Math Chat

40 What is Proficiency in Math?

Mona, Elementary Math Teacher & Coach Season 1 Episode 40

Proficiency in math is something we talk a lot about in education, but do we actually know what it means? In the report Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics the authors offer up a definition of Math Proficiency called "The 5 Strands of Math Proficiency". It is depicted as a rope with 5 strands. In this episode we will break down what math proficiency is and how we can help our students be proficient in math. 

In this episode we will honestly chat about:

  • The problem in America with Math Proficiency
  • A definition of Proficiency in Math 
  • The 5 Strands of Math Proficiency

Continue the learning at to grab your free guide. 

🚃 Fun fact!! I live in Chicago, right next to the train. You'll hear it a few times in the recording 🚂

Links Mentioned in the Episode: 

🤍 Adding it Up  (BOOK)

🤍Guide to Engaging Math Discussions 

Let’s Connect on Instagram @HelloMonaMath I LOVE chatting with listeners. Send me a DM and let me know you’re listening. 

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📒 Word Problem Workshop BOOK coming later this year!

Create a classroom of problem solvers with this 5 step daily routine. Through diving deeply into one problem each day you can increase student engagement, problem solving, & math proficiency!

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Word Problem Workshop Online Course is avaliable now!

I'll show you how to...

  • engage every student in daily problem solving
  • utilize a proven routine that allows students to collaborate, reflect, take risks, and use mistakes as opportunities.
  • confidently facilitate a students lead problem solving workshop

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