Digital Horizons

Brand News: ChatGPT-5 Is Going To Be Huge

James Walker & Brian Hastings

What if you could have an AI assistant that not only understands and interacts like a human but also anticipates your needs and seamlessly integrates into every aspect of your life? Get ready to explore the future as we dive into the anticipated release of ChatGPT-5 from OpenAI. Join Brian and James as they share their daily experiences with GPT-4, highlighting its impressive capabilities and discussing the exciting advancements coming with GPT-5. This new version promises breakthroughs in natural language processing, enhanced multimodal capabilities, and unprecedented levels of personalization. With potential backing from tech giants like Apple and NVIDIA, ChatGPT-5 is set to redefine our interaction with technology.

In this episode of Brand News, we delve into how ChatGPT-5 could revolutionize data analysis and automation, from creating complex formulas in spreadsheets to connecting AI across various platforms for automated solutions. Brian and James speculate on the limitless possibilities, debating how this advanced AI might surpass its predecessor in ways we can only begin to imagine. Whether you're an AI enthusiast or just curious about the future of technology, this discussion will provide keen insights into how ChatGPT-5 could change the way we live and work. Tune in for an in-depth look at what the future holds for AI and why this upcoming release is worth every bit of the hype.

The Digital Horizons Podcast is hosted by:

James Walker
- Managing Director Walker Hill Digital
Brian Hastings - Managing Director Nous

Speaker 1:

All right, welcome back to Brain News. I'm Brian. This is James. Welcome back, let's get into it. First piece of news for this week. It's not really news. It's more of an update on when we can expect ChatGPT 5 from OpenAI.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if everyone else is like me, but I use GPT-4 currently on a daily basis, Like I've constantly. I've got it on my phone app. I've got it as the desktop app. It's pretty much. I'm using it for assisting in many, many tasks on a daily basis.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and before we did this session we were thinking well, let's talk about the limitations we're currently seeing and how that might be impacted and improved in the new version. But we both agreed we don't have many limitations with the current version, so I don't. I just want to give a bit more detail on what's coming and what the difference is. This is on ReadWrite this article. The short version is OpenAI's ChatGPT-5 is confirmed will be the next version of the AI chatbot, expected to launch in late 2024 or early 2025. So we've got to wait a little bit longer for it, but it does promise major advancements. Chat GPT-5 aims to improve natural language processing and human-like interaction. So if we thought the live chat function on GPT-4 was good, this is apparently going to blow it out of the water.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I guess maybe this is also leaning more into that voice side of things as well right, because I haven't used the voice probably enough at this point, but I feel when I'm interacting with the desktop app, I'm feeling it's pretty natural in terms of the responses that I'm getting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do notice some issues where it interrupts or you have to interrupt it to stop it, but that's just me learning how to deal with AI. Some additional elements that will be coming with GTP5 is multimodal capabilities will be expanded to include more data types, so uploading images and audio for better processing and understanding of what's going on, rather than just chat, and OpenAI plans to make GPT-5 customizable and personalizable for diverse user needs. I don't know what that means yet, so it'll be interesting to see whether there's just different applications, different ways of having it listening in or supporting or available on more devices. Who knows? There is a graphic that comes with this and it illustrates the difference in processing power by the amount of graphics processing units needed to power GPT-5 versus the already very impressive GPT-4. There's so many zeros I don't even know what that number is if I was to say it, but it's 10 to the power of a lot of zeros in GPT-5. So you can definitely see why Apple and NVIDIA are looking to invest in the platform as well.

Speaker 2:

So I can probably do a lot more with it than just using it as a better version of a calculator.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got a feeling it might start to run my life better than I can at this point, so excited to see what we can do differently with it, but I still don't feel like using GPT-4 to its limits or enough throughout my day. I have it open all day now, like you as well, but I feel like there's so many areas where I could be using it that I'm not at the moment, and I expect this new release will just make it easier.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean the data analysis side of things, formulas. That's probably my biggest use case for it at the moment. It's really just if I need to work something out in Sheets or Excel. I don't know if I've used Excel in Sheets. I'm just taking screenshots of it and just saying, hey, work out what the formula is, and then it will tell me exactly what I need to do, and that's probably the most I've been using it over the last couple of days.

Speaker 1:

So there's always something new that you're going to use it for, though, right, I wonder if multimodal capabilities that will mean we're able to connect data to it in easier ways, rather than screenshots and manual user interactions user interactions that would be helpful if we could connect to it via our websites or our platforms and get it to provide answers back to our automated systems. Well, I mean, that's what.

Speaker 2:

I think that the chat on Apple's latest announcement was how Siri is going to be able to interact and pull information and cross-reference information from multiple apps. So it could be almost like if I'm going to arrive in a city, it will tell you what the weather is going to be like, what time you need to get ready for your flight, what time you need to be at the airport, because it's got all this information all in different apps, but it's going to be able to pull it all together and give you a bit of a plan.

Speaker 1:

I had a pretty good use of, and I don't even think it's AI, I think it just popped up on my car screen. Do you want to send the location in one button?

Speaker 2:

No, I just pressed that button. I thought that was a very efficient way of you letting me know you were late, yeah it was just a bit of AI testing before I got here.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's it for Brand News. We'll see you next week. Thanks for listening, thank you.