The Best Of...

The Best Of...Wrestling Rivalries

April 25, 2024 The Beer Brothers
The Best Of...Wrestling Rivalries
The Best Of...
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The Best Of...
The Best Of...Wrestling Rivalries
Apr 25, 2024
The Beer Brothers

Strap in for a body-slamming trip down memory lane with your favorite tag team of podcast hosts, Mark, Chris, and Greg! We're throwing it back to the golden age of wrestling, where the slams were hard, and the rivalries were even harder. Get ready for a nostalgic smackdown as we recount the legendary battles that had us all on the edge of our seats. From the explosive dissolution of the Mega Powers to Ric Flair's unparalleled mic skills, we leave no turnbuckle unturned in this epic walk through wrestling history. 

Nostalgia hits you with the force of a Stone Cold Stunner as we relive the days of sporting Austin 3:16 shirts and cheering at Monday Night Raw. Our wrestling reverie takes a dramatic turn as we contrast The Rock's box-office smackdowns with Hulk Hogan's less memorable movie moments, and give a shoutout to Randy Savage's scene-stealing cameo in 'Spider-Man.' As we count down to the final bell, we tease an anecdote from Lima, Ohio - not Peru - guaranteed to pin you down for our next episode. Don't tap out; the main event is just getting started.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Strap in for a body-slamming trip down memory lane with your favorite tag team of podcast hosts, Mark, Chris, and Greg! We're throwing it back to the golden age of wrestling, where the slams were hard, and the rivalries were even harder. Get ready for a nostalgic smackdown as we recount the legendary battles that had us all on the edge of our seats. From the explosive dissolution of the Mega Powers to Ric Flair's unparalleled mic skills, we leave no turnbuckle unturned in this epic walk through wrestling history. 

Nostalgia hits you with the force of a Stone Cold Stunner as we relive the days of sporting Austin 3:16 shirts and cheering at Monday Night Raw. Our wrestling reverie takes a dramatic turn as we contrast The Rock's box-office smackdowns with Hulk Hogan's less memorable movie moments, and give a shoutout to Randy Savage's scene-stealing cameo in 'Spider-Man.' As we count down to the final bell, we tease an anecdote from Lima, Ohio - not Peru - guaranteed to pin you down for our next episode. Don't tap out; the main event is just getting started.

Speaker 3:

the beer brothers proudly present the best of a podcast about the best of everything, from the mundane to the ridiculous. Just three buddies sitting around the car table talking about things that absolutely matter to no one we are going old school today.

Speaker 2:

boys, we have been asked begged requested by our listeners to do a little bit more best of, to go back to do a best of, and so we are going to do one tonight. It's a very exciting one.

Speaker 3:

We got to do what the fans want, I kind of miss the best of I really do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and these always bring about good arguments, conversations amongst us, so that'll be good. I'm Mark. I'm Chris. I'm Greg and the best of tonight is such a fascinating topic. We could be talking about the NHL playoffs right now.

Speaker 1:

So before we get started, with it it looks like there's a fair amount of fans sitting outside in like lawn chairs. I assume there's a big screen out there.

Speaker 2:

That is called lightning alley, sitting outside in like lawn chairs I assume there's a big screen out there that is called lightning alley.

Speaker 2:

I'm a huge tampa bay lightning fan, as you boys know if our listeners didn't know that, so we are watching the lightning who are down to zero to the florida panthers, and outside of amelie arena there's a great uh outside area. It's called thunder alley. My favorite place in the world is thunder alley and and Amelie Arena, so hopefully they can pull one out tonight and make it a series again. But I'll tell you this Florida's good. I have no harsh words to say about them. They're a good hockey team.

Speaker 3:

It's the best of what. The best of tonight is no, no, no, I'm talking about the hockey series.

Speaker 1:

Oh, best of seven, best of seven? I asked that question, okay, no, no, I'm talking about the hockey series.

Speaker 3:

Oh, best of seven, best of seven. I asked that question. Okay, I was going to say so, two more, we're good.

Speaker 2:

All right, yeah, so Florida has home ice advantage. So they played. The first two games at home been very close games. The Lightning could have won either one. The last one went to overtime and Florida won in overtime on a goal scored by a former Lightning member Carter lightning uh member carter verhege. So verhege, he's the man, he's good. Uh, we're sitting and getting rid of him, we. We could be talking about all kinds of things. The nfl draft begins tonight, one of my favorite events of the year does everybody hate the number one?

Speaker 2:

pick always everybody hates it absolutely, are you caleb williams.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everybody hates it him.

Speaker 2:

But we have a very exciting topic tonight and it is wrestling rivalries.

Speaker 3:

Now let me reiterate Of the three of us, I'm the one that knows the least about wrestling.

Speaker 1:

I don't know why we limit it to that topic.

Speaker 2:

That's exactly right.

Speaker 3:

I only watched wrestling for I don't know two years when I lived in the fraternity house, when Beavis and Butthead was not on, we would watch wrestling. So the Attitude Era is the only thing I really know, right.

Speaker 2:

We were going to. Yeah, we're going to bounce around a little bit. We're going to talk about some classic wrestling rivalries, probably some Attitude Era as well, but, chris, since you claim to know the least of us about wrestling, it's a good thing there's an internet.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly.

Speaker 2:

Wesoing Wivoys. So let's begin what?

Speaker 3:

do we got, so I've got to go. I'm going to throw you guys for a loop. It's not going to involve Degeneration X. It's not going to involve anything from the Attitude Era. I thought that was all you knew about. When it comes to wrestling, however, I am a little bit Versed In the Randy Poffo, terry Bollea Rivalry AKA Randy Macho man.

Speaker 1:

Savage Terry Bollea.

Speaker 2:

He's pretty good. He's the one that had the leg drop, that's.

Speaker 3:

Hulk Hogan. The greatest finishing move ever, hulk Hogan.

Speaker 1:

He's pretty good, he's pretty good, he's the one that had the leg drop. That's Hulk Hogan. He had the leg drop.

Speaker 3:

The greatest finishing move ever, 100%. Okay, We'll get into finishing moves with those two guys in a minute. I'm not sure which was worse, the flying elbow or the leg drop, but you know Hulk Hogan was on top of the thing he was doing. His American made he's rolling thing. You know Randy Poffo leaves minor league baseball.

Speaker 1:

He really wasn't a baseball player.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was a baseball player. He was a catcher right, but you have to understand that he comes from a wrestling family. His brother Lanny Poffo. I'll go even further and his father, angelo Poffo. All wrestlers right, so anyhow.

Speaker 3:

Macho man decides to leave baseball, comes into the WWF and automatically he wants to be somebody, so he starts pushing Hulk Hogan, who's on top of the game. They have this huge rivalry.

Speaker 1:

The game, not the game. I am the game A little bit different.

Speaker 3:

So along the way Randy Poffo marries Frankfort, kentucky's own Elizabeth Hewlett, miss Elizabeth, who becomes his manager right, or his valet, his valet. And somehow he and Hulk I think someone attacked Randy in the ring and Hulk comes out and kind of saves him and they become buddies. Right, the superpowers right.

Speaker 1:

Megapowers, sorry, the mega powers.

Speaker 3:

Mega powers.

Speaker 3:

And so they're buddies for a while. They're a tag team and everything's great. Everybody loves everybody. But in real life Randy Poffo aka Macho man, randy Savage, is very jealous of Miss Elizabeth and WWF capitalizes on this angle and Miss Elizabeth gets in the middle of it because she's also Hulk Hogan's valet. They become close even in the singles matches and, long story short, they have a falling out and WWF pushes it and Randy Poffo, randy Macho man, savage and Hulk Hogan get back into this humongous rivalry that didn't really end until Macho man was even out of wrestling, after he'd already left and gone and disappeared to what WCW and Hulk had gone to WCW, and then you know it was just a bad situation. So you know it was a great rivalry and they actually played off of the realistic things with Miss Elizabeth, which again was from Franklin County.

Speaker 2:

High School, and Miss Elizabeth, by the way if we were going to do a best, of which we should do at some point, the best of wrestling managers.

Speaker 1:

She's up there. She's the best woman manager, for sure.

Speaker 2:

And by far, I think if you're talking about the classiest just a classical beauty.

Speaker 1:

She's not sensational cherry. She's a classical beauty, she's not. You're correct.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just a great, great lady.

Speaker 3:

Would you think she'd be the most world-renowned graduate of Franklin County?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely 100%.

Speaker 2:

I think that you know, when you look at Hulk Hogan and all of the different rivalries that he's been a part of A thousand. Yeah, you know I understand wanting to go with the Macho man and it was a good one. I'm definitely not debating that.

Speaker 1:

Right, I think we're going to have a special guest here in just a second too.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we are.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Who's showing up? Hold up, hold on.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Freak out, listen, brother. I want to talk about the man, yeah, that they call Hulk Hogan, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you something, hulkster.

Speaker 2:

You had your moment with the macho man Randy Savage, and you failed. Brother, dig it, man that was fast.

Speaker 1:

That was a pretty good take. He was in and out of here.

Speaker 3:

That's a hot take. Wow, Wait a minute though. Is there somebody else?

Speaker 2:

I don't think so I haven't seen anybody else?

Speaker 3:

except Gunther.

Speaker 2:

Is there anybody else here? Gunther was very shocked by seeing. I think someone else may show up later.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. I was curious about that. That was crazy Dang weird man goodness.

Speaker 2:

Poets got a million rivalries and to me his greatest rival and a lot of people say Andre the Giant, it was, you know, for that time there was a really good rivalry there for a little bit. But I got to go older and say the one guy that didn't, you know, take the, take the pin, in other words, do the job for Hulk Hogan. Yeah, and it's the one guy that you know they never really had a clean finish was Rowdy Roddy Piper. Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Piper, everybody hated Rowdy Roddy.

Speaker 2:

Piper, though I mean, come on, everybody was his nemesis Piper and Hogan man, that was really the beginning that led to WrestleMania. I and you know that created it all and it was real heat between those guys. But yeah, I that that's a good one.

Speaker 1:

I think hulkster could be. What about you, greg? Uh, I will go more chris's era, okay, you know, because, uh, just for a classic one. Oh, you didn't know. No, not that part, oh sorry, uh, the the, the classic one in the attitude era, I think has to be the Rock and Stone Cold. Steve Austin yeah, you were one or the other. You were a fan of one or the other. Yeah, I was a Rock man. I mean, he lost more to Stone Cold than Stone Cold lost to him, but I always liked the Rock better.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I thought his promos were better and you chose one or the other. I mean, you were a fan of the rock, you were a fan of stone cold. Um, which was your choice.

Speaker 3:

You know, the problem is I like them both and that's weird to say that, but they were both. It's like they were trying to make a heel out of one or the other and everybody liked them both.

Speaker 1:

You know they were not so good in their characters. They both come up in different characters and they were both terrible in their other characters, but when they got switched to these, then everybody enjoyed it, but has there ever been anybody better on the mic with promos than the Rock?

Speaker 2:

Nobody, I mean ever Ric Flair maybe?

Speaker 1:

Well, I was going to ask Chris, but a complete different era.

Speaker 2:

Do you think that Ric Flair was better on the mic?

Speaker 3:

It doesn't different era, do you?

Speaker 1:

think. Do you think that rick flair was better on the mic? I can't help it, I knew it was coming.

Speaker 3:

I knew it was coming. I can't help it. I mean, I mean, the rocks was really good and you know all that was if you're watching that, all that was ad-libbed. The guy was just a genius on the microphone.

Speaker 1:

My favorite ones were when he says and as they start chanting the Rock's name, and then he holds the microphone down and everybody starts screaming Rocky and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 3:

I mean he could make a whole arena, but nobody could drive a Zamboni or a concrete truck to fill up Vince McMahon's Corvette.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it was really unique stuff that they did and they they can't do it today no, definitely not I mean it was, it was edgy, uh, but you know it was and that's when you know people like me, who weren't wrestling fans, really got enamored by it because yeah yeah, it was a soap opera, but you know the things that they would allow those guys to get with. You know get by with like you're. You're saying you can't do it today, but who was your favorite mark?

Speaker 2:

you're more of a rock or a stone cold guy well, um, I, I would have to say the rock, just uh, the way he worked the microphone, he was ridiculous now I will tell I do own to this day and it's in a pristine condition. I have an Austin 316 shirt with a smoking skull.

Speaker 3:

I absolutely do T-shirt. Saw them for Monday Night Raw and it was everything you'd expect it to be. Now, the Rock was not there, though.

Speaker 1:

Now they headlined against each other Two or three maybe, wrestlemanias.

Speaker 2:

I think so.

Speaker 1:

I know it was two, I didn't know that. The first one. They headlined together Stone Cold, steve Austin won. The Rock won the second one. It was kind of Stone Cold's farewell match that the Rock beat him in WrestleMania.

Speaker 3:

Let's go one step further. How great is the Rock? Beat him in WrestleMania. Let's go one step further. How great is the Rock as an actor? Have you guys ever seen any of his movies? He's good. Yeah, I mean, I've seen his movies. He's good, he's really good. And again.

Speaker 1:

I think that goes back to.

Speaker 2:

Jumanji, yeah, jumanji. He's very great in Jumanji.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's great in that, the Gridiron Gang is.

Speaker 3:

Tooth Fairy is great, moana, all these movies, and that's a funny thing. Think about all the actors. We go back to my guy, hulk Hogan. What's the one movie you can remember with Hulk Hogan? Rocky III.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

No holds barred.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

III is terrible.

Speaker 1:

He's Thunder Lips, the ultimate male, awful.

Speaker 2:

And that was before he was even in the WWF at the time.

Speaker 3:

Oh really.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah, that was he had been. Yeah, he had been in the AWA.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I didn't know that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he filmed that and yeah, so he actually filmed that before he became big.

Speaker 3:

So we do, we have a fun fact, can either of you name a movie that Randy Macho man Savage?

Speaker 2:

appeared in oh yeah. I can name one. Okay, spider-man, hey, freak Show, I got you for three minutes.

Speaker 3:

Hey, Freak Show, You're not going anywhere. That's great. It's such a good movie man.

Speaker 1:

I love it.

Speaker 3:

Such a good movie. That's good. That's good, all right. Well, that's a good one, greg. So who was your favorite? Were you a rock or a stone?

Speaker 1:

cold guy, I was a rock guy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no question, see I love Stone Cold because he was all about anti-establishment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was a rock man. Yeah, it was great. Yeah, that was a good time in wrestling, though Now let's go back to an early to mid 1980s in the state of Texas.

Speaker 2:

World-class championship wrestling. I know it wasn't the WWE, it wasn't the WCW slash NWA, but in world-class championship wrestling, which you're learning more about now if you have seen the movie the Iron Claw, which I still have not, seen? I have not seen it, I have not, but I knew the story pretty well. It's the von eric's, the von eric's versus the fabulous free birds, one of the bloodiest, harshest, greatest rivalries in wrestling history. I mean, the fabulous free birds were everything that the von eric's weren't, the Von Eriks were wholesome.

Speaker 1:

You know this image of this family and the Fabulous Freebirds, and they all died basically, except one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, were from.

Speaker 1:

Badge Street.

Speaker 2:

USA from Atlanta GA.

Speaker 3:

Who was?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Fabulous Freebirds, the Freebirds. I remember the Freebirds. Who was?

Speaker 3:

in that.

Speaker 2:

Michael PSA, terry Bam Bam, gordy and Buddy Roberts. Yeah, michael PSA's Terry Bam.

Speaker 1:

Bam Gordy and Buddy Roberts. I remember this. I got nothing.

Speaker 2:

And Michael Hayes later on became a road agent and a backstage guy for the WWE. Terry Bam Bam Gordy was the most talented wrestler of all of them, but he died very early, at a young age. Buddy Roberts was a wrestling technician, and those three guys, by the way, you mentioned movies. Yeah, all right. Yep, the Fabulous Freebirds were in a movie. At the very beginning of the movie, it had nothing to do with wrestling.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Cab. No, oh, it was a movie. I'll just give you a quote and see if we can get it. And, by the way, this qualifies as a fun fact. In the end there can be only one. I love that movie Highlander. Highlander At the very beginning, when he's at the wrestling matches. That's the fabulous Freebirds taking on Greg Gagné and his tag team partners Jim Brunzel.

Speaker 3:

Best line by Kurgan in the whole movie it's better to burn out than fade away.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, the Kurgan is a great character. And another fun fact yes, who did the soundtrack for the movie Highlander? Here, we are born to be kings.

Speaker 3:

We're the princes of the universe, that would be Queen, queen. You got it. Where's the cricket button at? Oh, the best song from that one, though. Who Wants to Live Forever?

Speaker 2:

Great song, All of them Queen, you know. Did the soundtrack for Flash Gordon and for Highlander Too fantastic? Anyway, I digress. That would be my old school wrestling rivalry. So was it hardcore?

Speaker 3:

You said bloody and all that, was it hardcore?

Speaker 2:

Were they cutting or was it like hardcore?

Speaker 1:

no, it was just vicious um, watch some of the matches on youtube. Any, any truth, or I got a. I got a vicious rivalry for you. Okay, hang on, hang on.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I do hang on, hang on was there anything that was not scripted, that was going on behind the scenes that caused this anger and rivalry, or was it all know what?

Speaker 2:

you mean by scripted? There was a really good. What's the show on? Behind the yeah? Dark Side of the Ring Dark Side of the Ring. There's a really good Dark Side of the Ring episode that talks about the Von Eriks and the Freebirds.

Speaker 3:

I've got to watch that. I don't know anything about these guys.

Speaker 2:

There was always a lot of heat with the Von Eriks behind the scenes, because you know it was a they got. They got the push because their name and a lot of the other wrestlers did not really appreciate that, and the free birds were in real life, the exact opposite of what the Von Eriks were. So, yeah, there was, there was some heat there. But when David Von Eriks, the first Von Eriks, died, uh, he he'd been in Japan and and um died over there. You can watch the interview with Michael PSA's. He comes out and he's visibly shaken by the whole thing. And it was one of those things where what do they call it? Kayfabe or whatever, when wrestling becomes real, and you could tell he was just like you know, he wanted to come out and continue the rivalry, but he was just, he was shaken.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, really good, really good. What about you, Greg? You had one, I've got an old, but he was just he was shaking, so yeah, really good, really good.

Speaker 2:

What about you, greg?

Speaker 1:

you, you had one I've got an old school one that's vicious I can't wait to hear uh and this may be too old school for you bruiser brody, uh-huh, and abdullah the butcher, oh juicy violent yes, you want to talk about violent oh, bruiser brody was violent.

Speaker 2:

He was a bad man.

Speaker 1:

I mean everybody was scared of him, the crowd was scared of him. I mean he would go into the crowd all the time.

Speaker 2:

Every other wrestler. No one wanted to fight him because he wrestled. You know what they called stiff, very like he didn't try to protect anyone, he tried to beat the heck out of everyone.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I have never heard of abdullah the butcher. Are you serious? Abdullah the butcher's awesome. Okay, never heard of him uh, I am lost here.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna have to add a video element to this podcast was he was about.

Speaker 1:

I mean, he was about, like big john stud says all right, I know you and he had crazy hair.

Speaker 2:

That was like oh I know that feeling huge, yeah, just like yours, yeah, and abdullah the butcher oh my god, he looks like george the animal steel, but with what's on his head?

Speaker 1:

okay, that's scars from where he used to, he would take a fork. Abdullah the butcher would take a fork and go in his own head in his head, that's him in his own head In his head, that's him.

Speaker 3:

In his own head.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

On purpose.

Speaker 2:

There he is. Look at that.

Speaker 3:

What is? Is that not awesome? That is strange. That's old school. That is very strange.

Speaker 2:

That looks like you can buy an Abdul the Butcher 8x10.

Speaker 3:

Look at that.

Speaker 2:

Look at it.

Speaker 3:

Is he eating a piece of liver? Yes, raw. What's that beside the liver? That's so strange.

Speaker 1:

This is not making for a good podcast. No, it's not.

Speaker 2:

No, but it's so enjoyable for us Listen to our listeners.

Speaker 3:

Google Abdullah the Butcher. Wow, that's not what I expected the guy to look like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he looks like the dude who owns Rendezvous.

Speaker 3:

Not Rendezvous. I'm sorry. What? Her dreamland barbecue? That's big daddy john bishop. What are you talking about, actually? And there's bruiser brody.

Speaker 1:

Right there, bruiser brody was the man he would come out and he would swing a big chain around too, I mean and there, as you can see every look how bloody that is every match they had. Yeah, it was someone that is, um Every match. They had someone bled.

Speaker 2:

That is Usually both of them, like in this one, that is.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that's absurd, but anyhow.

Speaker 1:

You got another one, chris, and look at Abdullah's physique oh, he's very fit.

Speaker 3:

He is very fit. I don't know what that is under his arm, between his arm and his chest, but it's very unique. Yeah, do I have another one.

Speaker 1:

I mean, there's one we haven't talked about that has to be mentioned yeah, it is rick flair, dusty roads has to be mentioned, I agree.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I mean to tell you if we could only interview both of those guys, if they were just you know in the same room where we could talk with both of them. It would be amazing, like what, what kind of questions would you ask of? Of a rick flair and a dusty roads?

Speaker 3:

I would have to ask rick flair. Are those really crocodile shoes?

Speaker 1:

you know really is it a real Rolex?

Speaker 3:

Is he really jet flying?

Speaker 1:

Oh, he's wheeling dealing.

Speaker 2:

Is he?

Speaker 3:

wheeling dealing Well.

Speaker 1:

I would ask Dusty Rhodes right now If he was here right now. I would ask him if he was proud of his son.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know what? That's fantastic, because, guess what? You will never believe this. What? We have the board out the little thingy took us to it, and Dusty Rhodes is now here.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you something. It's really interesting that you're talking about one of my rivals, if you will, a rival in so many ways, rickey Flair. Let me tell you something. Rickey Flair, you may have been a jet riding, limousine riding guy, whatever it is you say, but I'll tell you something, brother, you don't have a son who's the new heavyweight champion. If you will, I couldn't be more proud of my boy, cody. It kind of makes up for Goldust.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's what I was going to say.

Speaker 3:

What about your other side? We don't talk about the other side.

Speaker 2:

But I must end this by saying Rick and Flare, I will get fucking like a monkey all over your candy ass.

Speaker 3:

Can I make a statement real quick about how I'm so glad again this pop filter is in front of me Did you notice how both Ric Flair and. Dusty Rhodes. Both have a speech impediment.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's kind of interesting.

Speaker 1:

They need to go see Janie. It's a shame they didn't have a speech therapist, they got a little.

Speaker 2:

I think you call it a lisp or something A little something.

Speaker 1:

So I have another one for us. Are you ready for another one?

Speaker 3:

You're going to blow my mind now.

Speaker 1:

Mark, do you have another one?

Speaker 3:

I feel like you're trying to take over. No, no, I want to hear this one's kind of humorous the oddities versus D-Generation X.

Speaker 1:

No, the oddities versus D-Generation X no, nobody cares about that, daggone it. The Golden Lines versus Beaches and Cream oh Solid. A little reference to our friends. A little OVW reference, an OVW.

Speaker 3:

Love a little OVW, which we should be doing right now.

Speaker 2:

I might add yeah, that's true, but we're watching the lightning Already down 1-0.

Speaker 3:

So what about Be beaches and cream and the golden lions. So I'm all about the golden lions. I'm more into the uh uh, the uh um, oh, daggone it, the chop shop and the uh and maho rahabashi yeah, whatever his name, mahabala shira yeah shira, that's it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

well, I really thought we were gonna go dudley boys versus Mae Young. That was pretty simple that was over pretty quick.

Speaker 3:

How about Stone Cold versus the corporation? And then how everybody turned You're Stone Cold man, I was a Stone Cold guy.

Speaker 1:

So does that mean you like Shotgun Tony Gun? I hate Shotgun Tony Gun? They're basically the same thing, but you know he's a. Am I wrong?

Speaker 3:

He's a knockoff. He's a clown Knock-off, rip-off. He's a knock-off.

Speaker 1:

I like mammoth Tuscan James.

Speaker 2:

This is going down the way.

Speaker 3:

I'd say 24 minutes in we're good, that's good, but we could tell the Lima story real quick Thanks for listening.

Speaker 2:

Let's go ahead and start.

Speaker 3:

Basically, it all starts out there, but we could tell a Lima story real quick. Why?

Speaker 1:

don't we? Let's go ahead and start. You can start the Lima story. So basically, it all starts out there In Lima. Right, so we were in Lima, right and, by the way, lima and Ohio.

Speaker 2:

We're not talking about Lima or Peru.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That's right, and it's Lima. Have a great day everyone. Exactly, it's Lima and Ohio, and.

Wrestling Rivalries Through the Years
Classic Wrestling Rivalries and Legends
Wrestling Discussions and Lima Anecdotes