ParkMagic Podcast: Insider Tips To Plan Your Disneyland Adventure

Mastering the Magic of Disneyland's Nighttime Spectaculars with Leo from Always Thriving

Robyn from ParkMagic

Unlock the magic of Disneyland's Nighttime Spectaculars with your ParkMagic Podcast host, Robyn, and Leo from Always Thriving to guide you through the enchanting world of fireworks and projection shows. Prepare to be dazzled as we reveal the prime viewing spots that offer not only the best sights but also strategic advantages for beating the crowds. Our discussion illuminates the ideal times to snag these spots, the intricacies of seasonal schedules, and how to pivot your plans should there be weather cancellations. We delve into the heart-tugging beauty of favorites like Wondrous Journey and share the insider scoop on how to ensure your Disneyland adventure sparkles with the full brilliance of these unforgettable nighttime experiences.

Then, as the sky darkens and the stars come out, we share our own anecdotes of witnessing the awe-inspiring Fantasmic, complete with its legendary dragon, Murphy, from unique vantage points across the park. We explore the luxurious side of Disneyland's evening offerings, including dessert parties and tiered seating, so you can indulge in comfort while soaking in the magic. We provide tips on claiming the perfect parade spot and how to expertly navigate virtual queues for shows like World of Color.

Whether you're a seasoned park-goer or planning your very first visit, this episode is your all-access pass to mastering the art of Disneyland's fireworks, nighttime entertainment, and parades.

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Right now, our tools are just for Disneyland, but we hope to expand to other parks soon. Disney changes policies, prices, and shows often. Be sure to visit our website at or Disneyland's Website for more information.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Park Magic Podcast, your place for insider tips for your next Disneyland adventure. Whether you're a first-timer or first-time-in-a-while visitor, we're here to unwrap the secrets to creating and simplifying your dream Disneyland vacation.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the podcast. Today we're talking about something that is just spectacular, because it's literally some of the nighttime spectaculars. Disney is known for fireworks and they have these amazing shows that are world class. Like you might be spoiled like 4th of July might not be the same if you watch Disney fireworks or Disney nighttime shows too often but there's a lot of information and there's a lot of things that Disney kind of expects people to know. That isn't always common sense or common knowledge, and so today I have Leo from Always Thriving. He's going to be on to share with us today and we're going to be talking specifically about the nighttime spectaculars where to sit. You know how early do you need to get there a little bit about each of the shows and what park they're in, so that you can feel like you know what's going on before you get to the park and you don't miss a thing. So, leo, thanks so much for coming back on the show.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited. I'm already in queue, I'm in line waiting for the fireworks and I'm ready. Oh man, I love it.

Speaker 2:

You know Disney fireworks because people think, oh, that's fireworks and they'll be like, oh, can I see them outside of the park? And yeah, you can times it to the music and like, develops the story around. It is just something that's not matched anywhere else. I've never seen any matched anywhere else?

Speaker 3:

No, exactly. There's music. How grand they are, how long it is, and you think it's done and it keeps going and you're crying and you're excited. So it's amazing. Disney is over the top of their fireworks and that's why we love it.

Speaker 2:

And it's amazing. Disney is over the top with their fireworks and that's why we love it. And it's not just fireworks. There are also these projections that happen in multiple places. We're going to talk about the different places where those projections are. But first off, I think we should talk about when do you need to get there for fireworks? So fireworks happen 9 and 30, pretty much all the time, but they're not available every night. So you want to look at the Disney Entertainment entertainment schedule for the days that you're going. But in general, if your kids are out of school and it's a busy time of year Christmas, halloween time, thanksgiving they're going to be every night. Other than that, it's going to be Friday through Sunday and if there's a three day weekend, it will be on the Monday as well. So just know that fireworks are not available all of the time and the flavor of the show changes, I don't know, do you? I have my friend, selena loves the Christmas one. I really love the Wondrous Journey that's happened recently. What's your favorite version of the fireworks?

Speaker 3:

Wondrous Journey is amazing. I love that one. I love the song, I love all the projections and everything. I think that's probably one of my favorite ones that I see because I haven't been there too much during the holiday time. But I love that one so much and I cry every time.

Speaker 2:

It's so. It's just there's so much emotion and they weave all these different characters and different stories and different songs. So you know, for your kids, they're seeing the fireworks, they're seeing the projections of characters they love, but you're also hearing some of these songs that you grew up with listening to as a child and it kind of brings all of this nostalgia together, and so I think that's one of the things that I love about fireworks. But have you ever been in the crowd where the announcement goes off and the whole crowd goes?

Speaker 3:

Yes, sometimes. So, depending on the trip, we for sure are going to watch fireworks or we're going to watch one of these shows. And then just recently we went and we heard that announcement that they weren't going to happen and we were ready to go. And you, just recently we went and we heard that announcement that they weren't going to happen and we were ready to go. And you just hear everyone, just you just feel the sadness and you just hear the sadness, but they still put on a good show regardless.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because they'll still do the projections then, but there just won't be any fireworks.

Speaker 2:

I had somebody who was like I don't understand why they cancel them so often and I had to remind them that there's houses like less than a mile away them so often. And I had to remind them that there's houses like less than a mile away and Santa Ana winds are a thing, because you know that's where they are and so anytime there's any wind, even if you don't feel it on the ground, if there's wind where the fireworks are, they launch a little balloon and if that balloon goes too far, your fireworks are done, and if it's raining, those fireworks are going to be canceled. They will usually wait till the last possible minute to cancel because they'll try to see if the weather will improve. But I mean, I kind of tell people that if you fireworks are really important with for you, then to try to schedule at least two days when fireworks are going to be showing, and even then you're not guaranteed, because sometimes they do get canceled two nights in a row. But at least you have a kind of a better chance.

Speaker 3:

No, yeah, exactly, cause it is a safety thing, Cause, like you said, there is houses super close and Disney does want to put on the fireworks. But they have to be safe, they have to think of everyone and even if you think that it's perfect weather for the fireworks, something can change last minute and it cancels. So if you have multiple days ready set up to go, then you should be able to at least see it once, whichever one you're wanting to see which is kind of I, kind of.

Speaker 2:

I know we talked about when to arrive, but I thought it might be good for us to talk about that they get canceled because you know there are people that are hardcore. I mean like they're out there ridiculously, the sun has not even set and they are holding their spots for fireworks. I'm like, haven't you had your morning coffee? Like it's like crazy. It can be like like I think I've seen them like as soon as the second parade's over, like at six o'clock yeah, they're there with their blankets.

Speaker 3:

They're right there by the castle where they can sit and they're ready to go and they're professional, so they have their snacks and they're just ready to sit it out for that firework show.

Speaker 2:

And I mean like I've never gone up and asked, but my assumption is those are annual pass holders or those are Disney creators that need that front row seat. And the reason they want that front row seat is because the projections on the castle are amazing, but because of the way that their trees are in that area right in front of the castle, there's only a few areas where you can actually see the bottom part of the castle during fireworks, but I do not think that you need to be there that early. I think there's other places to sit where you can get an amazing view. I don't know if you disagree.

Speaker 3:

No, yeah, being up close in front is obviously amazing. There is a couple of good spots, but how Disney does it on the castle, with the projections on the side of the buildings and the fireworks, you have to really be obstructed to have a bad view, and you'll be able to still experience it and enjoy it.

Speaker 2:

And just plan that somebody is going to put their kids on their shoulders in front of you. So kind of keep that in mind and even if you're kind of further back you can still. As long as you can see part of the castle, you'll still see the projections and if you're much further back down on Main Street you'll see they do the projections on the Main Street buildings as well. I try to get to our spot anywhere from like 45 minutes to 30 minutes early. What is that? What time do you normally try to get there?

Speaker 3:

That sounds about right. I'll usually get a snack and then make sure we grab a snack or two, whatever we need, and then, around 30 to 45 minutes before it's going to start, we're ready, set in our spot, whether we're on a curb or at a bench, we're by somewhere, we're ready to go, we're not moving because we want that good spot.

Speaker 2:

We did a recording with my friend George and we did like the bougiest day at Disneyland, like a VIP tour. If you have a VIP tour, that's the only. There's only two ways you can sit and watch the fireworks, really. And then if you have a VIP tour or you're a Club 33 member, then you can get access to these bougie folding chairs where you can sit and watch. But everybody else is going to have to stand and that doesn't sound that bad at eight in the morning. But at 930, when you've been standing all day, standing for the fireworks can be a little bit bigger of an ask, but they'll let you sit until a little bit closer to I think it's usually like 15, 20 minutes before they make everybody stand up so we can all squish in and they can fill all available spaces they like to say.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and they do fill that space. Yes, every square inch space as they like to say. Yes, and they do fill that space.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, every square inch. So I mean I think that the, the area in front of the castle and the area kind of in front like that and like that, in that area down main street, that's where people I think that fills up the earliest. So if you want to, if you're really committed to, then you're going to probably want to get there much earlier, maybe like closer to 90 minutes early. You know, if you want the primo castle seat, you got to get there really early, but for most people just visiting once, that's not realistic. There are other places where you do not need to be there as early and you can still get an amazing view. So which one do you want to talk about first?

Speaker 3:

Can we talk about my favorite one in Galaxy's Edge?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

No, so obviously in front of the castle is amazing and exciting and magical, but if you are in Galaxy's Edge, right where the Falcon is, that whole area, and then up where there's outdoor seating right there on top next to the Antiquity Shop, right there in Galaxy's Edge, it's so amazing because you have the backdrop of the mountain, the falcon, and you see all of those amazing fireworks coming, and then now, with season of the fourth, they're going to add music to it, so it's just going to be this whole production and I love seeing the fireworks there. I stumbled upon that on one of our last trips when Galaxy's Edge first opened and it was amazing, and now I always want to go there for the fireworks.

Speaker 2:

And Galaxy's Edge and Cars Land are two lands that I think, if you only saw them in the day, you should come back and see them at night, because they are really beautiful at night. Galaxy's Edge is another great place and it's not as popular because they don't have the projections and it's a little bit further out. That's a great place, small World. They do the projections. And it's a little bit further out. That's a great place, small world. They do the projections. Now if you're from Disney World, you're like how is that possible? Our small world is much cooler than yours, no offense. And so we've got this beautiful white canvas that they do the same projections that they do at the castle. They do that at small world and you, you want, you can.

Speaker 2:

If you want to see the projections, you probably do still need to get there, probably like 45 minutes early, but as long as you can see that facade of Small World, you'll be able to see the projections. The only thing is that the projections will be to your right and the fireworks will be happening to your left, so you might have to swivel a little bit. So still a great place to see. Less competitive, to swivel a little bit, so still a great place to see less competitive.

Speaker 2:

It does take longer to exit from that area because they won't let anybody go into Toontown for a while after that and then so everybody's got to turn around. So the better the seat you have, the more you're going to have to wait a little bit for the crowds to clear out for you to be able to exit that area. If somebody's going in the summer and they are you to be able to exit that area, if somebody's going in the summer and they are going to be able to see fireworks every night, I love trying to catch like just timing a ride so that I can ride the ride while fireworks are going off. I don't have you ever done that before.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we've done that with Big Thunder. We try to catch it with Big Thunder because that one's so much fun, because it's so pretty already with all the mountains, and then you're going and then the fireworks are going off and you're screaming and you're going fast and then there's fireworks and it's a wild adventure, but it's so beautiful and it's so much fun. If you can catch it, at least for Big Thunder, there's other ones too.

Speaker 2:

So if you want to do that then you kind of have to have a lightning lane kind of at that time period. Matterhorn Autopia also works, just so you know they close down Fantasyland during the fireworks so you can't do Dumbo or you know there are rare times where they cancel and uncancel, but for the most part you're not going to be able to be in any of the Fantasyland areas. Matterhorn does usually run, but Storybook Canal I didn't know this until I went to ride it when the fireworks were happening and they stop the boat and let you sit and watch that from the boat, which I thought was pretty cool, but it's. You know there's a little bit of a wild card to that because you don't, because they don't stop the boat until the fireworks. So you're just going on your tour and then when the announcement happens that's where they stop the boat. So you don't know where in the canal you're going to stop or if you're going to. You know be shut like. You know, like if they're going to finish before you, before the fireworks actually start. So it's a little harder.

Speaker 2:

To time. We have a map of where to see fireworks, some of our favorite places. We're going to make sure we post a link to that in on our website from the show notes and then fireworks happen. At Disneyland there's another show called Fantasmic, and it is Fantasmic it really is. It's so great, and if you're going anytime like around the like the end of May, it will be showing, but it will be chaotic because us Disney adults have been missing this show, because there was this really cool dragon and he was kind of nicknamed Murphy and she accidentally died unalived herself. She caught herself on fire so and they only had one of her. So, um, it's been closed for over a year now, right?

Speaker 2:

yeah, it has but there's usually two showings, are there? So one before fireworks and after one after fireworks. Do you like the first show or the second show?

Speaker 3:

it really depends on our day. Um, the second one, I feel, isn't as packed-ish, so that's always a good option to go if you want to see Phantasmic, because then you can go right from the fireworks to Phantasmic. But then also everyone's going from fireworks to Phantasmic, so it can get kind of crazy. But I like the second one usually.

Speaker 2:

I like the second one too because, like the castle, people will camp out really early for their seats. Again, these are probably annual pass holders and so it can be difficult to get a good spot. So I like the second show because you know people are clearing out from that first show and you have a chance to kind of swoop in. But you do have to like move fast and swoop in to get your spot. But I think that it's really great. How would you describe? I feel like we should describe Fantasmic.

Speaker 3:

Should we act out Fantasmic?

Speaker 2:

It's a very catchy song. It's a very catchy song.

Speaker 3:

It's Sorcerer Mickey and all the characters and they're on the Mark Twain and they're singing and music and lights and there was a dragon. Hopefully we'll get something again soon, but it's just this humongous like it's this huge production on the water and it's so amazing to see.

Speaker 2:

So many characters. You won't see any other show that has so many characters. You know, from princesses to Winnie the Pooh All of the princesses come by on barges. So it's a really great show it can be. So I didn't take my kids to that when it was little because of the dragon there, you know, and Chernabog, which, if you're, is kind of a big dark figure. So there are some like scarier elements to it. But you can see there's a million versions of Fantasmic online so if you have that concern you can watch it ahead of time. It is a loud show, just like all of the fireworks are. So if you have a child with sensory issues, highly recommend, you know, ear protection. Even if they don't have sensory issues, you might still want to bring ear protection, especially if they're little, because they are pretty loud.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Loud and magical, so it's exciting.

Speaker 2:

Yes, magically loud.

Speaker 3:

Magically loud yes.

Speaker 2:

If you can make phantasmic work, I think it is 100% worth like taking the time out of your day to see. It is really, really fun. I mean, it's got a lot of wow factor and you kind of combine that with the fireworks, it's a really great way to end the day. Before we move to World of Color, which is in California Adventure. I just want to give you this piece of advice especially if you are going to Uber home, back to a hotel, do not leave right after the fireworks. Get a drink ride, another ride, just sit there. Don't leave that very moment. Everybody leaves right after the fireworks and the trams and the buses and Uber, especially the Uber pickup line, gets insane. So you won't. It's kind of like leaving at rush hour.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if you take nothing else from this episode, please do not exit right after these big shows because everyone is leaving and it is not chaotic. I mean, it is chaotic in a sense, but there's so many people moving and it's uber, like you said, is busy. The trams are busy, everyone's trying to leave and it's better if you just stay, relax, like you said. Ride another ride, ride another two rides, because then also two wait times drop down because all these people are leaving the park.

Speaker 2:

So take a breather if you have to go and then, once you see the crowds kind of dim down, then you can go and it's stressful to leave with that big rush of people, especially if you have little ones where you're worried about getting separated because people are tired and cranky. A lot of the camaraderie and friendliness that you might have experienced at rope drop kind of disappears after that show. So definitely, you know, wait, uh, even if it's just sitting on a bench enjoying the park for a couple minutes, that would be a recommendation. So should we talk about world of Color, which I love? The World of Color one that they've been doing. I just love it. I think it's great storytelling. So if you've ever been to like the Bellagio Fountains, you see all of these fountains, but imagine all these projections on top of it. That tells this really amazing story and it weaves everything together and it is, I don't know. I really love this version of it.

Speaker 3:

I love World of Color so much and I'm already emotional thinking about it. It's so beautiful with the productions and the story and the characters and this is a must if you're visiting Disneyland California Adventure to see it, because it is really beautiful. You get to see so many of the characters you love the music, the songs and then just how they do it.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing and there's fire, so it's an exciting time there's a and and, by the way, if you are outside of the park and you look up and it's about 9 20 and you looks like a, an alien just scorched the sky, don't worry, no aliens, that's just something that happens after world of color, this big smoke ring. It's really kind of that happens after world of color, this big smoke ring. It's really kind of cool looking because they just have this big pyrotechnic blast with the world of color. You do have a little pyrotechnics, you have some fire, you have a very, a couple like just really small fireworks, but like nothing, nothing that I would qualify as like a firework show, but you're gonna see everybody, from like avengers to Star Wars, to princesses, to Lion King you know a lot of Pixar characters. It's it's really great.

Speaker 3:

It's. It's one of my favorite ones. Every time me and Brie go, we'll be recording it for for ourselves and we're recording it and then we just look at each other and we just see tears because it's so exciting and it's so moving and it's just so much fun and it's a good way to end the day and enjoy this amazing show and I find so.

Speaker 2:

There's two shows. During busy season sometimes there's only one show, but if there's two shows, one thing that's confusing is the park will close at 10 and then the show. Last show will be at 10 15, that's not a mistake. They close uh access to all of the other rides, they shut down all the restaurants and then they start world at that last showing of world of color. So you get some extra time in the park by staying for that last show and then the seating for world of color or the standing for world of color uh is a lot less chaotic because you sign up for your spot earlier in the day. Did you want to explain how the virtual queue works?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so in the Disneyland app usually around noon, I believe, is when you're able to get in a queue for World of Color. So it's usually by colors that you get, and so you would sign in. You'll be in the Disneyland app and would go to World of Color and then it tells you to join the virtual queue and then it would give you a spot for viewing designated with that color, and so when the time comes, you would go to that section for World of Color to view it.

Speaker 2:

Step one set an alarm for, like I usually set an alarm for 1150 and then one for 1158. Set an alarm for 1150 and then one for 1158 because there are some rides that like like soaring over California or soaring over the world, depending when you're visiting. There's no self-service in there, so it kind of reminds me to be ready to book it. And then, um, you know, for the most it's not. It doesn't usually sell out in in minutes, but better to try to get there the very first ones.

Speaker 2:

There are no bad um colors. You just you're just going to get your color, um, and it will assign you to the show based off of. So you don't get to pick the show, it just kind of assigns you to that um and then, um, when you go to get to your spot, like 30 minutes early, a lot of people try to, you know, focus on being in the very front section, and for me I am actually more interested in being up there's like. It's like kind of like an amphitheater where there's tiered seating, so I kind of actually like being some of the ones that are a little further behind, but like next to the rail, so nobody's like has their kid in front of me, but I don't know. Do you like to be in the front or in the splash zone?

Speaker 3:

we're usually recording as much as we can, so if we can get by a rail, that's usually the best, because there's no one directly in front of you and there's usually some space between you and the next section, so you're able to see everything. And if you want to take pictures or record anything, you have a good spot to see it and it's so large and grand that you'll be able to see everything clearly.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's huge. So yeah, so like that. First that lower tier sidewalk down at the bottom that area, you will get wet. So you know, if it's a cold night you might want to bring a poncho or something along those lines. If it's a summer night, you might not care. The ones that are slightly behind it. If you have a choice of being, you know, like three or four deep on the bottom area or at the railing on the second or third tier, I would pick the railing. There are some people that you'll be seeing sitting eating desserts living their best Disney life. You guys did that once, didn't you?

Speaker 3:

Yes, we've done the dessert party and it is nice. You get an actual seat, you have a small table, you get desserts, you get your little coffee, hot chocolate or soft drink, whichever you're picking and you have a great spot to view the show and have snacks, and there's not a lot of people in the area. So it's a good little add-on if you want to add that to your trip.

Speaker 2:

World of Color does not get canceled very often. If there's heavy rain they might cancel it, or if there's something where there might be a lot of lightning or something along those lines where you might see it canceled. But it's pretty rare for a World of Color to be canceled. It's pretty rare for a world of color to be canceled, so it is a little. If you're looking for which one is the sure bet, then I think world of color is the sure bet. If you forget to sign up for the virtual queue, you can. There are other places you can stand to see it, around Pixar Pier. You know there's a bridge, there's the area in front of Little Mermaid. But the best seats are if you can get that virtual queue. So you're not out of luck. Even if you're not sure if your kids are going to make it to World of Color, I recommend getting in the virtual queue, holding your spot, and you can always just if there's extra available space they'll let people in.

Speaker 3:

I agree.

Speaker 2:

Those are the night time, so the three nighttime spectaculars are the Fire time those. So the three night time spectaculars are the fireworks phantasmic, both in disneyland and world of color, which is in california adventure. And then the other big thing that you know a lot of people plan their trip around are the parades.

Speaker 3:

If you haven't seen a disney parade, you haven't seen a parade they are so amazing and so exciting and so magical and fun and you get to see so many characters that maybe you don't usually see or maybe you didn't get to see when you were there, so and they're so able to interact with you.

Speaker 2:

So it's it's an amazing thing to be able to see one of the parades and at Disneyland there's two parade showings and the thing to do about the parades is the first one usually starts at Small World and heads to Main Street, and then the second one tends to start at Main Street and end at Small World. The parade is about like 20 minutes long, but it takes about like 30 minutes for it to travel all the way down. So if you're at one end of the parade route or another, know that even if it says it's starting at 3.30, the parade might not get to you till 4.50 or 4.45 or something along those lines. So just to set your little one's expectations around that, where are your favorite spots to see the parade?

Speaker 3:

If we can be on a curb somewhere, if we can find a bench, that's amazing. If we can slip in right at the end behind some people, you could still see it because you just have to look up and you see the parade. But probably those would be some of our best spots.

Speaker 2:

I think those are. So with, unlike fireworks, you know, the viewing doesn't really change that much down. You know you can kind of think, okay, if the parade's coming this way and you can just check with a cast member where is the parade starting from, you know like which way will the floats be coming? Um, as you know, they, they head down the road, says make sure you get a good view, but pretty much anywhere along that front row, um, where the curb is, then that's going to be the best option. And then if you um, they don't make people stand for the parade. So if you've got a family sitting on the curb, the next best spot would be standing right behind those lovely folks.

Speaker 2:

Um, the the night. The best part about getting there early to get on a curb is that, especially if you have little ones, like we were, I was just there with my friend and her three-year-old and you know Pluto came over and like gave her a big kiss and like give her, you know, like the wave to you, and so you get this kind of interaction, especially if they're like dressed up as that character is looking to be a great place for like a really magical encounter. It will be short, it will be seconds, not minutes, but it's still really really wonderful.

Speaker 3:

No, yeah, we had our nieces with us a few trips back and we weren't able to see Tiana in anywhere that day in the parks, but on the parade she's on the float with Prince Naveen and she came down and then she waved to them and it made their whole trip. They were so excited and they were so happy that Princess Tiana waved to them. So it's such an exciting thing to see the parade, especially the reactions of the little ones. Even the adults love it. I cry every time, but it's so exciting and I love them so much and you know.

Speaker 2:

so you have kind of these dancers that dance in between each float, and each of the floats are spectacular and so you know it might be like princesses on one and then like Coco characters on the other. So you know it will be different, these kind of different vignettes in the floats, with dancers in between and some characters walk, some characters are on the float. One thing to know if you're not planning to go to the parade is it makes it very difficult at Disneyland to cross from Tomorrowland over to the other side of the park. So if you're not planning on being a part of the parade or you've already seen it for the day, then keep an eye out for the parade because you're going to have to kind of there's only a couple places where you can cross and it's like jetting through in between floats that, yeah, with cast members telling you not, don't jet through the barricades. You have to wait until the cast member tells you it's safe to go, please do not get run over by pluto yeah, no, don't, don't be parade roadkill.

Speaker 2:

That's never fun for anyone no, no, it takes a while to clean up. And then there's a new parade that's coming and sometimes they have the little short parades that happen at California Adventure. But it used to be that there were awesome parades at California Adventure in the before times. Since COVID it's been kind of like more like what they call cavalcades, where they're just characters walking're just characters walking, or one or two little tiny floats. But they've got a new parade coming for Pixar Fest. Do you want to talk about that, because I feel like you've been digging into that one a little bit more.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm so excited for the new Pixar parade at Disney California Adventure because they're having characters that they haven't had before on parades Adventure. Because they're having characters that they haven't had before on parades. So from Turning Red they have Four Town with Melee. Luca is on a float. Obviously, Toy Story and them are a part of it, but it's just going to be so exciting to see all these characters that haven't been on floats or that we haven't seen too much in the parks have their whole moment this whole summer with Pixar Fest.

Speaker 2:

And by the time you know I would say probably 24 hours after the first parade happens there will be full video for you to watch everywhere. So if you follow any Disney accounts, you follow us at Park Magic Tools. We'll probably post it to our stories. I don't think we're planning on being there that day because it'll be crazy, but there will be lots of people sharing kind of the floats. But you can't go wrong with a Disney parade.

Speaker 2:

Some of my fondest memories as a child are sitting on the curb, like eating my Mickey ice cream or my frozen banana and, you know, just waiting, and like it's a great time to get everybody to sit down for a couple minutes.

Speaker 2:

You can have a snack. Now that our kids are older, what we'll do is we'll get food like at, you know, jolly Holiday, or, if the corn dogs at the Red Wagon are amazing, in California Adventure Award Wieners, you can get hamburgers or hot dogs there, hamburgers and smoke jumpers and you can just kind of eat those while you're waiting for the parade to come your direction. So, and then there's so many other shows. We could do a whole other show about the other shows, like Disney Dance Junior. We'll probably have to do that in a separate show because we're already kind of running a little long, but there's, the shows at Disneyland are worth the time that it. We'll probably have to do that in a separate show because we're already kind of running a little long, but the shows at Disneyland are worth the time that it takes out of your day and it is a great way to kind of see a lot of characters all at once. If characters are important, any other like final thing, tips you want to give for people doing the parades or the nighttime spectaculars?

Speaker 3:

If you are wanting to go to Disneyland, Disney California Adventure, and you're looking for that Disney magic, those moments that you always hear about, go see a parade, go see the fireworks show. You're going to feel that, you're going to see that and it's going to be a memory that your family is going to live with forever. So go as many times as you can and try to see it, and you'll love each and every one of them.

Speaker 2:

We hope that this was helpful in helping you kind of plan out your day at Disneyland. Keep listening to our podcast. You can also follow us on social media at park magic underscore tools and we hope you have a magical day. Bye.

Speaker 1:

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