The Low Budget Ghost Squad

The Low Budget Ghost Squad Presents: Very Scary Stories... and a Few Urban Legends That Still Scare Me to This Day

October 02, 2023 Episode 1
The Low Budget Ghost Squad Presents: Very Scary Stories... and a Few Urban Legends That Still Scare Me to This Day
The Low Budget Ghost Squad
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The Low Budget Ghost Squad
The Low Budget Ghost Squad Presents: Very Scary Stories... and a Few Urban Legends That Still Scare Me to This Day
Oct 02, 2023 Episode 1

"I See You.  Can You See Me? " The Low Budget Ghost Squad is bringing you a collection of tales for this Halloween season that may frighten you, give you the creeps or they may just make you laugh.  Get ready to take down all the mirrors in your house after this first set of stories... and don't look out the window.   Every Monday during the month of October get ready for some scary fun!
Warning: Some stories are a little intense

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

Show Notes Transcript

"I See You.  Can You See Me? " The Low Budget Ghost Squad is bringing you a collection of tales for this Halloween season that may frighten you, give you the creeps or they may just make you laugh.  Get ready to take down all the mirrors in your house after this first set of stories... and don't look out the window.   Every Monday during the month of October get ready for some scary fun!
Warning: Some stories are a little intense

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

Everybody loves a scary story...especially around Halloween.  So we have something for you.  the low budget ghost squad presents: Very scary stories and few urban legends that still scare me to this day.

I’m Natalie

I’m alison

And I’m ethan. and I really hoped you enjoyed season one when we took you on our trip to the Crescent Hotel.

Just an update we’ll be going to Baltimore very soon for our next adventure so be sure to follow us so you can check that out…

But until then – we wanted to bring you something to enjoy during this Halloween season.  It’s one of my favorites.  You know, the ghosts, witches, tombstones, vampires, and whatnot and  all those decorations that go along with it – I’m all about it.  Put in on sale…and you can guarantee it’s going in my basket.  As you know we are low budget.

 so back to why we're here.  We did these stories for when you’re driving to work or going to school… maybe not when you’re walking alone in the dark… driving down a deserted foggy road, standing in a dark closet with only one lit candle because that happens so often.  or if you have a weird fear of clowns.    I don't know this could be for you too.

this week our collection of tales is called - I see you, can you see me?  and i have to tell you where that title came from.  Alison had this toy when they were little.  and it would say that randomly.  it was this book that would read to you.  and anytime you'd walk by it, I don't know if the floor would creak and it would jostle it or something...but you'd just walk by and hear that voice.  Maybe it was a ghost like the little boy in the closet....but that is for another episode.

So let’s kick this off with our first story.  I’ll say it can be a little intense.  We read a couple of versions of this…on various sites.   this one we thought was best to present it to you like a play…  No comments please on our acting skills. At least not yet.

911 what is your emergency?
  yeah, there’s this guy on my front lawn and he’s just staring at me and acting all weird.

 are you home alone right now?

yeah – my parents should be home soon, but I, but i don't like the looks of this guy.
  we have officers on the way, but I want you stay with me on the phone until they get there.  what does this guy look like?

he’s wearing this all-white outfit and he's just staring at me and not moving

so he can see you right now?

yeah, he's looking right at me through the window.

ok – are all your doors and windows locked?

yeah, I mean I think so.  Let me turn around and check the back door.

I’m staying on the phone with you.

wait, I turned around to check the door and when i turned back around and now he’s standing on his hands – like in a handstand. And he’s just standing there perfectly still and i don't know what's going on. 
I put a rush on those officers – they are on the way.  Check to make sure the back door is locked.

I'm backing up right now but i have to turn around for a second to check the dead bolt. oh… his face.  It's right up against the window. his face is just pressed against it.  And his teeth.  They're huge and sharp. and all he's doing is just smiling at me.  

ok do not go outside whatever you do, do you hear me?

I’m not…I just…he won’t move he’s just looking straight at me through the window.

there’s no one else there, correct?

yeah, I’m here alone…oh.  He’s shaking his head no…. like he can hear me.

you’re not alone.  i'm right here. right beside you.

whose voice is it?  are you okay?  was someone in there with you?  hello?

 So I have to give you a little behind the scenes on this one.  Once alison heard it – she kept checking out the window of the room where we’re recording to make sure no creepy handstanding guy or whatever he is was out there.  I can’t say I blame her.  there are crazies in this this world and now i'm paranoid.  like we weren't before.

So this story is from creepy pasta,org…

creepypasta is actually something and i've learned it's a made up horror story you find on the internet, right?  

yes.   it’s called the twin game – and the person who posted it, at least the site I saw, said anonymous.

 yeah, they don’t want anyone to know they might have done something as stupid as this.

 Ok – let me tell the story.

So there’s this game where you can meet your true twin. 
can i trade my brother for the twin.
no.  anyway,  you go into a closet with the lights off and you have to bring a mirror and an already  lit candle.

  and nothing good will ever come from someone doing something like this.  just so everyone knows. .

 so you hang the mirror on the wall across from the door, so make sure when you look in the mirror you see the door behind you. .

 nope and nope. and where do you put your clothes?

that doesn't matter at all.  not in this this game.  it doesn't matter.
ok so you have the already lit candle so when you look into the mirror you should only see yourself and the door.

 and if you see anything else – get out.

 knock on the mirror twice – blow out the candle and then knock two more times.

You should hear the closet door open…but the door would still be closed.  Then you might hear breathing.

and calmly you have to say hello to your twin, not twin.
If there is someone else in that closet with me, there will be no calmness about it.  there will be screaming and yelling.

 you should usually ask it yes or no questions.  but listen to the way your twin answers. 

If you’re nice a person– not like my sister - you’ll get a nice hello back and your answer to your questions will be whispered to you. ayou'll feel happy nd the door will close and your twin will be gone.

 but if you’re bad I’m assuming everything is not so pleasant?

  yeah, really bad.   people will hear this animal-like sound. like my sister.

whoa.  that was uncalled for.

 and if you ask questions of your evil twin it will start biting  and scratching you. and it will get really cold and just have this scary feeling for like hours.  The closet door slams shut this time and the mirror will fall and break.
that's a lot of cleaning.

 now when you leave the closet…be sure to take the mirror with you  – even if most of it is broken. and If you don’t, when you leave the closet you'll start hearing knocking on the walls and then this twin voice will be with you forever.  

ok, next story.
 So I’ll tell you about bloody mary.  
 always a favorite at a slumber party when I was younger. and we're laughing because I kept saying flavorite...and maybe it is a flavorite among fourth grade slumber party.

 There’s a backstory here – more than one… we’ll share some of that with you.  but first let me tell you how you’re supposed to summon her.  you go into a dark room with a mirror and candle –people  usually use a bathroom and you say her name several times.  some say 13…others three just depends.

I’m not doing it.

 but you’ll go into a creepy closet to talk to your devil twin…. 100 percent … after your chant her named she supposedly appears in the mirror – usually covered in blood…. hence her name.  maybe she looks like a corpse or a ghost or a witch or whatever she is.

 i mean it’s something that’s not you looking at you in the mirror.  It really wouldn’t matter what she looks like. 

 she’ll remember you said that. – so once she sees you, she may scream at you..cuss, I mean, some legend says she reaches out to try to strangle you.

 I would just turn the lights on.

she’s already conjured up at this point so I don’t know if that would help. But some versions say – you have to stay turned around and not look at her or else she’ll drag you away.  maybe through the mirror.  maybe she'll go poof like casper.  no one really knows. 

the big question is who is bloody mary?  You have Queen Mary the first of England – she was known as bloody mary because she had so many people killed to claim the throne…. or maybe she just didn't like them. 

But then there’s Mary Worth – an alleged witch.

 but you know she wasn’t.  she probably made herbal remedies and that was super suspicious, along with the fact that she probably had a little house in the middle of nowhere and no husband.  but probabaly having the time of her life.  she's got no husband so yeah.

one story says people in her village…not quite sure where… would send their children to her when they were sick and they would come back cured.  Eventually they stopped coming back at all.  The parents would go up there…but mary claimed – I don’t know where they are.  

So everybody started keeping an eye on mary. 

 one night this one girl heard a strange noise.  But no one else heard it. Her mom was sick or something using some medicine cooked up by mary, So the girl follows the sound… her dad follows her with the help of some other people in the town who probably brought guns and probably pitchforks.  They see mary beckoning her with this strange light.  Mary sees everybody coming -  and she makes a run for it into the woods. But this farmer that’s there shoots her, but she didn’t die.  But she is screaming and rolling around on the ground, cursing at everybody.  She's just been shot.  it's an understandable reaction.  Since they thought she was a witch – they built a bonfire and yes, she was burned at the stake.  However, as it was happening they put a mirror in front her face so she could watch herself die.

and as she was up there…she cursed the entire village and said – if you ever say my name into a mirror again – I’ll be back and I’ll get you.  she would have her revenge.
at 4th slumber parties for centuries to come

so i have one question. where did all the missing kids go?

 the missing kids? they were never found.   

Ok, the next story... 
 so a 16 year old girl was sleeping in her room…. sound asleep – I’m so jealous.  I love sleep.  Like it said in season one – it’s my true soulmate.

 something wakes her up.  you know how things do in stories like this.  Maybe it was a noise

 or maybe just maybe it was the faces looking at her through her mirror in her bedroom.

 there were about ten of them… with dark hollow eyes, they looked ghost-like..

well she was awake now…looking at all those faces just staring at her, all quiet like.

 I mean, what would you say?

I don’t know, but she immediately got up, grabbed the mirror off the wall.

 you’d think she’d try to break it or at least throw it out.

 no – she didn’t.  instead she put it in the basement.

because nothing bad ever happens in a basement with a creepy ghost mirror.

the next week her mom finally noticed it down in the basement and asked her…why is your mirror in there? 

 she tried to make something up… and finally she told the truth.  Kind of.  She just said it was giving her the creeps and she wanted to keep it down there for a while.

 so… it’s now been a week since the ghost faces appeared in her mirror.  She was in the bathroom getting out of the shower.  And you know how your mirror fogs up?

 she started wiping the mirror.  But then she stopped.

 words started forming on that mirror – and they appeared very slowly and they said

 put the mirror back.  We like watching you sleep.

I don't know about you but that mirror would not stay in my house...i'm just saying.
So that was I see you, can you see me?  tales of crazy creepy mirrors and doing things with them in dark rooms.  and you have that bizarro guy looking at you through the window.  Alison is still talking about that one.
and next week we'll be back with some fun and creepy urban legends or as i like to call it -  my best friend’s boyfriend’s cousin’s mom’s ex-husband’s sister really did see it.  
you always have that friends who's experienced an urban legend or something.

And as alison said earlier in the podcast – we are heading to Balitmore soon to go another wild adventure and you will hear all about it.  wish us luck with the ghosts.

but until then go to our facebook, instagram or youtube page at low budget ghost squad.
And be sure to follow us so you can be among the first to hear next week’s episode of very scary stories and few urban legends that still scare me to this day.  Don’t judge me because I’m a chicken.

The Low Budget Ghost Squad is part of Spellbound Productions.  Written, directed, produced, edited and anything else that needed to be done, by yours truly.
Thanks to Lucinda Peterson for the art work for our show.  and of course thank you to Alison and Ethan for your excellent acting skills and for teaching us all why we shouldn't go into a dark room with a mirror, especially if there are ghost faces on it.