It's All Magic

#25. Exploring Shamanic Plant Medicine with Samira Ghassemian | Part 2

February 28, 2024 Devon Heyn Episode 25
#25. Exploring Shamanic Plant Medicine with Samira Ghassemian | Part 2
It's All Magic
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It's All Magic
#25. Exploring Shamanic Plant Medicine with Samira Ghassemian | Part 2
Feb 28, 2024 Episode 25
Devon Heyn

In Part 2 of this 2-Part conversation with Spiritual Healing Guide Samira Ghassemian, we embark on a profound journey into the intricate pathways of the soul and the realm of shamanic plant medicine. Join us as we delve into the ancient wisdom and transformative power of these sacred plants, including Ayahuasca, Rapé, Kambo, and Bufo. 

Our guest, Samira Ghassemian, a Shipibo Shamanic Apprentice, guides us through the indigenous practices surrounding plant medicine ceremonies and shares illuminating insights into the profound healing and spiritual growth that can occur with these ancient rituals. Through powerful storytelling and firsthand accounts, we gain a deeper understanding of how these sacred plants can act as potent catalysts for spiritual awakening, healing both the physical and the psychological, and accessing higher states of consciousness.

Tune in to this captivating episode of “It’s All Magic” as we embark on a soul-stirring odyssey into the realms of shamanic plant medicine and the timeless wisdom it holds for the modern seeker.

Check out Samira’s website and offerings:

^^^Use the discount code “ALLMAGIC” for 20% off Samira’s offerings!

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🎙️ALERT! If you prefer video podcasts, watch the full episode on YouTube HERE!

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Podcast cover art by Brooke Baker

Music by RØRE

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In Part 2 of this 2-Part conversation with Spiritual Healing Guide Samira Ghassemian, we embark on a profound journey into the intricate pathways of the soul and the realm of shamanic plant medicine. Join us as we delve into the ancient wisdom and transformative power of these sacred plants, including Ayahuasca, Rapé, Kambo, and Bufo. 

Our guest, Samira Ghassemian, a Shipibo Shamanic Apprentice, guides us through the indigenous practices surrounding plant medicine ceremonies and shares illuminating insights into the profound healing and spiritual growth that can occur with these ancient rituals. Through powerful storytelling and firsthand accounts, we gain a deeper understanding of how these sacred plants can act as potent catalysts for spiritual awakening, healing both the physical and the psychological, and accessing higher states of consciousness.

Tune in to this captivating episode of “It’s All Magic” as we embark on a soul-stirring odyssey into the realms of shamanic plant medicine and the timeless wisdom it holds for the modern seeker.

Check out Samira’s website and offerings:

^^^Use the discount code “ALLMAGIC” for 20% off Samira’s offerings!

Check out Samira’s personal Instagram:

Check out Samira’s health service Instagram:

🎙️ALERT! If you prefer video podcasts, watch the full episode on YouTube HERE!

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Podcast cover art by Brooke Baker

Music by RØRE

sometimes people. Have a perception of like. In an Iowa Oscar ceremony, you're just like, throwing up in a bucket for like 6 hours. Yeah. It's not what it's like at all. it could certainly be. An intense experience. And and every ceremony is. Different. And every person's. Experience is. Different in a ceremony. It's a profoundly healing wise, intelligent medicine. And I think it's very important for people to kind of sense. Where they feel called if, they feel called, and like I said, to trust these. Medicines, find us. We don't have to go looking for them. If we are truly ready, they will show up. In kind of. Miraculous. Ways. Sometimes. Hello, my friends. Welcome to It's All Magic. I am your guide, your host and your friend, Devon Heyn. And here we'll be discussing how to make your life truly feel like magic. I believe that our very existence on earth is nothing less than a miracle. And that we all have so much potential to learn, to grow, to experience and to create during our short time here. It is both my passion and my pleasure to walk this path of life optimization by your side. We will discuss topics like passion, purpose, intuition, manifestation, physical well-being, and much, much more. I'm a yoga teacher, a meditation and breathwork facilitator, and a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. But more importantly, I am an eternal optimist, a lover of life and a forever student. It is my hope that with each and every episode, you too will finally start to believe it really is all magic after all. Ready to dive in? Let's do it. Hello, my friends, and welcome back to another magical episode of It's All Magic. If you tuned in last week, then you will know that today's episode is part two of a conversation I had with Samir, a guest Simian, who is a masterful storyteller and healer woman in every sense of the word. Last week, we touched on her own personal healing journey, her spiritual path, what it was like losing her father unexpectedly, how that actually helped her in some ways to ascend and step deeper into herself. And in this week's episode, we go even deeper. We start talking about the journey of the soul and past life regressions, because she is a facilitator of past life regressions. We then talk about the plant medicine practiced within the supposed shamanic lineage, of which Sameera is an apprentice. So we talk all about Ayahuasca and Cumbo and Boufal and Harp and so many other medicines. It might blow your mind. So I'll say on that note, whether you have heard of these topics and you are completely open to them or this is the first time you're hearing about them and you're a little bit scared to go there. Just stay with me. You are in a safe place here. we are exploring every facet of the human experience together on this podcast. So know that it's okay to leave your judgment at the door and just go on this ride with me. You're going to be okay. I promise you. It's fascinating stuff. And you never know when something might just inspire you or feel really aligned for your journey as well. So before we dive into today's conversation, I, of course, want to allow us to do a couple deep breaths together today. Let's go with the humming breath. Bees breath. If you have listened to the podcast for a while, you'll know this is one of my favorites. I personally feel instantly calmed when I do this breath work. So I love sharing it with others. It's also incredibly simple, so you can do it at any point in the day. The way it works is that you're going to inhale through the nose and then you're going to seal your lips and hum out of your mouth as you exhale. So it'll look and sound something like this. Now and you exhale until you are fully out of air. So try to make that exhale as long as you possibly can. Today we are going to do five rounds and then we will dive into the fascinating conversation. If you would like to close your eyes. You can do so now. And let's just go ahead and get started with that Inhale. So go ahead and empty out from your previous breath and then inhale through your nose, filling up all the way. SEAL your lips and Hamid out. Now. Round two, inhale through the nose. SEAL your lips and hum. And again. Inhale through the nose. Close your lips and Hamid out. Second to last round and help the nose and hum. No, last round. Inhale through the nose. Longest thumb yet. Inhale through the nose normally. And out of the nose. Beautiful. You can flutter open your eyelids if you got the chance to close them. okay. I'm feeling refreshed and ready to dive into it. Without further ado, let's get on into the conversation. I will see you on the other side, my friends. So can you kind of walk us through your personal belief of kind of the journey of the soul? Like, how does this how does this thing work? Are we little orbs of light up there somewhere and? Then we decide I'm ready to go down again. Like what? What is the situation? Yeah. And, and I mean. First I'll say this is like the quote that. I kind of. Live by. I know enough to know about. I don't know anything. You know? So I'm not sitting here. As like, I'm the expert on the souls journey. Like. No, I know what I've. Come into understanding for my own. Spiritual path. And my own journey. I think a lot of it has come through, through my experience of my dad's death. Yeah. And through as well. What I've studied with past. Life regression, specifically. The work. Of Brian Wise. From what I understand, I don't know if were balls of light. I don't know what we are. I know that we're consciousness. Yes, I know. That our consciousness. Still exists. And I think to an extent the consciousness. Still exists as like the. Lifetime that. We just exited. But I think. It. Expands beyond that. So while we're here. You know, yes, some of us tap into. Other aspects of who. We've been, but many of us don't ever go beyond that. Many of us just identify as like, I'm Sameera or I'm Devin and that's it. But I think that. That essence, that Spike energy signature of who we were. Remains and expand us to kind of include. The totality of the soul. I know that. After or I believe that after we. Transition. Out of a physical. Lifetime. We go through a spiritual process the other side. Of kind of. Like. Renewal. And purification. And healing. And so we. Experience something. That's. Known as. A life review, where we review all of. The different experiences. That we've. Had, and we. Actually have the opportunity to see the whole. You know, while we're in it. We only know our side. But we have the opportunity to see it really as like a true neutral. Observer. In spirit form. And so we. See the ways. That we've impacted. Other people and we go through that review. Based on that I think we take some time to just kind of process and heal. And I'm sure that we. Have. Guides and, you know, spiritual beings who. Assist us. In that. On the other. Side. And then there comes a point. Where the soul gets to. Decide that, okay, what's next? And some. Souls, I believe, don't. Decide to come back to earth. Some souls decide to, you know. Exist in other dimensions, other realms, or to ascend into, you know. These higher spiritual. Beings. But many of us. Choose to. Come back. And I think in that. Process, we. Take into account. What what we. Learned and gleaned from our. Last go around. And. We decide for ourselves what lessons we want to focus. On, the themes that we want to see. In our lives, how we want to. Learn those lessons. And so we connect with. Other souls and our soul family, our soul group. And make. Soul contracts or. Agreements. Of. You know, you're going to come in at this time to help me with this thing. Or like if I'm going off. Track, if I'm. Losing my way and I'm not in alignment or I'm losing sight of my. Purpose. You're going to come along to be the mirror. That then reminds me who the fuck I am and helps me get back on that path. And so we make all. Of these. Different types of agreements and a lot. Of these agreements, like they're signing up to play like hard, while. You know, they're not always it's. Not just because, well, this person's my soul mate or they're my soul family. So surely this is going to be like a beautiful, loving relationship. No, because a lot of times we. Learn through the really hard, difficult ones. Yes. And so some of these. Souls that we've. Been incarnating. With and have such. Deep. Deep, beautiful, true spiritual. Love with are going to be the ones who show up. And. Treat us like shit or like don't understand us or. You know, don't see us or whatever. It might be. Because that's the lesson that. We want to learn and. That's the way that we've agreed. To learn it with them. Yeah, I, I strongly believe that we choose our. Parents. Strongly believe that. Me too. That was something that. I felt even before. Going. Through this process with my dad. Transitioning out. But I believe it even. More strongly since then. And yeah, it's like ultimately, I think if I had to describe. In one word. It's choice. Yeah, we choose much. And it's not to. Say that. Everything is predetermined. I think that. Life is. A combination of what's of predetermined and destined or fate, as some people call it, and also. Free will, because we do have free will. And that's for. Better and for worse. We have the free will to choose. The most. Amazing, incredible. Lives for ourselves. And we also have the free will to choose like this shit as existence we could possibly imagine. We're just completely. Disconnected from. Who we really. Are and our. Purpose. And then, you know, we. We come. Back to Earth. And maybe remember some parts. Of it, but to. An extent, kind of forget. Yeah, I actually this is a little bit of a side note, but there was this indigenous culture. And I'm blanking on, you know, which tribe was. But I remember hearing that there was an. Indigenous culture that celebrates death. And mourns. Birth because they see the celebration of death to. Them. Like we celebrate birthdays. And we mourn death. Yeah, but. To them they're like, Well, in death. Your spirit. Is returning home. You're returning to absolute bliss. Yes. But in in birth, you're getting taken away from that. You're coming to this Earth school where you're going to forget that you're a source, that you are like a fractal element of God. You're going to forget all of that and you're going to deal with hardship and pain and suffering and so I thought that's just like, so interesting. Not to say that I think we should mourn birth, but it's such an interesting way of looking at it because it is so in opposition to how we in Western society. Relate to. Birth and death. Absolutely. It also reminds me of something else you had on your Instagram from a while ago that I loved I want to say it was like the 12 Truths of Life or of being a soul or something. And it kind of had the the journey where it said, like, you will choose a character, you will choose a name, you will choose parents, you will choose a family, an environment, kind of a life path. You will forget all of this and you can remember any time you want. And that almost makes me cry. Me too. So profound. Yeah. Yeah. And it's so real. And I think that's. That's what the journey really is. And that's that's what healing is. That's that. Being on a spiritual. Path is it's. Remembering. Yes, all of. It is remembering like. This. This all exists. This is all still available to us. We just have. To remember. Absolutely. And one last thing on that note is something else that you've talked about on your Instagram so beautifully is that we've played every role we've been the villain and the victim. We've been the good guy, the bad guy. I know some of my own past lives. I've been female, I've been male, I've been Asian, I've been Greek, I've been European. And so it's beautiful to remember that. I think part of the reason that we're doing this whole reincarnation business is to be every spoke of the wheel, to have every possible experience so that we can truly internalize empathy and know what that man, the street is feeling. Because I've been him before, too. Yes, absolutely. And thank you so much for bringing that. Up, because, yeah, I think it's so. Important and, you know. I think realistically speaking, it's probably. Not. Many people who. Are going into a. Past life regression expecting. Or even being open to seeing a lifetime where they harmed people. Yeah, but those. Lifetimes have. Happened. I have, I have some. Friends not, not clients of my friends. One in. Particular that's coming up. And, and a client of mine as. Well actually that I can think of now who did have like past life. Regression experiences. Where they did see. Lifetimes. Where they weren't on the best paths and they maybe did some shady. Things or, you know, the friend I'm thinking about saw a lifetime where he was. A really abusive. Person and he in this lifetime experienced. A lot of abuse. So I think that was such an interesting. Thing. For, you know, somebody who that in some ways was like victimized. In this lifetime to see themselves. The perpetrator. Yeah, in another lifetime. Yeah. And I think that. The more that we can be open to that, at least be open to the possibility that. We've been the bad guys sometimes, too. Yeah. I think the more that we can have empathy and compassion for. The people. Who are playing that role right now. Yeah. And this even zooms in. Closer like. Beyond, you know, the past life experiences. We've all been the. Villain in. Someone's story. In this. Life too, Right? And that doesn't mean that we were acting in harmful ways. But I guarantee you, someone along the way has seen you as the villain. I have people in my life who just, like, think I'm like Mother. Teresa, that I have. People who are like, You're a bully. This, you're that? Yeah, I've. I've dealt with every kind of projection. And under the sun. And I think at the end of the. Day, I'm like, I two. Things. One. I, I'm self-aware. Enough. To. And I'm open and honest with myself enough. To consider the. Possibility of. Anything somebody throws to me. So somebody comes at me telling me I'm an. Awful. Person. I mean, I've bullied them. I'm this I'm. Not I'm not just. Going to. Immediately dismiss. That. I'm actually going to sit with it. I'm going to sit with it, and I'm going to try it on and I'm going to. Ask myself the. Real honest question of have I been a. Bully? Have I acted as a bully? Have I perhaps. Subconsciously not great intentions? Have I acted in a way that. You know, consciously or. Unconsciously was intending. Cause this. Person harm? I'll sit with that and I'll like really, really try it on. And I know myself really well. I know who I am. I know what my intentions are. I know that I'm willing to ask myself. Those really fucking hard questions. I don't think many people are. Yeah. So when I come back and say not to that person but to myself, like. No, I don't. I don't consider those things to be true of me. I get that. That was your experience. That's how you perceive it. I'm not going to take that away from you. That's how you need to see this right now. If You need me to be the villain in your story. Okay. That's fine. But I know. I know who I am, and I know when somebody is projecting, you know, a persona, a role on to me. Yeah. And so kind of being okay with that. All right. If you if you need. Me to be the villain in your. Story, I'll be the villain. In your. Story, because I know that that doesn't. Actually mean anything about me. Yeah. I know. I know. Myself. I really know myself well. So we have to we have to know ourselves. But I think in order to know ourselves. We have to be willing to look at those parts. We have to be willing to look. At the times when like. Like. I know myself now and I know my intentions now, and I know that I have not. Always. Acted in positive. Ways. Yeah, I know why I didn't act in those ways. Also, you know. I know it. All and I'm sure that. There's still. Plenty to. Discover. And I'm happy and open to continuing. This to discover that. But I think like we have to we have to accept all of it. We can't just love the parts of ourselves that are easy to love. Yes, there's there's other parts, too. And those parts need love the most absolute, you know. Yeah. So one question to kind of round out this topic. One other topic I want to dive in with you. If someone could regress back to these life times where they were the abuser, were life times where they were traumatized, why would someone do these past regressions? Essentially, what is the healing nature of doing these past life regressions? What is the point of doing this at all? Yeah, so this is like it's it's a big topic. And I, I think the. Simplest. Way that I can explain it in my current awareness and I'm. I'm. Fairly, I would say. Young in my journey as a practitioner, in my awareness. And this is bringing in some of the nervous system as well. So when things. Are still. Running active in the. Subconscious or. Within the nervous system, there is not a recognition of time. They kind of. Exist. In a timeless space. And so when. We are triggered. By something. That activates. Within our nervous system a traumatic memory. Whether. That's from this lifetime or from another lifetime. There is no no switch. In the nervous system that's like. but that already. Happened. It's not happening now. The nervous system. Registers that trigger as if the. Original. Traumatic event is happening in that moment. So that's why we often have. Disproportionate. Reactions to things. Logically, you might know that you're safe, logically, you know all of these things about the. Current circumstances. But within. Your nervous system. There is. Like just a crazy, you know, process happening. Unfolding. Yeah. And it's. Because. When we have those memories, that's. What's being dredged up. So when we. Bring these past life. Memories into our. Conscious. Awareness. It gives the the. Subconscious conscious mind and the nervous. System a little bit of a. Chance to kind of recognize a bit of linear time. Like this already. Happened and this isn't happening anymore. Yeah. And it's it's sort of the same. Realm as like working with. Shadow aspects. So shadow aspects also exist. Beneath our conscious awareness. So you could consider past life memories to be an aspect. Of the shadow, which is essentially just. Everything that. Exists beneath. Our conscious awareness and sometimes. Shadow aspects act up a lot too. Until you bring conscious awareness to them, until you bring them into the light of consciousness, out. Of the shadow, and really look at. It and. See it and. Love it and accept it, you know, then these things begin to heal and how we. Relate to. Them shifts and how our nervous system relates to them shifts. As well. Okay, that was also beautifully said. So I want to kind of shift this into one other modality that I know you're very passionate about, which is, of course, medicine. And I know that you studied in Peru. I think Shapiro's shamanism. Yeah, correct. Yeah. So let's start kind of at the beginning of what is shamanism for people listening that are like, what are they talking about? What is plant medicine? What is shamanism? Yeah. And how, why were you called to that? Yeah, it's so funny. I'm like, Wow, how. Do I even define shamanism? Right? I've never really thought about that. So okay. I'm going to attempt a definition at, at shamanic. Medicine, which might be like very. Limited. But I feel like. Shamanic medicine is medicine that kind of transcends. The. Physical realm. Then gets a lot of. Blending the spiritual realm and the. Physical. Realm and learning how. To walk. Between them and to. Facilitate. Healing in a way that that transcends just. The physical. And works. Deeper. Within the soul in an energetic. Way. And and the other question was, and how did I get drawn? Yeah, why were you called to that? So I really as far back. As I can remember, I think. I've had a deep. Fascination and and. Draw. Toward. Shamanic medicine, especially earlier on in my. Spiritual. Journey. I felt really, really. Drawn to Indigenous medicine and indigenous shamanism. And I remember like. You know, there's a part of me that was like, wow, like, I wish this was my life, but. I don't think this is like something that's available for me. Because I'm not, you know, of a lineage. That practices this. And I also began to feel a very deep call to work with ayahuasca. That was. Something that kept showing up on my path and. I knew was. Going to eventually be something that found me. But I my. Process with ayahuasca was very much like, I trust that the. Medicine will present itself when it's time for. Me to work with her. But I'm not going to go seeking this out. I think it's something that I need to let find me. And so I probably knew for. About three years before I first met with ayahuasca. That I was going to work with. Ayahuasca. Yeah. And yeah, I had I had a big. A big. Medicine experience with. Booth. Which kind of opened up. That path. For me. And if for you. Or anyone who's not. Familiar with Boufal, Boufal is a toad venom. Okay. Comes from the Sonoran Desert. Toad. Found in Mexico. And I think some parts of the U.S. as well. And so. Yeah, I had this this really profound. Healing experience with Boufal, and it was definitely at that point. The deepest. Healing by far the night ever experienced. I had. So much trauma that I released from. My body and unblocked my throat. Like I was screaming. There was just so many. Amazing, amazing releases that I had when I worked with that medicine and that kind of. Yeah, that was like my. Initiation that it's a and it's so. Not gentle. No, it wasn't. It wasn't at all. But the thing is, I hadn't planned it. Like that was very much a medicine that. Just showed for me. And I think again, when. The student is ready, the teacher appears. Yeah. I was really ready for it. I'd hit a plateau with. Therapy. Where I was like, okay. Like I've done. All of this. And this actually kind of ties back to something I was talking about much earlier, but I. Had done so much. Work with like my. Conscious mind, but I had not tapped into my body at all. I was so I was so disconnected. From my body that even I have. I was working with a somatic. Therapist, but like I was so blocked off. For my body that like we never were even able to kind of like go into the. Somatic realm together. And this medicine was just like. I think. Really what I needed for like the degree of. Disconnection and trauma that I. Was dealing with was. Just something to. Absolutely like blast me out. Of my body so that my body could do what it needed. To do. Yeah. And so that was what happened. And then from that point I. Was like, okay, so this is. This is the medicine period. This is the period. Where I'm going really, really deep and I'm as. Much of this shit as I can. Out of my body. And I'm and I'm healing. And so ayahuasca. Did. Finally show up on my path in a. Way that was just like, This feels like a full body. Yes. Wow. And so I. Went to Costa Rica and I went a retreat for the first. Time. And I sat with ayahuasca. And and combo at. The retreat as well. That's also where I received the rap for the first. Time hapa, as it's known often here in the. States. And I was just so complete deeply. Enamored and entranced. By. The medicine, by the shamans. By this way of life. And I remember. That. The shamans like, you know, telling us about their center in Peru and saying to everyone, you know, we. Hope to see you there. And making this kind of like, you know. One of those one of those like loose plans that, you know, is probably never going to follow through with. The friend that I was. At that retreat with of like, let's go let's go to Peru, to their. Center in. July. Of, you know, whatever year. And that. Was. When I ended up going. Which is so wild because I was I was so like I that was like me. Coming on to my path. And when you're when you're on your path, like things happen quickly. So it was like, yeah, I said that I. Was going to go then and I went then and I. I stayed very close. With them. They're now my. Teachers. And they. Are just the most wonderful, amazing. Powerful human beings you. Could possibly. Imagine. And I love them so much. And they crack me up because. If you were ever to see. Them and just. Like day to day life, they just seem. So. Normal. And then in ceremony, they're like the. Most. Bad ass people you could possibly imagine. They're so powerful and it's a. Father and daughter. I love that. Yeah, It felt that. That first retreat was. Right around the two year anniversary of my dad's. Death. It actually fell. Like on one of the ceremonies. And so. That felt really special to me that I was. Sitting with a father and daughter leading the ceremony. And yeah, it's like I really feel. You know, I had I had a moment, I think after I went to. Peru, where. I remembered that. There was like a period. Of time where I kept seeing this vision of. What I wanted. My life. To be. Like. And it was like living in the jungle, you know, working with shamans and experiencing plant medicine and all of these things. And I thought, but I, like I said, I didn't. Think that that was something that was. Ever accessible or available to me. Yeah, it was just kind of this, this like, farfetched, farfetched dream of like, what if my life could be like this? But no, it can't. And then I was in Peru. And I was like, wait. I'm doing the thing you're doing the thing that I saw. I'm literally here, the Amazon jungle, like, I'm here for five weeks. I'm doing this crazy deep dive. And I'm learning. So much. And. It's just it's just so. Powerful. And the thing is, I'm not. Really. On this. Path with. Any agenda. Like, there's no there is. No end goal that I have in mind for myself. People ask me sometimes, What. Are you. Studying with them? Because you want to. Serve ayahuasca. One day? And I'm like, No, I'm. Just this is where this is where spirit and life. Has led me. Yeah. And, and. Truth be told. I don't think it's for me to. Decide. Right? I think that if that is. What the medicine wants. Then she will show me. But until. Then, I'm. Really just here, like listening to Spirit. And trusting. And, you know, I'm constantly so humbled and so. Grateful that I get to have this. Experience and. That I get to receive this this. Beautiful indigenous wisdom, because there. Are. There are many, many. Tribes who don't share with the outside world. And I totally understand why. Right. But I think my teachers. Especially. And many others in the ship. People. Culture. And many other. Tribes as well, are are just so. Unbelievably generous in sharing their. Wisdom with. People from other cultures and. With the world as a whole. And I think a lot of. That is because the. Plants and this is what I've been told by my shamans and other. Healers as well as like the plants want to be shared. Ten years. Ago. 20. Years ago, you had to travel. Deep into the. Jungle to experience ayahuasca. And there's pros and. Cons to. This. Yeah, ayahuasca being more accessible now. There's a lot of cons. Yeah. But I to focus. On kind of the. Positive side and what I've I've been told by. These shamans is that the plants, the medicine, they. Want to be shared. Now and so. They're, they're sharing. Themselves with humanity in a greater. Way because it's. Time they have. A role as well. In the healing and evolution of humanity. And I'm just like. Incredibly grateful. That somehow. I ended up on this. Path and I have no idea where it's going to take me. Yeah. Or what that entails, other. Than I know. I'll be going back to Peru in November. And that's as far as I've gotten. That's amazing. So you've also mentioned some of the plant medicine specifically that you've worked with. So we've mentioned ayahuasca combo, but so how can you kind of walk through each one and just say, what is it and what are the effects and what ways is it healing? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So Boufal, as I. Mentioned, is. A. Toad medicine and. It's it's like received through. Smoking it. Use you inhale. It from a pipe. And. Boufal if I had to describe it in like two words blast. Off like vivo. Is an instant. Blast off type of medicine. Whereas many other medicines are more of. Like a slow. Lengthy journey. This is like a big, somewhat quick blast off. And the things. That people. Like, the common experiences. People have with boufal. Are a sense of one s. Like a. Profound sense of oneness, a dissolution of the. Ego. A connection with everything. And that's. Absolutely. Something that I experienced as. Well, but like I said, for me it was a lot of somatic release. Which I don't think is necessarily common. I don't think it's like a hallmark of the medicine. But I just think that that medicine gifted. Me that this was what I needed. So and yeah it. It produces I. Think you can come out of the experience, especially. If you integrate properly, which is like the most. Important aspect of really any plant medicine work is the integration. But I think that it can instill. A much deeper. Sense. Of. Connection and unity, consciousness and love and passion for others. And for the self as. Well. I think the more that we connect with others. Like it. Flows inward and outward. Of course. So that's Boufal in a very small nutshell. Yeah. Cambo is a frog. Medicine, so. Somewhat. Similar animal, but. Very very different experience. Okay. So combo. Is the. Venom of an Amazonian tree. Frog. Okay? And it's administered. Through. Burns on the skin. So I don't. Know if I can show you. Yeah, you can see, like, little bits here. Wow. Yeah. This. This arm is. Actually like. Pretty much. Because I've been doing. Some stealth applications for myself. Wow. But, yeah, so the. Skin is burned, too. And it's just a very light, superficial burn. And then you kind of rub the skin to. Expose the the layer. Beneath. And. The venom. Is applied. In like. Dots, like these little balls. Of venom that get applied. To the spots which are called gates. Okay. And Campbell. Is a purgative. Medicine. So it's heavy. On the purging. Okay. You're instructed. To. Drink. Like two liters of water. And and quick. Like you chug two liters of water. So the water is really. Sitting in your stomach. As opposed to dispersing. In the. System. Yeah. And then as as the medicine. Is applied, like, typically you'll start to feel the heart. Begin to. Race. And the head maybe starts to tingle. The face. Might tingle and start. To swell. Sometimes, and then vomiting will begin. And what. Combo is doing is just. Sweeping the. Body of toxins of. Energetic toxin ends. It's a deeply, deeply cleansing medicine. And I've. I can't say enough good things about combo. I love so much. I feel it has helped me. I mean, in the last. Like. Six months. I swear the only reason that I haven't gotten sick. Is. Because Combo been working with combo Microdosing combo. To boost. My immune system. So combo is sometimes called like the vaccine of the forest. Many indigenous. Tribes use this to. Just clean out the system of anything that might be there. Wow. It's cool hearing that because at first someone listening to you, you're like, okay Your face is going to swell. You're going to throw up. Yeah, it's fantastic. Yeah. What? Yeah, I know. And some people some people are like, I really want to try combo, but like, I hate throwing up and I'm like, I mean, I kind of get that, but I think I work with a lot of medicines that are purgative. And I personally think, like, it feels so good to get that stuff out of the body. Yeah, like, am I saying I love throwing up? No, I mean, it's not. Pleasant, right? And, and combo. Especially, I think it's not a particularly pleasant experience. I'm not going to sugarcoat that. It's quite. Intense. You might feel a little bit like you're dying. Wow. But for it to be that and for me to be like, I love this medicine so much, like, I think that says a lot. I at one point I had. Like a pretty. Severe fungal infection on my skin and I had. Just like splotches all. Over me my breasts, my arms, my stomach, my. Legs just covered in these splotches. And I don't like using chemical. Stuff. You know, that's. Just not my jam. Yeah. So I think I. Did like three or. Four combo ceremonies, and by the second one, it was already starting to clear. And by the time I got back home from that. Retreat, it. Went away and it just never came back. That's amazing. And it's it's used. There's, there's such. A long list of, you know, physical. Conditions that combo helps. With it. Yeah. I mean, it's been. Used to cure cancer. Like it's really, really a miraculous. Medicine and so. Well worth. In my opinion, the temporary discomfort. Yes. So that's combo. Okay. Happy or I pay. This is a tobacco based herbal snuff. Okay. It's used by. A lot of indigenous tribes in the Amazon. So it's like a very. Fine. Powder. Almost always made. With tobacco is the base. Tobacco is a very sacred. Plant in many indigenous. Cultures. So it's. Really only here. Like Western society is. But tobacco has. Been. Abused. Used and kind of. Stripped of its. Medicinal power. And. Spirit. So yeah. When we're using chemicals and. Shit to like get people addicted and cigarets. Like we're not really connecting with the spirit. Of tobacco, but tobacco has a beautiful. Beautiful, masculine spirit. Yeah. And so rap contains the. Spirit of tobacco as well as the spirit of the other. Plants. That it's made with. So there's many, many different types of blends made by different tribes in the Amazon. And you can. Either. Self-Administer. It through. It's. Like a V-shaped pipe that you put. In your nose and. Blow oak. It's called a. Crepe, or you can have. It administered. To you through a pipe called ATP. Okay. So that's a long. Pipe. With like a. Kind of stick on the end. Okay. And it's always. Received through the breath. So it's. It's a medicine that you. Either. Blow into your own nose or have blown into your nose by another person. And I think that in and of itself. That aspect of it. Being carried. Through the breath or through. Through wind as an element is. So powerful because you you're. Carrying it with intention, with prayer. If you're receiving it from another person, you're receiving the energy. Of that person as well. If that's a person that has died. With plants, you're receiving the energy. Of those plants that they've dieted. So it's very intimate and very beautiful and wrap. It's it's a very. Grounding and cleansing medicine. So if I had to. I mean. The first. Time and it's. So funny. My friends tell me all the time, like. Your first experience with Rabi is unlike anybody else's. First it mine was it was so beautiful. it was so. And it's usually not. It's intense. Okay? And I often when I serve people wrap for the first time, like I'm like, Ooh, yeah. Okay, I see what they're talking like now because yeah, it's, it's quite intense. I think sometimes. Just the. Sensation of. Having a powder. Blown into your. Nose is a lot. In and of itself. And yeah, I remember that first time, it was. Right before my. First combo. It's often served before receiving other medicines. Okay. So before that first kava ceremony, I was the last. Person the. Circle to receive. So I'm like. Watching everybody. Else get so happy. No. And everybody is like coughing really hard and like, looks super uncomfortable. And so I'm kind of like, okay, well, what's this going. To be like? But also like. Going in with an open, like not trying to internalize anybody else's experience. And as soon as that medicine was blown into my first. Nostril, I just felt like the deepest. Sense. Love, like pure love. And like I was I was nervous. I was really nervous before receiving Combo. Yeah. And all of the nerves. All of the fear just melted away. I felt. More. Grounded in my body than I think. I've ever felt in my entire life. And was just really, really beautiful. And I loved it so much. And I think I mean, not that I've ever, you know, gone about trying to validate this, but I'm I'm sure that I've had lifetimes. Where I've worked with these. Medicines. And so I think in some way maybe. There was a bit of like. A remembrance. Of of of a familiar. Friend, a familiar medicine, a familiar. Ally that first. Time receiving me. And yeah, I mean. I've also had. Many times, especially when my, my. Teachers and. The shamans. Serve me, it's a very different experience. I'm. Sure. Yeah, because their energy. Is so different. Yeah. And so it will be a different. Experience every time, depending on the person who. Serves it to. You. Sometimes it might. Be, you know, a very light. Feminine spirit. And so it. Will be important. And rape is a. Masculine medicine. Okay? Tobacco as well, because based on tobacco. Masculine spirited medicine. But there are. Some. Wrappers that are prepared by. Women like tribes that are. Like matriarchal. So those often carry a more feminine spirit. Or it might be made. With roses which have a. Feminine spirit. So it kind balances out the masculine where it might be served. To you by somebody who's. Very in their feminine. Verses. Like if I, my, my teacher, my Maestro Francisco, he would, he serves it to me. I'm, I'm like, this is not. Like a ten minute. Experience. Like, I'm like throwing up and purging for like 30 minutes. So I'm like. Still, like, where am I? And what happened to me? my. but it is a beautiful, beautiful medicine. It's not hallucinogenic. Okay? And like I said, very cleansing and grounding. Okay. Yeah. That's that's traditionally why it's used before other ceremonies as well, because it just kind of purifies and clears the energetic channels. It's often if you know, if you're in an ayahuasca ceremony and you're. Like, struggling with something like you sense that like something blocked that. Needs to come out. If you receive rapture, it will clear the block and you'll just like instantly, like purge out whatever. It is that needed to come out. It's incredible. Okay, so let's move to ayahuasca then. Yeah, I've heard of grandmother ayahuasca. So I'm guessing a feminine, although very intense experience. I haven't experienced it yet, but yeah. Yeah. So, Grandmother Ayahuasca. Yes. A feminine spirit, feminine medicine. Intense in many. Ways, but it's, It's a longer journey. So remember how I said with Boufal, it's like a quick blast of ayahuasca. It's. It's a bit of a slower journey. So you're drinking the medicine and you might be sitting in just complete silence in darkness. For 30. Minutes, 40 minutes, an hour. I don't know. Time moves weird in ceremony. Yeah. Before you start to feel the effect. Of the medicine and first kind of she. She moves through the body. And does. Like, a little bit. Of a scan. Of the body. And then. Yeah, typically for some people it starts like with purging right away, like they start throwing up. Some people might go. Through an entire ceremony without purging, well, at least through vomit. Like there's, you know. There's many ways that we. Purge through. Crying, through sound. through. Movement, somatic. Release. And then yeah, but I think sometimes people. Have a perception of like. In an Iowa Oscar ceremony, you're just like, throwing up in a bucket for like 6 hours. Yeah. It's not what it's like at all. It can't be. But not always. And then. The world of ayahuasca begins. To open up and. You'll start to have visions. depending on, like, sometimes you can. Have the experience where, like, the visions. Are happening internally in the third. Eye, but. You may open your eyes and see like normal. Reality. And then other times. Eyes open or close, like you're, you're in a different. Realm and it's really. Beautiful. Like sometimes. People see. Different animals. And I have. Been told by. The that when when you're seeing animals, you know, especially certain animals, they. Talk about this is ayahuasca, like showing you her world and her. And I just. Think that's so lovely. And yeah, sometimes people have an experience. Of feeling like the. Medicine is doing some type. Of surgery. On them. Like maybe there's a specific area. In the body that like, needs some work done. And so you might feel some energy moving in that part and then suddenly like vomit. Wow. You know, that's the energy being moved out. And yeah. Like I said, it could certainly be. An intense experience. And and every ceremony is. Different. And every person's. Experience is. Different in a ceremony. Like there could be one person who just like kind of Salt Lake. Rainbows and sunshine, and like, really beautiful things the whole. Time. Although that's not really Yeah bones never been my experience and you could have somebody that's like I was in like the depths of hell. For I've that. Yeah. That's a common one. I think a lot. Of people have the experience of like. Being in. What they describe as hell. Yeah, I've probably gone there a few times. Yeah. Oscar ceremonies. Yeah. Look, I'm quite comfortable there. Yeah, I wouldn't say I'm comfortable, but I'm like, Well, this is kind of what I signed up for. Yeah. And yeah. It's. It's a profoundly healing wise, intelligent medicine. And I think with. All of. These, the same could be. Said. And there's many other medicines aside from these ones. That I've worked. With and that I've mentioned and. They're, they're all quite different. Each one is very. Unique. And I think it's very important for people to kind of sense. Where they feel called if, they feel called, and like I said, to trust these. Medicines, find us. We don't have to go looking for them. If we are truly ready, they will show up. In kind of. Miraculous. Ways. Sometimes. My my biggest recommendation, not. That you're asking, but I feel it's so important to say my biggest. Recommendation to anyone ever who's wanting to work. With. Plant medicine. Especially these. Indigenous plant medicines, sit with indigenous shamans. I know that that doesn't always feel accessible. Yeah. And I know. That it's it can. Perhaps be more money or. More. And, you know, you might have to. Travel but sit with indigenous. Shamans. Sit with people who have these. Medicines in their. Blood. In their lineage, in their ancestry. Who have worked. With the medicines enough. To truly know how to keep you safe. And how to keep you grounded. Because especially, I mean, with. Ayahuasca, I. Can't emphasize this enough. You are. Opening. Yourself up to so. Many other dimensions and. Realms. And it's it's not fun and games and it's not all. Love and light. Yeah, I've. Seen a lot of darkness and. I've I've had experiences that. Had I not been. With the. Shamans that. I was with, I could. Have potentially been like. Really, really. Traumatized and been be. One of those people that's like, she went to an ayahuasca ceremony once and. She's just never been the same. Sense. Yeah. So to, to be with people from a safety standpoint, to be with people who are really experienced and then also from. A standpoint of like if you want to meet this medicine, meet. Meet her, meet her in her language, meet her. In an environment that she would. Naturally grow. In. To meet her with her friends, you know, the people who have communed with her. For so many. Years. And for so many generations. You know. Here the traditional songs, the Icarus that. Are sung during ceremony, like I can't imagine a ceremony without them, but I know that there are many. People who are. Leading ayahuasca ceremonies and. That that aspect. Is not even included. And I'm. Like. It's so hard to understand because of like how this is how we guide the medicine, this is how we connect with her. And so. Yeah, I think. You want to have. The. Experience. It's absolutely worth. Waiting till you can have it in the right way, not just. For your safety, but to really have the fullest richest experience. That you can have with the medicine. It's so important. That's a great tidbit. And I also love that you've mentioned like she will appear, she will call to you when it's time. Yeah. So I think that was a beautiful wrap up. I know we could talked about that for so much longer. Maybe we'll do a round two in the future. But I want to wrap up here with some of our rapid fire questions. So ask for rapid fire questions at the end of every interview. The first one is personalized for the guests and then the last three stay the same. okay. So the first one for you is other than many lives, many masters, what is your favorite spiritual book? favorite spiritual book. Wow. Or not, if that's what's calling to you? Well, my favorite book, actually. You know what? I do. Think that this is a spiritual. Book, okay? Technically, but it's absolutely very spiritual. The Little Prince. I have not read it, but I saw that in your children's theater. That's your favorite? Yeah, look. Yeah, I have. I have a tattoo actually, I have two tattoos from the Little Prince. Wow. But that book, I read it for the first time when I was like. 13 or 14. And truth be told, I read because, like. I needed. To, like. Get some credits in honors English. And it. Was rated really. High and it was a. Really short read. So I was like, All right, this seems like my bet to. Like, bump my grade up. Right? Yeah. And I read. It and I was. Just in. Absolute tears. By the end of it. And it. Completely. Changed my life. And I do think it's actually a deeply spiritual book. It's classified as a children's book, but it is a deeply, deeply spiritual book, a beautiful story about life. And yeah, I highly recommend it if you haven't read it. I'll add that to the list. Question number two is what is your favorite spiritual or health that you would recommend for everyone? get outside. good. Get get outside and. Connect with nature. I at this point. In my life I'm all. About keeping. It simple. Yeah. And I think sometimes when it comes to a. Spiritual practice, like we're. Doing too much and. We got to do less. And connect with nature in. Whatever way is available to you, whether that's. Having plants in your. House, you know. Meditating with a random tree or hugging a random tree. On the sidewalk. Big, big. Proponent of hugging trees. Yeah. We're, you know, getting out and hiking like we're lucky. We live in the Bay Area. Yeah, beautiful. Hiking everywhere, but connect with nature in. Whatever capacity is available to you. Beautiful. Okay, question number three What does the world need most right now for global healing and up leveling? so funny. I was going to say love, but. That's like that's the cheesy. Answer. And and. What's more. True. And what's coming through. A little bit more strongly is for people to release need to be right. that's a tough one. I know. That's a good. One. No, but I think about this often. And like I think so much of the suffering of the. World comes from like. Everybody thinks that they're doing the right. Thing. And I think. We ought to care a little bit less about. Being right and. Care a little bit more about. Listening and hearing other. People's experiences and. Being kind to each other. Gorgeous. I couldn't agree more. Last question What is your one wish or ask for everyone listening today? do something nice for yourself. Like something. Something kind. And I think I think the kind thing. Looks really different. Depending on the day and depending on the season of the life. Like that could be giving yourself a hug or. Taking a bath. That could be paying off a bill or like dealing with the debt that you've been putting off like feel into is what is like a. Kind, a really kind thing that I can do for myself right now that's accessible and feasible and do. That thing. Yeah. I love that. Thank you for coming on the show. I honestly didn't expect to dive to the deepest, darkest depths and then hit other realms and planes. It was beautiful. So thank you so much. And if anyone listening wants to work with you or find out more about you, where can they find you? Yeah, I'll turn to the camera. So, yeah, if you're wanting to work with me or connect with me, you can. Find me at my. Website. Weather and tide dot com and on Instagram. My Instagram handle is. Is in the process of changing. But it hasn't. Changed yet. So it's currently some. Mirror in. Wonderland with periods in between. But that's why it's changing. I mean. It feels clunky. It feels a. Little. Like an old version of me as those times. Dictate. But maybe you can like link it as well as. Absolutely. You got it. Well, thank you again. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for having me. Of course, it was so fun. And for everyone listening, we will see you again next week. Hey, my friends, thanks for joining Sugimura and I for a whirlwind of a conversation where we journey deep into the journey of the soul and plant medicines that might sound a little crazy to you or might sound a little alluring to you. No matter which side of that coin you lay on. Thank you for being here. Thank you for going on this journey with us and being open minded and open hearted about this entire human experience. We need more people like you. If you enjoyed today's episode, please, please share it with a family member or friend. It really helps to spread the podcast. Word of mouth is essentially the best way to spread the the messages that I want to spread in the world that messages of love, light and goodness. So please be part of that with me and help to spread all that love and light and magic in the world. I already cannot wait to see you again next week. And until then, bye for now, my friends.

Guided Breathwork
The Journey of the Soul & Past Life Regression
What is Shamanic Plant Medicine?
Explaining Plant Medicine Bufo
Explaining Plant Medicine Kambo
Explaining Plant Medicine Rapé
Explaining Plant Medicine Ayahuasca
Rapid Fire Questions