Prairie Bible Church Messages

When Followers Leave | John 6:60-71

Prairie Bible Church

The Holy Spirit clearly says that in the last days some will leave the faith (1 Tim. 4:1). Tragically, there are many in church who have the appearance of being a follower, yet do not truly belong to Jesus. After one of Jesus’ most difficult teachings, “many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him.” When many leave, Jesus asks us what he asked the Twelve, "You don’t want to go away too, do you?”

 Take-Home Message: Stay.

 Stay when the Word challenges you (60-62). 

 §  Why do followers leave?

o   Offended by the Word.

 Stay when many leave (63-66).

 §  Why do followers leave?

o   Offended by the Word

o   Unbelief

o   They’ve never truly come to know Jesus

 Stay and truly know Jesus (67-71).


§  How do I stay?

o   Receive the Word. 

o   Believe in Jesus.

o   Come to know Jesus.


Message: When Followers Leave


Scripture: John 6:60-71


Simple. Authentic. Jesus.