Honest Math Chat

110: Building Thinking Classroom with Maegan Giroux

April 29, 2024 • Mona Iehl • Episode 110

Are you a primary teacher implementing Building Thinking Classrooms? I have the expert you want to know on the show today!! Maegan Giroux is the co-author of the about-to-release Building Thinking Classroom Tasks book for elementary! 

Even if you haven't started implementing Building Thinking Classrooms, Maegan is a dream to know! She is passionate about helping students become mathematicians through sense making and thinking. 

You will feel empowered to get your students thinking after you listen to today's episode with Maegan. 

In this episode we will chat about: 

  1. task types and choice 
  2. curriculum tasks vs. non-curriculum tasks 
  3. scaffolding tasks for learners while maintaining rigor 

About our guest, Maegan Giroux:

Maegan had an unexpected journey to being a kindergarten teacher. As a middle school math teacher, Maegan loves the opportunity to also teach the youngest students because of the unpredictability and joy they bring each day! For the past 18 months Maegan and Peter Liljedhal have been working on a book full of tasks ready to use in your classroom. Set to release any day! 


Building Thinking Classroom: 

📙 Get your copy here 

💻 Facebook Group Here 

Have Questions? 📱 My DMs on IG are always open @hellomonamath

Work With Me in 2024-25 School Year

Join the Webinar on May 16 at 3:30pm cst where I’ll be sharing my services and a glimpse into working with Chicago Math Group (my math coaching agency). 

Register for the webinar here: Monamath.com/Webinar

In the webinar I'll cover:a glimpse at the work I've done with schools from K to High School

  1. a full run down of the services I offer
  2. a price list
  3. a simple way to get started working together

Don't miss this opportunity to make your schools' math goals a reality in 24-25 school year! 

Join today by clicking HERE!

Have Questions? 📱 My DMs on IG are always open @hellomonamath

🤩 Math Word Problem Workshop

Save time and energy by planning a simple daily routine that increases student engagement, problem solving, & math proficiency!

When you join the Math Word Problem Workshop, I'll show you how to...

  • engage every student in problem solving, daily.
  • create a daily structure that allows students to collaborate, reflect, take risks, and use mistakes as opportunities.
  • a system to plan for problem solving, simply and efficiently.
  • confidently facilitate a students lead problem solving workshop

Join today by clicking HERE!

Have Questions? 📱 My DMs on IG are always open @hellomonamath