and that have been with me on this journey or that have worked with me. You know, over the last 10 years I've worked in a very corporate structure, up until recently and, and seven years of that I was in a leadership position of billion dollar organizations and and if you followed me closely, if you knew me closely, none of what I'm saying now would be a surprise to you, because you heard me talking about masculine, feminine. You saw it in my stories and some of it probably confused you then too. The reality is, the work that I have been doing, the deep inner work that I have been doing, has been the better part of six years now, five or six years, and if you could see the buffet of books that I have next to me right now in the podcast, you would know and I've used these words. It's been this insatiable desire, not out of a place of lack, but this compulsion to um do what I've been doing. So I've been doing that and um, from the outside, looking in, people are like whoa, jen's taken a big left turn and here's what's happened. And if you listen to some of these podcast episodes, you'll hear this in what I'm saying too.

Speaker 1:

This is nothing negative to say about anybody I worked with or the environment. I am who I am today because I had the opportunity to be there. So I want to be really clear on that. This is not meant from a place of negativity, but I couldn't be this version of me and be in that position. If people are wondering now if I'm off my rocker, can you imagine if I was in that visible leadership position talking about the things I'm talking about and there's more. There's more head guys, some more coming. I couldn't be that version of me. It's not even a version I couldn't express my holiest, my most full self and listen. Your expression of your most full self might fit really well in your working environment, or maybe you're able to compartmentalize differently.

Speaker 1:

I am called to something different. I am called to something different. I am wired to something different. This is a new season in my life and what I know that I'm not willing to do anymore is fit inside boxes, because I'm not called to do that. I am called to initiate. I am called to lead by example. I think even less than I am called to corral people and lead them like I have in a working capacity, I am called to live life in a wild way, in part because I think it is coded to ignite something that helps you to live your life in a wild way, not to do it the way I've done it, but to find your path in your way. And so I need to do that in a big way and I want to. It feels really good. This feels really in alignment with what I'm called to do.

Speaker 1:

So so that's a bit on that, but I had had this challenging conversation. It was challenging to me because it caused me to come back to a place of, of, you know, having these moments of doubt, of of getting back in that space again, of going am I crazy? Am I? Am I crazy here for taking this risk, for following my, my intuition? And then I remembered, like this is the whole point. This is the whole point. The whole point is that we have been indoctrinated to think it's crazy. And it's not crazy, it's the new normal.

Speaker 1:

So, um, I'm thankful for that, I'm thankful that I walked through that, through that sort of gate, and, even though it was a tough conversation, at the end of it I just kind of was like universe, can you just work with me here? Like, work with me Like I'm here, I'm open, I'm, I'm available, I'm, I'm, I'm believing. I am believing not from a place of mustard up faith, not from a place of grasping at belief, but because there's not even a, because I just do, I just believe in this. So I'm like, if I, if I believe that what I'm doing is going to unlock this life and do something for the collective, then like, work with me universe, because, because there's people watching now, work with me universe, because because there's people watching now they're wondering too. So I. So this is like two hours later. Oh, I missed this. I missed a step in this story.

Speaker 1:

Let me, let me backpedal a little bit. On the Scotland thing, I had reached out to Kristen. On the Scotland thing I had reached out to Kristen. Kristen said cool, I'll let you know, but this was many months ago, like three weeks ago. She is like Jen, there's a woman that can't go on the trip. Here's her name, here's her phone number. Call her. So I'm like whoa, okay, again, I don't know if I can go, but I call her and she's like it's so nice to meet you, jen. She happens to live in Minneapolis. There's 50 people from all over the world going on this trip. She happens to live in the area, by the way.

Speaker 1:

So she said, yeah, jen, I don't know why I'm just getting this intuitive hit that I'm not supposed to go on the trip. And I'm like, okay, that's interesting, I feel like I'm supposed to go on the trip. And I'm like, okay, that's interesting, I feel like I'm supposed to go on the trip, don't know if I can. But, um, she said, well, I'm going to sit with it for a day. I said I need to crunch some numbers. Let me sit with it for a day and then we'll come back around to this. So I go crunch some numbers and look at the cost of the trip and I'm like can I do it? Yeah, but let me check in with my body. So this is a pro, this is part of what I'm doing right now. So I'll sit with something and I can feel a hell.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's usually kind of like butterflies or goosebumps throughout my body. It's, it's an excited, it's, um, but not fearful, not, not anxious, not frantic, it's, it's a different kind of feeling. Anyways, I wasn't getting that feeling and I just there was like nothingness and I'm like no, like I can't, I'm not, I'm just not going to. Could I? Yes, am I going to? No, with my situation right now, I'm like, no, I'm not. I'm just not going to drop all that money on this trip. But fuck what? What is happening? So she reaches out. She said yeah, I'm for sure not going to go, it's yours if you want it. And I said I do want to go, but I just don't have the. I just don't have the. Hell, yes, right now. And, to be honest, I'm fully self-employed again and I'm at this place where I just don't feel like it's responsible for me to invest that kind of money into this trip. So so I said but we should still get together for coffee. We had planned to get together for coffee. So we had this great connection, great communication. And she said absolutely would love to do that. Wish you all the best, jen. I'm like okay, cool, I'm not going on the trip. So so I have now here. We're back to this conversation. So I have this challenging conversation. I kind of throw my hands in my heart up to the universe and I'm like what's going on? Show up with me here.

Speaker 1:

A couple hours after that, this woman texts me and she's like hey, Jen, I'm just sitting here and this thought may be kind of crazy. It comes to me, though, like if I paid for X amount of dollars on the trip, it was essentially a quarter of the trip. Um, would you want to go? Before I got back to her, I was sitting there and the question came to my cause. I'm like no, that doesn't feel right. I had had in my mind like if I could go for 50% of the cost, that would. It's, it's all inclusive. It's like I got a roommate. I'm like that's a very doable feels. Feels like it feels like a hell yes to me.

Speaker 1:

So I got back to her and I said I don't want this at all to feel like I'm negotiating with you, cause I don't want to take advantage of this situation. If this is a no on your end, I still want to meet you and have coffee. What I can do is 50% of the cost. She got back to me immediately and said I'm happy to do that. To be honest, I have a lot of FOMO and I still don't know why I can't go. But, um, this feels really right. So in my mind I'm like oh my God. But then I'm also like there's a plane ticket, and I said I wanted to go for 50% and shit, I've got this expensive plane ticket. I'm just like, universe, show up for me here, will you? So the plane ticket is $1,600 and I'm like, okay, what's what's going to happen here?

Speaker 1:

I'm cleaning out my mail and cut like there's an old. There's an old letter in my mail that is from so I sold my house back in the end of May. So there's a letter from my loan company saying like, hey, we sent you a check and the check hasn't cashed yet. Please get this signed by a notary so we can resend you the check. This was not escrow funds. There was something that was miscalculated in my mortgage balance. So those of you that know real estate know that this wasn't just escrow. I already got that check, so I wasn't expecting anything more. So I look no sure as shit. The amount of that check is $1,600.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'm going to Scotland in a way that feels in alignment with me on this wild trip that is Mary Magdalene, christ consciousness, and also find out that I have ancestral lineage there. There's all of these wild synchronicities that are happening. Then that's just one scenario. Now another one is that I had just put out there that I would like a partner to help me with my social media and my my video editing because, as you can imagine, this is getting to be it's. It's a lot of effort and time and energy and, while I love doing it, if this is going to expand and grow, I I cannot be stuck in the weeds on that. I want to focus on bringing forth really great content and getting really great guests on the podcast. So the editing side of it I would love some help from somebody who's really great at that.

Speaker 1:

And several times in one week there was this, this different business framework around how I could set that up in a way that I wasn't outputting a lot on the front end, but it was really advantageous for a potential partner to come in on that side. Less less than a week later, I had somebody raise their hand. That is an amazing human being. That's an alignment with a vision of the podcast that is coming in to work on that. So that just showed up. It just was like also wild. There's more, there's more happening and the other things that are happening are really um, I've had some really sacred experiences that I'm not ready to share yet, that are just like blowing my mind.

Speaker 1:

So I was reflecting this morning on what's different now for me than was a few years ago, when I was really focused on doing the manifestation work. To be clear, in the last few weeks I have not been focused on doing the manifestation work. I have been focused on being light and love. I have been focused on stripping everything from my world. That is not that I've been focused on setting boundaries to protect what's being birthed in and through me. I've been focused on being courageous. As I didn't expect to get emotional on this one. I should know better.

Speaker 1:

It's not easy to go against the grain. It's's not easy to do things that feel wild. It's not easy to share about it publicly and I'm not looking for a pat on the back. I'm not saying that for any reason other than to say, if you're in that situation right now, if you're breaking a pattern in your own life, if you're stepping out of the norm of what your community and your friends are doing, if you're making a decision based on your intuition, whatever it looks like and it doesn't make logical sense and everyone around you is telling you it doesn't make sense, all of that was the muck that I was living in, not that any of it was out of a lack of care from people or a lack of care that I had for myself, but I was still living in, even though I thought I wasn't, and I'm sure I still have residue of this now. I was still living in a portion of fear around what people would think, or if this would really quote unquote work people would think, or if this would really quote unquote work. Um, if and by this I mean living a life that is boldly in alignment with who I am. So it's not easy to do that.

Speaker 1:

It does require like faith on the front end or a willingness to take a risk. I figure like the worst that's going to happen is going to fall on my face and learn that I was an idiot and I should just go back to functioning in my mind. But what's happening is the opposite of that. My life is becoming more rich and more full. The universe is providing for me in ways that I've never experienced before. I have more joy and gratitude. The well, the depth of the well of that just continues to. It just continues to deepen. I feel more integrated with divine and with source than I ever have, and I have a sense have and I have a sense. I just have a sense that all of this is going to continue to expand. How can it not expand? That is our nature. Our nature is growth, evolution and expansion. That is our nature. When we're in alignment with our nature, that it just that's a universal law, it just will happen. It's when we're out of alignment that it won't. That it just that's a universal law, it just will happen. It's when we're out of alignment that it won't, that it doesn't happen. So I'm reflecting on well, how am I doing that? And this comes back to the event that Maggie and I are going to be doing.

Speaker 1:

I needed to start making decisions First of all, not just the decisions themselves, but the way that I make decisions. Needed to start making decisions First of all, not just the decisions themselves, but the way that I make decisions needed to be in aligned and alignment with how my body is wired and how I'm coded to be. And I do believe in human design and gene keys and some of these other aspects. And I had it was one of my best friends that shared human design with me, probably five years ago, and that's what first led me down the path of diving deeper into the feminine, masculine was because it was lighting me up. So I'm a generator, and generators should make decisions in a couple of ways.

Speaker 1:

One you follow where your energy is. Sometimes it brings you to things that don't feel quote unquote good, like shadow work, but if there's energy and compulsion moving you in a direction, you follow that. Often, for me, it does feel really good. Even the painful things feel good because it's cathartic, right, it's cleansing, it's healing. So for me, I'm a generator, so I follow what lights me up, I follow my joy, I follow my energy. I'm also a sacral decision maker, which is my gut, and and have learned as I've been diving into this gene keys class with Dan and Annabelle, I'll share a link to them too. If you want to work with them, they're fucking amazing to them too. If you want to work with them, they're fucking amazing. Um, pardon my French, or not, whatever. Uh, dan said to me at one point he's like Jen, you are all intuition, your being is, you are like a hound on ascent, and I've actually used that phrase to myself before. That's what it feels like to me. So for me, and that's not necessarily for you, this is what I was inferring earlier for me, as I've gotten clear on how I should make those decisions not what the decisions are, but how I make them. The decision-making has become so much easier, in a sense. The part that is difficult is having the courage to make the decision.

Speaker 1:

Launching this podcast was a struggle. You can go back. I think it's like episode three. I talked about walking through fear. This thing is just flowering. It's like the podcast is leading to all of these other things that are flowering and who knows, maybe this will, maybe this won't be forever, maybe this is leading, I don't know, maybe this will evolve or turn into something else, but for right now this is what it is. So that's thing number one is like understanding how you're wired, how you're coded to be, how you should make decisions, because your way of doing them is going to be different than mine.

Speaker 1:

Um, I do think there's an element of intuition for all of us that's very important to tap into. That's kind of like Mary Magdalene stuff. It's understanding that our bodies are divine, that we have divine answers within us. So I think that's that's a little bit of a caveat on that, but uh, so how to make the decision? And then it's having the courage to make the decision and follow through on those things that are really difficult to do. Uh, my last mini bang.

Speaker 1:

I talk about understanding your values, but really what that was about was like saying no, saying no to the things that are out of alignment, and that is heartbreaking. It's really flipping hard sometimes to let go of things that we're really attached to, but that is the making room. If I am mired in things and some of them may be good things, but I'm like in the thick of a bunch of stuff that isn't fully in alignment for me, I have no room for anything to come in, much less magnetize it. That's the other thing. I would say that I and I think this is part of my generator energy A lot of the feedback I get is that that my energy is contagious and whether people are agreeing or not with what I have to say or the decisions that I'm making, there is no denying that like what's coming from me is. I don't think people have the words for it, nor do I like, and I believe that that can come from all of us. It may look a very different way, but that when we're vibrating in that frequency, when we're aligned, when we are full of purpose and passion and joy and pleasure. It is a perspective that we see the world through and that the universe responds to in kind. So, because I've been focused on being love, being light and stripping away as much as I can, transmuting, healing the things in me that are not that, I shouldn't be surprised that I'm attracting the same in.

Speaker 1:

I had that thought this morning. I was like when will you stop being surprised, jen? Like when will you stop being surprised by the synchronicities that are coming at you more quickly than you can handle? I don't know, like. I don't know if I should just be like well, this is the new normal, don't be surprised. But it always feels like such a gift to me. I hope you know that all of this that I'm sharing is is meant to be as an encouragement to you, an expansion of what's possible, uh, an illumination of how you might begin to follow your your own intuitive hits on the next steps to take.

Speaker 1:

To be clear, like, what I'm experiencing now, I know, isn't everything. This isn't the pinnacle of life. I know that. I know it's not the center of the universe. Um, I also do know that it has been it has. It has taken me time to get to this place, and it has been. It has been deep work that has allowed me to make room for for some of this stuff coming in, and the deep work has also been a joy.

Speaker 1:

I struggle sometimes with how to articulate that, because the last thing I want to do is scare people away from going inward or from walking through their own dark part of the journey, dark night of the soul. You know last week's episode we talked about the hero's journey and in everyone's journey, when we go, if we want to get to quote unquote the pinnacle of life or the elixir that you go on Think of Lord of the Rings, think of these big adventures it always requires going through this dark period. But it's part of the adventure, it's part of getting there. And I'm finding that there's this peculiar sort of pleasure and pain which I'm sure BDSM people are like duh, which I'm sure BDSM people are like duh, but there is this like ache, there's this. When you experience that, the achiness of it, you also start to understand, like the depth of love and I don't know any other words. If you've been through it, you know what I'm talking about, I think. So don't let that scare you off If you're standing kind of at an abyss right now, or if you're in the midst of like knowing that your next step is to have a difficult conversation or to work through forgiveness of yourself or for others, if you're in a difficult spot, all of that is a part of the process of clearing, of clearing, of healing, of of making way, of making way for your most beautiful life to unfold. Oh, I don't know you, but I love you. I feel I love you, I feel I feel a connection to you, my listeners, like physically I feel it, I feel like a thread that goes between me and you and I feel a sense of love for you and for wherever you're at in your journey. So thank you, as always, for tuning in and for hanging on for this long life update from Jen. I hope it's encouraging to you. Stay tuned on the whole shebang. We have some really powerful transmissions coming forward, and I'm using the word transmission because it feels like messages that are not just from smart people. They are smart people, but the words and the energy behind them have power and I'm experiencing that when I'm in them.

Speaker 1:

The episode coming out this Thursday with Katie Mackin she's an astrologer, breathwork specialist and she. She effectively like, blew my camera out. I don't even want to tell you it hasn't happened before, it hasn't happened since the camera like overheated. It's never happened, I don't know why. And she said, for what it's worth, this is not uncommon, because when she channels she doesn't call herself a channel, but when she's speaking from an inspired place, she literally heats up. So so there's some really powerful things that on this week's episode with Katie Mackin, I have Nadine coming on.

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She is a tantric sex coach. I have Annabelle Vizcarra, who is a feminine embodiment, womb shaman and just this amazing. They're all amazing, they're just amazing humans. That that I also keep feeling the need which is just probably my own insecurity and ego that I need to say this. They're like just these incredibly talented, smart humans. Many you know the ones I just spoke of women, many of them that have had my journey or a similar story of being in these positions of power and leadership and authority and feeling really led, without explanation, into the feminine, uncovering their intuitive gifts and then birthing them into the world, and these powerful like transformational ways. So, um, that's all coming up. I have another man who's going to be coming on. That's a relationship coach. That is just a really great human being. So lots of good things that are coming up. This is also a part of a lot of that has been magnetized to me. Some of it I felt compelled to seek out and some of it is coming to me and the opportunities and the connections feel really divine. So I hope, hope, hope that this is inspiring you.

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The last thing that I want to say is that, as I'm on this path um, this is not going to be like the way that I make money the podcast. Typically, you don't make a ton of money podcasting. It becomes a vehicle for other things. But I would like to just throw this invitation to you If you haven't, make a ton of money podcasting, it becomes a vehicle for other things. But I would like to just throw this invitation to you If you haven't already it would help tremendously if you would do a few things um, whether or not you want to watch these podcasts on YouTube, if you go to YouTube and subscribe, that would really help.

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If you follow the podcast on Apple and or Spotify, and then leaving a review on either Apple or Spotify, or both if you feel called, helps a ton and that helps push the content out to the people that are needing and interested in the content. And as that continues to grow, it gives me legitimacy to invite different guests on the podcast and you can see how the momentum begets momentum and creates other opportunities and also, eventually, as this becomes the thing, it enables me to be able to just really focus my heart, energy, mind, intention on the content that I'm bringing forward. So, thank you, thank you for doing that. If you feel like a good about doing that and you haven't done it yet, that would be such a gift to me. Okay, ah, I feel complete. All right, loves. Have a banging day, thank you.

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