The Low Budget Ghost Squad

7. We Didn't Do It... It Wasn't Us

September 03, 2023 Natalie, Alison & Ethan Season 1 Episode 7
7. We Didn't Do It... It Wasn't Us
The Low Budget Ghost Squad
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The Low Budget Ghost Squad
7. We Didn't Do It... It Wasn't Us
Sep 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7
Natalie, Alison & Ethan

It’s a dangerous showdown in the morgue.  And we still can’t believe what we saw with our own eyes,  For the record… we didn’t do it!      

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

Show Notes Transcript

It’s a dangerous showdown in the morgue.  And we still can’t believe what we saw with our own eyes,  For the record… we didn’t do it!      

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

Death could not stop lucy Carrington from trying to find out what happened to her great aunt Delilah.  both women fell from the same balcony. And a killer thinks he or she got away with murder, but they didn't.  The low budget ghost squad was about to come face to face with a killer.  But we wouldn't face this killer alone.  Someone had been watching us and was ready to help bring a murderer to justice.  One way or another.

Hey guys, welcome to the final episode of season one of The Low Budget Ghost Squad.. I hope you had fun following this mystery with us. 

I'm Natalie, who took her kids to a haunted hotel that they saw on youtube.. 

It's the Crescent in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  And I mean, it sounded like a fun idea. 

I'm Alison, and yes, I'm a little raspy.

And I'm Ethan. 

Yeah, let me share a few things with you during this whole process of putting this podcast together. You know, school started up and as when that happens, things got crazy with sports and and homework and everything else that goes along with it.  So we packed a lot of work into really short amount of time.  

As we said, we didn’t really know what we were doing at first.

And I think we learned a few things along the way, not only about podcasting, but ghost hunting as well.

Here it is, the big ending of season one and all took place in the morgue.

So here we go. 

So after we saw that Ghost go over a balcony in episode one, we've gotten messages from ghosts. 

And don't laugh when I'm saying this, we've gotten those messages on our phone through this app that makes this noise:

Yeah, I'll not doing that. 

OK, That was just our take on the noise here. Here's the actual sound that you've been hearing throughout this podcast.

We've been getting help from an actual ghost named Henry. He used to work here.

So let me recap just a little. 

Delilah Carrington was a student here when the hotel was a women's college, and she fell from her balcony in 1934.

She was engaged to Charlie, the grandson of one of the big wigs in town, Samuel Whiteford. 

But Delilah was having an affair with a guy who worked in the kitchen named Jason Quinlan.


Now Jason happens to be the father of Henry, our ghost friend, and the name Jason has appeared on the ghost hunting app.  He and I seem to be communicating that first night we were here 

And huge drum roll. - Delilah was pregnant with Jason's baby when she died, 

So Delilah’s twin brother, Jack, always kept telling people and coming to the hotel that he would see her ghost. And actually eventually his own granddaughter Lucy came here to investigate just like him. And then she ended up dying and falling and dying from the exact same balcony as her.

So we've also met Samuel’s I think like great, great grandson. He's been walking around the hotel looking at everything, and I kind of get the vibe that he likes to stroll down the halls like it's a museum.

Kind of like what you guys like to do? 

Ohh yeah, because we're interesting people.

And we've just found Delilah Carrington's diary and a letter with it and now we're ready to tell you how this whole thing ends.

Now delilah’s diary told us that she was planning to hide from Samuel Whitfeord the night she died because she wanted to run away with Jason and not samuel’s grandson Charlie.  Hope you can follow that there.

So we saw the initials AFW on that letter that was with the diary that seemed to be Delilah's roommate roommate Alice Faye.

It could have been Warlick or Whiteford. She married Charlie very quickly after Delilah died.  Great bestie there.. 

So mom was just about to read the letter when the ghost app started going off. 

And the words get out appeared. 

And we know something was probably already in here because it had said that before But then someone knocked on the door. 

So I mean, at least they knocked instead of just walking through the wall.

When we opened the door and it made the nightmarish creaking noise.

And the guy's face cringed and he said, well, that's not that’s not scary at all.


I’ll say it again…Well, that's not scary at all.


So it was a guy who looked like he worked here. I think I've seen him in the hallway. I was pretty sure I had. 

He said some of the Ghost tour guys thought that we would love a sneak peek at some of the new stuff that they were adding on.

He says he saw us with the app all over the place so he thought we’d like it. 

I want to say that after all the murder shows that I have watched in my life, that’s a lot if you know me, now I'm that girl in the show with her Spidey sense going off.  Something's wrong here, but she goes anyway.

Yeah, it's definitely not the smartest thing we've ever done.

I mean, you know, I think at least for me, we were so caught up in all this and so we followed him down that big main staircase all the way from the 4th floor. 

And I have Alice Faye’s letter shoved in my back pocket.

And the diary was hidden back in the room.

And the ghost app started pinging because Henry was standing on one of the landings in the stairwell and he asked us, Are you OK? I think he could tell by my face that I was getting a little uneasy now.

But I couldn't really talk to him, so I just shrugged my shoulders and he watched us all the way to the ground floor. 

I saw him leaning over the rail.

And I still can't believe what happened next.

So the guy then took us down that set of stairs that led to the spa area where we had been earlier, and then we headed towards the morgue.

Now this morgue was set up in 1937 when a so-called Dr. 

bought this building and opened a cancer hospital.

The ceiling in this hallway to the morgue is exposed, so you could see the wiring and the trail of pipes above you. It had a little bit of an echo.

I noticed the guy was starting to talk a lot louder, as if he hoped someone could hear him down there, and then he opened the door to the morgue and I saw a face I recognize.

And then we realized who was leading us down there to the killer.

There was in front of us William Whiteford.

Smiling at us, actually.

In the morgue.

The guy we were following had been part of his entourage that we had seen him with in the upstairs hallway. 

I guess he stole that uniform, the trick us.

And you guys, he closed the door behind us and locked us inside with William Whiteford, great great grandson of Samuel who founded the hotel.

Apparently our little conversation we had with him in the hallway that day had been a huge mistake.

As was coming down here too.

I said, well, hello Mr. Whiteford, What are we doing down here?

For this next part, I feel like it's going to be easier to understand if we actually have somebody else's voice come in.  So I have recruited a very willing volunteer in my husband Brian, who is going to read the next part, and here is his debut in the Low Budget Ghost Squad.

Thank you very much. Not that I had much choice, but here I go.

and you can compare the acting jobs we do later.  So I'm going to repeat this line again. 

Well, hello Mr. Whiteford. What are we doing down here? 

Ohh, I know you didn't mean to get involved in this.  I just heard that you had found something that my family has been looking for, for decades.

And he wanted that diary.

Yep, I told him.  Uh, let us go get it and we three would just leave the hotel and never come back.

At the moment, his demeanor changed from, I don't know, less Southern gentlemen to Maybe, uh, crazy killer.

You’ll leave like lucy lucy Carrington said she would leave, go home, not tell anyone.

So he did know Lucy from 1990.

I mean, it was like the floodgates opened and he started spilling.

That whole Carrington family wouldn’t shut up about the Delilah their entire lives.  Would anyone really believe that lucy would go away quietly?  She was parading around this hotel dressing and acting like Delilah’s ghost. 

And if you think about it, that article that we read said that there had been a lot more sightings in the past 30 years once Lucy died. 

And then he told us he didn't think Delilah’s ghost was ever there. 

He thinks her brother Jack made the whole thing up just to get his family to crack.

The whole idea of Delilah still being here shook my grandmother and grandfather.  You know them as Charlie and Alice Faye.  But since the Delilah died, the family has said – stick together.  Don’t break.  No one can know the truth.

Well then, I said. Probably stupidly, But by killing Lucy, you've created a real ghost and kept that story alive. Now I was taking a big guess with this that at that point. But he didn't deny it.

If you believe that stuff. I hear there may be a letter. That's what someone saw in your son's hand. You should be more careful.  And I tried to stall saying, you know, I really think we should go back upstairs, hash this out, you know, hash this out in public.

Read it to me.

And this is really hard to talk about.

But that's when he raised a gun to my face.

Time stood still at that moment.  We watch all these shows, but this time it was real.

I started stammering. I I don't have the diary with me, but I had to make a quick decision and I went for it.  I told him I have the letter and it's from your grandmother, Alice Faye.


And ya’ll he looked so surprised because he realized at that moment that for all those years the Whitefords had been digging around this hotel looking for Delilah’s Diary, that she knew where it was maybe the whole time.

Then he demanded - Read the letter to me.

And it said - I didn't try to stop a horrible event from taking place and it's tormented me for decades. I watched my best friend, Delilah Carrington, fall from our balcony to her death in 1934. Today is actually the anniversary of that tragic night, and it wasn't an accident.  In a way.  Not really.  She came running into our room, trying to hide from Samuel. And I hate him. She wanted to run away, marry someone else and not my Charlie. But Samuel wouldn't let her. And it's my fault.  I thought if Charlie learned that she was in love with someone else, he would turn to me/  but Samuel didn’t care about what she wanted.  He started banging on our door demanding to be let in when he wasn't even supposed to be up there.  And Samuel  always got his way When I opened that door he pushed me out of the way and started coming at Delilah and she kept backing away from him, telling him to leave her alone. He kept walking toward her, yelling until she didn't have anywhere else to go. She was right up against that balcony railing, and he kept coming at her.  until she just fell over.  Biggest regret I have in my life - I didn't help her.  I was so wrapped up in loving Charlie and being jealous of her.  Charlie never loved me and I used to think he didn’t really love her either.  It was just a marriage his Grandfather wanted.  But I could see it in his eyes all these years. Samuel pushed him into marry me just to keep me quiet.  I found Delilah’s diary tonight and I should have known. Samuel asked her that night where it was.  He wanted to destroy it.  But she told us she hid it, and she was looking at me, almost pleading with me for help.  But I just stood there.  I hope both the diary and my letter I’m placing with it are found one day so the truth can come out.  

It’s dated Feb. 24, 1990

Wait, that the day Lucy died.

Imagine the big, long, dramatic pause at this point.  Then she started talking.

February 24th, 1990, the day my grandmother died right in front of me.  I guess soon after writing that.

I followed Lucy into Delilah’s old room.  She didn’t even see me.  She had been searching all over the hotel for Delilah’s diary and not being quiet about it either. When she started doing her usual ghost thing =- you know dress up like Delilah and stand by the balcony….I pushed her.  Hard.  Nobody would have seen me.  I was too far back into the darkness.  Wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be.  But I didn’t know that my grandmother had followed me into the room.  She was at the hotel for some charity event.  And she was scared of what I was going to do.  I just had to get lucy to stop.  And she knew it.  The whole family wanted her to stop.  Just leave the past alone, you know?  But my grandmother had this look of horror on her face when she saw Lucy go over the railing.  She ran passed me to the balcony but I pulled her back because I couldn’t have anyone see her.  But for her, it was too much.  And she said “Delilah” as she started gasping.  She had a heart attack and ied right there on that balcony. 

But if you remember, the official story is that Alice Faye was found in the hallway with William on the third floor.

Now he claims he didn't want her found in that room, with Lucy now on the ground below. Construction work had been going on there and a secret passageway had been found. Well, he used to carry his grandmother Alice Faye out and into another wing of the floor.  He then started yelling for help.   He told police she had wanted to walk the halls again to remember some of her younger days as he put it.  And Nobody questions a Whiteford.

So Alice Fay was the shadow figure I saw when Delilah, or I guess Lucy, fell from the balcony.

And at this point we were wondering if it was Alice faye or Lucy or even Delilah that was sending us the messages, like stop him and hurry.  Any of them would, cause any of them wouldn’t have wanted it to happen again.

You mean like with us and what was going on at that moment.  He still had a gun.

I started to look around for a way out, or at least a weapon.  I mean, the only things in here are shelves of old rusted jars found buried in the back of the hotel from the old cancer hospital.

Well, at this point we were standing in the old freezer where the bodies used to be kept. 

And I tell you. You know, I was scared.  I couldn't find a way to get my kids out of there.

But we wouldn't have left you.

William then asked me - Did you feel that?

And I didn't feel anything.

But he said It got a lot colder in there, all of a sudden.

And my phone which by this time was in my pocket and the ghost app was starting to go berserk. It was making that noise.  Because y'all something was in there with us.

Mom pulled out the phone and we didn't have any signal but William, his face got a ghostly white when he read the words on the screen.

It said William, and then it said enough.

Now what I did next threw him off.  called out Alice Faye? I mean it sounded like she was trying to contact him or us maybe.   I mean, hells bells.  She may have been in the room..

William just threw the phone down and yelled – my grandmother is dead.

And then the words William and don't popped up.

OK, so here's where it gets weird. Yes, stranger than anything we've seen and told you about so far.

And we have a ghost friend.

William started backing away from me, but not towards the exit. 

He cornered himself in the next room.

Stupid, stupid.

I don't know if you could hear, but Ethan said that’s a stupid move, anyway, So he corners himself in that room and that's where the shelves are full of jars and had that human tissue and gross stuff from the 1930s.

The light started flickering and it got very cold and then the autopsy table started shaking.

And then a white mist appeared in the room with him.

It was the same white mist that started this whole thing for us.

Her image came clear and it was Lucy and she was reaching out to William.  But he was yelling, no, I killed you. And then she very quietly said, You took my life to protect your reputation, to protect your money.

And you know, at first I was paralyzed with fear and awe really all at the same time.  But then I realized, you know, we needed to get out of here.  This was our chance.  And of course my phone was dying all of a sudden.

You know, because Lucy was sucking all the energy from it to materialize.  We've been over this.

OK. Anyway, again, we're learning about ghost hunting and that was a big lesson.

I tried to open the door at this point and if I started beating on it, maybe somebody would hear us. And OK, this may be disturbing for some people, so just fair warning. But at that moment, Lucy had her arm threw William like, straight through his body, and he was clutching his heart and stumbling backwards into those shelves. 

And those jars were falling everywhere. 

And then he fell. And just stopped moving.

we were all frozen, staring at one, the dead body on the ground and two, a freaking ghost in front of me who I think just killed somebody.

But then the main door pushed open and it was the hotel manager and the worker who told us about the ghost app and Henry was standing behind them.

So Lucy started walking towards us and that was, I think, the craziest moment in my life.

Yeah, she said, I tried to warn you to leave and get out, but you wouldn't.  I didn't want you or your family to end up like me, but now I’ll thank you.  Now I know who killed me.  He pushed me from behind so I never knew who it was.  Then she turned to me and said, I'm sorry if Jason scared you.  We knew you may be able to help when you felt his presence that first night when you were here in the dining room? Not everyone can sense a spirit 

and this kind of made me laugh, but apparently it takes them a lot of energy to send messages through the phone, like even one word or phrase.

I think Alice Faye helped save us too. 

So I asked is Alice Faye here? And Lucy said she has sensed her but never actually seen her. but that doesn't mean she isn't. Apparently there's a lot I need to learn about how this ghost world works.

Henry then stepped forward and reached out to lucy and said, is my dad here? He was almost crying. I mean if ghosts could actually cry.

He was on the brink of ghost tears.  We were all almost crying. Even the hotel worker who is trying to record all of this, but having 2 ghosts and maybe more all in one room was taking too much energy.  So the phone died.

Now, before Lucy answered him, though she started to fade, saying I I don't have the strength.  She was gone, but just as she was disappearing, you could barely hear something, and it sounded as if she said You may still see me from time to time.

The app went silent but not before sending this.

I'm sorry, William.

So we later learned after Henry saw us on the staircase going with one of William Whiteford’s. Hench Men people, He went to the hotel worker that showed up down there and sent him a message via his ghost app that said help them and then the word morgue.

So that guy went to go get the manager and Henry had to use all of his ghost strength to be visible and guys I wish I would have seen her face.

We handed over the diary and the letter to the police and told them that the killer was dead down in the morgue. 

I think it's very fitting and we did not kill him.

Yeah, she was quick to tell people that. So, um, I'm left with this question. Has Delilah’s ghost every really been at the Crescent?  But maybe Delilah is somewhere else, and maybe she's looking for Jason.

I guess the ghost of Jason Quinlan was the first one to reach out to us.  And it's funny because that led us to Henry, his son.Maybe that was their plan all along, 

and I really want to be honest with you guys after all of this. I just wanted to go to the heated pool because it was finally open. I mean, this was is a vacation, but of course I had to go charge my phone first.

When we walked into the Crescent Hotel, I did not know what to expect. 

Certainly not what happened.

So where do we go next?

Find out in season two of the low budget Ghost Squad, which is part of Spellbound Productions. 

This was written, directed, edited, produced and whatever else by the leader of the low budget Good Squad yours truly. 

And thanks of course to Alison and Ethan for their hard work and willingness to play along. 


And maybe you saw some of awesome graphic art design by Lucinda Peterson.

And if you want to see some of the things you've heard about throughout this podcast, go to our Instagram and YouTube channel that are in the description and that's where we'll have some Pictures, videos and behind the scene stuff.