Manchester Metropolitan University Podcast

MetCast April 2023

Manchester Metropolitan University Season 1 Episode 63

In April's episode, we attend the official launch of the Manchester Metropolitan University Institute of Sport.

Harnessing the power of sport, the new Institute will bring together pioneering research, partnerships and teaching in sport, exercise and health.  

We join Leader of Manchester City Council, Bev Craig, The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham and 17-time Paralympic gold medallist, Dame Sarah Storey to discuss how this world-class Institute will use research to inspire the next generation of athletes and help people grow well, live well and age well. 

We also discuss the challenges around the Net Zero skill shortage and the impact this has on our workforce, training and the next generation. 

Amer Gaffar from the Manchester Fuel Cell Innovation Centre and Professor Liz Price, Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Sustainability, explore the need to retrain our current workforce to ensure we hit our net zero targets.