The Indian American Experience Podcast

30: Suren Pai - A Tireless Individualist, Innovator, Maverick


Suren Pai, in his various roles as an engineer, management consultant, C-suite executive, entrepreneur, and most recently, advisor and mentor to entrepreneurs, has fearlessly followed his passion and creativity and commitment to innovation. He sees himself as a tinkerer and builder, always ready and almost impatient to apply his skills to solve a new problem and build a new product. Suren mentions it only casually but it was him along with his team that helped build the digital audio technology that now powers HD Am/Fm and XM radio. That and his other accomplishments in his various roles and avatars are a testament to Suren’s commitment to apply his creative skills to challenge status quo. In his words, there are two kinds of engineers - those that run trains and those that build them - and he chooses to be one of the latter kind.

In his message to the younger generation and the community at large he reiterates the importance of using one’s privilege and resources to achieve bigger and better things.

He shuns the concept of being too old for anything and my guess is his next venture may have something to do with anti-aging technology?

It may be antithetical to the concept of my podcast - or maybe not - but Suren would urge everyone to not build their sense of self or identity in any way restricted by heritage or tradition and just be doggedly individualistic, which  according to him, is an opportunity that living in America allows for generously and should be fully utilized. In his view, a proud Indian American is at the same time a proud American and a proud global citizen.
More about Suren Pai at LinkedIn/in/SurenPai

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