Decolonising Trauma

The Power of Pause

March 29, 2024 Yemi Penn Episode 5
The Power of Pause
Decolonising Trauma
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Decolonising Trauma
The Power of Pause
Mar 29, 2024 Episode 5
Yemi Penn

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Show Notes Transcript

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Join me on patreon for community led dialogue:

Follow me on Instagram : Yemi Penn (@yemi.penn) • Instagram photos and videos

[00:00:36] Yemi: It has been almost six months since I've recorded my last podcast. October 7th happened where Hamas went into Israel killing thousands, kidnapping, and the world held its breath. October 14th happened here in Australia where we held a referendum, meaning that a question was asked of the Australian people.

[00:01:08] Should first nations, Australian indigenous people have their voice enshrined in our constitution? The Australian public voted on the 14th of October, 2023. No, an overwhelming 60 percent decided that indigenous Australians should not have a voice in our constitution. For the First Nations leaders that I follow and admire, the elders I listen to, I mourned and I grieved for seven days, but I needed longer because the weight of the world was about to get just that little bit more heavy.

[00:01:59] Because as Israel retaliated and continues to retaliate as a form of justification.

[00:02:07] The world has been heavy and contrary to belief that we must continue producing and giving output and performing, I decided fuck it. I don't feel like recording any podcast. I mean, I'm talking about decolonizing trauma. One would think this is where I should be using my voice. But I also know, as Tricia Hersey says, rest is the resistance and I needed to rest.

[00:02:45] And so I went to Nigeria with my family to spend more time with my wider family and celebrate my mom's 70th, to be reconnected to the land and to feel in closer proximity to my ancestors, to take my children to go and see their great grandmother who is strong as an ox and was overfearing us. To then come back to Australia and gift myself time in Bali for a Path of Love retreat that really allowed me to return to me and remember who I am.

[00:03:20] I took part in silence that was golden and at first I was scared I was going to end up talking to myself, which I did, but it was profound. To sit with things longer than I typically would, to work through things as opposed to around it, to build my resilience, knowing that this need to perform and to release a podcast every week, every month is unnecessary and part of decolonizing trauma.

[00:03:54] Which in my instance is to de link from the dominant narrative that we must continuously churn shit out like machines. It's frankly bullshit. It was okay for me to pause. So I hope that you are giving yourself spaces where you can to just rest. Because the following podcasts that are to come are thoughts, digestions, oh, that I've, I've gone through my thoughts, my insights, coupled with ancient wisdom, coupled with curiosity and unknowns.

[00:04:41] They will form part of the podcast. And I will continue to keep these short and sweet because as a teacher that I am learning from semitic abolitionism. by Resmaa Manakim through the Sounds True platform, is not to gorge on stuff, but to nibble. And the best way that we are going to get through this, not around it, through it, is to nibble, is to rest, and to rise.

[00:05:11] So I'm glad to be back with you. I love you, and see you soon.