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Cruising with The Dude: Delving into "The Big Lebowski" Phenomenon with the Beer Brothers

January 29, 2024 The Beer Brothers
Cruising with The Dude: Delving into "The Big Lebowski" Phenomenon with the Beer Brothers
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Cruising with The Dude: Delving into "The Big Lebowski" Phenomenon with the Beer Brothers
Jan 29, 2024
The Beer Brothers

Grab your White Russians and bowling shoes because the Beer Brothers are fresh off a holiday hiatus and itching to wax lyrical about a film that’s as comfortably familiar as your favorite bathrobe: "The Big Lebowski." We're not just fans; we’re superfans, eagerly dissecting the film's quotable zingers, the brilliantly muddled case of mistaken identity, and the tapestry of characters that only the Coen brothers could weave. You're in for a ride as we unpack the indelible imprint of Jeff Bridges' The Dude, John Goodman's explosive Walter, and Steve Buscemi's hapless Donny, as well as the rest of the ensemble that brings this beloved movie to life.

From Jackie Treehorn's beach party to the stolen rug saga, we explore the cultural ripples this film has sent across our lives, including its influence on society. So, whether you're a seasoned Lebowski veteran or a curious newbie, this episode is a treasure trove of analysis and anecdotes that'll make you see the film in a whole new light, and might even inspire a costume idea or two for the next Lebowski Fest. We promise, it’s not just about the bowling.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Grab your White Russians and bowling shoes because the Beer Brothers are fresh off a holiday hiatus and itching to wax lyrical about a film that’s as comfortably familiar as your favorite bathrobe: "The Big Lebowski." We're not just fans; we’re superfans, eagerly dissecting the film's quotable zingers, the brilliantly muddled case of mistaken identity, and the tapestry of characters that only the Coen brothers could weave. You're in for a ride as we unpack the indelible imprint of Jeff Bridges' The Dude, John Goodman's explosive Walter, and Steve Buscemi's hapless Donny, as well as the rest of the ensemble that brings this beloved movie to life.

From Jackie Treehorn's beach party to the stolen rug saga, we explore the cultural ripples this film has sent across our lives, including its influence on society. So, whether you're a seasoned Lebowski veteran or a curious newbie, this episode is a treasure trove of analysis and anecdotes that'll make you see the film in a whole new light, and might even inspire a costume idea or two for the next Lebowski Fest. We promise, it’s not just about the bowling.

Speaker 1:

the best of.

Speaker 2:

A podcast about the best of everything from the mundane to the ridiculous. Just three buddies sitting around the car table talking about things that absolutely matter to no one.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back, boys. After a brief holiday sabbatical, we are back with the best of. We are the beer brothers. I'm Mark, I'm Chris, I'm Greg, and today's guest is a man who is a man, who is a man of the word. I'm Greg, and today we are going to talk about the best of what I think, realistically, we could all probably say if it's not our favorite movie, it's in our top three and I think we could probably argue it's our favorite movie collectively and individually. It's up there. Yeah, I mean it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's up there.

Speaker 1:

It's. It's up there Top three. I mean you could get into some good debates, but we're talking about the Cohen brothers comedy classic about bowling Big Lebowski. So today's episode is we're going to just talk about the best of the big Lebowski. What makes it a cult classic? What makes it so?

Speaker 2:

Did you say cult, classic cult? I don't know that I can be a part of a cult cult.

Speaker 1:

That seems inappropriate.

Speaker 2:

Well, it does have its following.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, it does. There's a gathering every year in Louisville the Lebowski Fist, the Lebowski Fist. We have got to go to that. Yes, we've talked about it.

Speaker 2:

We've never been to it. We should do a podcast down there and see who we could get on how we're. How funny would that?

Speaker 1:

be. I think we should dress up and I just I want to be your Donny, I want to be your.

Speaker 2:

Donny, I was thinking more of John Tatero. That's because you all want me to shut up. I am the Walrus.

Speaker 1:

I want to be John.

Speaker 2:

Tatero's character.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I, I feel like Donny on some days.

Speaker 2:

I'm OK with you talking about the world famous Steve Bashimi's role?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, unbelievably great movie and we'll probably we'll probably get into some of the quotes and things like that.

Speaker 2:

But just go over the cast right now. Yeah, I mean, here I'm going to give you a line. Yeah, bartender, you got any of that good Saspirilla. Yeah, got a Sam Elliott, sam Elliott as the cowboy.

Speaker 1:

Two city, saspirilla.

Speaker 2:

That's a good one. Think about it, you got. You got Sam Elliott. Yep, you know Jeff Bridges as the dude who is the best right? Steve Bashimi, john Goodman, john Tatero what's mods?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, what is she's? Very she's, she was on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she was on. What was the movie she was on? Hang on, I got to look this one up.

Speaker 1:

I cannot remember what she was in that. Oh, she was in the Hannibal Lecter, the second one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and she was in the one. Yeah, yeah, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and Boogie Knights, that's it.

Speaker 2:

That's a hot terror. Read Philip Seymour Hoffman. Philip Seymour Hoffman, he's funny in this movie.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, he is.

Speaker 2:

Who's the dude? Who's the dude? Oh, how about Flea, flea?

Speaker 1:

is in it Well he's an Islust. Yeah, he doesn't believe in it.

Speaker 2:

You didn't care about anything. It must be exhausting. How funny is the guy who is the the other private investigator?

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Drive that little b-roll. Who's the who's your friend in the Volkswagen?

Speaker 1:

Are you still looking at the cast over there?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know anybody else, but anyhow.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the guy that plays the big Lebowski is great. How about the guy that plays Jackie Treehorn? Oh, unless.

Speaker 2:

What else? What other movie was?

Speaker 1:

the log.

Speaker 2:

It was the big Lebowski in.

Speaker 1:

And I didn't realize that's it. Boom. Jeffrey Lebowski.

Speaker 2:

Jeffrey Lebowski. Yeah, he's the town mayor.

Speaker 1:

Correct, yes, he is.

Speaker 2:

Because I saw it the other night and I was like wait a minute, I know him.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

I thought you were talking about the movie log jam and it was in the big Lebowski.

Speaker 1:

No, he has one of the best lines in Blazing Saddles. He does blow it out your butt. That's just great. So what makes it so great?

Speaker 2:

Oh, the one liners that's such a good movie for one liners and the whole, the whole premise behind the whole movie. I mean, let's think about it. They made a whole movie about a guy with a mistaken identity, yeah, and then the guy whose identity he was mistaken for then wanting to extort him for money, yeah, that's it, that's, that's the whole thing, that's the whole premise and bowling and bowling.

Speaker 1:

Is it about a lot Russians?

Speaker 2:

Oh, let's make a pretty good Caucasian there, jackie.

Speaker 1:

There are so many little elements to that movie that are just genius. I think one we could talk about is when the dude first shows up in the beginning and he has to go to Ralph's. And what does he buy?

Speaker 2:

Half and a half and half.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so for and writes a check.

Speaker 2:

Nobody writes checks anymore at the grocery store for how much money? How much we believe it was 67.

Speaker 1:

After he already opened it, smelled of it because you know, it's cheap While he's wearing a bathrobe. So there's so many just moments of brilliance like that in the movie I'll share. One of my favorites is there's a couple of different times when the dude is listening to music on his headphones All right, or you think it's music. Once it's the songs of Wales, right, wales. And then the other time it's bowling.

Speaker 2:

Bowling, it's a pinball and it's Look, he's got to get in the zone for the. I mean it's a league match, but it's it's right, it's league play, right. But what is the? What's the, the one, what's the one group we know he loves because they stole his tape when they stole his car? Credence, credence.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Just don't play the Eagles for it Right and he does not like the Eagles and I can't blame him for that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I think are we going to have our first fun fact of the night.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so we all know that the dude hates the Eagles yes, the Eagles man. What is the song that's playing in the black background when Jesus John Tarturo is dancing after bowling a strike at the bowling alley?

Speaker 1:

Oh, and he does the little dance. Yes, what song is playing?

Speaker 2:

Hotel California. It's a Spanish version of Hotel California.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is, I didn't ever really thought about that Sure is. Great, that's, that's awesome.

Speaker 2:

I'll mess you up, man. No, I agree with you. It's got great one liners, one after the other. Is there any other movie that compares to having the one liners? I can only think of one other one.

Speaker 1:

I would say Smokey and the Bandit.

Speaker 2:

Smokey and the Bandit. You know, I think I would throw like stepbrothers in there as well. I've never seen or, or, anchorman, or Anchorman, anything with, really anything with Will Ferrell in it. Yeah, but smokey and the bandit's got a bunch of one line yeah, it does.

Speaker 1:

It does what she got on her mind.

Speaker 2:

But. But I mean, I send you guys text at least a couple times a week. That's got a big Lebowski reference.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean like, like, obviously you're not a golfer. I mean they dropped the bowling ball.

Speaker 1:

Nice marmot, this aggression dude Will not stand.

Speaker 2:

What's the bet? Yes, yes, it's about a rug. Yes, what's he said? Because someone midirated on your rug.

Speaker 1:

Get a job sir.

Speaker 2:

I use that one all the time.

Speaker 1:

And and and bunny, I mean you know, blow, you're not blowing.

Speaker 2:

Won't he mind? He doesn't care about anything, he's an eyelist, oh it must be exhausting.

Speaker 1:

Look the fact that we've gone this far and haven't even brought up what I think is probably the best character, not just in that movie but in any movie. Walter Subject, 100 percent. Walter is unbelievable. John Goodman. I mean yeah, yeah. I mean oh, I can get your toe. I can get your toe, she's not going to die.

Speaker 2:

Come on Now. The best line for him is when Smokey crosses the line. It's a late match and he brings up a nine miller good market Eight dude. Yeah, I mean, I say market eight all the time all the time. Yep, this is league play, market zero. Smokey, you're entering a world of pain, I mean this is not Vietnam. There are rules and everything relates to Vietnam, doesn't matter what everything, everything.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry when they're throwing Donny's ashes out to the ocean. He starts talking about K-San and all that.

Speaker 1:

Of course, all the Lord, all the wisdom, all the ashes are blowing back on the dude, all of his beard his face. Well, the fact that they had a coffee can and not a properly priced receptacle.

Speaker 2:

I'm more moderately priced. Moderately priced, there are raffes around here. Oh my God, that is, oh my gosh, it's man down. Let me tell you that I've told either one of y'all this story or not, but when Janey and I moved to Washington DC when I was finishing up law school- yeah we had a townhouse there and we hadn't bought cable or anything like that, because he didn't come over and fix the cable.

Speaker 2:

So every night we would watch the Big Lebowski because we had it on DVD. I bet you we watched no joke about it. We watched it five times a week for like three months and then we realized we had cable and went and having to pay for it and then the Big Lebowski was over for a while. So here's.

Speaker 1:

Here's one that I haven't told you all. I used to be on the program faculty at the University of Kentucky for the social studies methods.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

University of Kentucky and the person who was teaching the class, dr Cathy Swan, loves the Big Lebowski and referenced it with her social studies methods students almost on a weekly basis and it became kind of a kind of a cool thing.

Speaker 2:

So now is it she from Lima.

Speaker 1:

She is not.

Speaker 2:

I thought she was. Can we? Ok, we did it once before. Should we do it again? We go ahead and tell the whole story.

Speaker 1:

I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

We're we're this one's pretty long.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I mean we're. We're already almost 11 minutes in and we haven't even really gotten to some of the most important parts of the Big.

Speaker 2:

Lebowski, so at a different time we can oh yeah, we already told it once, so I mean, it's fine, let's try one episode seven or eight, something like that I am the Walrus, I am the Walrus, I am the Walrus, all right, what's the rest of that line?

Speaker 1:

Shut the OK After that this is shut the I need my, where's my? Oh, none of those are working details. Oh well.

Speaker 2:

Anyhow, you just have one of shut the flag, no good.

Speaker 1:

Oh, almost, yeah, for whatever reason those aren't working. Dude, there it is.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, wow, I don't know what happened.

Speaker 1:

You can tell it's a new year, oh man, oh hello. Hey, we're just playing with.

Speaker 2:

You can tell it's a new year.

Speaker 1:

Shut the Exactly the rest of the line is Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, which, if, if you're, you know I have the my favorite T-shirt that my wife hates it when I wear. It's got a picture of Lenin on it and it says I am the Walrus. Vi Lenin. Vi Lenin.

Speaker 2:

What about in?

Speaker 1:

and out burger. Oh yeah, yeah, there's an in and out reference when they're in and out references.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and what we're in this sitting in there watching watching the, watching the performance he got his, I got my venue dude when he's when the landlord or the the guy who gets the rent from the dude.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, does his stand up or whatever. It is One man performance.

Speaker 2:

And then they go over there and they destroy the Corvette.

Speaker 1:

Go after the kid, larry and iron. And a good day to you, sir. Look the cops. When Lebowski goes to you know report that his car is gone.

Speaker 2:

When me and the boys does the briefing. What are you gonna eat? Leeds? They got his working in chips.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Larry, larry, this is what happens when you do something else.

Speaker 1:

How about the sheriff that? When you're fascist, when he's sitting there when he's sitting there talking to Lebowski and hits him in the head at the coffee.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I wouldn't be in a daze there may not be a lot of substance to this particular podcast?

Speaker 1:

No, but we're having fun.

Speaker 2:

What about the drawing at Jackie Tree? What about mods paintings? They're doing about drawings. That's quite impressive.

Speaker 1:

What was the name of the group that the that the nihilists member? I can't remember Doss sound.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's a great fun fact that we don't have, unfortunately. That should be a what I do sound machine or something.

Speaker 2:

It's their picture on the album.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and Maude has a copy of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can imagine what happens next he fixes the cable. You we forget about. You know, I referenced earlier the guy that's at mods place. It's John.

Speaker 1:

That's John Wayne waiters John yeah, he's like he's a really famous director Really yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did not know that. I did not know that. I did not know that he goes, david, no.

Speaker 1:

John like weights or something. Not, john weights, it's not.

Speaker 2:

John Wayne, john Polito. Yeah, uh, that's a funny scene though.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, he, he was a. He was a had a guest episode on the Simpsons. He's really famous. He used to do a lot of.

Speaker 2:

Isythero and thorough.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can't remember. I can't remember his name.

Speaker 2:

Well, so what's while Chris is looking at it? What's your favorite scene in the movie?

Speaker 1:

Um, man, it's. It's really hard for me to pick just one. Uh, I love the scene where he goes back um to the Big Lebowski's house for the second time in their uh propositioning him on you know doing this and he's like it's a bummer man.

Speaker 2:

Real men do cry.

Speaker 1:

Real men do cry, sir, it's a bummer that he's got on that great Japanese baseball t-shirt. I have that scene too. Mark got it for me, I, I it's fantastic. Yep.

Speaker 2:

Um, chris, what's yours? I really like his time spent at Jackie Treehorn's house. The party out back you know all that shaking down. I like that and I you like the trampoline, the trampoline yeah, that's pretty good and what I also like is I like the first time he goes and gets the lecture from Jeffrey Lebowski and he sees the Lebowski young achievers.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And he walks in and he says yeah. He says take any rug I want, yeah, and keeps on walking and that's when he runs into Phillips see more often and that's when he meets money for the first time. Yeah, absolutely, I like that. I like the Jesus side too Like this is seems good, or somershowers.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's. That's fantastic. Dom Marrera was one of the guys. That's interesting.

Speaker 2:

What? What about when John Goodman says that he thinks the big Lebowski snuck crippled this dude? Good walk he goes. I have never been more sure of anything in my life. That's a look. The one thing you can say about Walter is he's always confident in his answer, always. He never knows what he's talking about, but he's always confident in his answer Always. Now, can we John Waters?

Speaker 1:

John Waters. Don't know him here, that this is him and I know this is.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that's definitely him, so that's him.

Speaker 1:

It is an yeah, that 100% is him. Um, he rose to fame in the early 1970s for a transgressive cult films including multiple maniacs, pink flamingos and female trouble.

Speaker 2:

Never heard of any of them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Sorry, you ready. Yeah, that rug that rug really tied the room together.

Speaker 1:

Did tie the room.

Speaker 2:

Uh, mine is, mine's either the Jesus scene or um. I also like the all the the scenes where he's get the little dog that was his ex-wife smoking across the line he pulls out a gun or, or then when they're fighting the. Nile, all of a man involved, Walter.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, I think, him sitting at the at the diner? Yeah, I enjoy my coffee. Exactly, I'm enjoying my coffee.

Speaker 2:

Yep, let me explain something to you. Um, I am not Mr Lebowski, you're Mr Lebowski, I'm the dude. So that's what you call me. You know that? Or, uh, his dude-ness or do do or L do an arena If you're not into the whole brevity thing.

Speaker 1:

So I did see a um an interview with Jeff Bridges about that and he said that they didn't change one word of dialogue, that all of that was written by the Coen brothers.

Speaker 2:

Wow, no, there's, there is not.

Speaker 1:

I would have thought that he had just he said that it was, it was very uh, the, it was so perfect that they they didn't change a thing. Um, I mean, what more can you say?

Speaker 2:

I think we should go watch it.

Speaker 1:

I think we might need to uh any final words that rug really tied the room together 100%.

Speaker 2:

Obviously you're not a golfer. Nice, marmot, I know what about. What about when he's talking about the money and they're sticking his head in the toilet and he goes. Uh, he goes, uh, let me get another look.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it might still be down there. Yeah, well, at least I'm house broke.

Speaker 2:

One more thing Am I wrong? Am I wrong, am I wrong?

Speaker 1:

That's. That's one you use.

Speaker 2:

I used that. All the time Are we splitting hairs?

Speaker 1:

I am the walrus.

Speaker 2:

Hey, larry, do you know what happens? Uh-huh, that's all I could say, and thanks for listening to this week's podcast, the best of presented by the beer brothers.

Speaker 1:

The best of is available on all formats. Wherever you listen to podcasts, be sure to catch our next episode. You never know what or who will be the best of next. Have a great day, everyone.

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