The Alimond Show

Barbie Johnson & Tisha Winkler - Lessons from Book Breakers Podcast and BJ Publishing

Alimond Studio

Can perseverance turn your passion into a thriving business? Join us as we sit down with Barbie Johnson and Tisha Winkler, the powerhouse duo behind Book Breakers Podcast LLC. Journey with us through their transformation from school colleagues to influential podcasters and businesswomen at the Coyote Man Show Network. Barbie and Tisha open up about their multifaceted ventures, including BJ Publishing LLC’s dedication to publishing and promoting creative minds. Learn about their roster of distinguished guests, such as senators, entrepreneurs, and artists, and hear about standout projects like the film "Journey of a Nusen Queen" and the compelling book "Under the Bridge."

In this episode, we explore the impact of their three-year podcasting adventure and the steadfast determination it took to overcome initial hurdles. Discover their community engagement across social media platforms and their recognition as Royal Family Planetary Aid representatives for Baltimore City. Celebrate their international influence, from Africa to Egypt, and be inspired by success stories like Juliet Brown’s rise in media. Finally, be uplifted by the remarkable tale of Doc Lewis, a testament to faith and resilience. Barbie and Tisha share actionable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs: no matter the odds, relentless pursuit of your dreams can lead to extraordinary success.

Speaker 1:

I'm Barbie Johnson from the Book Breakers. Yeah, and our business is the Book Breakers.

Speaker 2:

The Book Breakers.

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly, and I have a business of my own. It's called BJ Publishing LLC. I also publish books for other people, write for other people, ghostwrite my name does not appear on their book. Okay, and how we serve the people, we help push them out into in the public's eye if they have something that's worthwhile to put out there or something. Singers, we don't just do authors and publishers, or but artists in general Right.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we just push people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, push people. Yes. Okay, so just push people. Yeah, we push people yes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So they can go to their destiny. Go, you know, be great.

Speaker 2:

Do what you do and achieve great things.

Speaker 3:

Yes and how about you, Tisha. Yes, my name is Tisha Winkler. I'm also a co-owner with Barbie for the Book Breakers Podcast LLC. We have such an awesome time doing what we're doing right now. Even though we have our business, we're actually getting merchandise now too, so that's getting started. Now we're going to have a watch, we're going to have a clock, we're going to have a notebook.

Speaker 1:

Chocolate candy and T-shirts, so it's coming soon, coming soon.

Speaker 3:

So I'm also a promoter too on the side. So both for me and Barbie, we do promote our guests when they come on. We might promote them to other business or to other different podcasts. So we do a whole lot of things besides the business. We help promote people too.

Speaker 2:

Okay great. How did you guys get into the podcast world? How did you guys?

Speaker 1:

meet. That was, how did we meet? Yeah, we met in school. I was a teacher and she was my own assistant teacher.

Speaker 2:

Oh cool, that's how we met that's how you met, okay, and then what kind of went from there to for you guys meeting and schools to be doing podcasts together, just a um, a long friendship, um, I mean.

Speaker 1:

So you know, things happened and then we went left and then came back together, yeah, but anyway, how we got started with the podcast is, we say, accident?

Speaker 2:

but it was by God. Yeah, it was God's design.

Speaker 1:

So we were. I was looking for some shoes.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Margie was looking for some shoes in Security Square Mall. Why do you have to tell us Security Square Mall? I had to see the bigger picture.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, please, you paint the picture for us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so we saw these flashing lights. So we're kids at nature. We thought it was an arcade center, but as soon as we got in front of the place, it was called the Coyote man Show Network, where they do podcasts. They have podcast shows, photo shoots, they do acting, they do just about a little bit of everything in the arts and we needed the photo shoot.

Speaker 1:

We needed the photos that day, okay.

Speaker 3:

So we had an excellent photo shoot and the Coyote man said would you be interested in having a podcast on the Coyote man Show Network? And I'm like, what is a podcast? But we both said let me see.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we would, yeah, but at the time we thought we were doing it just for fun, but we didn't see the bigger picture that God had.

Speaker 3:

Barbie was doing it for fun. I was doing it to be pretty, oh my God. And I was in a camera.

Speaker 2:

The truth comes out. Yes, now we know. Huh, so you guys started this podcast together. And what kind of podcast do you guys do? What kind of guests do you guys have on? Tell me a little bit about it. Ooh, ooh.

Speaker 1:

We have a yes, Like I said we don't do just um publishers and authors, we do senators, um actors, singers, who producers, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs business owners bottles, yeah, exactly, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Having a little bit of everything, yes, in there, yeah, yeah, so it's, it's not.

Speaker 1:

It's not limited to book, right, even though it's called the Book Breakers.

Speaker 2:

So the name of the podcast is the Book Breakers right, yes. And tell me a little bit about where that name came from?

Speaker 3:

Actually, when we went to the Coyote man Show Network, he gave us the name the Book Breakers. Okay, and that's how it all started. And also I wanted to say too, even though we're called the Book Breakers, we have interview some amazing people like movie directors, movie cast and their premieres. We did like the Journey of a Nusen Queen, we did their documentary, we did the Linnea Jordan, her productions and her cast and crew, and we also were extras in her movie.

Speaker 2:

Oh, how fun. What was that experience like?

Speaker 3:

It was exciting, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You got to see behind all the scenes and stuff, right?

Speaker 3:

And see just stuff on the movie, because we actually went to the premiere movie.

Speaker 2:

Oh, how nice yeah.

Speaker 1:

That was awesome.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, but I wanted to go back to what you said about how we got the name. When he said you all should be called the Book Breakers, that would be because we both are authors. Yes, and, like I said, I publish books, so that's why he gave us that name.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and it started with us. What kind of books do you guys publish?

Speaker 1:

Oh, mostly my. I write for other people, so I've written Ghostwriter, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Ghostwriter. My name doesn't appear. They get their book, but my first book I started with was my life story, from trial to afflictions. So that's about my life and I'm telling you it's a doozy. So, yes, um, um, what other books? Uh, I'm trying to think.

Speaker 1:

Under the Bridge yes, under the Bridge, and actually that's a true story because we were feeding we also do community work we were feeding the homeless and hungry under an actual bridge. Yes, and that was so awesome because you would think you would have to, you know, prod people to come and help, because when they say feed the homeless, let somebody else do it, I'm just saying. But everybody just seemed, from all walks of life, just seemed to mesh together and say how can I help? Well, can I donate? Well, can I bring this? Can I drop this? Yes, how about clothing? Yes, I mean, everybody just was on one accord. It was just oh my God.

Speaker 2:

What did that mean to you to be able to give back in that way?

Speaker 1:

For me, because I was homeless at one point myself. So that touches me, that's a feeling point for me and to help.

Speaker 2:

Oh God, that was awesome To be able to get back after you were there.

Speaker 1:

To encourage somebody else. Yes, it won't be like this always. Although it might look bleak, damp or dim right now, it's not going to be this way always.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's very true. Keep hope.

Speaker 1:

Yes, keep hope and your faith. Yeah, in God, not in yourself. In God.

Speaker 2:

Keep your faith Absolutely. So you're an author, tisha, are you an author as well?

Speaker 3:

Yes, actually I am an author. Actually, barbie Johnston published my first book, just a Thought. It's a poetry book, okay, and actually during that time I actually been writing since I was age 15, I used to write phrases in my family's cards and everything. My mother used to take me to the different stores and libraries to buy books, but I had all these poems stored up and I had over 400 poems and everybody kept saying write the book, write the book. And I just was not ready. But when my mom passed away during the first pandemic, barbie Johnson published my first book, just a Thought. Why do you keep saying my whole name? I know.

Speaker 1:

Barbie Johnson.

Speaker 3:

And published my first book Just a Thought, why do you keep saying my whole name? I know Barbie Johnson and my first book, the poetry book, is mostly dealing with hurt, trauma and betrayal. So it's very touching. And I have two more books. My other book is called the Hopeful Romantic and that book was published by Kelly Cruz and it's mostly about love and relationships and how you can find love and just be respected, just respecting each other, men and women, and just giving men and women hope that you can find romance again. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And my third book is called my Journey. Here Was Not Easy. It was talking about the depression I went through, the suicidal thoughts, even poverty, growing up when I was younger. So it really touched home with that book right there, also published by Kelly Cruz. Touch home with that book right there, also published by Kelly Cruz. And actually this year in March I am in a book with Melody Benita, a bestselling author with 200 visionary authors. It's called Dose of Prayer Book, so everyone had to put a prayer inside the book and I'm just excited about where God has taken us. That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Put a little prayer on the book before it gets published. Yes, put a little prayer on the prayers before it gets sent out Right. Yeah, so I want to back up to the book breakers name then. So you guys are both off authors, both have published books. Where's the word breaker come in?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, You're supposed to be breaking open a book Okay, I like it.

Speaker 2:

Book breakers Great yeah. And you said you have other authors and other artists come in on your podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yes, absolutely. Some we invite and some other people say you need to get on that show. Yeah, because I'm not bragging about us, but my, my boast is in God. Yes, when people come on our show. He launches them on out. Somebody picks them up. Yes, Nice.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's having a good response. Yes, yeah, that's great. And how do you? What are you guys doing for advertising, advertising and marketing these days as you get people in? How are you guys doing for advertising and marketing these days to get people in? How are you finding your guests? Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 3:

They're pouring in now Sometimes people have to tell me did you go to bed? Because I be on Facebook all night long clicking it. Barbie's like you got me. So we're on Facebook, we're on TikTok, we're on Instagram no word of mouth. We're always in the community, all the time, and we're also with YouTube and we actually won a couple awards with the Newsome Awards. So we be with that community and with the Royal family. We also actually were given a new position that we've given to us.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what was this?

Speaker 3:

It's the Royal Family Planetary Aid and we're going to be helping them out with the community, but they made us representatives for Baltimore City.

Speaker 2:

Oh nice. Yes, and is the podcast based out of Baltimore?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, it is.

Speaker 2:

Oh wonderful. How did that feel to receive such a great honor? Oh my God, that's it, it's an honor.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's an honor, but it's still something that we're used to doing. Yes, and hey, it fits the bill.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What can I say? You're in the community anyway.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, right. So how long have you guys been doing this together? Oh, what's this? Three years.

Speaker 3:

Three years. We fell off the boat for like one year.

Speaker 1:

Okay, no, no, not Barbie year.

Speaker 3:

Okay, no, not barbie, it probably was big. Yes, but, um, god brought us back together, and it's just been going higher and higher ever since. Um some days. I wanted to quit along the way, but I'm glad we didn't um give up I'm glad you stuck with it.

Speaker 2:

Where do you guys see it at all all going? Where do you see the future? What does the future hold for Book Breakers?

Speaker 3:

It's already going international now.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Because we have viewers and even guests way off in Africa, Egypt.

Speaker 3:

Bangladesh, Morocco.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so you guys are doing it over like Zoom calls or Facebook, facebook, youtube, streamyard, streamyard, streamyard.

Speaker 1:

Okay doing it over like zoom calls or facebook.

Speaker 2:

Facebook youtube stream yard stream yard stream yard okay yes, so great is there? Is there a guest, like a person you want to manifest, that's going to come on the show like somebody who's? Who's your dream guest? Oh god, um, oh God, that's a tough one. I can't even answer that one.

Speaker 3:

She always you want me to say it, Dr Newsom.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, dr Newsom.

Speaker 3:

We always wanted Michelle Obama.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we did try to get her. You heard it here first. Yes, we sure did, we tried to get her. You never know what will happen, right? We kept sending messages in the inbox.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. It didn't they're not at this office anymore.

Speaker 2:

I said, oh, Well, you never know what would happen, right? Yeah? What do you guys find challenging about what you do?

Speaker 1:

What challenges have you overcome?

Speaker 2:

I mean getting a podcast started, getting it edited, getting it out. How did you guys manage all of that?

Speaker 3:

You want me to go ahead and say that real quick? Oh gosh. Well, this is the thing we started on the Coyote man Show Network, all of that. You want me to go and say that real quick? Oh gosh, this is the thing we started on the Coyote man Show Network. So when we first went there, we just sat in the chair and just looked pretty and just talked. Now, since we've been doing it on our own, we had to do everything. So it takes a lot of sacrifice. It takes a lot of time Driving, it takes gas Commitment. It's a lot of commitment because we went from one guest. From now we have three guests a week now, oh wow.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Or three or four. We have to put people. We actually book until October.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's great.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And we have to book time for each other to have a meeting. I was like wait, this is crazy.

Speaker 2:

We have to fence ourselves in. Yeah, awesome, I'm serious. So have you found you've?

Speaker 1:

been able to overcome those challenges pretty well.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're kind of still hit and miss, sometimes Still learning.

Speaker 1:

But the thing is perseverance.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Perseverance. But, like Tisha said, we like what we do. Yes, so if you're committed to it, it's not for the faint hearted, I'll say that. For sure, but if you're committed to it, then yes, and God has called you to it. But he called us to this, for sure. It's not just about the people, it's about ministry, absolutely, and minister.

Speaker 2:

And we said it's not just about the people, it's about ministry and ministering to others. Yeah, what do you find most rewarding about doing this podcast?

Speaker 1:

About doing it well. Meeting some of the people that we meet, yes, and seeing goals being accomplished, not just in our lives, but in theirs.

Speaker 2:

Do you have a favorite story? Someone you were able to help out, you know, highlight their business.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yes, can I say it Go ahead. Well, we have a lot of amazing guests, but Juliet Brown, she actually is a radio host Now we're seeing her things that God is manifesting Now. She has her own radio show. She has her own TV podcast or Rethink TV, and she actually put us on there. She has her own TV podcast on Rethink TV and she actually put us on there. So we just see how far they're going. They're reaching their goals. So it's just an honor to see the podcast, how people are telling their story. They get to share, just to hear their loving souls, and it's being exposed all over the world now sure, yeah, that must feel good and being able to highlight those other businesses, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Doc Lewis. I was so inspired by his story. Oh my God.

Speaker 2:

Someone else with a really good story.

Speaker 1:

Yes, because, doctors, he was braided and he overcame it as a child as a baby. Wow, for nine hours. And there was. What is it it was was left. They put him in the hallway to do something. Was it the mother or the grandmother said leave him alone, I'll be right back. She went and prayed. When she came back, he was crying wow, oh my God. People need to hear that story Because when doctors give you up, it's like there is no hope. But as long as there is a God, there is hope. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. That's a good reminder for all of us. Yes, yeah, as we kind of wrap up here.

Speaker 1:

are there any words of advice you guys would like to leave us with in regards to business, maybe a mantra that you live by? Oh God, I would say no matter what no matter what it looks like what it feels like. Never give up on your dream. If that was something burning inside of you to do, do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it can be accomplished, no matter how old, no matter how young it can be accomplished.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. I love that. And how about you? Yes, encourage your words. I would like to say never give up, because during the times, because a lot of times in life, things do get rough. But even like Barbie was saying, it's a whole lot of times that we wanted to give up. It was a whole lot of times that I couldn't even meet her at the studio. I would have to even go to a park just to get on the phone, just to do the podcast. But we never missed a show out of three years.

Speaker 3:

And perseverance is very important if you want to get to that next level. If you have perseverance, if you have commitment and sacrifice, you will make it to that next level in business and be very successful.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Well, thank you for coming in today, ladies, and thank you for sharing your story with us.

Speaker 1:

I loved hearing it.