It's All Magic

#15. Tarot Card Wisdom & Signs From The Universe

December 19, 2023 Devon Heyn Episode 15
#15. Tarot Card Wisdom & Signs From The Universe
It's All Magic
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It's All Magic
#15. Tarot Card Wisdom & Signs From The Universe
Dec 19, 2023 Episode 15
Devon Heyn

Tarot cards and astrology and signs from the Universe, oh my!

This episode is FUN and is absolutely packed with so many of my favorite topics. In this week’s show, I share with you a huge life update followed by the spiritual practices and beliefs that are helping me find solid ground when it seems everything around me is crumbling. If you yourself are in a time of transition or if you’re READY to transition out of 2023 and enter a new year as a better version of yourself, you’ll absolutely love this episode.

You can expect to hear:

-What we can learn about the hero’s journey from the Tarot and how to progress in your own unique hero’s journey

-How astrology has brought me clarity and guidance on who I am and who I’m meant to be

-How you can start communicating with the Universe to ask for help (especially if you need a little extra support right now!)

-Ways to emotionally and energetically close one chapter so that you can start the next one completely untethered 

-And so much more!

Ready to dive into some illuminating esoteric knowledge with me? Let’s do it!

🎙️ALERT! If you prefer video podcasts, watch the full episode on YouTube HERE!

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Podcast cover art by Brooke Baker

Music by RØRE

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Tarot cards and astrology and signs from the Universe, oh my!

This episode is FUN and is absolutely packed with so many of my favorite topics. In this week’s show, I share with you a huge life update followed by the spiritual practices and beliefs that are helping me find solid ground when it seems everything around me is crumbling. If you yourself are in a time of transition or if you’re READY to transition out of 2023 and enter a new year as a better version of yourself, you’ll absolutely love this episode.

You can expect to hear:

-What we can learn about the hero’s journey from the Tarot and how to progress in your own unique hero’s journey

-How astrology has brought me clarity and guidance on who I am and who I’m meant to be

-How you can start communicating with the Universe to ask for help (especially if you need a little extra support right now!)

-Ways to emotionally and energetically close one chapter so that you can start the next one completely untethered 

-And so much more!

Ready to dive into some illuminating esoteric knowledge with me? Let’s do it!

🎙️ALERT! If you prefer video podcasts, watch the full episode on YouTube HERE!

🔔 Reminders:

🌟 If this episode resonated with you, please do SHARE it with your friends and community.

🌟 Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more weekly insights and stories. Tap that notification bell so you don't miss out on any episodes!

🌟 Your FEEDBACK means the world to me! Leave a comment below, or better yet, rate and review the podcast on your favorite platform. It helps get the word out and lets me know what you love. You can also E-mail me with episode suggestions and inquiries at

🌟 FOLLOW the podcast on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and other platforms for frequent musings and inspiration.

🌟 FOLLOW me on my personal Instagram. 📲💖 Sending you all love, deep breaths, and magic. Until next time!

Podcast cover art by Brooke Baker

Music by RØRE

About a month ago I had an afternoon where I was feeling fear and doubt around this huge life transition and so on my walk, I said, Papi, Pawpaw, if you're there, you can hear me, and you want to show me that I'm on the right path and that everything's going to be okay, I want you to send me a white butterfly. I turned the corner right after saying that, and two white butterflies crossed my path, went back and forth in front of my face a few times and then moved on their path. Hello, my friends. Welcome to It's All Magic. I am your guide, your host and your friend, Devon Heyn. And here we'll be discussing how to make your life truly feel like magic. I believe that our very existence on earth is nothing less than a miracle. And that we all have so much potential to learn, to grow, to experience and to create during our short time here. It is both my passion and my pleasure to walk this path of life optimization by your side. We will discuss topics like passion, purpose, intuition, manifestation, physical well-being, and much, much more. I'm a yoga teacher, a meditation and breathwork facilitator, and a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. But more importantly, I am an eternal optimist, a lover of life and a forever student. It is my hope that with each and every episode, you too will finally start to believe it really is all magic after all. Ready to dive in? Let's do it. Hello. Hello. Hello, my beautiful friends. How are you doing? I know that I am so extremely grateful to be here with you today. I have some really cool stuff to share with you today. And as I was prepping for this episode, I was just feeling this intense outpouring of love and gratitude for all of you and for this experience of having a podcast and getting to share my heart and my beliefs and my thoughts online. You being here and listening or watching it means the absolute world to me. So I just wanted to start this episode with a little bit of love and gratitude for all of you. And before we get into today's content where I will share a huge life update and then some really cool spiritual tips and practices and ideas for you, of course, I want to give us the opportunity to take a few deep breaths today. I want us to try the equal ratio breath. Sometimes it's called box breathing. I want to try this one today because it's really great for bringing us back to Harmony, bringing our bodies back into balance and homeostasis, if you will. So if you have been feeling the chaos and busyness of the end of the year and the holiday season, this breathing practice will be perfect for you. So the way this breathing practice works is that we will inhale through the nose for a count of five, hold our breath at the top for a count of five, exhale through the nose for a count of five and hold our breath at the bottom for a count of five. I have offered this breathing practice on the podcast before, but it is a really incredibly powerful breathing practice, even though it is beginner friendly. So I wanted to offer it again today. And I'll also make the note here in case this is the first time you're experiencing this breathing practice. A couple of things to note. The first is, is 5 seconds is too long for each of these breaths and retentions. You can always decrease it to 3 seconds or 4 seconds. If 5 seconds isn't long enough, of course, you can increase it to six, seven, eight, nine, 10 seconds, whatever works for your body. Also, as we do these breathing practices together, if it doesn't feel good in your body today or it's feeling a little too difficult, I invite you just to take some deep breaths in and out through your nose that will still give you this incredibly calming and peaceful sensation in your body without having to practice anything fancy. So that's what I'll say. We will do five rounds of this practice. We have a lot of fives in here, five rounds of this five second equal ratio breath. And then I invite you to just kind of stay in that sense of serenity for a little bit while I guide us through a quick gratitude prayer. I mentioned that I'm feeling all the gratitude today, and I want to invite some of that gratitude in today's episode so that while you're just sitting there or on a walk or doing chores, breathing, continuing to take those deep breaths in and out of your nose, you can listen to my words of gratitude and feel them in your own heart as well. So whenever you are ready, you can, of course, close down your eyes if you have the opportunity, and if not, you can just continue doing whatever you're doing, whether you're on a walk, whether you're washing the dishes. But still take a moment to yourself just to take these deep breaths and to go inwards for just a second. So when you're ready or had an empty out from your previous breath, seal your lips, breathe in through the nose for a count of five, four, three, two, one. Hold the top for five, four, three, two, one. Exhale through the nose. Five, four, 3 to 1. Hold at the bottom. Four, five, four, three, two, one. And again, inhale through the nose. Hold the top. Exhale through the nose. Hold at the bottom. Inhale through the nose. Round three, hold at the top. Exhale through the nose. Hold at the bottom. And again, inhale through the nose for five. Hold at the top. Exhale through the nose. Hold the bottom and final round. Make it the deepest yet. Inhale through the nose. Hold at the top and exhale through the nose. Hold the bottom. Take a normal deep breath In through the nose and out through the nose. Continuing this breathing pattern. Breathing in through the nose and out through the nose at a timing that feels natural and organic for you. Invite you to just listen to my words of gratitude and feel them in your own heart and body. As I speak. Them. Universe, Thank you for supporting us all. Thank you for sending us signs when we need them most. Sending us messages in a language that we individually understand. Thank you for sending us guidance and clarity when we feel lost or stuck. Thank you for opening doors for us. When stores seem to close in our face, thank you for sending us the love that we need whenever we feel alone or sad. Thank you for just being here and for guiding us on the individual journeys that we signed up to take in this lifetime. We send you love, we send you gratitude, we send you acknowledgment of all that you do for us. Thank you. Breathing in through the nose this time open mouth. Just let it all go. Beautiful. you can flutter. Open your eyelids if you got the chance to close them. I hope you feel just all the warm and tingly sensations of love and gratitude in the body. I wanted to offer that just as a chance for you to start talking to the universe. No matter who or what you believe in, whether you believe in God or angels, ancestors Spirit guides the universe. The master, whatever resonates for you on your own spiritual journey. I wanted to simply open the door for you to start communicating with it or with them. I want you to take a chance any time you can remember, to simply say thank you for all that you have given me in my life. And also, if you have a minute, this is what I'd like help with right now. That has been my own practice recently that we will be diving into you today and I will share all of the beauty that has come from it, even though it's very much a work in progress. This is not something I have even gotten close to mastering. But when I do, I will let you know. Of course, the first thing that I wanted to share with you today is actually a huge life update. As I had shared in a previous podcast episode a few months ago, I had told you all that I quit my corporate job. However, when I shared that news, it was that I had simply given notice that I was quitting my corporate job. So I had given my team and my manager three months of a heads up just because my team was in the midst of a lot of transition and I knew it would help greatly if I gave them just ample time to plan and strategize what the New Year would entail. So my last day of work was Friday, December 15th. I'm currently recording this on Sunday, December 17th. So two days ago I closed my laptop for the last time I said goodbye to my teammates and I actually shipped off my laptop back to the corporate headquarters, which felt like a huge deal. And I wanted to just share a little bit about what this transition has been like so far. Even though it's been two days, I feel like I have felt a lot of emotions. I have become aware of a lot of thought patterns and behaviors that I have. And so I just wanted to share with you what a huge life change like this can feel like for someone that is deeply rooted in spiritual practices and a deep trust in the universe. So this week I had all of my goodbye one on one conversations. So I had set up these conversations with lots of teammates and even colleagues from other teams. But I had really gotten to know over the last year and a half, and it offered us the opportunity to just share our gratitude for one another, talk about life, talk about what comes next for me, what comes next for them, and of course, to say goodbye and share our contact information. So because I had so many of those meetings in addition to actually wrapping up my physical work and even having an exit interview with each other, I didn't get to feel the emotions of leaving until the very last day. I was very much in my head, not so much in my heart, because I was rushing around going a million miles per hour per minute. And I, I suppose I just didn't have the opportunity to feel the emotions. Or maybe it was my my heart trying to protect itself and just get me through this massive transition. So then Friday the 15th, my last day hit and my goodness, I felt all the emotions. So the night before my last day on the 14th, I could not sleep at all. And it wasn't the excitement of, you know, going to sleep on Christmas Eve and, you know, not even believing that tomorrow is my last day of work. It's almost like Christmas. I'm earning my freedom. No, that is not how I felt. Believe it or not, for months I have felt the excitement of going down a path that feels so aligned and dedicating myself more fully to this podcast and my YouTube channel and my spiritual learnings and my spiritual teachings. But what it actually came down to my last day where I had to say goodbye to these wonderful people that I have spoken to every single day for a year and a half, people I have gotten to know. I've heard about their husbands and their children and actually saying farewell as opposed to See you soon was really heavy on my heart. I am a deep feeler. I hold everything in my heart and I really started to let the emotions flow on Friday. So Friday morning, my manager, you know, started the day by just posting in our team's kind of messaging Slack channel saying, Hey, as a reminder, today is Devin's last day. You know, Devin, here's just a little message from our team. You know, thank you for being you she said you're the most spirited teammate we have ever had and your presence will be dearly missed. She just said a lot of really sweet things that made me feel so seen for who I am and who I try to be. And then,

my goodness, at 10:

00 that morning, we had a little team meeting, a final team meeting that was called Devin's sendoff. And 10 minutes before that meeting, my manager sent me the link to a slide deck that my team and even some past colleagues that had been on my team and has since left the team, they had all input, goodbye messages to me in the slide deck, so they each got their own slide. They would put gifts in their pictures and then any words they wanted to share. And I thought, I'm going to take a video of me, reading through this just so that I will always have this documentation of me, you know, speaking these sweet words and really feeling this goodbye. I had no idea that the second I started my videotape and I started reading through the messages, tears would be streaming down my face. I had just put on my makeup. I was wearing a cute outfit. I wanted to feel good for my last day, and my newly applied mascara was streaming down my face within 30 seconds. So I really felt all the emotions. And by the time I had finished reading through the slide deck,

it was time for the 10:

00 Devin send off meeting. And I signed on and I was a blubbering idiot for the first 2 minutes. I kid you not. I could not speak as I signed on and I saw all of my teammates just sitting in the Zoom room and I just went, mine is laughing. Of course, I was just not well, I was so not okay. Granted, it was some happy tears. It was bittersweet tears. It was a little of everything, but it was the first time that I really started to grieve the death of something that I've known so closely. And that even when we know something is right for us, even when we know breaking up with our partner is the right move or leaving the job or moving to a new city or whatever it may be when you know it's right and you know it's aligned. That doesn't always make it easier, I am sorry to say. And for me, I have to consistently remind myself of all the reasons why I'm doing this, the reasons why I am leaving my safety blanket and a very comfortable life in order to embark on a new adventure that I know will be far more fulfilling and satisfying for my soul and my heart down the road, but one that I also know will have its own unique trials and tribulations. So on that day, I was really grieving the fact that this has been such a wild journey for me. It's been a really colorful and rich year and a half full of all of the challenges and emotions, and it's over. You know, it can be really hard to turn the page in your book, even when for months, hypothetically, you have been yearning to turn the page. And then when it's actually time to say, Wow, I'll never see this page in the book again, it can feel really heavy and dense. So I really had to walk through that on Friday, and I just feel like that's part of the spiritual journey as well. I also noticed that starting the night before my last day, the night when I could not sleep even an ounce, all of my limiting beliefs, all of my subconscious fear arose to the surface. And so even though consciously as I just said, I know that this is right for me with every cell in my body, I cannot wait for this adventure that I'm about to embark on. And yet, when I tried to close my eyes on Thursday night, every limiting belief that I've ever held within my body and mind came to the surface. For example, limiting beliefs around money. As I've shared on the podcast, I had tried the whole entrepreneurial path years ago, and I never found the financial abundance that I had craved and dreamed about and had tried to manifest and bring into my life. And so I think through that experience, I perhaps built up limiting beliefs around my ability to make money without a quote unquote stable job. And so as I'm laying in bed Thursday night, the evening before, I am leaving my job for this grand adventure in my life, all of that fear arose. And I can talk constantly about how, we can't listen to that fear. And that fear is just from past trauma or experiences or things that we have ingrained in our body. And yet when that fear comes up, it is impossible to ignore. I was so anxious and sad all night. And then, of course, the next morning I'm sobbing through that team meeting. I'm saying goodbye to everyone. And at the end of the day, I wrote my, LinkedIn message where I said farewell to the company and I shipped off my laptop never to be seen again. And because I shipped off my laptop, I no longer have access to, you know, the programs that we used, my email, my my Slack messaging app. And it felt like a really big moment for me. And so yesterday on Saturday, I woke up really early. I hadn't been able to sleep that night either, and I instantly went for a walk and thought, I really have to do something today that fills my soul. And so yesterday I tried to take the opportunity to allow myself just to work through the emotions and feel them fully, but also have a healthy level of distraction where I could just do something fun. So before I get into this story of yesterday, which was incredibly powerful, I want to take a second to give you a mini class on tarot cards. And the reason why I wanted to incorporate something about Tarot cards into this episode. There are a million reasons, actually, but I have been hearing about a particular tarot card in a few podcasts over the last few weeks, and I listen to podcasts all day every day. I have probably listened to thousands upon thousands of podcasts in my life and the fact that the same tarot card was mentioned in, I want to say, three podcast episodes. I've listened to in the last few weeks, and they weren't even about tarot cards. I have to mention that. So these were episodes about different spiritual practices, things like astrology, manifestation, and the same tarot card was mentioned in all three. And so I started doing a little bit more self-study on tarot. I would say that I am an absolute amateur student of the Tarot, and if you're unfamiliar with Tarot, it is a deck of cards. There are 78 cards and they are known as divination cards. So if you are feeling a little bit lost in your life or you have a particular question around a situation that you're going through, you can ask a question to the universe, to your ancestors, your spirit guides, your angels, whatever you believe in, and then you pull a card and that card will give you a sense of guidance and clarity. I personally have been loving tarot cards since around, I would say 2017. I believe 2017 is when I was gifted my first deck, which according to Wiccan tradition, you are not allowed to buy your first tarot card deck. And so I was generously gifted my first tarot card deck. It's a goddess Tarot card deck by one of my dear friends, Daniel from college. And that began my entire journey with tarot cards. But I don't only work with tarot cards, I would say actually more frequently I work with Oracle cards, which are a little bit easier to interpret at the bottom of each card. For an Oracle deck, it says the exact message that you're meant to hear. So rather than getting a card that has this deep esoteric meaning with symbols and numbers and you have to kind of know the interpretation and Oracle card deck, you grab the card and you say, that's the exact message. So I often work with Oracle, but Tarot seems to be something that is just nudging itself back into my life. And the reason I wanted to talk about it today, other than the fact that I have heard about this one tarot card many times, is because there's a really beautiful idea in the tarot card deck of the hero's journey. So within those 78 cards, there are two different categories. The first 22 cards are called the Major Arcana Set. Arcana is a word meaning secret, and that's just always been the name the Major Arcana Deck. And then the other category is Minor Arcana. The major Arcana cards typically denote big changes in your life. I mean, huge life transitions, leaps of faith, everything crumbling around you, death's rebirths, etc. Whereas the minor arcana cards, which there are far more of, simply are more day to day messages and changes. So if you are going through, your normal day to day life, you might be pulling minor arcana cards just using your intuition. But when you go through big things in your life, those major arcana tend to pop up. within the major arcana I had just mentioned this hero's journey idea, The Major Arcana cards, of which there are 22, is meant to symbolize the full hero's journey. So the very first card of the entire tarot deck is a major arcana card

and it is card zero:

The Fool. So the full is meant to symbolize the infant, the child, the person that is naive in the world. They haven't even begun their journey. They don't know what they don't know, and they're just embarking on life without much knowledge or wisdom. So that's the Fool, the one at the beginning of the hero's journey, the very last card in the major arcana is the World. And the World is where the hero's journey ends. It's when you have full knowledge and wisdom of how the world works and how you fit into it. But you can't get to the world without walking through all 22 cards of the hero's journey throughout the major arcana. And I mentioned that I heard about this one tarot card over and over in the last few weeks, and that tarot card is one from the major arcana, so one from the hero's journey, and it's known as the tower card. And the tower card essentially symbolizes distress, action of everything, you know. So for example, it's kind of the situation that I'm in now where I am about to leave my job, my home, my apartment, my friends, my family. And I'm about to embark on my own journey, some might say the hero's journey. And so the tower card, even within the card itself, you can visually see that that the tower is on fire and it is crumbling. So it is again, this death of all, you know, this destruction of everything that you've built and know to be secure in your life. But you have to go through that destruction in order to get to the next card. In the major arcana set, which is the star, and the star is symbolized by the astrological sign of Aquarius. Aquarius, even though it's an air sign, it is known as the water bearer and the water that the Aquarius is kind of pouring out from its jar symbolizes truth, wisdom, knowledge. So Aquarians are truth seekers and they tend to live a very kind of unconventional, unorthodox life. They see the future that other people don't see yet. They are very idealistic. They are, in President Barack Obama's terms, hopey changey, which is what he has called himself because he has some Aquarius in his chart, as do I. I will mention I have a ridiculous amount of Aquarius, which is why I love all things spiritual and woo woo and out there and unconventional and unorthodox and off the beaten path. That is all my Aquarius. And so in order to get to that Aquarius card, that star card where there is finally hope and inspiration and creativity and guidance and wisdom and knowledge, you have to first get through the tower card, that card of destruction of everything. You know, And in order to move from one to the next, you got to surrender, baby. You have to allow yourself to feel the emotions fully, to grieve what has been lost, and then finally start to look forward to the future. So that is the journey that I am on right now. I am in the midst of the hero's journey, as we all are, and we are all at a different point in those 22 cards. We also cycle through them all the time throughout our lives. So as I'm embarking on something new right now, some might say I've now gone back to the fool. I am now fresh into this new journey. I am the newbie in this new path and I have to start from the beginning to go through this new hero's journey. But before this episode showed, I actually decided to pull my own tarot card because even though I have been kind of studying what the tower card means and you, you know, why has the tower card been mentioned three times for me in the last few weeks on podcasts, I thought, I should actually give it a go and see what the tarot deck has to say for me. My goodness, you guys, I had chills when I was reading my cards. So the way that I like to read my cards, there are a bunch of different methods, but I have two main methods that I come back to time and time again. as a setup for either of these methods, I will always shuffle the cards to make sure that my energy has gotten into them. I will make sure to knock three times on the cards to release energy from past readings. And as I'm shuffling the cards, I'm thinking about the situation I'm in and where I could use a little bit of clarity and help and guidance, sometimes I even set an intention or say a little prayer, just a prayer of thank you for sending me guidance. I'm really excited to see what you have to say to me. And then when I feel like I'm done shuffling and my intuition says, okay, you're ready to pick a card, here are the two methods. So the first is that I will just spread out the entire deck in front of me. Sometimes it's in a curved line, sometimes I kind of mess them all around. So they're all in different directions and angles and layers. And then I will rub my hands together to build up a little bit of heat energy. And I take my right hand, close my eyes, and I will just hover my right hand over the entire deck until I feel an area that starts to feel a little bit hot. And when I feel that energy, I know that I'm being called to it. So I will then pull over the card, interpret it for myself, and then I will use my handy dandy guidebook that often comes with a deck. And I really study that card and notice how it makes my body feel. So that's the first method, which is kind of my Reiki method using energy. The second is what I did today, where I will do the whole set up, you know, my prayer, my intention, asking a question, shuffling the cards, and then I will lay out the cards and just break it into these three different decks. And then I will allow my intuition to have me pick one of those decks, put the other two away. Then I break that one into three decks and then I pick one of those decks, put the other two away, and I keep doing that until I get down to one card. Although in this particular instance, after I had done a few of those three deck pulls, I had about ten cards left in the deck that I had chosen and I just felt called to put all ten cards out individually. And when I did, I instantly felt pulled to this one card. But there was another card that I felt really pulled to. And it's not common for me to pull two cards for one question. I try to ask one question or set one intention, pull one card and allow that to be my message. But I felt strongly pulled to that second card as well. So I share that because both cards gave me chills. And remember how few minutes ago I was talking about how the major arcana symbolizes the hero's journey. And the major arcana tends to show up when you're going through some big life transitions, but also based on the math of probability, you are far less likely to pull a major arcana card than you are to pull a minor arcana card because there are 22 major arcana cards and then 56 minor Arcana cards. So you have twice the likelihood of picking a minor arcana card as you do picking a major or calling card. So that's context. And I will just say right here, right now, before I tell you what cards I pulled, both of my cards were Major Arcana Cards. so cool. So the question that I asked as I was shuffling my deck today was what energy am I walking into now? You know, where do I lie in the hero's journey? What is this phase that I'm in? What stage am I embarking on? Where am I? Who was essentially the question? And the first card that I pulled over was the fifth Major Arcana card, or I suppose it's the sixth because the fool starts at zero, but it's the number five and that is the teacher or the hierophant.. And this is such a powerful card because this symbolizes the great spiritual teacher. It is the shaman, it is the one that shares esoteric wisdom with others, but it's also the symbol of the spiritual student. So when you pull this card, it often symbolizes. formally studying some sort of esoteric or spiritual branch of knowledge. It also symbolizes then turning around and teaching it being that spiritual guide, that teacher, that master. It also talks about honoring family traditions and sacred rituals that you might have neglected. So a small fun fact related to that is the fact that many women on my dad's side of the family been card readers. My granny is very psychic. We all believe she has predicted quite a few things. She's incredibly intuitive and there are just a lot of strong spiritual gifts throughout my dad's lineage. And so here I am already embarking on my own journey as a card reader and honing my own intuitive psychic spiritual gifts in my own way. So I felt like me even pulling this card was already honoring this family tradition of mine. The teacher, the hierophant card also symbolizes becoming part of a community with similar beliefs. And there's a story that I'll tell you in just a minute. Something that happened yesterday that I felt like that was a great example of and it felt so divine in every aspect. And lastly, I'll say that the number five for this card, it symbolizes it's the number of mankind. And so the hero fan or the teacher is known as the communicator, the messenger between the divine, between God and mankind Earth. So here I am, apparently, I ask, where am I? What phase am I in now? I am the spiritual teacher and the spiritual student which could not feel more perfect. I mean that is exactly what this podcast is. That's exactly what happens when I teach breathwork workshops or guide meditations or even the last few months of my corporate job. As I've shared in the podcast before I broke down my teen's astrological birth charts at one point, I've done numerous tarot card readings for people in need at work, and so I was truly born to play this role, no matter where I am, no matter what I'm doing, even when I was in this strong, strict, you know, corporate institution, I could not help but be the hierophant but be the spiritual teacher. And I also loved getting confirmation that I'm allowed to be the spiritual student as well. I absolutely love to study. I love learning new practices and theories and beliefs. If I could be a student forever and be in trainings and courses every day of my life, I absolutely would be. Because my whole life, the second I've learned one thing, I turn around to teach it. I remember years ago when I had just finished my BREATHWORK certification and already I had begun to teach it. I was doing Instagram stories, I was sharing breathwork. I was doing full moon ceremonies, cacao ceremonies. And so I just cannot help being myself. And I know that's true for you too. Whatever your gifts are, whatever your passions and interests are, you cannot help being yourself no matter where you or what you're doing. And so getting this card brought me to tears. I felt like, Thank you, Universe, for seeing me and for giving me permission to be who I am and to be exactly who I want to be as well. I also don't think I've mentioned this on the podcast yet, but I have a deep reverence and a deep connection to astrology. I am absolute obsessed with it. I have been studying it for years and years and I have been called, I feel in the last few months to make that my next training. I plan on finding a course or training in the next few months so that I can study it. I mean, at a professional and then bring it to all of you. I have always loved doing kind of these amateur astrological readings, and astrology has brought me such peace and clarity around who I'm meant to be in this world and what path I'm meant to walk. I won't share too much here, but even as I mentioned a little bit earlier, I mentioned that star card, the card that comes after the tower in the major arcana deck, and that star card is represented by the astrological sign Aquarius. And even though I am not an Aquarius, which if you're unfamiliar with astrology, whenever you say, I'm a Leo, I'm a Scorpio, I'm a cancer, that is what's called your sun sign. It is one of many of your planetary signs. You have a sign for every planet that exists. So you have a mercury sign and a mars sign and a Saturn sign, the Jupiter sign. And so my sun sign, if I were at a dinner party and said, Devin, what are you? I would say, I'm a Leo, which is symbolized by the sun. Leos are bright and they they are meant to be on stage performing, speaking, sharing from the heart. They are guided by the heart and they have the power and the shine of the sun. But I have a lot of Aquarius in my chart. And remember, Aquarius is that unorthodox, unconventional water bearer, the one that pours out wisdom and truth to all of those in the community. And I resonate deeply with Aquarius because out of my entire natal chart, my birth chart, I actually have more Aquarius than any other sign. You know, you can actually have repeating signs for some of your planets. And I have what's called a Stellium in Aquarius Stellium, which means that you have at least three or more of the same sign or house, which I won't even get into right now. So all of that is to say I was born to be this unconventional spiritual teacher on stage walking my own path, I found such affirmation and who I am from my birth chart, and there's so much more that I could dive into here. But I don't want this entire episode to be about astrology. I wanted to focus on tarot here, but I plan on bringing a few astrologers onto the podcast, so let me know if you're interested in that as well. I know that I could hear about astrology all, the time, and so anyway, I just wanted to share that this teacher card this year event card, felt like it resonated on every level possible. Now the second card that I felt drawn to was equally jaw dropping. It was number seven in the major arcana deck, the chariot, now the chariot, when I had even looked up the meaning. It's the traveler traveling off into the sunset. You know, they have their homeland behind them and they are moving forward into a brand new direction on their own. They're paving a new path. They're going places, and they're allowing their intuition to guide them as they step out into the world. That is what it said. And so if could put my entire journey, this next chapter of my life, into two tarot cards, it would be the hero fantasy, the spiritual teacher and the chariot. I am about to move out of my home state of California, leave everything I know behind, and my adorable husband and I, as we've shared in past episodes, will be jumping on a one way plane somewhere abroad. We haven't decided where yet. We're actually going to use astrology to help us figure it out. More to come on that. But we will go on that flight and embark on this new adventure where we no longer have these jobs. We no longer have this home state. We are leaving everything behind. It is the epitome of the tower Tarot card. And even on those podcasts I mentioned where I heard about the tower Tarot over and over, it was said that there are four stages of the tower card. First, there is the death, so the destruction of everything, you know, Then you have to go through purification, which is the phase that I'm in right now. I mentioned that suddenly I'm feeling all of the sadness and the grief of losing this team and this comfortable job, this safety blanket, the grief of leaving my home state that I love with my entire heart. But I have to go through that purification where I feel it all. I reflect on it all. I feel gratitude for it all. And then I have to let it go. Because then you can move into step three, which is rebirth. And rebirth is where you can finally move to that star tarot card where you have that hope and that intuition, that creativity. You finally feel guided again. You know where you're headed. You've been able to leave the past behind and move confidently into the future. So that is the star card, the Aquarius card and the rebirth. And then the fourth is clarification. Just getting really clear on that path and improving and continuing to follow your intuition. So I mention this four part process because even if you yourself have not recently left your job or if you're not moving away from your homeland, we are all going through a constant cycle of death and rebirth over and over throughout our lives. We do it with thought patterns when we decide I don't want to be so negative anymore. I've decided I want to stop gossiping about others and judging others. If You make that resolution. Let's say that's your resolution for 2024. That is a death. And it's going to guide you into that purification phase where the transition is tricky and then a rebirth where you become someone new and then a clarification where you hone that someone new. So any change you're going through will go through that process. And I invite you to go through that process as we embark into 2024. You know, really start to take note of what are you ready to bring death to? To kind of kill off in your own life so that you can purify, rebirth and then clarify. So figure out what that is for you and then know that you can go through that process and also know that you can pick up your own tarot card deck. So if what I'm saying about the tarot is interesting to you, I invite you to go and, you know, maybe ask a friend to gift it to you, or if you want, just go and buy your own deck and try to find a little bit of guidance and serenity in the cards that you pull for yourself. Just rely on your intuition and let the cards dictate the messages you're meant to hear. So those were the two tarot cards that I pulled that gave me absolute chills. And I wanted to kind of end this episode with one more mini topic, if you will, which is Signs from the Universe. So already has. I've mentioned hearing about the tower card over and over, and I had never heard of the tarot card before, I have to say. So hearing about it three times in the last two weeks felt like a sign to me from the universe. I felt like, okay, I hear it loud and clear. Apparently I am going through the tower. I'm going through the death purification and clarification. I, I hear you. But on top of that, I wanted to share that We can find signs from the universe or receive messages with clarity and direction in so many different languages. if you will. For example, numbers can often be a sign. I have this strong connection to the number thirty three or three, three, three, and I have since I was about 17 years old, at least as far back as I can remember. I remember my ex-boyfriend at the time who was on the lacrosse team. His number was 33. And so as a result, without giving too much away, 33 became a part of some of my passwords. And so very young. That just became a part of my daily routine because I had to put 33 and four passwords. And then throughout the years it would pop up whenever I needed a sense of it's all going to be okay. For example, a few years ago, I was taking the National Board exam for health and wellness coaching. I had studied for like a year. I had taken years of trainings and courses and schools, and I was so nervous when the day came. I am, you know, a total perfectionist. And so the fear of failure is almost crippling sometimes. So I went to the exam center and when I checked in, they said, we're going to give you a locker so that you can put your purse, your water bottle, all of that. And they gave me a locker and it was number 33. And I remember I actually shed a quick tear. It was a totally a happy tier of Thank you. I know you're out there. I know I'm going to be okay. I'm going to pass this thing. And then I did. And so 33 has just always been the message I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. And there have been countless more times stories that I could tell you, but I bring this up because this week, during my last week of work, 33 or three, three, three popped up nine times. Okay, I repeat nine times. And the first few times I was like, Wow, that's weird. And then towards the end of the week when it kept popping up, that's when I felt like, okay, so I'm making the right choice. I'm on the right path. Thank you so much. And I also believe that the universe sends you signs and messages in the language that it knows you will understand. Because I have this connection to 33, it's almost easy for, you know, my spirit guides my angels, my ancestors, God, the universe, to send me, confirmation in the form of 33. So, for example, I made a little video the other day. It was the last night of Hanukkah, and I decided to make a little video documenting how to light the Hanukkah candles and how to sing the prayer. And at the end, you know, I clicked done on my video and it was 3 minutes and 33 seconds. And then the next day I was listening to a podcast, one of these ones that I've mentioned where it was talking about tarot. And I paused at one point because I had finished a walk and it was time for me to get back to work, to finish up a few meetings and some tasks and I had paused it on 33 minutes and 33 seconds. And those are just two examples. I repeat, it happened nine times. For example, I just thought of another one. I was on a walk one day and my gosh, I think I was on my lunch walk maybe on Wednesday. And I always like to go on. I have a few pretty solid roots around my house, but my favorite one is this long hour long walk, and I've seen the houses a million times so often I'm kind of in my own world, you know, just watching other people walking, looking at the trees. But for whatever reason, I pass this one house and I suddenly felt strongly cold to look up at the house and was number one, three, three, three. And I thought, okay, I get it, I see you. So it happened over and over and I wanted to share this because I want to invite all of you listening to start talking to the universe. As I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, I want you to ask for even a specific sign. If you're feeling skeptical right now and you want to make it, quote unquote, as hard for the universe as you can be. My guest. I'll give you an example of when I did that and when it worked perfectly. So back in college, I had gone through a heartbreaking situation. It actually had to do with Kal-El. I'm sure we will share the story at some point, but you should just know that Kal-El and I were in an awkward transition from friend to maybe more than friend, and it was happening kind of at the wrong time. We were both on our own journeys and I ended up completely heartbroken. And I remember that first day after we had essentially parted ways as friends I woke up and I was, you know, sobbing and I went to take out the trash from my college apartment. And When I took out the trash, there were two white butterflies circling my body. And I thought, what the heck? And I ran in and I typed in to Google White butterflies, spiritual meaning. And it said that when you see or feel white butterflies around you, your angels are there supporting you and they're telling you everything is going to be okay. We have your back. And so I remember seeing that and of course, crying more and About a month ago I had an afternoon where I was feeling fear and doubt around this entire huge life transition and so on my walk, I said, okay, papi, papa, So Papi is my dad's or my mom's dad And papa was my dad's dad and they're both on the other side now. I said, Papi, Pawpaw, if you're there, you can hear me, and you want to show me that I'm on the right path and that everything's going to be okay, I want you to send me a white butterfly. And I turned the corner right after saying that, and two white butterflies crossed my path, went back and forth in front of my face a few times and then moved on their path. So if that doesn't freak you out in the most positive way, I don't know what does. So allow this to inspire you in some way to just start talking to the universe and create your own language. If you're someone that will see signs and numbers and make that clear if you want a white butterfly, ask for one. But just start finding guidance everywhere you look. Whether you decide to find guidance and clarity in your own tarot card deck or in the butterfly is in the numbers in the way that the clouds look in the sky, whatever works for you, whatever language you will best understand, I want you to ask for it and then trust it. Hey, everyone. This is actually Devin from the Future. I am sitting here editing this episode, and I realized that I actually forgot to tell you one of the most magical stories of this entire transition. I kept alluding to this amazing Saturday, you know, everything that happened yesterday and then I forgot to tell you about it. So here we are. I will quickly tell you the story because I don't want you to miss it. And this is yet another sign from the universe. So on Saturday, yesterday, I decided to do something that would fill my soul, fill my cup. So I actually went to a bookstore, which is one of my favorite pastimes of all time. And when I went there, I had in mind a particular fiction book that I wanted that was recommended by a friend. So I went over to the fiction area where I knew it would be. I found all of the author's books and I could not find that one book. I found all of the other books by that author, but alas, not that one book that I desperately wanted. So I went up to the front desk and I asked them if they could just double check to see if they had the book in store. This one lady was checking on the computer and she was really having some trouble with it. so this other woman who, looked really young, looked around my age, came over to the computer and was helping the other employee figure it out. And she actually knew a great deal about the book because she had read the whole series and loved them. And she said, I happen to know that we don't have that one in stock. It's particularly difficult to get because it was self-published, yada, yada, yada. But I would love to give you recommendations. And I said, Great, let's go. And so we went back to that shelf and she was giving me recommendation after recommendation I was sharing with her, you know, what kind of fiction books I'm into, what I'm not into. And she had the exact same taste, so we just instantly hit it off. But then get this, at one point I just happened to mention that I work in the health and wellness field, and she said, my gosh, me too. And I said, Great, What do you do? And she said, I'm actually a Reiki master, but I also am, a student of astrology and tarot and breathwork and so many things. And I said, my gosh. Me too. I said, you know, I'm a health and wellness coach. I have this podcast. We ended up talking for an hour. I mean, I was sharing straight from my heart about, this difficult transition I'm in that, I couldn't even sleep last night. Yesterday was my last day of work. And I honestly love your opinion on rituals. I can do practices I can incorporate into my life right now just to best set me up to enter into this rebirth era. And so, of course, she was sharing from her own personal experience and beliefs. And we were just going back and forth. I mean, we went deep, really, really fast and we ended up exchanging all of our information. And she has a podcast too, so you will be seeing her probably in a few episodes. I'm not sure when, but she asked if we could do a little interview exchange and I excitedly said, Of course. So anyway, when I left the bookstore with a little list of all of her recommendations in hand, I just looked up at the universe and said, Thank you. I mean, truly thank you from the bottom of my heart, because I knew that in that moment of, my goodness, I just lost my job. What have I done? I am suddenly terrified. All of those limiting beliefs and fears are rising to the surface, and she was sent as an angel in my path to say, No, no, no, dear. You're on the right path. And it just felt so synchronistic that I go in for this one random fantasy fiction book And I end up encountering someone who is in the same boat on the same life path as me. So it was a truly incredible moment. And when I finally got back home and saw Cal, I was ecstatic. I could not wait to tell him the full story. So anyway, Jenna, if you're listening to this, thank you for being an angel in my path. I will absolutely pay it forward and be an angel in someone else's path one day. So that's it from future, Devin. Now back to the episode. Enjoy. And so to finish out this podcast, which was chock full of esoteric information, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed recording it, but I just wanted to end with a few ways that you can start to close out the of 2023 and move into 2024. Obviously, for me, I'm seeing this on a mass scale because I'm leaving my job, my home, all of the things to embark on a new journey. But we are all about to close one chapter, to open up a new one. So a few things that you can do is, first, take some time to reflect on what this past chapter, what 2023, has been like for you. You know, what were the biggest lessons you learned? What were the highest of highs and lowest of lows? Just take some time to actually sit with what this year was so that you don't rush into next chapter without having reflected a little bit and actually having closed out the chapter intentionally. So after you've done some reflection, I want you to sit with all of the emotions that arise. If there were really tough times where you were grieving this year, sit one more time with that sadness. If there were incredibly joyful times, sit with the joy of that, you know, relive those moments so that you can feel it all one more time before you move on to something new. Then I want you to feel gratitude for this year or for whatever chapter you're about to move out of. You know, you've, at this point reflected on everything you've learned. You have relived some of the emotions and then close it out with something beautiful and high vibrational, like a sense of love and gratitude. say prayers of gratitude for all that that chapter brought into your life. And maybe you also show your gratitude that it's over and that's okay. And then in the end, I want you to start to look ahead. And if you require a little bit more energetic disconnection from that old chapter, there's also a ritual you can do called cord cutting. You can, of course, Google it if you want to find more information. But all that you really have to know here is that you can either visualize kind of energetically cutting the cord between you and this last chapter or you and 2023 so that you can move into the next one or you can physically cut some sort of cord or string, or you can burn a cord, you can burn a piece of paper where you had done your reflection on this old chapter. So either and vision or physically, quote unquote, cord cut so that energetically and emotionally you can start fresh and you can look ahead. And then the final step is doing just that, starting to look ahead and get excited about all the possibilities and potential. You still have in front of you. And with that, I hope you got something out of this episode. Please do let me know either on YouTube in the comments or on Instagram how you felt about this episode. You know, what resonated with you, what your biggest takeaway was. If you'd like to leave a rating and review anywhere you get your podcasts, either on Spotify or the Apple Podcasts app, it would mean the world to me. I love hearing your words of encouragement and just hearing what resonates with you and what your biggest takeaways are. It also helps to guide me into which episodes I'd like to share with you next. So with that, as always, I am sending you the biggest of hugs and the warmest of love. I really do love each and every one of you. Okay. Until next week, my friends. Bye for now.

Guided Breathwork & Gratitude Prayer
Life Update
Tarot Cards Mini Class
Astrology Mini Class
Signs From The Universe
Closing One Chapter, Starting Anew