The Low Budget Ghost Squad

The Low Budget Ghost Squad Presents... Very Scary Stories....and a Few Urban Legends That Still Scare Me to This Day

October 23, 2023 Natalie, Alison & Ethan
The Low Budget Ghost Squad Presents... Very Scary Stories....and a Few Urban Legends That Still Scare Me to This Day
The Low Budget Ghost Squad
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The Low Budget Ghost Squad
The Low Budget Ghost Squad Presents... Very Scary Stories....and a Few Urban Legends That Still Scare Me to This Day
Oct 23, 2023
Natalie, Alison & Ethan

"What Happens at the Campground... Stays at the Campground."
This week's Very Scary Stories takes you to summer camp and some camping trips that did not go as planned.  You never know who's out there watching you or what secrets someone is hiding.
Warning:  This week's story collection may be a little intense for some listeners.

Season Two of the Low Budget Ghost Squad from the Lord Baltimore Hotel will be coming soon!

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

Show Notes Transcript

"What Happens at the Campground... Stays at the Campground."
This week's Very Scary Stories takes you to summer camp and some camping trips that did not go as planned.  You never know who's out there watching you or what secrets someone is hiding.
Warning:  This week's story collection may be a little intense for some listeners.

Season Two of the Low Budget Ghost Squad from the Lord Baltimore Hotel will be coming soon!

Check out videos and photos from our trips to haunted hotels and our Scary Stories!
Instagram: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
YouTube: @LowBudgetGhostSquad
Facebook: Low.Budget.Ghost.Squad

What happens at the campground, stays at the campground…unless of course it follows you home.

Thanks for joining us as the Low Budget Ghost Squad Presents: Very Scary Stories and a Few Urban Legends That Still Scare Me to this Day.  I’m Natalie

I’m Alison

And I’m ethan.

Every Monday during the month of October we’ve been bringing you a collection of tales for Halloween as we work on season two of the Low Budget Ghost Squad.  Based on what happened at the Lord Baltimore Hotel… it’s going to be a lot of fun.

So far in these scary stories you’ve heard of vampires, Bloody Mary and glowing red eyes that follow you around a cemetery.

This week it’s all about those scary stories that make you stay up all night in your tent.  What’s out there watching you?

I do want to warn you some of these stories may be a little intense for some listeners.  Just wanted to give you a heads up before we start.

Nat:  Here’s a story that I know you’ve heard some sort of version of over the years….

Alison: so picture it…

Nat:  you sound like Sophia from the golden girls.

Ethan:  picture it.

Alison: don’t – you don’t do it right. 

Ethan: picture it.

Alison:  you still don’t do it right.  And yes I know I sound like Sophia and I’m very proud of it.  So picture it.  Sicily 19…no I’m kidding.  Picture it – a campfire in the middle of the woods in north Carolina,  it’s cold outside and all ten people who are out there are wrapped up in blankets.

Ethan:  the fire they’ve built is burning really bright and they’re getting actually pretty loud.

Nat:  so they don’t hear what’s coming.  But there are definitely footsteps.

Alison:  soon everyone goes to sleep… there are several tents all in a circle around the fire. 

Ethan:  things are really quiet now…except for the fire that’s slowly burning out.  you can just hear the crackle of that.

Alison:  but then everyone heard the screams.

Ethan: they all came running out of the tents– and then they saw it.  The huge gaping hole in shelly’s tent. It had been cut.

Alison: and slashed.

Nat:  but where was shelly?  She’s not there.  all her stuff was.  Her phone, her bag

Alison: everyone there starts yelling her name out – and they make such a commotion that they missed it.  The noise.  The noise they should have heard.

Ethan: It would have saved them.

Nat:  brad noticed her first – she was slumped over in one of their trucks.  She was breathing, but shelly had been hit in the head and somebody moved her to this truck.

Alison:  was someone watching them?  Was it one of them?

Ethan:  it wasn’t – he was still there.

Nat:  and he was watching.

Ethan: once they found shelly, everybody grabbed what they could and piled in the truck and another car to get the heck out of there.  they would go to the park ranger or police and get help.

Alison:  but the truck and the car didn’t make it.  

Nat: both vehicles died. They were almost at the ranger stand.

nat:  two of them got out to try to walk there… and that’s when they saw it.  In the bed of the truck.

Ethan:  they saw the hook.  And they didn’t pay attention to what had just started moving under the blanket next to it.

Alison: Someone was under those blankets.


Nat: A group of young women went camping… it was in a state park so it seemed safe.  There were 12 of them…two to a tent.  And it was a lot of fun.  They had been hiking, cooking hot dogs for dinner over the fire…. Most of them had never done this before.

Ethan:  It was getting late…and they decided – it’s been a long day so it was time to get the tents and go to bed.

Alison:  but see, they had been telling scary stories.  One about a man with a hook….one about a ghost who still roams the nearby lake to drag someone else in to spend eternity with them.  Your usual campfire stories.

Nat:  there were people around their campsite.  They weren’t too close but they could hear them.  You could hear Laughter, some singing but things were getting quiet now.  They kept the fire burning at least a little in the fire ring so they’d have some lights. But linda had to get up to go to the bathroom.

Alison:  thankfully for them…as they are not experienced campers…there are bathrooms in this park, but it’s a little bit of a walk.  Not too bad though.  Linda through on her shoes and jacket and felt for her flashlight…but it wasn’t there.  did she let somebody borrow it?  Did her tentmate, chrissy have it?  She couldn’t remember.  

Ethan:  linda thought she could find her way to the bathroom.  It would be lit up.  wouldn’t it?  So she started walking….and walking.

Nat:  don’t worry – that’s not where this story ‘s going.  she found it.  It had lights and she passed by other campsites too.  The big RVs with the elaborate set-ups. 

Ethan: others had tents like they did.

Alison: but overall she felt ok going in there by herself.  And then she started the walk back.   Walking and walking in the dark.

Ethan:  she was walking pretty quickly because it was creepy out there you couldn’t see a lot.

Alison:  but she figured out which tent was hers… she slowly unzipped it – she didn’t want to make a lot of noise and wake chrissy up.

Nat:  she felt around for her sleeping bag and climbed in.  and she just went to sleep. No big deal.

Ethan:  but the next morning she woke up and started talking to Chrissy.

Alison:  but she didn’t say anything back and linda thought – you’ve got to be awake by now.  Nature is too loud to stay asleep.

Nat:  so she sat up…unzipped her sleeping bag and leaned over to shake chrissy.  Her face was buried in her pillow.  Looked uncomfortable but hey…whatever works for her.

Alison:  chrissy still didn’t wake up.

Ethan:  and linda decided to roll her over.  But something had happened to chrissy.

Nat: and then something grabbed her attention on the side of the tent – written in what looked like blood – be glad you couldn’t find your flashlight.



Ethan:  I’m going to tell you a story from our camp, it’s one that goes around the camp, mainly the boys campfire.  It’s known as the Scog.  What the Scog does, he looks at night, for victims to eat, obviously.  This wasn’t always the urban legend, but it’s gotten bigger.

The layout of the archery field is basically, the archery field has arrows and behind the field is a pond that’s known as Scog Pond.  We’ll get to that later.  During the camp session, kids would occasionally shoot the arrows over the archery field and it would go into the pond.  The archery teacher has to go get the arrows from the pond.  But one week the lake was dried up.  he went back there but it wasn’t truly dried up because there was mud.  So he had to like walk in the mud.  So he had to dig his feet and his feet got all disgusting. But he actually got stuck while getting, while getting back.  He was stuck there for hours but no one ever noticed because it was his week off the next week.  And everybody thought he had put the arrows back and left.  But he never left.  Eventually more rain came in and the mud eventually came up.  he died in the mud. Now he’s mad at people because no one came to look for him while he was missing.  So after that he’s known as the Scog.  The Scog is 10 feet tall, with pale white skin and red glowing eyes. the only reason he hunts at night is because it’s easy for him to see his victims. So if you’re ever at that camp, never, ever out in the woods at night because if you can see him, he can see you.  if you can hear him, he can hear you.

The girls campfire never heard those stories because we were too busy singing songs about not trusting men.  And I paid money for this camp.




So this next story is kind of…I don’t know really what to say about it – I’ve seen several versions….so here we go.

Jenny and Greg met at summer camp.  They immediately fell for each other.  They would hang out 

But the funny thing about jenny was that she always had a pink ribbon around her neck. not in her hair…but tied around her neck…in a cute bow.

Greg would ask – why do you have that on all the time?  Actually most people would ask her that.

But she said she liked it – and not to worry about it.

So greg didn’t say anything else about it…but it still made him wonder.

She’s swimming in the lake and that ribbon is still there.

I mean, why he kept asking himself.

Their week at camp was coming to an end.  And they promised to write each other and stay in touch, as one does in a situation like that.  We’ll see if it actually happens.

But that last morning there.  they finished up breakfast – she had eggs, he did waffles.  It was fun…and a little sad because they were leaving summer camp.  And she still had that pink ribbon around her neck.

And what he did next – would haunt him for the rest of the his life.  Jenny had stood up to get more milk – and greg stood up too and it startled jenny at first, but then she just smiled.  He was getting closer to her and she thought he was going to kiss her.  right there in front of everybody.  But no.  he untied the pink ribbon.  And ya’ll – jenny’s head fell off.

What? Oh my..What?

They didn’t know how that one was going to end…I love surprising them.

I mean the ribbons are so flimsy and there would be blood, right?  I mean, her head.  How is she alive if she had no head?  So was Greg dating a dead person?  Poor Greg.  How did she eat eggs?

You know what?  That story reminded me from one scene in the movie The Orphan.  Where the orphan, someone takes off the ribbon from around her neck.  She goes absolutely nuts.

Or as Alison just said psychotic.  I have not seen this movie and I’m not sure my son should have either.  But, that’s ok.





This next story was actually put together for last week’s very scary stories collection but we had to cut it for time.  So here it goes this week.

So Charlie was trying to get home one night.  He had had a little too much drink and we thought – oh I’ll take a shortcut through the cemetery to get to my house.  because well, it sounded like a good idea at the time.

Ethan: he’s making his way around tombstones, when found himself falling into darkness.

Nat: it was a dark hole, in the middle of a cemetery in the middle of the night.

Alison:  but he wasn’t alone in there- he heard something calling his name and he could see a shadow figure.

Ethan: was this a ghost?  A zombie?  The devil?  

Nat:  Charlie thought to himself – the preacher always said I’d end up here if I didn’t change my ways…in a dark hole in the middle of the cemetery in the middle of the night.

Alison: Charlie was in trouble – because of the next thing he heard.

Ethan:  the voice said – “you can’t get out”

Nat: oh but Charlie did get out… he probably jumped six feet in the air and reached the surface.

Alison: and he used every ounce of strength he had to pull himself out of this strange dark hole in the middle of the cemetery in the middle of the night.

Ethan: Charlie took off running and he didn’t stop until he got home.

Nat:  but in that hole…that dark hole in the middle of a cemetery in the middle fo the night…you could hear a voice – and it said…. uh… Charlie. I could use a little help here.  That was charlie’s friend who left the bar a few minutes before him and apparently found the hole first. and john said – great, now I’m stuck in a dark in the middle of a cemetery in the middle of the night.  Charlie, come back.


We wanted to end on something funnier this week.

Unless you’re stuck in a dark hole in the middle of a cemetery in the middle of the night.

Next will be our final Very Scary Stories episode for this Halloween season.  And don’t worry – we’ll have more of these.  I have to say next week has some creepy stuff in it.  It’s called Things That Go Bump in the Night.  Get ready for that.

Be sure to follow us wherever you get your podcast so you can be among the first to hear next week’s Very Scary Stories.

Also check out our Instagram and Facebook pages and our YouTube channel to check out some photos and video from our trip to the Crescent Hotel in Arkansas from season one and stuff from these scary stories.

Oh course the Low Budget Ghost Squad is part of Spellbound Productions.  Mom did the writing, editing, directing, producing and telling us what to do.  Thank you to Lucinda Peterson for art work for the show.  And of course thanks to Alison and Ethan for playing along and thankfully now you know why you should never untie the ribbon around somebody’s neck because you will never know what will happen.