Math Chat
Mona, of Mona Math, reveals the mysteries of how to teach elementary math even if you aren't a math person. Discover how you can develop a buzzing student led math classroom. We cover all things math identity, classroom culture, and student centered instructional practices to help you empower students to love and understanding math deeply.
Math Chat
40 What is Proficiency in Math?
Proficiency in math is something we talk a lot about in education, but do we actually know what it means? In the report Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics the authors offer up a definition of Math Proficiency called "The 5 Strands of Math Proficiency". It is depicted as a rope with 5 strands. In this episode we will break down what math proficiency is and how we can help our students be proficient in math.
In this episode we will honestly chat about:
- The problem in America with Math Proficiency
- A definition of Proficiency in Math
- The 5 Strands of Math Proficiency
Continue the learning at monamath.com/community monamath.com/ebook monamath.com/discussion to grab your free guide.
🚃 Fun fact!! I live in Chicago, right next to the train. You'll hear it a few times in the recording 🚂
Links Mentioned in the Episode:
🤍Guide to Engaging Math Discussions
Let’s Connect on Instagram @HelloMonaMath I LOVE chatting with listeners. Send me a DM and let me know you’re listening.
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📒 Word Problem Workshop BOOK coming later this year!
Create a classroom of problem solvers with this 5 step daily routine. Through diving deeply into one problem each day you can increase student engagement, problem solving, & math proficiency!
You don't have to wait for the book...
Word Problem Workshop Online Course is avaliable now!
I'll show you how to...
- engage every student in daily problem solving
- utilize a proven routine that allows students to collaborate, reflect, take risks, and use mistakes as opportunities.
- confidently facilitate a students lead problem solving workshop
Join today right HERE!