The Low Budget Ghost Squad

5. It Knows We're in Here

September 03, 2023 Natalie, Alison & Ethan Season 1 Episode 5
5. It Knows We're in Here
The Low Budget Ghost Squad
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The Low Budget Ghost Squad
5. It Knows We're in Here
Sep 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 5
Natalie, Alison & Ethan

Why are spirits coming to our room?  And the answers we get lead to even more mysteries about Delilah’s secrets

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

Show Notes Transcript

Why are spirits coming to our room?  And the answers we get lead to even more mysteries about Delilah’s secrets

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

Episode 5

When you're in a haunted hotel, just know you're never really alone. Someone may be watching right now, you can't even see. And as we search for the truth about what happened to Delilah Carrington, who fell from her balcony in 1934 someone or something didn't like what we were doing. But we've decided we're not giving up because the ghosts of the past are very much, well, like hanging out in the lobby of our hotel. They had something to tell us.

Hey everybody. Welcome to episode five of the low Budget Ghost Squad. 

I'm Natalie, who's ghost hunting with her kids and America's most haunted hotel, the Crescent in Eureka Springs, AR.  I mean, what could go wrong?

I'm Alison, who's loving this.

And I'm Ethan, and I'm still in complete shock about what happened in this episode.

Well, we are sharing this crazy ghost adventure with Y'all, complete with our ghost app that's letting the spirits talk to us. Yes, you heard correctly, Ghosts are talking to us through the phone. And as we told you in the last episode, one is also talking to us face to face Henry Quinlan. 

Now he's been helping us, but we didn't know he was actually a ghost and that he just died. 

You should have seen our faces when we learned that.

When we came back into the lobby where he was, he knew that. We knew you could tell by his face. His ghost face.

I mean, I could have sworn I heard him talking to other people, but that might have just been my imagination. 

And you know, I started thinking that ghost app did go off randomly around the time we first met him outside, and I turned it off when he took us into the Delilah's room.

Which was really poor planning on your part. Great job. 

Yeah, it was amateur hour at that point, I will admit. But when I turned it back on, it went wild.

Henry had just been there because we've discovered his dad, Jason knew Delilah Carrington. You know who's at the center of all of this.

OK, it's still traumatizing to hear after everything that happened, and we we’ll get to that. 

Don't… just try not to jump ahead.

OK, So when Henry saw us, he said -  You know, don't you?

Guys, do you realize that it looked like we were probably talking to no one every time we were speaking to him? 

Thankfully it's a haunted hotel. So….

Yeah, maybe we didn't have to worry about it. 

Well, now, as we tried to talk to him going forward, we had to keep that in mind. 

So I stood next to him to make people think that they were talking to me.

OK, so I'm sorry, but I had to ask him - Were you gonna tell us? 

But he just looked down and said it's so new. I don't really know how to do anything yet. 

I love that we have a starter ghost as a friend. I mean, how many people can really say that? And I actually wanted to know , so I asked - Can you talk to other ghosts? 

Yeah, because we could have solved everything right then, if he could. But he wasn't even sure if he could see ghosts, because he actually hadn’t done it yet.

And about that picture hanging on the wall, he told us he had never noticed his dad, Jason Quinlan, in the background of it because if he had, he would have destroyed it.

You see, his dad and Delilah were having an affair. Remember the ghost app? It showed the word lover after we saw the picture.

.Anyway, Henry says he didn't want us to know about the relationship because his dad had kept it a secret until right before he died, and that's when he found out. His whole life he had heard the story of how Delilah Carrington fell to her death from the third story balcony in 1934.

Henry had no idea his dad was so close to everything until right before his dad died and he spilled all the tea and it was scalding.

Jason told Lucy, she was Deliliah’s great niece who came to the Crescent to investigate in the 90s, but she died soon after in a fall from the same balcony.

And then actually Jason died about a week after talking to her.

And confessing his secret affair.

Apparently Jason told her that he loved Delilah and she wanted to be with him and wait for it…. She was pregnant with his baby and they were gonna run away together. And as the classic love story always goes - He wasn’t from a well- to-do family like hers and that wasn’t going to work with the Carringtons. 

Plus she was engaged to Charlie Whiteford. 

His grandfather helped found the hotel and much of the town of Eureka Springs.

And after Delilah died, Jason was kept quiet. Yeah, he said. He was actually scared of what the Whiteford family might do to him, and he just wanted to protect her you know, her memory.

Delilah's roommate Alice Faye knew about the baby because she was yelling about it the night Delilah died.  But come to find out, she assumed the father was Charlie Whiteford which is interesting because she quickly got engaged to him after Delilah's death and no wonder she later denied knowing anything about the baby. 

I just think the whole thing is sad. 

Lucy’s grandfather Jack was Deliliah’s twin brother. 

Yes, I know this sounds very soap opera.

But yeah, Jack spent so much of his time trying to get answers about what happened to his sister, it took over his whole life pretty much. And all the while Jason Quinlan, who still worked at the hotel, could have at least solved a few mysteries for him. 

But as Henry put it, Nobody even looked at Jason or knew about their relationship to ask. Now, at the time you stayed in your place. He worked the kitchen, so everyone assumed he didn't even know her. 

It was only because of the picture that Alison found hanging in the hallway that forced Henry to say something because he thought it was all about to come out.

And if you remember, he pretty much ran away from us when we showed him that picture. I think he may have been gliding a little bit, you know, being a ghost and all.

So I had to ask Henry, did your dad actually kill her?

Number one - Never seen an angry ghost before. That was crazy  Number two - That's not a question you just asked someone if their father was a murderer. 

But that was really cool how he got angry. I mean, he turned all sorts of colors and actually faded in and out, but it was funny because he calmed down right after saying, Oh my God, that's the first time I've ever done that.

But then the hotel manager came up yet again.  And this worried me because the last time I talked to her she was pretty much warning us against our little pseudo investigation into Delilah's death. 

But she was all smiles this time. And yeah, she said. I hope I didn't come across as abrupt earlier.  And y'all, I did not know what to say, so I just said it's fine, don't worry about it.

Then she told Allison and me that solving an old mystery might really be kind of fun. Kind of like an episode of scooby-doo. 

Well, just so you know, we're not splitting up and look for clues. 

Noted for future ghost adventures. Anyway, after Henry told us about his dad's affair with Delilah, he vanished. Where to? We don't know. I mean, where does a ghost go? 

He used to just sit down the lobby and tell people about the hotel. And you know, he could have still been there. Maybe we just couldn't see him.

They had him stationed near this big desk that had six sides. 

It used to belong to Norman Bacon, the guy who claimed to cure cancer and didn't have a medical degree, and owned the hospital that was there in the late 30s.

But of course, we all know that he couldn't cure cancer.

Yeah, of course he could, but they still have his desk right there, front and center. Each side of it was dedicated to a specific business or thing he had going on.

Yeah, you know, like not curing cancer or inventing things or whatever else struck his fancy. But now the resident hotel cat likes to nap on it.

And it actually scared me because I thought it was a stuffed animal laying there until it raised his head up and we assumed it was a tribute to Morris the cat. 

And you guys remember Morris. 

He’d like to roam around the hotel like decades ago.

So the lesson here is if you're ever at the Crescent, remember that's a real cat you're looking at. About this time there was a lot of commotion in the lobby because there had been a sighting of another ghost that's known to roam these halls and his name is Breckie. 

Everybody, everybody, I'm going to tell them, Breckie was a little boy whose dad actually ran the the woman's college that was here in the first place. We were told two different stories about how he died.  One was that where he actually had pneumonia, and the other was that he fell down the main staircase in the hotel.  But kids have still seen him around the halls and he likes to play.  They've asked the staff here, like, where was that little boy in the funny clothes that we saw yesterday? 

This go around, he was seen by some kids bouncing a ball in the hallway. 

And I had to walk by the spot where he had because I had to go back to the room to get my phone charger. 

So it's really curious about how we have to keep charging our phones in this story because it's known that ghosts can harness energy from phones, cameras and other electronics to make themselves known. 

So maybe it is the ghosts’ fault and it's not because y'all are on your phones all the time. 

So when I was going by to just charge my phone when I'm going back in the room there were these people in the hallways that had, you know, cat balls and trying to get Breckie, you know, to play with them. 

I feel like we've mentioned these cat balls in a previous episode. He’s referring to cat toys, so, cat toys that light up just fyi. So I'm going to move on and I'm going to say a little bit about those cat toys. We didn't bring any, even though these two here were so upset that we didn't have them. But again, we are low budget, it’s in the name, low budget Ghost squad. 

So these cat balls weren't working because Breckie didn't want to play with adults. I had to go alone into a room. And then it happened, guys, I was sitting alone in there.

Are you OK telling this?

Yeah, Like so we had to unscrew the top small flashlights for fun. After we were told that the spirit could send messages by messing with the wires a little bit, one of them started flashing at me. And then all of them started doing it, and I started to recognize it was Morse code. And because my dad had taught me that a long time ago, I figured out what it was trying to tell me, and it was saying get out.

Dude, you were scary.  We went looking for you because you were taking so long. And we found you sitting outside the room, right in front of the door, and you looked up,, you said get out. It's like you were possessed.

OK, so now I was freaking out.  I mean, not that I hadn't already been here, but it was real. Now we went inside and Ethan's telling us what happened and then hells bells - Guess who appeared in the room with us? Henry.

We all screamed. 

He said that he had sensed something inside was going on and well, yeah, I was wondering whether he was sending messages, but he said he doesn't know all the ghost tricks, but he sure did walk through our door. I'd say that’s a ghost trick, 

y'all the app was going wild and he looked around, stopped near the window and said… have to get my creepy voice here… Somebody doesn't like what you're doing. Somebody wants you to be careful. But he said he couldn't make out who or what was saying that.

OK, so is this a ghost that doesn't like us? At this point, honestly, I don't know what's worse, like a real human being after us or some vengeful spirit that wants us gone.

But Henry said whatever it was had vanished. 

He looked concerned. You know, for a ghost.

And when a ghost starts worrying about you. It's getting bad.

We slept with the lights on again that night and I know I left them on. 

It was around 3:00 AM. Something woke me up.  I don’t know how I fell asleep. But we were in the dark and I felt for both kids next to me. 

I mean, yes, there were two beds in there, but nobody wanted to sleep by themselves. So I started whispering to them - Hey guys, are you awake? 

So I told her that I I never went to sleep. 

Now I did fall asleep. It's not that hard for me. I love sleep, it's my soul mate, but I was wide awake at this point.

I said to them - The light. They're all on.

Yeah, we know.

And I know I've saw them flicker but eventually they just turned off and after that I didn’t move.

Why didn't you wake me up when that happened?

I would have to move to wake you up then it would have known I was awake.

Just then, the lamps came back on, but no one moved for the rest of the night.

Coming up on the low budget Ghost squad, we made a shocking discovery.  Actually 2 discoveries that hold the key to everything.  But somebody was watching us and it wasn't a ghost this time.

The Low Budget Ghost Squad is part of Spellbound Productions.

This was written, directed, edited, produced and whatever else by the leader of the low budget Good Squad yours truly. 

And thanks of course to Alison and Ethan for their hard work and willingness to play along. 


And maybe you saw some of awesome graphic art design by Lucinda Peterson.

And if you want to see some of the things you've heard about throughout this podcast, go to our Instagram and YouTube channel that are in the description and that's where we'll have some fun Pictures, videos and behind the scene stuff.